Rehan Afsar

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Acetic Acid:


This Remedy is useful in complaints of pale, sickly people. Patients who have been weak for many years, who have inherited phthisis. Emaciation, weakness, Anemia, loss of Appetite, Burning thirst and copious pale urine are a combination calling for Acetic acid.

Acetic Acid is irritable and worried about business affairs. Grieves about his sickness and children. The patients forgets what has recently happened. Distention of abdomen, tympani tic. Back pain, relieved by lying on abdomen with profuse urination. BLOOD: Haemorrhages from nose, lungs, stomach, Bowels, uterus also passive haemorrhages. Blood coagulated in veins. Blood vessels contracted. Varicose, swellings, cirrhosis, Anemia. FEMALES: Haemorrhages after labour. FOOD: Loss of appetite, great burning , thirst. LUNGS: Difficulty in breathing, cough when inhaling. STOMACH: Fermentation in stomach. Burning water brash and profuse salivation. Voilent burning pain in stomach and chest. All substances abused as food become great remedies such as, vinegar, coffee, common salt etc.



Fill in the Blanks: 1. Burning thirst and copious pale urine are a combination calling for Acetic Acid. 2. Burning in the stomach and abdomen, ameliorated by lying on stomach is a symptoms of Acetic Acid

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Aclacae Racemosa (black cohosh) This remedy is important in hysterical and rheumatic conditions especially in women, chilly, easily affected by cold, sensitive to Cold and develops a state of Rheumatism not only in muscles and joints all over the body. But also along the course of nerves. Complaints in liver and uterus come on from cold, damp weather (Dulcamara) and from being chilled. The headache, however are better in open air and from cold. Aggravation: Aggravated from motion, from fear, from excitement, from taking cold. Very commonly there is muscular soreness, a bruised feeling all over, with drying and jerking. This will let up very suddenly and leaves a nervous, hysterical girl in a state of sadness and she will sit and say nothing. There are certain features about the chorea that should be noted. Jerking of the muscles when in a state of emotion or from becoming chilled, but as soon as she retires at night the whole side lain on will commence to jerk and prevent her from going to sleep. Full of fear, anguish and restlessness. Fear of death, excitement, suspicious. will not even take the medicine because there is some hysterical thing wrong about it The headaches are rheumatic. Pain, soreness in the back of the neck. Hysterical girls; they have much pain in the back of the neck. Pain the eyes, bruised pain in the head. Soreness in the abdomen, sore and bruised. Alternate Diarrhoea and constipation. Pain in uterine region, darting from side to side. Bearing down and pressing out. Q: female symptoms: Irregularity of menstrual flow. It may be copious, suppressed or scanty. Severe pain all through the flow. The more the flow the greater the pain. Labor like pain menstruation. This remedy has cured chorea at puberty when menstruation was late. Many symptoms during pregnancy, she has nausea all the time. Shivering in the first stage of labor. Pains have all ceased or are irregular so that they do not good. (Caulophyllum) A feeling in the region of the heart, as if the heart was sore, and as if it was enlarged.

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Numbers of the limbs, trembling, soreness. BHMS II Paralytic weakness. It is similar in some of its condition to the blue Chohosh. Compare it with Puls, Sepia, Nat.mur, Lit.t, Ign and Caullophyllum.

Fill in the Blanks: 1. Nausea in first pregnancy in a young woman is strong indication of Cimicifuga. 2. Still birth is one of the important symptoms of Cimicifuga. 3. Menstrual pain labour worse and the flow of blood increases is a symptom of Cimicifuga.

Jerking of the muscles and trembling of the limbs. Sensation of creeping and crawling. Itching of skin all over which changes place from scratching. Great remedy for chilblains. Difficulty in coordinating and movements of muscles of body. All jerking and itching subside during sleep. The head is in constant motion as in chorea. Twitching and jerking of eyes. Redness, burning and itching of ears as if they had been frost bitten. Nose bleed, profuse foetid discharge from the nose. Epileptiform convulsions. Chronic sore throat. Morning Diarrhoea, great deal of a hot flatus (Aloe), with burning rectum, soft stool. Dribbling of urine. Urine passes slowly in a stream or in drops to press to promote the flow. Transformation takes place. The milk ceases in one day, but congestion of brain or spine comes on. Genital organs cold and shrunken. Nervous, restless woman with tingling and creeping must have Agaricus. It is a great remedy in chest troubles. Violent cough in Isolated attacks ending in sneezing. Nervous palpitation.

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Sensitive to cold. BHMS II Symptoms increased due to cold. Pricking of a cold needles in body (Hot hot needles in Apis) Empty sensation of stomach. Loss of Appetite. After stool headache relieved, biting in anus, straining in rectum, cutting pain in anus, griping in hypogastria, distention in abdomen, heaviness in abdomen and around navel, pain in the chest. Emphasize the tenismus after stool.

Q. Agaricus Mus is indicated in Nervous system. Discuss.

Fill in the blanks: 1. Agaricus Mus is best remedy for jerking and trembling of limbs and sensation of creeping and crawling. 2. Agaricus Mus is indicated for child blains, head is constantly in motion.

Agnus Castus:
Remedy for sexual weakness both male and female, especially for male. Sexual weakness, relaxation of parts, perversion of all the functions. Milk cease, when woman has secret vices in her history. Uterine haemorrhages with same history. Menses are suppressed. Loss of memory, despair, suicidal thoughts, anxiety, fear, and peevishness in young and married man. Tearing pain of head, face, and teeth. Nausea in male. In male, glands are enlarged especially the spleen. In male there is a growing weakness of rectum and patient feels itching pain. Constipation. Hard stool. Limbs are tired and cold.


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Fill in the Blanks: 1. Milk ceases, when a woman has secret vice in her history is a symptom of Agnus Castus. 2. Agnus Castus is a medicine that acts during loss of memory, despair, suicidal thoughts, anxiety, fear, and peevishness in young and married man. Q. Agnus castus is indicated in sexual symptoms. Discuss.

Ambra Grisea
Opposite to Baryta.Carb. Old age before time. Prematurely old. Love to sit in dark. Patient jumps about from one topic to another. Dreamy state of a mind, a state of sensitivity. Many of the complaints are worse, in morning. Get up with confusion and dullness of mind, In the evening takes on the symptoms of Insanity. Nondescript vertigo of old man. Compelled to sit in. and dwell upon the most disagreeable things. That force themselves upon him and he cannot get rid of them. These things make him annoy and keep him awake. Symptom aggravated in the presence of other person and music. Marked aggravation from conversation. Confusion of mind and embarrassment in presence of other person. Great sadness, Melancholy, Intolerable to music. Music increases the mental symptoms. Good deal of cough and nervousness. Cough from thinking and from anxiety. Coldness, trembling, stiffness of extremities. It is suitable for children who are excitable and nervous and weak. In lean persons, old persons and children.


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Fill in the Blanks: 1. Prematurely old lies in a medicine known as Ambra Grisea. 2. Patient feels embarrassment in the presence of other person is a symptom of Ambra Grisea.

Its complaints come on in the morning, afternoon, evening, night after mid night. External Anemia. Wants the windows open, is sensitive to a close room. Married general physical anxiety. It is a sensitive to both heat and cold. Inflammation, external and internal pulsation internal and external like Iodine. Very sensitive to pain. The head pains are stnny. Perspiration of forehead. Pulsating in head. Dryness in nose and epistaxis. Dizziness at night. Gland: Inflammation of Glands. Swelling of glands of lower jaw. Swelling of submaxillary glands. Enlargement of liver, spleen, mesenteric gland, glands of groin.

Fill in the Blanks: 1. External Anaemia is found in Arsenicum Iodatum. 2. Dryness in nose, Epistaxis is a symptom of Arsenicum Iodatum.


