The Scuttlebutt

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Jan. 2010 U.S. Coast Guard Auxiliary Scuttlebutt Flotilla 12-8, 7th District Charleston, South Carolina Vol. Vol.36, 35,No. No.1-January 3-March 2009 2010
Page 1

Flotilla Web Site:

Commanders Corner
Alan Miles, FC 12-8
Happy New Year! When you Look back at 2009 we have a lot to be thankful for. I want to thank Joe Fleming for his leadership and immense efforts as our Flotilla Commander. He has made many great strides in advancing the purpose and missions of this Flotilla. All his hard work has benefited us and expanded our units capability. Joes past efforts will continue to effect improvements into the next year as well. I want to also thank Allen (Hap) James. His last position in our flotilla was as Immediate Past Flotilla Commander, Navigation Services and Operations Staff Officer. He has served thousands of hours in our Flotilla and has had a tremendous impact on all of our programs. He has been a valued leader, Coxswain, Crewmember, Aids Verifier, and Examiner, to name just a few. He has also been a mentor and friend to us all. This next year we will continue our growth in membership, training and capabilities. We can be certain that the Coast Guard will depend on us to take on more responsibilities and missions this year. We have a fully capable Staff in place for 2010. The Citadel is in gear and we can depend
(Continued on page 5)

Vice Commander
Richard Daniel, VFC 12-8
Happy New Year to all and best wishes for a happy, healthy and prosperous 2010 as we serve the Coast Guard and our fellow members. Thank all of you for electing me as your Vice Flotilla Inside Commander. I accept FC.............. 1 this office with great humility and VFC ........... 1 a fervent desire to serve our flo- CM ........... .7 tilla in all our missions. Each of CS .............. 3 us has been blessed with talents FN.............. 4 that, if positively applied, will IS ............... 3 serve the Coast Guard as well our MA ............ 5 MS ............. 7 membership. We have accepted our MT............. 2 Staff Officer positions because we NS .............. 8 OP ............. 8 want to make a difference as we PA.............. 6 serve. It is critical that we reach PB .............. 2 out to every member. Please look PE .............. 7 around at all our new faces as PS .............. 6 well as the long-standing mem- PV.............. 6 bers and ask them to directly help SR .............. 4 you and work with you. Involve- VE ............. 5 ment in our many programs will Calendar ... 9 make your experience in Flotilla Trivia ........ 8 12-8 a valuable and worthwhile experience that will help you grow As your Vice Flotilla Commander I will give each member as well as the Coast Guard 100%. My time has been freed up to
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Confidentiality Notice: Telephone numbers and addresses of members are protected by the Privacy Act of 1974. As a matter of policy, rosters of names, addresses and telephone numbers shall not be made available to the general public or any outside organization. Privacy of all rosters shall be safeguarded and the page clearly labeled. The publication of these rosters, addresses, and telephone numbers on any computer on-line service including the Internet is prohibited by the Privacy Act of 1974. The Auxiliary is guided by the current equal opportunities policies of the Commandant of the Coast Guard. No Person shall be subject to

Jan. 2010


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Member Training
Bob Mathewes, SO-MT

ast month we looked back at the accomplishments of 2009. This month we will look forward with only a slight glance back at December. We accomplished something entirely new in December thanks to the efforts of Bob Orenstein and the patience and forbearance of MST3 Gary Barnum and MST3 Jeanette Bosch. Thanks to their efforts Bob Lovinger, Bob Orenstein and Bob Mathewes successfully negotiated the oral exams to qualify as Division 12s first Auxiliary Assistant Pollution Investigators (AUX-ED). As yet, there are no mandatory workshops for 2010. The materials for the VE Workshop, RBSPV Workshop and the Instructor Workshop are available on line. None of these are mandatory. The material for the Operations Workshop and the TCT Refresher are, as yet, not showing up. Regardless of the fact that they are not mandatory I will urge that all available workshops be presented by the flotilla. These sessions are always worthwhile and enable us to better perform our tasks as force multipliers for the Gold Side. If there is enough interest I will offer a class on the AUXCOM course early in 2010. This will dovetail with the new Telecommunications Operator Course that Dean Creed offered and the end of 2009. Depending on the amount of interest I hope to offer one or two other Specialty Course classes during 2010. I must mention the fact that in the AUXSEA class I put together last Spring and the above mentioned TOS Course that Dean worked so hard to put together in November half of those that started dropped out. It takes a lot of work to prepare and teach a class. We recently

had a gentleman come up from Florida to teach an ICS 210 class for Division 12. We were expecting nineteen students. Only Three showed up. If you sign up for a class please have the courtesy to stick with it. Our instructors are only too happy to help you further your skills but it isnt fair to expect them to prepare lessons to present to an empty room. While on the subject of instructors, we can always use more. If you think you have the interest and ability to serve in that capacity contact our FSO-PE about the procedure for becoming qualified.

