Match Making

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The Boy's Horoscope details

Name: Date of Birth: Time of Birth: Place of Birth:

Rahul Goswami 30-9-1981 19:30 Jaipur India 26 53' N 7550' E

Country of Birth: Latitude : Longitude :

The Girl's Horoscope details

Name: Date of Birth: Time of Birth: Place of Birth:

Sonali Prakash 11-12-1983 01:55 Patna India 25 37' N 85 12' E

Country of Birth: Latitude : Longitude :

Let me first give you basic horoscope details for you. Your ascendant is Taurus, Sun sign is Libra and Moon is placed in Libra sign. The girl with whom you are in relationship has Virgo ascendant, her Sun sign is Sagittarius and her Moon is placed in Aquarius sign.

The placement of all the planets signs in a chart is important. Everything in life is up to fate. I believe, our destiny is very strong, happiness, sorrows, disappointments and ill health and all we face in our present life is results of our past karma and becomes our destiny.

In general, your Sun sign is an airy sign and her Sun sign Sagittarius is a fiery sign. Sun signs compatibility, air and fire sign, are compatible. The thing that attributes for the greater compatibility between you and the girl in question is that both the signs like to complement each other. In relationships this is the psycho-astrological matching of the boy and the girl. The horoscope matching of the charts ensures physical and mental compatibility of the boy and the girl.

The Guna matching of the two horoscopes shows there is a match of 19 points out of 36, which is above the minimum required 18. In match making there are 36 points. The distribution is given below

Factors Nadi Bhakut (rasi moon sign) Gana Lords of Moon Sign Yoni Tara Vasya Varna Total:

Points 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 36 Points

The Guna matching of the two horoscopes shows there is a match of 19 points out of 36, which is above the minimum required 18. However, in girls chart Mangalik Dosha is present and the conflicting consequences associated with it can also not be ruled out. The girl is manglik. Manglik dosha means the planet Mars is posited in 1st, 2nd, 12th, 4th , 7th and 8th house in a horoscope. However, this dosha is more strong till 28 years of age and sometimes brings delays in marriage till this age too. Another, important astrological aspect for match making in consideration is of Nadi. NADI matching shows 8 points. There is no NADI DOSHA. This indicates that the couple will enjoy full lives and the outward physique and the internal metabolism will stay healthy and fit for the both of them.

Since, you and the girl both have crossed age in years 28, this means the impact of manglik dosha is diminished. In final analysis it can be said, after astrological analysis, marriage is permissible though some adjustments will surely be required by both of you and adjustments can be made by mutual understanding.

I pray to god for your well-being. May god bless!

Astro remedies: You may do this jaap for harmony in marriage. Recite following Vishnu mantra everyday 108 times: Om namo vasudevaye namaha Offer 3kgs rice and 5kgs black grams every Saturday for eight months to any temple/gurudwara.

Best regards Sunita Chabra

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