Radar Stilling Wells

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Thisdocumentdescribesgeneralrequirementsforstillingwells usedforradartankgaugingapplications.

Automation solutions for oil & gas, defense and aviation applications


Contents...............................................................................................2 ExecutiveSummary..............................................................................3 StillingWellRequirements...................................................................4
Minimumdiameter......................................................................................... 4 Supportofpipe............................................................................................... 5 Guidingofpipe................................................................................................ 5 Lower/Bottomend .......................................................................................... 7 Perforationsvs.slotted................................................................................... 7 APIrecommendations.................................................................................... 8 Location ........................................................................................................... 8 Grounding....................................................................................................... 8 Vaporseals...................................................................................................... 9 Handdipping................................................................................................... 9 Manualsampling ........................................................................................... 10 Material......................................................................................................... 10 InstallationofcoaxialstillingwellsforATGapplications..............................10 Weldingofstillingwellsandtanks ................................................................10 SpecificATGrequirements........................................................................... 11 Credits ................................................................................................12 AboutVarec.................................................................................................. 12 References.................................................................................................... 12 Copyright...........................................................................................13



Executive Summary
Tanks,particularlyfloatingrooftanks,arefrequentlyfittedwithstand pipes,stillingwellsorguidepipes.Thenamingofthesetheoretical identicalpipesorwellscanallbetracedbacktotheoriginalintentat thetimeofinstallation: Stillingwelloriginallyinstalledtoprovideaquietandstable surfaceformanualorautomatictanklevelmeasurement Guidepiperelativelylargesizestillingwell,typicallyusedin externalfloatingrooftankstoprovideanantirotationdevice,which facilitateshanddippingandsamplingatthesametimewitha minimumof(floating)roofpenetrations Standpipeverticalcolumnusedtoprovideastablegauging platform

Throughtheevolutionoftankdesign,wehavenowreachedanindustry standardfortankconstructionandtheexactdifferencesbetweenthe variousversionsaredifficulttodistinguish.Fortheremainderofthis document,thetermstillingwellwillbeusedforallformsoftechnical solutions. Thispaperhastriedtocreateareadableoverviewandhence,notall formsofspecialdevelopmentsoverthelast50yearshavebeenincluded.



Stilling Well Requirements

In the relevant API documents (see references), you can find detailed information on stilling wells. The primary reasons for having a stilling wellare: Providesastablegaugereferencepoint(limitsverticalmovement) Providesarelativelyquietproductsurfaceduringfillingand emptyingofthetank,especiallyifswirlexists,andisrequiredfor mechanicaltypesofautomatictankgauges(ATGs)orfortanksin whichproductswithaverylowreadvaporpressurearestored,such asLPGs. Preventsfloatingroofrotationandallowsaccesstothestoredliquid productatthesametime

Note: With the invention of radar for tank gauging, the stilling well is increasingly appreciated. For example, in LPG applications, the stilling wellactsasawaveguidefortheradarenergy.Intheseapplicationsthe well helps to bundle the emitted signal and minimize the signal loss a must on products with an intrinsically low product reflectivity (caused by a low dielectric constant) and surface phenomena like boiling off and vapormist. Minimumdiameter API suggests a minimum diameter of 8. In general, 8 should be sufficient, but for very large external floating roof tanks, larger diameters of up to 12 should be considered. Diameters above 12 are not particularly useful. For relatively small tanks (maximum height 30 ft), 6 diameters can be considered. For horizontal cylindrical (bullet) tanks (maximum diameter 13 ft), a stilling well of 2 diameter can be considered.
A bad example of a radar gauge/stilling well junction



