Jefferson-Houston Elementary School GMP Proposal Assumptions and Clarifications 6/19/2013

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Jefferson-Houston Elementary School

GMP Proposal
Assumptions and Clarifications
Trade Assumptions and Qualif ications
A. Division 1-General Requirements /General Scope Clarifications
B. Division 2- Existing Conditions I Demolition
C. Division 3 - Concrete
D. Division 4 - Masonry
E. Division 5- Metals
F. Division 6- Wood and Plastic
G. Division 7- Thermal and Moisture Control
H. Division 8 - Opening - Windows and Doors
I. Division 9- Finishes
J. Division 10- Specialties
K. Division 11 -Equipment
L. Division 12 -Furnishings
M. Division 13- Special Construction
N. Division 14- Elevators
0. Division 21- Fire Suppression
P. Division 22 - Plumbing
Q. Division 23 - HVAC
R. Division 26 - Electrical
S. Division 27- Communications
T. Division 28 - Electronic Safety and Security
U. Division 31 - Earthwork
V. Division 32 2+ - Exterior Improvements
W. Division 33- Site Utilities
V. Contract Document List
Z. Builders Risk, Subguard and CCIP
Jefferson-Houston Elementary School
GMP Proposal
Assumptions and Clarifications
A. Division 1 - General Requirements /General Scope Clarifications
1. The GMP is based on the 95% construction documents dated 04/15/2013, Addendum 01
dated 04/26/2013, and Addendum 02 dated 05/08/2013. A full list of contract documents
that the GMP is based on is included in Section Y.
2. Drawings P501 has the incorrect date (5/3/13), but I put it as 5/8/13 in the attachment.
E005, E111, E244, E311, E312, E313, E314, E321, E322, E331, E332, and E816 were issued in
Addendum 02, but do not have the revision label or date on them, but I put them as 5/8/13
in the attachment.
3. The GMP includes RFI's 1 through 91.
4. The GMP does not include any costs for pending Final Site plan approval, Final Bui lding
Permit approval or BAR comments that may require design or scope changes not currently
shown in the contract documents, except for the following:
a. Includes an allowance for additional site light ing
b. Includes the cost of an additional exterior door at the gym
5. Hours of construction will be consistent with the City noise regulations in lieu of Article
6. Professional progress photo documentation is included per the scope identified below.
a. Detailed Site-Survey Exact-Built"' (Pre-Const ruction) Detailed Pre-Slab Exact-Built"' of the
Slab on Grade ONLY. This wi ll capture all critical infrastructure and systems inside the slab
prior to the placement of concrete or as directed by client
b. Detailed Exterior Skin Exact-Built that will capture the following items:
i. Sub-grade waterproofing up to 5' below grade prior to backfill
ii. All wrapping of exterior of the building
iii. Window installation- to include flashing of the windows
iv. Waterproofing of the structure that will support initial panels
v. Interior anchor points
vi. Final installation conditions
vii. Roof- Includes overlapping photo of every square inch at waterproofing stage
Jefferson-Houston Elementary School
GMP Proposal
Assumptions and Clarifications
c. Detailed Interior MEP Exact-Built"' of the entire building to include documentation of all
mechanical, electrical and plumbing systems, to be conducted after rough-ins are complete,
just prior to insulation and or drywall, or as directed by client. Includes all walls and ceilings.
d. Executive Summary Slideshows Provided during progression at the same intervals and for
the same durations as set forth above. Scope includes customizable sections for third party
(i.e., Aerial Photographer) or Owner and Superintendent photograph collections. These will
be dated and labeled per instruction of the respective party.
