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Quantitative Methods

Class of Course Code Credit : 2013 : SL RM 501 : 3 Academic Year Semester Sessions : First :I : 30

To equip students with the essential concepts, tools and techniques necessary for robust managerial decision making. REFERENCE BOOKS Statistics for Management 7 e Quantitative Methods Quantitative Techniques for Management Decisions 2nd e Quantitative Methods for Business 9th e Business Statistics 4th e Quantitative Analysis for Management 10th e

AUTHOR / PUBLICATION Levin, Richard I./ Rubin, David S. PrenticeHall - New Delhi IUP Srivastava, U K et al. New Age International Pub - 2003 Anderson, David R et al. South-Western Educational Publishing 2003 Levine, David M et al. Pearson Education. Delhi Barry, Render et al. Prentice Hall of India Type II Errors, One Tailed and Two Tailed Tests, One Sample Tests, Hypothesis Testing of Means when Population Standard Derivation is Known and when Unknown, Hypothesis Testing of Proportions for Large Samples. Two Sample Tests for Equality of Means for Large and Small Samples, Equality of Means for Dependant Samples, Difference between Proportions for Large Samples. Chi-Square: Chi Square Test of Independence. and Goodness of fit. . Analysis of Variance (One Way Anova): Test for Equality of Means. Inference about a population variance and about two population variances. Bivariate analysis: Bivariate correlation and regression, Coefficient of determination, assumptions in the regression model, tests of significance for the correlation and regression coefficients. Time Series Analysis: Components of Time Series, Trend Analysis- Moving Average, Fitting linear and second degree trends, Seasonal Variation (Computing using Ratio to Trend Method), Cyclical Variation. Irregular Variation, Problems Involving All Four

Detailed Syllabus
Basic concepts of scales of measurement-Nominal, ordinal, interval, and ratio scales. Review of central tendencies dispersion. Probability and Probability Distributions: Basic Concepts of Probability: Addition theorem, Multiplication theorem, Bayes theorem, Random Variables, Expected Value, Binomial, Poisson and Normal Distributions Sampling and Sampling Distributions: Population and Samples, Parameters and Statistics, Types of Sampling: Simple Random, Stratified, Systematic and Cluster Sampling, Sampling Distributions, Standard Errors, Sampling from Normal and Nonnormal Populations, Central Limit Theorem, Finite Population Multiplier Estimation: Point and Interval Estimation, Estimator and Estimates, Confidence Intervals, Interval Estimates of Mean and Proportion from Large Samples, Interval Estimation Using t Distribution, Sample Size for Estimating Means and Proportions Testing of Hypotheses: Basic Concepts, Type I and

Components of Time Series. Decision Trees: Decision Tree Analysis-Expected value under risk, under perfect information, and under sample information. Linear Programming, Transportation and Assignment problems: Formulating Linear Programming Problems, Graphical approach, Formulation of Transportation and Assignment problems, Solutions using Excel solver and other softwares.

ICICI Banks Get up to 100% Cash Back offer Real Foods Solnyx Pharmaceuticals: The Atoxeril Clinical Trial Care Hygiene Hindustan Foods Roja Silks Ram Publishers Alexander Machine Company Best Fibre Lakshmi Engines (Source: Case Studies in Management Volume VI) Exercises Students will be given exercises to be solved using SPSS/EXCEL Software.

Suggested Schedule of Sessions

Topic Scales of Measurement, Review of central tendencies dispersion. Probability and Probability Distributions (including case discussion) Sampling and Sampling Distribution (including case discussion) Estimation Testing hypothesis (including case discussion) Chi- Square (including case discussion) Analysis of Variance Bivariate Correlation and Regression (including case discussion) Time Series Analysis Decision Trees (including case discussion) Linear Programming, Transportation and Assignment Problems (including case discussion) Total No. of Sessions 2 4 3 2 4 2 2 2 3 2 4


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