Itisadvisedtomakethewholestillingwellthesamediameter,especially in the case when a radar level gauge is used. Changes in pipe diameter change the speed of radar and, thus, the absolute accuracy of a system. Thisislesscriticalwithothergaugetechnologies,suchasservogauges. For larger sized stilling wells (8 and up) the use of a reducer can be considered, in which case it is advised to make the transition piece long enough(refertothematerialrequirements). Supportofpipe Preferably, the stilling well should be supported out of the tank bottom. In areas where the ground on which the tank sits is very unstable, it is suggested to support the stilling well out of the lowest part of the tank shell (less than 1 foot from the tank bottom as shown). For tank floor support, a simple tripod is sufficient. For tank shell support, it is important that a certain amount of tank bulging (due to hydrostatic tank deformation) can be tolerated without extreme mechanicalstressexertedonthetankshellitself. Guidingofpipe The top end of the stilling well should be properly guided and allow for vertical movement of the tank shell and tank roof in respect to the stilling well. Normally, a construction with three centering bolts is considered to be enough. The bolts can be adjusted for reducing horizontal and vertical tolerances.



Left to right: 1) 6 UNI Flange, 2) Centering of stilling well 3) Good example. Stilling well can move vertically free from the platform. 4) Bad example. Stilling well is fixed to the platform.



Lower/Bottomend The lower end of the stilling well should extend to within 12 of the tank bottom. Perforationsvs.slotted Slotsorperforationsareamustonany stilling well used for level gauging, independent of whether it is by manualorautomaticmeans. Typical hydrocarbons show an average thermal expansion coefficient of 0.1% every C. Most hydrocarbons can vary largelybycomposition.
Top A bad example. Slots are too big; made with a torch. They are affecting the radar signals and absolute accuracy. Servo is not influenced. Bottom A good example as the grindedslotsarenotoversized.

If a stilling well is not slotted or perforated, the product in the stilling well will be pushed in from the bottom. This may include water or sediment, which is not representative of the rest of the tank. The product pushed in can have a different temperature and composition as well and,therefore,adifferentbasedensity and observed density. As a result, the product column inside the stilling well, withadifferentactualdensitythanthe average product in the tank, can show a different level per the physical law called communication vessels. A difference as small as 0.1% in density (0.8 kg/m3 on a typical product of 800 kg/m3) in a tank containing 33 ft ofproductwillresultinaleveldifferenceof0.5.



Note: It is assumed that the top of the stilling well is open and not hermatically sealed. The opening can be inside the tank and below the roofprovidedthehighestholeorperforationiswellabovethemaximum safe oil level for the tank. Failure to follow these guidelines can lead to serious level errors and, in worst case situations, even to overfills and productspillage. APIrecommendations In the relevant API standard (Ch. 3.1A), two rows of overlapping slots or holes located on opposite sides of the pipe are recommended. This recommendation is slightly overdone and current insights are that this requirement can be reduced, allowing for attractive cost reductions. If radarisconsidered,thetotalsizeofslotscannotonlybeanissueforthe radar measurement, but also for the resulting forces internally in the pipe, causing the pipe to bend. In addition, the material burrs produced whenmakingtheslotsareadisadvantageforradargauging. For most hydrocarbon applications, it is proposed to have a double row of1to1holesonoppositesidesofthepipe,withtheholesstaggered onbothsideswithapitchofapproximately2ft.Itisalsosuggestedtolet the holes be radial on the center of the tank (minimizing product flow throughthepipe).Allholesshouldbeproperlydeburred. For very light products, like LPGs stored in bullet tanks with a 2 to 3 stilling well, the hole diameter can even be further reduced to 0.25 to 0.5. Location APIrecommendsthatthecenterlineofthestillingwellbeapproximately 18 to 30 from the tank shell in order to minimize temperature effects fromthetankshell. Grounding It is essential that the stilling well is extremely well grounded to the tank potential. It is advised to have at least two braided wires between the tank shell and stilling well, preferably one at the bottom and one on the tankroof.



