Ostara: by Mike Cannell

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By Mike Cannell
For Troylloyd
pool vomit fond shame glyph barter gather not needle blip to separate syntax from so
what do you think we meaning to create completely emotional response nope you david
level grate no reed apocalypse seen need never rabid trench seed labour cardboard
nessesary need what need seen need what we saw spiel bin laden natural decent level
what wheel radar vortex seed title blather want need kneel what seal gather afganistan
gas oil casper phantasia not nope occult when what yes yap when the leed river nexus
seen feminist talmud cat blather taliban natural lift cocaine eye illuminati hooded sneer
paper visual glad glam rock sneeze improvisational never page accent yes god what
tectonic teutonic germany leaf lather ratchet violence fear butcher snaps nafta cleave
nasal haiku frog beetle lemming lenin pathetic seed kneel when fog rotated sneeze
concrete huth level when toten jesus rape potato sneeze gather king natural jeepers
cretin cleave get yes yap lager concentration sneeze natural open seen seed
revolutionary rocket fist bloat when we see the goth gold seed natural empire seal plath
garden seen sneak sin eve gastronomic nettle beet next sneeze kissenger red rat ratchet
silly geese gopher ratchet name the wanted signs what we red taciturn flub flab flap
sneer snatch triangle beast tentacle with wings sneeze snacks Xerox tumbleweed area
51 next pants simple read rex noise punctuation since orator heaven geek greek geeks
homolinguistic transliteration terrorist errorist colombo brain coin bomb shrapnel
banker democracy nonsense seed fear bush obama new world odour Picasso shift leave
guantanamo frigate frijid frog free fist lucor aids essence gangbang shingling changeling
spot bleed rib rabid toad laugh rapid sneeze lover gape legs touch river never seen open
opine if we come together offal reap eye not finnigan asphalt otherness seen serene if
elliot transparent need dot visual mein sign seed tassel of philosophy need if six
catamaran séance french seen world war government illegitimate rat axis anarchism
machiavellian yorkshire violence fleming antiseptic model monkey with copper cymbals
pukka pekka pucker posh sheffield shield baby babylon brotherhood of overlord over
man ubermench nietszche seen alien moustache epée eat derek bailey even said i not
got yes when yes seen extreme read all bible balderdash rasher bollocks woollen hat yes
cigarette combing the mirror seen hologram septic reef little bother manipulation
robots think manipulation think seen seize evil ether rather seen next embolism doting
pregnant tap drip revolve revolver step logger lead gold silver sliver tape taper tester
tats tale visor idea letter sheet angel wing sword neat damn damned dame laugh
revelation seen twelve not a fog text blather lose syntax is net gain grammar nettle
trendy pagan crystal seen ten dead snow ash cremation debt woman revelation earth
snail snow accident need to be shaft shuttle she’d leader is net gain dollar reaper halo
budding buddhist zen lear lead leeds electrical glory resplendence nasty seer when full
head heading trailer title mullet tower perm permanent talk speech underground dust
into fog arty liverpool captain marvel ghost shaman psychic need-to-know insane rather
yes the pole-to-poland need to never seen red blag blog blimp re-re-re-re-re-re twin
powers aerodrome graphic navel body bumper atheist toe tee tac to tact tic tattle tale
talon tax-margin theft needs to lose loser meaningless dead www.godhate.coma reed
ending someone said tatter lecture icke even ice dictionary heart imprint eon time
history rent protestant catholic impulse error roar lion barberella imposition
ampersand faggot yes need peace comfort mother’s breast parasite father imposition
freedom alternative libertarian squeeze-monkey hand grenade pin drop silence
anthropomorphic ethnographic porno show seer visionary sneak elvis elves doppler
evolution seen taxi dada sneeze resident take sound saxophone irish iris done donner
sound poet re new orleans play tour toten teeth scots scat barbed wire maggots
dimension seen sneeze level plop prefect pervert nope lap london tripe trip wire wired
winsome wimp will want pow-woe is me net brain seed penis lecture milner saxophone
