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Ramastaka by Murari Gupta

From "r Caitanya Carita" Second Prakrama Seventh Sarga: bhakta-anugraha - Gaura Shows Mercy to His Devotees

tata provca karuo / murri t paha svayam kavit bhavata rutv / sa papha ubhkaram 9

tata - then; provca - declared; karua - the compassionate Lord; murrim Murri Gupta, the incarnation of Hanumn; tm - that; paha - please recite; svayam - of your own accord; kavitm - poetry; bhavata - by Your honor; rutv - hearing; sa - he; papha - recited; ubha-akaram - pleasing accents.

The compassionate Lord Gaurga commanded Murri Gupta, "Please recite from your heart that poetry composed by your good self." Hearing this order, Murri chanted with pleasing accents the following hymn:

r Rmakam by rla Murri Gupta

rjat-kira-mai-ddhiti-dpitam / udyad-bhaspati-kavi-pratime vahanta dve kuale 'ka-rahitendu-samna-vaktra / rma jagat-traya-guru satata bhajmi 10

rjat - shining; kira - crown; mai - jewels; ddhita - splendor; dpita illuminated; am - face; udyat - rising; bhaspati - Jupiter; kavi - Venus; pratime resembling; vahantam - bearing; dve - two; kuale - earrings; aka-rahita - free of spots; indu - moon; samna - like; vaktram - moon; rmam - the reservoir of pleasure; jagat-traya - three worlds; gurum - spiritual master; satatam perpetually; bhajmi - I worship.

Though His face is like a spotless moon, still it is further brightened by a shining crown of jewels. His earrings resemble Jupiter and Venus rising in the evening sky. I forever worship this Lord r Rma, guru of the three worlds.




ubhru-rami-parinirjjita-cru-hsa / rma jagat-traya-guru satata bhajmi 11

udyat - rising; vibh-kara - the sun; marci - rays; vibodhita - awakening; abjanetram - lotus eyes; su-bimba - beautifully red like the bimba fruit; daana-chada - teeth-covering (the lips); cru-nsam - graceful nose; ubhra-au - moon; rami - rays; parinirjita - defeated; cru-hsam - sweet smile.

When He awakens and opens His lotus eyes, their luster resembles the early rays of the rising sun. His teeth are enclosed by charming bimba fruit-red lips. His nose is shapely and graceful and seeing the beams of His beautiful smile, the white-rayed moon accepts defeat. I forever worship this Lord r Rma, guru of the three worlds.

ta kambu-kaham vibhntam




vidyud-balka-gaa-sayutam ambu-da v / rma jagat-traya-guru satata bhajmi 12

tam - Him; kambu-kaham - neck like a conch; ajam - unborn; ambu-ja - a lotus; tulya - like; rpam - form; mukt-aval - string; kanaka - gold; hra - necklace; dhtam - held; vibhntam - shining; vidyut - lightning; balka - cranes; gaa flocks; sayutam - together with; ambu-dam - water-giver (cloud); v - or.

The throat of the unborn Lord is like a three-ringed conchshell, and His form is soft as the lotus. He wears a shining necklace of pearls set in gold, and thus He resembles a water-laden cloud accompanied by lightning flashes and a flock of cranes. Such is r Rma, guru of the three worlds, whom I perpetually adore.

uttna-hasta-tala-sastha-sahasra-patra pravargulbhi


kurvvaty ata-kanaka-dyuti yasya st / prve 'sti ta raghu-vara satata bhajmi 13

uttna - turned upwards; hasta-tala - palms; sastha - situated; sahasra-patram thousand-petalled (a lotus flower); paca - five; cchada - covered; adhika - more; atam - a hundred; pravara - excellent; agulbhi - by Her fingers; kurvati - She does; ata-kanaka - molten gold; dyuti - light; yasya - He whose; st - St Dev; prve - by His side; asti - there is; tam - Him; raghu-varam - best of the Raghu dynasty; satatam - perpetually; bhajmi - I adore.

In Her upraised hand St Dev holds a thousand-petalled lotus flower, and Her five graceful fingers make it appear that the flower's hundred petals are covered by another five petals. I forever worship Rma, best of the Raghu dynasty, by whose side forever remains this St, whose radiance is like molten gold.

agre dhanurddhara-vara bhahya

kanakojjvalgo yasya /

jyehnu-sevana-rato rma jagat-traya-guru


ekhya-dhma-vara-lakmaa-nma bhajmi 14

agre - in the front; dhanu-dhara-vara - best bow-holder; kanaka - gold; ujjvala blazing; aga - body; jyeha - elder; anusevana - serving; rata - attached; varabhaa - fine ornaments; hya - enriched; ea-khya - called ea; dhma abode; vara - enclosing; lakmaa-nma - named Lakmaa; yasya - whose.

