Underage Drinking Essay
Underage Drinking Essay
Underage Drinking Essay
Which are 10 million drinks each day? The three leading causes of death for 13 to 17year-olds are automobile crashes, homicides, and suicides alcohol is a leading factor in all three. Underage drinking not only has devastating effects on those who drink but, also on our society.
There are many reasons why a teenager may feel it is necessary to drink, while being underage. Peer pressure, psychological needs, and the observation of drinking by the parents and can contribute to this problem. Peer pressure is one of the main reasons teenagers start to drink. Teenagers feel the urge to be accepted by the others around them no matter what. They feel they are not cool enough to fit in that specific group by being sober. Stress is another reason why adolescent drink alcohol. This stress may be caused by the pressure of school or their own personal problems at home. They think alcohol is the cure to all their problems and they will only feel satistified with the shape of an alcohol bottle in their hand. The observation of drinking by the parents can encourage the teenager to start drinking. Some parents even teach their sons how to drink. Kids learn by the behavior of their parents; as a result, they do what their parents do.
Second, drunk driving is another cause of death among the teenagers. As teenagers, they think that drinking and driving is not dangerous and that nothing will happen. What they do not know is that they are wrong. They think they are indestructible until they face reality. In an accident, there could be innocent people affected or dead. The lack of
driving experience not only affects those involved in the accident, but also the lives of their loved ones. As a result, when driving under the influence, they are putting mothers and fathers, sons and daughters, and even brothers and sisters at risk of never seeing each other again. Kids should not be allowed to take the car when they are going out.
Third, alcohol may seem an easy way out of problems but it can make them worse. Alcohol can make teenagers do things they would never do while sober, such as to Commit suicide. Teenagers can forget about their problems for a period of time but, it can also make you remember the reason why they are drowning in alcohol; as a consequence they may start thinking about how they problems might not have a solution and the only thing they can do is finishing their life.
Teenagers should not be allowed to drink or to buy any alcohol drink. Stores should be more strict of selling drinks to underage teenagers. They