maximum principal stress theory and von-mises-henky theory 2. A transmission of shaft made C45 steel subjected to a fluctuating torque varying from -100Nm to +500Nm. Also a fluctuating bending moments acts on the shaft which varies from +500Nm to -500Nm. Let the stress concentration factor be 2. The shaft is machined for a FOS 1.5. Determine the required dia of shaft. 3. A circular bar is simply supported with a span of 0.5m & is subjected to a concentrated cyclic load at mid span. The load varies from a min value of 20KN to max value of 45KN. The load 3 direction is transverse to the shaft axis. Decide upon the dia of bar taking FOS of 1.5 and factor of 0.85 and 0.89 respectively for size effect and surface finish. Take often following values foe material properties. Ultimate strength 650N/mm2 , Yield strength 450N/mm2 ,Endurance strength 350N/mm2 4. A steel member is subjected to a 3-D stress system and resulting principal stress are 120N/mm2 tension, 80N/mm2 & 40N/mm2 compression. If the proportional limit of the material in simple tension is 280N/mm2 and its poisons ratio is 0.3. determine the FOS according to (a)Max principal stress theory (b)Max principal strain & maximum shear stress theory. 5. An electric generator rotates at 200rpm and receives 300KW from the driving engine. The armature of generator is 60cm long and located between bearing 120cm centre to centre. Owing to the combined weight of armature and magnetic pull, the shaft is subjected to 9000kg acting at right angles to the shaft. The ultimate stress for the shaft is 4480kg/cm2 and shear stress is 3920kg/cm2 . find the dia of shaft for FOS of 6 6. Design a cast iron protective type flange coupling transmit 15KW at 900rpm from an electric motor to a compressor. The service factor may be assumed as 1.35. the following permissible stress may be used: shear stress for shaft, bolt & key material 30Mpa, crushing stress for bolt and key 80Mpa, shear stress for cast iron 8Mpa. 7.Design and sketch protective type C.I flange coupling transmit 10KW at 250rpm. The permissible stress for key, shaft bolt as 50N/mm2 . take crushing stress as 90N/mm2 and shear stress for C.I as 14N/mm2 . Assume max torque is 30% higher than mean torque 8. A steam of effective dia 300mm is subjected to a steam pressure of 1.5N/mm2 . The cylinder head is connected by 8 bolts having yield point 330Mpa and endurance limit at 240Mpa. The bolts are tightened with an initial per load 1.5 times the steam load. A soft copper gasket is used to make the joint leak proof. Assuming FOS 2, find engine size of bolt required. The stiffness factor for copper gasket may be taken as 0.5 9. A line shaft rotating at 200rpm is to transmit 20KW power. The allowable shear stress foe the shaft material is 42 N/mm2 . If the shaft carries a centre load of 900N & is simply supported between bearing 3m apart determine the dia of shaft. The max tensile or comp stress is not to exceed 56N/mm2
10. A plate 75mm wide and 10mm thick is joined with another plate by a single transverse weld and double parallel fillet. The joint is subjected to a max tensile force of 55KN. The permissible tensile & shear stress are 70Mpa & 50Mpa respectively. Find the length of each parallel fillet weld 11. A plate 100m wide and 12.5 thick is to be welded to another plate by means of two parallel fillet welds. The plates are subjected to a load of 50KN. Find the length of the weld so that the max stress does not exceed 56N/mm2 (do the calculation under static loading) 12. A gas engine valve spring is to have a mean dia 37.5mm. the max load will have to sustain is 450n with a corresponding deflection of 12.5mm. the spring is to be subjected to repeated loading and fatigue must be considered a low working stress of 300N/mm2 will be used. Find the size for the wire and number of coil used. Take rigidity of modulus as 0.8x105 N/mm2 13.A closely coil helical spring is made of 10mm dia steel wire, the coil consisting of 10 complete turns with a mean dia of 120mm. the springs carries an axial pull of 200N. Determine also deflection in spring, its stiffness and strain energy stored by it if the modulus of rigidity of the materil is 89KN/mm2 14. A semi elliptical leaf spring of 1m long and is required to resist a load of 50KN. The spring has 15 leaves of which three are full length leaves. The width of central band is 100mm. all the leaves are to be 420Mpa. The ratio of total depth to width is 3. Take E=2.1x105 Mpa. Determine (a)thickness and width of the leaves (b) the initial gap that should be provided between the full lengths and graduated leaves before assembly (c) the load exerted on the band for the assembly 15. Design of leaf spring for truck to the following specification: max load on the spring 140KN , no of spring 4, material for spring is chromium vanadium steel. Permissible tensile stress 600N/mm2 max number of leaves = 10, span of spring 100mm, permissible deflection 80mm, youngs modulus of the spring 200N/mm2 16. Design a journal bearing for a centrifugal pump from the following data: load on the journal 20000N, speed of the journal 900rpm, type of oil is SAE10, for which the absolute viscosity at 550 C = 0.017kg/ms, ambient temperature of oil is 15.50 C, max bearing pressure for the pump 1.5N/mm2 . Calculate also mass rise of temperature of oil be limited to 100 C, heat dissipation coefficient is 1232W/m2 /0C 17.A 150 dia shaft supporting a load of 10KN has a speed of 1500rpm. The shaft run in whose bearing length is 0.15mm and the absolute viscosity of the oil at the operating temp is 0.011 kg/m-s. find the power wasted in friction. 18. A full journal bearing of 50mm dia and 100mm long has a bearing pressure of 1.4N/mm2. The speed of the journal is 900rpm and the ratio of journal dia to diametric clearance is 1000. The bearing is lubricated with oil, whose absolute viscosity at the operating temperature of 750C may be taken as 0.011kg/m-s. the room temperature is 350C. Find (a) amount of artificial cooling required (b) the mass of lubricating oil required, it the difference between the outlet and inlet temperature of oil is 100C. take specific heat of oil as 1850J/kg/0C 19. The turning moment diagram of a multi cylinder engine is drawn with a scale of (1mm=10) on the
abscissa and (1mm=250Nm) on the ordinate. The intercepted between the torque developed by the engine and the mean resisting torque of the machine, taken in order from one are -350, +800, -600, +900,-550,+450,-650mm2. The engine is running at a mean speed fluctuation is limited to 0.02. A rimmed flywheel made of grey cast iron FG 200(density=7100kg/m3) is provided. The spokes, shaft, hub are assumed to contribute10% of the required moment of inertia. The rim has rectangular cross section and the ratio of width to thickness is 1.5. Determine the dimension of the rim.