Hero Letter
Hero Letter
Hero Letter
Corporate and Registered Office: - 34, Community Centre, Basant Lok, Vasant Vihar, New Delhi, DL 110057 Recruitment code no. 085 E-mail: [email protected] Mr. ANSHUMAN. (Manager HR) CONTACT NUMBER: -+09910797162, INTERVIEW LETTER With reference to your CV you are provisionally selected for the following suitable post. So that hereby you are asked to forward the particulars through email to the company for formal interview, also to choose your suitable working place and accordingly receive your company appointment job forwarding order and join the job without any delay except you are not disposed to join immediately which we can arrange to in us at your convenient time. Your Resume has been selected from one of the various job sites we hire for our plant. The Company selected 48 candidates and general service Departments. It is our pleasure to inform you that your Resume was selected as one of the 32 candidates shortlisted for the interview. Your interview will be held at Delhi to The Company Corporate office in 4th of August 2013 at 11.30am, you will be pleased to know that of the 48 candidates selected 32 candidates will be given appointment, meaning your Application can be in progress to the final stage. You will have to come to the Company Corporate office in Delhi. Your offer letter with Air Ticket will be sent to you by courier before the date of interview. The Company can offer you a salary with benefits for this post from 32. The Salary 29,000/- to 1, 40,000/- P/MONTH + (HRA + D.A + Conveyance and other Company benefits). The Designation and Job Location will be fixed by Company HRD at the time of final process. You have to come with photo-copies of all required documents on the day of interview. A. Passport size Photo (1no), B. Any One Identity proof (Family card/College ID card/Driving License/voters ID) Xerox. C.REFUNDABLE cash security deposit of Rs. 10650/- (Ten Thousand Six Hundred fifty only) NOTE: Be informed that the Registration and Interview Processing & Maintenance charges payment which is Rs. 10650/- INR is a refundable deposit, for the account details that will be provided to you by our manager HR .So without depositing the refundable amount it will enable us to send you your Air Ticket and other necessary documents required for the interview. Note you need to show us the copy of the deposit slip and offer letter on the date of your interview at the gate in-order for you to be allowed by our security officials into the company premises for the interview. After receiving the documents we will be sending the FORWARDING ORDER to the desired working location as well as suitable post which you preferred. SUITABLE POST, SALARY, WORKING PLACE AND OTHER DETAILS ARE GIVEN BELOW: Qualifications Posts (Designation) Salary Range S.No 1.MCA, BCA, MSC (C.S), MSC (IT), BE(IT), BE(CS)BTECH(CS), BTECH(IT) BSC(IT), BSC (C.S), DCT, DCS, DCA, any Software (or) Hardware Courses, A+, Network+, Security+, MCSE 2003, MCITP, MCPD, MCTS, CCENT, CCNA, CCDA, CCSP, CISSP, RHCE, LPIC,CSTP,CTM, C+, C++, JAVA, J2E, SAP,VB,DOTNET, ORACLE, CORE JAVA,XP,XUNIT, Software Engineering Database Design Pocket PC & Palm Development Speech-Based Interfaces Internet Technologies Java, C/C++, Visual Basic Oracle Programmer
and DBASOFTWARE PROGRAMMER/ SOFTWARE DEVELOPER/ TESTING/ WEB DESIGNER/EMBEDED / SYSTEM ADMINISTRATOR VLSI / NETWORKING/DATA ENTRY OPERATOR /COMPUTER OPERATOR/System Administrator , System analyst, Web designer, Networking & programming, Hardware engineer, Software programmer & developer, Computer operator, Data entry operator, Call centre executive, Marketing executive. Computer operator, Data entry operator, DTP operator, Call centre executive, Software programmer, Office assistant, Receptionist, Telemarketing, Clerk, Typist, Steno, Asst. manager, Marketing/ Sales/ Customer support executive, Accounts Asst, Supervisor, Technicians.After Training period and any experience salary approximately. 32,500.00 to 2, 50,500 per month 2.All ME's M.Tech , All BE's , All B.Tech , All Diploma's ( DME, DEEE, DECE, DECE, DCE, DCT) All AMIE's, Production, Mechanical, Civil, EEE, ECE1. PRODUCTION MANAGER / QUALITY CONTROLLER / DESIGNING / AUTOMOBILE ,ENGINEER / EMBEDED / VLSI / WEB DESIGNERS Q/C / Production / Assembling / Servicing / Erecting / CADD, CAM, PROE, Ideas, Design Engineers, Managers ,Engineers, Supervisors, Technicians, Electrical Maintenance Engineers, Electronics service Engineers, Software Programmer, Call Centre Executive, Automobile Engineers, Sales / Marketing Executive. After Training period and any experience salary approximately. 32,500.00 to 2, 50,500 per month. 