Dua Mashlool
Dua Mashlool
Dua Mashlool
This du-a'a known as "supplication of the youth stricken for his sin," is quoted from the work of Kaf -ami
and from Muhaj al Da-wat by Sayyid ibn tawus. Through Imam Hussain (asws) it is reported that one day
He and His Father, after performing Hajj, caught sight of a paralysed young man crying his eyes out in
repentance. They went near to console him and find out the reason of his sorry plight. He was a habitual
sinner, always teased his father, disobeyed him and treated him w ith contempt. One day, disgusted, the
father invoked curse upon him. So he was affected with paralysis. Then and there Imam Ali (asws) ibn abi
Talib(as) wrote his dua'a and gave it to him with instruction to recite after Isha salat. Next day fully cured,
he came to Imam Ali (asws) and said that he had recited the dua'a as told and went to sleep. He saw the
Holy Prophet (saw) in the dream. RasoolAllah (saw), gently touched his body with His hand and asked him
to remember this dua'a as it contain ismi azam (the great name of Alla h).
Recite this dua'a after Isha salat. It brings countless blessings. All your legitimate desires will be fulfilled.
It drives away poverty and sickness. Sins are for given. Debts are cleared. Enemies become friends.
Domestic affairs are set aright. Disputes are settled in your favour. Prisoners are set free mental worries
disappear. Prosperity, sound mind and healthy body stand by you at all times. Mercy and forgiveness of
sins are the main advantages the almighty Allah makes available if this dua'a is re cited regularly.
Spreading the true religion of Allah, Wilayat e Ali (asws)
O Living; O Self-Subsisting,
ya hayyo. ya qayyoomo
ya howa.
wa la kaifa howa.
ya zal-moolke wal-malakoote
ya maleko. ya qooddooso
ya salamo. ya mo'meno,
ya jabbaro ya motakabbero,
O Compeller; O Superb.
Spreading the true religion of Allah, Wilayat e Ali (asws)
ya khaliqo ya baari'o
O Artist; O Beneficent;
ya mosowwero, ya mofeedo
ya modabbiro, ya shadeedo
ya mobdio ya mo'eedo
ya mobeedo ya wadoodo,
O Inventor; O Restorer;
ya mahmoodo ya ma'boodo,
O Praised; O Adored.
ya ba'eedo ya qaareebo
ya mojeebo ya raqeebo
O Reckoner. O Innovator;
ya haseebo ya badeeo
O Exalted; O Unassailable;
ya rafeeo ya manee'o
O Hearer. O Knower;
ya sameeo ya aleemo,
O Forbearing; O Bountiful;
ya haleemo, ya kareemo,
O Wise; O Eternal;
ya hakeemo, ya qadeemo,
O Lofty; O Great.
ya alio ya azimo,
ya hannano ya mannano,
ya dayyano ya moostaano,
Spreading the true religion of Allah, Wilayat e Ali (asws)
O Majestic; O Glorious;
ya jaleelo ya jameelo
O Trusted; O Guardian;
ya wakeelo, ya kafeelo
ya moqeelo ya moneelo
O Guide; O Magnanimous.
ya nabeelo' ya daleelo
ya hadee ya badee
O First; O Last;
ya awwalo ya akhiro
O Evident; O Hidden.
ya zahiro, wa batino,
O Established; O Everlasting;
ya qa'em-o, ya daa'emo,
O Knowing; O Ruler;
ya fasilo, ya wasilo,
; O Pure; O Purifier;
ya tahiro, ya motah-hero,
O Powerful; O Almighty;
ya qadiro, ya moqtadiro,
O Great; O Magnificent.
ya kabeero, ya motakabbiro,
Spreading the true religion of Allah, Wilayat e Ali (asws)
wa lattakhaza ma'ahoo
ya alliyo, ya shamikho,
ya bazekho, ya fattaho,
ya naffaho, ya moortaho,
O Reliever; O Helper;
ya mofarrejo, ya nasiro,
ya moontasiro, ya modriko,
O Victorious; O Overtaker;
ya mohliko, ya moon-taqimo,
O Resurrector; O Inheritor;
ya ba'eso, ya wareso,
O Seeker; O Conquerer;
ya talibo, ya ghalibo,
O Destroyer; O Avenger;
Spreading the true religion of Allah, Wilayat e Ali (asws)
ya tawwabo, ya awwabo,
ya wahhabo, ya mosab-be-bal
ya mofattehal abwabe,
ya tahooro, ya shakooro,
O Excuser; O Pardoner;
O Protector; O Luminous;
ya mojeero, ya moneero,
ya baseero, ya naseero, ya
O Lone; O Unique;
O Everlasting; O Upholder;
O Sufficer; O Healer;
O Fulfiller of promises; O Deliverer
of welfare.
