Transliteration of Surat Al Kayf
Transliteration of Surat Al Kayf
Transliteration of Surat Al Kayf
Al-amdu Lillahi Al-Ladh 'Anzala `Al `Abdihi Al-Kitba Wa Lam Yaj`al Llahu `Iwaj
018.001 Praise be to Allah Who hath revealed the Scripture unto His slave, and
hath not placed therein any crookedness
Qayyiman Liyundhira Ba'san Shaddan Min Ladunhu Wa Yubashshira
Al-Mu'uminna Al-Ladhna Ya`malna A-liti 'Anna Lahum 'Ajran
asanan 100.110 ( But hath made it) straight, to give warning of stern
punishment from Him, and to bring unto the believers who do good works
the news that theirs will be a fair reward
Mkithna Fhi 'Abadan 100.110Wherein they will abide for ever
Wa Yundhira Al-Ladhna Ql Attakhadha Al-Lahu Waladan 100.110And
to warn those who say: Allah hath chosen a son
M Lahum Bihi Min `Ilmin Wa L Li ' b ' ihim
Kaburat Kalimatan
Takhruju Min 'Afwhihim 'In Yaqlna 'Ill Kadhiban 018.005 (A thing)
whereof they have no knowledge, nor (had) their fathers, Dreadful is the
word that cometh out of their mouths. They speak naught but a lie
Fala`allaka Bkhi`un Nafsaka `Ala 'thrihim 'In Lam Yu'umin Bihadh
Al-adthi 'Asafan 018.006 Yet it may be, if they believe not in this
statement, that thou (Muhammad) wilt torment thy soul with grief over their
'Inn Ja`aln M `Ala Al-'Adri Znatan Lah Linabluwahum 'Ayyuhum
'Asanu `Amalan 018.007 Lo! We have placed all that is on the earth as
an ornament thereof that We may try them: which of them is best in
Wa 'Inn Laj`ilna M `Alayh sa`dan Juruzan 018.008 And lo! We
shall make all that is thereon a barren mound.
'Am asibta 'Anna 'Asba Al-Kahfi Wa Ar-Raqmi Kn Min 'ytin
`Ajaban 018.009 Or deemest thou that the People of the Cave and the
Inscription are a wonder among Our portents
'Idh 'Aw Al-Fityatu i'Il Al-Kahfi Faql Rabban 'atin Min Ladunka
Ramatan Wa Hayyi' Lan Min 'Amrin Rashadan 018.010 When
the young men fled for refuge to the Cave and said: Our Lord! Give us
mercy from Thy presence, and shape for us right conduct in our plight.
Fad arabn `Ala 'dhnihim F Al-Kahfi Sinna `Adadan 018.011 Then
We sealed up their hearing in the Cave for a number of years.
Thumma Ba`athnhum Lina`lama 'Ayyu Al-izbayni 'Asa Lim Labith
'Amadan 018.012 And afterward We raised them up that We might know
which of the two parties would best calculate the time that they had tarried.
Nanu Naqusu `Alayka Naba'ahum Bil-aqqi 'Innahum Fityatun 'man
Birabbihim Wa Zidnhum Hudan 018.013 We narrate unto thee their story
with truth. Lo! they were young men who believed in their Lord, and We
increased them in guidance.
