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TOPIC: Cooling Systems IDENT NO: 4-2429G SUPERSEDES: 4-2429F DATE: February 15, 2003 Cooling System Guidelines And Water Treatment Recommendations All Models



This bulletin releases to the field updated cooling system guidelines and cooling water treatment information which applies to all Waukesha engine models.


In order to ensure quality engine coolant, a coolant analysis program is recommended. Failure to maintain coolant to engine specifications may result in severe engine damage. The cooling system is often overlooked in engine maintenance programs. Ignoring an engine's coolant will lead to serious cooling system damage over time. There are three types of damage that may occur: corrosion, cavitation erosion, and mineral scale and fouling deposits. All of these problems are preventable with a quality water treatment program. A competent water treatment specialist is essential in creating an effective water treatment program. Norkool Industrial Products Division of Union Carbide, Inc. (all glycol based industrial coolants); Calgon Corporation; and the Mogul Division of Dexter Corporation are knowledgeable companies who can provide the coolant analysis and services recommended in this service bulletin. CORROSION Corrosion is a natural, electrochemical process by which metal, reacting with oxygen that has entered the system, breaks down and returns to its natural iron oxide state (see Figure 1). Corrosion inhibitors, added to the engine coolant, continuously coat and re-coat the metal surfaces of the system with a film that insulates them from the electrochemical processes that break down the metal. Because the coating film is constantly being replaced, the inhibitor concentrations need to be maintained. Concentrations can only be determined through periodic testing.
Figure 2. Cavitation Eroded Steel

Figure 1. ATGL Valve Seat Crevice Corrosion

CAVITATION EROSION Cavitation is a mechanical process that erodes surfaces in liquid. Fluctuating pressure causes the formation of vapor bubbles which collapse under high pressure, allowing pressure jets to impact surfaces. If this occurs with great frequency over time, cavities will form (see Figure 2). Adding cavitation inhibitors to the coolant will raise the flash point or vapor pressure of the coolant, reducing or eliminating formation of damaging vapor bubbles. Coolant needs to be analyzed periodically to ensure that inhibitor concentration is maintained to the most effective level.

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Service Bulletin No. 4-2429G

MINERAL SCALE AND FOULING DEPOSITS Mineral scale deposits, usually calcium and magnesium, are hard deposits that form on cooling system surfaces. As the temperature of the coolant increases, the ability of the coolant to hold certain dissolved minerals in solution decreases, forcing the minerals out of the solution and creating mineral scale, usually in cylinder head and cylinder liner areas where heat transfer is the greatest. Fouling deposits are soft, suspended, gel-like impurities that collect in low flow areas within the cooling system. These deposits can form when coolant is contaminated or when inhibitors are improperly applied. Heat rejection data are average values at standard conditions and will vary for individual engines and with operating and ambient conditions. An adequate reserve for this variation and normal design fouling factors should be used when sizing the cooling system. Waukesha suggests 15% reserve. Use antifreeze protection for applications where the engine or cooling system can be exposed to ambient temperatures below 32 F (0 C). An adequate mixture of ethylene glycol and water, or propylene glycol and water is recommended to prevent freezing during engine shutdown. If antifreeze or significant levels of other water treatments are used, the cooling system heat rejection capacity must be increased. Glycol based antifreeze solutions reduce the heat transfer capability of the cooling system by approximately 3% for each 10% by volume addition of antifreeze. As an example, if a 50/50 solution of ethylene glycol and water is used instead of 100% water, the heat transfer capability of the radiator must be increased by about 15%. If the capability of the radiator system is not increased there will be an approximate 10 F (5.5 C) decrease in the allowable ambient temperature. For information on water treatment for engine cooling systems refer to S7610-2 or its replacement. Initial add and make-up water must be treated before use in a solid water system. The cooling system must be designed to properly pressurize the system and remove entrained air from the coolant. This can be accomplished by proper use of vent lines, a static line, and an expansion tank (see Figure 3).


