ME 338 Manufacturing Processes II HW#1
ME 338 Manufacturing Processes II HW#1
ME 338 Manufacturing Processes II HW#1
Instructor: Ramesh Singh Assigned Date: August 10,2011 Due Date: August 17, 2011 1. You are performing a turning operation on a lathe, which reduces a parts diameter. The work piece has an initial diameter of 75 mm and a final diameter of 73 mm. The axial length of the cut is 225 mm. The motor is rated at 35 kW. It can operate with 90% efficiency. The arithmetic average (AA) surface finish is required to be 25 microns (1 f2 micron = 10-6 meters). The arithmetic average = (where f is feed/rev and r is tool r18 3 radius). Use the average diameter to approximate the cutting speed for this entire problem. Determine the time to perform the cut. For the metal being cut: Specific cutting energy (u) = 1.5 W-s/mm3 Edge radius, r = 0.1 mm.
2. A steel bar is orthogonally cut with a tool with rake angle = 15 deg. The depth of cut = 1mm and width of cut = 30 mm. The Workpiece velocity is 2 m/s. The cutting force is 150 N and thrust force is 25 N. Determine the shear strength of cutting material and chip thickness. ( ) (Hint: Use Merchants relationship: = ) 4 2
3. During an orthogonal machining operation results are obtained as: Uncut chip thickness, t0 = 0.25 mm, chip thickness, tc = 0.75 mm, w = 2.5 mm = 0 deg, Fc = 950 N, Ft = 475 N. Determine the coefficient of friction between tool and chip Determine the ultimate shear stress of work material 4. Mild steel is being orthogonally turned at an average cutting speed of 280 m/min with a rake angle of 100. The depth of cut is 2 mm and feed is 0.2 mm/rev. The average value of the coefficient of friction between tool and chip is 0.5 and the shear stress s of the work material is 400 N/mm2. Determine: a) Shear angle b) The cutting and thrust forces Merchants equation, 2 + =/2
5. Plot the effect of variation of shear angle (), rake angle (-20 to 60 deg) and friction angle on cutting and thrust forces. Assume the appropriate values of material properties and cutting parameters. Explain the physical significance of your findings. (Use Mathematica, Matlab or excel to plot. No messy hand plots please) 6. Find the shear angle relationship assuming that shear stress = . Where, , is shear strain, K and n are material parameters. 7. Derive the expression of equivalent rake angle in oblique cutting (slide 20 in notes) 8. See the chart (hardness vs. temperature) below and use the information to solve the following problem:
A 300 mm x 300 mm x 25 mm flat block of alloy steel is machined using orthogonal planing process. The process parameters are as follows:
Rake angle () = 10 deg; Cutting Velocity (V) = 2m/s; undeformed chip thickness (t0) = 0.25 mm; deformed chip thickness (tc) = 0.83 mm, and width per pass = 2.5 mm. Tests have shown that Fc = 1670 N and Ft = 1001 N. a. Calculate the shear plane temperature if the ambient temperature is 25degC. The specific heat/volume (c) is 3.7 N/(mm2.0C) b. Calculate the mean temperature of the chip if 10% of the total heat is conducted to the workpiece and 5% is lost to the atmosphere. Assume the temperature is uniformly distributed in the chip. c. Choose the right cutting tool based on the constraint that minimum hardness for successful machining is 400 kg/mm2.