Final Report Fire Fighting Equipment
Final Report Fire Fighting Equipment
Final Report Fire Fighting Equipment
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Bidder has provided eight (08) number of, 4.54 kg dry chemical multipurpose extinguishers as per standard size with the UL rating of 4A:80: B: C, which are acceptable. Bidder has provided thirty one (31) number of, 9.07kg dry chemical multipurpose extinguishers as per standard size with the UL rating of 10A:120:B:C, which are acceptable. As per the revised quotation, bidder has agreed to provide 700 Gallon AFFF. Bidder has provided four (04) number of, 68 kg dry chemical mobile extinguishers as per standard size with the UL rating of 240:B:C, which are acceptable. Bidder has provided nineteen (19) number of, 2.5 Gallon water fire extinguishers with the UL rating of 2A, which are acceptable. Bidder has agreed to provide ten (10) number of Aqueous film forming foam fire extinguishers, potable type of 10 liters with CO2 cartridge. Bidder has provided eight (08) number of Halotron Fire Extinguishers, Portable type with capacity of 5 kg and UL rating of 1A:10B:C, which are acceptable. Bidder has confirmed to provide one (01) number of foam generation skid, which has a Stainless Steel foam tank of 300 Gallon capacity. Bidder has confirmed to provide (04) four sets of Swing type hose reel of 1'' dia and 100 ft long with one fire extinguisher dry powder type 12 kg size in a cabinet. Bidder has confirmed to provide six (06) numbers of Stainless Steel safety shower & eye wash combined with a tank of 1000Lit capacity. Bidder has confirmed to provide three (03) number of foam top pourer with the capacity of 50 USGpm.
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Bidder has confirmed to provide six (06) numbers of windsocks with 8'' Dia and 3 feet length, which are acceptable. (01) One number of S.S tank of capacity, 380 Liter for AFFF will be provided by bidder. Bidder has agreed to provide twenty five (25) number of safety helmet of MSA brand as per tender. Bidder has agreed to provide four (04) number of Safety Line and Harness however the brand / make details will be provided in detail engineering stage. Bidder has provided the P &ID as per tender. As per tender request bidder has filled out the data sheet provided to it. Bidder has provided the fuel tank capacity of 300 liter, which is acceptable. Bidder has provided one (01) number of fire water pump for the fire lorry as asked it capacity is 793 US gpm. Bidder has provided the storage tank for water and foam of 4000 lit and 500 lit respectively. Bidder has complied to provide (01) one number of water foam monitor of 793 US gpm capacity which has a horizontal range of 70m, which is acceptable. Bidder has complied to provide hose of 1 dia and 100 ft long. Bidder has provided (01) one number of 250 kg DCP storage with N2 cylinder.
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ENAR has asked to provide (02) two number of mobile foam trolley (120 Liter) of S.S material but bidder deviated from the tender request and is providing trolley of fiber glass material.
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The bid document of M/S GUARDFIRE has been evaluated for the following main process parameters, along with the requirements stipulated in the tender documents. Also process Compliance table is provided in Annexure-II. Bidder has confirmed that items listed ANNEXURE X are as per NFPA. Bidder has agreed to provide list of recommended spare parts for two (2) years of continuous operation for the fire fighting equipments. Bidder has agreed to provide typical installation, operation and maintenance manual. Bidder confirmed that the equipments will be brand new. Bidder has complied to provide (22) twenty two number of Hose cabinets, with two, thirty meter long hoses, which can bear 1000 Psig pressure at the time of operation at the maximum flow rate of 750 US gpm. Bidder has complied to provide (03) three number of Copperhead manual fixed foam water monitor capable to handle a 750US gpm flow which are acceptable. Bidder has provided (07) seven number of ductile iron fire hydrants and complied with the desired flow of 750 US gpm, however it deviates from the provision of sectioning valve. Bidder has provided (16) sixteen number of combined water monitor, top mounted on hydrant which can with stand the flow of 750 US gpm which are acceptable. Bidder has provided (10) ten number of CO2 extinguishers with the capacity of 4.54 kg as per standard size and 10: BC UL rating, which are acceptable.
