Toronto Christian Mission-1964-Canada PDF
Toronto Christian Mission-1964-Canada PDF
Toronto Christian Mission-1964-Canada PDF
. - Pnnt*d "fiT^ittd#
No. 75
Heltoaville, Indiana
January, 1964
Cranston Keith
He wiU arrive January 24, 1964, from his three and one half year ministry in Illinois where he has developed an extensive youth and music program. He is a graduate of Atlanta Christian College and attended Cincinnati Bible Seminary and East Tennessee State University. Grantbrook Church where Gene Dulin has served for two and one half years, has grown doctrinally and spiritually to a place where they are ready for selfsupport. Attendance is about sixty. Their excellent building meets physical needs for an aggressive program of evangelism.
10 December, 1963
Brother Gene Dulin,
19 Templar Drive,
Weston, Ont. Dear Gene,
"practical Christianity. " For over two years, through the generosity of a
group of Christians in the United States, we have been provided with the services of Brother Gene Dulin and family. All of you on this Board re cognize and appreciate the untiring efforts of the Dulin family. They have contributed in no small measure to the expansion of our church programme
and work.
We have experienced growth in our church membership, in our Sunday school and in our Vacation Bible School. We have enjoyed immensely the
fellowship experienced when we received visitors from the United States as
thereby releasing Gene and his family to carry on other mission work where the need is even greater than here, let us determine to vigorously follow up the programme that has been set before us for next year. Without appear ing overly confident let us express the hope that before long, Grantbrook Christian Church will be in a position to participate in the missionary work in a manner similar to that of our friends to the south of us. Yes, we know
from actual experience how helpful this phase of the work can be - has beento us.
Hence, my earlier suggestion - not a vote of thanks but a sincere word of appreciation to the Dulins for what they have done for us and to the
Christians in the United States for enabling them to assist us. May God
bless all these wonderful Christian friends.
Arthur Swinton
For the Church Board of Grantbrook Christian Church.
bring a person to the place where his faith in Christ would compel him to be
obedient to Him and live for Him. This was a real concern in the life erf this
young Christian.
The young man had been reared in the Baptist Church and had married a Roman Catholic girl. Four years ago when Westway Church was rather new these young people stopped by Westway Church for an evening service. When we called in their home we found they were having a number of problems. They were having financial difficulty; they were newly-married and were finding the necessary adjustments uneasy; but most of all they were having religious prob
After hours of teaching, the young lady commented, "Well I'm not going to
become a Baptist. " The young man looking at his wife commented in the same
antagonistic way, "I am not going to become a Roman Catholic. " My comment to them was that we wanted them both to be Christians only. We told them that we didn't want them to accept anything else but the teaching of the word of God and to follow Jesus Christ. A smile came on both their faces as they came to realize the significance of New Testament Christianity. The young lady was baptized into Christ in obedience to the Lord and the young man, having been baptized according to the teaching of the Scriptures, placed his membership
with the Westway Church. Since that time they have shown definite growth, although there have been times when their faith has been sorely tried.
But yet the one thing that has bothered this young man most of all has been
Christ but for some reason had never touched the heart of a man or woman.
Recently, a man came into his office and he tried again. He invited his visitor to attend services at Westway. The man accepted the invitation and attended the evening service a few weeks ago. He was well impressed and returned for other services. In the meantime, the young man and his wife were having this prospect into their home two nights a week for periods of study from the word
of God. After a few weeks of this type of study the young Christian brought the
prospect to the study of Brother Shell and for three hours Brother Shell talked
with him. At the conclusion of this conversation the prospect made his decision
to become a Christian aid was baptised into our Lord.
And now, this young man, who has finally won a man for Chris^is on fire for Jesus Christ our Lord. We all should go forth telling the world, "We have
found the Messiah."
T.C.8. Lectureship
possible places have been considered but things begin to point to one definite
area. Detailed plans for this new pro
James Myers, minister of Central churchinBattleCreek, Mich., is pic tured with some youi^ men after a ses sion of his Lectureship dealing with Bible Gec^raphy illustrated by slides
from his Palestine tour.
The largest attendance for any ac tivity in the Toronto area in recent years was recorded at the Christmas concert presented by the area choir last month. Over 300 people were in
attendance. The Russian Church was the host
^ IIS5:3
for the Russian Bible project and for Ontario Christian Assembly. Light refreshments were served during the fellowship hour.
Forty-five men attended the Dec ember meeting of the Ontario Chris tian Men's Fellowship. The dinner was prepared by the ladies of the
Russian Church. Gene Stalker had
During the business session plans were made for the summer camp
session and a contribution was made
to the Hillsburgh Church toward re building their parsonage which was recently destroyed by fire. The next meeting will be a Sweetheart Banquet in February.
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No. 76
Heltonville, Indiana
February, 1964
after numerous personal contacts and several meetings with interested people in that area. Gene Dulin will serve as minister as the church opens, but plans
call for the bringing of a new mission supported family to Hamilton to lead in this work, once it is underway. Hamilton, located midway between Niagara Falls and Toronto, is a r^-
idly growing metropolitan area. The city proper has a population of 275,000 while the metropolitan area, which includes suburbs, Is listed as having 400,000.
