DBA-RRR Army Lists v.1.21
DBA-RRR Army Lists v.1.21
DBA-RRR Army Lists v.1.21
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Design Notes
This extension is to be treated as an addition to the standard De Bellis Antiquitatis v. 2.2 rules with some additional troop types. The purpose is to extend play up until the 1700 time period with a minimum of alteration of how the original troop types in DBA v. 2.2 interact with each other. Four new troop types have been introduced: Pistols (Pi), Shot (Sh), Skirmishers (Sk), Guns (Gun) and Cannon (Can) I have followed most of the format suggested in the DBA Pike & Shot Extension. As a result the following conversions to 'standard' DBA were made: Kn = all Ln elements and Pi (F) Pi = Pi (S) and Pi (O) Cv = Cv, Pi (I), and all Si Cm = All Camels other than Cm (F) LCm = Cm (F) Sh = all Shot elements (S, O, F, I) Ax = Wb (I) Lit = WWg (I) Gun = Art (F, I, X) Can = Art (S,O) Format is compulsory troops first (Core Elements) and then followed by optional troops. All armies are to have 12 elements as in standard DBA. In order to simplify, all Bd are considered to be 4Bd and all Wb are considered to be 3Wb unless otherwise noted. I have gone ahead and added a brief description (as described the DBR books) of each unit type to add clarity, flavour and a guide as to what troops these actually represent. I have also included the equivalent DBA terrain type and aggression. The terrain types have been matched up as best as possible to fit in with the appropriate DBA equivalents. Littoral armies are so designated if they have enough naval elements to land an equivalent DBA full landing force of 4 elements. Each army list includes a generals bodyguard, which is the element that is denoted with a (g) in the Core force as well as a separate circular stand for the General himself. Throughout the course of the game, the general will be able to detach from his bodyguard element and attach to other elements, but he required to begin the game attached to the bodyguard element. The general figure is represented as a separate single figure on a 25mm round (1) stand. The figure is assumed to be mounted on horseback unless the army list is not capable of having any mounted elements (ex: Aztecs) in which case it would be a singular foot figure. Many thanks to Mr. Phil Barker for his DBR lists and DBA , and for the work of June, Jeppson & Chinnici on the DBA 2.0 Pike & Shot Extensions as well as the variable army lists, which have inspired me to take these to the next step. In an effort to minimize the confusion, here is a listing of all of the troop type in DBA-RRR Base width: 40mm if using 15mm scale figures Troop type KNIGHTS PISTOLS CAVALRY ELEPHANTS CAMELS LIGHT HORSE LIGHT CAMELS DRAGOONS PIKES BLADES SHOT WARBAND DBA-RRR Code Kn Pi Cv El Cm LH LCm Dr Pk Bd 3Bd Sh 4Wb Wb 5Wb Ax Bw Sk Hd Can Gun WWg Lit Base depth 30mm 30mm 30mm 40mm 30mm 30mm 30mm 40mm 15mm* 15mm 20mm 20mm 15mm 20mm 30mm 20mm 20mm 20mm 30mm 40mm 40mm 40mm 40mm Figures or models per base 3 4 3 1 3 2 2 4 (3 shooting figures + 1 mounted or figure holding horses) 4 4 3 4 4 3 5 3 3 or 4 2 7 1 model + 4 crew (suggested) 1 model + 2 crew (suggested) 1 model 1 model
*For those individuals who play already play DBR, Pk can be alternatively be mounted on 20.mm depth stands.