Bob Mathewes, FSO-PB

e are entering the new year with much the same staff as we had in 2009. There are some additions, some deletions, and some lateral movement. If you look at the list of officers on the last page you will see what the new lineup looks like. I apologize to the new staff members for the pictures I used this month. They are ID card pictures and, like passport photos, they look like they should be hanging in the Post Office with a reward amount attached. If you come in uniform in January we will remedy that. We are starting off well with everyone sending an article even if it was to say that there was no activity. Please try to remember that your article will not reach the membership until the first of the month following the one in which you write it. Be careful not to speak of something coming up that will actually be past history when they read it. I look forward to spending another year trying to give you a better newsletter. Bob Mathewes, FSO-PB

Jan. 2010



Communication Services John Sikes, FSO-CS

ere we are starting another Auxiliary year. As has been pointed out, we have a few new staff officers and others changing

positions. As FSO-CS, I am responsible for keeping the flotillas web site up to date. This involves the participation of each staff officer, elected and appointed, in submitting information concerning dates, changes, etc., in his/her area of responsibility within the flotilla. This is not to say that members cant submit information. If you have something that would be of interest to others, please send it to me and Ill see that its put on the site. Your help is greatly appreciated. John Sikes, FSO-CS

Information Services
Frank Leister, FSO-IS

t the last membership meeting, I revealed a new program that facilitates individual members maintaining their personal information on AUXDATA. This information includes your personnel data including addresses, email, and phone numbers. Keeping this data current is vital as the emergency phone and email trees are based on AUXDATA. Your subscriptions from the national, district and division as well as the Scuttlebutt depend on accurate data in your AUXDATA file. On your computer, (did you notice in the last Navigator, that all but a minuscule number of Auxiliarists have access to

and use the Internet?) insert https:// . Insert your member number and E-directory password and then simply follow instructions. Enter your name and get your records and follow instructions on changing the data. If you don't have a EDirectory password, go to http:// and, again follow directions. It is not foolproof but nearly so. If you have problems, email me at [email protected]. The number of forms I receive each month do not reflect your activity. It is easy to determine that as I do not receive forms from those who attend the meeting yet that is a reportable event on the 7029 (Member Activity Log). I learn of patrols but do not receive 7030s (Mission Activity Report) from the coxswain or 7029s from the crew to report prep and travel time. I know people go to the ramps for VEs but no 7038 (Vessel Examination Activity Report) follows attesting to the number of inspections performed. The net effect of this is to diminish the job you personally and our flotilla actually perform. To those who support and fund us it looks as if we are laggards. Cynics will say we are doing our job and the paperwork is simply a bureaucratic hassle best ignored. It was not too long ago, we were on short rations for patrol fuel. Those who allocate how much fuel we get have access to how much we are supporting the USCG. The ONLY way they know that is too look at AUXDATA. If you have not reported, it is not there. Any electronic form you are likely to need is available on the flotilla web site at: http:// . Click on "Members Deck" then "Forms We Use", complete the form and send it to me at [email protected]. Keep a copy for your records.
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Jan. 2010
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Finally, I have been urging everyone to keep a copy of the 7029 on your desktop so you can readily access it. That makes it easy to call it up, let's say weekly, fill in a few blanks and save it back to the desktop. At the end of the month simply finish the last few entries and send it to me at [email protected]. Well, that doesn't work using the free copy of Adobe Reader. It won't let you save the form! You can solve the problem by getting a copy of the full Adobe program but that is expensive and unnecessary. You can download from and then when using it make it your default PDF reader. When you want to send the form to me, click on the file drop down menu, click on email and key in [email protected]. This program is free and will allow you to save documents and retrieve them. It has, by the way, most of the features of the full Adobe program. It works flawlessly for me but each PC is different. Give it a try. For the last year you have supported your flotilla and the USCG in many ways. I ask only that you record your good works to complete the job. FC-Miles has asked that I serve as FSO-IS in 2010 and I am honored to do so. It does mean though, that I will nag, harass, needle, and beg you to submit your achievements. Happy New Year! Frank Leister, FSO-IS