Wa Raba n `Ala Qulbihim 'Idh Qm Faql Rabbun Rabbu
As-Samwti Wa Al-'Ardi Lan Nad`uwa Min Dnihi 'Ilahan
Quln 'Idhan Shat a tan 018.014 And We made firm their hearts when
they stood forth and said: Our Lord is the Lord of the heavens and the
earth. We cry unto no God beside Him, for then should we utter an
H'uul' Qawmun Attakhadh Min Dnihi 'lihatan Lawl Ya'tna
`Alayhim Bisult nin Bayyinin Faman 'Alamu Mimmani Aftara `Ala Al-Lahi
Kadhiban 018.015 These, our people, have chosen (other) gods
beside Him though they bring no clear warrant (vouchsafed) to them. And
who doth greater wrong than he who inventeth a lie concerning Allah
Wa 'Idh A`tazaltumhum Wa M Ya`budna 'Ill Al-Laha Fa'w 'Ial Al-Kahfi
Yanshur Lakum Rabbukum Min Ramatihi Wa Yuhayyi' Lakum Min
'Amrikum Mirfaqan 018.016 And when ye withdraw from them and that
which they worship except Allah, then seek refuge in the Cave; your Lord
will spread for you of His mercy and will prepare for you a pillow in your
Wa Tara Ash-Shamsa 'Idhtala`at Tazwaru `An Kahfihim Dhta Al-Yamni
Wa 'Idh Gharabat Taqriuhum Dhta Ash-Shimli Wa Hum F Fajwatin
Minhu Dhlika Min 'yti Al-Lahi
Wa Nuqallibuhum
Dhta Al-Yamni Wa Dhta Ash-Shimli
Qla Q'ilun
Minhum Kam Labithtum
Ql Rabbukum 'A`lamu Bim Labithtum Fb`ath 'Aadakum Biwariqikum
Hadhihi 'Ila Al-Madnati Falyadur 'Ayyuh 'Azka`ta man Falya'tikum
Birizqin Minhu WaL yatala af Wa L Yush`iranna Bikum 'Aadan
018.019 And in like manner We awakened them that they might
question one another. A speaker from among them said: How long have ye
tarried ? They said: We have tarried a day or some part of a day, (Others)
said: Your Lord best knoweth what ye have tarried. Now send one of you
with this your silver coin unto the city, and let him see what food is purest
there and bring you a supply thereof. Let him be courteous and let no man
know of you.
'Innahum 'In Yahar `Alaykum Yarjumkum 'Aw Yu`dkum F Millatihim
Wa Lan Tufli 'Idhan 'Abadan 018.020 For they, if they should come to
know of you, will stone you or turn you back to their religion; then ye will
never prosper.
Wa Kadhalika 'A`tharn `Alayhim Liya`lam 'Anna Wa`da Al-Lahi aqqun
Wa 'Anna As-S`ata L Rayba Fh 'Idh Yatanza`na Baynahum
Rabbuhum 'A`lamu
Sayaqlna Thalthatun Rbi`uhum Kalbuhum Wa Yaqlna Khamsatun
Sdisuhum Kalbuhum Rajman Bil-Ghaybi
Wa Yaqlna Sab`atun Wa
Thminuhum Kalbuhum
Wa L Taqlanna Lishay'in 'Inn F`ilun Dhlika Ghadan 018.023
And say not of anything: Lo! I shall do that tomorrow,
'Ill 'An Yash'a Al-Lahu
Wa Labith F Kahfihim Thaltha Mi'atin Sinna Wa Azdd Tis`an
018.025 And (it is said) they tarried in their Cave three hundred years
and add nine.
Quli Al-Lahu 'A`lamu Bim Labith
Wa Atlu M 'iya 'Ilayka Min Kitbi Rabbika
L Mubaddila
Likalimtihi Wa Lan Tajida Min Dnihi Multaadan 018.027 And
recite that which hath been revealed unto thee of the Scripture of thy Lord.
There is none who can change His words, and thou wilt find no refuge
beside Him.
Wa ASbir Nafsaka Ma`a Al-Ladhna Yad`na Rabbahum Bil-Ghadati Wa
Al-`Ashyi Yurdna Wajhahu Wa L
Wa Quli Al-aqqu Min Rabbikum
'Inna Al-Ladhna 'man Wa `Amil As sliti 'Inn L Nud `u 'Ajra Man
'Asana `Amalan 018.030 Lo! as for those who believe and do good
works - Lo! We suffer not the reward of one whose work is goodly to be
'l'ika Lahum Janntu `Adnin Tajr Min Tatihimu Al-'Anhru Yuallawna
Fh Min 'Aswira Min Dhahabin Wa Yalbasna Thiyban Khudran Min
Sundusin Wa 'Istabraqin Muttaki'na Fh `Ala Al-'Ar'iki
Ath-Thawbu Wa asunat Murtafaqan 018.031 As for such, theirs
will be Gardens of Eden, wherein rivers flow beneath them; therein they will
be given armlets of gold and will wear green robes of finest silk and gold
embroidery, reclining upon throne therein. Blest the reward, and fair the
Wa Adrib Lahum Mathalan Rajulayni Ja`aln Li'aadihim Jannatayni Min
'A`nbin Wa afafnhum Binakhlin Wa Ja`aln Baynahum Zar`an
018.032 Coin for them a similitude: Two men, unto one of whom We
had assigned two gardens of grapes, and We had surrounded both with
date-palms and had put between them tillage.
