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Year 1 Checklist

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xls Term 1

Week 1
Readings Mc T c W c T c F c
Memory Verse c

An Island Story Albion and Brutus c
Fifty Famous Tales The Sword of Damocles c
Timeline c

Paddle to the Sea Ch. 1 c
Map Work c

Natural History/Science
Handbook of Nature Study specified life-form c
Nature Study c

A Child's Garden of Verses Mc T c W c T c F c

The Wolf and the Kid;
Aesop for Children c
Tortoise and the Ducks
Just So Stories Whale c
Parables from Nature A Lesson of Faith c

Copywork Mc T c W c T c F c
Maths Mc T c W c T c F c
Foreign Language Mc T c W c T c F c
Music Practice Mc T c W c T c F c
Art Lesson c
17199889.xls Term 1

Week 2
Readings Mc T c W c T c F c
Memory Verse c

Polycarp, Witness in the
Trial and Triumph c
Damon and Pythias; A
Fifty Famous Tales c
Laconic Answer
Timeline c

Paddle to the Sea Ch. 2 c
Map Work c

Natural History/Science
Handbook of Nature Study specified life-form c
The Burgess Bird Book for
Jenny Wren Arrives c
Nature Study c

A Child's Garden of Verses Mc T c W c T c F c

Belling the Cat; The Eagle
Aesop for Children c
and the Jackdaw

Copywork Mc T c W c T c F c
Maths Mc T c W c T c F c
Foreign Language Mc T c W c T c F c
Music Practice Mc T c W c T c F c
Art Lesson c
17199889.xls Term 1

Week 3
Readings Mc T c W c T c F c
Memory Verse c

An Island Story The Coming of the Romans c
Fifty Famous Tales The Brave Three Hundred c
Timeline c

Paddle to the Sea Ch. 3 c
Map Work c

Natural History/Science
Handbook of Nature Study specified life-form c
Nature Study c

A Child's Garden of Verses Mc T c W c T c F c

The Boy and the Filberts;
Aesop for Children c
Hercules and the Wagoner
The Blue Fairy Book Beauty and the Beast c

Copywork Mc T c W c T c F c
Maths Mc T c W c T c F c
Foreign Language Mc T c W c T c F c
Music Practice Mc T c W c T c F c
Art Lesson c
17199889.xls Term 1

Week 4
Readings Mc T c W c T c F c
Memory Verse c

Alexander and Bucephelas;
Fifty Famous Tales c
Timeline c

Natural History/Science
Handbook of Nature Study specified life-form c
James Herriot's Treasury for
Moses the Kitten c
The Burgess Bird Book for
The Old Orchard Bully c
Nature Study c

A Child's Garden of Verses Mc T c W c T c F c

The Kid and the Wolf; The
Aesop for Children Town Mouse and the c
Country Mouse

Copywork Mc T c W c T c F c
Maths Mc T c W c T c F c
Foreign Language Mc T c W c T c F c
Music Practice Mc T c W c T c F c
Art Lesson c
17199889.xls Term 1

Week 5
Readings Mc T c W c T c F c
Memory Verse c

An Island Story The Romans Come Again c
Fifty Famous Tales The Story of Regulus c
Timeline c

Paddle to the Sea Ch. 4 c
Map Work c

Natural History/Science
Handbook of Nature Study specified life-form c
James Herriot's Treasury for
Only One Woof c
Nature Study c

A Child's Garden of Verses Mc T c W c T c F c

The Fox and the Grapes; The
Aesop for Children c
Bundle of Sticks
Just So Stories How the Camel Got It's Hump c
Law of Authority and
Parables from Nature c

Copywork Mc T c W c T c F c
Maths Mc T c W c T c F c
Foreign Language Mc T c W c T c F c
Music Practice Mc T c W c T c F c
Art Lesson c
17199889.xls Term 1

Week 6
Readings Mc T c W c T c F c
Memory Verse c

Fifty Famous Tales Cornelia's Jewels c
Timeline c

Paddle to the Sea Ch. 5 c
Map Work c

Natural History/Science
Handbook of Nature Study specified life-form c
Choose a chapter,
The Burgess Bird Book for
depending on area and c
Nature Study c

