Ics Important Question Bank
Ics Important Question Bank
Ics Important Question Bank
.No: 08818 244986, 987, 989, 990 Fax: 08818 244628 visit us at www.sasi.ac.in
(Approved By AICTE, New Delhi And Affiliated To JNTU, Kakinada) TADEPALLIGUDEM 534101 W.G.DT. Ph.No: 08818 244986, 987, 989, 990 Fax: 08818 244628 visit us at www.sasi.ac.in
III B.Tech II Semester 2nd Unit Question Bank 1 (a) Define the term Transducer and explain why the output of a transducer should be in electrical form? (b) Explain the Thermo Couple laws and also their practical significance (b) (a) What do you mean by Piezo electric effect? What are the applications of Piezoelectric effect? (b) Explain the principle of operation of the following devices for displacement measurement with neat sketches: (i) LVDT and (ii) Capacitive type 3(a) What are the various ways in which variation in Capacitance principle can be used to construct displacement transducers? Explain with neat sketches. (b) With the help of a neat sketch explain the working of an optical Pyrometer. 4. Explain the principle of operation of the following displacement measuring transducers: i) Light Dependent Transducer(LDR) and ii) Photo Electric type 5(a)Explain by means of neat sketches, the use of helical potentiometers for displacement measurement. (b) Explain by means of neat sketches, the working principle of pressure thermometers.
(Approved By AICTE, New Delhi And Affiliated To JNTU, Kakinada) TADEPALLIGUDEM 534101 W.G.DT. Ph.No: 08818 244986, 987, 989, 990 Fax: 08818 244628 visit us at www.sasi.ac.in
III B.Tech II Semester 3rd Unit Question Bank 1. Explain, with neat sketches the construction and working principle of McLeod and Ionization gauges. 2. (a) Describe the measurement of absolute and differential pressure using bellows gauges. (b) Explain the principle of working of Pirani gauge for low pressure measurement. 3. (a) Explain the working of a very high pressure measuring device (Bridgeman gauge). (b) Enumerate the various manometers that exist and explain the working of any one manometer with neat sketch. 4. (a) Describe the working principle of a Bourdon tube pressure gauge. (b) A U tube di erential gauge is attached to two sections A & B in a horizontal pipe in which oil of specic gravity 0.8 is owing. The deection of mercury in the gauge is 60 cm, the level nearer to A begin the lower one. Calculate the dierence of pressure in N/m2 between the sections A&B. 5. (a) With the aid of neat sketch, explain the working principle of dead ?weight type Tester. (b) Derive an equation for the di erential pressure based on the movement of the liquid in the inclined column only.
(Approved By AICTE, New Delhi And Affiliated To JNTU, Kakinada) TADEPALLIGUDEM 534101 W.G.DT. Ph.No: 08818 244986, 987, 989, 990 Fax: 08818 244628 visit us at www.sasi.ac.in
III B.Tech II Semester 4th Unit Question Bank 1.(a) Describe the Principle of operation construction details, advantages disadvantages and limitations of an Electromagnetic flow meter. (b) Briefly explain the Buoyancy force type and Bubbler purge type level indicators. 2. (a) What is hot wire Anemometer? Explain its working with neat sketch. (b) Describe the working of electrical resistance and bubbler purge type level indicators. 3. (a) Explain the working of Laser Doppler Anemometer (LDA). (b) Describe the working of Pneumatic and Capacitor type level indicators. 4. (a) Describe the principle of operation of Ultrasonic and electrical resistance type level indicators. (b) With the help of a neat sketch explain the principle of operation of Turbine flow meter 5. Enumerate the principle of operation of the following: (a) Capacitive level indicator (b) Ultrasonic level measuring instrument (c) Magnetic level indicator (d) Cryogenic fuel level indicator.
