ISTA Guidelines
ISTA Guidelines
ISTA Guidelines
Getting Started Testing Rationale Testing Expectations and Objectives Testing as a Demonstration of Minimum Use of Packaging Laboratory Tests and Distribution Hazards Types of ISTA Tests Use of the ISTA Certification Mark after Testing: Packaged-Products & ISTA 7E Specialized Test Protocols Developed by ISTA Member Performance Tests Special Considerations for ISTA Procedures and Projects Know Your Distribution Environment Product Damage Tolerance and Package Degradation Allowance Face, Edge and Corner Identification Samples and Replicate Testing Retesting Retesting Based on Changes in Corrugated Board Return Distribution Testing Line Extension Policy Identification of Product and Package Tested Test Parameter Tolerances Rounding During Calculations Additional Considerations Applicability of Recommendations or Certifications from Industry Organizations Suggested Steps for Selecting a Test Protocol Reminders for Use of ISTA Test Protocols Documentation of Tests Communication with ISTA ISTA Test Report Testing ISTA Tests Quick Reference 2 2 2-3 3 3 4 5 6 6 6-7 7 7
Guidelines for Selecting and Using ISTA Test Procedures and Projects
The International Safe Transit Association (ISTA) is a global alliance of shippers, carriers, suppliers, testing laboratories, and educational and research institutions focused on the specific concerns of transport packaging. We help our members control costs, damage, and resources during the distribution of packaged-products by: 1.Creating and publishing laboratory preshipment Testing Procedures 2.Certifying Packaging Laboratories
3.Certifying Packaging Laboratory Professionals 4.Certifying packaged-products 5.Providing education, training, and support. Our Mission is to Develop and Deliver Standards, Educational Programs and Tools for The Economic, Social and Environmental Optimization of Packaging Systems. The ISTA Vision is All Packaging Systems are Designed and Certified To ISTA Performance and Environmental Standards. These Guidelines are intended to provide the user of ISTA Test Procedures and Projects and other ISTA documents with insight and information on the protocols, and what factors to consider in selection, use, and results interpretation.
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Following are four straightforward suggestions to improve protective packaging effectiveness and move toward the ISTA Vision. 1. Test the Package. If you are not regularly using a laboratory package performance test, start now. Even a simple lab test used wisely is preferable to trial and error or total reliance on field experience. 2. Know Your Distribution Environment. Find out more about how products move, including the variety of channels used to move your goods. If you are a supplier to shippers, help them explore this information. Use this knowledge to identify sources of distribution hazards and observe or measure them. Use this knowledge to reduce exposure to hazards of distribution, to help specify the performance of packages, and to select an appropriate laboratory test protocol. 3. Continuously Review and Improve. Distribution hazards change, as do packaging materials. Review and retest even the most successful designs periodically. Rapid situation changes, such as new markets or distribution strategies, require immediate attention. 4. Stay Up to Date. Take every opportunity to learn more about your products and distribution, learn about new technologies and procedures, and exchange knowledge with others who have similar concerns. Educational opportunities, such as ISTA's annual International Transport Packaging Forum, are a good source of update. The ISTA Certified Packaging Laboratory Professional (CPLP) program is another excellent educational and recognition tool. Find out more from ISTA Headquarters or visit application (testing of packaging for hazardous materials and dangerous goods, for example), or by customer requirements (purchase specification, for example). While these situations usually have little flexibility in test selection, they are still in the broad category of supporting decisions on packaging suitability. Other types of tests are available but a detailed treatment is outside of the scope of this document. Material tests seek to characterize material performance for the use in design and development, such as cushion curves. Engineering tests seek to find a specific performance quantity, such as the deceleration experienced by a product in a package when dropped from some height, as in an instrumented drop test.
The need for testing comes from the difficulty of predicting what will happen in large-scale operations, coupled with the requirement to make decisions prior to implementation. Essentially, every test comes from the need to make a decision. The test results provide the decision-maker with information to help maximize correct decisions. The decisions supported by preshipment performance testing of transport packaging are typically about how well the package will protect the contents during distribution. Testing can also be a mandated activity as part of a package development, new product release, or engineering modification. This testing may be driven by organizational policy (corporate specification, for example), by regulatory 2
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Prediction allows the user to fine-tune cost and environmental impact as well as helping to avoid damage of all types. By testing incrementally reduced cost and material-content designs, the near-optimum configuration could be achieved. Prediction might also allow the user to design a package for a repeatable low level of damage, consistent with an objective of lowest overall system cost. Without a good prediction test to represent field performance, this trade-off of package cost and damage cost would be largely guesswork.