A Child's Garden of Verses Mc T c W c T c F c

The Ass and the Driver; The
Aesop for Children c
Oxen and the Wheels
The Blue Fairy Book Why the Sea is Salt c

Copywork Mc T c W c T c F c
Maths Mc T c W c T c F c
Foreign Language Mc T c W c T c F c
Music Practice Mc T c W c T c F c
Art Lesson c

Week 7
17199889.xls Term 1

Readings Mc T c W c T c F c
Memory Verse c

Trial and Triumph Blandina, Martyr of Lyons c
How Caligula Conquered
An Island Story Britain, and How Caractacus c
Refused to be Conquered
Fifty Famous Tales Horatius at the Bridge c
Timeline c

Paddle to the Sea Ch. 6 c
Map Work c

Natural History/Science
Handbook of Nature Study specified life-form c
Nature Study c

A Child's Garden of Verses Mc T c W c T c F c

The Lion and the Mouse; The
Aesop for Children c
Shepherd Boy and the Wolf
Beautiful Stories from
Midsummer Night's Dream c

Copywork Mc T c W c T c F c
Maths Mc T c W c T c F c
Foreign Language Mc T c W c T c F c
Music Practice Mc T c W c T c F c
Art Lesson c

Week 8
17199889.xls Term 1

Readings Mc T c W c T c F c
Memory Verse c

Fifty Famous Tales Cincinnatus c
Timeline c

American History Biography

Benjamin Franklin Spread over 3 weeks c

Natural History/Science
Handbook of Nature Study specified life-form c
Choose a chapter,
The Burgess Bird Book for
depending on area and c
Nature Study c

A Child's Garden of Verses Mc T c W c T c F c

The Gnat and the Bull; The
Aesop for Children c
Plane Tree

Copywork Mc T c W c T c F c
Maths Mc T c W c T c F c
Foreign Language Mc T c W c T c F c
Music Practice Mc T c W c T c F c
Art Lesson c

Week 9
Readings Mc T c W c T c F c
Memory Verse c
17199889.xls Term 1

An Island Story The Story of a Warrior Queen c
Fifty Famous Tales Androcles and the Lion c
Timeline c

American History Biography

Benjamin Franklin Spread over 3 weeks c

Paddle to the Sea Ch. 7 c
Map Work c

Natural History/Science
Handbook of Nature Study specified life-form c
Nature Study c

A Child's Garden of Verses Mc T c W c T c F c

The Farmer and the Stork; The
Aesop for Children c
Sheep and the Pig
Beautiful Stories from
The Tempest c
Just So Stories How the Rhino Got His Skin c

Copywork Mc T c W c T c F c
Maths Mc T c W c T c F c
Foreign Language Mc T c W c T c F c
Music Practice Mc T c W c T c F c
Art Lesson c

Week 10
Readings Mc T c W c T c F c
Memory Verse c
17199889.xls Term 1

Fifty Famous Tales King Alfred and the Beggar c
Timeline c

American History Biography

Benjamin Franklin Spread over 3 weeks c

Paddle to the Sea Ch. 8 c
Map Work c

Natural History/Science
Handbook of Nature Study specified life-form c
Choose a chapter,
The Burgess Bird Book for
depending on area and c
Nature Study c

A Child's Garden of Verses Mc T c W c T c F c

The Travellers and the
Aesop for Children c
Purse; The Lion and the Ass

Copywork Mc T c W c T c F c
Maths Mc T c W c T c F c
Foreign Language Mc T c W c T c F c
Music Practice Mc T c W c T c F c
Art Lesson c
Week 11
Readings Mc T c W c T c F c
Memory Verse c
17199889.xls Term 1

An Island Story The Last of the Romans c
Fifty Famous Tales The Story of William Tell c
Timeline c

Paddle to the Sea Ch. 9 c
Map Work c

Natural History/Science
Handbook of Nature Study specified life-form c
Nature Study c

A Child's Garden of Verses Mc T c W c T c F c

The Frogs Who Wished for a
Aesop for Children King; The Oak and the c
Parables from Nature The Unknown Land c

Copywork Mc T c W c T c F c
Maths Mc T c W c T c F c
Foreign Language Mc T c W c T c F c
Music Practice Mc T c W c T c F c
Art Lesson c