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He hears voices commanding him to do this or that, and often does nothing. There is a controversy between two wills, between two impulses. Hallucinations, a demon sits on one shoulder and angel on the other. Contradiction between will and reason. Feels as though he had two wills. Low Spirited, disheartened, fears he is pursued, looks for thieves, expects enemies, fears everything and everybody. Full of internal anxiety. Many complaints are ameliorated by eating. Sensation here and there of pressure, described as of a plug, all though body , in the head, eyes, in the navel and down the spine. Objects appear too far off. Sensations as of a hoop or band around the body, limbs or head, pressing as of a plug. Warts on palms like Natrum Mur, skin burns much. It seems closely related in its symptoms to all Rhus family.

Fill in the Blanks: 1. Hallucination, a demon sits on one shoulder and an angel on another is found in Anacardium Orientale. 2. Many complaints are ameliorated by eating is a symptom of Anacardium Orientale.

Q: Mental Symptoms: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Hypochondrical sadness and melancholy ideas. Anxiety, apprehension and fear of approaching death. Fear, mistract of the future, with discouragement. Forgetful of thins in his mind but a moment ago. He cannot decide especially in an action of good or evil. A demon sits on one shoulder and an angel on other. 6. He hears voices commanding him to do this and that, so there is a controversy between two wills, between two impulses.

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7. Ideas as it nothing were real, all seems to be a dream and fears he is a pursued.


Best for stomach cancer. Irritation and Catarrhal inflammation of the alimentary canal, is the chief action of two drug. Desire for company. Anguish- Discontented. Headache alternates with Gastralgia. Gums swollen. Toothache. Water is vomited as soon as reaches the stomach. Vomit all fluids. Burn inf of a load Gastralgia. Better, cold drinks, but vomiting when stomach becomes full. Painless diarrhoea, pinching in lower abdomen, with rumbling. Angina Pectoris; pain around heart, left arm to fingers. Cramps in hands and feet. Itching erosion near tibia and back of feet near joints. Cold limbs. Sleepy in morning. A few hours after eating.

Q: Bismuth is best Remedy for Stomach. Discuss.

Fill in the blanks: 1. The best remedy for stomach cancer is Bismuthum. 2. Gum swollen and tooth ache and water comes out as it reaches towards stomach is found in Bismuthum.

Bovista has a marked effect on skin. Enlarges sensation. Everything falls from hands. Sensitive. Sensation as if head was enlarging. Stammering. Scalp itches. Sensitivity. Acne worse in summer, due to use of cosmetics. Sensation as of a lump of ice. Diarrhoea before and during menses. Worse at night. Cannot bear tight clothing around waist.

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Colic: with red urine, relieved by eating. Great weakness of all joints. Urticaria on excitement. Pimples cover the entire body. Barista antidotes tar application. Suffocation from Gas.


Fill in the blanks: 1. Englarged sensation, everything falls from hands is found on Bovista. 2. Diarrhoea before and during menses is found by Bovista.

Cactus Grandiflorus:
Rush of blood to the part, with constriction. Constrictions of scalp, of the sum, growing tighter and tighter. Uniform tightness of an organ, as if it were being bound tighter and tighter. It is sometimes described its feelings as if grasped with an Iron band. Headaches, pressing hard upon pain. Heavy pain like a weight on vertex, better by pressure. Greatly aggravated from hearing voices. Pulsating pains in the head. Remedy has violent congestion of head but with no fever. Moderate fever. Cramping especially of left arm, Urination prevented by clots. Uterus fills with blood clots. A violent rush of blood to the chest, with awful dyspnoea and constriction of the heart. It passes away without inflammation Cactus is also a remedy for hypostatic congestion of lungs. He cannot lie down, must sit up in bed, and there is a dullness of its lower part of each lungs, gradually growing lighter and higher from an effusion of serum into lower portion of the lungs. Feelings as if heart was compressed or squeezed by a hand. Dull pain in heart. Acute inflammation of heart chronic inflammation of heart.

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Palpitation of heart, continued, day and night, when waking at night when lying BHMS II on left side.

Q: Cactus is indicated in heart symptoms. Explain: Fill in the blanks: 1. Constriction of scalp, of the skin, growing tighter and tighter is found in Cactus. 2. A violent rush of blood to the chest, with awful dyspnoea and constriction of heart is a symptom of Cactus.

Calcarea Assenica:
Epilepsy with rush of blood to the head before attack. Flying sensation. Complaints in fat women around climacteric. Chronic malaria. Infantile enlarged liver and spleen. Nephritis, with great sensitiveness in kidney region. Dyspnoea with feeble heart. Chilliness. Mind: Anger, Anxiety, Desired for company, confusion, Delusions, Illusions, great depression. Head: Violent Rush of blood to head with vertigo pain in head better by lying on painful side. Weekly headache, Headache mostly around ears. Stomach: Region of stomach distended, enlarged liver and spleen in children. Pancreatic disease, relieves burning pain in cancer of pancreas. Urinary: Kidney region sensitive to pressure. Albuminuria, passes urine every hour. Heart: Constriction and pain in region of heart, suffocating feeling, palpitation. Female: bloody leucorrhea cancer of uterus. Back pain: pain and stiffness, near nape of neck. Violent back ache.

Fill in the blanks 1. Epilepsy with rush of blood to the head before attack is found in Calcarea Ars. 2. Cacarea Ars is a best remedy for complaints in fat women around climacteric.

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The camphor state is one of convulsions or coldness. In the mental stare there is anxiety and extreme fear, fear of persons, of strange spheres, of the dark, the dark is filled with imaginary specters. He goes into other extreme in which the irritability is lost and there is loss of sensation. Unconsciousness and coldness. Puerperal fever in congestion of brain, or in shock from violent inflammation of organs. It is useful in the climacteric period with flushes of heat and sweat in a warm room, the limbs and abdomen are very cold and she suffers from cold when uncovered and sweats copiously when covered. The head is full of pain, throbbing pain. Camphor in cholera, which is disease that brings patient down quickly. The face is cold, blue and shriveled, without much sweat, in the cases that would make one think of camphor. Not much vomiting and not much sweat. Desire to drink without thirst. The Gastric Irritation is marked. Everything is vomited. Old people dont come down with cold the same as young people. Jerking of muscles, trembling. The general constitutional state of a camphor pt. is coldness and extreme sensitiveness to cold.

Fill in the Blanks: 1. Camphor is a best remedy in Cholera.


The extreme condition in which irritability is lost and there is lost of sensation is in camphor.


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Cannabis Sativa:
The resemblance of this medicine to Cannabis Indica is remarkable. Mental and urinary symptoms are very similar. The sensation of opening and shutting has been cured by both remedies. Things seem strange and unreal. Makes mistake in writing and speaking, and misunderstands what he reads and hears said. When he speaks it seems as though someone else were speaking. Seems as through her senses would vanish. Fear of going to bed. Hysterical feelings in throat. Anxiety in stomach. Sensation of enlargement of nose. Rush of blood to head as though it came from stomach. Epistaxis. Dryness in nose. Noises in the ears. Burning in urethra and during and after urination. Violent urging to urinate. Involuntary urination. Bloody urine. Menses profuse. Intense sexual intercourse. Excitement in both sexes. Gonorrhea. Uterine haemorrhage after labor. Threatened abortion. Catarrh of chest. Bronchitis with wheezing. Asthma Cough with blood spitting. Pressure as with a sharp point in the coccyx. Stitching in skin, all over while perspiring.

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Fill in the blanks: 1. Sensation of enlargement of nose is found in Cannabis Sativa. 2. Fear of going to bed and hysterical sensation in throat is a symptom of Cannabis Sativa.

