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Weaning Chart

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The first weeks of weaning

Is your baby ready for weaning?

First signs include: Still seems hungry, even after more milk Shows an interest in your food Puts toys or their fist into their mouth Is able to sit up without support If unsure, be led by your baby. They will let you know when they are ready.

Tips on starting weaning

Choose a quiet time when your baby is content Start with their usual milk feed Sit your baby on your lap or in a suitable chair Use a small, shallow plastic spoon  Spoon a small amount of food into a bowl less wastage Use a bib those first few mouthfuls may come  right back out again First tastes should be mild and smooth in texture Theres no hurry, your babys usual milk still supplies  all the nourishment they need.

What foods are good first tastes?

Try Baby Rice and simple organic fruit & vegetable purees like HiPP Apple & Pear pudding or Tender Carrots & Potatoes jars. Babies naturally prefer sweet flavours so combinations of fruits & vegetables like HiPPs Carrots with Banana & Peach pouch will work well. Remember to choose only gluten free recipes before 6 months.

Its all in the preparation

What youll need to get started: Small and shallow plastic spoons Plastic bowls Bibs Clean cloths

Week 1
Day 1 and day 2 Usual milk feeds. After one of the feeds offer the tip of a spoonful of smooth solids Day 3 and day 4 Usual milk feeds. After one of the feeds offer 1-2 teaspoons of solids Day 5 and day 6 Usual milk feeds. After one of the feeds offer 2-4 teaspoons of solids Day 7 Usual milk feeds. After one feed offer 2-5 teaspoons of solids

Week 2
All usual milk feeds plus solids at one or two feeds per day Breakfast Usual milk feed plus 2-5 teaspoons of solids Lunch or tea Usual milk feed plus 2-5 teaspoons of solids (If you prefer, you can choose other feed times to offer solids)

Week 3
All usual milk feeds plus solids at two meals per day Breakfast Usual milk feed plus 5-10 teaspoons of solids Lunch or tea Usual milk feed plus 5-10 teaspoons of solids (Dont worry if your baby isnt keen on any new tastes try again at a later date)

Week 4
All usual milk feeds plus solids at two or three meals per day Breakfast Usual milk feed plus 5-10 teaspoons of solids Lunch Usual milk feed plus 5-10 teaspoons of solids Tea Usual milk feed plus 5-10 teaspoons of solids

Why not try..?

HiPP Organic Baby Rice (cereal)  HiPP Organic 4m+ Jars e.g.  Mixed Vegetable Medley  Tender Carrots & Potatoes  Apple & Pear Pudding HiPP Organic Just Fruits e.g.  Apple, Peach & Mango (4 x pots)  Apple, Strawberry & Blueberry (4 x pots) HiPP Organic Pouches e.g. Carrots with Mango & Banana Mango, Apple & Peach

Why not try..?

HiPP Organic Dried Cereals e.g.  Banana & Peach Breakfast  HiPP Organic Savoury Jars HiPP Organic 4m+ Mini Pots e.g.  Apple & Pear with a little bit of yogurt (6x50g pots) HiPP Organic Pouches e.g.  Apple, Strawberry & Banana  Carrots, Cauliflower & Peas

Why not try..?

Foods in week 1 and 2 plus...  Breakfasts; HiPP Organic Jars, Dried Cereals e.g. Creamy Rice Breakfast (jar) Apple, Orange & Banana (cereal) Lunch or tea; HiPP Organic Savoury Meals e.g. Creamy Spinach with Potatoes & Cheddar Cheese (pouch) Cottage Pie (jar)  Desserts; HiPP Organic My First Yogurts e.g.  My First Banana Yogurt (4x50g pots)

Why not try..?

Foods in week 1, 2, and 3 plus  Breakfasts; HiPP Organic Jars, Dried Cereals Lunch or tea; HiPP Organic Savoury Meals e.g. Tasty Vegetable Risotto (jar) Potatoes, Carrots and Beef (pouch)  Desserts; HiPP Organic Jars, Fruit Pots or Pouches e.g.  Banana & Peach with a little bit of yogurt (6x50g pots) Rice Pudding (jar) Banana, Pear & Mango (pouch)

How much and when?

Initially, all you need is one or two spoonfuls of food after your babys usual milk feed. Then gradually youll be able to increase the number of spoonfuls as your babys appetite increases. Eventually you can start to give your baby a meal before their milk feed. These solids are best introduced at the second and third meal each day.

What is gluten?
Quite simply, gluten is a product found in wheat, oats, rye and barley which some babies are sensitive to. Until six months of age, it is best to avoid foods containing these and ingredients like pasta, bread, wheat breakfast cereals and rusks. All of our baby foods labelled from 4 months plus do not contain any gluten.