Transportation Vibration
Stacking Load
Atmospheric Conditions
It is important to note that test protocols can evaluate the effectiveness of packaging only for hazards represented in the protocol. For example, a test procedure that does not include a compression test is unable to evaluate a packaged product's resistance to warehouse stacking loads. By knowing the distribution environment in detail (see Getting Started, above), users can select an appropriate test to evaluate the performance of packaging in light of all known hazards. Without this selection process, real hazards may not be addressed as part of a package's protective ability, and significant damage could result in spite of a test being passed.
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ISTA test protocols are approved by Test Series Groups and by the ISTA Testing Council. New protocols are initially given the designation "Project" during their implementation phase. After a minimum one-year period, a "Project" is evaluated and will either be adopted as an established "Procedure", revised and kept as a "Project" for another period of time, or be dropped. ISTA has organized its test protocols into Series, as follows:
1 Series: Non-Simulation Integrity Performance Tests. Challenge the strength and robustness of the product and package combination. Not designed to simulate environmental occurrences. Useful as screening tests, particularly when used as a consistent benchmark over time.
2 Series: Partial Simulation Performance Tests. Tests with at least one element of 3 Series type General Simulation performance tests, such as atmospheric conditioning or mode-shaped random vibration, in addition to basic elements of a 1 Series type Non-Simulation Integrity test.
3 Series: General Simulation Performance Tests. Designed to provide a laboratory simulation of the general damage-producing motions, forces, conditions, and sequences of transport environments. Applicable across broad sets of circumstances, such as a variety of vehicle types and routes, or a varying number of handling exposures. Characteristics will include simple shaped random vibration, different drop heights applied to the sample package, and/or atmospheric conditioning. 4 Series: Enhanced Simulation Performance Tests. General Simulation tests with at least one element of Focused Simulation, such as test sequence or test conditions linked to actual known distribution. Project 4AB is currently the only protocol in this Series. 4AB is a web-based Enhanced Simulation Test Plan generator, with online access available at no charge to all ISTA members. Project 4AB closely ties the tests and sequence to a user-defined pattern of distribution, and includes a broad range of current and quantitative information on distribution environment hazards. See the Project 4AB section of the ISTA website ( for more details.
5 Series: Focused Simulation Guides **NOT AN ACTIVE SERIES** Guides for the creation of laboratory simulations based on actual field-measured and observed hazards and levels. The 5-Series are not performance tests per se, but information and instructions related to establishment of user-defined Focused Simulation tests.
6 Series: Member Performance Tests. Test protocols created by ISTA members or by ISTA in cooperation with a member company, to meet their particular purposes and applications. The tests may be completely original, or may be modifications or variations of ISTA Procedures or Projects or other published and accepted tests. The ISTA Testing Council reviews and accepts these tests, but primary responsibility rests with the originating members.
7 Series: Development Tests. These tests are used in the development of transport packages. They can be used to compare relative performance of two or more container designs, but are not intended to evaluate the protection afforded packaged-products.
1 Series protocols can reasonably be expected to be screening tests, with an increasing expectation of predictability through Series 5. Whether this is true in any specific case needs to be evaluated by comparing lab and distribution results. This important validation process should be a part of each user's normal operations.
