Electrical Hazards Checklist
Electrical Hazards Checklist
Electrical Hazards Checklist
1. Are switchboards properly constructed and set up?
Ensure supply switchboards are of robust design and build. They should have: 1. A tie bar to prevent strain at termination of cables / wiring 2. Insulted stands for the support of cables and extension leads 3. A lockable door to prevent damage to leads 4. A method of ensuring the door is kept open when undertaking electrical installation work 5. Weatherproofing when located outdoors and anywhere subject to water 6. A clear area of 1m at the front 7. A lockable cover over circuit breakers but not over main switches / isolating switches 8. An endorsed locking device where a meter panel and fuse assembly is fitted Check that every final sub circuit, all portable electrical equipment, electrical plant and tools are protected.
2. Are all circuits, portable equipment, electrical plant and tools protected from earth leakage? 3. Are the correct general purpose outlets being used? 4. Are the portable outlet devices suitable? 5. Are electrical powered tools and flexible leads in a safe condition?
Check that general-purpose outlets with double pole switches are used for 240-volt sockets on portable equipment. Double adapters are not suitable for normal use on construction sites. Check that multiplug portable outlet devices comply with SANS 10142-1:2001. Ensure that all electrical powered tools and leads are safe is by having them inspected, tested and tagged by an electrician when they are first brought on site and then at regular intervals. Keep a site register of inspections. Make sure unserviceable tools or leads are immediately withdrawn from service until they are repaired or replaced.
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10. Are plant and temporary structures a safe distance from power lines? 11. Is electrical installation and repair work undertaken safely?
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