Frank Leister, FSO-FN

here are no changes to the Flotilla's financial picture this month but there is one item of interest and one item for the FSOs. Bank of America decided to charge all business accounts a service charge of $13 per month should the balance drop below $3000. As soon as we pay the district/ division dues we drop below that threshold and incur the charge. As we only retain $9 from each member's annual dues, you can see this is unsustainable. We have reached an agreement with Wells Fargo/Wachovia to take on our account with no service charge. This will be completed in December or early January. At the January meeting, I will ask the FSOs to submit a preliminary budget number for $2010. If any FSO wants to know how much they spent in 2009 either email me at [email protected] or call at 843-991-1118. Your estimate will feed the budget process and may or may not be adjusted depending on the revenue estimate and the FCs approval. Happy New Year! Frank Leister, FSO-FN

Happy Birthday
This Month To:

Secretary Records
Rick Miller, FSO-SR

ince the business meeting in December was replaced by the Change of Watch/Christmas Party, there are no minutes for this issue. Next month I will be back to business as usual.

Shirley Wolf......Jan. 13 Chris Herronimus..Jan. 16 Rick Miller........Jan. 20 John Schmidt.Jan. 21 Diane Schmidt...Jan. 22

Have you done your 7029 for December? If not, why not?

Jan. 2010
(FC, Continued from page 1)



on their involvement in our missions on a regular basis. Many Staff Officers are continuing from last year and a few are new additions but all are highly dedicated. During this year we will continue to improve everything about us. Id like to revisit the successful programs and activities that this Flotilla has promoted. I also want to avoid those that were not so great. Please make all your recommendations and suggestions known. Our senior members have a wealth of knowledge and experience that we will depend on to guide us throughout the year. 2010 is a fresh year new year for 12-8. There will be great opportunities and challenges for us. Now its time to lay out the foundation for another successful year. Alan J.P. Miles, FC
(VFC, Continued from page 1)

Vessel Examinations
Chris Heironimus, FSO-

devote the efforts needed. We will be developing short and long term plans for 2010 under the guidance of the Gold Side. We can excel in all that we do as long as we stay focused as servants to the Coast Guard and to each other. I challenge each of you to take your membership to the next level by attending our flotilla meetings. Take advantage of the many training opportunities and share in the wonderful fellowship Flotilla 12-8 has to offer. With your efforts we can have an outstanding 2010 for both the Coast Guard and each other. Bless you and your families as we move Flotilla 12-8 forward in 2010. Richard Daniel, VFC

Tom Beauchemin, FSO-MA
Everyone is enjoying the holidays and there is no activity to report this month. Tom Beauchemin, FSO-MA

hoy! As your newly appointed FSO-VE, let me start by saying what an honor and privilege it has been for me to meet those of you that I have. For the members whom I havent met yet, this means you have not been attending our events. In support of our new Flotilla commander, I hope to help recruit and re-kindle. I am planning on working with my predecessor to learn some more of the ropes, or in correct seamanship terms, lines, to make 12-8 tops in VEs. I aim to be the flotilla that others look to learn how to set records for examinations. I also bring new ideas to this program. With the assistance of our commanders, I intend on implementing some of these ideas as quickly as possible and get the VE program more visible to the public, perhaps through school JROTC programs such as Sailing Teams. As we step into a new year and this season of reflection and remembrance, I would like everyone to take a few moments and think about why you joined the Auxiliary. There is a great line in the movie Pearl Harbor (the new one) where Col. Doolittle is looking over his pilots before the raid, and he looks to his XO and says, you know why were gonna win this war? Because of them, theres nothing stronger than the heart of a volunteer. Nothing stronger than the heart of a volunteer, how powerful a statement is that? Think about that one while you reflect on why you joined. Remember the passion and fire that you had (some of you still do) and really make an effort to re-kindle that spirit of heart.
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My research says that Col. Doolittle never actually said that, its simply a great line in a movie but it holds true anyway. A volunteer does something because it is their passion to do it, not for any other reason. Semper Paratus!! I look forward to serving with and learning from each of you in the coming year. Chris Heironimus, FSO-VE