The radiator or heat exchanger must be sized to maintain normal jacket water temperature out of the engine under all contract specified site conditions. Normal jacket water outlet temperature is: 180 F (83 C) for non-heat recovery applications 220 F (105 C) for alternate fuel applications 210 - 265 F (99 - 130 C) for heat recovery applications Consult the Engine Specification Sheet in the Tech Data Manual for operating temperatures of specific engine models. The engine power rating of intercooled engines is based on the maximum water inlet temperature to the intercooler (auxiliary) water pump. Consult the Power Rating Chart or Tech Data Manual for power ratings at various intercooler inlet water temperatures. The radiator or heat exchanger must be sized for the site conditions. Remember that special considerations must be given to altitude, high or low ambient temperature, and extremely dirty applications. Consult the Tech Data Manual Heat Balance subsection of the specific model for engine, intercooler, and oil cooler heat rejection. If a unit mounted radiator with a pusher fan is used, reduce the allowable ambient or increase the design temperature by approximately 10 F (5.5 C). This is necessary because of the increase in air temperature as it flows across the engine. If the driven equipment, such as a generator, radiates significant heat, then a further temperature allowance must be made. Coolant flow and allowable system resistance are based on the pump flow curves for the specific configuration to which the engine is built. Consult the Tech Data Manual Cooling Systems subsection for the specific model. Page 2 of 11




Figure 3. Cooling System Schematic


Service Bulletin No. 4-2429G

Vent lines should be 1/4 in. (0.65 cm) diameter on systems with vent lines less than 10 ft. (3 m) long, or 1/ 2 in. (1.3 cm) diameter with a 1/4 in. (0.65 cm) orifice on systems with vent lines more than 10 ft. (3 m) long. These vent lines are piped from high points in the cooling system to the expansion tank below the coolant level but away from the static line connection. The expansion tank is the highest component in the cooling system. Trapped air can then flow to the expansion tank. This system also bleeds air out of the system during filling. It must bleed air with the thermostat fully opened or fully bypassing. The static line is sized much larger than the vent lines to minimize flow velocity and pressure drop. The static line is typically 1 in. (25 mm) diameter or larger for greater than 400 gpm (1500 l/min) systems, and 3/ 4 in. (20 mm) diameter or larger for less than 400 gpm (1500 l/min) systems. This static line provides a static head pressure to the inlet of the water pump equal to the height of the expansion tank plus the pressure of the expansion tank. Do not assume that a pressure cap will pressurize the tank to the cap's rating. A pressure cap is required to prevent coolant evaporation losses and to prevent boiling in the system (see Table 1).
Table 1. Pressure Cap Recommendations For Solid Water Systems JACKET WATER TEMPERATURE
Up to 210 F (99 C) 210 - 235 F (99-113 C) 235 - 265 F (113-130 C)

Bypass water filtration can remove debris from the cooling systems on any engine. Bypass water filtration sized to remove 15 - 25 micron particles from 2% of the water flow is recommended. Waukesha Engine offers a stainless steel coolant filter available in two sizes: small filter P/N 489501 and large filter P/N 489625. The small coolant filter is recommended for engines that have a good coolant program already in place. The large coolant filter holds more contaminants requiring less cleaning and is well-suited for new engine applications where installation debris may be present or for older engines that have mineral deposits in the cooling system. Table 2 lists the filter system part numbers and available replacement parts.
Table 2. Waukesha Engine Coolant Filter System and Replaceable Parts DESCRIPTION
Coolant Filter Assy. Replacement Element Std. Temperature 200 F (93 C) Flow Indicator High Temperature 350 F (177 C) Flow Indicator Seal Kit


489501 489508 489528 489648 489527


489625 489626 489528 489648 489527


7 psig (0.5 bar) 8 psig (0.6 bar) 25 psig (1.7 bar)

NOTE:Reference Tech Data Manual for the solid water maximum outlet temperature of each engine model.