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Bidder has provided (08) eight number of, 9.07kg dry chemical multipurpose extinguishers as per standard size with the UL rating of 6A:120: B: C, which are acceptable. Bidder has provided (31) thirty one number of, 11.34 kg dry chemical multipurpose extinguishers as per standard size with the UL rating of 10A:80:B:C, which are acceptable. As per the revised quotation, bidder has agreed to provide 715 Gallon AFFF. Bidder has provided (04) four number of, 68.7 kg dry chemical mobile extinguishers as per standard size with the UL rating of 240:B:C, which are acceptable. Bidder has provided (19) nineteen number of, 2.5 Gallon water fire extinguishers with the UL rating of 2A, which are acceptable. Bidder has agreed to provide (10) ten number of Aqueous film forming foam fire extinguishers, 9.5 lit portable type, with CO2 cartridge, which are acceptable. Bidder has provided (08) eight number of Halotron Fire Extinguisher, Portable type with capacity of 5 kg and UL rating of 1A:10B: C, which are acceptable. Bidder has confirmed to provide one (01) number of foam generation skid, which has a Stainless Steel foam tank of 300 Gallon capacity, which is acceptable. Bidder has confirmed to provide (04)four sets of Swing type hose reel of 1'' dia and 100 ft long with one fire extinguisher dry powder type 11.34 kg size in a cabinet, which are acceptable. Bidder has confirmed to provide (06) six number of Stainless Steel safety shower & eye wash combined with a tank of 1000Lit capacity, which are acceptable.
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Bidder has confirmed to provide (03) three number of foam top pourer with the capacity of 50 US Gpm, which are acceptable. Bidder has confirmed to provide (06) six number of windsocks which will be 18" diameter x 60" length x 9" diameter in dimensions, which are acceptable. ENAR has asked to provide (02) two number of mobile foam trolley (120 Liter) of S.S material but bidder deviated from the tender request and is providing trolley of polyethylene foam and capacity of 140 liter. One S.S tank of capacity of 380 Liter for AFFF will be provided by bidder. Bidder has agreed to provide (25) twenty five number of safety helmet of MSA brand as per tender. Bidder has agreed to provide (04) four number of Safety Line and Harness of SECO brand as per tender.
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The bid document of M/S MERAJ LTD. has been evaluated for the following main process parameters, along with the requirements stipulated in the tender documents. Also process Compliance table is provided in Annexure-II. Bidder has confirmed that items listed in ANNEXURE X are as per NFPA. Bidder has agreed to provide list of recommended spare parts for two (2) years of continuous operation for the fire fighting equipments. Bidder has provided list of recommended special tools for maintenance & repair kit. Bidder confirmed that the equipments will be brand new.
Bidder has provided the P &ID as per tender request and it is acceptable at clarification stage.
As per tender request bidder has filled out the data sheet provided to it. Bidder has provided the fuel tank capacity of 200 liter. Bidder has provided one (01) fire water pump for the fire lorry and as asked it capacity is 750 US gpm.
Bidder has provided the storage tank for water and foam of 4000 lit and 500 lit respectively.
Bidder has complied to provide one (01) water foam monitor of 750 US gpm capacity, which has a horizontal range of 50m. Bidder has complied to provide hose of 1 dia and 100 ft long. Bidder has provided single 250 kg DCP storage with N2 cylinder.
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The bid document of M/s CARROZZERIA has been evaluated for the following main process parameters, along with the requirements stipulated in the tender documents. Also process Compliance table is provided in Annexure-II. Bidder has confirmed that items listed ANNEXURE X are as per NFPA. Bidder has agreed to provide list of recommended spare parts for two (2) years of continuous operation for the fire fighting equipments. Bidder has provided list of recommended special tools for maintenance & repair kit. Bidder confirmed that the equipments will be brand new.
Bidder has provided the P &ID as per tender request and it is acceptable at clarification stage.