The most important feature of this medicine is the inflammatory condition and inflammation develops into a gangrenous state. Sudden loss of consciousness with red face. Confusion of mind. Fear and confusion of ideas. Violent amorous frenzy, an excitement such as accompanies inflammation attended with thoughts that corresponds. Blasphemy. Violent, bursting, laminating headaches as if stabbed with a knife an inflammatory condition that takes hold of mind violently. Running all through remedy there is burning. In head burning, throbbing and stabbing. Lancinating pains deep in brain. Burning in eye and whole atmosphere looks yellow. In cantharis, the little blisters even if touched burn like fire. Eruption burn when touched, ever so lightly. Burning in throat. Great thirst with burning in throat and stomach. Thirst in the throat and an aversion to water in mind. Violent burning in stomach, pylorus, abdomen. The abdomen in swollen and tympanitic, lancinating pains cutting and stabbing. Desire for stool while urinating. Bloody urine. Burning when urinating. Inflammation of ovaries and uterus.

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Burning in vagina. Pains of kidney and back. Pain on urinating so that he moaned and screamed on passing a drop.


Fill in the blanks: 1. The best remedy for inflammation in uterus, vagina, throat, stomach is Cantharis. 2. Pain on urinating so that patient moaned and screamed on passing a drop is main symptom of Cantharis. Q: cantharis is best remedy for urinary trouble. Explain.

The end of nose is red, the cheeks are red, redness over cheeks, red eyes easily relaxed individuals. In school girls who cannot study or work, who get home-sick and want to go home. In gouty constitution with cracking of joints and gouty deposits in the joints, stiff joints, clumps, weak, give out soon. Children are dumpsy and awkward. Headaches. Feelings as if head would fly to pieces. Over sensitiveness to noise, smells, taste and touch. Pains in ears, itching pain, aching, pressing pain with cough. Old catarrhs. Nose red hot. Red dots on face. On tongue and lips flat, sensitive, spreading ulcers. When chill begins there is thirst. Dipsomania. Dysentary. Smarting and burning in Anus and rectum. Burning biting after urination. Old cases of Gonorrhea. Coldness of affected parts. Useful in perplexing and troublesome chronic hoarsness. Cough in sudden paroxysms. Cries after cough, from headache.

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1. Girls who do not study or work get home sickness is a symptom of Capsicum. 2. Capsicum is over sensitive to noise, smell, taste and touch. Q; Capsicum is indicated in stomach. Discuss.

Carbolicum Acidum:
Phenol-Carbolic Acid Carbolic Acid is a powerful irritant and anaesthetic. Paralysis of respiratory centers. Increased olfactory sensibility. Very marked acuteness of smell is a strong guiding symptom. Stomach symptoms are also important, pains are terrible and comes and go suddenly. Burning in mouth to stomach. Disinclined to mental work. Nose smells very acute. Putrid discharge. Diphtheria, fetid breath, re-gurgitation on swallowing liquids, but like pain. Appetite lost. Desire for stimulants and tobacco. Vomiting, dark olive green. Heat rises up esophagus. Very offensive breath. Cramps in foreleg, close to tibia during walk.

Fill in the blanks: 1. The powerful irritant and Anaesthetic is known as carbolic Acid. 2. Burning in mouth to stomach, prutid smell and discharge of nose is found in Carbolic Acid.

Carcinosin: (A nosode from carcinoma):

Carcinosin acts favorably and modifies all cases in which either a history of carcinoma can be elected or symptoms of disease itself exists. Carcinoma of mammary glands with great pain and induration of glands, of uterus. Offensive discharge, haemorrhage and pain are greatly relieved.

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Indigestion, accumulation of gas in stomach and bowels rheumatism. BHMS II Fill in the blanks: Carcinosin acts favorably and modifies all cases in which either a history of carcinoma can be elected. Carcinoma of mammary gland is also symptom of Carcinosin.

Caulophylum: blue cohosh:

Remedy of woman.
Want of tonicity of womb. During labor when pains are deficient and pt. is exhausted and fretful. Thrush locally and internally. Cardialgia, spasms of stomach. Dyspepsia with spasmodic symptom. Needle like pain in cervix. Severe pain fly in all direction. Dysmenorrhea. Discoloration of skin of woman with menstrual and uterine disorder. Menses and leucorrhea are profused. Severe drawing, erratic pain and stiffness in small joints, fingers and toes and ankles.

Fill in the blanks: 1. Needle like pain in cervix and want of tonicity in womb is occur in woman of caulophylum. 2. Discoloration of women skin with menstrual and uterine disorder is a symptom of caulophylum.

The jaundiced skin, and especially Constant pain under inferior angle of right scapula certain indications. Serous effusion, hydrocele. Bilious complications during gestation. Icy coldness of occiput from nape of neck. Inclination to fall farward.

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Right side headache, down behind ears and shoulder blade. BHMS II Neuraglia over right eye, Right cheek, and right ear. Pain in the liver. Yellow slun, worse nose and cheeks. Jaundice due to hepatic and gall bladder obstruction. Menses too late and too profuse. Pain in Right side of chest and shoulder. Icy coldness of tips of fingers. Wrist sores, tearing in metacarpal bones. Fixed pain under inner and lower angle of right scapula. Painful red pimples and pustules.

Q: Cehllidoneum is indicated in liver. Discuss. Fill in the blanks: Fixed pain under and inner and lower angle of Right scapula is found in Chelidoneum. In Jaundice best remedy is Chelidoneum.

Cicuta Virosa
(Water hemlock)
The bending of the head, neck, and spine backwards and general action of the pt. is violent. Moaning and howling does abused things, marked action on skin. Delirium with singing, dancing and funny gestures. Everything appears strange and terrible. Head turned or twisted, to one side. Convulsions from concussion of brain. Pupils dilated, insensible strabisum. Haemorrhage from ear. Flatulence with anxiety and crossness. Eczema, no itching. Disposition to grind teeth. Desire for unusual things like coal. Back bend backward like on arch. Jerking, teasing in coccyx. Especially during menses.

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Itching in rectum.


Fill in the blanks: Desire of unusual things like coal is a symptom of Cicuta virosa. Haemorrhage from ear is also found in Cicuta Virosa.

Cocculus indicus:
Indian cockle
Paralytic weakness. In response, to question he answer slowly. Muscular exertion, because he is weak. Tired feelings. A wife nursing her husband, a daughter nursing her father, becomes worn out by anxiety, worry, and loss of sleep. She is exhausted, unable to sustain any mental or physical effort. Weak in knees, in back, and he cannot sleep. Dizziness, nausea and vomiting during journey. The patient cannot endure travelling or motion. The hands tremble when taking hold of anything or he takes hold of it awkwardly or drops it. The least noise or jar is unbearable. Paralytic rigidity. Face becomes pale and sickly. Stomach symptoms, coating of food ,metallic taste in mouth. Intestines pinched between sharp storesd. Leucorrhea that takes place of menses. slightest loss of sleep tells on him.

Fill in the blanks: Leucorrhea that takes place of the menses is a symptom of Cocculus. The hands tremble; things fall upon and drops things in a symptom of Cocculus.


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The glands under the arm inflame and ulcerate. BHMS II An abcess of breast becomes surrounded by lumps and nodules. Nodules in the breast even where the milk has not yet found, lumps and nodules in duration and enlarged glands form under skin all over body. Nerves are in a state of great debility. Trembling, jerking of the muscles and twitching from weakness of nerves. Hysteria, hypochondrical states of mind, nervousness, trembling and weakness of muscles. A great complaint is painless paralysis of legs and hip. The vertigo is common while lying in bed rolling eyes or turning of eyes. Aversion to light without inflammation of eyes.

Fill in the blanks: Glands under arms inflammaed and ulcerate is a symptom of conium. Conium is used for trembling, jerking of muscles and twitching from weakness of nerves.

