Unpublished Material From Tarosophy: Tarot To Engage Life, Not Escape It.

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48.3PuttingyourHousesinOrder Introduction Those new to Tarot reading and even some with experience often pose a series of questions which are all basically around the same theme. It is asked, how do you know which spread is best for which question?, whats the best spread to look at relationships? or is there is a better spread for longterm issues as opposed to shortterm ones? and so forth. The choice of spreads is bewildering, and we have added to that ourselves by providing not only new ones here in this book, but even whole new types and categories of spread, such as gated spreads, calibrated spreads and layeredspreadsamongstmanymoreeachwiththousandsofpossibilities. So in this section we will attempt to simplify matters again by providing twelve new spreads for the range of questions you are likely to be asked (see also chapter on What Questions Will I Be Asked?) and helpfully divide them into sections for each area of question. These are based around anotherexistingesotericsystemwhichhasalreadydividedlifeintohelpfulsectionsAstrology. 12SpreadsfortheWholeofLife,basedontheHousesofAstrology The phrase to put your own house in order first comes, as do many, from the Bible. In this case, bothinKings(2.20:1)andIssiah(38:1): Isa 38:1 In those days was Hezekiah sick unto death. And Isaiah the prophet the son of Amoz came unto him, and said unto him, Thus saith the LORD, Set thine house in order: for thoushaltdie,andnotlive. We hope then to set our house in order long before our appointed time, by using Tarot to explore the aspects of our life which require work and offer opportunity for development. We can also divineforquestionsposedbyothersusingthesespreadsanddivisions. As the concept of houses is also to be found in the system of Astrology, we will not reinvent the wheel, but use this system to generate twelve new spreads, each appropriate to the twelve areas of liferepresentedbythosehouses. Of course, there are many different systems of houses in Astrology. The one utilised here is that foundinJohnFrawleysTheRealAstrology(2000)andisbasedupontraditionalorhoraryAstrology. 1 As Frawley points out at length this viewpoint maintains some areas of the houses as being entirelymaleficandtroublesome,ratherthanwhatheseesasamodernistglossofpositivity. TheKingoftheMountains The Twelve houses presented by Frawley use the Regiomontanus system of Johann Muller (1436 1476) who used the pseudonym, king of the mountains (Regiomontanus) in his writing. However, the system had been in use long before this time. 2 The houses are divided into areas relating to the followingaspectsoflifeearthlyormundanehousesreflectingthecosmichousesoftheZodiac:
JohnFrawley,TheRealAstrology(London:ApprenticeBooks,2000)pp.91104 Ibid,p.93 http://www.tarosophy.com Page1

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Table74:TheTwelveHouses 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. SparkandYourBody Resourcesandyourinanimateandmovablepossessions Siblings,NeighboursandCommunication Land,PropertyandtheFather Children,Pleasure,AlehousesandTaverns Service,Illhealthandallthatafflictsus TheOtherPerson,Marriage,Relationship Death Godreligion,learning,dreamsandvision Mother,KingandBoss Friends,Friendship,Hopes&Wishes Enemies,Tribulation,Sorrow So each of these areas is very general of course, but we can easily align most questions into one of these categories. A question about a partner or likely partner the most likely we are going to be asked, is a seventh house question, although what we do with that person is a fifth house question! A question about our career is possibly a tenth house question where it relates to potential promotion, but a ninth house question where it relates to improving skills for that promotion. If the relationship or promotion is merely at present a vague wish or hope, then it falls into the eleventh houseofthissystem. This is an important approach to looking into the very heart of a question posed to us in divination. AsacontemporaryOracle,weshouldlookintothecontextofthequestiontobeassuredthatweare answering it in the world and environment in which it exists for the client, avoiding as much as possible introjecting our own beliefs and presumptions into the question. Whilst this is impossible, wecanlimitoratleastidentifyandprescribeourownprojectionbyusingaframework. InMyFathersHousethereareManyMansions Whilst we can project our mundane life into the stellar map and find twelve areas of correspondence, we will benefit further by having a tool to work in each such area, appropriate to thenatureofthequestionorsituationbeingchosen.
MarcusKatz(2010) http://www.tarosophy.com Page2