Care must also be taken when welding external cooling system pipes together or when drilling and tapping a hole anywhere in the water system. Ensure that the weld slag and chips are totally cleaned from the cooling system before the engine is operated. Debris in the cooling system will cause erosion of water passages and water pump seals. Jacket water and auxiliary water pump static inlet pressure must not exceed pressures published in the specifications section of the Tech Data Manual for the specific engine model. For information on ebullient cooled systems refer to the Waukesha Cogeneration Handbook, Form 7030 (or its replacement), and system manufacturers such as: Beaird Industries Phone (318) 865-6351 or Vaporphase Phone (314) 821-7900 Consider thermosiphoning prevention in cooling system design. Thermal shock from thermosiphoning is often a problem in engine shutdowns and engines with coolers mounted above them. A shutoff valve in the return leg from the cooler will prevent thermosiphoning. See Application Notes, No. WED 9/92, Engine Thermal Shock At Shutdown Due To Thermosiphoning. Page 3 of 11

The pressure cap must have a vacuum relief function to prevent a vacuum from forming in the tank during load reduction or cool-down operation. Only a single pressure cap must be used in a cooling system and must be at the highest point on the expansion tank. The expansion tank must be sized for 6% expansion of the coolant. An additional 5% is recommended for coolant makeup. With these volumes, an expansion tank should be sized to contain 11% of the total cooling system volume. Separate expansion tanks must be used for separate auxiliary and jacket cooling circuits. A sight glass is recommended for monitoring expansion tank level. The expansion tank height and pressure must be sufficient to provide pressure at the water pump inlet to meet the requirements on S9068 (or its replacement) for ATGL engines and S7424 (or its replacement) for all other Waukesha engines. Do not assume that a pressure cap will pressurize the tank to the caps rating.

The primary purpose of any water treatment program is to protect the surfaces of all water passages from corrosion and any scaling or sludge deposits which will impede the transfer of heat to or from the water. If the system is exposed to low ambient temperatures antifreeze protection is needed. In addition, cavitation erosion protection is required for engine cooling systems. GENERAL COMMENTS Cooling water quality is one of the most often overlooked factors in an engine installation. Poor water quality and lack of coolant maintenance contribute to scaling, corrosion, and sediment buildup within the entire cooling system. It leads to heat transfer problems which can result in failed parts and downtime. This is especially critical in low pressure steam systems with ebullient cooled engines. To get the most benefit from any water treatment program, it is essential to apply the chemicals properly and maintain close control over the process. Briefly, inhibitors should be selected only after a thorough study of the entire system and the specific water to be used. It may be necessary to preclean or pretreat the system before it is put into operation. Higher treatment levels may be recommended during start-up to protect the system quickly. Later, after protection is established, treatment levels can be reduced to a maintenance value. In all cases, it is essential to monitor the water condition carefully and continuously. Corrosion, scale, fouling, cavitation, and micro-biological growth can be the major problems in all types of cooling systems. Of these, corrosion is the most important. I. PRETREATMENT Pretreatment is preparation of the water system to ensure that the treatment program itself can work effectively from start-up. New systems, or existing ones being returned to service, can contain contaminants. These include films of oil, grease, or other protective coatings, biological contamination, rust spots, dirt, casting sand, and welding slag. These materials are an unavoidable result of the system's construction, transport, and storage. If these materials are not removed by suitable pretreatment, the subsequent treatment program may not be effective. Common pretreatments are water flushing and acid cleaning. Chelates can remove oil, scale and deposits from a system; flush the system with water after using chelates. Water flushing may reduce solid contaminants, but may not be effective on films. Untreated flushing water will react with unprotected metal surfaces to form corrosion. Page 4 of 11 Acid cleaning removes corrosion products and some mineral scale but has little effect on organic material. Improper cleaning may lead to severe metal attack. Improper neutralization may leave metal surfaces in a highly reactive state and vulnerable to rapid corrosion. II. CORROSION The actual corrosion process is electrochemical. Refined metals in the cooling system are returned to a more basic metallic oxide state when they combine with oxygen carried by the coolant flow. These chemical reactions usually cause a low voltage electric current. Where corrosion will occur in a water system and to what degree it will progress depends on a number of factors: quality of water, water pH, surface temperatures, the type of metals in the system, mechanical conditions (vibration, stress, relative motion of two adjacent parts, etc.), trapped air, and both the type and amount of inhibitor additives. For corrosion inhibitors to be effective (and to neutralize any blow-by gases), the jacket water pH of the standard radiator cooled engine must be kept between 8.5 and 9.5. Different system metals, such as iron, copper, aluminum, etc., corrode at different rates. An acidic coolant with a pH of less than 7 will speed the corrosion of cast iron, aluminum and steel, while a pH of 11 or higher will accelerate the corrosion of aluminum and solder. Many types of corrosion can exist in/with cooling systems: Crevice Cavitation related Fretting Selective leaching Galvanic III. MINERAL SCALES AND FOULING Compounds and minerals dissolved in water tend to come out of solution when the water is heated. They form either a scale on the metal surfaces or a fouling precipitate (sludge) in the cooling system. The primary effect of hard scale is to reduce heat transfer efficiency. To allow for efficient heat absorption by the cooling water, coolant passageways must be kept clean and free of scale. Scale is a solid formed when the impurity concentration in water exceeds its solubility limit. Buildup of scale and minerals can completely plug coolant passageways. Even if just the walls of cooling passageways are coated, the ability of the engine to transfer heat is greatly reduced. Only 0.012 of an inch of scale (0.305 mm) may cut the transfer of heat by as much as 40%. The composition of the scale will determine the actual efficiency loss. This reduced heat flow increases operating temperatures and can result in parts cracking.

