Beal Prayer Letter May 2013

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CMO has begun

Beal Update May 2013

Dear Don, The month of May passed like a whirlwind with preparations underway for the Carpathian Mountain Outreach. Joshua, Nathan and I had a great day in the mountains three weeks ago, making contacts and scheduling film showings for the month of June. We have learned to book these meetings on a short term basis as things tend to be forgotten or mixed up if they are scheduled too far in advance. The Lord blessed with 4 village film showings for a good start. My biggest project this month has been bodywork on the van. Praise the Lord for Bill Boura who volunteered his time and expertise to do this enormous task. Unbeknownst to me, when we purchased the new (old) body for the van there was a lot of rust on the undercarriage. I knew there was some but had no idea the extent of the damage until Bill recently took everything apart. The undercarriage was in serious need of repair due to the fact that older vehicles here almost never have any kind of rust protection against the elements. We finally finished with the repairs and were able to begin painting just a few days ago. I am continuously

thanking God that this monumental task (for me anyway!) is finished and just in time for CMO! Speaking of CMO, it is just getting underway. We will be driving farther this year to the villages as we are seeking to cover territory where weve not been before. Its about a three and a half hour drive one way so please keep us in prayer. The first three CMO men are due in Lviv between the 11th and 12th of June. Paul, Isaac and Nathan will be our first arrivals with three other men joining us in July. Thank you for praying about housing, all the accommodations have been secured for the summer. We are excited that missionary Dan Bardwell will be working with our team this summer. Also, the son of a Ukrainian pastor, Danilo will be working with us. We have known Danilo literally since birth! This is a tremendous blessing to see the ministry grow to include the training of Ukrainians to reach their people for Christ. My family, Teresa, Cassia and Alexandria are now in America getting ready to take Cassia to the Masterworks Music Festival. This is a wonderful Christian organization that teaches aspiring musicians how to perform, and most importantly how to reach the performing arts world with the gospel of Christ. Please keep Cassia especially in your prayers as this will be the first time for her to be separated from her family. Please pray for Teresa and Alexandria as they will be traveling in order to spend some much needed time with family. As always, we thank you so much for your faithful prayers and support. May the Lord bless your summer with many opportunities to serve Him! Your Missionaries for Jesus Sake, Jessie, Teresa, Cassia and Alexandria

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