) I III PUBJ ( S Chool : Noida
) I III PUBJ ( S Chool : Noida
) I III PUBJ ( S Chool : Noida
,Summrer voccticn ore here for you. It's time to fake down those books from your cupboard and read. , ' It's time to piety all day and it's time to relax n enjoy ~ Holidays aregr-eat but schoolwork can be fun filled nnd inspiring tool '
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Dear Children, here are 7 new ways to keep yoursel"es busy during the slimmer break, You may choose any three activities from 1-6 but activity number i' is c;ompulsory tor aU. Eal::tnactivity should be done on coloured/plain A4 size sheets.
1. A slogan is a word or a phrase that is easy to remember, used for E!XamJlh!, by a I)olitical
party or in advertising to attract people's attentien or 10 suggest an idea quickly. So, if you were creating awareness for safety on the road, thils could be a po!;sible'~:logan ALERT TODA,(, ALIVE TOMORROW! Remember slogans are
Make a poster
on any
1 of these situations
.need tor.conservation ne~ r~ff,,~~~for~U people need to be. conscious{law-abiding animal rights citizens
Your class is making at memory book. Whem each student is writing a p()jem about an excitir'lg mli!mory/day. For e.g. You may wrm! abou:~the d~y.ypu were callJ~Jlrtin the rain on yout:~~Y~,~:(:~.~~m9,frorn school. !"'. . .... ;;~~c
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you may
write in 2-3 stanzas use rhyming words or write a poem that doesn't have rhyming wo,.~s use poetic devices like a simite
Read the newspaper daily. Identify as many sets of antonyms, homonyms, and synon:vuns. as you can by scanning yourfavourite page of the! newspaper. Malee 31isits Showing the words you have coUected. Make your own thesaurus. 4. List out and make a note of those places in youII' Ij:lcality' that remain unclean CIIndexhibit unhygienic conditions. Think about the ways these cfl)nditions affect the IPoople and the surroundings. Now fntme a set of questions based on your judflJI'nent and use them to il1ltl!rview some of .your neighbours. Ask them for their opinions and suggestions. Based ().O thn researchyou
have done and feedback collected from the interview, write a paragraph on the topic 'Ten Steps Towards A Clean Neighboumood'. 5. Create a play script from a text. Convert the story 'Oliver Finds A HOlme'into a play .Take the help of the flow chart given
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Look at these two pictures carefully. If the two tigers could talk ,what do you think they would be teiiing each other? imagine yourseli' to be one of the tigers. Write an account about your experiences.
Reading is one of the most rewarding habits and we are never alone when WH are with a book. The characters in a book and its story influence us in many ways. Read your supplementary reader 'The Invisible Man' in the holidays and write a book review on it. Place this review in a book jacket designed by you. '
Happy Holidays Rest is not idleness, and to lie sometimes on the grass under trees on a summer's day, listening to the murmur of the water or matching the clouds float across the sky,is by no means a waste of time. John Lubboch
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Sequence is alist of numbers in a special order. Here are two sequences observe the pattern and find the nextnumber the given sequences. a) b)
In the given five numbers , f~r are alike in a certain wily but one is different. four. ( Give appropriate 43 53 , 63,
73 .' 83
Sneha scored more than Tarun. Srishti scored as much as Divya. Loklta scored less than Manju. Tarun scored more than Srishti. Manju scored less than Divya. Who scored the lowest? CALENDER and twenty first November. His sister remembers that and twenty fifth November. If both of them are correct. on which dav is
Arjun remembers that his mother's birthday is between fifteenth their mother's bi~thday is between nineteenth their mother's birthday? ClQ.CK
If in a clock numbers 1 to 12are replaced with alphabet starting frorn F, then which of the following the time as 9 0' Clock? a)M ~ P (Give reason) b) Q - N c) P - M d) I\! .- P e) N - Ct
CODING- DECODING as EGKPTand 2346 i~ written as t\l.LUR . How is 23549 written ill that code?
Deepak starts walking straight towards East. After walking 75 metres. he turns to the left and walks 25 metres straight. Again he turns to the left and walks a distance of 40 metres. He turns left: again and walks 25 metres, How far is he from the starting point? TANGRAMS on A4 sheet)
Start with a square piece of card (16 cm x 16 em) and cut it into the seven pieces shown. Task 1: Try fitting the pieces together to form any 5 meaningful shapes ( paste 5 different.shapes Task 2: If your whole Tangram Puzzle equal one unit, What is the fractional value of each piece? (Write reason in your
sheet) Task 3: If your whole Tangram Puzzle were worth Re. 1, How much would each piece wouldworth in your sheet) in pai!,e?(Wl"ite reason
,,----'-- V"
of the experiments .
in your
Thermomet.er Temperature is measured in degrees. Room temperature is generally 72 degrees Fahrenheit or 23 degrees Celsius. A normal body temperature is 98.6 degrees Fahrenheit or 37 dE!grees Celsius. A thermometer measures temperature but how does it work? Key Question: How does a thermometer work?
