ECE 313: Problem Set 2 Discrete Random Variables
ECE 313: Problem Set 2 Discrete Random Variables
ECE 313: Problem Set 2 Discrete Random Variables
Spring 2012
1. [Fundraising with gambling] Suppose youre at a fundraising event and theres a die game which works with the following rules. You roll a fair die. If you roll a 1, you win 8 dollars. If you roll a 2 or 3, you win 5 dollars. If you roll a 4, 5, or 6, you lose z dollars. Let X denote the amount of money you win (a negative amount indicates you lost it). (a) Find the pmf of the random variable X . (b) What is the value of z if X = 1? (c) Assuming z has the value obtained in part (b), what is the value of E [ln |X |]? 2. [Choosing friends to ride to a concert] Suppose that you and nine of your friends are planning on going to a concert, four of your friends are also taking ECE 313, and ve are not. Unfortunately, your car only ts ve people so you randomly choose four friends to go with you (all friends are equally likely to be chosen), and the rest will miss the concert. When you get there, it turns out that those who are taking ECE 313 get in for free, and everyone else pays $10. Let X be the total amount of money you and your friends end up paying to get into the concert. (a) What values can X take? (b) Find the pmf of X . (c) Find the expected value of X . (d) If instead of getting in for free, the ECE students have to pay z dollars, how much do you expect to pay now? 3. [Hungry brother pays for treats] Suppose that you have nine M&Ms in your bag: two blue, three yellow and four red. Your brother nds your bag and realizes hes hungry. He takes three of them at random (all choices being equally likely) and decides hell pay you for them by leaving 50 cents for each blue, 25 cents for each yellow, and nothing for each red. Let X denote the total amount of money (in cents) he leaves in your bag. (a) What values can the random variable X take? (b) Find the pmf of X . (c) It is known that E [X ] =
175 3
and V ar(X ) =
15625 18 ,
4. [Summations and LOTUS] Let C be a real-valued constant, and let n 1 be an integer. The pmf for a discrete-type random variable X is given by pX (i) = Ci for integer 1 i n and zero else. Some helpful summation identities can be found in Appendix 6.2 of the course notes. (a) Find the constant C such that pX is a valid pmf. (b) Find E [X ]. (c) Find E 1 +
1 X
5. [Geometric series] Let C be a constant and let q (0, 1). Let X be a random variable with pmf pX (i) = Cq i1 for integer i 1. Some helpful summation identities can be found in Appendix 6.2 of the course notes.
(a) Find the value of the constant C such that pX is a valid pmf. (b) It is known that E [2X + 3] = 9. What is the value of q ? (It might be helpful to dierentiate both sides of the summation identity used in part a.) (c) If its know that V ar(2X + 3) = 24, what is the value of V ar(X )? 6. [COMPUTER EXERCISE: Empirical distributions for simulated rolls of a fair die] Simulate N rolls of a fair die using a computer program. The empirical distribution is the fraction of rolls that are one, the fraction of rolls that are two, and so on, up to the fraction of rolls that are six. Display the observed empirical distribution for N = 100, N = 1000 and N = 10000. Use the same range for the vertical axis in each of the three histograms to better compare them. Hint: We recommend you use Matlab for this and other computer programming exercises for this course. An alternative would be to use a spreadsheet program. Whatever you use, turn in a copy of your source code or spreadsheet instructions, as well as the required plots. You might nd the following Matlab functions helpful: cumsum, histc, ones, and randi.