ya witro ya fardo
ya abado, ya sanado,
ya samado,
ya kafee, ya shafee,
ya wafee, ya mo'afee,
Spreading the true religion of Allah, Wilayat e Ali (asws)
O Benefactor; O Beautifier;
ya mohsino, ya mojmilo,
ya mon'imo, ya mofzelo,
ya motakarremo, ya motafarredo,
O Gracious; O Peerless.
ya la yod-rikohoo basaroon,
O Nourisher of Mankind;
ya razeqal bashare,
ya' ali-yalmakane,
ya shadeedal arkane,
ya mobad-delaz-zamane,
O Changer of times;
Spreading the true religion of Allah, Wilayat e Ali (asws)
O Acceptor of sacrifice;
ya zal-manne, wal-ahsane,
ya zal-izze was-sooltane,
ya rahimo, ya rahmano,
ya man la wash-gholohoo
shanoon ' an shanin,
ya ' azimash-shane,
ya same'al-aswate,
O Answerer of prayers;
ya mojeeb-ad-da'wate,
ya moonjehat- talebate,
ya qazeyal-hajate,
O Bestower of blessings;
ya monzelal-barakate,
ya rahemal 'aberate,
ya moqeelal-' asarate,
ya kashefal-korobate,
Spreading the true religion of Allah, Wilayat e Ali (asws)
ya-wali-yal hasanate,
ya rafe'ad-darajate,
ya mo'ti-yas-so'late,
ya moh-ye-yal amwate,
ya jame'ash-shatate,
alaihi-il aswato,
wa la tagh- shahooz-zolomato,
ya nooral-arze was-samawate
O Perfector of blessings;
ya sabeghanne'ame,
O Averter of calamaties;
ya dafe-an-neqame,
O Producer of zephyrs;
ya bare'al-nesame,
O Gatherer of nations;
ya jamea'l omame,
ya shafe-yas-saqame
O Healer of disease;
Spreading the true religion of Allah, Wilayat e Ali (asws)
ya khaleqan-noore, waz-zolame,
ya ajwadal ajwadeena,
ya akramal-akrameena,
ya asma'as-same'eena,
ya absaran-nazereena,
ya jaral-moostajeereena,
ya amanal-khaa'efeena,
ya zahral-lajeena,
ya wali-yal mo'meneena,
ya gheyathal mos-tagheetheena,
ya ghayatat-talebeena,
Spreading the true religion of Allah, Wilayat e Ali (asws)
ya rahemash-shaikhil-kabire,
ya razeqat- tiflis-saghire,
ya jaber-al'azmil kaseere,
ya moghni-yal-baa'esil-faqeere,
ya ismatal-khaa'efil moostajeere,
ya man lahoot-tadbeero
ya moorselar-reyahe,
ya faleqal asbahe,
Spreading the true religion of Allah, Wilayat e Ali (asws)
ya ba'esal arwahe,
ya-zaljoode was-samahe,
O my Means of defense in
confronting hardships;
O my Friend in my loneliness;
O my Master in my bliss;
wa tosal-iemonil-aqaribo
Spreading the true religion of Allah, Wilayat e Ali (asws)
ya jare-yal-laseeqo,
ya rokni-yal-watheeqo,
ya rabbal-baitil-attiqi,
ya shafiqo, ya rafiqo,
Spreading the true religion of Allah, Wilayat e Ali (asws)
ali-yan be-rahmatehi,
ya man najja noohan minal
Spreading the true religion of Allah, Wilayat e Ali (asws)
ya manit-takhaza moosa
ya manit-takhaza mohammadan
sal-lal-aho ' alaihe wa alehi
ajma' eena habee-ban,
wal-wahaba le-solaimana
and bestowed upon Sulaiman a
kingdom the like of which shall not be moolkan, la yambaghi le-ahedimmim-ba'dehi,
merited by anyone after him;
ya man a'tal-khizral-hayata,
Spreading the true religion of Allah, Wilayat e Ali (asws)
ya hazemal-ahzabe le
mohammadin sal-lal-aho ' alaihe
wa alehi
ya rahmano, ya rahmano, ya
ya raheemo, ya raheemo ya
Spreading the true religion of Allah, Wilayat e Ali (asws)
wa be-moontahar-rahmate min
wal-bahro yamooddo-hoo
ma nafedat ka-lematoollahe
wa as'aloka be-asmaa'ekal
hoosnal-lati na'attaha fee
wa qoolta ya 'lbadeyal-lazeena
asrafoo ' ala anfosehim la taqnatoo min rahmatil-iahe
innal-laha yaghferooz-zonooba
wa arjooka ya sayyadi
Spreading the true religion of Allah, Wilayat e Ali (asws)
and I call upon You even as You have wa qad da'owtoka kama amartani
commanded me
So, do unto me what pleases You to
do, O Generous One!
Spreading the true religion of Allah, Wilayat e Ali (asws)