Service Bulletin No. 4-2429G

Sludge tends to accumulate in low spots and where water velocity is low. Build-up can restrict or stop water flow resulting, as with scaling, in parts cracking. Any new water brought into the system by a coolant change or as make-up will add new scale and sludgeforming material to the system. IV. CAVITATION EROSION Cavitation erosion is a mechanical process of metal loss caused by the collapse of vapor bubbles against a spinning or vibrating metal surface. The force exerted by the bursting vapor bubble is such that a very small particle of metal can be removed. When this process occurs with great frequency over a period of time, large cavities or pits can form. In advanced stages, cavitation erosion may cause cooling water to seep into the lube oil, a condition which compounds existing problems. Coolant mixed with engine oil will cause catastrophic damage to main and connecting rod bearings, quickly destroying the engine. Inhibitor additives raise the vapor pressure or flash point, which eliminates or at least reduces the formation of damaging vapor bubbles. Water pH must be maintained within an acceptable range for the inhibitors to be effective. While water in motion erodes metal, greater system pressure reduces the formation of vapor bubbles by raising the temperature at which water boils or vaporizes. Harder metals, such as chrome, are much more resistant to cavitation erosion than softer metals, like cast iron. V. MICROBIOLOGICAL GROWTH The uncontrolled growth of micro organisms in a cooling system can lead to deposit formations which contribute to fouling. Microbial slimes are masses of microscopic organisms and their waste products and are usually gooey. This problem is usually associated with cooling towers or other open cooling systems. Removal of airborne debris is also of concern with a cooling tower or other open cooling system. Coolant that is greater than 25% by volume glycol will prevent microbiological growth. Being a closed system, very little make-up water is required so proper treatment of the original cooling water will insure trouble-free service for longer periods than ebullient systems where make-up water may be constantly added. This does not mean that closed systems should be ignored; water samples should be drawn periodically, daily in some cases, to insure that additives are at the correct levels. The following points should be kept in mind for a closed, solid water cooling system: 1. Sodium nitrite additive is recommended as a corrosion inhibitor to protect iron and steel components. Waukesha recommends 800 2500 ppm nitrites. In addition to sodium nitrite, molybdate is added to prevent bacterial growth. A common corrosion inhibitor used by automotive antifreeze suppliers is silicate. Silicates have the disadvantage of building up an insulating layer on components. Silicates more readily drop out of solution and become used up. Industrial quality fluids combining corrosion inhibitors and glycol for freeze protection are the most commonly used coolants for closed systems. Silicates are not recommended for industrial engines and therefore should be < 25 ppm. 2. A copper corrosion inhibitor is recommended. Tolyltriazole (TT2 for short) is a good protector of copper components. 3. A synthetic polymer is suggested which assists in preventing scale build-up. Polymers coagulate the solids in the water causing them to drop out of suspension. This action prevents calcium carbonate from forming hard scale on hot engine surfaces. 4. A borax buffer should be used as required to raise the pH of the coolant to between 8.5 and 9.2. 5. Softened or demineralized water should be used for any cooling system fill and make-up. Hard chemicals (calcium and magnesium) form a lime scale which insulates hot engine parts from the cooling water. Cooling water must meet the following specification: Calcium (Ca) Magnesium (Mg) Total Hardness (CaCO3) Chloride Sulfate Less than 1 ppm Less than 1 ppm Less than 1 ppm Less than 25 ppm Less than 25 ppm


