The Scuttlebutt: F T C O
The Scuttlebutt: F T C O
The Scuttlebutt: F T C O
Dean B. Creed . . . . 843-971-1541 Brett J. Grooms . . . . . . . . 553-216 Tom Beauchemin . . . . . . 873-0363 Richard Daniel . . . . . . . . 556-8453 Brett J. Grooms . . . . . . . 553-2168 Joey Bokern . . . . . . . . . . 884-8616 Robert Lovinger . . . . . . . 762-6136 John Sikes . . . . . . . . . . . . 569-0994
727-0307 Dan Cowley . . . . . . . . . . 795-7053 Dean Creed . . . . . . . . . . . 971-1541 Tom Schmidt . . . . . . . . . 886-0500 Mike Ethridge
W. Brent Hepburn . . . . . 884-6625 Dom Zito . . . . . . . . . . . . 795-1012 Bob Orenstein . . . . . . . . . 821-0233 David Beaudrot . . . . . . . 552-2632 (no e-mail access) Marguerite Bishop . . . . . 766-1741 Barbara J. Yeatman . . . . 795-4149 Dick Clarke . . . . . . . . . . 849-9216 Dick Clarke . . . . . . . . . . 849-9216
Auxiliary publicity event for the local newspaper; recruited a top-notch CG Academy candidate; and served admirably in several other regards. Borrowing vernacular from some of my local friends, I have one thing to say about you folks: youre simply jam-up people! I am quite proud to be associated with you! I hope youre proud to mention (hopefully even boast a bit) to your friends, colleagues and acquaintances that the extent of service our organization provides to the boating community is second to none! Keep up the good work, and keep up your recruiting efforts. Keep spreading the word about the Auxiliarys cause, and when you find potential new members, invite them to a meeting. We always need a few more good volunteers. I trust all of you find the hours spent with the Auxiliarys missions rewarding on many fronts. One area well be focusing on throughout 2002 is the good ol fashioned fellowship front. To that end, please mark Sunday 05 May 2002 on your calendar. Well be getting together for a raft-up in Capers Inlet with members of Flotilla 12-6. Our two 2001 raft-ups were a lot of fun, and this year promises to continue that tradition!
Tom Schmidt, FSO-OP We have continued to perform all Safety Patrol Commitments and scheduled Helo Ops. Our flotilla is scheduled for both each and every Tuesday. Generally, the Safety Patrol portion of each Tuesday mission begins at approximately 1400 and the Helo ops commence at 1900. Iinterested parties have four basic options: Rendezvous with the Safety Patrol between approximately 1400-1530 and be put ashore at approximately l800. Rendezvous with the Safety Patrol between l400-1530 and remain on board throughout the Helo Ops. Rendezvous with the Safety Patrol at approximately l800 and participate in the Helo Ops. Dont participate at all. Any crew or coxswain qualified members who would like to help with our commitments, please contact Tom Schmidt at 886-0500.
Information contained in this newsletter is for official US Coast Guard and Coast Guard Auxiliary use only under the Privacy Act of 1974. The Auxiliary is guided by the current equal opportunity policies of the Commandant of the Coast Guard. No person shall be subject to discrimination in the Auxiliary or its programs because of race, color, religion, sex, age, national origin, or disability.
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The Scuttlebutt
April 2002
our Division and all of its Flotillas. Please join us in this effort to help take some of the load off of our brothers and sisters on the gold side, trying to keep those lights on out there!
Dean Creed, FSO-IS PLEASE READ THIS: AUXMIS, the Auxiliary Management Information System (the database system that used to track Auxiliarists and their efforts) no longer exists. AUXDATA is the name of the new system. The forms used with AUXDATA, particularly the forms used to report hours spent on Auxiliary tasks, have changed. The forms are not difficult to complete, but they are different, and require different information. Online form submission (completing the forms online and submitting directly to our Division IS Officer Don Davis) has been temporarily suspended. You must submit the forms to me, and I will submit them to our Don Davis, SO-IS for input into AUXDATA. To make it easier on you, and to reduce postage, you may email me the information contained on a given form, and I will review and submit it to Don Davis for input into AUXDATA. The new forms (nine so far, and counting) may be downloaded from the web site at . Its also easy to just complete them while online. A form with a Form Date of 3/02 or later is a new one. If you dont have internet access, or arent comfortable with this, free to contact me and Ill send you a hard copy of what you need. If you havent already done so, download the free Adobe Acrobat Reader version 5. If you need help doing this, please dont hesitate to contact me. (Be sure to remove any prior versions before installing the new one.) If you missed the brief Forms Workshop held at the March membership meeting, please attend the 11 April membership meeting, as I will review AUXDATA and the form completion and submission process again, as well as discuss how the changes have been working and recommendations on how to make it work best. When its all said and done, this really isnt a very big deal. The forms havent changed much after all!
