The Scuttlebutt
The Scuttlebutt
The Scuttlebutt
Dec. 2009 U.S. Coast Guard Auxiliary Scuttlebutt Flotilla 12-8, 7th District Charleston, South Carolina Vol. Vol. 35, 35, No. No. 12-December 3-March 2009 2009
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Commanders Corner
Joe Fleming, FC 12-8
As the end of my time at Command nears, I look back at what we, as a team, have accomplished in the last 2 years and how we have grown. Membership is at its highest ever with more prospects in the works. We strive to be the best at what we do, be it teaching boating safety classes, safety patrols on the water or assisting the gold side in their missions. Training has moved to a higher level keeping up with the changing times of safety and security of our nation. Having some of the best staff to keep us trained and up to date is the greatest. A few weeks ago Barbara Thibodeaux and I took a quick trip to Miami to secure a cargo trailer. This trailer was given to Flotilla 12-8 through the Coast Guard Sector Miami. Special thanks go to Commander Williams for finding this trailer for us before he left Charleston. This trailer will be used for boating safety displays and training, we will begin setting it up, after the first of the year. Our change of watch is set for December 18th at West Ashley Outboard Motor Club. I hope to see every one there. A flash will go out to all with a map and menu.
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Vice Commander
Alan Miles, VFC 12-8
As most of you know, last month I was elected to succeed Joe Fleming as the Flotilla Commander of Flotilla 12-8. I wish to thank everyone for supporting me and entrusting me to be your elected leader in 2010. I Inside have the burden and privilege of FC ............. 1 being next in a long line of great VFC .......... 1 Flotilla Commanders who served in CM ............ 7 previous years. The wonderful his- CS ............. 8 tory of this Flotilla is something that FN ............. 7 all of our members can cherish and IS............... 6 be proud of. It is in this spirit that I MA ............ 7 MS ............ 8 will serve as your new FC. I am excited by your selec- MT ............ 2 tion of Richard Daniel as my re- NS..N/A placement as Vice Flotilla Com- OP..N/A mander. Richard and I have already PA ............. 6 PB ............. 2 had several meetings to get acPE ............. 8 quainted and do preliminary planPS .............. 9 ning. I have appointed a dedicated PV ............. 8 staff of fellow Auxiliarists that are SR ............. 3 positioned for success. With your VE ............. 9 continued support and dedication Calendar .. 7 our history will continue to be writ- Trivia ........ 9 ten. Together, working as a team 2010 will be another year of historical accomplishment and success. I am looking forward to our future together. SEMPER PARATUS Alan Jean Pierre Miles,
Confidentiality Notice: Telephone numbers and addresses of members are protected by the Privacy Act of 1974. As a matter of policy, rosters of names, addresses and telephone numbers shall not be made available to the general public or any outside organization. Privacy of all rosters shall be safeguarded and the page clearly labeled. The publication of these rosters, addresses, and telephone numbers on any computer on-line service including the Internet is prohibited by the Privacy Act of 1974. The Auxiliary is guided by the current equal opportunities policies of the Commandant of the Coast Guard. No Person shall be subject to discrimination in the Auxiliary or its programs because of race, color, religion, sex, age, national origin, or disability.