Week 12
Readings Mc T c W c T c F c
Memory Verse c

17199889.xls Term 1

Constantine, Defender of the

Trial and Triumph c
An Island Story The Story of St Alban c
Fifty Famous Tales Arnold Winkelreid c
Timeline c

Natural History/Science
Handbook of Nature Study specified life-form c
Choose a chapter,
The Burgess Bird Book for
depending on area and c
Nature Study c

A Child's Garden of Verses Mc T c W c T c F c

The Boys and the Frogs; The
Aesop for Children c
Crow and the Pitcher
Prince Darling and Toads
The Blue Fairy Book c
and Diamonds
How the Leopard Got Its
Just So Stories c

Copywork Mc T c W c T c F c
Maths Mc T c W c T c F c
Foreign Language Mc T c W c T c F c
Music Practice Mc T c W c T c F c
Art Lesson c
17199889.xls Term 1 Exam

Name Year 1
Date Term 1

Favourite Character Detail Some Adequate Excellent
Accuracy Some Adequate Excellent
Favourite Event Detail Some Adequate Excellent
Accuracy Some Adequate Excellent

Copywork Letter Formation Fair Good Excellent
Accuracy Fair Good Excellent

Reading Skill Book Fair Good Excellent

Poetry Recitation Poem Fair Good Excellent

An Island Story
Option A Detail Some Adequate Excellent
Accuracy Some Adequate Excellent
Option B Detail Some Adequate Excellent
Accuracy Some Adequate Excellent

Fifty Famous Tales, Retold

Option A Detail Some Adequate Excellent
Accuracy Some Adequate Excellent
Option B Detail Some Adequate Excellent
Accuracy Some Adequate Excellent

Benjamin Franklin Detail Some Adequate Excellent

Accuracy Some Adequate Excellent

Paddle to the Sea Detail Some Adequate Excellent
Accuracy Some Adequate Excellent

Natural History and General Science

Handbook of Nature Detail Some Adequate Excellent
Study Accuracy Some Adequate Excellent
Burgess Bird Book Detail Some Adequate Excellent
Accuracy Some Adequate Excellent

Name Year 4
Date Term 1
17199889.xls Term 1 Exam

Option A Accuracy Fair Good Excellent

Foreign Language
Pronunciation Fair Good Excellent
Accuracy Fair Good Excellent

Composer Study
Option A Detail Some Adequate Excellent
Accuracy Some Adequate Excellent

Picture Study
Option A Detail Some Adequate Excellent
Accuracy Some Adequate Excellent

Hymn Accuracy Fair Good Excellent
Tunefulness Fair Good Excellent
Folksong Accuracy Fair Good Excellent
Tunefulness Fair Good Excellent

Option A Completed Yes No
Workmanship Fair Good Excellent
Option B Completed Yes No
Workmanship Fair Good Excellent
17199889.xls Term 2

Week 13
Readings Mc T c W c T c F c
Memory Verse c

An Island Story Vortigern and King Constans c
Fifty Famous Tales Bruce and the Spider c
Timeline c

Paddle to the Sea Ch. 10 c
Map Work c

Natural History/Science
Handbook of Nature Study specified life-form c
James Herriot's Treasury for
Bonny's Big Day c
Nature Study c

A A Milne Mc T c W c T c F c

The Ants and the
Aesop for Children Grasshopper; The Ass c
Carrying the Image
The Blue Fairy Book The Glass Slipper c

Copywork Mc T c W c T c F c
Maths Mc T c W c T c F c
Foreign Language Mc T c W c T c F c
Music Practice Mc T c W c T c F c
Art Lesson c
17199889.xls Term 2

Week 14
Readings Mc T c W c T c F c
Memory Verse c

Trial and Triumph Athanasius Against the World c
The Story of the Coming of
An Island Story c
Hengist and Horsa
Fifty Famous Tales The Black Douglas c
Timeline c

Paddle to the Sea Ch. 11 c
Map Work c

Natural History/Science
Handbook of Nature Study specified life-form c
The Burgess Bird Book for Choose one story based on
Children area and season
Nature Study c