Spread1:TheSoulBoat,formattersofTheHouseoftheSelf QuestionssuchasWhereismylifegoingto?WhoamI?,WhatshouldIdo? This spread is based on the ancient Egyptian concept of the soulboat, or thebarque of the Sun. The Sun was seen as traversing the sky in a vast boat, and the nature of the Sun changed as the day and night progressed. As the central glyph of the self or soul, the Sun is here used as Significator. The remaining cards are shuffled and dealt as depicted. As the ancient Egyptians also believed in a serpentadversarytotheSunApepthisisalsoreflectedinthereading. 1. Navigator: This card indicates what may be seen to steer you towards in your life journey, your visionandasignpostorbeacon. 2. Helm: This illustrates your resources, things which can be drawn upon, avenues which can be exploredandassistancegiven. 3.Sunset:Thisisapartofyourlifethatmustbeallowedtofade. 4.Noon:Thisisapartofyourlifethatmustberecognisedandenjoyed. 5.Sunrise:Thisisapartofyourlifethatmustbedevelopedandnurtured. 6.Adversary:Thisiswhatblocksyou. 7.Guardian:Thisiswhatdefeatstheblocks. 8.Midnight:Thisisthesecretcoreofyourlifewhichmustbebroughttothelight. As with any other reading, do not mistake the positions and numbering as anything other than a convenient description. You can read the cards in any order, and recognise patterns as you read. In thisspread,youmaywishtoreadtheHelmandGuardiancardstogetherandthentheAdversaryfor example,comparingtothemidnightcard.
MarcusKatz(2010) http://www.tarosophy.com Page3









Spread2:TheWellofUntappedReserves,formattersoftheHouseofResources QuestionssuchasWhatamImissing?,whatcanIdo?,HowcanImakeithappen? This unique spread utilises not only the symbol and image of a house but actually your house or apartment itself! It is specifically designed as a selfreading, although if performed on behalf of a client, you can do it as written, or map out (with the client) their house and use that as a layout. In Jungianterms,thehouseisasymboloftheself,andthelocationsinahouseoftenappearindreams indicatingaspectsoftheself.Herewealsotakethephysicallocationsasrepresentingfunctions. Take your deck and shuffle, whilst standing in whatever place you regard as the centre of your houseorapartment.Takeoutthefirstcardandlayitsomewhereinthespacearoundyou,saying: 1.ThisisthecardwhichtellsmeexactlywhatIhave. Nowmovetothenextroomorareaofyourproperty,andlayoutacardaccordingtothefunctionof thatlocation.Ihavegivensomeexamplesbelow: 2.Kitchen:Thisisthecardthattellsmewhatnourishesme. 3.Study:ThisisthecardthattellsmewhatIcanyetlearn. 4.ChildrensRoom:Thisisthecardthattellsmewhatdelightsme. 5.Bedroom:Thisisthecardthattellsmewhatwillgivemerestandrelaxation. 6.Basement:ThisisthecardthattellsmewhatishiddenfromwhichIcandrawupon. 7.Attic:ThisisthecardthattellsmewhatIcanstillaimfor. 8.Hallway:ThisisthecardthattellsmehowIwillgetthere. You can use your own imagination for this reading, and have fun with it. You can lay down more than one card in any particular area, and then go back through your property reading the cards. Be careful with this reading not to lose any cards, or perform the reading when there are lots of other people or animals passing through the place! Whilst the bathroom/toilet card may indicate this card tells me what I must flush away please be careful not to get your cards wet or damp! Similarly, whilst it is fun to be clambering into the attic to receive a card that otherwisewouldnotmakeitselfknown,becareful!
MarcusKatz(2010) http://www.tarosophy.com Page4


Spread3:TheFamilyandtheFishingNet,formattersoftheFamily QuestionssuchasHowdoIdealwithmyfamily?,Whatsgoingtohappenatthewedding? This is another example of a separated spread (see section 98.5) which utilises the deck split into selectionsinthiscaseoftheCourtcardsseparatefromtherestofthedeck.Italsousesthesystem wehavecalledthelayeredspread,withdevelopmentalquestions. Takeoutthe16CourtCards,andshufflethem.Layout4cardsasfollowsinanyorder:
Positive Dynamic

Your Role


Negative Dynamic

Put the rest of the Court cards (12) to one side. Read these cards laid out first, then take the separated deck (composed of Majors and Minors only) and ask a further question as may occur to you,suchas HowdoIavoidtrouble?orWhat canthe Querentdo tomake the mostof theday? etc. Shuffle the deck and lay out one card on top of each of those already laid down. This will indicate the divination developing in that area of the situation. You can then repeat as many questionsasyouwish,layingfurthercardsdownontopofeachstack. For a further familyspread, or relationship dynamic spread, also see the All the Worlds a Stage methodgiveninSection2.8WhyYouCantReadtheCourtCards. FORTHEREMAININGSECTIONOFTHISEXTRACTWITHNINEMORESPREADSANDCONCLUSION, PLEASEJOINTAROTPROFESSIONALSWHEREITISAVAILABLEINFULLINOURMEMBERSLIBRARY. YOUWILLALSOGAINACCESSTOTHEWORLDSLEADINGTAROTMAGAZINE,TAROSOPHIST INTERNATIONAL,HOURSOFVIDEOTAROTLESSONS,UNIQUE5WEEKSELFSTUDYTAROTCOURSE, EXCLUSIVEFORUMANDMUCHMORE! http://www.tarotprofessionals.com RestoringtheSpiritualDignityofTarot THANKYOU




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