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For Packaged-Product Shippers:
(this section does not apply to the Thermal Certification Mark used for ISTA 7E insulated shipping containers, see the section that follows)
The ISTA Transit Tested Certification Mark on a package is visible proof that the packaged-product has passed a valid ISTA preshipment test. It gives the highest level of credibility to the design, test, and packaged-product performance verification process. For legal and management reasons, ISTA only offers this service when the lab which has done the testing is ISTA Certified, the shipper/product manufacturer is an ISTA Shipper member, and all other requirements set forth below are met. ISTA cannot stand behind use of the Mark unless it has appropriate control and oversight of all portions of the process. Due to the nature of ISTA Procedures and Projects, which take into account both the package and the product, ISTA does NOT certify packages for a packaging or services Supplier. The ISTA Certification Mark is a benefit for the Shipper member only. In order for a package to be printed or labeled with the ISTA Transit Tested Certification Mark, or to make claims of ISTA packaged-product certification, all points in the following policy must be met: The packaged-product must be tested in an ISTA Certified Lab (current with their lab certification). The testing must comply fully with all minimum requirements of a current ISTA testing procedure or project. All samples must pass the test(s). The results must be submitted to ISTA Headquarters (ISTA members can download our test report forms from the Member Center). The report must pass review and be approved by ISTA Headquarters. Certification comes from ISTA, not the laboratory. The shipper must be an ISTA member in goodstanding. The shipper must sign a license agreement to use the Transit Tested Certification Mark, and will be assigned a Manufacturer's License Number. The Mark, with manufacturer's license number, may then be placed on the packaged-products.
Displaying the ISTA Transit Tested Certification Mark on a distribution package indicates that the packaged-product has passed a particular ISTA protocol. It does not necessarily have a connection to damage claim payments, but shippers that display the Mark are certainly in a better negotiating position.
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Package Type Distribution Type Individual Packages up to 150 lbs. (68 kg) 1A, 1C, 1G 2A 2C (Furniture) 4AB 2C over 150 lbs. (68 kg) 1B, 1D, 1H 2B 2C (Furniture) 4AB 2C Unitized Bulk
1E 3E
3H 7C
Specialized Furniture
Not Applicable
Not Applicable
Procedure 3A for Parcel Delivery System Shipment uses the latest information and data to configure the drop, random vibration, top load, and other tests and conditions. 3A overlaps with Procedures 2D (Flat Packaged-Products for Parcel Delivery System Shipment) and 2E (Elongated Packaged-Products for Parcel Delivery System Shipment), although the 3A requirements reflect General Simulation rather than the 2-Series Partial Simulation approaches and 3A is strongly recommended over the use of 2D or 2E for small parcel.
Parcel Delivery
Not Applicable
Not Applicable
Not Applicable
2F, 3B
2F, 3B
Not Applicable
Not Applicable
Not Applicable
Not Applicable
6-Series as appropriate 3K
See Series
See Series
European Consumer Goods Thermal Testing / Testing of Insulated Shipping Containers Table 2 Test Protocols
Not Applicable
Not Applicable
7D 7E
7D 7E
Catching or Restraining Packaged-Products after FreeFall Drop Testing When performing a free-fall drop test sequence, package tipover resulting in secondary impacts should be avoided when possible as they can directly affect pass/fail test results. This especially applies to tip/tipover-prone package types such as tall, top-heavy, elongated, or flat. Since catching could create a safety hazard, care must be taken to ensure personnel safety under all conditions. Clearly document on the Test Report whether or not secondary tipover impacts were prevented, and any possible effects on the test results. Equipment and Instrument Calibration Equipment and instrumentation used to control laboratory testing equipment or to record data from tests must be properly calibrated, traceable to national or international standards, to ensure accuracy. Calibration intervals should be established with consideration of: Manufacturers recommendations The laboratorys overall Quality Program Customer requirements. ISTA requires equipment and instrument calibration on an annual basis. If there is the possibility that an instrumentation component has been damaged (e.g. if an accelerometer is accidentally dropped or impacted), it should be checked and/or re-calibrated before being put back into use.
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Most ISTA Procedures and Projects require a minimum of one packaged-product to be tested. A single "pass", however, does not provide high confidence that other seemingly identical packaged-products will also pass the same test. This is due to inherent variation in packaging materials, package components, and the package contents as well as other statistical considerations. ISTA generally recommends replicate testing, using new samples each time. Having three successful tests of identical packaged products helps improve the assurance; five or more are recommended when possible. Even ten successful replicate tests, however, do not guarantee that all future tests will also be successful. There is no definite rule about appropriate sample size; it may depend on the purposes of testing, the desired confidence level, and the availability of samples. ISTA Procedures and Projects specify a minimum number of samples required to run the test and achieve Certification. In addition, a recommendation for replicate testing is generally made. ISTA's policy is that if any sample fails any of the tests, then the entire test is considered failed. The additional testing time for larger sample sizes need not be a barrier to better test technique. For example, most vibration test systems will allow the user to test many packages simultaneously, thus saving considerable time. In this way, a sample size of five would have essentially the same elapsed time for vibration testing as a sample size of one. Occasionally, proper samples are not available to meet minimum requirements for a test protocol. The use of nonfunctional dummy products may be allowed in some cases, and samples with minor, identifiable damage, such as minor surface scratches, may be acceptable. The key is: when the test is complete, can we determine if the product was damaged according to the Product Damage Allowance statement developed before testing began? Another technique is to re-use a product for several test sequences with appropriate inspection to insure that the product has not been damaged. The user must be cautious to not re-use a product that has become more susceptible to damage due to prior testing. In this way, one product and three packages could be used to achieve a sample size of three. The test would be run three times, re-packaging the single available product each time.