Dec. 2009
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Member Training
Bob Mathewes, SO-MT
hanks to the efforts of our FSOCM, Dean Creed, we have completed the first TOS (Telecommunications Operator Specialty) Class. Nineteen people started the four session class and eight finished. Those eight are Paul Berka, Margurite Bishop, Dean Creed, Chuck Chirila, Joe Fleming, Tom Jerussi, Bob Mathewes and Be Moore of Flotilla 12-12. Dean put this together and without his efforts we would still be in the talking stage and nothing would have been done. On behalf of the other seven finishers and myself I would like to say, Thanks, Dean. Sometime before Christmas we will probably have three newly minted Auxiliary Assistant Pollution Investigators named Bob. This is due to the driving force of our FSO-MS, Bob Orenstein. Bob has worked with the Coast Guard MER (Marine Environmental Response) team to make this a reality. This training has relied on the patient guidance of MST3 Gary Barnum and MST3 Jeanette Bouch . They have made the training informative, worthwhile and fun. I hope that Bob Orenstein, Bob Lovinger and I can make their efforts pay off for the Coast Guard by providing three more sets of trained eyes on the water and on the docks looking for the discharge of petroleum products or the release of other hazardous material. We have had a pretty good year in MT. We conducted OPS, VE, RBS & Sexual Harassment Workshops attended by fifty people. Five members attended Aid Verifier training. Twenty-three members got the required TCT Refresher. Seven of our members completed the AUXSEA Course and one completed AUXWEA. This
gave us one new AUXOP, Eric Fleming. The following courses were completed by at least one member: RBS Visitor, Fingerprint Technician, Administrative Procedures, VE, IT, Goodmate and AUX 18. We had one completion of ICS 100, 200, 700 & 800. Ten members completed ICS 210 and three did ICS 300. As of this writing we have fifty-one hours of member training. If you are one of the members who obtained a new qualification or skill or who refreshed an old one congratulate yourself on your efforts. It makes you better able to perform our mission. Bob Mathewes, SO-MT
e have reached the end of another year. I want to thank the elected and Staff Officers for your cooperation in making this publication possible. The extent of your efforts in providing articles has been exemplary. Without your input this would not be possible. Most of you will be part of this effort again next year. I urge you to keep up or increase your efforts to get articles in for publication. To the newly elected or appointed officers I wish to say that your article submission each month constitutes your report to the membership on what you are doing. This is a duty of your office. It is not optional. You will have taken an oath to perform all the duties of your office and this is one of those duties. I look forward to working with you during 2010. Together we can make The Scuttlebutt one of the outstanding publications of 7th. District. Bob Mathewes, FSO-PB
Dec. 2009
Secretary Records
Rick Miller, FSO-SR
Flotilla12-8 Membership Meeting Minutes 11 November 2009 The meeting was called to order at 1900 by FC Joe Fleming and commenced with the Pledge of Allegiance followed by a moment of silence for the service members killed and wounded in the Fort Hood, TX incident. Members present: Joe Fleming, Bob Mathewes, Richard Daniel, Tom Beauchemin, Bob Orenstein, Mike Rasnak, Chuck Chirila, Frederick Schultz, Agnes Wright, Marguerite Bishop, Tom Jerussi, Paul Berka, Frank Leister, Kim Rees, Eric Kilpatrick, Harry Westall, Dan Cowley, Barbara Thibodeaux, Alan Miles, Bob Lovinger and Hugo Endris Visitors and Guests: DCDR Bob Weskerna, Jackie Weskerna, Kevin Cornish, J.T. McNeill Minutes from the last membership meeting, September, were tabled until the next meeting. FSO-FS/IS Frank Leister reported that 13 members have not paid their dues as of this date and gave a breakdown of how the dues are spent. Only $9 stays in the flotilla, the remaining $26 goes to Division and District. Frank also said we broke even on the October cookout. No new members were sworn in. Awards:
FC Fleming presented Frederick Schultz with the Auxiliary five year membership award. Hugo Endris received the Auxiliary Sustained Service Award and the Commodores Certificate of Excellence. Chuck Chirila received his new member credentials. Richard Daniel was presented with his first Auxiliary Sustained Service Award and the Certificate of completion for the Administrative Procedures Course. Joe Fleming and Allen James received the Department of the Armys Commanders Award for Public Service. DCDR Weskerna presented the flotilla with the District award for flotilla growth and the CG Unit Commendation. Members ribbons will be forthcoming. VFC Miles called for staff reports: FSO-MA Tom Beauchemin reported having approximately one box of state regs. FC Fleming advised that he had contacted a source and requested 2000. FSO-OP Allen James was absent FSO-PV Paul Berka had no activity to report. FSO-MS Bob Orenstein discussed Boards coming up for the three Auxiliary Pollution Investigator candidates and the MER Program., the recent oil discharge and cleanup in the harbor Harry Westall (Citadel Detachment) advised that they are processing five new members and gearing up to offer additional classes to bring in and keep members active. FSO-VE Fleming reported a VE Blitz scheduled for the 21st from 0900 to 1300 at the
