Discourse Community-3rd Draft

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Stowe 1 Pamela Stowe Megan Keaton English 111-11 09 July 2013 Discourse Community When dealing with child

care communities there are many variations in how this community may operate. In this community the participants are children, parents, staff members and directors. The ages of the people in the community varies from 6 weeks old to possibly 60 years of age. Both male and female genders are present in this community. Appearances are not the same for each member in this community because it is very diverse. Among the staff members smocks or uniforms are the most commonly articles of clothing chosen. Smocks are used to cover an outfit. The uniform is used to keep from wearing the employees normal clothing. However, the director, children and parents of this community wears whatever they want. These people may want to wear pants, shorts, dresses or skirts. Everyone in the child care community has a role to play. Directors must be dedicated, focused and well organized. The role of a director can be complex because of the numerous responsibilities they must handle. There are three main areas of focus for a director and they are leadership, management and coaching. As a director being a leader involves continuous improvement on services provided for children, staying focused on the vision for the program and relying on their personally gained professional wisdom in the field of early childhood education. As a director the role of management will consist of observing staff to make sure they are fulfilling their responsibilities, focus on daily operations in the center, and engage with families to maintain levels of satisfaction. Directors actively monitor income and expenditures of

Stowe 2 the center to ensure financial health. As a director the coaching role provides all staff members with access to technical assistance and professional development. Through coaching the director is able to acknowledge each staff members strength and weaknesses. Through monitoring the staff members daily performances this will help the director reach the goal of providing quality child care as well as carry her team forward. Directors must focus on five main areas of competence and five main areas of personal characteristics to help them become a successful extraordinary leader. Lead Teachers are adults whose primary responsibilities are to implement the programs mission, philosophy, and to attain program goals and leadership roles. As a mentor they are held accountable to be able to communicate respectfully, kindly, and consistently with children and their families. These employees must observe strict rules of confidentiality to protect children and their families regardless if it is dealing with behavior, nationally or personal family issues. The faculty members oversee a group of children that has maximum size in each classroom. An assistant teacher works closely with and is supervised by a Lead Teacher. Together the two will work in one classroom with the same children. Qualified assistants may relieve educators as they go on breaks or substitute for the day if the individual is absent. The parents in this community are to oversee and protect their children while away from the childcare facility. The parents are responsible for paying the tuition of their child. The parents are expected to help the child navigate weekly and help them stay on track with their educational learning. It is imperative for the parent to support the growth development, learning and partnership between them and their childs day care. teachers and parents to accomplish this goal. Community Outreach is a way for

Stowe 3 The children from this community are simply to be involved in a loving atmosphere surrounded by great care givers. The children will learn many new things as well as enjoy healthy meals three times a day and plenty of exercise in the fresh air. These children will enjoy exploring items and playing in centers like the manipulative center, art center, dramatic play center and the music area. The children may also want to simulate their minds in the sensory/science center or the cozy book center. Community goals of childcare are simple. The number one rule on the list is safety followed DAP (Developmentally Appropriate Practices), and strong anti-bias curriculum. All children must be in a safe environment at all times. Fire drill and tornado drills are practiced twice a month to make sure the children know what to do if a disaster were to occur. Qualified First Aid and CPR participants are a must in this community. Thoroughly educating the children are based upon the age of the child and how much of a readiness the have to learn. The childrens strengths, needs and interest play a huge role in this academic decision. Directors may determine their choice of curriculum will be Reggio Emilio because the needs of the children are more of hands on atmosphere. Clean hands, faces and bottoms are very important to stop the spread of germs. Healthy and fit children are two very important goals as well. Having fun will never be left out in this community goal. Placing a smile on the face of a child is very important. Newsletters, email, websites and some texting are all genres of writing. The director creates the newsletter and approves any outside information before entering it. The emails and the websites are designed to be formal. There is no slang terminology, profanity or incomplete sentences used when form of genre is used. When employees or parents of the community receives an email it is usually about PTO days, scheduled training confirmations, volunteer confirmations, parent workshop dates or information about tuition payments. The website is

