FCCP University Question Paper
FCCP University Question Paper
FCCP University Question Paper
(OR) b) i) Explain about structures and unions suitable examples. ii) Write notes on Pointers.
(8) (8)
B.E./B.Tech DEGREE EXAMINATION, APRIL / MAY 2009 First Semester CS 16 FUNDAMENTALS OF COMPUTING AND PROGRAMMING (Regulation 2008) Time: Three hours Maximum: 100 Marks Answer ALL questions PART A (10 X 2 = 20 marks) (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) Why computer is known as data processor? What is cache memory? How is it different from primary memory? Different between web page and web site. What is the difference between interpreter and compiler? What are the rules for pseudocode? Write algorithm to print biggest of three numbers. What is the purpose of main()? What is an argument? Differentiate between formal arguments and actual arguments. How a variable is declared to be a pointer? Why use arrays? PART B (5X16=80marks) 11 a) i) Explain in detail the characteristics of Computers. ii) Discuss in detail the classification of computers. (OR) b)Write short notes on: i) Menory of a computer ii) Secondary storage devices. 12 a) Discuss about the different steps involved in the software development. (OR) b) How the software are classified? Explain each with relevant example. (8) (8)
13.a) What is the difference between an algorithm and pseudocode? Also write an Algorithm and pseudocode for solving a quadratic equation. (16) (OR) b) i) Explain any eight formatting features with suitable example. (8) ii) Explain application of software packages. (8) 14. a) Describe various data types in C. b) Describe any four I/O statement of C. (OR) c) Draw a flowchart and write a C program to print student grade using structure. (8+8) (16)
15. a) Write C program to read and write employee and their data of joining using nested structure. (16) (OR) b) i) Describe what is meant be passing by reference. Explain with your own example. ii) Describe how to declare two dimensional array using pointers. And write a for loop to store information and later modification to the declared pointer. (8+8)
B.E./B.Tech DEGREE EXAMINATION, JANUARY / FEBRUARY 2009 First Semester Civil Engineering GE 2112 FUNDAMENTALS OF COMPUTING AND PROGRAMMING (Regulation 2008) Time: Three hours Maximum: 100 Marks Answer ALL questions PART A (10 X 2 = 20 marks 1. What are the factors needed to classify computers? 2. Write the binary and octal equivalent of hexadecimal number 7BD. 3. What is IP Address? 4. List the different types of software. 5. What is pseudo code? 6. List any four office packages. 7. Distinguish between While..Do and DoWhile statement in C. 8. Write a C program to print the number 10 ten times, the number 9 nine times and so on. 9. Write a C function to check whether the given year is leap or not. 10. Write any two different between structures and union. PART B (5X16=80marks) 11.a) i) Explain different types of computers. ii) Discuss about the evolution of computers. (OR) b) With suitable diagram, explain the basic organization of computers. 12. a) Explain the step involved in software developments with suitable example. (OR) b) i) Discuss the services provided by the internet. ii) Describe the basic Internet terminologies used. 13. a) i) Write algorithm to print the Fibonacci series: (0,1,1,2,3,5,8,13,) ii) Draw a flowchart to add two matrices. (OR) b) i) Write a pseudo code for calculating compound interest. ii) Write the uses of flowchart and algorithm with suitable examples. 14.a) Explain different data types in C with suitable examples. (OR) b) i) Write a C program to count the letters in a sequence of characters. ii) Write the use of switch case construct with its syntax and an example. 15. a) i) Write a C program to concatenate two strings. ii) Discuss about pointers and its use in C. (OR) b) i) Explain about structure declaration in C with suitable example. ii) Discuss about preprocessor facility in C. (8) (8) (16) (16) (8) (8) (8) (8) (8) (8) (16) (8) (8) (8) (8) (8) (8)
B.E./B.Tech DEGREE EXAMINATION, JANUARY / FEBRUARY 2009 First Semester 080230001 FUNDAMENTALS OF COMPUTING AND PROGRAMMING (Regulation 2008) Time: Three hours Maximum: 100 Marks Answer ALL questions PART A (10 X 2 = 20 marks 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. Give any two tasks which humans perform better than computers. What is the use of computers in medicine and healthcare? Convert the binary number 100110 in to its octal equivalent. What are registers? Distinguish between application software and system software. What is soft loading? What are the steps involved in booting? Distinguish between graphical browsers and text browsers. What are the disadvantages of assembly language? What are the features of a good programming language? What is a loader? What are its basic tasks? What is a ternary operator? Give an example. What is use of break statement in C. List the rules for defining variable in c. What is an identifier? Give any two example for an identifier. Write a C program to print the following pattern. 0 101 21 0 1 2 17. Is it possible to refer to the elements of an array by using pointer natation? If so, give an example. 18. What will the output of the following program be? #include<stdio.h> main() { charname[15]=mountain; printf(%s/n ,name); printf(%55\n,name); printfi %8s\n,name); printf(%-10.4s,name); } 19. What is recursion? Give its applications. 20. What are the advantages of pointers? PART B (5X16=80marks) 21. a) Explain the various loop structure available in C. (6) b) Write a C program using a user-defined function to sort numbers in descending order. (6) 22. Explain in detail how an array can be passed as a parameter in a user-defined function. Illustrate your answer with an example program. (12)