Crocus sativa:
Saffron. Useful in haemorrhages that are black and stringly. Anger with violence followed by repentance, laughing mania. Prousiness and lassitude. Pleasant mania, sings and laughs. Appearance as of electric sparks. Pain from eyes to top of head, sensation as if cold air was rushing through eye. Sensation of something alive in abdomen, stomach etc. Wheezy, cough, with frothy expectoration. Sudden feeling of coldness in back as if cold water was thrown over him. Whole upper extremity falls asleep. Worse, lying down, hot weather, warm room and in morning. Better in open air.

Fill in the blanks; In black and stringy haemorrhages Crocus sativus is useful remedy.

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Sensation of something alive in stomach and abdomen is symptom of Crocus sativus.


Crotalus Horridus: (Rattlesnake)

Poisons of animals or Apis and lachesis poisons. Dreadfulness of necessity demanding them and also when we have ascertained that there can be no substitute when demanded. When at beside of a Crotalus pt. one feels that death is very near. A poison of snake from the nearest resemblance but this one is most dreadful of all, excepting perhaps the Ancistrodon. Snake poisons are supposed to be cyanhydrated of soda and other salts. Pt. sleeps into aggravation. Jaundice comes on with astonishing quickness, and eyes become yellow and skin becomes yellow and mottled. Blue in spots. Awful state of nervousness prevails. Trembling if limbs. He sleeps into his symptoms. Dull, heavy, throbbing occipital headaches. Haemorrhage from eyes. Yellow appearance of eyes. Pt. wakes up during night grinding the teeth. Stool, black, thin like coffee grounds. Boils, carbuncles and eruptions are surrounded by a purplish condition of skin, a mottled, blue, splotched or marbled state. In puerperal fever there is a continued oozing of black offensive blood that will not coagulate.

Fill in the blanks: Pt. wakes up during might and grinding the teeth is symptom of Crotalus. Continued oozing of blood black offensive that will not coagulate found in Crotalis.

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Croton tiglium:
Eruption produced resembles a vasicular eczerna. Cough, Asthmic cough, coming on in the middle of night, often arousing the pt. from a sound sleep. Whooping cough. Gush of yellow, watery or pappy stool, soft thin feaces, coming out with one gush. Inflammatory character.Eyes was drawn backward into head. Troublesome eczema of scalp in infants. Antidote to Rhus tox. Vesicular eruption to Rhus family. During lactation pain wanders from nipples to scapula.

Fill in the blanks: Cough, asthma cough mostly at midnight arousing pt. is symptom of Croton tiglium. Croton tiglium has an important symptom of gush of yellow, watery or pappy stool, soft thin feaces.

Cuprum Arsenicum:
A remedy for symptom depending on deficient kidney action, various intestinal affections, cholera. Uraemic convulsions, headache, vertigo and unconscious conditions resulting from brain oedema. Nephritis of pregnancy. Gastrointestinal disturbances of influenza and typhoid. Convulsions preceded by GIT symptoms chlorosis. Bronchial asthrna and with emphysema, purulent endocarditis. Painful neuroses, enteroptosis.

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Delirium and termor cordis. Mouth: Tongue thickly coated dirty brown, white, metallic taste.


Heart: Cardiac rhythm and force altered due to defective elimination.

Abdomen: Gastro-enteritits, violent abdominal pain. Diarrhoea in phthisis. Cholera. Rumbling and sharp cutting pain.

Back: Pain in lumbar region.

Urinary: Renal inefficiency and Uremia garlicky like odor sadness.

Male: Perspiration of scrotum.

Extremities: Cramps in the calves of legs, worse after midnight, only relieved by getting out of bed and standing.

Skin: Icy cold, sweat and skin even when dry.

Fill in the blanks: Cramps in calves of legs is a main symptom of Cuprum Arsenitum. Cuprum Ars is best remedy for Nephritis in pregnancy and GIT symptoms.


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Cuprum Metallicum:
The appearance as if a pt. dead or in state of ecstancy. Leading in whooping cough, Whooping cough makes patients face blue, livid or finger nails becomes discolored. Eyes are turned up, child cough until it loses its breath. Spasmodic dysponea. The pt. is full of cramps. Limbs cramps, cramps in muscles of chest, with trembling and weakness. Painful menstruation with spasm commencing in the fingers. Epileptic attacks. Puerperal state before or after delivery. In cholera morbus with gushing watery stools and copious vomiting. Caprum Metallicum complaints relieved by cold. A woman has suffered a long time with a copious leucorrhea and some urine or tells her she must take injections and she checks it up for a few days. A hysterical convulsions, cramping, tearing of muscles come on. Indigestion from milk.

Fill in the blanks: Epileptic attack are major symptom of cuprum met. Cramps, limbs, cramps, Abdominal cramps are symptoms of cuprum met.

Heart is going fast it will soon produce a peculiar kind of paralysis. Soreness of liver, tenderness about liver but during that time pulse is slow. Digitalis liver, digtalic heart, and digtalic bowels is agone, sinking, feeling in stomach.

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Dreams of falling, very common with cardiac affections. BHMS II A shock goes through blood during sleep and there is an electric shock like shock produce in body lie internal jerkings. Sudden violent beating of heart, with disturbed rhythm. Fluttering of heart, cough at midnight. Cough with expectoration of boiled starch. Respiration irregular and performed with great difficulty. Fear of suffocation at night. Enlarged prostate gland. Jaundice, slow pulse rate, gray stool.

Q: compare heart symptom of digitalis and cactus. Fill in the blanks: Sinking of stomach is main feelings of pt. in Digitalis. Enlargement of prostate gland, heart beat irregular, low pulse rate, and symptoms of jaundice are found in Digitalis.

Eupatorium perfoliatum: Boneset tea. Common winter colds. Sneezing and coryza, pain in head as if it would burst out. Eupatorium cures complaints beginning as if back would break, great shivering from heat to foot spreading from back. Nausea from sight and smell of food. Bones ache as if would break. Vomiting of Bile, aching of bones. Intermittent fever. The urine is charged with bile the stool becomes whitish and he becomes weak. Gouty pts, have terrible sick headaches shooting pain from left to right side of head. Iron cap sensation, eye balls pain. After material attacks and in gouty affections.


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Fill in the blanks: Bone aches, as if bone would break is a symptom of eupatorium perf. Eupatorium perf is useful remedy for gouty pts. And pl feel iron cap sensation.


Flouric Acid: Unusually hot-blooded remedy at times, and again it has conditions of coldness. The skin becomes very hot the pt. often from warm things. From covering, from warm air, suffocates like pulse. The feet burn and are put out of bed in night, he hunts around in bed for cold place for feet and hands. Aggravation from heat, from outward heat and from inward heat, belongs to this remedy. Pt. is over sensitive, is made worse if the bowels do not move regularly. Dry scales, itching very much , bald places. The Vulva is eaten off and tonsils become honeycomsed by syphilitic ulcers. Itching of anus, protrution of arms during defalcation. Sensation, as if burning vapor were emitted from pores of body.

Fill in the blanks: Sensation of burning and vapors were emitted from skin is leading symptom of fluoric Acid. The feet burn, pt. search cool place inside bed for hands and feet is a symptom of Flouric Acid.

Glonoine: Gl >>>>> Glycerine. O >>>>>>>> oxygen. N >>>>>>>> nitrogen.


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Marked very nervous disturbances. The 6th potency alone produced itching all over body with later acne and furuncle formation, also bulincy. Great remedy for congestive headaches, hyperaemia of brain from excess of heat or cold. Sensation of pulsation throughout body. Pulsating pains. Thrombing headache. Shocks in head. Headache in place of menses. Meningitis. Eyes sees everything half light half dark. Pulsating toothache. Neck feels full . chokes +swells up under ear. Gastralgia in anemic patient with feeble circulation. Vomiting. Diarrhoea, copious blackish. Lumpy stools.

Fill in the blanks: Neck feels full, chokes and swells up under ear is a symptom of glonoine. Golonine covers symptoms of headache in a place of menses.