A A Milne Mc T c W c T c F c

A Raven and a Swan; The Two
Aesop for Children c
Just So Stories The Elephant's Child c

Copywork Mc T c W c T c F c
Maths Mc T c W c T c F c
Foreign Language Mc T c W c T c F c
Music Practice Mc T c W c T c F c
Art Lesson c
17199889.xls Term 2

Week 15
Readings Mc T c W c T c F c
Memory Verse c

Fifty Famous Tales Whittington c
Timeline c

Paddle to the Sea Ch. 12 c
Map Work c

Natural History/Science
Handbook of Nature Study specified life-form c
Nature Study c

A A Milne Mc T c W c T c F c

The Ass and the Load of
Aesop for Children c
Salt; The Lion and the Gnat
The Blue Fairy Book Master Maid c

Copywork Mc T c W c T c F c
Maths Mc T c W c T c F c
Foreign Language Mc T c W c T c F c
Music Practice Mc T c W c T c F c
Art Lesson c
17199889.xls Term 2

Week 16
Readings Mc T c W c T c F c
Memory Verse c

An Island Story Hengist's Treachery c
Fifty Famous Tales The Inchcape Rock c
Timeline c

Natural History/Science
Handbook of Nature Study specified life-form c
The Burgess Bird Book for Choose one story based on
Children area and season
Nature Study c

A A Milne Mc T c W c T c F c

The Leap at Rhodes; The
Aesop for Children c
Wild Boar and the Fox
Beautiful Stories from
As You Like It c
The Sing-Song of Old Man
Just So Stories c

Copywork Mc T c W c T c F c
Maths Mc T c W c T c F c
Foreign Language Mc T c W c T c F c
Music Practice Mc T c W c T c F c
Art Lesson c
17199889.xls Term 2

Week 17
Readings Mc T c W c T c F c
Memory Verse c

Fifty Famous Tales Casablanca c
Timeline c

Paddle to the Sea Ch. 13 c
Map Work c

Natural History/Science
Handbook of Nature Study specified life-form c
Nature Study c

A A Milne Mc T c W c T c F c

The Ass, the Fox and the
Aesop for Children c
Parables from Nature Training and Restraining c

Copywork Mc T c W c T c F c
Maths Mc T c W c T c F c
Foreign Language Mc T c W c T c F c
Music Practice Mc T c W c T c F c
Art Lesson c

Week 18
17199889.xls Term 2

Readings Mc T c W c T c F c
Memory Verse c

Trial and Triumph Ambrose, Bishop of Milan c
The Story of How the Giant's
An Island Story c
Dance Was Brought to Britain
Sir Phillip Sydney; The
Fifty Famous Tales c
Ungrateful Soldier
Timeline c

Paddle to the Sea Ch. 14 c
Map Work c

Natural History/Science
Handbook of Nature Study specified life-form c
Nature Study c

A A Milne Mc T c W c T c F c

Aesop for Children The Lion, the Bear and the Fox c
Aladdin and His Wonderful
The Blue Fairy Book c

Copywork Mc T c W c T c F c
Maths Mc T c W c T c F c
Foreign Language Mc T c W c T c F c
Music Practice Mc T c W c T c F c
Art Lesson c

Week 19
Readings Mc T c W c T c F c
17199889.xls Term 2

Memory Verse c

George Washington and His
Fifty Famous Tales c
Hatchet; Doctor Goldsmith
Timeline c

American History Biography

George Washington Spread over 3 weeks c

Paddle to the Sea Ch. 15 c
Map Work c

Natural History/Science
Handbook of Nature Study specified life-form c
Nature Study c

A A Milne Mc T c W c T c F c

The Fox and the Stork; The
Aesop for Children c
Travellers and the Sea
Beautiful Stories from
The Winter's Tale c
The Beginning of the
Just So Stories c

Copywork Mc T c W c T c F c
Maths Mc T c W c T c F c
Foreign Language Mc T c W c T c F c
Music Practice Mc T c W c T c F c
Art Lesson c
Week 20
Readings Mc T c W c T c F c
Memory Verse c
17199889.xls Term 2