7. A schedule of allowances and holds is included in the Allowances and Holds tab of the GMP.
Below is a definition for each:
a. Allowances:
The term Allowance is defined as work shown on plans that is not possible or difficult to
completely define based on the information provided, therefore a quantity is provided
to cover the cost of this work. During construction if the cost to provide the work listed
in the Allowance is LESS than shown, the Construction Manager owes the balance to the
Owner; if the cost to provide the work listed in the Allowance is MORE than shown an
increase to the GMP will be required per the contract.
b. Holds:
The term hold is defined as work that can be identified and that a reasonable value can
be determined through experience and the contract documents, however the full cost
for this item may not be needed and thus it is better to carry this cost outside of a
subcontractors lump sum contract. During construction the if the cost to provide the
work listed in the Hold is LESS than shown, the balance goes to construction
contingency; if the cost to provide the work listed in the Hold is MORE than shown the
balance will come from the Construction Contingency per the contract documents.
8. The GMP includes technical assumptions and clarifications along with exhibits which form
the basis of our price. These assumptions and clarifications, along with the enclosed GMP
detail, represent our understanding of the scope of the project that is specifically identified
in the contract documents or which is reasonably inferred as being required to complete the
work. To the extent these Assumptions and Clarifications are inconsistent with the Contract
Documents; these Assumptions and Clarifications shall take precedence over the Contract
Jefferson-Houston Elementary School
GMP Proposal
Assumptions and Clarifications
Documents, provided, however, that that nothing limits or diminishes any of the Owner's
rights, or that in any way expands any of the Owner's duties and obligations.
9. The GMP is based on open, non/proprietary specifications naming three or more
manufacturers whose products are acceptable under the base bid for each product, section
or work category. Reasonable substitutions may be made to specified materials, with no
charges to The Construction Manager or our subcontractors for reviewing the same.
10. For work defined as delegated design in the specifications and for the AV/IT package which
was previously awarded as design build, and potentially the Mechanical and Plumbing
package which may require design assist, the Owner and Architect shall provide all design
and performance criteria and coordination necessary to complete the specified work.
11. The GMP includes The Construction Manager's Subguard default insurance plan for all
subcontracted work in lieu of Subcontractor Payment and Performance Bonds at a rate of
. 78% of the Total Construction Estimate plus the CM Fee. See section Z below for Subguard
and CCIP details.
12. The GMP includes a Contractor Controlled Insurance Program (CCIP) which provides General
Liability and Workman's Compensation insurance coverage for The Construction Manager
and all subcontractors while on the project site. The CCIP price is a non-auditable fixed fee
based a rate of 2.098% of the sum total of the Direct Costs, General Conditions, Subguard,
Const ruction Contingency, and Builders Risk.
13. This GMP is based upon an the May 10, 2013 NTP from Alexandria City Public Schools with
milestone and completion dates as depicted in our attached GMP Project Schedule. We
assume that the Owner's partial use or occupancy of the buildings will not interfere with our
operations to complete the balance of the work.
14. We have assumed that the building permit will be granted by Alexandria City by June 27,
15. The schedule included outlines the major activities and demonstrates our plan to construct
this project. This schedule will be adjusted throughout the project as work progresses.
16. The GMP is based on the attached summary project schedule dated May 17
h, 2013
Jefferson-Houston Elementary School
GMP Proposal
Assumptions and Clarifications
17. This schedule is premised on the owner, performing its' duties and obligations, as well as
causing its' designers and consultants to perform their respective duties and obligations.
18. The Construction Manager reserves the right to modify the details of this schedule, from
time to time, to endeavor to reduce or optimize costs, as the drawings and details of the
project are refined through the shop drawing and submittal process. As such, the Owner
agrees to provide their obligations under this contract to support such a revised schedule,
including the services of their designers and consultants.
19. All costs for unforeseen below grade conditions not identified in the contract documents is
20. Testing and inspection is by the owner.
21. All accepted Value Engineering items must be incorporated into Construction Documents
and pricing verified by the appropriate subcontractors prior to The Construction Manager
proceeding with the work. If the confirming pricing based on design documents differs from
the anticipated value included in the GMP, an increase to the GMP will be required per the
contract documents.