para lice nixon mess even sneeze zygon zygote whovian recharge retard blister fling
semen skin tory troy tree trap-door builderberg nazi if intimate in fascist jesus jests
saturn muslim muslin galaxy poem pre-op politics underground venus steal a idea
trademarked for death cain and able ambulance pwoermd subtle paranormal peeling
pole post pest console creature regional oppose crass credo opines over lacked killer
weed evil dick nixon nagas her ink and paper twin dodder doddy daddy deacon derek
bailey vox popular nigger niggardly napster law broker breaker goth gopher absurdity
echo ethos front baker breed coca-cola cardgame caligari calamari war on drugs bush
bushed baker beatles bop do-wop district eternal epicentre ape rape tea rink tape
guitar page fuller snopes liars bbc beacon blind lie eve dance dunce e.b.e abe shot to the
head keyboard lock empire erik cheat chatter prattle voice or teratology tautology tote-
bag palindromic jazz jiizm dictionary fluxus fart feathers japanoise quiet dote dot
blotter blimp glans gland shift shaft prose as a form of throat scratch poem humour is
cunt rip dig dig digger rough trade peon "we are all in this together, but we all die
alone." visor language reread learn to step back tortilla snatch biblical tortellini titter tit
sucker tone shadow cone palindrome Hannah wood weaver screen give up capitals and
everything seems right real rather reggae dust daedalous reed vibrate pools in lava
since acne vibrates abacus still stays nut net natter reprobate rex rexist racist catholic
condom sales man ten tent tent tenet beard marriage queef quandary quill on odin
rather reputation resist racist rotten rats gangster gang rape poop pool hobbit taciturn
toga staff fasces booed off yip yap dog blender scribbd scree scold bumbershoot toronto
canada derrière burble blubber fat fate rests a scythe like nipples in the rain he knows
more words then me read maze labyrinth read to topiary everything is hard to ride read
rope rap rogue rastafari skinhead in bloated leather dreadlocks post a mail package
from a canadian uruguay seeds crop a cloud rotation snips the skin bleeds the skin the
ratatatat read rate rocks superhero cape kate hootenanny at kirkegaard’s bamf! bate
basingstoke snikt! dustin thurston donara thor tor toralf toralv torbjørn tore torfinn
torgeir torgils torgny torgrim torkel torkjell torlak torleif tormod torodd torolv torstein
torvald torbjørg tordis torfrid turid torgerd torgunn torhild toril torlaug torun torveig
Þór Þórhallur Þorbergur Þorbjörn Þorfinnur Þorgeir Þorgils Þorgrímur Þorkell Þorlákur
Þorleifur Þormóður Þorsteinn Þorvaldur Þórarinn Þórir Þórður Þórgnýr Þórólfur
Þorbjörg Þorgerður Þóra Þórdís Þórhildur Þórunn Þórgunnur hóraldur hórður hóri
hørður torbergur torbjørn torbrandur torfinnur torfríður torgeir torgestur torgrímur
torkil torleivur torleygur tormann tormar tormóður tormundur torstein torvaldur
tóraldur tórarin tórálvur tórður tórhallur tórheðin tóri tórir tóroddur tórolvur tórur
torbera torbjørg torborg tordis torfinna torfríð torgerð torgunn torgunna torleig torný
torvør tóra tórhalla tórhild tor torben torbjørn torkil terkel torleif torsten torvald tora
tove tor torbjörn tord tore torgny torkel torleif torsten torvald tora torunn tove tova
torsti torvald thorald thoralf toralf thorben torben thorbjörn thorsten torsten thorwald
torwald thor tore thoralf thorbjörn thorbrand thorkell thorleif thorolf thorsten torsten
thorwald torwald torvald torold torquil thurkettle thurston thirkell as of to mention his
name this hiss his hiss heston blumenthal looks like beaker from the muppets ‘pon
rather skin ache list server survive severance seen to make a watered down event in
sound pierre joseph proudhon renting a house out to a lithograph beyond google goggle
giggle and eve garden harden notation unnecessary expressive complete consciousness
we are all seers serious epigram marvellous epicentre epicurean allow versa eras pit
bull star strikes two ideas together to make a sparce tote bag level essence vapour
vaporous linguistic space monkey ape polyp teat trope cobbing and a poster poem
Jackson rather Pollock pockmarked even either when the red toe ball thumb tack tier
teeter totter tatter sol sill Silliman abstruse epiglottis egon schiele in a bob dylan