Richard Daniel, FSO-PE We completed a BS&S Course in February with six students completing the final exam. This class was held off-site at Yeamans Park Presbyterian Church in Hanahan. We held and completed a BSC Course started in March with 14 people completing the exam. This class was held at the Coast Guard Base. Another BSC class is starting up on April 13th and 20th at 8:30AM on the base. Please give me a call if you would like to attend or know someone who would.
Dan Cowley, FSO-AN By the time you read this we will have completed our first of four quarterly Aids Verifier and other ATON/PATON related Saturday classroom and on-the-water training events. Mark Ratliff, DSOAN7, will have given half a dozen of us in Division 12 a two-hour lecture at Group Charleston and six hours of training on the Cooper River in Aids Verification, Discrepancy Reporting, Chart Updating, and so forth held Saturday 16 February from 1400 to 2200. We will continue with these in May, August, and November, as discussed in the last issue of the Scuttlebutt. The Charleston ANT team will also be offering us a small aids repair workshop at Group Charleston between March and May, with the time and date to be posted on our Division website as soon as it is confirmed. If you are a Coxswain and are not a qualified Aids Verifier, I would like to ask you to seriously consider strengthening your credentials afloat with this training before the end of this year. If you are Crew qualified, I would suggest you consider adding this credential to your Auxiliary resume. The Coast Guard and the boating public needs our help in this area too much for us not to give it a higher priority than it has been in recent years for
Marguerite Bishop, FSO-CM A class in AUXCOM was scheduled to take the exam at the end of March. Also, several members are studying the AUXWEA (Weather) course. All facility owners, (vessel and comms,) should use this quiet time to check the equipment on their facilities. Make sure its in good condition, in working order, and all is ready for the upcoming busy Season. There will be a meeting of all comms facility owners and all Comms. Certified Auxiliarists on Wednesday, 17 April at 1900 at Base Charleston. If you cant make it, Call me at 766-1741.
Marguerite Bishop Attention Fellow Auxiliarists, Regular Coast Guard and Reserves! We are going to try this again. Bowling at the Charleston Rifle Club on either Saturday or Sunday afternoon in April. Please call me (766-1741) and I will take a poll of those who want to go on Saturday and those who want to go on Sunday .Maybe we can get a group for both days. The same deal of three game set for $2.00 will
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hold. The ones who came the last time had a ball! We had 5- and 6-year olds bowling too, so get your family involved as well. Remember, call me ASAP.!!!!
The Scuttlebutt
April 2002
Flotilla publications. It would be most helpful if you would make your FCs aware of your support for the CGMA program. By that time each FC should have received campaign information packets for each member of his/her Flotilla. The ultimate success of this annual campaign is incumbent on the FCs distribution of these packets to each member. I realize this is a task added to the many other FC tasks! With the campaign packets in the hands of each member, I have no doubt that the 7th District will excel once again in helping those Coast Guard Family members in need. Please feel free to contact me for any further information you may need. My personal thanks to you and your Division members for your time and effort in furthering the PROUD TRADITION AND WORTHY MISSION of the 7th District, USCG Auxiliary.
Dom Zito, FSO-MS Thank you all for the great turnout at the March 13th membership meeting. The presentation by Lt Mahney and Lt Gorman seemed to be well received by all present. I have enjoyed working with both of them at MSO. They were very impressed with the attendance and the reception they received from our members. They told me they appreciated our questions and look forward to being invited to address any further interests we may have.
Bob Orenstein, FSO-PS I am happy to report that the Flotilla will be growing very quickly. There are five people in the New Member Course and another three or four transferring in from other flotillas. Amongst the new members are two former Coasties, one of whom should be grandfathered in as a Crewmember when his feet hit the ground. Through these folks, we will also be gaining several more facilities. Please welcome these new people into the flotilla. Theyll be wearing the red name tags at our meetings until such time as they have their uniforms, etc. Keep up the great work of talking the Auxiliary up. The more people we have, the more programs we can involve ourselves with and the more we can offer to the Coast Guard.