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Leeds Avenue Boat Landing. FSO-PB/MT Bob Mathewes advised that the Telecommunications Operator Specialty class is continuing with 12 of the original 18 students and that 6 have already completed the course. He reported a 100% submission rate for articles in the November Scuttlebutt and requested articles as early as possible this month since he will be traveling for Thanksgiving. FSO-AV Eric Kilpatrick had no activity to report FSO-PA Barbara Thibodeaux had no activity to report but is receiving notices and requests for participation in coming events for 2010. FSO-PE Bob Lovinger had no activity to report. FSO-FS/IS Frank Leister provided members with handouts and instruction on a new process for member information changes. Marguerite Bishop requested members help at the International Genealogy Conference to take place in Charleston in 2011. Members would assist as monitors and in the color guard as part of the opening ceremony. Someone will contact interested members around June of 2010 for the event in 2011. Comments To/From FC/VFC: FC Fleming and VFC Miles reported approximately six Auxiliarists attended a meeting at Seahawk and toured the facility. Sector has hired a manager to coordinate Emergency Management with EOC agen-
cies. Another meeting will take place in April or May. VFC Miles reported that the rubber stamp for the SAR game is now in hand and showed the members what it looks like. FC Fleming advised that the 24 cargo trailer given to us was picked up in Miami and is now here. He has talked to someone about possibly donating a wrap for it. It is already sectioned off for a Comms. area and a Safe Boating area. The trailer is in good shape. VFC Miles advised that he has accessed a 20 flatbed trailer and it can be used for whatever our needs are and would be good for a parade float. FC Fleming reminded members that a riding lawn mower is available for building a boat on for parades and other events. FC Fleming is to check on boat club availability for the Change of Watch - Possible dates are Dec 4, 5, 11 or 12. Bob Orenstein commended FC Fleming on behalf of the membership for his two years service to the flotilla as Commander and the procurement of equipment, boats and trailer Screening Committee - Bob Orenstein reported that VFC Miles was the only candidate seeking election as Flotilla Commander for the ensuing year and that Richard was the only candidate for the office of Vice Flotilla Commander. Both meet all qualifications for said offices. Bob Orenstein opened the floor for further nominations for the office of Flotilla Commander. Hearing no further nominations
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after three announcements he directed the secretary pro-tem, Barbara Thibodeaux, to cast the unanimous ballot of the flotilla for Alan Miles as Flotilla Commander for the ensuing year. Bob Orenstein opened the floor for further nominations for the office of Vice Flotilla Commander. Hearing no further nominations after three announcements he directed the secretary pro-tem, Barbara Thibodeaux, to cast the unanimous ballot of the flotilla for Richard Daniel as Vice Flotilla Commander for the ensuing year DCDR Bob Weskerna administered the oath of office to Alan Miles as Flotilla Commander and Richard Daniel. Motion was made and seconded to adjourn the meeting. Respectfully submitted, Barbara Thibodeaux FSO-PA (SECRETARY PROTEM)
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As we approach the holiday season I would like to take the opportunity to wish the members of Flotilla 12-8 and their families a
Merry Christmas
Citadel detachment has 10 new members joining the ranks. Paperwork is already on the way. TCT class at the Citadel, on the 5th, had a good turnout of cadets and Aux members needing the 8 hour course. CWO Gelwicks was the instructor. Most of you know by now Hap (Allen James) has moved from Charleston and may transfer to another flotilla. He dedicated more time and work to this flotilla than most of us could ever imagine. He kept operations and crew training going all the years I can remember. I know we will miss him very much and hearty thanks go out to him. Joe Fleming, FC
Happy Hanukkah
Dec. 2009
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Information Services
Frank Leister, FSO-IS