3.All ME's M.Tech, All BE's, All B.tech, All Diploma's ( DME, DEEE, DECE, DECE,DCE, DCT) All AMIE's Production, Mechanical, Civil, EEE, ECE1. Electrical Or Electronics Maintenance ENGG /Supervisors / Chip Design Engg / Embedded ,System / Network Administrator /Testing Engg/VLSI Design/QC/ Production / Assembling /Servicing / Erecting/ CADD, CAM, PROE, Ideas, Design Engineers, Manager ,Engineer, Supervisors, Technicians, Electrical Maintenance Engineers, Electronics service, Engineers, Centre Executive, Automobile Engineers, Sales / Marketing Executive. After Training period and any experience salary approximately RS.32, 500.00 to2, 50,500 per month. 4.MBA, MBE, MIBA, MIB, BBM, BBA, All MA, All MSC, M.com, and any P.G.Degree's All BA, BSC, B.com, and any U.G / Diploma's ACCOMODATION PROVIDED(H.R) Manager / accounts / Asst. Manager / Administrator /Front office / customer support, Business development officer / Security Manager / Marketing manager / Office asst. Manager / Call centre / Trainer, Software marketing team leader / Marketing executive. After Training period salary approximately RS. 32,500.00 to 2, 50,500 per month. 5. All ITI Traders / Diplomas, JODC, JOC, COPA ACCOMODATION PROVIDED All ITI's technicians, Electricians, Wireman, MMY, Diesel Mech , Copa, Joc , Television Engg, Mech , Fitter, Welder, Turner, Machinist, CNC,Lathe operator, Miller, Plumber, Auto electrician, Automobile engineers & mechanical ,Asst. A/c mech , Carpenter, Machine operators,Computer operator, Hardware Servicing Asst,Electronic Assembling worker,After Training period and any experience salary approximately RS. 22,500.00 to 1, 50,500 per month. TERMS AND CONDITIONS: READ THE TERMS AND CONDITIONS BELOW AND FOLLOW IT IF YOU ARE INTERESTED WITH THESE TERMS AND CONDITIONS.IF NOT INTERESTED THEREOF NO NEED TO FOLLOW THESE INSTRUCTIONS WHICH WE HAVE MENTIONED. 1. SEND THESE DOCUMENTS (1)-Qualification certificate Xerox copy. (2)- ID Proof Xerox copy (3)-Passport size photograph (1) (4)- Update Resume (5)-Registration and Interview Processing & Maintenance charges: Rs. 10650/-This amount is accepted through cash deposit to the account we will provide you upon response to this mail and last date to depositing the amount is Tomorrow into the bank. 2. The above mentioned documents should be sent via email attachment. 3. After receiving your job forwarding appointment order letter then you may directly go to branch office. You have only personal interview. 4. All fresh candidates 1 months training period will be there. During that stipend provided. After 1 Month salary will be
increased. Follow the above mentioned terms and join for the job. For further enquiries contact the Phone number provided above. The security deposit payment which is Rs 10650/- INR is a refundable deposit, and should be deposited into the HRD account of (PNB BANK, UNION OR ANDHRA BANK) and the A/C number will be provided by (MR ANSHUMAN) . Note, you need to show us the copy of the deposit slip and offer letter on the date of your interview at the gate in-other for you to be allowed by our security officials into the company premises for the interview. Be informed that the account given to you is the Senior HRD Account Number that is been used for this recruitment process. The reason for that is payment will be refunded back to applicants immediately after the interview and that is the reason why we are not using the Company Bank Account. Do ensure it's a CASH DEPOSIT so that you can send us the scan copy of the deposit slip for verification and registration by our account department and also to enable us return it back to you immediately after the interview is over. Reasons of payment : The refundable payment of 10,650/- Rupees is being required from you as a measure we have taken to check bogus applications that we do receive, which means only seriously interested and ready clients will have to apply and receive our offer letter and flight ticket to destination and venue for the interview. IMPORTANT NOTICE: Be informed that we will be providing you a two way ticket, accommodation and feeding during the period of the interview and aptitude test. And your security deposit will be refunded to you in its full amount immediately after the interview irrespective of you being shortlisted for the job or not. Payment is strictly by CASH DEPOSIT AS CHEQUE AND DEMAND DRAFT are not accepted because the security deposit will be in our custody for a short period of time and will be refunded to you in cash just immediately after the interview. As soon as the payment is made, please kindly send us the scan copy of the payment slip through email to this email id: [email protected] or confirmation and give us a call to that effect as it will help us facilitate the documents for sending your air ticket and other requirement for the preparation of your interview date. Corporate and Registered Office: - 34, Community Centre, Basant Lok, Vasant Vihar, New
Delhi, DL 110057
Mr. ANSHUMAN. (Manager HR) CONTACT NUMBER: -+09910797162,