thomas t-shirt wet whether weaver when whatever wets wax was winsome wall over
interplay jazz sax megaphone apostrophe epilogue travelogue appendage my name is
very long(as is this as we saw with the never) what yes dead goat gift gather into the
void metaphor as plaintiff shirt collars stiff starch 1930’s when we red reparations
palestine frankenstein’s m.o.m.a if time timid fig Golgotha golliwog given beat beet cane
see forgiven appendix english deed shot hole bled bleed bleeding blacken blothar horn
yard need a naive dragon ship engineering element gods profound infinite aliens
unleash those beasts those breasts those baretta ranges those spheres of excellence
tapering lego building grass seen ishtar nimrod police freemason Adonis admonish
abacus apeshit april ostara accent even earth worship equals babylon sky magenta
acclimatisation in limpet absentia atoll ether ever that yes or i then yes sounds of
lovemaking include reptilian chirping ac/dc ever/or yoyo banjo bleat a baggie tea-bag
nectar Yamaha goat sucker chupacabra Molotov oxtail soup man mantis not praying
more like yellow barter steam pipe motor boat sound beautiful awful negative positive
she looked at me as though i were a type of rare animal twixt twist me maple slowly
linger red sneeze apricot yes apple concrete poet professor edger allen poe face
omniverse omnivore universe evasive spoilt spit spats grate leader ladder lagging
laddered stockings hard effect as it is as so if net gain gale oz stoke ratchet red said fog
faggot machine forget phone feel sleep seen centre said family violence cute psychopath
1970’s construction plagiarist socialist anarchist ape mind night yellow monk matter
put peel even discourse aesthetic aerodrome alpha female gestalt ever told
ramifications eucalyptus bargain portrayal street seen patronising haggis haggard
penicillin shin beneath antagonist appear retread bullet we are in the business riot
squad spastic shield yellow apron yen sis office cyst suffix subtext retard recharge
election electrocution liberated dick jokes in hokusai hales bop shrapnel confetti seed
opus magnus lapel berate shemale leap naples throat axis plane aspidistra annex polite
peel the right-wing dung beetle off the face mind prague plague breathless teeth nazca
coke lines page rage manifesto arduous weep like right toga implement noxious gape
got nagasaki drinker ice rink peopled plebe grenier midget gannet gloat fixated
japanoise intricate skin scarification skyline northern eep eel i hades ecumenical
licentious even i dead broke brötzmann profound blower metal reef neck sound even
when the nota find unstable retro into home nice nature ford rally angst artificial even
shirly manson charles jeremy clarkson as a language poet sure ohio huh icily joke unit
heh ouch unit high ionic uh hush tented rabid and row andrew birth metropolis peel
blimp lollapalooza sneeze gaga lama leopard hoop lather hope is a taxi even i umlaut
slag a gather a gator a gain a glean rotoscope allegro adamant ape limp can need thin
free frame lane apple blossom weave butter flies wing bacon chateau la fete gratitude
foghorn gladys game same snot snack ah a oopalooma on a lattice patch immaculately
cook brain sausage tutor reptiles royal family rear weep black lattice sentimental
limited jewish baker new york towers reap sneak sneeze prison warden traffic lollipop
fascist acorn train man main gap graft sneak corn unicorn rattus ratites pickled stickler
proposed slap head lex luthor lax author ratcheted recharge free french compatibility
even retread map Austria invasion saucers london leak armageddon trailer ink barter
recharged machine dictionary gnat hen ford fleas float in saccharine free school
champagne charlemaine dragon slayer smashes ampersand with text book everything
beetle cater appreciate vinyl ufo sleep gator reattach people dance everyday all over the
world worm reed reef re-attach rotation epileptic fix pacifist leak again grate bleak
brake hate a hagrid reveal april open gape regular rake 18th revel bee-wig bonnet
bumbersnatch coca fact acclimatised re-charm horn blast printer jam toner poetry
thelonious munch archers sign weed weave basket weaver road sine waver man
commits suicide by using a typewriter to slit his wrists panoptican pill power point a fall