or the last few years, I have urged members to keep a copy of the 7029 Members Activity Report on their desktop. With that, a member could call it up, complete their recent activity and save it. At the end of the month, the final entries could be made and the form forwarded to the FSO-IS. No longer is that possible. Adobe has seen fit to prohibit saving documents from Adobe Reader. Now we must keep a paper log, call up the form and complete sending it off to the FSO-IS immediately. I am looking for another solution to this but have yet to locate one. I will keep you posted. In the past, to update a members personal information, the member had to printout a 7028, Change of Member Information, complete the form and snail mail it to the FSO-IS. There is now a significant improvement in that process. To change your personal information, address, phone number, email address, new spouse, etc.., go to your Internet Browser and key in http:// . (This address is on the Flotilla web site.) You will then see a fill-in form asking for your member number and a password. (If you don't remember or do not have a password, go to E-Directory also on the Flotilla Web page and follow the directions to register and get a password or if you have forgotten it, the instructions for retrieving it are there too.) Back to AuxOfficer: Put in your member number and password. You will be given a screen to search for your records by name or member number. Do so and your
name will come up. Click on that and your personal information will be displayed. You will see what you can update. Review it carefully, update what needs to be updated and then click on submit. Done! That's it. Your changes will be made directly into AUXDATA and your FSO-IS will be notified. It could not be easier. It is important to keep your personal information current as the emergency phone and email trees come from this data. You will get USCG Aux publications. Please review your personal data on AuxOfficer. If you have a problem, call me at 991-1118 and I will assist you. Frank Leister, FSO-IS
Public Affairs
Barbara Thibodeaux, FSO-PA
t's hard to believe we are already at the end of another year. While I have no PA activity to report for the month of November, I am steadily receiving requests for events and activities for 2010. I think this reflects positively on our flotilla and all our hard work this year. I am currently putting together our year in pictures, so I ask all members that have taken photos of any events or activities our flotilla members were involved in to please provide me a copy. You can email them to me, burn them to a disc, or provide prints. I will come get them. If you have prints I will scan them and return them to you. I would greatly appreciate all of your involvement. I would need these by the 10th of December if at all possible. Thanks again for all the work members have performed and the aid that's been rendered to me. I look forward to seeing everyone at the Change of Watch! Barbara Thibodeaux, FSO-PA
Dec. 2009
Frank Leister, FSO-FN
he financial matters of our Flotilla remain the same as last month. We are closing in on either collecting the dues from the dozen members who have not paid or expunging them from the rolls. Bank of America, where we keep our checking account, changed their fee structure and now want to charge us $13 a month if our balance goes below $3000. From the time we collect the dues until we pay them in January we are well above that limit but most of the time we are not. The fee is about one and half times the amount we retain from each member for Flotilla activities. We will change banks. There are at least two who will not make such a charge. Frank Leister, FSO-FN
ell another month and nothing happening in the material department to report.. Just want to wish all a season greetings and good health. Tom Beauchemin FSO-MA
ur Flotilla just concluded its first Telecommunications Operator mentoring sessions, and several Auxiliarists received their sign-offs. Congratulations to Paul Berka, Marguerite Bishop, Chuck Chirila, Joe Fleming, Tom Jerussi, Bob Mathewes, and Be Moore for studying, teaching portions of the material, and successfully completing all requirements. A particular thank you to Bob Mathewes for co-leading the mentoring process. I'd like to hold another mentoring session in the Spring of 2010, so please let me know if you're interested in this new, practical qualification. Dean Creed, FSO-CM
Dec. 2009
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Marine Safety
f you haven't checked it out lately, you ought to. What I'm talking about is our flotilla's web site at . We've done some much needed cleanup and will soon be updating staff officers' individual pages. Recently added to the site are links to the eDirectory and the National Directory. The former may be used to obtain your password if you're forgotten it or to add one if you haven't done so already. The latter is an excellent resource to locate members and staff at all levels of the Auxiliary. Frank Leister discussed both of these at the November meeting. And while you're at it, verify your information in the eDirectory. New additions to the home page include a link to the Coast Guard Channel under the Miscellaneous tab. Another is a link to the Citadel detachment's page which is accessed by clicking on the bulldog logo toward the bottom of the left sidebar. Newly elected and appointed staff officers are encouraged to check out the various links in their staff positions and let us know what they would like added, changed, or updated so we can get to work on them. John Sikes, FSO-CS