23. Explain in detail about the different generations of computers. (12) 24. a) Explain briefly about the evolution of the internet. (8) b) Define URL.Give its basic structure with an example. (4) 25. a) Explain the various steps involved in the program development cycle. (8) b) Give the advantage and limitations of (4) i) Flowchart ii) Pseudocode 26 a) Explain briefly the various chargacteristics of computers. (6) b) Explain briefly about the following classes of computers: (6) i) Mainframe computers ii) Super computers 27. a) Write a C program to check if a given number is a prime number. (6) b) Write a C program to convert the number of years represented by an integer into the following units of time: (6) i) Minutes ii) Hours iii) Days iv) Months v) Seconds Use switch() statement.State the assumption in your program. 28. a) The following program was intended to interchange the values assigned to two integer variables. #include <stdio.h> void swap(int x, int y) { int p,q; p=x; q=y; x=q; y=p; } void main( ) { int a=5; int b=3; swap(a,b); printf(%d %d\n, a,b); } What will be the output of this program? Explain why the program will not give the desired output. (6)
b) How will you modify the program so that the values are interchanged in the function swap( ) and are displayed in the function main( )? (6)
ANNA UNIVERSITY COIMBATORE B.E./B.Tech DEGREE EXAMINATIONS: JANUARY / FEBRUARY 2010 REGULATIONS: 2008:First Semester 080230001 FUNDAMENTALS OF COMPUTING AND PROGRAMMING (COMMON TO ALL BRANCHES) Time: Three hours Maximum: 100 Marks PART A (20 X 2 = 40 marks) ANSWER ALL QUESTIONS 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. Differentiate between analog and digital computers. Give the full form of ENIAC and EDVAC. Find the decimal equivalent of the hexadecimal number 4D.C8. Convert hexadecimal number into binary equivalent of EBC. Differentiate between machine language and high level language. Difference between Compiler and Interpreter. What is an ISP? What are the services provided by ISP? What is the difference between web page and website? Define an algorithm. What are the characteristics necessary for a sequence of instructions to qualify 10. What are the various basic symbols used in flowcharting? Give their practical representation. 11. Give the output of the following code: float c=34.78650; printf (%6.2f,c); 12. What is a word processing package? List out some of the key features supported by Modern word processing packages. 13. What are the different between constant and variable? 14. Differentiate between local and global variables. 15. Compare Structure with Union. Give Example. 16. What are the various types of operators supported by C? 17. What is meant by recursion? 18. List out the differences between call by value and call by reference? 19. What is an array? What are the classifications of arrays? 20. List the common preprocessor directives. PART-B (5X12=60 Marks) ANSWER ANY FIVE QUESTIONS 21. With a neat block diagram explain the basic organization of a computer and list out the functions performed by each unit. 22. a) Explain briefly about the various classifications of computers. (6) b) Explain about the different generations of computers. (6) 23. a) Explain the various steps involved in the program development cycle. (8) b) List out the important characteristics of computers. (4) 24. a) Name some of the basic services provided by the internet. Explain how each of these services help the internet users. (6) b) Short notes about the evolution of the internet. (6) 25. a) What are the various guidelines to be followed while drawing a flowchart? Discuss the advantages and limitations of flowcharting. (8) b) Draw the flowchart to check whether the given number is prime or not. (4) 26. a) Short notes about the sequence control structures and selection control structures. (6)
b) What do your mean by pseudo code? Write the pseudo code to add up all the even numbers between 0 and 100 and print the result. (6) 27. Write the syntax and examples for decision making statements such as if, switch and looping statements such as for, while, do-while. (12) 28. a) Write a C program to calculate the factorial of an integer number. (6) b) Write a C program to check whether the given number is even or odd. (6)