The fifth lai^est city in Canada, Hamilton is a leading manufacturing and port
city of C anada. Steel is the principal industry, with automotive, electrical,
rubber and textile Industries also of major importance. A high standard of liv
ing is evident, as 70 percent of the residents own their own homes. As far as we have been able to learn, there has never been a church
patterned after the New Testament established in this city, except for a noninstrumental effort. Hie Disciples have never had a work there, and neither
We have a small nucleus around which to build a strong band of faithful Chris
Yes, we would like to help the new church in Hamilton in this way:
Chairs at $5.00 each (50 needed) Hymn Books at $1.65 each (50)
Small pulpit (Approximately $50
The nucleus is composed of young married people, many of whom have been regular attendants at Christian Churches. One girl has a 22 year Bible
These young people have moved to Hamilton to find employment in industry and at the same time are sharing in establishing the new church. None of them have ever served as a church officer, and in some cases one member of the couple has never accepted Christ. This becomes a real
challenge as we endeavor to mold these young lives into effective and faithful
servants of Christ. While we will miss the experienced leadership, we should be able to channel the energy of these young people In a most advantageous way
for Christ's cause.
A small store building has been rented and is being readied for the first services on Feb. 9, 1964. Dean Glen Watterson of Toronto Christian Seminary will teach the Bible School class on this first Sxmday. Gene Dulln will bring the sermon entitled "GO FORWARD. " Mary Ann Brown will bring special mu
sic. An afternoon service Is planned with Ben Woodruff, minister at Selkirk,
attend the opening day, and at the same time enable them to serve at their home churches in the morning. For the first several weeks, at least one carload from Interested congr^atlons will be scheduled to attend and assist in the services in some way. This will encourage the new church and also link the established churches with the new effort in a definite way. Many times people ask for specific projects on which their group can work. In this new church venture, there are numerous items needed. The coupon lists some of these, If you or your group would like to help.
Another Worker
Mary Ann Brown has accepted a call to serve with Toronto Christian
Mission and began her work the first of January. The need for someone to de
vote full-time to the office work and printing work of Toronto Christian Mission
has been apparent for some time. During the past year the work has become heavier and heavier and we have been getting farther and farther behind. Cor respondence piled up on the desk, visitation of area churches had to lag, and time for study and sermon preparation, and recreation or time with the family
has been non-existent. The hours spent In the run of a week are unbelievable and the effect of them is quite apparent In both Lenora and me. Weknow God does not expect or want us to damage our health by working the hours we have been. We know that you, our friends and supporters would not want us to do so. We have been hesitant to call full-time help for two reasons. First, a capable, consecrated, efficient worker of the nature needed Is rather difficult
to find. The hours are long, the work Is exacting, and the pay could not be large. A thorough comprehension of the New Testament plea and a passion for
tlie sharing of the plea was imperative. An understanding of the need of the Toronto area and a devotion to that need was of great Importance. Obviously such a person is not to be found Just anywhere.
Our second hesitancy was financial. Toronto Christian Mission does
not have a large Income. Most of the time we have barely enough money tomeet operating expenses. And yet, WE HAD TO HAVE HELP. Considering the sav
ing we have recorded by doing our own printing of REPORT FROM TORONTO and CANADIAN CHRISTIAN HARBINGER, we could, if income increased
$175.00 per month, pay a reasonable salary. After careful thought and prayer,
we invited Mary Ann to come to the Mission to work. We have faith that God's
pec^le will underwrite the need that is so very apparent. If your class, or church, or you as an individual can help in meeting this needed $175 per month, we would appreciate it so very much. Mary Ann fulfills our needs completely. She came to Toronto nearly
four years ago when she became aware of the need for workers In Toronto. She
supported herself at secular work and served In the churches and Seminary as
time was available. These years In Toronto have given her a more thorough understanding of the magnitude of the work than any other person we know. She Is a graduate of Cincinnati Bible Seminary and is a consecrated Christian and an outstanding student of the Word. She KNOWS the Plea, and is dedicated to the teaching of the pure message. She is efficient. When she has completed a job, I don't have to check it to see if she has done it properly or well. She has. Such a person as this is an answer to our prayers and we thank God for her.
Surely the $65.00 per week we are trying to pay her is not too much (indeed it
Is not enough) for one of her talent and capabilities. Mary Ann will have the responsibility of pr^arlng copy for our publi cations, including REPORT, HARBINGER, and DEAR FRIENDS letters. She
will work on the mailing list, and do much of the correspondence for the mis sion. She will keep up the various odd jobs and at the same time assist in the various mission activities among the churches. Lenora will be keeping the financial records and writing most of the re ceipts. She will also continue her help in addressing and mailing publications and at other odd jobs, in addition to her responsibilities asahousewife who has to have the house ready for guests at any time. Over a period of five months last year, including the summer months, there was one night when we did not
have guests in our home. Lenora and Mary Ann, together,
gregations, holding evangelistic meetings, etc. I doubt that it is theSfe^ st^ardshlp for me to spend hours at the typewriter when someone else can do this, thus freeing me for the more urgent responsibilities of preaching
and teaching.
Appreciation Niglit
The Grantbrook church, in rec
ognition of the two-and-one-half-year ministry of the Dulins, held an appre ciation night. A fellowship supper,
with the largest attendance in the his tory of the church, was held. Cor sages were prepared for Lenora, Va-
dent of Canadian Western Union, who was baptized during the Dulins' min
The Dulins with the new chair, presented to the family as a remembrance from the church. Special words of appreciation were spoken for
those American Christians who have
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is now holding services in both Eng lish and Russian. Services, laaHng
about two hours, have one sermon in English and one in Russian.