ER has been involved with the oil spill of October. The Bob's (Mathewes, Lovinger and myself) met with Gary Barnum on Friday, November 6th and heard in depth what took place out there on the water, beaches and grasses which grow there. More on that at a future date when final verdicts are in. The three Bob's will be taking the Oral Boards on 10 December to qualify as a Auxiliary Assistant Pollution Investigators. The testing is done by a board of "coasties" who will quiz us on the material. We will try in the future to involve more of you on an on-going basis to help you qualify too. Hang in there! Bob Orenstein, FSO-MS
Public Education
Partner Visitor
Paul Berka, FSO-PV
ith the end of the year upon us, there is little to report in the realm of partner visitation. I will instead take this space to wish everyone a Happy Holiday Season Paul Berka, FSO-PV
ur current BS&S class is going into the home stretch with eleven classes completed by the time you read this. The class has not been large but the students are regular attendees and interested. The highlight is an eleven year old youngster, Prescott, who is not afraid to ask questions and seems to be doing his homework right up there with the rest of the class members. I think we have a prospective new member for the flotilla and right now hes thinking of joining the gold side when he gets older. What a delightful youngster. The ABS class didnt fill so we will have to wait for the winter boat show to start new classes. Bob Lovinger, FSO-PE
Dec. 2009
Nautical Trivia
We all know that December 7th is a date that will live in infamy. It is the anniversary of the sneak attack by the Japanese Empire on the US Naval and Army installations at Pear Harbor Hawaii. Do you also know that December 7th marks the anniversary of a day when a US Coast Guard base served as the site of an international summit meeting between Soviet President Mikhail Gorbachev, President Ronald Reagan, and President-elect and then-Vice President George H. W. Bush on 7 December 1988 after Gorbachev had addressed the United Nations. In planning his trip to the UN, Gorbachev requested a meeting with Reagan. Reagan was in final weeks of his presidential term and his advisors felt it important that the visit remain low profile, so a large-scale summit or state visit to the White House was not in the cards. Yet, a short and informal meeting between the heads of state and newly elected President George Bush was possible. The White House selected the Coast Guard base at Governors Island as a meeting site since it was a secure military installation in the middle of New York harbor and just minutes away from the United Nations. The leaders met for lunch at the LANTAREA commander's [VADM James Irwin] home. The summit was characterized as "just a luncheon" and the meeting was the last time President Reagan and Gorbachev would meet during Reagan's remaining term. Since it is the season for giving Ill tell you this base is on an Island. What is the name of this Coast Guard Base?
Personnel Services
Alan Miles, FSO-PS
s members of the Auxiliary also keep in mind the old clich that No Job is Complete Until the Paperwork is Done. As the year draws to a close, I urge everyone to set aside some time to submit your hours to AUXDATA on 7029s and 7030s. Please call me or FSO-IS Frank Leister if you need help or have questions. Please submit your unreported time to AUXDATA this month so it gets credited. We need to wrap this year up and get all our hours logged in. I want to welcome Paul Thomas as my relief and as the new FSO-PS for 2010. His skills and expertise will be a welcomed addition to the 12-8 team. Please support him in every way possible. Remember, We make 12-8 GREAT!!! Alan J.P. Miles, FSO-PS
Vessel Examinations
he VE Blitz at the Leeds Ave. Boat Landing in November produced a great turn out of members. Trainee Cody Westall from the Citadel finished his 5 supervised inspections as required for his certification. Good job to all that attended. December is a busy time for most, lets see how the weather is before we plan a blitz. Joe Fleming, FSO-VE
Happy Birthday
This Month To:
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December 2009
Full Moon
Hanukkah Begins at Sundown
New Moon
Flotilla Change of Watch
First Day Of Winter
Christmas Eve
Full Moon
Flotilla Officers
Flotilla Commander Joe Fleming [email protected] Finance Frank Leister [email protected] Member Training Bob Mathewes [email protected] Publications Bob Mathewes [email protected] Flotilla Vice Commander Alan Miles [email protected] Information Services Frank Leister [email protected] Navigational Services Allen James [email protected] Public Education Bob Lovinger [email protected] Communications Dean Creed
[email protected]
Materials Marine Safety Tom Beauchemin Bob Orenstein [email protected] [email protected] Operations Public Affairs Allen James Barbara Thibodeaux [email protected] [email protected] Personnel Services Alan Miles [email protected] RBS Visitor Paul Berka [email protected] IPFC Allen James [email protected]