Diagnosis and Testing - I (Auto Engines)
Diagnosis and Testing - I (Auto Engines)
Diagnosis and Testing - I (Auto Engines)
Engine Trouble Shooting: Causes for the different troubles and their remedial measures. Procedure of decarbonising of the engine, Procedure of major and miner Tune-Up, Difference between major and minor overhaul of the engine. Engine Performance Testing: Types of dynamometer, working principle, merits and limitations. Engine power measurements and related terms, Determination of I.H.P., B.H.P., F.H.P. and torque. Computation of various efficiencies, mean effective pressure, specific fuel consumption, Plotting of the graphs and inter-petition of the data from the graph. Morse Test on I.C. Engine, Heat Balance Sheet.
Reference Books:
Sr. No. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. Name of Books Automobile Mechanics Automotive Engines Theory & Servicing Auto Engines Audels auto guide Automobile Engineering Automobile Technology Auto Diagnosis and tune-up Diesel equipment I Diesel equipment II Author W. H. Crouse James D. Halderman Venk & Spicer Audels R. B. Gupta N.K Giri J. A. Johnsen Erich J. Schulz Erich J. Schulz