CAMP will be held June 28 - July 3, for youth of all ages. Gene Dulin will be manager and Bob Wade {Aylmer), assisted by Les Shell (Westway), will be dean. If you would like to help in
camp, or attend as a camper, let us
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No. 77
Heltonville, Indiana
March, 1964
LaRues to Hamilton
Bro. Alan LaRue has accepted a call by the new Mountain ^ew church He plans to arrive in Hamilton in October after leaving a very successful ministry with the Palmyra Church of Christ,
in Hamilton to serve as minister.
Fredericktown, Ohio. On Jan. 22, 1964, Bro. LaRue and his wife. Patricia, visited the breth
ren in Hamilton.
During this visit they saw the potential in the Hamilton area
and were challenged by the faith of the nucleus of believers to make their de cision to come to Hamilton to serve. They plan to work with the new Mountain
View church until it has reached self-support, and then lead in establishing
other new works.
The four-year ministry of the LaRues with the Palmyra church, a rural
congregation, has been outstanding. Over one hundred additions have been re
corded while attendance in both morning and evenii^ services is the largest in the area. A record Bible School attendance of 457 was set recently. Contri butions of the congregation have increased nearly $10,000 in these four years
LaRue Family;
Alan Patricia
Leslie Michelle
and mission giving has reached 51% of the total giving. Five of their youngpeo
ple are now in training for Christian service. Bro. LaRue's father has been an elder in the Garrett, Indiana, First church, for over 30 years and his mother teaches in Bible School and is in
charge of music. It was while Mrs. LaRue's parents, the Felix Walkers, now
serving at Lawrence, Indiana, served the church at Garrett that Alan and Pat
ricia met. Both young people attended Cincinnati Bible Seminary where Bro. LaRue received an A. B. degree in 1960. The LaRues-have two daughters,
Leslie Renee, aged 3-1/2, and Michelle Susanne, 2-1/2. While in Cincinnati Bible Seminary, Bro. LaRue sang with the Semi-
naires, a male quartet, which traveled as a student team for the Seminary. On a Seminary tour to Toronto, Bro. LaRue visited the new Westway congregation in 1958. Later he returned to Toronto with his wife and parents for a visit.
Since that time interest has grown in the work of Christ in Canada until now a decision has been reached to move to Hamilton to share in this mission effort. Bro. LaRue is now speaking before churches in the United States in an
effort to raise support to move to Canada. He has arranged to close his mixiistry at Palmy r a Sept. 1. It is hoped the necessary support can be raised by
October so he can be settled into the ministry in Hamilton before winter. Bro. LaRue is a very capable speaker and has been highly recommended to the
churches by the Palmyra elders and his home congregation. If you can arrange a speaking date for him, please contact him at Fredericktown, Ohio, R. R. #3,
telephone 694-4160.
While there is and will continue to be the closest cooperation between the LaRues and the Dulins, they have agreed it is expedient for the LaRues to
operate separate from Toronto Christian Mission. The LaRues will be estab
For this reason, all contributions for the LaRues should be forwarded directly
to them.
opening service one of the young husbands and a new father took his stand for
Christ. He has attended church where there is a nice building, good attendance, choir, organ and all that we consider necessary for a church. Yet on this o-
pening day, in a store room, with a handful of people present, this youi^ man
said, without prompting from me, "I believe that Jesus Christ is the Son of
The first music we used in the new church was "GO TELL IT ON THE MOUNTAIN. " The section of Hamilton where the church is located is called
"the Mountain. " We were singii^ on the way to church that morning whenKarlita started us out on "Go tell it on the mountain. " We changed tlie words a bit,
and Vanita, without music, played, just the chorus for Bible School. We sang it this way: "Go tell it on the mountain, over the hill and everywhere.
Go tell it on the mountain, that Jesus Christ will save. "
There were 13 in the Bible School. Dean Glen Watterson, of Toronto Christian
Seminary, taught the class.
Ann Brown sang a solo and Lenora Dulin and Paul Diatel, from Toronto Russian church, sang a duet. Worship attendance was 17. The afternoon service, planned especially to allow interested people from other congregations to attend, was the most enthusiastic service we have seen in Canada. There just hasn't been such a day in many years. Represent atives from eight other Ontario congregations and seven preachers were pres ent. We had only 53 chairs. Someone brought six more. Thesewere filled long before services started. People lined up around the wall, and stood in a small room at the back. And still people came. We even had people standing behind the pulpit. It reminded me of the littlebuildings and the big crowds when I was in Ru s s i a. Finally, as close as we could count, there were 120 people present for this service. Ben Woodruff minister at Selkirk, brought a
message entitled, "Branching Out For Christ. "
Our policy in getting a new church started, has been to give just as much
ary comes from the U. S. but in the first days of a new work, expense is great, with no backlog or membership. To get this work at Hamilton started, expend
itures from American sources have been under $500. Canadian churches are
behind it, and have really helped. Westway contributed about 30 chairs. Grant-
brook gave a used pulpit and communion table. Selkirk gave drapes. Some churches have given money toward needed items. This we feel is prc^essand
While we are expressing appre ciation to the churches of Canada, we still must give credit to all of you in
the United States who have enabled us
to work in Canada these seven years. There has been a great change tn this time. A comparison between the openingof Westway and Mountain View shows how much real progress has been made. And it has been made only
because Christian friends in the U. S.
have helped.
ware when they bought new service. This is now being used at Hamilton.