Kilt Al-Jannatayni 'tat 'Ukulah Wa Lam Talim Minhu Shay'an
Fajjarn Khillahum Naharan 018.033 Each of the gardens gave its
fruit and withheld naught thereof. And We caused a river to gush forth
Wa Kna Lahu Thamarun Faqla Lisibihi Wa Huwa Yuwiruhu 'An
'Aktharu Minka Mlan Wa 'A`azzu Nafaran 018.034 And he had fruit.
And he said unto his comrade, when he spake with him: I am more than
thee in wealth, and stronger in respect of men.
Wa Dakhala Jannatahu Wa Huwa zlimun Linafsihi Qla M 'Aunnu 'An
Tabda Hadhihi 'Abadan 018.035 And he went into his garden, while he
(thus) wronged himself. He said: I think not that all this will ever perish.
Wa M 'Aunnu As-S`ata Q'imatan Wa La'in Rudidtu 'Ila Rabb
La'ajidanna Khayran Minh Munqalaban 018.036 I think not that the
Hour will ever come, and if indeed I am brought back unto my Lord I surely
shall find better than this as a resort.
Qla Lahu sibuhu Wa Huwa Yuwiruhu 'Akafarta Bil-Ladh Khalaqaka
Min Turbin Thumma Min Nuta fatin Thumma Sawwka Rajulan
018.037 His comrade, when he (thus) spake with him, exclaimed:
Disbelievest thou in Him Who created thee of dust, then of a drop (of seed),
and then fashioned thee a man ?
Lakinn Huwa Al-Lahu Rabb Wa L 'Ushriku Birabb 'Aadan
018.038 But He is Allah, my Lord, and I ascribe unto my Lord no
Wa Lawl 'Idh Dakhalta Jannataka Qulta M Sh'a Al-Lahu L Qwata 'Ill
Fa`asaRabb 'An Yu'utiyan Khayran Min Jannatika Wa Yursila `Alayh
usbnan Mina As-Sam'i Fatusbia sa`dan Zalaqan 018.040
Yet it may be that my Lord will give me better than thy garden, and will
send on it a bolt from heaven, and some morning it will be a smooth
'Aw Yusbia M'uuh Ghawran Falan Tastat `a Lahu talaban
018.041 Or some morning the water thereof will be lost in the earth
so that thou canst not make search for it.
Wa 'Ut a Bithamarihi Fa'asbaa Yuqallibu Kaffayhi `Ala M 'Anfaqa Fh
Wa Hiya Khwiyatun `Ala `Urshih Wa Yaqlu Y Laytan Lam 'Ushrik
Birabb 'Aadan 018.042 And his fruit was beset (with destruction).
Then began he to wring his hands for all that he had spent upon it, when
(now) it was all ruined on its trellises, and to say: Would that I had ascribed
no partner to my Lord!
Wa Lam Takun Lahu Fi'atun Yansurnahu Min Dni Al-Lahi Wa M Kna
Muntasiran 018.043 And he had no troop of men to help him as
against Allah, nor could he save himself.
Hunlika Al-Walyatu Lillahi Al-aqqi
Wa Adrib Lahum Mathala Al-ayati Ad-Duny Kam'in 'Anzalnhu Mina
As-Sam'i Fkhtala a Bihi Nabtu Al-'Ardi Fa'asbaa Hashman Tadhrhu
Al-Mlu Wa Al-Banna Znatu Al-ayati Ad-Duny Wa l Al-Bqiytu As
slitu Khayrun `Inda Rabbika Thawban Wa Khayrun 'Amalan
018.046 Wealth and children are an ornament of the life of the world.
But the good deeds which endure are better in thy Lord's sight for reward,
and better in respect of hope.
