Pianc Article Irm
Pianc Article Irm
Pianc Article Irm
Indian company, IRM Offshore and Marine come to refer to the dealing of those materials certain chemical bonds along the chain.The
Engineers Pvt Ltd is a well known fender which show a behavior intermediate between balanced vulcanization introduce cross links
manufacturing company and puts in those of liquids and solids. In rubbers, the elastic distributed randomly throughout the material
continuous effort for improving the products, element forms the continuous phase but and build up a three dimensional network
processes and testing methods for fenders. encompasses frictional viscous elements. Such structure. Controlled spatial distribution of
In this article Dr Sujit Datta,Senior Technical materials are termed visco elastic.When they network structure throughout the rubber
Manager at IRM offers a commentary on are deformed, the viscous element consumes vulcanizate helps to resist flow and thus balance
the PIANC-2002 Testing Protocols. energy and retard the elastic deformation; the viscous component as well as partly
similarly energy is dissipated when the elastic overcomes the irreversible deformation.The
esting Protocols for evaluation of Fender phase returns in the process of strain recovery elastic component (responsible for recovery
Performance and reporting in PIANC- and releases its stored energy.The viscose from a given deformation) of rubber vulcanizate
2002 guideline can be briefly classified in element or internal frictions are thus responsible (visco elastic material) responds instantaneously
two main categories, (A) Type approval testing for the energy difference or hysteresis between and does not dissipate energy, but viscose
where influence of berthing conditions and work recovered and expended.The superimposed flow or relaxation requires time in dissipating
environmental factors like temperature are elastic and viscous behavior of rubbers is clearly energy proportional to the deformation rate.
discussed and (B) Verification and quality demonstrated during cyclic deformation. Consider At low deformation frequency the viscose
assurance testing where the discussion is based a rubber fender subjected to a sinusoidally element will operate but contribute little and
on different compliance testing.Type approval varying deformation. During a deformation the stress will be almost in phase with the
testing mainly deals with “in the lab” simulation half cycle - from zero deformation, through a deformation. As the deformation frequency is
testing of a scaled down model of a fender of maximum, to zero deformation - the rate of raised the dissipative effort will rise sharply
specific size under different conditions.These deformation and hence the viscous force is a and the stress will become increasingly out
variables are: maximum at zero deformation and zero at of phase with the deformation and largely
a) Variable Velocity - Velocity Factor maximum deformation.The force due to such dependent on the rate of straining or deformation.
b) Variable Ambient Temperature - Temperature cycling may be elastic owing to the deformation PIANC-2002 guideline for establishing the
Factor or viscous owing to the rate of deformation. performance data corroborate the principles
c) Variable contact / berthing angle - Effect of Each of these force components will be in phase of visco elastic material such as rubber. It
contact angle with its contributing process and therefore demonstrates the process of evaluation of
900 out of phase with each other in the cycle; performance parameters like reaction force
Rubber - the visco-elastic material their vector sum is the resultant force which and energy absorption at different strain rates
Solid rubber elements of different profiles are is parallel to the rate and extent of the or berthing velocities. Different initial velocities
one of the integral components of fendering deformation. In an ideally elastic material, all have been taken into consideration to evaluate
systems, used in berth side application for stress is due to strain and is in phase with the the velocity factor on scaled down model
commercial and naval vessels. Rubber fenders deformation; in an ideally viscose material, fenders of specific size.Velocity factor thus
are available with several variations of its material the stress is in phase with the rate of straining evaluated in a laboratory simulation test on
besides shape and sizes.The “visco-elastic” or deformation. In visco-elastic materials, the model fender can be applied on actual size
behavior of rubber is exploited in the selection resultant stress magnitude lags behind the fender to calculate corrected performance
of rubber fender, being an energy absorbing deformation by a phase angle; the more viscose parameters in practical use. In most practical
element. Completely elastic materials require the material, the greater the lag and hence situations the frequency of deformation of
the same stress, which was applied during the phase angle.The response of rubber to imposed actual fender is low and thus a pre-assumption
last moment of deformation, to maintain the stresses is governed by a characteristic parameter is made in guideline that the deflection (berthing)
deformation indefinitely and do not show any with the dimension of time, which is called frequency of not less than one hour i.e.,
dependence on the rate of deformation. In the relaxation or retardation time, and defined as maximum deformation cycle is one per hour.
case of liquids, deformation in the static sense the ratio of viscous modulus to elastic modulus This assumption greatly reduces the effect of
does not exist; progressive deformations are of a rubber vulcanizate. viscous component on overall performance
not recovered and energy cannot be stored of the fender and thus the resultant property
in the liquid or regained. Instead, the process
Necessity of velocity correction tends to be more elastic at different deflection
of deformation requires force, and the work Raw rubber consists of a large number of rates. As a result the magnitude of deviation
done in this irreversible process is quantitatively flexible long chain molecules possessing a of performance parameters at different
dissipated as heat.The term “visco-elastic” has structure which permits free rotation about deformation rates from that at RPD deformation
fenders engineering