A. SOLID HOT WATER COOLING This is the common, closed loop radiator type cooling system where steam is not allowed to form. These systems generally operate between 170 - 200 F (77 94 C) but maximum system temperatures up to 265 F (130 C) are possible.

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Service Bulletin No. 4-2429G

6. A water sampling program will verify that coolant meets the requirements outlined here and determine when it needs changing. If a cooling system analysis program is not used, the cooling system should be cleaned and flushed annually. B. EBULLIENT SYSTEMS Ebullient, or controlled boiling water, cooled engines and equipment are extremely sensitive to water quality. Since water is essentially boiled off during the ebullient process, hard chemicals are left behind as scale deposits. If the low pressure steam is used in an external process, and not condensed for return to the engine, make-up water is always being added. On the other hand, closed steam loops which return condensate to be used again are susceptible to higher corrosion rates due to chemical changes in the water as it cycles through the system. The type of water treatment required depends upon the design of the steam system and the quality of the water used. Ebullient cooling systems require the following attention: 1. Hardness Removal Ebullient systems (engines and heat recovery equipment) cannot tolerate high levels of hard chemicalscalcium and magnesium. It is recommended to maintain 0 ppm hardness by one or a combination of the following methods: A. Water softening, sodium zeolite type, similar to common home water softeners, but sized for the application. Sodium zeolite (salt brine) causes a reaction that attracts hard chemicals which congregate on resin beads within the softener. These chemicals are then periodically flushed away. Softeners can greatly reduce water hardness but not totally eliminate it. Levels of 0.5 to 1 ppm hardness may remain which should be further reduced by phosphate treatment. B. Phosphates can be used which cause a precipitative reaction when in contact with calcium. This means that calcium phosphate is formed which drops out of suspension as a soft sludge at the lowest points of the system. Bottom blowdown ports are required to periodically rid the system of accumulated sludge. As phosphate will not react with magnesium salts, silicates are added to precipitate the magnesium. Again, blowdown is required. For silicates to work, pH of the engine water must be 10.5 minimum. C.Chelates and polymers, chemical additives which prevent scale, do not precipitate the hard chemicals. Instead, the hard chemicals are kept Page 6 of 11 in suspension until reaching the surface of the steam separator where continuous surface blowdown will purge them from the system. D.Deionization or demineralization is a process similar to sodium zeolite softening. The end result, however, is completely mineral free water. Although mineral-free, demineralized water is corrosive and must be treated accordingly. 2. Blowdown Of Ebullient Systems There are two types of blowdown, surface and bottom. Continuous surface blowdown in the heat recovery unit will reduce the total dissolved solids (TDS) which increase through addition of make-up water or condensate return. TDS includes hardness ions, alkalines, silicates, and iron. Total alkalinity, also called M alkalinity, is that portion of TDS composed of carbonate, bicarbonate, and hydroxide alkalinity. A conductivity meter and probes mounted near the surface level of the steam separator will monitor the TDS level to indicate when a blowdown is required. The probes measure electrical conductivity of the coolant which increase as TDS increases. Too high a level of TDS can cause foaming with carryover of liquid through the steam system. This produces undesirable wet steam. Bottom blowdowns are required, especially when precipitative chemicals such as phosphates and silicates are added to reduce scaling. These chemicals produce a soft sludge which must be removed at the lowest areas of the engine and steam separator through blow ports. Blowdown frequency should be twice per shift for 15 seconds or as recommended by a local water treatment specialist. See the schematic in Figure 4 for the recommended chemical feed and blowdown locations. 3. Oxygen Scavengers Water can contain dissolved oxygen and carbon dioxide. These gases can lead to corrosion of metal parts. An oxygen scavenger eliminates oxygen and reduces the likelihood of corrosion. Sodium sulfite is a typical chemical oxygen scavenger. This chemical reacts with oxygen to form sodium sulfate which stays in suspension until surface blowdown eliminates it from the system. Other scavengers are available but they are not as safe to handle as sodium sulfite. 4. pH pH is a measure of alkalinity or acidity of water. As mentioned, pH of the engine jacket water should be maintained at 10.5 to 11.5 to allow certain hardness removal chemicals to work.