And so, MOUNTAIN PEAK EX PERIENCES in Canada have come on ly as Christians in the United States
On Feb. 14 the Ontario Christian
o 9 1 V) K s
Les Shell, minister at Westway, will be the speaker in the ^ring Evangelistic Meeting at Aylmer, Ont.
where Bob Wade ministers.
The Grantbrook church held a re
fcar-rrr". F'
PriitM In ClMdl -
NO.^V 80
Heltonville, Indiana
July, 1964
Galatians 2 Corinthians 1 Corinthians
ple! !! Ten weeks following the mailing regarding the printing of 10,000 New Testaments in Russian the necessary $15,000 was on hand. The New
Testaments will be printed by the time this RE PORT is in your hands, and binding will be done later in the month with delivery expected the last
of July. Then the task of forwarding these gets underway. Pray that God will guide as efforts are made to place "the sword of the Spirit" in the hands
of people behind the Iron Curtain.
Contributions to the fund have been large
many for $1.00. The largest offeringever received by Toronto Christian Mission arrived last month
for this fund. The check was for $700 from one congregation.
The offerings have come from youi^ people and older people. Small children have sent their allowances and newspaper earnings. One ninetyyear-old lady did extra baby-sittii^ to help. Many junior age classes have sent offerings - some very sizeable. Beginner, primary, junior high and high
school classes also have shared. Vacation Bible
helped. On and on the list could go. Perhaps of special significance has been the help received from
mission and benevolent workers. Contributions
OVER THE TOP (concluded from front page) have come from personal funds of mission workers in the Philippines; British Coliimbia; Brazil; Chile; Klamichis; Palmer, Alaska; Grundy Mountain Mis sion; Christian Day School, Springfield, 111.; and Alaska Christian Home, Ho mer, Alaska. The children in Christian Children's Home, Boise, Idaho, gave.
Since we are now "over the top" in this fund, aiid several pledges are
yet to be forwarded and other churches have indicated intentions of forwarding offerings soon, we hope to print additional material in the Russian language for
use behind the Iron Curtain. Several important printing projects are proposed. These are indicated in the overflow at the top of the thermometer as follows: 1. 1000 Unbound New Testaments, for direct mailing - $1500.
2. Christian Doctrine Lectures of Dean Denver Sizemore, At
3. 4. 5. 6. 7.
lanta Christian College. 3000 copies (30 pages each) $600. 100 songs for choirs and soloists, etc. 2000 copies - $500. 100 Songs for Congregational Singing. 2000 copies - $600. Bible Study Outlines by Gene Dulin(used in the Russian New Testament). 2000 tract size - $100. Christian Worker Leaflet (tracts) by C. J. Sharp. 2000 cop
ies of each of the 10 tracts - $400.
Additional tracts.
none in Russian.
All of the material planned for printing is badly needed behind the Iron Curtain. In addition to this, Russian speakir^ people in free countries also need materials. While this material is primarily for the people behind the Iron Curtain, we certainly desire to use such material elsewhere as we are able. In addition to the 10,000 New Testaments ordered for iron curtain distri bution, we are ordering 1000 extra copies to be sold at cost to Russians in free countries. Of all the material listed for future printing, only the 100 songs for
congregational singing will be primarily for usein Canada and the United States.
These books will have English and Russian text along with the music on each page. This will meet a great need in the Russian Restoration Movement con gregations as they gradually change from Russian to English, a necessary change, as their people learn the English lai^age. Certainly, this music can
be used behind the Iron Curtain, too, and is needed, but their primary use will be in North America and England.
Perhaps some cor^regation or individual would like to underwrite one of these projects. The cost indicated is for text preparation, offset plates and paper. These will be printed on the Toronto Christian Mission offset machine. We have made no estimate regarding mailing costs on these projects, except
for the unbound New Testaments. The $1500 there includes mailing costs. You will notice that funds over the original $15, 000 are being applied to this pro
ject first. If you would like additional information or if you will share in this work by underwriting the cost of one of the projects, please let us know. This
will allow us to begin preparation of the material immediately.
the time. We
ject. If you will help in replacing the recorder, you will have shared in making possible regular services for
this band of Christians. Wholesale
quality recorder whichcanbe used as a loud speaker for around $250. If you can help on this project, please
let us know.
Needed: Tape Recorder
A small group of Russian Chris tians have been meeting in a home in
Saskatchewan for some time without
WESTWAY has had two additions by transfer and AYLMER baptized one
young married woman this montli. Over 200 people attended the 1964 Sunday School Picnic in June. This
was the largest such picnic in recent history.
a preacher or a capable leader. They have had Scripture reading and prayer, but heard no preaching. Assistance
for them was difficult. First, there
was no money available to pay a preacher, and if money were availthere would be no one to preach in the Russian language, anyway. But there was one way they could hear the gospel in their own language. Messages could be tape-recorded as they were delivered in the Toronto Russian church. The tape could be
forwarded to the little band of believ
ers for their use. BUT THEY HAD NO TAPE RECORDER.
ary to India, have been recent visit ors in Toronto where they have spo
ken to several congregations.