Wa Yawma Nusayyiru Al-Jibla Wa Tara Al-'Ard a Brizatan Wa
asharnhum Falam Nughdir Minhum 'Aadan 018.047 And (bethink
you of) the Day when we remove the hills and ye see the earth emerging,
and We gather them together so as to leave not one of them behind.
Wa `Urid `Ala Rabbika saffan Laqad Ji'tumn Kam Khalaqnkum
'Awwala Marratin
Wa Wudi`a Al-Kitbu Fatara Al-Mujrimna Mushfiqna Mimm Fhi Wa
Yaqlna Y Waylatan Mli Hdh Al-Kitbi L Yughdiru saghratan Wa
L Kabratan 'Ill 'Ash
Wa L
Yalimu Rabbuka 'Aadan 018.049 And the Book is placed, and thou
seest the guilty fearful of that which is therein, and they say: What kind of a
Book is this that leaveth not a small thing nor a great thing but hath counted
it! And they find all that they did confronting them, and thy Lord wrongeth
Wa 'Idh Quln Lilmal'ikati Asjud Li'adama Fasajad 'Ill 'Iblsa Kna
Mina Al-Jinni Fafasaqa `An 'Amri Rabbihi
'Afatattakhidhnahu Wa
Dhurryatahu 'Awliy'a Min Dn Wa Hum Lakum `Adwun
Lilzlimna Badalan 018.050 And (remember) when We said unto the
angels: Fall prostrate before Adam, and they fell prostrate, all save Iblis. He
was of the jinn, so he rebelled against his Lord's command. Will ye choose
him and his seed for your protecting friends instead of Me, when they are
an enemy unto you ? Calamitous is the exchange for evil-doers.
M 'Ashhadtuhum Khalqa As-Samwti Wa Al-'Adr i Wa L Khalqa
'Anfusihim Wa M Kuntu Muttakhidha Al-Mud illna `Adudan 018.051 I
made them not to witness the creation of the heavens and the earth, nor
their own creation; nor choose I misleaders for (My) helpers.
Wa Yawma Yaqlu Nd Shurak'iya Al-Ladhna Za`amtum Fada`awhum
Falam Yastajb Lahum Wa Ja`aln Baynahum Mawbiqan 018.052
And (be mindful of) the Day when He will say: Call those partners of Mine
whom ye pretended. Then they will cry unto them, but they will not hear
their prayer, and We shall set a gulf of doom between them.
Wa Ra'aAl-Mujrimna An-Nra Fa ann 'Annahum Muwqi`h Wa Lam
Yajid `Anh Masrifan 018.053 And the guilty behold the Fire and
know that they are about to fall therein, and they find no way of escape
Wa Laqad sarrafn F Hdh Al-Qur'ni Lilnnsi Min Kulli Mathalin
Kna Al-'Insnu 'Akthara Shay'in Jadalan 018.054 And verily We have
displayed for mankind in this Qur'an all manner of similitudes, but man is
more than anything contentious.
Wa M Mana`a An-Nsa 'An Yu'umin 'Idh J'ahumu Al-Huda Wa
Yastaghfir Rabbahum 'Ill 'An Ta'tiyahum Sunnatu Al-'Awwalna 'Aw
Ya'tiyahumu Al-`Adhbu Qubulan 018.055 And naught hindereth
mankind from believing when the guidance cometh unto them, and from
asking forgiveness of their Lord unless (it be that they wish) that the
judgment of the men of old should come upon them or (that) they should be
confronted with the Doom.
Wa M Nursilu Al-Mursalna 'Ill Mubashshirna Wa Mundhirna
Yujdilu Al-Ladhna Kafar Bil-B tili Liyudid Bihi Al-aqqa
Attakhadh 'yt Wa M 'Undhir Huzan 018.056 We send not the
messengers save as bearers of good news and warners. Those who
disbelieve contend with falsehood in order to refute the Truth thereby. And
they take Our revelations and that wherewith they are threatened as a jest.