An Island Story The Coming of Arthur c
Fifty Famous Tales Picciola c
Timeline c

American History Biography

George Washington Spread over 3 weeks c

Natural History/Science
Handbook of Nature Study specified life-form c
The Burgess Bird Book for Choose one story based on
Children area and season
Nature Study c

A A Milne Mc T c W c T c F c

The Stag and His Reflection;
Aesop for Children c
The Peacock

Copywork Mc T c W c T c F c
Maths Mc T c W c T c F c
Foreign Language Mc T c W c T c F c
Music Practice Mc T c W c T c F c
Art Lesson c

Week 21
Readings Mc T c W c T c F c
Memory Verse c
17199889.xls Term 2

How Napoleon Crossed the
Fifty Famous Tales c
Timeline c

American History Biography

George Washington Spread over 3 weeks c

Paddle to the Sea Ch. 16 c
Map Work c

Natural History/Science
Handbook of Nature Study specified life-form c
James Herriot's Treasury for
Blossom Comes Home c
Nature Study c

A A Milne Mc T c W c T c F c

The Mice and the Weasels;
Aesop for Children c
The Wolf and the Lean Dog

Copywork Mc T c W c T c F c
Maths Mc T c W c T c F c
Foreign Language Mc T c W c T c F c
Music Practice Mc T c W c T c F c
Art Lesson c
Week 22
Readings Mc T c W c T c F c
Memory Verse c
17199889.xls Term 2

Monica and Augustine
Trial and Triumph c
The Founding of the Round
An Island Story c
Fifty Famous Tales Maximillian and the Gooseherd c
Timeline c

Paddle to the Sea Ch. 17 c
Map Work c

Natural History/Science
Handbook of Nature Study specified life-form c
The Burgess Bird Book for Choose one story based on
Children area and season
Nature Study c

A A Milne Mc T c W c T c F c

The Vain Jackdaw and His
Aesop for Children Borrowed Feathers; The c
Monkey and the Cat

Copywork Mc T c W c T c F c
Maths Mc T c W c T c F c
Foreign Language Mc T c W c T c F c
Music Practice Mc T c W c T c F c
Art Lesson c

Week 23
Readings Mc T c W c T c F c
Memory Verse c

17199889.xls Term 2

An Island Story Antonio Canova c

Timeline c

Paddle to the Sea Ch. 18 c
Map Work c

Natural History/Science
Handbook of Nature Study specified life-form c
Nature Study c

A A Milne Mc T c W c T c F c

The Dogs and the Hides; The
Aesop for Children c
Bear and the Bees
How the First Letter was
Just So Stories c
Parables from Nature Waiting c

Copywork Mc T c W c T c F c
Maths Mc T c W c T c F c
Foreign Language Mc T c W c T c F c
Music Practice Mc T c W c T c F c
Art Lesson c

Week 24
Readings Mc T c W c T c F c
Memory Verse c

17199889.xls Term 2

The Story of Gregory and the

An Island Story c
Pretty Children
Fifty Famous Tales Grace Darling c
Timeline c

Natural History/Science
Handbook of Nature Study specified life-form c
James Herriot's Treasury for
The Market Square Dog c
The Burgess Bird Book for Choose one story based on
Children area and season
Nature Study c

A A Milne Mc T c W c T c F c

The Fox and the Leopard;
Aesop for Children c
The Heron

Copywork Mc T c W c T c F c
Maths Mc T c W c T c F c
Foreign Language Mc T c W c T c F c
Music Practice Mc T c W c T c F c
Art Lesson c
17199889.xls Term 2 Exam

Name Year 1
Date Term 1

Favourite Character Detail Some Adequate Excellent
Accuracy Some Adequate Excellent
Favourite Event Detail Some Adequate Excellent
Accuracy Some Adequate Excellent

Copywork Letter Formation Fair Good Excellent
Accuracy Fair Good Excellent

Reading Skill Book Fair Good Excellent

Poetry Recitation Poem Fair Good Excellent

An Island Story
Option A Detail Some Adequate Excellent
Accuracy Some Adequate Excellent
Option B Detail Some Adequate Excellent
Accuracy Some Adequate Excellent

Fifty Famous Tales, Retold

Option A Detail Some Adequate Excellent
Accuracy Some Adequate Excellent
Option B Detail Some Adequate Excellent
Accuracy Some Adequate Excellent