Public Affairs
Tom Rigsby, FSO-PA

Partner Visitor

Paul Berka, FSO-PV

his is the fifth year I have been the FSO-PV for the flotilla. Although this has been a rewarding responsibility, I feel strongly that it is time for another member of the flotilla take over.. I will no longer be the FSO-PV after 2010. I am looking forward to train someone in order that the responsibility can be passed before 2011. Please call me at my cell 843-568-9070 or talk to me at the January meeting. Thanks for your cooperation. Paul H. Berka, FSO-PV

Personnel Services
Paul Thomas, FSO-PS

s I start my new job as FSO-PS for the flotilla, I realize that I am going to be busy. Since I am a paper pusher by profession I look forward to the challenges of learning how to get potential members in the flotilla. I am sure that Alan Miles and Richard Daniel will keep me on the straight and narrow paperwork wise. I welcome suggestions from the unit and look forward to serving the unit this coming year. Paul V. Thomas, FSO-PS

lthough Im a fairly new member of 12-08, I have been a boater (primarily sailing the Great Lakes and Chesapeake Bay) for almost 40 years. Over the years I developed considerable respect and admiration for the work of the USCG Auxiliary. It was a great honor to be asked to help advance its mission. As the newly appointed FSO-PA, I am especially pleased that Barbara Thibodeaux will continue to be actively involved in our public affairs activities. During 2010, we hope to expand our outreach to greater Charleston boaters through media publicity as well as direct contact with the boating community at special events. Successful attainment of our Division and Flotilla objectives will, however, require active participation and assistance from our members. Our first major activity for the year will be the 30th Annual Charleston Boat Show on January 22 to 24 at the Charleston Area Convention Center. This is the Lowcountrys largest boat show. Attendance this year is expected to reach 9,500 to 10,500. The Charleston Boat Show provides an excellent opportunity to carry our boating education and vessel examination messages to a large audience of current and prospective new boaters. In addition, this is a great venue for recruiting new members. Obviously, volunteers will be needed to ensure our success. Please contact me if you are able to help out. Tom Rigsby, FSO-PA

Division Meeting-8 & 9 January Myrtle BeachBeach Colony Resort

Jan. 2010



Public Education

Dean Creed, FSO-CM

Chuck Chirila, FSO-PE

irst of all, let me introduce myself. Im Chuck Chirila and a new member of the Flotilla 12-8. Professionally, I am a Programmable Logic Computer Tech (PLC Tech for short) for Daimler Van Manufacturing in Ladson. Prior to that and moving to the Charleston area, I was a Process System Tech for a steel processing firm. Boating experiencewise, Ive sailed the Indiana/Michigan shores of Lake Michigan, and now simply cruise the coastal waterways with my family. I am replacing Bob Lovinger as FSO-PE. Bob is certainly a hard act to follow. Recently completing the BS&S class, Ive become more aware of the responsibilities of boating. I hope with Bobs help and that of our instructors, we can make the waterways safer and enjoyable to use through the Auxiliarys Public Education classes. I am hoping that the winter boat shows will provide enough interest for 1 BS&S class and possibly 1or 2 ABS classes. I will be in contact with our instructors, seeking their participation in teaching these courses. I must say that our Flotilla is very fortunate to have instructors with not only expertise but the knack to make a boring lecture interesting and fulfilling. The Fall BS&S class has concluded with 8 individuals passing the final exam. Again, I would like to express my thanks and that of the Flotillas to Bob Lovinger for his time and devotion. Bravo Zulu Bob. Chuck Chirila, FSO-PE

uxiliary communications efforts fall within one of three areas: Operational, Contingency or Training. Operational includes coordinating Auxiliary activities in support of CG operations and communicating urgent Auxiliary business. Contingency involves augmenting CG comms and assisting CG and other resources in times of disaster. Training educates fellow Auxiliarists on communications products, procedures and processes. Auxiliary communications are facilitated by fixed land radio stations, land mobile radio stations, and direction finder stations. Members certified as Telecommunications Operators (TCOs) can have their radios accepted by the Director of the Auxiliary as radio facilities and be involved in communications efforts. Our Flotilla has eight recently certified TCOs, four mobile radios, and one fixed land station. In 2010, I hope to (1) expand the number of TCO members by holding our second mentoring session; (2) increase the number of radio facilities; and (3) hold at least one directed radio net session. If any of this interests you, or if you are potentially interested in becoming qualified as a Communications Watchstander, please let me know and well get the ball rolling! Dean Creed, FSO-CM