Wa Man 'Azlamu Mimman Dhukkira Bi'yti Rabbihi Fa'a`rada `Anh Wa
Nasiya M Qaddamat Yadhu
'IlaAl-Huda Falan Yahtad 'Idhan 'Abadan 018.057 And who doth
greater wrong than he who hath been reminded of the revelations of his
Lord, yet turneth away from them and forgetteth what his hands send
forward (to the Judgment) ? Lo! on their hearts We have placed coverings
so that they understand not, and in their ears a deafness. And though thou
call them to the guidance, in that case they can never be led aright.
Wa Rabbuka Al-Ghafru Dh Ar-Ramati
Wa Tilka Al-Qura 'Ahlaknhum Lamm dhalam Wa Ja`aln Limahlikihim
Maw`idan 018.059 And (all) those townships! We destroyed them
when they did wrong, and We appointed a fixed time for their destruction.
Wa 'Idh Qla Msa Lifathu L 'Abrau atta 'Ablugha Majma`a
Al-Barayni 'Aw 'Amdiya uquban 018.060 And when Moses said
unto his servant: I will not give up until I reach the point where the two
rivers meet, though I march on for ages.
Falamm Balagh Majma`a Baynihim Nasiy tahum Fa Attakhadha
Sablahu F Al-Bari Saraban 018.061 And when they reached the
point where the two met, they forgot their fish, and it took its way into the
waters, being free.
Falamm Jwaz Qla Lifathu 'tin Ghad'an Laqad Laqn Min
Safarin Hdh Nasaban 018.062 And when they had gone further, he
said unto his servant: Bring us our breakfast. Verily we have found fatigue
in this our journey.
Qla 'Ara'ayta 'Idh 'Awayn 'Ila As akhrati Fa'inn Nastu Al-ta Wa M
'Ansnhu 'Ill Ash-Shay tnu 'An 'Adhkurahu
Wa Attakhadha Sablahu
F Al-Bari `Ajaban 018.063 He said: Didst thou see, when we took
refuge on the rock, and I forgot the fish - and none but Satan caused me to
forget to mention it - it took its way into the waters by a marvel.
Qla Dhlika M Kunn Nabghi
Fawajad `Abdan Min `Ibdin 'taynhu Ramatan Min `Indin Wa
`Allamnhu Min Ladunn `Ilman 018.065 Then found they one of Our
slaves, unto whom We had given mercy from Us, and had taught him
knowledge from Our presence.
Qla Lahu Msa Hal 'Attabi`uka `Ala 'An Tu`allimani Mimm `Ullimta
Rushdan 018.066 Moses said unto him: May I follow thee, to the end that
thou mayst teach me right conduct of that which thou hast been taught ?
Qla 'Innaka Lan Tastat `a Ma`iya sabran 018.067 He said: Lo! thou
canst not bear with me.
Wa Kayfa Tasbiru `Ala M Lam Tui Bihi Khubran 018.068 How
canst thou bear with that whereof thou canst not compass any knowledge ?
Qla Satajidun 'In Sh'a Al-Lahu sbiran Wa L 'A`s Laka 'Amran
018.069 He said: Allah willing, thou shalt find me patient and I shall
not in aught gainsay thee.
Qla Fa'ini Attaba`tan Fal Tas'aln `An Shay'in atta 'Uditha Laka Minhu
Dhikran 018.070 He said: Well, if thou go with me, ask me not
concerning aught till I myself make mention of it unto thee.
Fnt alaq atta 'Idh Rakib F As-Safnati Kharaqah
'Akharaqtah Litughriqa 'Ahlah Laqad Ji'ta Shay'an 'Imran 018.071 So
they twain set out till, when they were in the ship, he made a hole therein.
(Moses) said: Hast thou made a hole therein to drown the folk thereof ?
Thou verily hast done a dreadful thing.
Qla 'Alam 'Aqul 'Innaka Lan Tasta t`a Ma`iya sabran 018.072 He said:
Did I not tell thee that thou couldst not bear with me ?
Qla L Tu'ukhidhn Bim Nastu Wa L Turhiqn Min 'Amr `Usran
018.073 (Moses) said: Be not wroth with me that I forgot, and be not
hard upon me for my fault.