Haemamalis Vir: General symptoms and piles symtoms: Bruised soreness of affected parts, seem to be the special sphere of this remedy. Acts upon coats of veins causing relaxation with consequent engorgement. Haemorrhages from any part. Great value in open, painful wounds with weakness from loss of blood. Fullness followed by epistarxis. Numbness over frontal bone. Bleeding from nose, bad odor from nose. Tongue feels burnt, thirst. Haematuria with increased desire.

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Menses dark profuse with soreness in abdomen. Pain in spermatic cord, running into testes. Chest feels sore and constricted. Sore pain down cervical vertebrae. Severe pain in lumbar area. Bluish chill blains.


Q: hamamelis is indicated in piles. Discuss. Arms feels sore and raw. Haemorrhoids. Bleeding profused Soreness along with bleeding. Dysentry. Pulsatron in rectum.

Fill in the blanks: Bruised soreness of affected parts, seem to be special sphere of remedy known as haemamalis. Haemorrhages from any body is indicated in Haemamalis.

Hydrastis: (Golden seal) Yellowish face, weakness and disorders of mucous means rane. Weak muscular especially active in old, easily-tired people, cachetic individuals with great debility. Peculiar muscous discharge. Poor digestion, and obstinate constipation. Dull, pressing frontal pain, especially connected with constipation. Pulsation in epigastrium. Prolapsed, anus fissured, constipation, with sink. Vomits all food.

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Treatment of malignant ulcer. BHMS II Symptoms are better during rest. The eyes and face jaundiced. Ulceration of cornea. Stomach with loathing of food and obstinate constipation with new desire for stool. Thick yellow viscid leucorrhea. Rheumatic pain in upper limbs. Uritacaria over body, aggravated at night.

Fill in the blanks: Ulceration of cornea and stomach with loathing of food is a symptom of hydrastis. Hydrastis covers symptoms of yellowish face, weakness and disorders of muscous membrane.

IODIUM: Eat well but becomes weak, speacially in goiter A peculiar kind of anxiety that is felt in mind and body. Anxiety comes on when trying to keep still. And the more he tries to keep still and more the anxious state increases. While attempting to keep still he is over whelmed with impulses, try to kill himself. Hypertrophy runs through the remedy. Thyroid glands englarged and cause goiter. Enlargement of liver, spleen, ovaries, testes, lymphatic glands, cervical glands of all glands except mammary glands. He wants to do something, wants to hurry. Enlargement of heart. The head pains are aggravated from motion. Useful in chronic morning Diarrhoea of emaciated, scrofulous children. An effort induces perspiration. Acute exaceratiation of chronic inflammation. Thyroid gland, enlargement. Pt. feels hotness all the time. Specially for thyroid gland.

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Fill in the blanks: Pt eats well but become weak especially in goiter is symptom of iodium. Attempting to stay still but he cannot stay still, the pt. attempts to kill himself is a symptom of Iodium.

Kresotum: Pulsation all over body. Bleeding from small wounds. Rapid decomposition of fluid and secretions and burning pains. Ailments of teething children. Burning Diarrhoea during teething process in children. Very rapid decay of teeth with spongy, bleeding gums. After every cough copious prulent expectoration. Child like chamonilla, stupid. Hoarse with pain in larynx. Face has yellow parts. Soon after eating comes burning pain in stomach. Worse pain of stomach by bending forward.

Specially for female. Fill in the blanks. Pulsation all over body and bleeding from small wounds is a symptom of kresotum. Burning process during teething in children is a symptom of kresotum.

Lac Caninum: Key note symptom is erratic pains, alternating sides. Very forgetful, makes mistakes. Sensation of walking or floating in the air. Visions of snake while sleeping or awakening. Occipital pain, with shooting extending to forehead. Coryza, one nostril stuffed up. Bloody pus discharge.

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Tonsilliteis and diphtheria symptoms charge repeatedly from side to side. BHMS II Helps to dry up milk. Breasts swollen, painfull. Dreams of snakes. Galactorrhea.

Fill in the blanks: The erratic pairs, alternating sides is a key symptom of lac caninum. Sensation of walking or floating in air is a symptom of lac caninum.

Tiger lily Lilium tigrinum. Often indicated in married woman. Action on heart is very marked. Pain in small spots. Rheumatic arthritis. Profound depression of spirits Aimless, hurried manner. Fears some organic and incurable disease. Nausea, flatulence with sensation of lump in stomach. Pressure in abdomen downward or backwards against rectum and anus. Flow of menses only when moving about. In female be bearing downs sensation with urgent desire for stool. Cannot walk on uneven ground. Pricking in fingers. Pain in Rt. Arm and hip. Specially for female.

Fill in the blanks: Aimless pt. hurried manner, nausea with sensation of lump in stomach is a symptom of lilium tig.

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In female pain bearing down sensation with urgent desire for stool is a symptom of lilium BHMS II tig.

Magnesia Carb: Colic pain, green watery frothy like a frog ponds screen. Indigestible milk in children that cause Diarrhoea. Sore throat before menses appear Painful menses. Menses too late, and scanty, thick, dark like pitch, mucus lecurrohea. Tickling cough, with salty, bloody expectrotation. Irritation of cutting wisdom teeth. Ailments from cutting wisdom teeth. Stiching pain in side of head. Pain in molar bone, worse during rest, night. Swelling of molar bone with pulsating pain. Sore throat, menses appear. Sensitive to least touch. Sneezing in allergy. Stoppage of nose in coryza.

Fill in the blanks: Colic pain, green watery, frothy like a frog pondss scum is a key symptom of magnesia carb. Ailment from cutting wisdom teeth is a symptom of magnesia carb.

Magnesia phos: Patient feels relief in pain by heating and pressure. All pains aggravated by cold air and coldness. Abdominal pain. Severe neuralgic pain. Pain aggravated by washing face, and neck with cold water.

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Chilliness. Enteralgia relieved by pressure. Flatulence colic, foreign pt. to bend double. Belching of gas. Given no relief. Full sensation in abdomen. Menstrual colic, membranous dysmenorrheal. Spasmodic cough. Angina pectoris. Chilliness after dinner and in evening. Chills runs up and down the back. Cramps in calves.


Fill in the blanks Flatulence colic, pt. bend double the abdomen is a symptom of magnesia phos. Severe neurological pain is a symptom of magnesia phos.

Gonorrheal Virus: Medorthinum: Trembling all over. Weak memory. Cannot speak without weeping. Difficult concentration. He is in a great hurry. Sensibility exalted. Burning pain in brain. Feels as if she starred at everything. Blisters on Inner surface of lips and cheeks. Intense itching of arnus. Nocturnal enuresis. Sensitive spot near uteri. Impotence of male. Cannot keep legs stil. Fiery red rash about ances, in babies. Night sweating or bed wetting and hectic. Tumors and abnormal growth.

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Worse during day time. Sleep in knee-chest position. ( )


Fill in the balnks: The pt. sleeps in knee chest position is a symptom of medorrhinum. Medorrhinum covers symptoms of trembling all over, weak memory and pt. cannot speak without weeping.

Mazerium: Bones pain specially in that bones which have less meat (tibia) Scaly eruption, white scabs. Scabby. Pain of various kinds with chilliness and sensitiveness to cold air. Head covered with thick, lethargy, crusts under which pus collects. If tympanacum was exposed to cold air and it blew into the ear. Mouth waters. Pain of legs aggravated by pressing. Gastric ulcer with much burning. Green discharge of stool. Cramp pain in bladder. Enlargement of testicles. Eczena , intolerable itching.

Eruption ulcerate and form thick scab under which pruluent matter exudes.

Specially for skin.

Fill in the blanks: Bones pain especially in bones of tibia is symptom of mezerium. Eruption ulcerate form thick scabs under which prevalent matter exudes is a symptom of mezerium.