open oblong garter pale pope shirt lifter money gain greed open ended photocopier
fruit still illegal baked beans open-mic burglary bap tape leaks government ‘philes link
ink to think eye to page liberate the word from the paper and into the streaks into the
ear eye eye face body blood shout the letters ring the bells you are having a live poem
experience bitter convex goes thermal within without white-out or tippex its all erased
eventually in the endings which never end gaffe tape episcopalian ego-maniacal apple
bobbing throat evil acumen apparition re- contextualise lobotomise flarf bakelite i write
like a doggerel jabberwocky pill form when i hear the name perloff i reach for my pistol
even oppenheimer mushroom shroud sleep limp eyelids droop dressed up in symbolic
gobbledegook all-or-nothing even dot knot world wept bat main mean link over base
bleach toboggan overbite boogie bean counter extraordinaire water bored ing ill old
linguistic ammunition ed gein Jeffery dimmer episode tea-bag psychosis bush glenn
béchamel polka dot shackled and flown to torture rooms raid rape rooms for lollipop
delights candy canes and eraser blades pop culture alone in a room with mediocrity
militate green militant rip rap saran serene global montauk tedium texan prevent fire
waterfall letter pot yes move object scanner plate down deep space strata glass glassier
mink matter lettuce splint spot source collapse salad Stetson horn-rimmed helmet
secret fills cabinet black panzer you have to abuse technology as much as use i use
language in inexpected ways yellow journalism blue politics upbraids mosquito skitter
valentine maniac depressive jimi hand rex remit retinal open heart opeth long-winded
in tercet brook beaver comb atrophy the blink the gobbet gore soaked cadaver git
bathory batboy celtic phosphorous incessant squawk of saxophone interrupts science
woman with piercing in her worms ling in the gaping fog-hole cthulu marmoset zulu
fandango african gloat eagle partner tip rider shatter pope gleams reticence in barter
bane rapt rodenendram rattle opal tardis refute nephritic nefertiti pornographic
position harangue tory balderdash lovecraft hate rousseau snack zenith palindrome
reap a tool toe tax tether arthritic ganglia in to over pâté petra organic crystallography
intriguing atrophy award necrophilia with premature necrosis phonetics char wallet
language is meaningless it is our brains that supply the meaning cathartic overcome
reach round occult meanings hidden knowledge understand understate understand
underestimate mangle similes metaphors sin tax syntaxed kojack skyjack carjack magi
maltese double room semi autobiographical assembly required reap what you so
seeps sops paper shred text tater jean miro gratitude canvas home wrecker house
ornament appetite aptitude application supplication harmful publications acting
overhead minister epicentre a good deal of the scary-story genre relies on babes in the
woods and creatures waiting to pounce on them little red riding Hansel Gretel Oz trek
Mordor monsters children nightmares variation coming-of-age nightmare children
nightmares them murder margarine and mesopotamia invisible male syndrome remove
skull cap for surprise needle napier nippier apricot gandalf gang ridden bang bangle
belated seat scrape grabs pyramid fortuna cycle lactates to bargain in scolded forehead
feed vampiric thesaurus midget haemovore eye before except after see salt lace leopard
leotard link laconic laocoon lagoon foucault felches jean paul sartre through an
intermediary thesis gape a rattle rather reaped a won’t you sow your don’t ee cummings
said kenneth gold in pocket smith cluck cluck barbiturate
even speakers numb buttocks matter coalesces into matador ayn rand couldn’t write a
succubus courgette in flames sneak a rearrange a revolve around a reel off a revel in a
treat a totem tackle a television host screen drain it is impossible to be a conventional
poet any more inlet raver oh sean seek enlightenment for £ 2.00 buddy holly would see
his poem it’s a papier-mâché representation of the ebola virus ball dancer epic
conundrum its either a or a and possibly seen roarchach x-ray hasselhoff even snails
have to play bingo.

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