Service Bulletin No. 4-2429G

In the steam separator, H2O and CO2 combine to form carbonic acid, H2CO3. This acid is corrosive to downstream pipe work and equipment. The pH after the steam separator will drop in conjunction with H2CO3 production. pH should be kept at 7.5 to 8.5 in the steam loop to prevent corrosion. Neutralizing amines may be added to improve pH. Steam condensate returning to the feed water reservoir may be acidic and contain iron if corrosion has occurred. This condensate must be monitored to determine necessary treatment. C. WATER QUALITY AND TESTING Water treatment products vary in the chemicals used in their make-up. All are proprietary to the water treatment specialist who markets them and he knows how they will perform with a given quality of water in a particular cooling system. Most products will do a good job with a good quality distilled or deionized water but may not perform well with a poor quality water, which may be hard with chlorides and/or sulfates. Some products may perform well with a poorer quality water but may require an increased treatment level. It is absolutely essential that a competent water treatment specialist be consulted to prepare a good water treatment program. Norkool Industrial Products Division of Union Carbide, Inc., Calgon Corp., Mogul Division of Dexter Corp., and other knowledgeable companies are available. Review with the chosen representative the details of the engine water system to be treated. The following should be covered at a minimum: A. Metals in the system contacted by the coolant. B. Operating temperatures. C.Source and quality of water (if known). D.Type of system: solid water or ebullient (steam).
Table 3. Recommended Testing For Ebullient Cooling Systems WATER CIRCUIT
Feed Water Make-up Water

E. Amount of make-up water required. F. Age of installation. G. Previous water treatments used and any history of corrosion or scaling problems. H.Engine model, speed and type of operation (stand-by, loading, etc.). The manufacturer recommendations should include the following: A. Any required cleaning of the system and how it should be done. B. Any pretreatment required if the quality of the water is questionable. C.Type of water treatment to be used and the level at which it is to be maintained. D.Control limits, if required, for pH, hardness, total dissolved solids, alkalinity, chlorides, sulfates, nitrites, silica, etc. that must be held in the treated water. E. Frequency of tests for level of treatment and/or when water samples should be taken and analyzed. F. Corrective actions to be taken when control limits are exceeded. G. Amount and frequency of blowdown (ebullient cooled systems). Once the treatment program is in place, frequent testing of the engine jacket water, make-up water, and any condensate returned must be performed to ensure that the required water quality is being maintained. Table 3 lists recommended tests and acceptable limits for ebullient cooling systems. Some of these tests may be applicable to solid water systems. Consult your water treatment specialist.