A set of slides taken in Russia is a-
tape recorder. We could not resist making it available to these Chris tians so they could hear the gospel. It has already been forwarded to them
and we have received word that it is
faith-only group, gave $329,000 to missions last year. They use the
FAITH-PROMISE method of mission
support. For additional information about this system, please write us.
in regular use.
But this leaves us without a very
needed piece of equipment. We have numerous filmstrip recordix^s on tape. We make recordings of special services. We also record tapes to be
used with slides that are made avail
8?? = ? ISia 2
lin family prepared to move to Canada to establish new Christian Churches Churches of Christ and to do several evangelistic works in the Toronto area.
The Dulins went out as direct-support missionaries with the recommendation of Hoosier congregations they had served. These congregations and a few other churches became living-link churches. The work of Toronto Christian Mission
and the Dulins has been and continues to be under the direct oversight of the elders of the living-link and major supporting churches. Each major contribu
ting congregation in the United States receives monthly financial reports and also numerous letters each year keeping them informed of activities and pro gress. As often as is possible, the Dulins make personal visits to supporting churches and give detailed reports. The proximity of the Toronto field to the
U. S. has enabled many supporters to
visit the work and take back first hand information to the various
was incorporated under the laws of the State of Indiana for legal reasons
and has a minimum number of direc
sisted in selecting new areas for evangelization and in planning various projects by three outstanding Cana
dian Christian businessmen, who
composeanAdvisoryCommittee. Roy
Fuller, chairman of elders at Keele Street, is the owner of a machinery
e a
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No. 81
Heltonville, Indiana
August, 1964
marked the opening of Christian Service Camp this year. Three hundred fifty people were present to hear the sermon delivered by guest speaker Autry Jack son of Clarence, New York. A basket dinner had preceded the service. The largest attendance incur camp history was recorded when 87 young people enrolled. Three campers could stay only part of the week, leaving 84 for the entire week. Three youth made their confession of faith and seven young people became life recruits. As inadequate as statistics are in expressing
genuine accomplishment, they do show progress is being made.
God's people continue to forward their offerir^s for the printing of God's Word in the Rus sian languj^e. In our last REPORT we shared the good news that we were OVER THE TOP of the $15,000 goal for 10,000 New Testaments. They
1 & 2 Tim.
PhilipplanB Ephesians
Galatlans 2 Corintiiians 1 Corinthians Romans
are printed and will be delivered to us this month. Preparation is now underway to begin the printing of other materials in the Russian language. Type for the Christian Doctrine lectures of Dean Denver Sizemore is being set. Work will be under
was included. I have read your letter over and over. I could read and understand your letter very well. I have received two packages of kerchiefs from you, that is six kerchiefs. Thank you very much for your care of me. These kerchiefs will help me very much, about fifty or more rubles I can get if I sell them so it is enough for me with my
wife to live on one or even more than one month of
My dear wife laboured very hard many days and then became sick for two weeks, but we prayed forherhealtliand loving Father returned her health but she looks now very skinny. We have very great droughts here where I live. The two months, May and June, there was no rain at all, not even one drop of rain has fallen on our earth or our land, so our situation is hard.
God blesses us in His work. About one
month ago there were five converts, whom I have baptized in the name of the Father, of the Son, and
3000 copics (30 pages) $<300. 100 songs for choirs and 'soloists, etc.
2000 copies - $500.
of the Holy Ghost. There are yet a few converts we have who are not yet baptized, but they con stantly visit our church service and even some of them are prayir^ to God. So sometime we will
perform thecommantmentof Christ also to them.*
I am seventy years of age, working for the Lord 45 years. Thanks be to God for all Hisblessii^s, trials and all other His givings in my life.
Read Psalms 37:1-7. SIGNED
(tracts) by C. J. Sharp.
2000 copies - $400.
Additional tracts. 5(000 oonic?
Huntington, W. Va., in May. In 1963 this congregation gave $1300 to mis sions. The increase in mission giv ing was over $3100 when the faithpromises were made.
For additional information on the
missionary offering to you that we may have a small part in this most
worthy project. We hope and pray that the love of the Russian people shall be changed from Communism to the love of God through this wonder
ful work.
^ if * * *
"Faith-Promise" missionary confer ence, please write Gene Dulin, 19 Templar Drive, West on (Toronto),
Ontario, Canada.
Asetof slides, with commentary, on the trip to Russia has been pre
It is encouraging to know that your work is progressing so well. As our minister said, at times our work
seems at a standstill here and that
lars seems so progressive. May God continue to bless your endeavors and pray for us that we progress for God,
>1, ^
and write as far in advance as possi ble. As soon as a tape recorder is available, a taped commentary will be prepared for use witli these slides.
way minister, Lester Shell, are help ing in the Northwestern New York
(Buffalo area) Christian Service camp in August. Cooperation between
churches in Ontario and this section
We just read your "Report" yes terday and enjoyed the articles by Vanita and Kariita so much. They sure ly are a credit to you. It's so wondei*ful to read of the progress you continue to make there. Michigan
of New York has resulted in a strength ening of the work in both areas.
church there and plan for their mov ing inOctober. They will be purchas ing their home and sharing in making the decisions regarding the permanent
location of Mountain View church. At tendance at Mountain View runs from
your project.
