Foreign Correspondence of Hazur Baba Sawan Singh, 1911-1934 (Letters)

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Fe. Ba Teo phy = Parsevet a 5 On. wD eee Corre ape of ‘ Hae pow Lo SIDA. fob Anos Lh, Ect 4 oe 4. Januory 1, 1911. a Fel ‘ Brock, Iam very gled to learn from thoir letters that thoy ere sizcorely anxious fo truth. They soon to be because trying to pick up your verncoular that is mat necessary / all our scriptures arg written oithor in Hind! or in ly dear -Kobar Singh, Received your note kha and thet of Dr, end Bra. | Punjabi and unless they have a god knowledge of vhece * sere as thay cannot expset to got any benefit from our books because besides the volume elreddy sent to jou there are no nore Snglish compositions throwing light upon our feith that can be sent to them. Lorcover their visit to India will be a useless vaste of time and money $f they ave unable to urderstani our language. fut they mst not despair. “Ib is not absolutely necessary for gotving truth that they should coms to India. the Laster is everyriore and cen give them the truth Arerica if tmey have an serrest and burning desire to cat it because the Master is always ready to open the door 4f ze knock with sincerity © and true earnest love, ‘Shey should persevere in thair abstinence from meat and drink, as without that nothing can be done, their sociel envirorments must lave abtinence very difficult bub the reyerd is wx th It can be aranged if they are very anxious that of pinching chovld to mae keous to then trough or you so that they may work upon Lt until they com to India, that the truth may be granted to thon, ‘he Master ts nvila they should pray in thelr hearts dedly elvays roséy to grant our prayars. He 4a not fer distant but He Lives within oursolves. If fora tize Me dterogerd: thom, it 4s because He wants to kindlo our thirst by “eeping us yoiting, it is our duty to persist in ow Search vithout #& despair and there choll eome a day hon we shall reet with sucesss, Want is got after curnest pursuit is higsly prized, Lot our love for tha Laster's -2e foot be daily stronger end stroncer and love hes the power of draning tha Deloved tovards itself if it 4s strong onough. . ‘They should not mind thot thoy are not permitted to come over to Indie, 1b 1s very exponcive and ao those expensas are to da incurred in soareh of truth the taster will arrange that they ircoue my datly dncrosso eo that they may easily meet those exporsos, To sum up @ @ . they should acquire our language, avoid moat ami drinie is ® and above all increase their thirst for truth, ° F Yours affly., 3-S. geeexeee 2. . jet Novenber, 19116 Dear De.’ % Hea. Brocit,” Tam very glad ‘b receive jour letters and #0 Inow that your heart ts full of love and devotion towards the Foot of Suproma Fr thar Radha Soant Dyal, Also it gave zo much pleasure to know that you have full faith in tho path. Really those men are fox uate in this world, who heve renlised the vor thlessness of tals world ani its alluring ons, but have a craving t roach their Fathor and fase: “hunger and thirst efter righ teosness waich 4s tho real wealth to ba ncquired, And now when you are shown the right path of oxéroise, you bust devote your hoor’ and soul to ite 2 : Eater 4s always with you. You ifve, move and hava your being in Hin, He is elways holping you in every kind of task that you perform. The nearer you villget to Lin, tho more fully you will fool “4s prosonee ani raalise iis help. As the love for Him ineroases in you, you will get desper and deoper realigution of Mis Radiant Form in your, imard, Bat you cust vesezbor that you cust not oxpaet spirdtual x. ig: on all once. tha adapts call it Sohj/Yooa, .o. a path on thich you cen walk slowly, ent slowly only, ‘whe reason is that frou egos past, our soul |

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