Total Hardness Total Hardness Chlorides pH Conductivity

0 ppm 0 ppm Should equal untreated water 10.5 - 11.5 2500 - 3000 MMHO 30 - 50 ppm sulfites 200 - 600 ppm Varies 7.5 - 8.5

Water softening/phosphates Water softening/phosphates Check softener rinse cycle Adjust blowdown frequency Adjust blowdown frequency Adjust treatment level Adjust blowdown frequency Adjust treatment level Adjust amine level

Engine Jacket Water

O2 Scavenger Total alkalinity Scale Inhibitor




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Service Bulletin No. 4-2429G GLOSSARY OF TERMS

ALKALINITY A measurement of the acid-neutralizing capacity of a water or coolant. It is usually expressed as M alkalinity (methyl orange indicator) or P alkalinity (Phenolphthalein indicator). These values are also used in boiler water and cooling tower water as controls to predict the tendency for a water to precipitate calcium and form scale. Reserve alkalinity is a term used by antifreeze manufacturers to indicate the level of inhibitors in solution. Total alkalinity is another name for M alkalinity. BLOWDOWN The process of removing total dissolved solids or precipitated sludge from a cooling water system. CAVITATION A type of localized pitting occurring on cylinder liners and other surfaces, usually perpendicular to the axis of the crankshaft. The mechanical vibrations of the liner cause dissolved gas and vapor bubbles to collapse, the shock forces remove the protective films or coatings and erode the surface. If the inhibitors of the water treatment cannot keep up with this erosion, rapid localized corrosion also occurs. These actions combine to form deep pits on the liner surface. This type of damage is also found on water pump impellers if the net positive suction head (NPSH) requirement of the pump is not maintained. CHELATES Chemical compounds used in cooling system cleaners to remove oil contamination, scale and deposits from a cooling system. System must be flushed with water before filling with treated water. CHLORIDE A dissolved salt in water which forms ions that increase the conductivity of water and interfere with the protective films formed on the surfaces of metals. It increases the corrosion tendency of water. CREVICE CORROSION A type of localized pitting occurring in or at the edges of close fitting areas such as the liner flange to the crankcase. The stagnant conditions of the coolant in the fit area make it difficult to establish films or coatings for corrosion protection. DEAERATION All water contains some dissolved gases. Increased pressure of the gas and any splashing at the water surface will increase the amount of dissolved gas in the water. Deaeration removes these gases by steam scrubbing, heating or by the addition of chemicals. Page 8 of 11 Dissolved oxygen and carbon dioxide increase corrosion in water systems. DEIONIZATION Also known as demineralization, this is a process in which all dissolved mineral salts and ions are removed from water, resulting in almost chemically pure water. This purity makes the water very corrosive, so it must be treated with inhibitors before use in an engine water system. FRETTING CORROSION Occurs when two highly loaded surfaces rub rapidly together, causing mechanical removal of metal and the protective films or coatings. The localized frictional heat accelerates corrosion. This type of corrosion can occur in fit areas of liner to crankcase. GALVANIC CORROSION When dissimilar metals are coupled in an electrolyte such as an engine coolant, they tend to cause an electronic current to flow through the metal. Metals high on the galvanic series chart (anodic) tend to go into solution leaving electrons behind to flow to the metals low on this chart (cathodic). Corrosion tends to concentrate on the metals high on the galvanic series chart, particularly if the relative area is small compared to the cathodic parts. This type of corrosion may occur in aluminum parts such as valves, fittings, heaters, etc. when used in a water system and requires special attention when selecting a water treatment. HARDNESS Calcium and magnesium salts in water cause hardness. It is usually measured and reported as total hardness as CaCO3 in PPM. If not removed from the water or treated chemically, these salts will break down with heat to form sludge, carbon dioxide and scale on the hot surfaces in the engine. The carbon dioxide recombines with the water to form carbonic acid and accelerates corrosion. Temporary or carbonate hardness will drop out (form scale or precipitate to form sludge) with increased temperatures; permanent or non-carbonate hardness will not. INHIBITOR A chemical part of a water treatment which reduces or stops corrosion by interfering with the corrosion mechanism. They function by forming a protective film on the metallic surfaces of the cooling system. The inhibitors are known as anodic or cathodic depending on what part of the corrosion cell the films are formed on. Those that form films on all metal surfaces are called general corrosion inhibitors.