22. Standard warranties for all products and labor are included unless specifically stated
23. The GMP i ncludes the fixed $1,270,158 General Conditions cost per the preconstruct ion
contract which was based on a volume of $35,500,000 plus $51,742 of additional GC' s, a
4.1% mark-up on the total project cost above $35,500,000. The final amount of additional
GC's shall be reconci led with the final executed GMP amount at the rate of 4.1%.a mark up
24. For all future cl'laRges the iRcl1:1de Gross Receipts Ta)( aRd spell out marl< ups
at 10%.AII future Construction Manger additional cost change orders shall include Subguard
at 1.15%, Builders Risk at 0.13%, CCIP at 2.098%, CM Fee at 2.0%, Bond at 0.78% and Gross
Receipts Tax at 0.16%. Additional General Conditions may also be included on a case by
case basis depending on the scale and scope of the change. All future subcontractor
additional cost change orders shall include 10% overhead and 5% profit. The above mark-
Jefferson-Houston Elementary School
GMP Proposal
Assumptions and Clarifications
ups do not include any costs associated with schedule impact. Additional costs may be
incurred for any changes that impact the schedule. The Construction Manager will notify
ACPS of all changes that may have schedule impact per the Construction Management
Agreement and will provide an estimated cost for the impact on top of the mark-ups listed
;M.;.25. All future Construction Manager deduct cost change orders shall include Subguard at
1.15%, Builders Risk at 0.13%, CCIP at 2.098%, Bond at 0.78% and Gross Receipts Tax at
0.16%. All future subcontractor deduct cost change orders shall include 10% overhead.
B. Division 2 - Existing Conditions I Demolition
1. A hold of $10,000 for Drywall joint compound abatement is included in the GMP per the
Appendix A- Asbestos Survey Report page 37 of 90, since the amount is "Not Quantified".
2. A hold for $20,000 for unknown abatement at the existing school and Durant center is
3. Temporary shoring and bracing are not included in this proposal. Except for a hold of $8,500
for underpinning and foundation work at the wall between the Durant Center and the
existing Gym.
4. Engineering/structural review and evaluation of the Durant Center is not included in the
5. Salvaging of the existing Jefferson Houston cornerstones is included in this proposal.
C. Division 3 - Concrete
Cast in Place Concrete:
1. No shoring at metal decks is included. We assume the structural members, spacing, and
decking have been designed to address any deflection that may occur during the concrete
topping slab pouring and curing so that the floor finish specifications can be met without the
use of additional shoring.
2. We assume that the pre-cast concrete columns at the gym can be fabricated in two pieces.
Concrete Finishing:
Jefferson-Houston Elementary School
GMP Proposal
Assumptions and Clarifications
1. A surface applied dye is not included for the typical interior concrete floor in the esti mate.
An add-alternate price for Conc-2, Conc-3, Conc-4, Cone-S, Conc-6, Conc-8, and Conc-9 is
included in the alternate section ofthe GMP.
D. Division 4 - Masonry
1. The ground face CMU match at Durant center shall be one of manufacturers' standard
2. This proposal excludes UL stamped CMU.
3. This proposal excludes lipped brick.
E. Division 5 - Metals
1. Testing by an independent agency is excluded, unless specifically state otherwise.
F. Division 6- Wood and Plastic
Finish Carpentry and Architectural Millwork:
1. An add alt ernate is provided for Wood Step Seating in the Commons area and the Wood
Benches in the PreK.
Wood and Plastic laminated Cabinetry:
1. An add alt ernate is provided for the bookshelves at the Bay windows.
G. Division 7- Thermal and Moisture Control
1. The GMP i ncludes a fully adhered system.
2. 30 Solatubes are included.
3. A new roof at the Durant center is not included in the estimate. Tie - in and coping
replacement as shown on drawings A160 and A260 is included. Unit pricing for additional
repairs is provided.
4. W' substrate and cover board is included per the details on A400.
5. %" plywood substrate board at T&G roof deck has been deleted from 95% DDs and is
excluded in pricing
6. No external downspouts and gutters are included in the GMP.
Jefferson-Houston Elementary School
GMP Proposal
Assumptions and Clarifications
1. No foundation drainage is shown; however, 100 If of slab drainage is included in the GMP
for running along the Pre-K exterior wall.