The braided wires should be at least 2 x 0.25 mm and preferably welded or connected with shark rings. A simple nut and bolt is definitely not enough, as paint and rust will prevent propergalvaniccontact. Vaporseals A vapor seal is recommended in all cases in order to minimize vapor emissions. A simple rubber boot clamped on the well and fixed to theroofisnormallysufficient. Handdipping If the stilling well is used for both automatic tank gauging and hand dipping, it is essential that access is provided. Opening and closing should be simple and uncomplicated without the need for special tools or without parts that can become separated and are likely to be dropped, damagedorlost.
Good results are obtained using so called hinged door constructions. A hinged door accesscanbeusedforbothservoandradartechnologies.

Forinstallationswhereverticalvisualaccessintothetankisrequired,itis possible to use a swivel approach, although this type of appendage is onlyapplicableforradargauging. For accurate hand dipping in custody transfer applications, it is recommended to have the reference height of the dip location properly identified next to the dip hatch. Please make sure that there is no



diameterchangeorgapsinthesealbetweenstillingwellanddiphatchin thecasewherearadargaugeisused.Thisisnotanissueforothergauge technologies,suchasservogauges. Manualsampling The hatch should be large enough to allow easy access and retrieval of a samplingbottle. Material Materials used should be compatible with the product stored. For smaller tanks and small diameter stilling wells (less than 4), stainless steel can be considered, as it allows for thinner walls and does not requireanyformalcoatingorcorrosionprotection. InstallationofcoaxialstillingwellsforATGapplications Note: API is aware that, for some radar applications, it is advised to insert a secondary stilling well in the originally installed stilling well. This may be due to excessive size of the slots, corrosion, reducers welded to pipe (above or below roof) or the necessity to install an average temperaturesensoronthesamestillingwell. This issue was discussed in several API workgroup meetings and future standardswillreflectthenowcurrentjointopinion:Stillingwellsusedfor manual sampling, i.e. stilling wells that are not only used for automatic level gauging, but where product samples are taken out for chemical, physical and/or composition analysis, should not be equipped to have a secondary (coaxial) stilling well inside. It is thought that this would have a negative influence on how representative the product sampled is comparedtotheaverageproductinthetank. Weldingofstillingwellsandtanks Weld the stilling well segments only on the outside. Inside welding slags will reflect radar signals and will have an influence on the signal to noise ratio and speed of the radar signal. It is advised to remove any instruments withelectronics before welding, asyou may damagetheelectronicsoftheinstrument.




SpecificATGrequirements Depending on the application and type of selected or preferred automatic tank gauging equipment, the following mechanical design issuesshouldbeevaluated: Reducers For radar applications, the slope of the reducer should be kept reasonable. 6 per 1 diameter change is considered to be acceptable (i.e. an 8 to 6 reducer needs to be 12 long. a 12 to 8 requires an 18 long reducer). In general, the longer the transition thebetter. Safety or isolation valves For applications requiring safety or isolationvalves,suchasonpressurizedapplicationswithproductslike LPGs, it is a must to select the proper valve size. The valve should be fullboreandtheinsidediametershouldmatchthestillingwell.Keep thesealasthinaspossibletoavoidradarnoise. Perforations Should be minimized in combination with radar diameter of holes should be kept well below 1/10th diameter of the stilling well. Do not use torches to burn them in, but grind them to avoidslagand,thus,falseradarreflectionsontheinsideofthestilling well.




Varec, Inc. delivers measurement, control and automation solutions and professional services for most major oil companies, defense organizations and airlines worldwide. Varec's FuelsManager software applications and hardware products provide local level management and enterprise visibility of liquid petroleum assets at bulk storage facilities, marketing terminals, refineries, petrochemical plants and military fuel facilities.

References 1. ManualofPetroleumMeasurementStandardsChapter3Tank Gauging Section 1A Standard Practice for the Manual Gauging ofPetroleumandPetroleumProducts(1stedition,Dec.1994) 2. ManualofPetroleumMeasurementStandardsChapter3Tank Gauging Section 1B Standard Practice for Level Measurement of Liquid Hydrocarbons in Stationary Tanks by Automatic Tank Gauging(2ndedition,June2001)




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