ISTA test protocols should be repeated periodically or as necessary to maintain the quality characteristics of the packaged product on arrival. In addition, tests must be repeated whenever there is a change in the product, the package, or the process. Some changes are not included in this requirement, but only if the change is not associated with potential performance in any way. Changes in the product can include changes in: Design (configuration, components, accessories, etc.) Size / weight (dimensions, shape, mass, center of gravity, etc.) Materials (type, construction, fabrication, gage, etc.) Changes in the package can include changes in: Configuration (individual package or unit load, container type and sub-type, style, design, interior packaging, etc.) Size / weight (dimensions, shape, mass, caliper, gage etc.) Materials (corrugated, plastic, metal, glass, etc.) Components (closures, labels, straps, pallets, skids, wraps, etc.) Changes in the process can include changes in: Manufacturing / assembly (vendor, location, automation, etc.) Filling (equipment, speed, automation, etc.) Distribution system (parcel delivery, LTL, intermodal, etc.) When there is any doubt as to whether a change will potentially affect performance, retesting should be done. Determining when retesting is required may involve knowing and tracking specification details of both the package and the product, such as new or changed components, materials, interior packaging, closure methods, etc.
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(European Federation of Corrugated Board Manufacturers) Testing Method No. 10, ISO (International Organization for Standardization) EN 536, ASTM D646, or other accepted industry standards accompany every packaged-product test where corrugated packaging is involved. Retesting is also strongly recommended when distribution channels change, as this may mean a different test protocol. An example is the opening of an e-commerce business (to replace or supplement traditional retail distribution) that involves significant shipments direct to customer by small parcel carriers. Package description must also be detailed and specific and should include type, style and material of packaging; corrugated board composition; cushion details including performance; film gage and composition; application or package forming details; mold numbers; any pallet or skid; unitization method for unit loads; methods of closure, etc. It is strongly recommended that photographs, detailed drawings, and/or complete specifications of both exterior and interior packaging accompany the report.
The following items are specific to certain Procedures, Projects, or tests: Incline Shock and Horizontal Shock. Note that when conducting an incline shock test, the parameter measured and controlled is the impact velocity. When conducting a horizontal shock test, the parameter to monitor and control is velocity change. Horizontal shock should be programmed to short duration nominal half-sine pulses unless otherwise instructed in the Procedure. Durations around 10 milliseconds are desirable if practical.