Service Bulletin No. 4-2429G

IONS When any substance dissolves in water, it breaks down into electrically charged atoms called ions. Some are (+) charged (cations); others (-) charged (anions). pH A measurement of hydrogen ion concentration which indicates the acidity or alkalinity of the water. The pH scale is from 0 (highly acidic) to 14 (highly alkaline), with a 7.0 reading neutral. PPM A ratio calculated on the basis of the whole being divided into one million equal parts. The value may be calculated on a volume (ppmv) or weight (ppmw) basis. For example, if 1 pound of amines is mixed with 9999 pounds of water, there is 100 ppmw of amines in the mixture. Note that 10000 ppm equals 1%. PRETREATMENT Any preliminary cleaning or preparation of the water system to ensure that the treatment program works effectively right from the start. RAINWATER A natural deionized water. Rainwater contains large amounts of dissolved oxygen (O2) and carbon dioxide (CO2) which make it unsuitable for cooling systems without treatment. SELECTIVE LEACHING A type of corrosion of alloyed metals (also called dealloying). In brass it is called dezincification and involves the process of zinc dissolving into the water, leaving a weak porous copper structure in place of the original brass alloy. This type of corrosion is sometimes found in heat exchangers and radiators if a poor quality water and/or marginal water treatment is used. SILICA A dissolved mineral in water which combines with calcium and magnesium to form a dense scale. SOFTENING A pretreatment given to water before it is treated with inhibitors and used in an engine. Several different softening processes are used to reduce the hardness and scale forming tendency of water. In some processes, the calcium and magnesium in the hardness salts are replaced with sodium resulting in no reduction in the total dissolved solids in the water. In other processes the chemical reactions actually remove these dissolved salts and result in a large reduction in total solids. None of the softening processes will remove chlorides, sulfates or silica from water if they are present. SOLDER BLOOM A type of lead/tin corrosion found in solder type radiators if poor quality water and/or marginal water treatment is used. Corrosion is concentrated at the solder joint because of galvanic action and the relatively small area of lead/tin to copper in the radiator. The bloom or corrosion deposit formed is relatively weak and rapidly disintegrates the solder joint to cause leakage. SOLIDS Suspended solids are those that can be removed by settling or filtration. Dissolved solids are impurities and organic matter in solution. Total solids are the sum of suspended and dissolved solids. Higher levels of total solids increase the conductivity of water, tending to increase corrosion. SULFATE A dissolved salt in water which forms ions that will combine with calcium and magnesium to form sulfate scale. These compounds can also combine with hydrogen to form acids which make water corrosive.


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Service Bulletin No. 4-2429G






1 2 3 4 5 6 Continuous surface blowdown controlled at recovery boiler Bottom blowdown for recovery boiler - Frequency should be twice/shift for 15 seconds each or as recommended by local water treatment company. Bottom blowdowns for ebullient engine - Frequency: Before startup and after shutdown (to prevent starving engine or circulating water) or as recommended by local water treatment company

The O2 scavenger may be fed mechanically to the feed water section or to the hot water ebullient section based on feed water pump impulse. Consult local water treatment company. Neutralizing amine fed continuously to steam header with pump.

Figure 4. Recommended Feeding And Blowdown Control (Schematic Representation Only)

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Service Bulletin No. 4-2429G

NOTE 1: Pressure rise across pump will provide minimum jacket inlet pressure, provided the minimum pump inlet pressure requirement is met. (Waukesha factory installed pump.) The engine outlet is throttled to control flow and engine T Not to provide jacket pressure (A). NOTE 2: The jacket pressure is supplied by adjusting the static head pump inlet pressure (NPSH). This can be established by the expansion tank height (B) or with an air regulator (C). A pressure cap or relief valve on the expansion tank is necessary to relieve excess pressure.

Figure 5. Water Temperature Out Of Engine





Figure 6. Jacket Water Pressure Requirements



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