George Washington Detail Some Adequate Excellent

Accuracy Some Adequate Excellent

Paddle to the Sea Detail Some Adequate Excellent
Accuracy Some Adequate Excellent

Natural History and General Science

Handbook of Nature Detail Some Adequate Excellent
Study Accuracy Some Adequate Excellent
Burgess Bird Book Detail Some Adequate Excellent
Accuracy Some Adequate Excellent
James Herriot Detail Some Adequate Excellent
Accuracy Some Adequate Excellent
Name Year 4
Date Term 1
17199889.xls Term 2 Exam

Option A Accuracy Fair Good Excellent

Foreign Language
Pronunciation Fair Good Excellent
Accuracy Fair Good Excellent

Composer Study
Option A Detail Some Adequate Excellent
Accuracy Some Adequate Excellent

Picture Study
Option A Detail Some Adequate Excellent
Accuracy Some Adequate Excellent

Hymn Accuracy Fair Good Excellent
Tunefulness Fair Good Excellent
Folksong Accuracy Fair Good Excellent
Tunefulness Fair Good Excellent

Option A Completed Yes No
Workmanship Fair Good Excellent
Option B Completed Yes No
Workmanship Fair Good Excellent
17199889.xls Term 3

Week 25
Readings Mc T c W c T c F c
Memory Verse c

How King Alfred Learned to
An Island Story
Read c
Viking Tales The Kingdoms c
Timeline c

Paddle to the Sea Ch. 19 c
Map Work c

Natural History/Science
Handbook of Nature Study specified life-form c
Nature Study c

A Child's Garden of Verses Mc T c W c T c F c

The Fox and the Goat; The
Aesop for Children Cat, the Cock, and the
Young Mouse c
Just So Stories How the Alphabet was Made c
Parables from Nature The Law of the Wood c

Copywork Mc T c W c T c F c
Maths Mc T c W c T c F c
Foreign Language Mc T c W c T c F c
Music Practice Mc T c W c T c F c
Art Lesson c
17199889.xls Term 3

Week 26
Readings Mc T c W c T c F c
Memory Verse c

Viking Tales The Baby c
Timeline c

Paddle to the Sea Ch. 20 c
Map Work c

Natural History/Science
Handbook of Nature Study specified life-form c
The Burgess Bird Book for Choose one story based on
Children area and season c
Nature Study c

A Child's Garden of Verses Mc T c W c T c F c

The Wolf and the Shepherd;
Aesop for Children
The Farmer and His Sons c
East of the Sun, West of the
The Blue Fairy Book
Moon c

Copywork Mc T c W c T c F c
Maths Mc T c W c T c F c
Foreign Language Mc T c W c T c F c
Music Practice Mc T c W c T c F c
Art Lesson c
17199889.xls Term 3

Week 27
Readings Mc T c W c T c F c
Memory Verse c

Patrick, Missionary to the
Trial and Triumph
Irish c
King Alfred and the
An Island Story
Cowherd's Cottage c
Viking Tales The Tooth-Thrall c
Timeline c

Paddle to the Sea Ch. 21 c
Map Work c

Natural History/Science
Handbook of Nature Study specified life-form c
Nature Study c

A Child's Garden of Verses Mc T c W c T c F c

The Goose and the Golden
Aesop for Children
Egg; The Astrologer c

Copywork Mc T c W c T c F c
Maths Mc T c W c T c F c
Foreign Language Mc T c W c T c F c
Music Practice Mc T c W c T c F c
Art Lesson c
17199889.xls Term 3

Week 28
Readings Mc T c W c T c F c
Memory Verse c

Viking Tales Olaf's Farm c
Timeline c

American History Biography

Buffalo Bill Spread over 3 weeks c

Natural History/Science
Handbook of Nature Study specified life-form c
James Herriot's Treasury for
Oscar, Cat-About-Town
Children c
The Burgess Bird Book for Choose one story based on
Children area and season c
Nature Study c

A Child's Garden of Verses Mc T c W c T c F c

Three Bullocks and a Lion;
Aesop for Children
Mercury and a Woodman c

Copywork Mc T c W c T c F c
Maths Mc T c W c T c F c
Foreign Language Mc T c W c T c F c
Music Practice Mc T c W c T c F c
Art Lesson c
17199889.xls Term 3