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Moschus - Musk Remedy for hysteria. Fainting fits and convulsions, catalepsy etc. Uncontrollable laughter. Compressive pain over root of nose. Desire for black coffee. Spasmodic nervous hiccough. Violent desire, involuntary emissions. Nausea and vomiting after coitron. Difficult respiration, chest oppressed. Cough ceases, mucus cannot be expectorated. Hysterical palpitation. Better in open air. Tightness in larynx. Woman adopt uncomfortable position while during pain.


Fill in the blanks: The best remedy for hysteria, fainting fits and convulsion is moschus. Uncontrollable laughter and desire for black coffee is a symptom of moschus.

Purple fish Murex Female sexual organs are prominent. Great sadness, anxiety and dread. Sinking, all-gone sensation in stomach. Lonscious of womb. Desire easily excited. Pulsation in neck of womb. Nymphomania. Pain from right side of womb to right or left breast. Must keep legs tightly acrossed. Urine frequent at night, constant urging.

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Violent sexual excitement.


Specially for female. Fill in the blanks: Pain from right side of womb to right side or left breast is a symptom of murex. Female crossed her legs around and urine frequent at night is a symptom of murex.

Muriatic Acid: Pt. becomes weak and she slides down the bed. Great restlessness. Worse lying on rt.side. Lower jaw fallen. Pimples and frickles. Lips raw, dry and cracked. Haemorrhoids most sensitive to all touch, even sheet of toilet paper is painful. No control on urine and feaces. AAlso best remedy of typhoid. Popular and vesicular eruptions.

Fill in the blanks: The symptom in which patient feels weakness and slips away from bed lies in Muriatic Acid. Lower jaw fallen is key symptom of Muriatic Acid.


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Natrum Carb: Great debility caused by summer heat, chronic effects of sun stroke. Mental weakness and depression. Itches from slightest mental exertion, worse from sunlight or working under gas light. Weakness of ankles Freckles, yellow spot, pimples. Very weak digestion, caused by slightest error of diet. Sudden call to stool Diarrhoea from milk. Leucorrheal discharge, offensive, irritating, preceeded by colic. Worse from mental exertion. Thunder storm causes aggravation in symptoms. Eiuption on fingers tips. Soles of feet raw and sore.

Fill in the blanks: Ankles weakness and patient cannot digest milk as a symptom of Natrum carb. Leucorrheal discharges that carry pus is a symptom of Natrum Carb.


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Nux moschata: Some palliative relation to hysteria. The patient appears to be dazed. Loss of memory. No recollection of past event. She prophesies predicts with a sort of clairvoyance. The mental state is key note . She performs all her duties and yet seems to be in a dream. She seems not to know her friends. The patient is always ready to go to sleep. It is with great difficulty that she can keep awake. The eyes look heavy, she cant keep awake, falls into a profound slumber, sometimes into Coma. Useful in coma of typhoid. The sleepyniss and dazed state are two things combine. Faintness and even fanting. When standing long such as occurs a nervous woman. The heamorrhages stands out in bold relief. Vomiting of blood. In extremeties there is numbness, tingling, priching, paralytic. The whole back is sensitive to pressure. The vertebrae are sensitive. The stool is difficult but soft , in women there are many troubles, menorrhagia lasting ten or 15 days. The blood is clotted, menses are too often, last too long, are irregular. The breasts are flat. Restored the breasts.

Fill in the blanks: The patients performs all her duties and yet seems to be in a dream. She seems not to know her friends is a sign of Nux Moschota. The breast are falt and medicine is used for restoring breasts Nux Moschota.


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General property is painlessness but now and then an alternate state is produced. Pt. is sleepy. Sleepless nights, anxiety , sensitiveness to noise so he says he hear flies walking on wall. The sluggishness and painlessness are most sticking. Ulcers which are perfectly painless Insensibility in parts that re in high grade of inflammation. NO ability to use abdominal muscles. Delirium with a happy turn of mind. The stomach is in a state confusion. Weakness of limbs and Muscles. The food sores in stomach and is vomited. He can take no more food. Prolonged vomiting. Pressure of blood. Nervous headaches beginning in back of head and spreading over whole face. Intense aching pain in base of brain. When he gets up he is unable to lie down again. Most complaints are painless Delirium tremens with awful anxiety. Opium pt. is full of convulsion. Pts. Want to be uncovered wants cool air, the open air. Epilepsy dating back to a fright and that object come up before eys. Great sensibility to sound, light and faintest odours.

Fill in the blanks: Sleepless nights , anxiety, increased sensitiveness to noise so he says he hears flies walking on wall is a symptom of Opium. Opium covers symptoms of ulcers which are perfectly painless.

Petroleum: Counter irritant and on skin, produces irritation , eruptions and disturbances. State of confusion of mind and dizziness.

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A woman after cdhild birth imagine, there is another child in bed with her. BHMS II It is suitable when there are crack about ends of fingers and on backs of hands. The skin is rough, ragged, exfoliates, bleeds, cracks. Coldness is spots. Eczema of scalp. Mucous membrane or internal skin, has little patches of Ulcers. Old catarrhal complaints of nose, crusts, thick yellow discharge. He congus especially at night. Diarrhoea during day time. All gone hurry feeling after stool. Itching is common to internal skin. Suitable in stubbom occpital headaches. Pain from occiput over head to forehead and eyes. Awful deathly nausea, great palor and cold body profuse sweat. There is disturbance of vision. Itching in Pharynx. Nausea and qualmishnen all day. Stiffress in back. Heat and burning. Weakness of muscles. Herpetic, itching, redness and moisture on scrotum, skin crached , rough and bleeding Dry eruptions. Sensitve to change of weather. Specially for skin.

Fill in the blanks: A woman after child birth she thinks that she has another child in her bed is a common symptom of pertroleum. The skin has little patches of ulcer and pain of head from occiput over head to forehead and eyes is a symptom of Petroleum.

Phosphoric Acid: Mental enfeeblement. The mind seems fired. Weakness lack of reaction, state of stopor with impotency, mental prostration and as if the spine had given out.

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Physical weakness, so tired in the back, tired in the mucles, tierd all over, aBHMS II paralytic weakness. Ailments from care, grief, borrow, home sickness particularly with drowsiness; nightr sweats towards morning emaciation. During weakness there is vertigo. Congestive headache. Low fever. Pain and aches all over the body. Ameliorated with motion. Food remain in stomach. Sour vomiting. Marked features of milky urine. Chronic Diarrhoea. Watery and painfull Diarrhoea. Useful in cholera. Falling out of the hair. Having a troublesome leucorrhoea. Mostly yellowish after meses. Weakness is to run into chest troubles. Prolonged fever ending in feeble heart. Limbs and joints bcome affected. Tissues become weak. Prolonged pneumonia with mental symptoms, haemoptysis. Formication over whole body. Itching between the fingers or in the bend of joints or on hands.

Fill in the blanks: Marked features of milky urine is a symptom of Phosphoric Acid. Chronic Diarrhoea, watery and painful Diarrhoea is a symptom of Phosphoric Acid.

Plumbum met:

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Specially for constipation. General symptoms:


Patient cannot sleep in newly painted room. Many people are sensitive to lead. Activities of the body and functions are slowed down in pace. Patient memorizes with difficulty. Skin is wrinkled, puckered shriveled and drawn over the bones. Paralysis of single muscles and these muscles wither. Paresis of the intensities, constipation, cannot strain at stool. Bladder is also paretic, cannot expel the urine. Violent vomiting of eating anything. Progressive muscular atrophy. Aside from the slowness of the mind, which is a general , the remedy is full of melancholia, sadness. Deep melancholy with timidity and restlessness. Hypertrophy and dilatation of the heart. Stitching pain in the heart. Mental symptoms, the emotional symptoms and the head symptoms are greatly exaggerated by any exertion, especially exertion in the open air. Irritable and painfull brain, pain at the back of the neck. Extremities cold, blue, numb. Constipation colic and abdominal symptoms are commonly associated. Hard stool, lumpy like sheep dung. Knotly faces in the form of batts. Constriction of intestine, navel and anus violent retracted. Burning in ulcers.