2. No waterproofing or damp proofing is i ncluded at the interior footers or foundation walls.
Spray Applied Insulation and Air Barrier:
1. The GMP includes ABBA certification as specified.
2. No Ignition Barrier is included in the GMP. None was found on drawings or referenced in
Metal Wall Panels:
1. The GMP includes Metal composite panels with Fire rated cores in a standard
manufacturers color.
Fiber Cement Siding:
1. The GMP includes Hardie Board 7 /8", Reveal panel system in a standard color.
2. We are concerned about the quality that can be achieved with the details as currently
drawn and suggest doing an early mock-up of this detail to confirm that the final aesthetic
as design will be acceptable to the ACPS team and the BAR.
Fire Proofing I Fire Stopping:
1. No spray fire proofing is included.
2. Fire stopping in the walls between floors at slab edges is included.
Glass and Glazing:
1. Exterior and Interior Glazing at YKK systems.
2. Finish included is a 2 coat kynar finish with a 20 year warranty.
3. A 5 year warranty is included on material and workmanship.
4. Typical flashing details may not meet manufacturer's recommendations. We recommend
doing a mock up test of the typical window installation and a laboratory to confirm all
flashing details elements and installation sequences will work as intended. An add
alternate is provided for this mock up.
Jefferson-Houston Elementary School
GMP Proposal
Assumptions and Clarifications
5. Sunshade K to be fabricated of several pieces and will have splice joints and will be
constructed as a 4" x 12" tube in lieu of what is shown in the contract documents.
6. Interior Storefront includes a 1 %" sightline, not 2" as specified.
7. An STC rating of 42 cannot be achieved with the specified interior storefront system.
8. Unless noted LGL-1 or LGL-2, all interior storefront provided will be W' clear tempered
9. Fire rate glass is included as specified, but fire rated doors and frames are excluded.
10. No Exterior aluminum doors are provided with thermal breaks.
11. Standard hardware is assumed for the doors and the Durant Center.
H. Division 8 - Windows and Doors
1. 10 (1 per leaf) automatic door operators are included.
2. No overhead coiling doors were located in the documents, so they excluded from the GMP.
3. No fiberglass doors and frames were found on t he door schedule, so they are excl uded
from the GMP.
4. Exterior louvers are included per the VMDO email dated 05/30/2013 with the following
quantities: 4- 24" x 24", 6- 16" x 16", 3- 40" x 40", and locations per drawings A201,
A202, A203, and A205 which it is understood will be issued with Addendum #3.
5. At door openings without hardware sets assigned, pricing is based on hardware sets
assigned to other door openings in similar locations.
6. Door quantities are per the schedule not the drawings since there is a discrepancy between
7. At Barn door A104 the GMP i ncludes plain 4' wide leaves in lieu of 4' 2" Leaves. 4' 2"
Leaves are not commercially available. Addendum 2 notes "Barn Door to Have Rectangular
Panels" and "Provide finished 4" wood frame" for detaii13/A502 are not included in the
8. An additional third exterior exit on t he South West side of the Gym is included.
I. Division 9 - Finishes
Jefferson-Houston Elementary School
GMP Proposal
Assumptions and Clarifications
1. Drywall is finished to a level 4. Level 5 skim coating is included only at radius walls.
2. APC-3 is not included as none was identified in Finish Schedule.
3. Acoustic isolated ceilings at the Music Practice Rooms and the Media room are excluded.
4. A Roulon ceiling at the Commons Levell is included.
Tile I Resilient Flooring:
1. Waterproofing behind tile is included only at the showers.
Resilient Flooring and Carpet:
Paints and Coatings:
1. An allowance of $5,000 is provided for the "Supergraphic Text".
2. An Add alternate for Idea Dry Erase Paint is provided where shown in elevation. This
alternate includes Idea Dry Erase Paint on one (1) wall per room where noted in Finish
Schedule but no elevation is provided.
J. Division 10-Specialties
K. Division 11-Special Requirements I Equipment
Visual Display Boards:
1. 42 White boards are included.
2. 84 tack boards are included.
Identification Devices I Signage:
1. Standard interior signage sizes and types are assumed for all signs that are not clearly
identified with sizes and materials specified.
