R-Value and CR Value Spreadsheet (Ver11)
R-Value and CR Value Spreadsheet (Ver11)
R-Value and CR Value Spreadsheet (Ver11)
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R = The total thermal resistance of the wall = coefficient of heat transfer for inner surface of wall, = coefficient of heat transfer for outer surface of wall = air-spaces coefficient of heat transfer
d1...dn = thickness of each successive layer of materials k1 ...kn = thermal conductivity of n successive layers or different materials comprising the element (W/mK) Then if: d1 = 0,114 m for a single course of brick k1 = 0,82 W/mK for brick work Then: R = = 0,60 m2K/W
The average thermal resistance of the shell is the weighted average of the various Rvalues of the elements or the inverse of the average U-value of the building shell. Where: Un = 1/Rn and UAverage = A1 x U1 + ...An/Rn A RS =1/UAverage
3. Thermal Capacitance (C )
As daily temperatures fluctuate externally and as the building shell becomes exposed to solar radiation and then outward radiation at night-time, the surface temperature of an external wall will also fluctuate. In winter (heating) conditions the heat of the day can usefully contribute to maintaining internal temperatures in the comfort zone, as some portion of the heat gain is passed through the wall, often with a lag in time in which case this heat arrives at a useful time when the building is being heated. This serves to reduce the overall heating requirement if the building is occupied and heated at night. Similarly in the hot season night-time, walls can create a heat sink which will absorb unwanted heat during the day. This physical property is known as the thermal capacitance (C)
5. CR-value
The rate of heat transfer through the element (or wall or layer within a wall) is determined by a combination of factors or variables. These are: The Specific Heat (capacity) of the materials used (c), the size and volume of the element (V), the density () and hence the mass of material, as well as the accessibility of this thermal capacitance, which is governed by the thermal resistances of the component layers (R) and external surface resistances (h), all contributing to a thermal time constant for the element. For the purposes of SANS204 a table of requirements has been set out in terms of a simplified CR-value for each climatic region of South Africa and for various occupancies. This is the product of the themal capacity and the thermal resistance. The weighting of the elements in terms of their position in the wall relative to the heat source is excluded from the calculation.
A Where V1Vn the volumes of various layers or components of structure (m) p1, ..pn mass densities of various components (kg m -) C1,..C2 specific heats of various components (kJC-1 kg-1) A total area of shell (m) CS = (V1p1c1 + . + Vnpncn) (A1 + . + An )
he element (W/mK)
Wall elements Select the material Layer thickness
First click the yellow box and then a dropddown icon will appear. (Millimeters)
Outside surface coefficient Outer plaster or rendering Outer thermal insulation Outer air space Outer masonry or structural element Mid wall outer air space Mid-wall thermal insulation Mid wall inner air space Mid-wall masory or structural element Inner wall air-space Inner wall thermal insulation Inner masonry or structural element Inner air-space Inner liner insulation Inner liner or partitioning Inner plaster or rendering Inner surface coefficient None None None None None None None None None None None None None None None 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
R-value for the wall C-value for the wall CR-value for the wall
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