Fill in the blanks: Pt. cant sleep in newly painted room is a symptom of Plumbum met. Hypertrophy, dilation of heart, irritable and painful brain is a symptom of plumbum net.

Specially for skin: Psorinum is closely allied to sulphur.

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Skin of the hand is rough. BHMS II Itching when warm in bed; he scratches until the part become raw and then it becomes scabby. Skin is unhealthy. Skin grows increasingly thick and bleed. Eruption spreads to other parts. Eyelid thickened and turned out. Wants to go home and lie down so that he can breath. State of paretic weakness. Old chronic periodic headache with hunger. Must get up at night to get something to eat. Dry, teasing, racking cough with no expectoration. Hair dry, lusterless, tamples easily, gives together, must comb it continually. Chronic abdominal affections with disturbances of stool. Soft stool passed with difficulty. Chronic vomiting, ulcer of the stomach, vomiting of blood plus bloody stool. It cures heart complaints. Palpitation from the least exertion, better lying. Heart symptoms with general weakness, clusley face, dazed look, weak, irregular and rapid pulse. Sweat profuse, cold clammy from least exertion.

Fill in the blanks: Psorinum patient wants to go home and lie down so that he can breath. Chronic difficulty, and abdominal affection with disturbances of stool. Soft stool can pass difficulty is a symptom of Psorinum.

Pyrogenium: It is a great remedy for septic states. After affects of miscarriage all these conditions like chronic malaria seuer gas poisoning calling for pyrogenium. All disharges are horribly offensive. Threatening heart failure in zymotic and septic conditions. Vomits water, when it become warm in stomach. Constipation with complete Inertia.

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Pulse abnormally rapid out of proportion to temp. Menses horrible offensive. Throbbing in neck of vessels. Small cut or injury become much swollen and inflamed. Empyema, endocarditis.


Fill in the blanks: After miscarriages, chronic malaria severe gas poisioning call for pyrogenium. Pt. vomits water as it become hot in stomach is a symptom of Pyrogenium.

Ranunculus Bulb: Pain in spinal nerves, pleura and coastal muscles. Always with extreme soreness. The everning aggravations are quite marked, the headache, ear pain nasal symptoms. Stitching pains. Has great depressions of spirits and desire to die. Vertigo when going into cold air, sensation of enlargement of head. Soreness and burning in a right lower lid. It has cured hemiopia during pregnancy. Stitching pains in ear. Twitching of lips. Burning and soreness and redness in throat. Inflammation of pleura and diaphram. Rheumatic pains, paroxysmal in character in upper limbs. Great weakness in lower limbs in afternoon. Late falling asleep. Sleepless from difficult breathing.

Fill in the blanks: Inflammation of peura and lungs is a symptom of Ranunculus. All stitching pain in body. In abdomen, in ear is symptom of Ranunculus.

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Rhododendron: Patients who suffer from rheumatic pains, Rheunatic swellings of joints. Pain in Aponeuroses at night, during rest. Fear of thunder in nervous person. Headaches come on before a storm. Pain in temples and forehead. Weakness of internal recti mucles with stitiching pains. Roaring, ringing and buzing in ears. Feels full after little food. Pressure in stomach after eating. Much straining to pass a soft stool. Serous cysts in vagina. Constriction of chest. Paralytic pains in limbs. Pain in shoulder joint.


Fill in the blanks: Fear of thunder and headache before a storm is a symptom of Rhododendron. Rhododendron is a best remedy for much straining to pass a soft stool.

Rumex Specially for cough: State of sadness, low spirited aversion to walk, irritable, mental exitbility. Catarrhal tendency is very stricking. Nose, chest, eyes chest and trachea the whole tract gives forth a copious flow. Thin, watery, frothy expectoration by mouthful. Morning Diarrhoea. Catarhal headache with great irritation of larynx and trachea. Tickling in throat pit causing cough. Also urine passes away with cough. Nose obstructed by dry sensation. Sudden sharp ting ling sensation in schneiderian membrane. Inflammation passes to smallest bronchi, producing a capillary bronchitis and finally pneumonia. Violent sneezing with fluent coryza.

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Accumulation of muscles in posterior nerves. BHMS II Epistaxis violent sneezing and painful irritation of nostrils. Aching in pharynx in pit of stomach and above it on each side of sternum. Stool painless offensive, profuse, brown or black. Serious attack of Diarrhoea in an old man of 70. Aphonia after exposure to cold. Tickling in throat pit causing cough. Hoarse, barking cough in attacks every night. Every fit of coughing produces passage of few drops of urine. Dropsy comes on extremities.

Fill in the blanks: Epistaxis violent sneezing and painful irritation of nostrils is a symptom of Rumex. Hoarse, barking cough, stool painless offensive, aching in pharynx with collection of tough muscus in fauses is a symptom of Rumex.

Ruta Especially for eyes Often suits in various surgical conditions, periosteal troubles from injury. Overstraining of muscles of eye. Ruta is aggravated from cold, wants everything warm. Inclination to contradict and qurarrel. Despondent. Melancholy disposition toward evening. Eyes feel hot like balls of fire. Eye burn, ache, feel strained, sight blurred, aggravated from using them in evening. Loss of power over internal rectus. Frequent unsuccessful urging with prolapsus ani. Back symptoms. Pain and lameness in ankles after a sprain or dislocation. Paryalytic weakness in lower extremeties after a sprain of back. Worse in limbs of joints.

Fill in the blanks:


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Eyes feel hot like balls of fire and ache in eye feel strained is a symptom of Ruta. Ruta covers symptoms of loss of power over internal rectus.


Sabina: Kidneys, bladder, uterus, rectum and anus, inflammation and haemorrhagic symptoms. Wants the windows open. Pulsation all over. The menses last too long and are too copious and at times in some subjects the flow does not pious menses. Labour pains, clot is passed. These two features shooting pains from the back to the front and from below upwards. Abortion at three months. Over sensitiveness to touch and and jar. Bright red flow is hot. Inflammation of the ovaries pre mature labour. Old trouble some, lingering haemmorhage. Dry tongue, violent thirst. Gooty, nodosities in the joints. Patient is compelled to pot the hands and feet out of bed.

Fill in the blanks: Sabina covers the symptoms of woman. Abortion at third month is the symptom of Sabina In Sabina patient is compelled to put hands and feet out of the bed.

Sambucus: Sees images when closing eyes.


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Constant fretfulness. BHMS II Paroxysmell, suffocative cough coming on about midnight with carrying and dyspnea. Sniffness of Infants. Child awakes suddenly, nearly suffocating, sits up, turns blue. Cannot expire. Edematous swelling in legs. Profuse sweat over entire body. Feet icy cold. Profuse sweat on walking.

Fill in the blanks: Patient sees images when closing eyes is the major sign of sambucus. When child awakes suddenly with suffocation and cannot breath is the symptom of Sambucus.

Sangunaria, symptoms of headache Blood root is an old domestic remedy. Cold in head, throat and chest. Periodic headaches. Pain travels from Right eye and in right temple. Worse during day and aggravated by light. Relief of pain by vomiting. Headaches are relieved from passing flatus up or down. Belching is especially for noticed after violent attack of coughing. Burning in chest behind sternum. Hay fever pts. With burning in nose, in throat. Dryness and burning in larynx. Burning of palms and soles. Periodic weekly headaches. Pulsation in head with bitter vomiting. Aggravated by motion. Neurologic pains, cutting tearing, lacerating pain as if muscle were torn.