When weaning is under way

This chart is just an approximate guide of how much to feed your baby. Babies appetites vary from day to day let your little one guide you.

Up to 7 Months
Three meals a day, plus usual milk feeds Breakfast 10 -15 teaspoons solids, plus milk feed Lunch 10 -15 teaspoons solids, plus milk feed Tea 10 -15 teaspoons solids, plus milk feed Once your baby reaches six months you can start introducing gluten (e.g. wheat & oat based cereals) into their diet, unless they are allergic to it.

From 7 Months
Three meals a day, plus other milk feeds Breakfast 15-20 teaspoons solids, plus milk feed Lunch 15-20 teaspoons solids, plus milk feed Tea 15-20 teaspoons solids, plus milk feed Try offering mashed and lumpier textures.

By 9 Months
Three meals a day, plus milk feeds Breakfast Small bowl of cereal plus milk feed. Lunch Savoury meal, followed by dessert, plus drink Tea Savoury meal, yoghurt dessert plus milk feed For quantities, be guided by your babys appetite.

Milk (breastmilk or formula) continues to  supply vital nutrition, so dont worry if your baby seems to eat very little to start with From 6 months babies should be having  about 500-600ml (1 pint) of their usual milk per day Follow on milks are suitable for babies  from 6 months or you can continue using infant milk if you prefer Ordinary cows milk (including whole milk)  can be used when preparing foods, but shouldnt be your babys main milk drink until at least one year of age.

Continue to use all the foods suggested in The first four weeks of weaning, plus:
HiPP Organic Breakfast Cereals  Banana Porridge Creamy Porridge  iPP Organic 6m+ Jars H Including those from 6 months which contain gluten (unless sensitive to gluten):  Creamed Porridge Breakfast  Penne with Tomato & Courgette Apple & Banana Crumble

Continue to offer new foods. HiPP Organics Stage 2 foods contain small soft lumps for babies learning to chew:
 reakfast - HiPP Organic Jars or Cereals B  Breakfast Layer: Tropical Cereal with Yogurt (jar)  Apple, Banana and 4 Cereal breakfast (cereal)  unch & Tea - HiPP Organic Savoury Meals e.g. L  Vegetable Lasagne (jar) Creamy tomato and leek pasta (pouch) Desserts - HiPP Organic Jars or Fruit Pots   Fruit Layers Fruit & Pieces Pots

Continue to offer new foods, a variety of foods and new textures:

 iPP Organic 7m+ Jars & Pots H Lancashire Hotpot (jar) Spaghetti Carbonara (jar)  Rice Pudding with Apple & Pear (jar)  iPP Organic 9m+ Trays e.g. H  Garden Vegetable Risotto with flaky white fish (tray)

Good night milk

HiPP Organic good night milk blends  our high quality organic follow on milk with organic cereals, to make a satisfyingly creamy bedtime drink. This tasty drink is designed to be given ONCE per day and is suitable from 6 months to 3 years of age.

Worried about introducing texture into your babys diet? Go to www.hipp.co.uk/lumps for advice on foods to give your baby and how to approach this next important stage in their development
Research shows that babies given plenty of variety early on are less likely to become fussy eaters when they are older.

Introducing other drinks and using a beaker

If your baby is enjoying three meals a day, try dropping one milk feed and offer water or well-diluted juice instead. Joining in with family meal times is an important part of your babys social development and theyll often eat better as a result.

New textures
 Start looking for lumps in foods. Introduce foods with more texture from around 6-7 months as this will help them accept a wider range of foods as they grow older  earning to chew is an important skill. Many babies L will have difficulties at first and may spit lumps out, but they will quickly work out what to do Always make sure your baby is supervised whilst  they are eating, especially as they start to get the hang of new foods.

Learning to feed themselves

 iving a spoon or a piece of food to hold G encourages independence and helps develop good co-ordination  Babies often like to put their hands in their food. Its a messy business! F  rom about 7 months its good to introduce suitable finger foods  Offer foods with different shapes and colours for your baby to explore.

 ne of the reasons for starting weaning is to O replenish your babys iron stores which start to run low at this age  ood sources of iron are: red meat (beef, lamb, pork), G poultry, fish, eggs, pulses (lentils, beans), green leafy vegetables and formula milks  To improve iron absorption, give foods or drinks, containing vitamin C, e.g. fruit or fruit juice, at the same mealtime.

You can offer sips of water  or diluted fruit juice from the beaker at one mealtime usually from around 6 months As food quantities increase,  give your baby drinks to satisfy their thirst.

Its a good idea to introduce a beaker into your babys feeding routine as soon as possible, and clean your babys teeth regularly, particularly after their last feed.

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