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then 5 from:
1x Kn 2x Kn 1x Kn 1x LH 1x LH 1x LH 1x Pk 2x (1x Pk + 1x Sh) 1x 3Bd 2x Sk 1x Sk 2x Hd 1x Can Burgundian men at arms German men at arms Italian elmeti Spanish ginetes Italian horse arquebusiers German mounted crossbowmen Landsknecht pikemen Spanish colunela pikemen and arquebusiers Spanish colunela sword-and-buckler men Unregimented arquebusier companies Skirmishing Spanish musketeers Indifferent Italian foot Field guns
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then 6 from:
1x Cv 3x Cv 3x LH 1x LH 2x LH 1x Bd 2x Bw 1x Bw or Sh* 1x Sk 1x Sk 1x 4Wb 1x 5Wb or Bw 2x Hd 1x WWg 1x Can Qapukulu cavalry Feudal sipahis Akinjis Delis, Kurds or Bedouin Arabs Djanbazan, Turkomans, Tartars or similar horse archers Voynuks Janissary archers Janissary archers or Janissary arquebusiers *(can only be taken if at least 2 archers are taken first) Janissary skirmishers with long arquebus Foot with fire lance or other incendiaries Iaylars Azabs Levendant or European levy infantry War wagons carrying light guns Bombards
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(a) Others:
1x Cv (g) 3x Cv or LH 3x LH then 5 from: 5x Cv or LH* 1x Hd Mongol Cavalry *(up to taken may be Cv, the rest must be LH) Serfs and camp followers Mongol cavalry Mongol cavalry
(b) Oirats:
1x Cv (g) 3x Cv or LH 3x LH then 5 from: 5x Cv or LH* 2x LH 1x Hd Mongol Cavalry *(up to taken may be Cv, the rest must be LH) Mounted matchlockmen Serfs and camp followers Mongol cavalry Mongol cavalry
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(a) Swedish:
1x Kn (g) 1x Kn 2x (1x Bd + 1x Bw) then 6 from: 2x Kn 1x Kn 2x LH 1x LH or Sk 3x (1x Bd + 1x Bw) Feudal cavalry Smaasvende Skytter or Kjobstadskytter Lapps mounted on elk or reindeer or other scouts Leidang Feudal cavalry Leidang
(b) Union:
1x Kn (g) 1x Kn 2x 3Bd 3x Pk then 5 from: 2x Kn 1x Kn 2x LH 4x 3Bd 3x Pk 2x Pk or Sk 1x Pk or Wb 1x Bw 1x Bw* 1x Sk* 5x Hd 1x Can or Gun Feudal cavalry Smaasvende Skytter or Kjobstadskytter Obudshaer Landsknecht pikemen French mercenaries Scots mercenaries Obudshaer Obudshaer *(can only be taken if at least two additional Obudshaer 3Bd are taken) Landsknecht arquebusiers *(must be taken if at least one more Landsknecht Pk is taken) Landevaernet Bombards or light guns Feudal cavalry Obudshaer Landsknecht pikemen
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(b) 1626-1700 AD
1x Cv (g) 1x Cv 3x LH 3x Wb 1x Sk then 3 from: 3x Cv 3x LH 2x 3Bd 1x Bw or Sk 3x Wb 3x Sk 2x Sk Armoured cavalry Cuman-descended and other light cavalry Swordsmen with shashka Archers Warriors with kindjal, some with javelins Sharpshooters Javelinmen Armoured cavalry Cuman-descended and other light cavalry Warriors with kindjal, some with javelins Sharpshooters
(a) Buryats:
1x Cv (g) or LH (g) 4x LH then 7 from: 5x Cv 6x LH Armoured cavalry Horse archers Horse archers
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(e) Tungus:
1x 3Bd (g) or Bw (g) 4x Bw then 7 from: 1x LH 5x 3Bd 7x Bw or Sk Reindeer riders Warriors with palma Archers or skirmishing bowmen Archers
(f) Yakuts:
1x 3Bd (g) or Cv (g) 1x Cv or Bw 3x Bw then 7 from: 2x Cv 1x LH 5x 3Bd 7x Bw or Sk Cavalry Reindeer riders Warriors with palma Archers or skirmishing bowmen Cavalry or archers Archers