1. 156 Corridors Lockers are included which equals 312 openings
2. 6 Staff lockers full height total openings 6.
Jefferson-Houston Elementary School
GMP Proposal
Assumptions and Clarifications
3. 27 t wo t ier Half Lockers for a total of 54 openings and 100 each 12"x12"x15"deep cubby
lockers are included at the dressing rooms.
Food Service Equipment:
1. A hold of $20,000 is included for residential kitchen appliances which includes 1 range and
hood, 9 f ull size refrigerators, 5 under counter refrigerators and 1 clothes washer and dryer.
Athletic Equipment:
1. 2 folding basketball stops are included.
2. A volleyball System and floor sleeves are included.
3. An Adjustable Chinning bar is included.
4. A roll up divider curtain is included.
5. !Interior scoreboard is included
6. Wall Pads, Corner pads, and column pads as shown are included.
7. Telescoping Stands are included.
Entrance Mats:
1. Drain pans are not include for the exterior walk of grills.
2. An alternate is provided for the second interior walk off matt shown
Window Treatment:
1. An add al ternate is provided for Motorized Roller Shades.
l. Division 12 - Furnishings
1. An allowance of $80,000 is included for FFE based on the drawings "130402D_eet_Jefferson
Houston_FFE_ VE_R1" provided by DES dated 4/02/2013.
M. Division 13-Special Construction
1. Recessed entrance matts with exterior drains are included.
N. Division 14- Elevators
1. The GMP includes a flat handrail per specification section
2. No Card Reader or security access equipment is included. Key access is provided for all
0. Division 21 - Fire Suppression
Jefferson-Houston Elementary School
GMP Proposal
Assumptions and Clarifications
1. The GMP does not include sprinkler heads at any of the canopies.
2. No Fire hose cabinets are included.
3. Seismic hangers or earthquake bracing are not included.
4. Dry pipe systems are not included.
P. Division 22- Plumbing
1. The GMP include the VEto use copper tubing with Soldered, Pro-Press, and or Vitaulic
fittings and pex piping on water systems.
2. The GMP includes hot water heaters with integral tanks in lieu of the system shown in the
75% COs. The add alternate for the Solar Hot Water Heating System will change the system
to Hot Water Boiler System, and Hot water Heat Exchanger with Tank.
3. A 1500 g a l l o n grease interceptor is included.
4. The GMP includes using an alternate Rain Water Harvesting system than specified
(Rainwater Management Solutions) which uses sediment filters and ultraviolet light
5. A 1 year warranty is included. 2 year warranty and 24 hour service is excluded.
Q. Division 23- HVAC
1. The GMP includes the mechanical package includes in the following VE items:
a. Deduct Alternate 11 -Utilize cassettes in lieu of ducted units for VRF system
b. Deduct Alternate 13- Combine qty (4) ERUs into qty (2) ERUs and simplify controls
c. Use Pro-Press Copper Piping on HVAC condensate system
d. Use Copper tubing with Soldered, Pro-Press, and or Vitaulic fittings and pex piping
on water systems.
e. Use alternate Rain Water Harvesting system (Rainwater Mgmt Solutions) which uses
sediment filters and ultraviolet light disinfection.
2. The GMP includes a Daiken I Aaon VRVIERU system. An add alternate is provided for a
Mistsubishi I Valent System.
3. A Deduct is provided for Alternate 12 to Use Reflok Aluminum refrigerant piping.
Jefferson-Houston Elementary School
GMP Proposal
Assumptions and Clarifications
4. The GMP includes pricing for an equivalent EMS system that is BacNet compatible with a
vendor that has a large enough sales and service division to be able to properly support the
City of Alexandria Public School System, {other than Johnson Controls.)
5. A 1 year warranty is included. 2 year warranty and 24 hour service is excluded.
6. Sound I vibration testing is excluded.
7. No Heat Tracing is included.
R. Division 26 - Electrical
1. Interior lighting package is based on Addendum 2.
2. An add alternate is provided for the full interior LED package. The final cost for this alternate
will need to be reconciled with the three lighting packages that B2E compiled from One
Source, Chesapeake, and Commercial since revised packages for all of the manufacturers
were not issued with the 95% CD documents.