Week 29
Readings Mc T c W c T c F c
Memory Verse c

An Island Story More About Alfred the Great c
Viking Tales Olaf's Fight with Harvard c
Timeline c

American History Biography

Benjamin Franklin Spread over 3 weeks c

Paddle to the Sea Ch. 22 c
Map Work c

Natural History/Science
Handbook of Nature Study specified life-form c
Nature Study c

A Child's Garden of Verses Mc T c W c T c F c

The Wolf in Sheep's Clothing;
Aesop for Children
The Milkmaid and Her Pail c
Beautiful Stories from
King Lear
Shakespeare c
The Crab that Played with the
Just So Stories
Sea c

Copywork Mc T c W c T c F c
Maths Mc T c W c T c F c
Foreign Language Mc T c W c T c F c
Music Practice Mc T c W c T c F c
Art Lesson c
17199889.xls Term 3

Week 30
Readings Mc T c W c T c F c
Memory Verse c

Viking Tales Foe's Fear c
Timeline c

American History Biography

Buffalo Bill Spread over 3 weeks c

Paddle to the Sea Ch. 23 c
Map Work c

Natural History/Science
Handbook of Nature Study specified life-form c
The Burgess Bird Book for Choose one story based on
Children area and season c
Nature Study c

A Child's Garden of Verses Mc T c W c T c F c

The Goatherd and the Goat;
Aesop for Children
The Wolf and the House-dog c

Copywork Mc T c W c T c F c
Maths Mc T c W c T c F c
Foreign Language Mc T c W c T c F c
Music Practice Mc T c W c T c F c
Art Lesson c
17199889.xls Term 3

Week 31
Readings Mc T c W c T c F c
Memory Verse c

An Island Story Ethelred the Unready c
Viking Tales Harald is King c
Timeline c

Paddle to the Sea Ch. 24 c
Map Work c

Natural History/Science
Handbook of Nature Study specified life-form c
Nature Study c

Oxford Book of Children's
Mc T c W c T c F c

The Quack Toad; The Cat
Aesop for Children
and the Fox c
The Blue Fairy Book The Forty Thieves c
Parables from Nature Daily Bread c

Copywork Mc T c W c T c F c
Maths Mc T c W c T c F c
Foreign Language Mc T c W c T c F c
Music Practice Mc T c W c T c F c
Art Lesson c
17199889.xls Term 3

Week 32
Readings Mc T c W c T c F c
Memory Verse c

Pope Gregory I – Servant of
Trial and Triumph
the Servants of God c
Viking Tales Harald's Battle c
Timeline c

Natural History/Science
Handbook of Nature Study specified life-form c
The Burgess Bird Book for Choose one story based on
Children area and season c
Nature Study c

Oxford Book of Children's
Mc T c W c T c F c

Two Travellers and a Bear;
Aesop for Children
The Dog and His Reflection c

Copywork Mc T c W c T c F c
Maths Mc T c W c T c F c
Foreign Language Mc T c W c T c F c
Music Practice Mc T c W c T c F c
Art Lesson c
17199889.xls Term 3

Week 33
Readings Mc T c W c T c F c
Memory Verse c

How Edmund Ironside Fought
An Island Story
for the Crown c
Viking Tales Gyda's Saucy Message c
Timeline c

Paddle to the Sea Ch. 25 c
Map Work c

Natural History/Science
Handbook of Nature Study specified life-form c
James Herriot's Treasury for
Smudge, the Little Lost Lamb
Children c
Nature Study c

Oxford Book of Children's
Mc T c W c T c F c

The Hare and the Tortoise;
Aesop for Children
The Fox and the Crow c
The Cat Who Walked by
Just So Stories
Himself c

Copywork Mc T c W c T c F c
Maths Mc T c W c T c F c
Foreign Language Mc T c W c T c F c
Music Practice Mc T c W c T c F c
Art Lesson c