Marine Safety
Bob Orenstein, FSO-MS

Start the year right. Attend the Flotilla Meeting at the Brass Buckle on 13 January.

ary Barnum and I had an opportunity to talk one-on-one at the Christmas party regarding the MER plans. You have heard
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Jan. 2010
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much of this already but here is what was discussed. For 2010 there are plans to once again have several practice oil spills. We will be asked to participate. Dates should be forthcoming shortly. MER will be holding patrols on an on-going basis throughout 2010. These will be done both during the week and also on the week-end. We will be joining the Reserves on these patrols. What that means to all of you holding down jobs is that you will now have the opportunity to participate. The CG would like all personnel who are involved with operations to have the training to respond to any oil or hazardous spill, which seem to happen too frequently, in the Charleston area. So let's get behind the Gold Side and have a great turnout! I'll keep you all advised of up and coming dates and activities. Bob Orenstein, FSO-MS

Navigational Services Joe Fleming, FSO-NS

ith Old Man Winter in control for the next few months, ATON patrols will be in hibernation. When the weather moderates we will get Navigational Services fired up. Joe Fleming, FSO-NS

Nautical Trivia
Last month I slipped and put the answer to the question in the column. Only one person caught it. Even with the freebie, Only the faithful four submitted correct answers. These are the folks who answered the question every month during 2009. Those four are Reggie Hollar, Dick McLaren, John Sikes and Agnes Wright. They identified Governors Island as the site of an impromptu Summit Meeting between outgoing US President Ronald Reagan, incoming president George Herbert Walker Bush and Soviet Premier Mikhail Gorbachev. We have gotten away from the true meaning of this column. Instead of real Nautical Trivia it has come to more Coast Guard trivia. This month the question will test your knowledge of Marlin Spike seamanship. There are four knots that you must demonstrate an ability to tie to qualify as a boat crew member or coxswain. They are the bowline, the sheet bend, a round turn with two half-hitches and a clove hitch. The Sheet Bend is also known as the Becket Bend. It has yet another name. What is it?
2010 can be a banner year for Flotilla 12-8. All we need is for every one of you to resolve to respond to the call for help at Boating Safety Booths, Vessel Examination Blitzes, Public Education classes and every other function we undertake.

Joe Fleming, FSO-OP

t will be difficult to fill the very large shoes of Allen Hap James in Operations but I will certainly do my very best. Winter weather has us in mustangs Any patrol needing equipment should give me a call. Hap passed all of the equipment for operations to me. I hope to hear from all coxswains available for patrols. I will work up a schedule and send it to the coxswains for input and availability. I hope you all had a Merry Christmas and that the New Year will be good to all of you and busy for OPS. Joe Fleming, FSO-OP

Jan. 2010



January 2010

New Years Day

2 9 16 23 30

3 10 17 24 31

4 11 18 25

5 12 19 26

6 13
Flotilla Meeting 1900

7 14 21 28

8 15 22 29

20 27

Flotilla Officers
Flotilla Commander Alan Miles [email protected] Finance Frank Leister [email protected] Member Training Bob Mathewes [email protected] Publications Bob Mathewes [email protected] Flotilla Vice Commander Richard Daniel
[email protected]

Communications Dean Creed

[email protected]

Communication Systems John Sikes [email protected]

Information Services Frank Leister [email protected] Navigational Services Joe Fleming [email protected] Public Education Chuck Chirila [email protected]

Materials Marine Safety Tom Beauchemin Bob Orenstein [email protected] [email protected] Operations Joe Fleming [email protected] Personnel Services Paul Thomas [email protected] Public Affairs Tom Rigsby [email protected] RBS Visitor Paul Berka [email protected] IPFC Joe Fleming [email protected]

Secretary Records Miller, Rick [email protected]

Vessel Examination Chris Heironimus [email protected]

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