Fill in the blanks:


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In periodic headaches Sangunaria is the best remedy. Sangunaria gives relief of pain by vomiting. Sangunaria contains burning of larynx.


Sarsaprilla: Specially for urinary symptoms: Cases made complex by mercury, psycosis, syphilis. Tissues becomes flabby, refuse to heal, when injured. Ulcerate from sight causes. Weakness of mind and tissues. Useful in old age when black and blue spots appear on back of hands and elsewhere. The use of heat internally aggravates all complaints. But there is an external coldness relieved by heat. Digestion is slow and feeble. Edema of tissues of low extremities. Dropscial conditions like brights disease. Stone in bladder. Obstinate constipation with violent urging to urine, urging to stool.

Fill in the blanks: When tissues become flabby and refuse to heal is the symptom of Sarsaprilla.
Sarsaprilla is the best remedy of Edema of tissues. Sarsaprilla cures the Stone of bladder.


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Specially for headache.


Indicated in person who are debilitated from taking cold and who have become rheurmatic. Pain in neck, shoulder are better from heat. Worse from lying down. Better from keeping still. Violent pain about eyes. Endocorditis of rheumatic character. Pericarditis. Vertigo on rising, gets up with violent pains and dizziness. Worse from stooping, motion and from noise. Fire burning, tearing pains in brain. Violent pain in left parietal bone. Afraid of needles. Head pains are worse from warmth, better from cold. Moving of muscles of face, there is sensation of bursting brain. Sensation as if eye were too large for its orbit. Attacks venous side of heart.

Fill in the blanks: Headache become worse from lying down is in Spigelia. Burning of brain and tearing pain is found in Spigelia.

Stannum Met: History of Increasing weakness. Cactexia, catarrhal conditions. Neuralgia dating back over years. Worse at noon in headache pain. Headache every morning, over one or other eyes mostly the left. Felt as if head would burst with inward blows. Great weakness in voice, hoarseness loss of voice, vocal cords will not respond.

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Sputa like white of egg, yellow, green pus, Sweatish, putrid sour or Saltish BHMS duringII day. Very much exhausted from talking or reading loud.

Fill in the blanks: Headache only in mourning is found in Stammum met. In the history of Stannum met increased weakness and catarrhal conditions are found.

Staphysagaria: Pentup wrath, suppressed anger, suppressed feelings. Great indignation about things done by others or by himself. Grieves about consequences. Argument ends in insult. In different, low spirited, dullness of mind after onanism. Senses are in same irritable state. Haemorrhoidal tumors are so sensitive that they cant be touched. It suits all three of miasms. Headaches from vexation and indigration. Meibomian tumor in irritable children. Pains comes after eating. Chronic diarrohea or dysentery of weakly, sickly children. Nervous woman soon after marriage. Enlarge prostate with frequent urging of urine. Male Genetaria is excitability. Also impotence. Sensation it worms crawling over him. In female there is violent sexual excitement. Surgical operations injuries from sharp instruments, incised wounds. Very sharp shooting pairs in ovary. Stitching in region of heart. Bone troubles, inflammation of periosteum. Mercurial bore disease. Ulcers, caries, injuries caused by Asafotada, mersol.


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Fill in the blanks: Sharp shooting pain in ovaries is found in Staphysagaria. Staphysagaria suits all the three miasms.


Stramonium: Also for mental symptoms. Painless complaints like opium Full of excitement, rage, everything is tumultuous, violent, the face looks wild. High fever like bell. Stram, is like an earth quake in the violence. Violent typhoid. Delirium bland, murmuring , violent foolish, joyfull. Fear as if dog attacking him. Sometimes prays and sometimes singing. Unbearable touch He sees animals, goasts, angels, Sings amorous songs and ulter obsence speech Screams until he is hoarse. Child awakes terrified, nose, no one , screams with fright. Clings to those near. Basilar meningitis. Violent headache. Sleep full of dreems and turmoil.

Fill in the blanks:

Strammanium is the best remedy for mental symptoms.

Complaints like opium is found in Strammanium. Basilar meningitis is found in Strammonium. Patient of Strammonium sleeps full of dreams and turmoil.


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Syphilinium: Pt. washes hands again and again. From sundown to sunrise marks the time of many violent pains and sufferings. Some are better from heat. Sleeplessness. Dwarfish child. Ulceration of legs, throat, mouth or other parts with no repair. Forgetfull, weak minded, laughing and weeping without cause. Sweating at night. Atrophy of optic nerve. Many pains are confined to a direct line and are called linear headaches. Yellow or green nasal discharge. Paralysis of one side of face. Mouth and tongue are ulcerated. Anxiety and sleepless in children. Inflammation of joints. Rheumatism. Extreme sensitiveness of tibia.

Fill in the blanks: patient washes hands again and again Syphicinium. Syphilinium produces dwarfish child. In syphilinium atrophy of optic nerve is found.


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Antipsoric. BHMS II Intermittent fever. Anaemic state, where the inheritance has been phthisis. Aversion to mental work. Anxiety in evening until midnight. Anxiety during fever. Weary of life. Tuberculinum eures the most violent and the most chronic periodical sick headaches. Sore bruised feeling all over the body. Pain in the head, as if the head had a tight hoop of iron around it. Amenorrhoea, Dysmenorrhea. Uterus sacs downs and is heavy. Cough lasts during sometimes in chill. And during in fever. Suffocation in warm room. Desire for deep breathing. Hard and dry cough. Shaking cough. Aching, drawing, pains in the limbs during rest. Drawing in the limbs in the evening before the chill and during the chill. Prespiration from mental exertion. Sensitive to every change of the weather.

Fill in the blanks: Hard, dry and shaking cough is the symptom of tuberculinum. Aching and drawing pains in the limbs are found in tuberculinum. In tuber culinum perspiration from mental exertion is found.

Voriolinum: Lymph from small-pox pustule: Internal vaccination. Seems to be afficacious in protecting against modifying and aiding in cure of small pox. Morbid fear of small-pox. Deafness.

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Pain in occiput. Inflamed eyelids. Feeling of a lump in right side of throat. Excruciating backache. Aching in legs. Wrists pain. Profuse, bad smelling sweat.


Fill in the blanks: Deafness and inflamed eyelid is the symptom of variolinum. Aching in legs, wrists pain and profuse sweat is found in Variolinum.

Veratrum Viride: White American Hellebore: Congestion of lungs. Boated, livid face. Induces fall of both diastolic and systolic blood pressure. Pupils dilated, double vision. Face flushed Excessive and painful with spasms of oesphagus. White or yellow tongue with red steak down the middle. Pulse slow, soft, weak, irregular. Beating of pulses throughout body. Hot sweating. Acute Rheumatism.

Fill in the blanks: Excessive and painful with spasms of oesophagus is the symptom of veratrum viride. Congestion of lungs is found in veratrum viride. Beating of pulse through out the body is the symptom of veratrum viride.


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Zincum met:


Including symptoms of all over body. Zinc pt. is nervous and extremely sensitive, excitable, trembling, quivering etc. Eruptions appear slowly. Talking or listening is distressing much talking of other people. Feeble children, feeble girls, mind feeble, poor memory. The stomach is slow in digesting, Sour vomiting. Aching in dorsal, lumbar, and sacral regions. Numbness of sales of feet. Mind is slow, pt. is weak and tired. Weak memory. Repeats all questions before answering them. Limbs paralyzed. Jerking in limbs. Helleborus case will exhibit but little fever. Manigitis. Itching and stinging pain. Nervousness manifested in feet.

Fill in the blanks: Feeble children, feeble girls, mind feeble. Poor memory is the symptom of Zincum met. In zincum met stomach is slow in digestion and sour vomiting. Mind is slow and patient is weak and tired in zincum met. Patient repeats all questions before answering them is the symptom of Zincum met. Nervousness manifested in feet is in Zincum met.


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