Fn talaq atta 'Idh Laqiy Ghulman Faqatalahu Qla 'Aqatalta
Nafsan Zakyatan Bighayri Nafsin Laqad Ji'ta Shay'an Nukran
018.074 So they twain journeyed on till, when they met a lad, he slew
him. (Moses) said: What! Hast thou slain an innocent soul who hath slain
no man ? Verily thou hast done a horrid thing.
Qla 'Alam 'Aqul Laka 'Innaka Lan Tasta t`a Ma`iya sabran 018.075
He said: Did I not tell thee that thou couldst not bear with me ?
Qla 'In Sa'altuka `An Shay'in Ba`dah Fal Tusibn
Qad Balaghta
Min Ladunn `Udhran 018.076 (Moses) said: If I ask thee after this
concerning aught, keep not company with me. Thou hast received an
excuse from me.
Fn atalaq atta 'Idh 'Atay 'Ahla Qaryatin Asta tam 'Ahlah Fa'abaw
'An Yu dayyifhum Fawajad Fh Jidran Yurdu 'An Yanqaa
Qla Hdh Firqu Bayn Wa Baynika
'Amm As-Safnatu Faknat Limaskna Ya`malna F Al-Bari Fa'aradtu
'An 'A`bah Wa Kna War'ahum Malikun Ya'khudhu Kulla Safnatin
Ghasban 018.079 As for the ship, it belonged to poor people working on
the river, and I wished to mar it, for there was a king behind them who is
taking every ship by force.
Wa 'Amm Al-Ghulmu Fakna 'Abawhu Mu'uminayni Fakhashn 'An
Yurhiqahum tughynan Wa Kufran 018.080 And as for the lad, his
parents were believers and we feared lest he should oppress them by
rebellion and disbelief.
Fa'aradn 'An Yubdilahum Rabbuhum Khayran Minhu Zakatan Wa
'Aqraba Ruman 018.081 And we intended that their Lord should
change him for them for one better in purity and nearer to mercy.
Wa 'Amm Al-Jidru Fakna Lighulmayni Yatmayni F Al-Madnati Wa
Kna Tatahu Kanzun Lahum Wa Kna 'Abhum slian Fa'arda
Rabbuka 'An Yablugh 'Ashuddahum Wa Yastakhrij Kanzahum
Ramatan Min Rabbika
Ta'wlu M Lam Tas ti` `Alayhi sabran 018.082 And as for the wall, it
belonged to two orphan boys in the city, and there was beneath it a
treasure belonging to them, and their father had been righteous, and thy
Lord intended that they should come to their full strength and should bring
forth their treasure as a mercy from their Lord; and I did it not upon my own
command. Such is the interpretation of that wherewith thou couldst not
Wa Yas'alnaka `An Dhul Al-Qarnayni
'Inn Makkann Lahu F Al-'Ard i Wa 'taynhu Min Kulli Shay'in Sababan
018.084 Lo! We made him strong in the land and gave him unto
every thing a road.
Fa'atba`a Sababan 018.085 And he followed a road
atta 'Idh Balagha Maghriba Ash-Shamsi Wajadah Taghrubu F `Aynin
ami'atin Wa Wajada `Indah Qawman
Qla 'Amm Man zalama Fasawfa Nu`adhdhibuhu Thumma Yuraddu 'Ila
Rabbihi Fayu`adhdhibuhu `Adhban Nukran 018.087 He said: As
for him who doeth wrong, we shall punish him, and then he will be brought
back unto his Lord, Who will punish him with awful punishment!
Wa 'Amm Man 'mana Wa `Amila slian Falahu Jaz'an Al-usna
Wa Sanaqlu Lahu Min 'Amrin Yusran 018.088 But as for him who
believeth and doeth right, good will be his reward, and We shall speak unto
him a mild command.
Thumma 'Atba`a Sababan 018.089 Then he followed a road
atta 'Idh Balagha Mata li`a Ash-Shamsi Wajadah Tata luhu `Ala Qawmin
Lam Naj`al Lahum Min Dnih Sitran 018.090 Till, when he reached the
rising-place of the sun, he found it rising on a people for whom We had
appointed no shelter therefrom.
Kadhlika Wa Qad 'Ata n Bim Ladayhi Khubran 018.091 So (it
was). And We knew all concerning him.