Materials: Clear plastic soft drink bottle . Water Red food coloring Clear straw . Clay
Procedure: Fill a bottle about two-thirds full with water. Add ten drops of red food colorinq. mix in the food coloring.
Wrap clay around the straw to form a ball. Place the clay on tne mouth of the bot1tlewith the straw instde . the bottle. Shape the clay as neE!ded to make a sung fit. Slide the straw down in the water so it is about 2" below the water level. . What do you think will happen when the bottle is placed in an iCE!water, bath? Plaice the botne in the JGO water bath to see what happens. What do you think will happen when the bottle is placed in a hot water bath? Plac:e the bottle in the hot water bath to see what happens.
Cool Colors" and Hot Hues Objective: To Demonstrate that dark colors absorb heat faster than light colors which reflect heat. How does the color of an object affect how fast .it will heat up?
Key Question:
Materials: 1 sheet of black paper cut approximately 15 em x 15 em 1 sheet of white paper cut approximately 15 em x 15 em 1 sheet of red paper cut approximately 15 ern x 15 em 1 sheet of green paper cut approximately 15 em x 15 em thermometers 1 stopwatch
Method: Fold each piece of construction paper inhalt, Fold it in half again to make a paper sleeve in which to slip each thermometer. Record the beginning temperature of each thermometer and slip the bulb of the thermometer the sleeves. . Observation:what will happen when the thermometers are placed in the sun? into one of
Place each of the thermometers in sleeves outside in a sunny location. Record the temperature of each of the thermometers every two minutes for up to zo minutes. II Design a chart to record the data collected. Subtract the ending temperature from tile beginning temperature to determine the temperature increase. Collect and record tile data on your copy. Averaqe the results. Analyze the rE;.utS.Review the prediction. . Describe how three methods of heat transfer are evident in this experiment. (conduction, convection. radiation)
and minimum
03. List down the recent cyclones (any two, preferably . and when and what was the wind speed?
DELHI PUBLI<;SCHOOL HOLl.DAY HOMEWORK CLASS VII - CHEMISTRY Paste pictures of any twoScientists( Chemi!;ts} on a chart palperlfill~ and furnish the followinginformation about them: . a) Brief life history . b) Their contribution in the field of Chemistry OR Make a chart I file of any twenty common elements a) Write their symbols b) One use of each one of them NOTE: This activity will be assessed as;a part of FormativeAs!:oessmEmt(CCE).
Make a project report I chart on the followinlg topic: ORAL CARE AND HYGIENE It should include the following information: Five tips for maintaining healthy teeth. Write the cause and t~e symptom of the following Te~l!th/ Gum related disease. M,enti()n preventive measures and paste the picture of the disease too. a) Dental caries . b) Scurvy c) Dental Fluorosis.
1 2
OR Make a herbarium file Collect ten leaves, dry them and paste them with a transparent covering over-it. Furnish the following information: ' a) Scientific name and common name of the leaves b) Habitat c) Its medicinal use jf any NOTE: This activity will be assessed as a part of Formative Assessment (CCIE); II
Make a project on any famous womens mO'vemnll1t which has le!d to grEtater gender equality or justice. The projec,t sholliid inll:lude.the following 1 2 3 4 5 6 IntroductionActivities Importance or reason willY you chose the tOlllie
Factors or causes that led to the movEl!ment or various methods of protet;;t (pictures) Various events ,reaction of govelrnmernt ,society etc Impact ,changes or consequenctt Conclusion or your viewpoint. ,'"
General Instructions-The
project file. Read chapter 5 offyour poDiticnl setenee textbook for refm'eillce" Pas't.! pictures of at least five famous WOme111 pelrsoru.llith~sthat inspire ya,u.
Make a Photo Album using Windows Movie MakerIPicasa Topic "Colours of Nature" lPhotographs must be origlnal) or any other software of your choice::
the lnventlon/contrfbution
in .the field
Class VII
Bitte schreiben Sie ueber die Feste des Deutschlands Please write on German festivals if possible with pictures Wieviele Feste die hauptsaechlich haben?(How many festivals do they haNe?)
Was machen die in der Feste? (Why it is celebrated i') Wie feiern Sie die Feste? (How do they celebrate it 7) auf einem A3 Blatt
lieblingsessen der Stadt Deutschlands Write something on favorite food of the city of Germany, if possible with pictures on A3 size sheet.
Class VII - Holiday Homework
I. Dans la grille, chercher les verbes pronominaux
R A R T E M S E R A W E Q Q X C L U V B N I Z X C L C X N L S E L E R C V R S E D N M I 0 S
5 E R C U I 0 P E P 0 5 s E F P Z S E A E I I 0 G V V E Z V E S A V E R B S E 5 I S P U P L 'f R
V A 5 S E R P C E X R S D U R E E I
L R L 0
I B A 5 5
Trouvez la question:
8. Ma mere a 45 ans.
(10 marks)
Make a tourist brochure on a about any city in France. Give details about: How to get there, where you can stay (hotels, hostels, camps etc.), places to visit, cuisine, etc.