Before Rma stands his brother Lakmaa, deeply attached to His elder brother's service, the most skilled of archers, his body brilliant golden, and enhanced by splendid ornaments. He is also known as ea, the all-accomodating abode of the worlds. I worship this Lord r Rama guru of the three worlds.

yo rghavendra-kula-sindhu-sudhu-rpo nihatya


yaja raraka kuiknvaya-puya-ri / rma jagat-traya-guru satata bhajmi 15

ya - who; rghava-indra - best of the Raghus; kula-sindhu - ocean of the dynasty; sudh-au - moon; rpa - form; mrca-rkasa - man-eater named Mrca; subhu-mukhn - headed by Subhu; nihatya - slain; yajam - sacrifice; raraka - protected; kuika - Vivmitra; anvaya - lineage; puya - pious; rim heaps.

Like the nectar-rayed moon shining on the ocean of the Raghu dynasty, He slew the foremost among the man-eating demons, Mrca and Subhu, thus protecting the sacrifice performed by the sage Vivmitra for the welfare of His

ancstors. I worship this Lord r Rma, guru of the three worlds.

hatv khara-triirasau sa-gaau kabandha / r-daa-knanam adaam eva ktv sugrva-maitram akarod vinihatya atru / ta rghava daa-mukhnta-kara bhajmi 16

hatv - having killed; khara-triirasau - the two brothers of Rvaa named Khara and Triir; sa-gaau - with their hordes; kabandham - the demon named Kabandha; r-daa-knanam - the sacred forest of Daa; adaam - free of violating; eva - surely; ktv - made; sugrva - the monkey king named Sugrva; maitram - friendship; akarot - made; vinihatya - killing; atrum - the enemy (Bli); rghavam - best of the Raghu dynasty; tam - Him; daa-mukha - the ten-headed one, Rvaa; antakaram - the causer of death; bhajmi - I adore.

Slaying the rkasas Khara, Triir, Kabandha, and their armies, He rendered safe the forest of Daa-knana. By killing thevmonkey-king, Sugrva's enemy, Bli, He made alliance with him, I adore r Rma, best of the Raghu dynasty, the slayer of the ten-headed Rvaa.

bhaktv pinkam bhrgavendram





jitv pitur mudam uvha kakutstha-varyya / rma jagat-traya-guru satata bhajmi 17

bhaktv - having broken; pinkam - bow; akarot - He did; janaka-tma-jy - of the daughter of Mahrja Janaka; vaivhika - marriage; utsava-vidhim - the rites of marriage; pathi - on the path; bhrgava-indram - Paraurma; jitv - having defeated; pitu - of His father; mudam - happiness; uvha - brought; kakutsthavaryam - the best of the descendants of Kakutstha (a king of the solar dynasty).

After breaking iva's bow, He married St, daughter of Janaka-rja. Then on the path home, He defeated the mighty Paraurma, best of Bhgu's line, bringing pleasure to Mahrja Daaratha, His father. I forever worship this Lord r Rma, the foremost descendant of Kakutstha and guru of the three worlds.

***** ittha niamya raghu-nandana-rja-siha- / lokaka sa bhagavn caraa murre vaidyasya mrddhni vinidhya lilekha bhle / tva rma-dsa iti bho bhava matprasdt 18

ittham - thus; niamya - hearing; raghu-nandana - the delight of the Raghu dynasty; rja-siha - the lion among kings; loka-aakam - eight verses; sa - He; bhagavn - all-opulent Lord; caraam - feet; murre - of Murri; vaidyasya - of the physician; mrdhni - on the head; vinidhya - placing; lilekha - He wrote; bhle - on the forehead; tvam - you; rma-dsa - the servant of Rma; iti - thus; bho - Oh!; bhava - be; mat-prasdt - by My mercy.

After hearing these eight verses composed by the physician Murri describing r Rma, lion among kings and delight of the Raghu dynasty, Placing His foot on the physican's head, Bhagavn Gaura Hari wrote the words "Rma Dsa" on his brow and proclaimed, "Bho! By My mercy, be forever r Rma's servant."

apahad bhagavn eka / loka tat u me dvija 19

apahat - He recited; bhagavn - the Lord; ekam - one; lokam - verse; tat - that; u - hear; me - from me; dvija - O brhmaa.

Then the Lord recited a loka brhmaa, hear that from me:

na sdhayati m yogo / na skhya dharma uddhava na svdhyyas tapas tygo / yath bhaktir mamorjjit 20

na - not; sdhayati - it controls; mm - Me; yoga - mystic perfections; na - not; skhyam - analytical study of the elements; dharma - virtuous behavior; uddhava - O Uddhava; na - not; svdhyya - study of the Vedas; tapa penance; tyga - renunciation; yath - as; bhakti - devotion; mama - My; urjjit - powerful.

"O Uddhava, yogic perfection, study of the elements, dharmic cra, Vedic study, penance and renunciation can not capture My heart as can mighty bhakti." (rmad Bhgavatam 11.14.20)

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