Thave been very interested in your project, "Bibles For Russia." This project in my mind, will do more to change the attitude of the people
behind the Iron Curtain than all the missiles in the world. Ohio
10 to 15. Contacts being made will give Bro. LaRue a starting place when he arrives and, with cultivation, sev eral of the prospects will be makii^
their decision for Christ.
Our thanks to those who have put us within $200 of the needed amount for the tape recorder.
17+iv national
t/ U I
N i, I
in St. Louis. John Huk, Egnat Sldorchuk, Keith Davenport, Lester Shell,
and Gene Dulin were ministers who attended.
September 22-25
2 e H H a 2 ci
^ 9 M B _
answered. S /V
addressed printed letters, 107 pack ages, 298 packets, 4841 Canadian Christian Harbingers and 29,682 in dividually addressed REPORT FROM
tinued to help.
As time passes, we
Lenora's mother is well and spent a month in Toronto in the spring, visit ing and assisting in many ways with
the woi'k of the mission.
'. ;'^T-
No. 82
Heltonville, Indiana
September, 1964
of Toronto Christian Mission. The plan has been devised and, where opportunily and time has allowed, it has been discussed with supporting churches. "Dear Friends" letters have outlined the program and invited comments. Pro
motion is now underway to raise necessary funds and recruit personnel to ac tuate the ambitious program. Gene Dulin, in cooperation with elders and ministers in the Toronto a-
rea, will locate a general area where there is apromising nucleus around which a new work can be established. The nucleus will be called together for con sultation and planning. A building site will be selected and arrangements made
for a meeting place. A worker will be called from the United States to minis ter to the new work with Gene Dulin assisting him for a limited time.
are well known to the Dulins after seven years of work in the area.
Their de
pendability, faithfulness and desire for new churches is generally known. Each new work will be established in an area which has promise of development in a reasonable time. At this time it is not necessary to start a new work in any
area where we do not have at least two or three families. While Toronto will
definitely have new churches established within the city, other cities in the gen
eral area will be included in the new church plan.
Ministerial leadership must be imported from the United States. The man must be faithful to the Lord, consecrated, industrious snd zealous, and
have experience, maturity and common sense. Every effort will be made to provide moving expenses and support for this man through Toronto Christian
Mission. At the present, no funds are available for this work but we trust, as they are informed of the opportunities and plans, the churches will respond. Christian leaders in the United States are being asked to assist in recruiting
these new church workers. SALARY
Living expenses are high in this area and salary arrangements will take this into account. Housir^ will be the responsibility of the minister. He can either purchase a house, or rent an apartment or house. For two years the
entire salary would be paid through Toronto Christian Mission. The third year
the church would pick up one-fourth his salary. The church and the mission would each pay one-half in the fourth year and in the fifth year the church would pay three-fourths. By the end of the fifth year the church would be expected to pay the entire salary. Such an arrangement, from the beginning, places the church and minister in a position of knowing what is expected and should re sult In everyone's working diligently. It avoids the possibility of any church's
become a parasite. While Toronto Christian Mission will endeavor to raise
the salary of the new worker, it is probable that he could give some limited
assistance by speaking in areas where he has ministered and Is known.
Experience has taught that a building site is an absolute necessity in be ginning a successful work. It centralizes the work and illustrates stability. Yet land Is very expensive, and it is almost impossible to get a loan onunde
veloped lots. To enable a new work to get started, a CHURCH BUILDERS CLUB is being established. Churches, church organizations, and individuals are invited to become members and will be expected to contribute $5 twice each year toward the building fund of the new church being established that year. If 20U0 members canbe recruited this will allow the new church to purchase land
and possibly some arrangement canbe made to borrow some funds to construct
a small meeting place.
Canadian churches and individuals will be urged to do all they can to assist in this program, but there just aren't enough New Testament Christians in Canada to underwrite such a program. As time vidll permit, Gene Dulin will
be visiting American churches presenting this program and the challenge of the work in the Toronto area. He will be available for speaking at FAITH PROMISE MISSIONARY CONFERENCES. Although it has been the policy not to accept
evangelistic meetings in the U. S., if some church has a definite interest in the
work of Toronto Christian Mission and would be willing to give serious con sideration to regular support to the mission, Bro. Dulin might be able to con
duct an evangelistic meetii^. Such does allow the local church to become ac
quainted with him and the Toronto work, and then a decision can be made with
the fullest knowledge. The printed page will also be used as extensively as
possible and we hope you will become an "area promotional director", inform ing the people where you have Influence of this program and need. For additional information, please write: GENE DULIN, 19 Templar
Drive, Weston, Ontario.
power to destroy the faith of Chris tian youth. One newspaper said, "Teaching should be organiz-edso that every lesson on any subject should help to form the ideology of the schoolchildren. " Another quote points
out that in a school with 20 Christian
their previous studies. While they search for permanent living quarters
they are stajang in the home of Bro.
youth, "every little 'pray-baby'got his good guidea teacher whose task
it was to drag him out of the sectarian bog into which the children, thanks to
the church and travel throughout Po land telling of their faith in Christ and giving assistance to various congregations as they are able. Indeed,
"FAITH IS THE VICTORY THAT OAll the powers of communism and atheism VERCOMES THE WORLD, "
cannot make the true Christian deny the Lord who bought him.
such determination fails to make many Christian youth deny their faith.