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(a) In India and Ceylon 1494-1510, Macao or Indonesia 1512 to 1520 & Others 1494-1520 AD:
1x Kn (g) or Bd (g) 1x (1x 3Bd + 1x Bw) or 2x 3Bd 1x 3Bd then 8 from: 4x (1x 3Bd + 1x Bw) or 2x 3Bd 2x 3Bd 2x Sk 1x Can or Gun Portuguese civilisados foot and crossbowmen African slave or Arab infantry Skirmishers Cannon Portuguese civilisados foot and crossbowmen African slave or Arab infantry
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(b) Hausa:
1x Cv (g) or 3Bd (g) 10x Bw then 1 from: 1x Cv 1x LH 1x Pk 1x 3Bd 1x Sh 1x Bw 1x Sk Yan lifida Yan kwarbai Yam assigiri Yam fate-fate Yam bindiga Yam baka or Yam lifida baka Zagi Yam baka
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Warriors Warriors
(b) Monomotapa:
1x 4Wb (g) 5x Wb 2x Wb or Ax then 4 from: 1x Sh 1x Bw 4x Wb 2x Sk Portuguese adventurer with slaves Elders defending villages Warriors Youths with bows or javelins guarding herds or scouting Nobles Warriors Warriors or vassal troops
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(a) Maori:
1x 3Bd (g) 10x 3Bd then 1 from: 1x 3Bd 1x Sk Warriors Maori scouts Warriors
(b) Others:
1x 3Bd (g) 10x Ax then 1 from: 1x Ax 1x Sk Warriors Skirmishing Polynesian slingers or Melanesian archers Warriors
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(c)1683-1700 AD:
1x Cv (g) 1x Cv 4x Sh then 6 from: 1x Cv 2x Dr 6x Sh 2x Can or Gun Horse Dragoons with flintlocks Musketeers Artillery Horse Musketeers
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(c)1689-1700 AD:
1x Cv (g) 1x Cv 3x Sh then 7 from: 3x Cv 2x Dr 1x Sh 6x Sh 1x Sk 1x Sk 1x Gun 1x Can Horse Dragoons (with firelocks) Liebgarde (with firelocks) Foot (with firelocks) Grenadiers Jgers Battalion guns Field guns Horse Foot (with firelocks)
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(c)1657-1659 AD:
1x Kn (g) 1x Kn 1x Sh then 9 from: 5x Kn 2x Sh 2x Sh 2x Sh 2x (2x Sh + 1x Pk) 1x (2x Sh + 1x Pk) 1x (2x Sh + 1x Pk) 2x Wb 1x Sk 1x Hd 1x Gun 1x Can Horse Guard firelocks Firelocks Musketeers or firelocks Dutch foot Brandenburg foot Imperial foot Seamen Grenadiers Peasants Galloper and battalion guns Field guns Horse Firelocks
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(c)1697-1700 AD:
1x Kn (g) 1x (2x Sh + 1x Pk) then 8 from: 4x Kn 2x Dr 2x (2x Sh + 1x Pk) 1x Sk* 2x Wb 1x Gun 1x Can Horse Dragoons with firelocks Musketeers and pikemen Grenadiers *(can only be taken if all musketeers and pikemen above are chosen) Sailors 3 pdr regimental guns 6 pdr field guns and 16 pdr heavy guns Musketeers and pikemen
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(c)1695-1699 AD:
1x Cv (g) 1x Cv 2x Sh 1x Sh then 7 from: 3x Cv 3x LH 1x LH 4x Sh 1x Pk* 1x Sh 2x Sh 1x 5Wb 7x Hd 1x Gun 1x Can or Gun Noble cavalry Don or Ukrainian Cossack horse Kalmuks Streltzi Streltzi *(can only be taken if at least 2 additional Streltzi Sh are taken) Guard or old regiments of foot Cossack foot Angry peasants Conscript militia 3 pdr or lighter accompanying guns Heavy, medium, or 3 pdr or lighter accompanying guns Noble cavalry Streltzi Guard or old regiments of foot
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