(Approved By AICTE, New Delhi And Affiliated To JNTU, Kakinada) TADEPALLIGUDEM 534101 W.G.DT. Ph.No: 08818 244986, 987, 989, 990 Fax: 08818 244628 visit us at www.sasi.ac.in
III B.Tech II Semester 5th Unit Question Bank 1. (a) Describe the working principle of D.C Tachometer generator and what are its advantages and disadvantages. (b) Why vibrations has to be measured. How vibrations are measured? 2. (a) Describe the construction and working principle of a d.c. tachometer generator. Explain its advantages and disadvantages. (b) Explain the working principle of Resonance or vibrating reed tachometer. 3. (a) How will you determine the speed of hermitically sealed compressor installed in a refrigerator? Explain its working principle. (b) What is the basic dierence in design and application between vibrometer and accelerometer. 4. (a) Explain the construction, working, advantages and disadvantages of a Photoelectric Tachometer (b) How is measurement of vibrations on large structures done? Explain the method in detail. 5. (a) Explain the working of a toothed rotor variable reluctance tachometer. Explain its Advantages. (b) What is the basic dierence in design and application between vibrometer and accelerometer?
(Approved By AICTE, New Delhi And Affiliated To JNTU, Kakinada) TADEPALLIGUDEM 534101 W.G.DT. Ph.No: 08818 244986, 987, 989, 990 Fax: 08818 244628 visit us at www.sasi.ac.in
III B.Tech II Semester 6th Unit Question Bank 1. (a) How do you classify Strain gauges? What do you mean by Gauge Factor? (b) Explain the method of measuring force using Strain gauges. 2. (a) Differentiate between Strain Gauge and Strain gauge rosette. (b) Derive an Equation for un- balanced voltage of Wheatstone bridge and explain how the sensitivity varies with number of arms made active. 3. (a) Briefly explain different methods employed to measure torque. (b) Explain the working of transmission type dynamometer. 4. (a) What do you mean by bonded and unbounded Strain gauges? Explain. (b) Explain how bending compressive and tensile strains can be measured by strain gauge 5. (a) How a Wheatstone bridge circuit is used for the measurement of strain. Explain the working of a deection Wheatstone bridge circuit. (b) What are the various types of electrical resistance strain gauges? Explain the working principle of Semiconductor gauge.
(Approved By AICTE, New Delhi And Affiliated To JNTU, Kakinada) TADEPALLIGUDEM 534101 W.G.DT. Ph.No: 08818 244986, 987, 989, 990 Fax: 08818 244628 visit us at www.sasi.ac.in
III B.Tech II Semester 7th Unit Question Bank 1. What are the dynamometers? How are the dynamometers classied ? Explain the di erence between absorption transmission and driving dynamometers 2. .(a) Explain the construction and working of hydraulic load cells. Discuss their advantages and disadvantages. (b) Describe the method of measuring torque of rotating shafts using strain gauges 3. (a) Explain briey how a stroboscopic is used to measure torque. (b) What are load cells? Name the application of load cells. 4. Describe the construction and working of a water vortex dynamometer. What are the reasons for its popularity? 5. (a) Dene the various terms related to humidity. (b) What are the hygroscopic materials? Explain the working of any one of the absorption hygrometers.
(Approved By AICTE, New Delhi And Affiliated To JNTU, Kakinada) TADEPALLIGUDEM 534101 W.G.DT. Ph.No: 08818 244986, 987, 989, 990 Fax: 08818 244628 visit us at www.sasi.ac.in
1. (a) What are the requirements of control systems. (b) The operation of driver driving an automobile on the road and identify the components, input and output of the human system. 2. (a) What is a servo mechanism? Explain (b) Sketch and explain open loop and closed loop temperature control system with block diagrams. 3. (a) What are the basic elements of a control system? Explain (b) Describe a control system to ll a tank with water after it is emptied through an output at the bottom. This system automatically stops the inow of water when the tank is lled. Draw the block diagram of the system 4. (a) With suitable examples, bring out the advantages of closed loop systems over open loop systems (b) Explain why negative feedback is invariably preferred in closed loop systems? 5. Write Short notes on: (a) Speed control and (b) Temperature control.