International Telegraphic Transfer Application Form: ABN (If Applicable)
International Telegraphic Transfer Application Form: ABN (If Applicable)
International Telegraphic Transfer Application Form: ABN (If Applicable)
Exchange rate (selling) BID number Forward exchange contract Customer number
Beneficiary's account number (include IBAN for payments to Europe and UK)
Applicant's message
120189 03/09 Australia and New Zealand Banking Group Limited ABN 11 005 357 522 Page 1 of 4
International Telegraphic Transfer Application Form (cont.)
1. Use of a Correspondent
1.1 ANZ may, in certain circumstances, use a Correspondent to make the payment.
1.2 ANZ may receive a commission from, or enter into commission/revenue sharing arrangements with, the
Correspondent, the amount of which will depend on various factors.
2. Correspondent commissions, fees or other charges
2.1 A Correspondent may charge commissions, fees or other charges in making the payment to the beneficiary's
account. Unless other arrangements are in place with the Correspondent, those commissions, fees or
charges will normally either be deducted by the Correspondent from the funds paid to the beneficiary's
account, or passed on to ANZ.
2.2 Where the deduction is made, the beneficiary will receive less than the payment amount specified in your
2.3 If those commissions, fees, or charges are passed on to ANZ, then you will be required to reimburse ANZ for
2.4 At your request, ANZ will seek to obtain, within ten working days, details of the commissions, fees or other
charges for specified Correspondent(s) used by ANZ. You acknowledge that ANZ's ability to obtain such
details is reliant upon the co-operation of the specified Correspondent(s).
3. Delayed Payment
3.1 Funds transferred overseas by ANZ should be available for payment to the beneficiary's account within
forty-eight hours of ANZ accepting your instructions.
3.2 ANZ will not be liable for any costs losses or damages if a Delayed Payment occurs and ANZ acted in good
faith on your instructions.
3.3 You agree that ANZ may decide in its discretion to delay your payment while ANZ seeks to confirm your
instructions and the legitimacy of the payment, and/or your identity, to ANZ's satisfaction
3.4 ANZ may contact you to confirm your instructions or your identity and may ask you to undertake further
actions (such as an identification check). Without limitation to clause 6.1, if ANZ is unable to confirm
your instructions or your identity to its satisfaction, then ANZ may delay, block or refuse to make
payment and in doing so will not be liable for any costs, losses or damages caused or suffered as a result
7. ANZ's fees
7.1 ANZ's fees for this service are as follows:
(a) Issuance:
Telegraphic Transfer (TT) over the counter $32.00
(b) Other additional fees and charges:
Cancelling a TT after it has been requested $25.00 plus any out of pocket expenses
Making enquiries regarding a payment $25.00
Return of the payment by the Correspondent $25.00 plus any out of pocket expenses
7.2 You agree that ANZ may debit your account for any fees, commissions or other charges and expenses as
outlined in this document.
8. Privacy
8.1 Where ANZ collects any personal information in connection with your application, it does so in order to carry
out your instructions and to comply with applicable laws.
8.2 ANZ may disclose that information to the beneficiary's bank, a correspondent, SWIFT, or any relevant
government authorities
8.3 You may request access to your personal information by calling 13 33 50 or at any of ANZ’s branches
(b) You warrant and confirm that all particulars you have provided to ANZ in connection with this
application are true and correct.
(c) In order to complete a telegraphic transfer request, it will be necessary for ANZ to transfer certain
personal information including your name and address to a recipient outside of Australia. You consent
to such transfer
(d) You authorize ANZ to debit your account nominated in the 'Payment From' or 'Charges From'
sections in this document, with the total payment, commission (if any), other fees, costs and duties
specified in these conditions.