Week 34
17199889.xls Term 3

Readings Mc T c W c T c F c
Memory Verse c

Viking Tales The Sea Fight c
Timeline c

Paddle to the Sea Ch. 26 c
Map Work c

Natural History/Science
Handbook of Nature Study specified life-form c
The Burgess Bird Book for Choose one story based on
Children area and season c
Nature Study c

Oxford Book of Children's
Mc T c W c T c F c

The Lion's Share; The
Aesop for Children
Northwind and the Sun c
Beautiful Stories from
Twelfth Night
Shakespeare c

Copywork Mc T c W c T c F c
Maths Mc T c W c T c F c
Foreign Language Mc T c W c T c F c
Music Practice Mc T c W c T c F c
Art Lesson c

Week 35
17199889.xls Term 3

Readings Mc T c W c T c F c
Memory Verse c

An Island Story Canute and the Waves c
Viking Tales King Harald's Wedding c
Timeline c

Paddle to the Sea Ch. 27 c
Map Work c

Natural History/Science
Handbook of Nature Study specified life-form c
Nature Study c

Oxford Book of Children's
Mc T c W c T c F c

The Ass in the Lion's Skin;
Aesop for Children The Bees, the Wasps and
the Hornets c
Parables from Nature Cobwebs c

Copywork Mc T c W c T c F c
Maths Mc T c W c T c F c
Foreign Language Mc T c W c T c F c
Music Practice Mc T c W c T c F c
Art Lesson c

Week 36
Readings Mc T c W c T c F c
17199889.xls Term 3

Memory Verse c

Boniface, Missionary to
Trial and Triumph
Germans c
An Island Story Edward the Confessor c
King Harald Goes West-
Viking Tales
Over-Seas c
Timeline c

Natural History/Science
Handbook of Nature Study specified life-form c
The Burgess Bird Book for Choose one story based on
Children area and season c
Nature Study c

Oxford Book of Children's
Mc T c W c T c F c

The Fighting Cocks and the
Aesop for Children
Eagle c
The Blue Fairy Book White Cat c
Just So Stories The Butterfly Who Stamped c

Copywork Mc T c W c T c F c
Maths Mc T c W c T c F c
Foreign Language Mc T c W c T c F c
Music Practice Mc T c W c T c F c
Art Lesson c
17199889.xls Term 3 Exam

Name Year 1
Date Term 1

Favourite Character Detail Some Adequate Excellent
Accuracy Some Adequate Excellent
Favourite Event Detail Some Adequate Excellent
Accuracy Some Adequate Excellent

Copywork Letter Formation Fair Good Excellent
Accuracy Fair Good Excellent

Reading Skill Book Fair Good Excellent

Poetry Recitation Poem Fair Good Excellent

An Island Story
Option A Detail Some Adequate Excellent
Accuracy Some Adequate Excellent
Option B Detail Some Adequate Excellent
Accuracy Some Adequate Excellent

Fifty Famous Tales, Retold

Option A Detail Some Adequate Excellent
Accuracy Some Adequate Excellent
Option B Detail Some Adequate Excellent
Accuracy Some Adequate Excellent

Buffalo Bill Detail Some Adequate Excellent

Accuracy Some Adequate Excellent

Paddle to the Sea Detail Some Adequate Excellent
Accuracy Some Adequate Excellent

Natural History and General Science

Handbook of Nature Detail Some Adequate Excellent
Study Accuracy Some Adequate Excellent
Burgess Bird Book Detail Some Adequate Excellent
Accuracy Some Adequate Excellent
James Herriot Detail Some Adequate Excellent
Accuracy Some Adequate Excellent
Name Year 4
Date Term 1
17199889.xls Term 3 Exam

Option A Accuracy Fair Good Excellent

Foreign Language
Pronunciation Fair Good Excellent
Accuracy Fair Good Excellent

Composer Study
Option A Detail Some Adequate Excellent
Accuracy Some Adequate Excellent

Picture Study
Option A Detail Some Adequate Excellent
Accuracy Some Adequate Excellent

Hymn Accuracy Fair Good Excellent
Tunefulness Fair Good Excellent
Folksong Accuracy Fair Good Excellent
Tunefulness Fair Good Excellent

Option A Completed Yes No
Workmanship Fair Good Excellent
Option B Completed Yes No
Workmanship Fair Good Excellent

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