3. A 225KW generator is included.
4. ATS switches ATS-1 and ATS-2 and ATS-3 are included. It is assumed that no other ATS
switches are required.
5. Sound attenuation less than or equal to 73.5 dBA at 23 feet from the generator is included.
6. 1 day of generator commissioning assistance and 1 day of training is included.
7. The specified 5 year warranty for the generator is included.
8. A bypass isolation switch is excluded.
9. All fuel for the generator is excluded.
10. A 65 KAIC withstand rating is included.
11. An Emergency UPS power system is included for the AV /IT system only.
12. Site Lighting is included per the 95% CD submission.
13. Aluminum feeders are included.
14. MC Cable is included for branch circuits as allowed per NEC in concealed spaces.
15. Lighting protection system is excluded.
16. Any offsite relocation of overhead power, phone, and cable other than the below grade duct
bank work shown in the 95% CO submission is excluded.
Jefferson-Houston Elementary School
GMP Proposal
Assumptions and Clarifications
17. An RF detection system is excluded.
18. A 1 year warranty is included. 2 year warranty and 24 hour service is excluded.
19. Crimp type or Screw Set raceway fittings are included in lieu of compression fittings.
20. load shedding and demand management is excluded from the power monitoring add
~ 2 1 . An allowance is provided for additional site lighting requirements of $35,000.
S. Division 27 - Communications
1. A hold of $110,000 is included for Telephone Electronics since this will be purchased in
T. Division 28 -Electronic Safety and Security
1. We assume that any drawings required to confirm and validate the number of Camera's
required based on actual viewing angles will be performed by the security camera vendor
under contract with ACPS and as such no cost for this work is included. The rough in
locations based on the quantities provided by ACPS for the cameras have been identified
and will be included in the AV/IT design build drawings provided by the subcontractor under
contract to the Construction Manager.
U. Division 31 -Earthwork
1. The base GMP includes a hold of $20,000 for unsuitable soil based on our review of the
Geotechnical Report and the assumption that amount of unsuitable soil will be minimal.
2. Rock excavation is excluded from this proposal.
3. We include dewatering as a result of standard rainwater only. Per the Geotechnical report it
is not anticipated that groundwater will be encountered and thus any dewatering of such is
not included.
4. Removal and disposal of hazardous or contaminated soils is excluded from this proposal.
5. Existing Utility pole removal or restoration of any kind along North West Street or Cameron
Street is excluded.
6. Landscape Construction Note 23, on page C002 references the full time supervision of a
Geotech during all excavation. Full time Geotech supervision is not included.
I V. Division 32 a+- Exterior Improvements
Jefferson-Houston Elementary School
GMP Proposal
Assumptions and Clarifications
Asphalt I Site Concrete:
1. The Liquid Asphalt pricing is based on VDOT's asphalt index as of 05/17/2013.
1. A Tsunami Shade sails as shown in the 95% CO docs is included in the GMP. A deduct
alternate is provided to go back to a three pole shade sails as shown in the 75% CD set.
Playgrounds and Equipment
1. A Premier Court Rebound Ace Synpave with basketball lines is included at t he exterior
basketball court. An add alternate is included for a Rebound Ace PRO or for a Rebound Ace
Fencing & Gates I Trellis
1. We have not included providing an arborist in our estimate, COOl Landscape Note 1,
references a city Arborist approving all protection. We have not included pruning of existing
trees, other than minor root pruning as necessary for construction activities.
W. Division 33- Site Utilities
1. All Wet tapping and installation of the water meters by Virginia Water and is excluded from
the GMP.
2. All water line work in public spaces will be performed by Virginia Water and is excluded
from the GMP.
3. We do not include the repair or replacement of any existing piping/utilities to remain.
4. Video-taping of the proposed sewer line is included. An allowance of $5,100 is included for
video-taping of the proposed Storm Drain.
5. The CASP piping included is does not have any special lining or coating.

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