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Conditioning. If controlled temperature and humidity conditions are required or are to be used in any test Procedure, the best approach is to perform all tests directly in the conditioned atmosphere. If this is not possible, then tests should be performed quickly after removal of test items from the conditioned atmosphere, and test items should be returned periodically to conditioning as necessary to maintain the required control. The temperature and humidity conditioning times specified in the Procedures are dwell times at the specified conditions, and do not include any time which may be required to transition from one condition to another. Some Procedures specify the transition times (ramp times), and those should be followed. In certain situations longer temperature and humidity conditioning dwell times may be required. There are packaged-product configurations which may equilibrate extremely slowly with their surrounding atmospheres. For example, hot-filled containers in the interior of dense unitized loads may require a week or more to reach room temperature. If necessary, make measurements or calculations and extend the conditioning times accordingly. The strength of corrugated board is affected by its moisture content, not directly by the surrounding atmospheric humidity. It may be helpful to measure levels and changes in board moisture content during atmospheric conditioning. Although "conditioning" usually refers to atmospheric conditioning (temperature/humidity), in ISTA Procedures other hazard types may be used as conditioning as well. For example Procedure 1C where compression conditioning is used. When using any hazard type to condition a specimen, the objective is not to see how the specimen performs during that conditioning, but rather, to prepare the specimen for a subsequent test which will be used for performance evaluation. Conditioning situations are appropriately identified in ISTA Procedures. Compression Loads/Forces and Vibration Top Loads. Compression loads/forces in the Procedures and Projects are generally calculated from the weight and number of identical packages which could be stacked on the test package in actual distribution, or a stacking density of nominally 200 kg/m3 (12 lb/ft3) for mixed loads. These values are then multiplied by Compensating Factors to account for effects not tested, such as temperature/humidity, stacking patterns, long-duration loading, etc. If compression testing is performed in conjunction with atmospheric conditioning which reduces container strength (e.g. 10
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corrugated containers under high humidity, plastic containers under high temperature), these Compensating Factors can be reduced. If ISTA recommendations for Compensating Factors and/or Compensating Factor ranges are not followed, sufficient justification must be included in the Test Report. For Procedure 3A, the vibration top loads were determined by empirical testing that resulted in correlation between damage in the test lab and damage in the field. It was found that top loads representing average load densities of nominally 200 kg/m3 (12 lb/ft3) caused unrealistic failures during lab testing. By experiment, proper correlation was found at 100 kg/m3 (6 lb/ft3). Non-Equivalent Alternatives. In many ISTA Procedures, alternative methods are permitted for performance of some tests. Examples: Drop, Incline Impact, and Horizontal Impact for Shock tests; Fixed Displacement and Random for Vibration tests. It must be recognized that in many cases these alternative methods are not equivalent; i.e., they will not necessarily produce the same results. The alternatives chosen for a particular Procedure should be carefully documented in the Test Report.
ISTA suggests consideration of the following items when selecting a test protocol. Test rationale: required, experimental, decision supported. Test objective and expectation: screening, prediction, cost and environmental reduction, comparison to an alternative, or demonstration of a minimum use of packaging. Test Series: Non-Simulation Integrity, General Simulation, Focused Simulation, Developmental, or combinations. Resources: equipment, budget, time frame, expertise, experience, past history. Package type: weight, configuration, application. Distribution type: unspecified or varied, special. Know your distribution environment. Damage/Degradation determination. Most ISTA protocols call for determining the Product Damage Tolerance and Package Degradation Allowance before the test begins. Check lab status. If the package is to be Certified by ISTA, the performing lab must have a current laboratory certification, renewable every two years. Perform all tests, at the correct levels and in the correct order. ISTA Procedures and Projects do not allow test levels, times, etc. below the stated values, flexibility in the order of performance, nor the elimination of any tests. For packagedproduct certification, deviations from test requirements are not permitted unless pre-authorized by ISTA in writing, and with the concurrence of all interested parties and stakeholders. Any such deviations, with ISTA authorization, must be thoroughly documented on the Test Report. Overtests are permitted if desired. For example, certification to an ISTA test may be obtained if all requirements of that test were met and in addition, more or higher drops were conducted, the vibration test was run longer or at a higher level, the compression force used was greater, etc. If the purpose of a test does not include ISTA Certification of the packaged-product, then ISTA has no official involvement or responsibility and therefore the test can be modified at the user's discretion. In such situations it is not necessary or desirable to send a Test Report to ISTA. Document results as tests are performed. Record intermediate results, options selected, calculations made and any deviations. Photo, video and drawings are good documentation tools. Do not alter package condition. Interior inspection of the product or package (by opening the package) is not allowed during the conduct of an ISTA Test Procedure where packagedproduct certification is desired. Doing so may alter the package condition and thereby invalidate the test results. If intermediate inspection is desired, the recommended approach is to perform separate tests for investigation and certification. First test one or more packaged-products, inspecting them as desired to determine intermediate damage. When any issues or problems have been corrected, separately subject one or more new packaged-products to the complete test, without intermediate inspections, to determine pass/fail or for certification.