The two young men pictured here are brothers, born in the town of
Twoyears ago they wereto finish their studies and receive their diplo
mas. But before these would be
made immediately and without any mental reservation, or pain or sor row. These Christian your^ men re fused to deny their Lord and they were not allowed to graduate from Univer
GRANTBROOK reports two bap tisms. An aggressive youth program is underway. V. B. S. attendance was
90. ERIN was in the Lookout summer
attendance campaign.
SEMINARY convocation
saw University where they are study ing language mostly, since Polish authorities gave them full credit for
Andover, Ohio
Andover (Ohio) Church of Christ,
a new congregation just over two years of age, conducted their first "FAITH
attendance had in the year a total mis sionary giving of $800.00. The goal had been a 100% increase to $1600 this year. With about one-third of the congregation out of town on the day
when the "Faith-Promises" were
planning and carrying out of the conference. Gene Dulin spoke three nights during the conference. Woodrow Perry, President of Cincinnati
made, still the total was $2935.40. Faith-Promises yet to be made are
Bible Seminary; Robert Smith, South ern Rhodesia; and Rupert Bishop, Barbados, each spoke one night dur
ing the conference. Charles Stiles,
Andover minister, spoke on the Simdays of the Conference. A mission ary Cantata was presented the open ing Sunday night. This congregation of about 100 in
35 H W o
anticipated to p u t the coi^regation This means an increase in total missionary giving of approximately 400%. Our congratulations to this for ward-looking congregation. If you or your local congregation would like
well over the $3200 mark.
additional information about the "FAITH PROMISE MISSIONARY
to w Jfl H o c
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you would like one, please forward your request at an early date. No charge is made, but if you would like to help pay the cost of producing them 50^ will be sufficient.
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No. 83
Heltonville, Indiana
October, 1964
John Huk, Toronto Russian Church minister, traced the history of the translation of the Bible into the Russian language. A display of various older translations showed the numerous efforts made to give the Word of God to the
masses of Russia. The New Testament printed by Toronto Christian Mission
Continued on back page.
'Toronto Christian Seminary is conducting night classes again this year with an enrollment in excess of 20. { Classes being offered are Paul ine Epistles, Elementary Music and Religious Education. Local preach ers are teaching. Since the student body is so small and prospects for an early increase in size is not too en couraging, a full-time professor is
not needed. Bro. Glen Watterson is
Lenora Dulin
minister. Bro. Wade will be leading the singing. Doctrinal articles, pre pared by Gene Dulin, are being car
now teaching at Maritime Christian College on Prince Edward Island, about 1500 miles east of Toronto, and
ried in paid ads in the Aylmer weekly paper six weeks before the meetii^. Be praying for God's blessings upon
this effort.
Christian Seminary and Maritime Christian College gives them much needed assistance this year, gives Bro. Watterson opportunity to be of
more service in the kingdom and re lieves financial pressure on T.C.S.
bringing Bible-centered messages on the subject of World Wide Evangelism and the people will be challenged to share sacrificially for the preaching
of the gospel around the world.
terest on the part of those who regularly read REPORT. A few people have al ready indicated a desire to be a part of the CHURCH BUILDERS CLUB and some congregations areconsiderii^ definite commitments toward the necessary
salary for a new worker.
The oversight of such a program of starting new churches is of vital concern. Living link and major supporting churches have primary oversight of all activities of Gene Dulin and Toronto Christian Mission. However, it is necessary to have some local oversight for new congregations. Ordinarily each new church will have a small nucleus and most likely those engaged in the new
work will not be mature enough, or numerous enough, to assume completelocal oversight from the beginmng. While Gene Dulin will give guidance in selecting the location of the new work, and will endeavor to draw the beginning nucleus
together, the new minister should not be accountable to an individual. To meet this need, the elders of Westway Christian Church, the first church established by the Dulins, have consented to serve as overseers of each new congregation until the new work has developed and local elders have been
selected. The Westway elders, who have been through a new church program.
charter member
Yqur ..ii-
Your Address...
are dedicated Christian leaders and their minister, Lester Shell, is vitaliy in
terested in new churches in the Toronto area. Undoubtedly elders in support
ing churches will be pleased to know dedicated Christian men are on the site to
give coimsel as needed. Such a plan is scriptural and avoids bringing into exis
tence unnecessary and possibly unscriptural organization.
By the way, we have a CHURCH BUILDERS CLUB charter membership card for you. All that is required for membership is your willingness to con tribute $5.00 twice a year (total of $10.00 per year) to a new church building fund. This will be used only to purchase land and construct church buildings. We will mall a "call" twice a yearlikely in the spring and fallto each mem ber announcing plans and enclosing an addressed envelope for the convenience
of all members. Surely 2000 different people, classes, youth groups and other church auxiliaries will be willing to help in this way to establish a new church
in the Toronto area.
If you will assist in this way, please clip the form below, fill it out, and forward it to Toronto Christian Mission, 19 Templar Drive, Weston, Ontario.
I want to be one of 2000 in the CHURCH BUILDERS CLUB. Please enroll me as a charter member. I will endeavor to contribute on
call $5.00 twice a year for the NEW CHURCH BUILDING FUND, of Toronto Christian Mission, Inc. Please mail my membership card.
is the smallest ever printed and can be easily carried in a pocket or purse. "Why Distribute the Wordof God?" was the sermon topicof Gene Dulin.