Brett Grooms, FSO-CS The Flotilla website is up and running again at Im busy trying to update to site so please keep checking back. The entire calendar for 2002 is posted so you can see what the Flotilla has in store for the year. Its continually changing, so be sure and check it periodically. I would also appreciate if you would send me links, articles, pictures and interesting tidbits that I can include in the site. As always help spread the word about the Website and even include it on your Auxiliary business cards.
John Sikes, FSO-PB Bob Kreilings article on QE requirements in this months issue of the Sheet Bend Pelorus said that members being tested for Crew and Coxswain qualifications and requalifications must Clove Hitch be able to tie knots listed in the manual. For help in this area, members may want to check out a web site on knot tying at . The knots illustrated on this British scouting site include those shown above as well as the Bowline, Square Knot, Figure Eight, and Timber Hitch, all of which are nice to know knots for the boater, in addition to many others. In order to help learning, the knots are animated, and may be repeated simply by clicking on the figures. This may make it easier for some members to learn this requirement.
Bob Lovinger, FSO-MT Crew qualification training began on Wednesday, 20 March, with a class of eight Auxiliarists. We are looking forward to having everyone complete the shoreside training as quickly as possible, then moving toward completing on-the-water training. Hopefully, all signoffs might be completed by June. Coxswain training has not been finalized but if anyone is interested, please contact Tom Schmidt or myself so that we can line up people who are Crew Qualified with mentors for this advanced and exciting program.
The greatest of all mistakes is to do nothing because you can only do a little. Do what you can.
Sydney Smith
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The Scuttlebutt
April 2002
Bob Orenstein requested that visitors introduce themselves. There were 5 visitors present. Following the introduction of visitors, Dean presented Bob Orenstein with his Aids Verifier designation, and Bob Lovingers boat was officially qualified as an operational facility. Upon a motion duly made and seconded, the Minutes of the February Membership Meeting were approved and accepted as written. Operational Patriot Readiness Dean reminded everyone that forms for OPR were needed from each member immediately. Forms are to be forwarded to Dean. Brett circulated a membership roster and requested that all members provide him with their month and day of birth. The following Staff Officer Reports were received AN Dan Cowley emphasized the need for more Aids Verifiers, and stated it is his goal for every Coxswain to become an Aids Verifier (AV) during 2002. The next AV class and patrol is scheduled for April 11th. Coast Guard Charlestons local ANT team will be holding a workshop on how to repair and maintain private aids. Dan will provide the date later. CM Marguerite Bishop reported that the Communications course is concluding on 25 March, with 5 people set to take the exam. CS Brett reported that the website is up but outdated. He is in the process of updating the site. MA Tom Beauchemin reported that there are a number of contact cards for Vessel checks. VE Dave Beaudrot reminded everyone of the two upcoming blitzes. He suggested that those who have a boat slip at a marina take contact cards to their respective marinas and invite people to have a
courtesy Vessel Examination. Five people have indicated interest in becoming Vessel Examiners (VE). Anyone interested in becoming a VE is invited to come and assist with paperwork at the upcoming blitzes. Upcoming blitzes are 23 March at Buzzards Roost beginning at 1000 and 30 March at the West Ashley Outboard Motor Club. PB Brett invited anyone interested to write an article for the newsletter to send submissions to John Sikes, FSO-PB. The flotilla needs material to continue to make newsletter as entertaining as possible. IS Dean will be updating the membership on some of the changes in forms and submission criteria. Dean indicated there are a lot of similarities between the old system and the new AUXDATA forms. OP Tom Schmidt mentioned that a Post & Courier reporter joined Tuesdays patrol, and there may be an article in this Sundays paper re the patrol and flotilla. Tom also mentioned that this flotillas patrol day is Tuesday. Anyone interested in going on patrol needs to call Tom. MT Bob Lovinger indicated that Crew training will start next Wednesday, 20 March at 1900. He also indicated that the flotilla may ask those taking the class to make a contribution to defray the cost of certain materials. PE Richard Daniel reported that 14 people just completed the BSC course. Another course will start in April. PS Bob Orenstein reported that there are five people in a new member program. Dean invited any potential members who are interested in Crew training to talk with Bob about starting with upcoming training. Bob Matthews and Brett Grooms received recognition for editing and updating BS&S materials from the Division Chief for Electronic Media. Both received certificates of appreciation.