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Determine results. Most procedures require a pass/fail determination. This determination must be made in light of the package and product damage/degradation criteria determined before the test began. Details on how the evaluation was made should be included in the test documentation. Review the test. Was it the right test? Was it done correctly? Is the documentation complete? Would you understand it and be able to reproduce it two years from now? Finalize. Distribute documentation. Send report to ISTA for Certification or approval. Make decisions. Monitor Actual Shipments. If possible, obtain information on performance in actual distribution of the packaged-product tested. This performance, when compared to results from the laboratory tests, can be used to evaluate the effectiveness of tests and guide future testing decisions. Product Description Product name, brand, model number, and serial number as appropriate Place and date of manufacture Photographs, detailed drawings, and/or complete specifications as appropriate
Package Description Description of entire shipping unit Type or style of package List and details of packaging materials used Pallet or skid and unitization method, if applicable Method(s) of closure, if applicable Photographs, detailed drawings, and/or complete specifications as appropriate
Packaged-Product Tested Gross weight of packaged-product External container size in inches (mm or m)
The following general information, in addition to specific testing details, is required when completing a Certified Laboratory Test Report: ISTA Certified Testing Laboratory Information Complete laboratory name and address Test Laboratory Member ID number Test Technician who performed the test Test Report submitted by: technician name
Product Damage Tolerance Criteria Definition of product damage tolerance Name of person who determined definition of product damage tolerance Description of the method of determining product damage
Product Manufacturer/Shipper Information Manufacturer/Shipper company name and address Test requested by: individual's name Manufacturer/Shipper ISTA License Number, if applicable and known Package Degradation Allowance Criteria Test Information 12 Test Procedure or Project performed Date tested Number of samples tested Number of replicate tests performed Test Number(s) assigned by test laboratory, if applicable Appropriate details of tests and findings
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Definition of package degradation allowance Name of person who determined definition of package degradation allowance Description of the method of determining package degradation
ISTA Test Report Form templates may be downloaded from the ISTA Member Center at Custom forms with additional information are acceptable, but the information required on an ISTA template is considered to be the minimum.
ISTA is very interested in your preshipment performance testing needs and experience. Please let the organization know when you have suggestions, observations or questions. ISTA Distributing Confidence, Worldwide TM 1400 Abbot Road, Suite 160 East Lansing, MI 48823-1900 USA Telephone: [+1] 517-333-3437 E-mail: Website: Fax: [+1] 517-333-3813
Packaged-Product PASSED
Packaged-Product FAILED
ISTA Headquarters Certifies the packaged-product; assigns a database reference number to the report form; retains a copy of the report form and certification details on file.
ISTA Headquarters Assigns a database reference number to the report form; retains a copy of the report form on file for a minimum amount of time.
ISTA Headquarters Retains a copy of the report form on file for a minimum amount of time.
ISTA Headquarters Retains a copy of the report form on file for a minimum amount of time.
Shipper Receives a Certification Notice. May use the ISTA Transit Tested Certification Mark on the packaged-product according to the license agreement and ISTA policy.
Shipper May NOT use the ISTA Transit Tested Certification Mark on the packaged-product. No correspondence is received from ISTA.
Shipper Receives no correspondence. May NOT use the ISTA Transit Tested Certification Mark on a failed packagedproduct.
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Basic Requirements fixed displacement vibration & shock testing fixed displacement or random vibration, shock testing and compression conditioning (optional atmospheric conditioning) random vibration and shock testing atmospheric conditioning, compression, fixed displacement or random vibration, and shock testing
1A 1C 1G 2A
Test 2C 2F 3F 4AB 6 Series-Member Performance Test Package Type Furniture Packages LTL Shipments (NMFC Item Rule 180) Non Unitized DC to Retail 100 lb (45 kg) or Less Varies Varies Basic Requirements atmospheric conditioning, top load vibration, and shock testing atomspheric conditioning, compression/vibration, vibration, shock testing atmospheric conditioning, compression, random vibration, and shock testing Web-based Enhanced Simulation Performance Test Requirements set by member. See 6 series section.
Development Tests
Test 7A 7B 7C Package Type Open Container 60 lb (27 kg) or Less Closed Container 150 lb (68 kg) or Less Intermediate Bulk Container Basic Requirements compression and shock (optional atmospheric conditioning) fixed displacement and random vibration, shock, compression, atmospheric conditioning atmospheric conditioning, compression, random vibration, and shock testing
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