As per tender request bidder has filled out the data sheet provided to it. Bidder has provided the fuel tank capacity of 190 liter . Bidder has provided one (01) fire water pump for the fire lorry with the capacity of 792 US gpm, which is acceptable.
Bidder has provided the storage tank for water and foam of 4000 lit and 500 lit respectively.
Bidder has complied to provide one (01) water/foam monitor of 792 US gpm capacity, with the horizontal range of 55/50 m. Bidder has complied to provide hose of 1 dia and 100 ft long. Bidder has provided single 250 kg DCP storage with N2 cylinder.
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The bid document of M/s Excel Techno Int. has been evaluated for the following main process parameters, along with the requirements stipulated in the tender documents. Also process Compliance table is provided in Annexure-II.
Bidder has confirmed that items listed in ANNEXURE X are as per NFPA. Bidder has agreed to provide list of recommended spare parts for two (2) years of continuous operation for the fire fighting equipments. Bidder has agreed to provide typical installation, operation and maintenance manual. Bidder confirmed that the equipments will be brand new. Bidder has complied to provide (22) twenty two number of Hose cabinets, with two, thirty meter long hoses, which can bear 725 Psig pressure at the time of operation at the maximum flow rate of 750 US gpm. Upon clarifications bidder has complied to provide (03) three number of S.S fixed foam water monitor capable to control a 750US gpm flow. Bidder has provided (07) seven number of ductile iron fire hydrants and complied with the desired flow of 750 US gpm. Bidder has provided (16) sixteen number of combined water monitor, top mounted on hydrant which can with stand the flow of 750 US gpm and bidder has confirmed that the equipment will be as per ENAR data sheet. Bidder has provided (10) ten number of CO2 extinguishers with the capacity of 3 kg, which are acceptable. Bidder has provided (08) number of 6 kg dry chemical multipurpose extinguisher, which are acceptable.
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Bidder has provided (31) thirty one number of 12 kg dry chemical multipurpose extinguishers, which are acceptable. As per the revised quotation, bidder has agreed to provide 700 Gallon AFFF. Bidder has provided (04) four number of 70 kg dry chemical mobile extinguishers, which are acceptable. Bidder has provided (19) nineteen numbers of 2.5 Gallon water fire extinguishers with the UL rating of 2A, which are acceptable. Bidder has agreed to provide (10) ten number of Aqueous film forming foam fire extinguisher, portable type of 10 liters size, with CO2 cartridge. Bidder has provided (08) eight number of Halotron Fire Extinguisher, portable type with capacity of 4kg. Bidder has confirmed to provide one (01) number of foam generation skid, which has a Stainless Steel foam tank of 300 Gallon capacity. Bidder has confirmed to provide four sets of Swing type hose reel of 1'' dia and 100 ft long with one fire extinguisher dry powder type 12 kg size in a cabinet. Bidder has confirmed to provide six (06) Stainless Steel safety shower & eye wash combined with a tank of 1000Lit capacity. Bidder has confirmed to provide three (03) foam top pourer with the capacity of 50 US Gpm. Bidder has confirmed to provide (06) six number of windsocks which will be 8 inch in diameter x 3 ft in length. Bidder has complied to provide (02) two number of mobile foam trolley (120 Liter) of S.S material. One S.S tank of capacity of 380 Liter for AFFF will be provided by bidder. Bidder has agreed to provide (25) twenty five number of safety helmet of MSA brand as per tender.
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Bidder has agreed to provide (04) four number of Safety Line And Harness of SECO brand as per tender Bidder has provided the P &ID as per tender request. Bidder has provided the fuel tank capacity of 200 liter. Bidder has provided one (01) fire water pump for the fire lorry and as asked it capacity is 750 US gpm. Bidder has provided the storage tank for water and foam of 4000 lit and 500 lit respectively. Bidder has complied to provide single water/foam monitor of 750 US gpm capacity, which can easily throw fluid at a distance of 50 m. Bidder has complied to provide hose of 1 dia and 100 ft long. Bidder has provided single 250 kg DCP storage with N2 cylinder.
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