Stowe 4 more business oriented and is a way of advertisement for future customers. The website will allow people of the community to access enrollment forms, update outdated information, submit information or make online payment transactions. All participants involved such as directors, lead teachers, assistant teachers, parents and children have access to read the useful information. The newsletter and texting seems to be the most popular form of genre in this community. Each newsletter explains what is to be expected from every child, teacher and parent each week. The parent will know what the child is learning, how they are playing, where they are going and what celebration takes place that month. These informal genres of writing are amusing yet informational. In the newsletter children of the community are allowed to give shout outs to their parents, post creative work, give feedback from a particular fieldtrip or announce their birthday for that month. The parents and the faculty appreciate the serviceability of texting. The two may communicate with one word questions and answers. Inquire about the childs day regardless if it is good or bad. They may insert smileys, send photos, or short videos via text messaging. The community of child care needs the genre of websites, email, newsletters and texting. Although each form of genre is different it addresses individual audience members needs. Together these genres of writing help to factor one common goal of this community and that is ensuring the safety of a child. Dealing with the community of college people all has the same goal in mind. The goal of college is to further the educational needs, boost career standards so that it may be applied into daily ways of living. New faces are met for short periods of time throughout the day inside of a classroom. Students of this community attend class for weeks at a time and then move on to another semester of learning on a new subject. Everyone in the class room is an adult. Classes are taught thoroughly and repetitively if needed. The attire is usually casual. Many people

Stowe 5 choose to wear articles of clothing like jeans, cotton shirts, shorts, dresses and slacks. The genders are of male and female. The classroom will be diverse. The ages of the uprising scholars will be mixed. The classroom will have a maximum capacity of 27 adult students. There will be one instructor present among the pupils. In this English 111-11 class the role of Megan Keaton, the teacher, is to help individual students become better writers. She has been thoroughly educated in this field of expository writing. Helping undergrads learn the correct way of writing academically is an enormous responsibility. Megan created a detailed syllabus informing her pupils how to pass the class. All individuals must follow a syllabus daily. Some of the ways to past consist of turning in work on time, showing up for class daily, maintaining a blog, and class participation are needed in order to pass the class. Bringing class materials like paper, pencil, pen or laptops are useful in the classroom. Day Books and two writing text books are required to be brought to class daily. Discussions are conducted in a group manner and sometimes independent thinking time is given to each student. The atmosphere is free and the time is used wisely in the classroom. The goal of this community of college is to teach various forms of writing one by one. Some of these particular genres of writing will be needed by other teachers in subjects not relating to writing class. Megans forms of genre to her scholars are through blogging, moodle and email. The genre used most by this class is blogging. A blog account must be created and it is meant to expose individuals to a new way to reflect, learn and participate in class. The students must blog weekly about different post and explain why that post was the most important post of the week in order to receive credit. The blogging helps both parties communicate effectively. Megan is able to read and grade essays, daybook entries or reflections submitted by her pupils on the blog. The educator informs everyone on the assignment and explains it thoroughly. Peers

Stowe 6 interact with one another during class while topics of the day are being discussed among them. The instructor transfers the discussion onto her daily blog for students to utilize. If someone missed a day of class Megans Blog is there to keep them posted with updated information. Groups are often assembled in class to workshop hard copies of written first draft essays. Advice given about the written essay is usually acknowledged and corrections to the paper are made by each individual. Not all feedback will be useful for each person. However, workshopping is a way for peers to revise an essay before turning in a second draft to moodle or on the blog. The community is shaped from the academic world given by CPCC. Communications between the teachers, undergrads, and staff can be done through this website. People are able to enroll for classes, check student email, communicate with instructors and submit homework online. Instructors benefit from having access to sites like moodle and blackboard. These sites help build characteristics of the community because the genres of writing are used regularly by the teachers and pupils. The campus is a way to help build characteristics because it allows pupils and instructors access to a classroom setting while interacting with face to face teaching. The students may write on paper, use laptops or tablets to participate with an in class assignment. The instructor may use an overhead projection or the dry erase board as a form of writing. Together these forms of genre will complete this community and keep the number one goal alive of helping current and future scholars succeed in the world of academia. This community of college will have a high success rate of graduates if they continue to hire qualified teachers, maintain healthy financial assistants and offer various educational programs to help current and future students. The vision and mission of CPCC is being accomplished daily through determined scholars. This community has a specific need for academia and will be full filled by successfully educating every enrolled undergraduate.

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