Exam 11
Exam 11
Exam 11
= A
, G/N
B: G has a normal subgroup N with N
, G/N
= A
Give examples of groups satisfying
(a) A and B; (b) A but not B; (c) B but not A; (d) neither A nor B.
You should indicate why your groups have the required properties, but detailed
proofs are not required. [8]
Question 2 Dene the groups GL(n, F), SL(n, F), PGL(n, F), and PSL(n, F), where
n 2 and F is a eld. [4]
State without proof the orders of these groups when F is a nite eld with q
elements. [4]
State without proof which of the groups PSL(n, F) are simple. [3]
Prove that PSL(2, 3)
and PSL(2, 5)
, where A
is the alternating group
of degree n. [14]
Question 3 Dene a Sylow p-subgroup of the nite group G, where p is prime. [3]
State Sylows theorems. [5]
Let G = GL(3, p) be the group of invertible 33 matrices over Z
, the eld of
integers mod p, where p is prime. Let
P =
1 a b
0 1 c
0 0 1
: a, b, c Z
, Q =
1 0 0
a 1 0
b c 1
: a, b, c Z
Show that P and Q are Sylow p-subgroups of G, and nd an element g G such
that g
Pg = Q. [11]
Are P and Q isomorphic? Are they abelian? [6]
Question 4 (a) What is an action of the group G on the set ? If G acts on ,
what are its orbits? [4]
(b) Give a formula for the number of orbits in the case when G and are nite. [3]
(c) What is a transitive action? What is a primitive action? [4]
(d) If G acts primitively on and NG, show that the action of N is either trivial
or transitive. [6]
(e) Show that the action of S
on the set of 2-element subsets of {1, 2, 3, 4} is
imprimitive. Hence nd a homomorphism from S
onto S
. [8]
c Queen Mary, University of London (2011)
MTHM024 (2011) Page 3
Question 5 (a) What is a soluble group? [3]
(b) Prove that all dihedral groups are soluble. [4]
(c) Prove that every group of order 48 is soluble. (You may assume that groups
of order smaller than 48 are soluble, but any theorems you use about soluble
groups should be stated clearly.) [10]
(d) Show that a direct product of soluble groups is soluble. [8]
Question 6 Let H be a subgroup of the group G. Dene the normaliser N
(H) of
H in G. [2]
If G is the dihedral group of order 8 (the group of symmetries of a square), t is a
reection in G, and H =t, nd the order of N
(H). [5]
Prove that
(a) if G has prime power order and H < G, then H < N
(H); [9]
(b) if P is a Sylow p-subgroup of G and N
(P) H, then N
(H) = H. [9]
Question 7 Let G be a group with an abelian normal subgroup A having a comple-
ment H.
(a) Prove that G/A
= H. [5]
(b) Show how the action of H on A by conjugation gives rise to a homomorphism
: H Aut(A). [5]
(c) Show that G can be reconstructed from knowledge of A, H and . [5]
(d) Show that, if the image of is {1}, then G
= AH. [4]
(e) What further information is needed to reconstruct G if the normal subgroup A
is abelian but does not necessarily have a complement? (Details not required.) [6]
End of Paper
c Queen Mary, University of London (2011)