Dom Zito, FSO-MS introduced LT Kelsey Gorman and LT James Mahney from MSO Charleston who presented a program on the Marine Safety Office for USCG Charleston. The primary mission of the MSO is to ensure the safety and environmental protection of waterways of Coastal Carolina down to the north shore of the South Edisto River. They indicated that the port of Charleston is the 4th busiest port in the US, and the 2nd busiest on the East coast. ( 2nd only to NY). LT Mahney provided some interesting statics: The USCG conducts a search and rescue mission every 8 minutes; cleans or prevents oil (or hazardous materials) spills every 30 minutes and saves a life every two hours. In South Carolina the USCG has saved 62 lives and $10 Million in property; has engaged in1200 vessel boardings at sea, and has conducted 946 Search and Rescue Operations. LT Gorman passed out a pamphlet on Homeland Security, and discussed how we can help. AUXDATA Dean handed out info re AUXDATA which will become operative on 15 March, and discussed forms associated with AUXDATA as well as the new requirements for submission. There will be a raft up with flotilla 12-6 on 5 May at Capers Inlet. Details will be provided at next months meeting. The meeting was adjourned at 2150.
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The Scuttlebutt
April 2002
May 1
8 Staff mtg 1730 Membership mtg 1900, Base Charleston 15 Scuttlebutt & Pelorus Deaadlines 22
June 1
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The Scuttlebutt
April 2002
floor of the Convention Center? The Old Salt was in the market for a boat some years ago and he knew it would likely cost more than his house so he developed a form based on reading, wishing, and guessing. This form is specific to his particular interests. Although it was aimed at a trawler, you can adapt it to your use. In addition to the ratings, he used a Polaroid camera to help his failing memory keep all that fiberglass straight and there is space on the back to take Polaroid snapshots and paste them to the form with two-faced tape. Remember, if you are out of two-faced tape, some boat dealer will have some; they invented being two-faced. Let The Old Salt know (through the editor) how you like the idea of this column and what topics interest you. (more to come....)
(Part Two)
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The Scuttlebutt
April 2002
Hanging Lockers: Drawers: Berth(s): Head: Ensuite Y/N Stall: Y/N Stowage: 1 2 3 4 5 Holding tank capacity: N/A N/A 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5 Cabin Aft: Y/N
Reefer Type: Freezer Separate: Y/N Type Counters: 1 2 3 4 5 Make: Make: Cabinet Stowage: N/A 1 2 3 4 5 N/A 1 2 3 4 5 Micro: Y/N Saloon Access: N/A 1 2 3 4 5 Capacity: Capacity: Pantry: Y/N Sink(s): 1 / 2
Oven: N/A 1 2 3 4 5
Dining Area: Seat # Pilot Berth: Y/N Helm Inst: N/A 1 2 3 4 5 Lower Helm Isolated: Y/N Tachs Y/N; Depth Y/N; Others Stowage: Y/N Wet Bar: Y/N View Port Material Helm Visibility: Synch Y/N; Log Y/N VHF Y/N; Stereo Y/N; Radar Y/N; TV Y/N; GPS Y/N; # Wipers
Table: W W
N/A 1 2 3 4 5
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The Scuttlebutt
April 2002
Dimensions: W Light and Ventilation Guest Cabin Hanging Lockers: Drawers: Berth(s) Head: Ensuite Y/N Stall: Y/N Stowage: 1 2 3 4 5 Holding tank capacity: N/A N/A 1 2 3 4 5 L Headroom Purpose
1 2 3 4 5
Security: Bulwarks: Y/N Height Throughbolted: Y/N Anchrs(s) # Lifelines: Height Double: Y/N Stanchion condition Weight(s) Windlass: Y/N
Rodes: Type(s) & Lengths Anchor Rode Locker Deck: Surface: Sidedecks: Teak Y/N; Port Y/N; Aft Fiberglass Y/N; Stbd Y/N; 1 2 3 Condition Cockpit Y/N 1 2 3 Radar Y/N
Helm: View: Fore 1 2 3 Insts: Compass Y/N; GPS Y/N Others Inst. Access: N/A Davits: Y/N Helm: Seat # Radar Arch: Y/N Loc.
Tachs Y/N;
Synch Y/N;
Alarms Y/N
1 2 3 4 5 Dinghy Stowage
Bimini Y/N
Enclosure Y/N
(to be continued)