Shade Selection of Pontics - RPD

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Shade Selection of Pontics Physical Properties of Materials Based on the law of mechanics, acoustics, optics, thermodynamics, electricity, magnetism,

, radiation, atomic structure or nuclear phenomena. One of the most important physical properties of a material is the Optics. o Deals with the phenomena of light, vision and sight (hue, value, chroma, and translucency), color is a sensation of light reaching the eye. o Important element for Aesthetic Another goal of dentistry is to restore the color and appearance of natural dentition o Color An object or modifier that interacts with the light source Light source An observer or recipient o Light is electromagnetic radiation that can be detected by the human eye. o Hue- refers to dominant color of the object, natural teeth ranges from yellow to yellow red. o Value- lightness of color 10 is white and 1 is black, natural teeth ranges from 6 to 8. o Chroma- is intensity of color that scale from 1 to 10, where 10 means saturated, natural teeth ranges from 1 to 3 that indicates that it is low in chroma. o Metamerism Difference in color perception under different light sources. It also defines the capability of humans to recognize different colours and their relation under different light colours. Shade Selection A shade guide contains samples of all available shades and is used to match the natural tooth color. Always provided by the manufacturer o Moisture helps achieve a more accurate match o Use natural sunlight o Record the shade on the patients chart and on the laboratory prescription Colors: It is a phenomenon of light (red, green, etc.), observed by visual perception that permits its differentiation, otherwise .. When light is reflected from object Retina (cons & rods) brain interpretation of color Color perception also influenced by the physiologic limitations of the eye, on the extended viewing of a

particular tooth site, the eyes experience color fatigue, resulting in a loss of sensitivity to yelloworange shades Shades: Commutative effect of 2 or more colored translucent structure Factors affecting shade selection: o Observer o Object (materials, contour, surface texture, etc) o Light source Types of light sources: o Natural o Incandescent (yellow) o Fluorescent (blue, green) o Color corrected light
Gingival porcelain: o Pink in color o Used with long teeth with normal gingival level Shade guide for roots: o If adjacent teeth has recession root color for the root portion

Color parameter o Value: most important (choose lighter than darker) Other factors that may affect the shade selection o The color of the surrounding environment influences what is seen in the mouth o Individuals with darker complexions usually appear to have lighter teeth because of the contrast that exists between the teeth and surrounding facial structures. o Women can enhance the apparent lightness of their teeth by simply using a darker shade of makeup.. o The Dentist, the assistant and especially the patient all be involved in shade selection Mold Selection o Selected as close to the remaining natural teeth as possible and then modified to match by selective grinding

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