Protecting Livestock With Guard Donkeys, Govt. of Alberta
Protecting Livestock With Guard Donkeys, Govt. of Alberta
Protecting Livestock With Guard Donkeys, Govt. of Alberta
Guard donkeys may need several weeks to adjust to livestock, so introduce them to stock well before predation is likely to occur. Keep young donkeys with goats, sheep or cattle after the donkey is weaned. Do not allow guard donkeys to run with other donkeys or horses. In this way the young donkey will think it is part of the flock or herd. Ideally, the donkey should be born in the flock or herd and its dam should be taken away at weaning to let the young animal grow up with the stock. Place a new donkey on the other side of a common fence line with livestock. This gives the donkey and the livestock an opportunity to safely get to know one another. A week to ten days following this socialization period, lead the donkey around the cattle or sheep where they can smell and touch each other. Then tether the donkey inside the pen with the stock and feed and groom it there for about a week. By this time both will have accepted each other. Allow the donkey to run loose in the pen or pasture and soon the stock will seek the donkey out in times of danger. Feed the donkey with the stock so it feels like a member of the flock or herd. If stock are fed from troughs, feed the donkey first from a separate feeder or bowl so the livestock can eat unhindered. Always feed the guard donkey something every time you feed the stock. Keep all dogs away from donkeys and do not test the donkey by teasing it with a dog. Do not allow farm dogs to become friendly with the donkey. Avoid or limit the use of stockdogs around donkeys. If a donkey is aggressive towards or fears stock (or viceversa) remove it immediately.
A guard donkey is a working animal so it must be sound, healthy and free from any conformational defects. It must be reasonably friendly towards people and easy to handle. Attributes that contribute to effective guard donkey performance are as follows: 1. Select a donkey from standard stock, 44" to 50" (11 to 12.5 hands) at the shoulder. For cattle, the donkey should be a little taller, up to 54" (13.5 hands). Do not use small or miniature donkeys or slow, clumsy animals. 2. Not all donkeys are effective guard animals. If one does not work, try another. It is worth the effort even if you have to try several animals. Donkeys live for 30 or more years, so an effective guard donkey will provide protection for many years. Acquire a donkey that is likely to have potential to be a guard animal. The donkey should have some exposure to sheep or other livestock it is to protect. Get a guarantee or replacement clause on the bill of sale if you buy from a guard donkey breeder. 3. Use only females (jennies) or geldings. Do not use a mature intact male (jack or stallion) unless it has been raised with stock. Some jack donkeys may attack smaller animals including dogs, coyotes, calves and lambs. For the same reason, unsettled jennies, with or without foals, may be aggressive during estrus and could injure young stock.
When more than one donkey is needed to guard a very large area or large flock or herd, use jennies with unweaned foals only. Some producers are successful with two geldings, but this is rare. Fences must be in good repair because donkeys may escape through holes when wires are broken or missing. Remove the donkey during lambing or calving, particularly in confinement operations, as a precaution against accidents or intentional injury or disruption of the mother-newborn bond. Place the donkey in the flock when the young animals are ready to go to pasture.
Care of donkeys
Proper care of the guard donkey is extremely important, especially hoof care. Trim the donkeys feet regularly so the donkey will be able and willing to chase predators. Donkeys have relatively small feet and can easily fall and injure themselves walking or chasing a predator in icy or slippery areas. Keep the donkey away from these areas. Keep donkeys away from feed grains or additives containing anabolic agents such as Deccox, Rumensin or Bovatec. These products are poisonous to donkeys. Also, keep donkeys away from premixed, high energy feeds for sheep and calves because they may cause laminitis (founder). Provide fresh water for donkeys during cold weather because they are more prone to impaction due to dehydration than horses or other livestock. Donkeys are susceptible to the same diseases and parasites as horses and need regular vaccinating and de-worming. Consult with a veterinarian for the appropriate vaccine and deworming treatment. Provide fortified trace-mineralized salt in block or loose form in the pasture or by the shelter. For more information on the feed and care of donkeys, see Agdex 467/20-1 The Donkey Care and Feeding.
Prepared by:
John Bourne