Emphasis was placed on the Bible as God's revealed will for man. Without this message there is no hope of salvation. We who know this truth must share it
Special music appropriate for the occasion had been prepared by the choir and male quartet. "Break Thou the Bread of Life" was sung in English. At the conclusion of the service during the prayer period special thanks was given for the American Christians who had contributed to this project so gen erously. God's blessings were asked for those who receive these copies of the Word of God, that they might comprehend His truth and be allowed to obey the
Word had just been received that 400 New Testaments are already be hind the Iron Curtain and others are on the way. Continue topray fervently for
God's guidance and blessii^s as this very important work is carried out. Russian Christians here, seeing these New Testaments, all want one. We had anticipated this and had 1000 extra copies printed to be sold at cost to
Christians in free countries. This allows Russian Christians in this country the use of the small New Testament and does not decrease the numberprinted
for distribution behind the Iron Curtain.
Christian Mission are now being pre pared. Order yours today.
Keele Street is celebrating their 75th Anniversary. William Weale of the Charlottetown, P. E.L , church, con ducted a revival in September.
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Grantbrook reports one baptism last month. Regular Sunday night services are now being held. An expanded youth program is also underway.
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We will be happy to forward REPORT to your friends if you will provide adO
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No. 84
Heltonville* Indiana
Missionary Conference
Westway Christian Church's first annual Faith Promise Missionary Conference brought a 135% increase in missionaz-y giving over 1964's mission ary giving of $1974. When they were received Nov. 8, the Faith Promises
amounted to $4643.00.
The West\vay conference went from Wednesday through Sunday nights. Gene Dulin preached three nights and also showed missionary slides. Alan LaRue preached one night, John Huk spoke of the Russian work one night and Lester Shell, Westway minister, brought the messages on the Lord's Day when
the Faith Promises were totaled.
The real significance of Westway Christian Church's commitment of $4643.00 to world-wide evangelism can only be understood when the member ship, indebtedness, regular expenses and age of the congregation is taken into
Westway church started in the Dulin home in Sept., 1957. In four years the church became self-supporting, which means they assumed the full finan
cial responsibility for the local church program, the minister's salary and the indebtedness against their building. At the present time, after seven years,
the membership of the church is 88, about 30 being non-resident. Attendance averages for 1964 are: Bible School, 60; morning worship, 63; evening serv
ices, 55; midweek services, 20.
Financially this congregation has an indebtedness of $30,000 which re quires regular interest and principal payments. Their yearly budget, exclu
sive of missions, is around $14,000. Of the 20 families that contribute regu
average income. The other 15 family contributors are average wage earners, living week by week on their earnings.
With this information, the $4643 Faith Promises for 1965 missionary
one goal is that each congregation will become self-supporting as soon as pos
sible and then in turn share in the world-wide evangelism program. Because American Christians have cared, churches like Westway have come into exist
ence. And now they are sharing in the great challenge of missions. The mes sage of Christ, through the offerings of Westway church goes to the four cor
ners of the world. Missionaries in India, Japan, Jamaica, Brazil, Africa, western Canada, Europe, Philippines, as well as Toronto Christian Mission and Toronto Christian Seminary receive offerings from Westway church. We "thank God and take courage" when we see the first church estab lished by Toronto Christian Mission becoming such an outstanding congrega tion. Because Christians in the United States help, many more such churches will be raised up in this area and, ultimately, they will be able to carry out their own program of area evangelism, without the present necessary assist ance from you who share so faithfully in this work.
LaRues Begin
Ministry at
Visitors from all the area churches swelled the afternoon crowd on
Nov. 1, 1964, to 74 as the Alan LaRue family was welcomed to their new work with tlie Mountain View Christian Church in Hamilton. Morning worship totaled 20, with 13 in Bible School. Bro. LaRue preached and Gene Dulin taught the
Bible School lesson.
The LaRues moved into their new home on Friday. Construction on the house had been delayed, but the builder was able to rush it to completion with a few m.inor exceptions, and tliey moved in on time. Unfortunately the LaRues' oldest daughter was ill and Mrs. LaRue had to miss Sunday morning services. Karlita Dulin volunteered to baby-sit in the afternoon and Mrs. LaRue was able
to be in the service when the area churches were in attendance.
Attendance has been consistent with all the "regulars" there every
service. New contacts are being made by the LaRues and follow-up is being done on contacts the Dulins were able to give them. Regular newspaper ads are being carried in both the larger Hamilton paper and in the publication just for the Mountain area. Continue to pray God's blessings upon the LaRues and
the work in Hamilton.
The Keele Street, Westway and Mountain View congregations each re port two additions by transfer in recent weeks. The London Russian church
reports two additions by baptism.
Rally in October, Vanita Dulin pub licly announced her decision to enter
Christian vocational service. Vanita,
principles and problems. Mark, a long-time friend, always writes with clarity and documents Ms material
well. Our personal feelings are that
these articles should be studied care
lection Bible College and Christian service has been held before her and thedecision came as a natural and normal thing to do.
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the area Youth Rally. She also wit nesses effectively in her high school where the only other member of the
Christian Church is a convert of Vanita's.
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As your congregation, Bible School class or youth group plan your 1965 missionary activities, please
include Toronto Christian Mission in
23 O
your budget. The new church work, Russian work, printing ministry and
assistance to weak congregations are
needs and ways you can help, please write Gene Dulin, 19 Templar Drive,
Weston, Ontario.