Thumma 'Atba`a Sababan 018.092 Then he followed a road
atta 'Idh Balagha Bayna As-Saddayni Wajada Min Dnihim Qawman
L Yakdna Yafqahna Qawlan 018.093 Till, when he came
between the two mountains, he found upon their hither side a folk that
scarce could understand a saying.
Ql Y Dhl Al-Qarnayni 'Inna Ya'jja Wa Ma'jja Mufsidna F Al-'Ardi
Fahal Naj`alu Laka Kharjan `Ala 'An Taj`ala Baynan Wa Baynahum
Saddan 018.094 They said: O Dhu'l-Qarneyn! Lo! Gog and Magog are
spoiling the land. So may we pay thee tribute on condition that thou set a
barrier between us and them ?
Qla M Makkanan Fhi Rabb Khayrun Fa'a`nn Biqwatin 'Aj`al
Baynakum Wa Baynahum Radman 018.095 He said: That wherein my
Lord hath established me is better (than your tribute). Do but help me with
strength (of men), I will set between you and them a bank.
'tn Zubara Al-addi
Fam As t` 'An Yadharhu Wa M Astat ` Lahu Naqban 018.097
And (Gog and Magog) were not able to surmount, nor could they pierce (it).
Qla Hdh Ramatun Min Rabb
Wa Tarakn Ba`dahum Yawma'idhin Yamju F Bad
Wa Nufikha F As
sri Fajama`nhum Jam`an 018.099 And on that day we shall let
some of them surge against others, and the Trumpet will be blown. Then
We shall gather them together in one gathering.
Wa `Aradn Jahannama Yawma'idhin Lilkfirna `Ardan 018.100 On that
day we shall present hell to the disbelievers, plain to view,
Al-Ladhna Knat 'A`yunuhum F Ghit 'in `An Dhikr Wa Kn L
Yasta t`na Sam`an 018.101 Those whose eyes were hoodwinked from
My reminder, and who could not bear to hear.
'Afaasiba Al-Ladhna Kafar 'An Yattakhidh `Ibd Min Dn 'Awliy'a
'Inn 'A`tadn Jahannama Lilkfirna Nuzulan 018.102 Do the
disbelievers reckon that they can choose My bondmen as protecting friends
beside Me ? Lo! We have prepared hell as a welcome for the disbelievers.
Qul Hal Nunabbi'ukum Bil-'Akhsarna 'A`mlan 018.103 Say: Shall We
inform you who will be the greatest losers by their works ?
Al-Ladhna dhalla Sa`yuhum F Al-ayati Ad-Duny Wa Hum Yasabna
'Annahum Yusinna sun`an 018.104 Those whose effort goeth
astray in the life of the world, and yet they reckon that they do good work.
'la'ika Al-Ladhna Kafar Bi'yti Rabbihim Wa Liq'ihi Faabi tat
'A`mluhum Fal Nuqmu Lahum Yawma Al-Qiymati Waznan
018.105 Those are they who disbelieve in the revelations of their Lord
and in the meeting with Him. Therefor their works are vain, and on the Day
of Resurrection We assign no weight to them.
Dhlika Jaz'uuhum Jahannamu Bim Kafar Wa Attakhadh 'yt Wa
Rusul Huzan 018.106 That is their reward: hell, because they
disbelieved, and made a jest of Our revelations and Our messengers.
'Inna Al-Ladhna 'man Wa `Amil As sliti Knat Lahum Janntu
Al-Firdawsi Nuzulan 018.107 Lo! those who believe and do good works,
theirs are the Gardens of Paradise for welcome,
Khlidna Fh L Yabghna `Anh iwalan 018.108 Wherein they will
abide, with no desire to be removed from thence.
Qul Law Kna Al-Baru Middan Likalimti Rabb Lanafida Al-Baru
Qabla 'An Tanfada Kalimtu Rabb Wa Law Ji'n Bimithlihi Madadan
018.109 Say: Though the sea became ink for the Words of my Lord,
verily the sea would be used up before the words of my Lord were
exhausted, even though We brought the like thereof to help.
Qul 'Innam 'An Basharun Mithlukum Ya 'Ilayya 'Annam 'Ilahukum
'Ilahun Widun