Program Need Analysis Questionnaire For DTK Program

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PROGRAMME MARKET SURVEY The purpose of this questionnaire is to survey on the job demand and graduates marketability of: Diploma in Electronic Engineering (Computer) - DTK Politeknik Kota Kinabalu, MINSTRY OF HIGHER EDUCATION MALAYSIA
Dear Sir / Madam; As part of the requirement for development of new programmes, Politeknik Kota Kinabalu will have to seek invaluable industry views on the content, career opportunities and graduates attributes. We are indeed honoured to have your esteemed company and one of the key industry players in Malaysia in giving such an input. This short questionnaire comprised of; i) Contents of programme and its relevance to needs of organisations ii) Career opportunities iii) Relevancy of the programme educational objectives (PEO) and learning outcomes (PLO) iv) Overall comments v) Appendix By that, with all due respect, you have been chosen as one the respondent in this survey. Thereby, you are asked to fulfill this questionnaire and hopefully you answered all the questions with SINCERE and HONEST. All the answers given are NEUTRAL (there is no correct or wrong answer) and all the information given are CONFIDENTIAL. Politeknik Kota Kinabalu would like to extend our sincere thanks for your support in responding to this questionnaire / interview, and should you need further information of our programme, please do not hesitate to contact: Pengarah Politeknik Kota Kinabalu Jalan Politeknik, 88450 Kota Kinabalu, Sabah. Tel: 088 499980, Fax: 088 499960 u/p : Tn. Hj. Hasnim Bin Harun hp: 012-5298155, e-mail : [email protected]

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PART A: CONTENTS OF PROGRAMME AND ITS RELEVANCE TO NEEDS OF ORGANISATIONS (Please refer to Appendix 2. Curriculum Programme Structure to answer questions Part I).
Leave blank for researcher

State the type of organization / industry: 1A. 2A. Locally owned organisation / industry Foreign owned organisation / industry

Fulfilment of Theory and Concept: 3A. Does the programme fulfil the basic theory knowledge required in the related discipline? Fully Partially None Does the programme fulfil the basic practical skills required in the related discipline? Fully Partially None Are the theory knowledge used relevant to the current situation? Yes No Are the practical skills used relevant to the current situation? Yes No





Do the courses contribute to the strength of the programme? Yes No

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Does the proposed programme cover all relevant courses? Yes No If no, please indicate other additional areas that need to be covered by the programme?


Are there any courses that are not relevant in the programme? Yes No If yes, what are the courses that need to be omitted /deleted?

10A. State whether the programme fulfils these criteria: Fully a. Specialization Area b. Currency Technology c. ICT Skills Market / Industry Relevant Partially None Remark (if any)



Is this programme sufficient in term of length of study (3 years for Diploma): Yes No Not sure If no, please suggest the appropriate length of study duration and explain your suggestion.

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12A. Is this programme sufficient in term of Duration of Industrial Training (5 months or 1 semester for Diploma): Yes No Not sure If no, please suggest the appropriate duration of Industrial Training and explain your suggestion.

PART B: CAREER OPPORTUNITIES 1B. What are the main areas of business of your company? Design & Manufacturing Servicing Retail and Management Consultancy Others: Please Specify 2B. How long has your company been in operation? Under construction Less than 1 year More than 1 year but less than 5 years More than 5 years


Number of employees: Less than 10 10 100 101 1000 More than 1000 My company need: 60% theory knowledge & 40% skilled workers 50% theory knowledge & 50% skilled workers 40% theory knowledge & 60% skilled workers


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My company prefers graduates: Diploma Others: Please Specify

Advance Diploma



My company prefers graduates with specialization in: Engineering Business and Commerce Hospitality and Tourism Others: Please Specify

PART C: RELEVANCY OF THE PROGRAMMES EDUCATIONAL OBJECTIVES (PEOs) AND PROGRAMME LEARNING OUTCOMES (PLOs) The objective of this programme is to produce diploma graduates with the attributes described in the PEOs and PLOs of the programme below. It is important that these attribute matches with the competency and job requirements. 1C. Programme Educational Objectives (PEOs) or Programme Aims (PAI). PEOs/PAI can be defined as the specific goals consistent with the mission and vision and are responsive to the expressed interest of programme stakeholders describing expected achievements of graduates in their career and professional life after graduation. By referring to Appendix 1: Programme Overview, PEO and PLO. In your opinion, are the PEOs suitable to produce the right graduates for the market? [Please circle where applicable] Highly Not Relevant 1

Highly Relevant 2 3 4 5

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Programme Learning Outcomes (PLOs). PLOs can be defined as statements that describe what students are expected to know and be able to perform or attain by the time of graduation. These relate to the skills, knowledge, and behaviours that student acquire through the programme. By referring to Appendix 1: Programme Overview, PEO and PLO. In your opinion, are the listed PLOs suitable to produce the right graduates for the market? [Please circle where applicable] Highly Not Relevant 1

Highly Relevant 2 3 4 5

Outcome of the Programme 3C. In your opinion, will this programme be able to produce the right graduates for the labour market? Yes No If YES, please elaborate:

If NO, please elaborate:

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PART D: THE COMPANYS FUTURE TREND / EXPECTATION AND OVERALL COMMENTS Please give your opinion about your expectation of the new technology development will be made in your industries area in the next 5 to 10 years. Elaborate your future expectation on: 1D. Knowledge :






We would like to seek your overall perspective on the programme. Please indicate whether you agree or disagree. Agree


Name Designation Companys Stamp

: : :

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