Application For Approval of A Maintenance Programme Application For Amendment of A Maintenance Programme (Tick One)
Application For Approval of A Maintenance Programme Application For Amendment of A Maintenance Programme (Tick One)
Application For Approval of A Maintenance Programme Application For Amendment of A Maintenance Programme (Tick One)
Note: The CAA Standard Rate hourly charge applies. Instructions and advice for completing this Application Form Refer to Advisory Circular AC91-12 and AC119-5 before completing this application. Entries should be typed or printed in block letters. A cover letter should be included giving an explanation of why the application has been made. Full model and component designations are required (refer to the manufacturers data plates). Note: Applicants should clearly understand that unless all the entries on this form are completed accurately and fully, the approval of the Maintenance Programme may be delayed. 1. The charges associated with the approval of the Maintenance Programme will be invoiced to the registered owner of the aircraft described in Section 3. Applications must be submitted to CAA not less than 28 days prior to the date required. Application (To be completed by the operator)
Name of Operator:
Surname Forename(s) Client ID No. (if known)
Postal Address:
(If different from Address for Service.)
Person or organisation who can be contacted for further information concerning this application:
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Aircraft Description
Aircraft Manufacturer Model Designation Constructors S/N Yes No Registered to operator: Airworthiness Certificate Category Type of Operation Date: Standard TSN: Restricted Type Certificate No.: MCTOW: Registration: ZKCSN: Special
Part 119: Air Transport or Commercial Transport Part 91: Hire or Reward Private R/H
Engine(s) Manufacturer Model Designation(s) P/N Serial Number(s) Total Time/Cycles Overhaul Details Calendar TBO Propeller(s) Manufacturer Model Designation(s) P/N Serial Number(s) Total Time/Cycles Overhaul Details Calendar TBO TSN TSO Due TSN TSO Due
(If yes then previous operator is required to formally request removal from their Operation Specification) Was the aircraft used on Private operations? Yes No
Please identify the expected planned annual utilisation (hrs/cycles) and the typical mission profile of the aircraft
Maintenance Status
Maintenance status of aircraft prior to commencing new programme, including next checks due, and time to run
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Existing Programme
If application is amendment of an existing approved programme identify the changes. (attach additional sheets if required)
If the amendment varies the recommendations of the manufacturers maintenance manual then documented evidence must be provided to show the airworthiness and reliability of the aircraft is not reduced. (attach additional sheets if required)
List STCs and Modifications installed on the aircraft and any supporting ICAs
Applicants Declaration To the best of my knowledge and belief, the particulars enclosed on this application are accurate in every respect and show compliance with Civil Aviation Rules 91.607, 119.63 or 119.111.
Name: ................................................
Signature: ..........................................
Date: .......................
Signed by the Registered Owner or state the capacity of the person signing
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Date received:
CAA Approval
............................................ ............................................
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