Kopmeyer Marion Rudy - How You Can Get Richer Quicker

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ff will multiply your moneyl"

ff has helped millionsl"
When You Bought This Book,
You Bought Stock In Yourself!
The best investment you can make is in YOU.
You can make more money or acquire more of
whatever you want-by investing in YOU than in any
other investment.
When you bought this book, you bought stock
Nobody buys stock in anything unless he or she
has confidence in it. Because, in buying' this book, you
really bought stock in YOURSELF, you have proved that
you have confidence in YOURSELF,
Now that you have bought stock in YOUR-
SELF and proved that you have confidence in YOUR-
SELF, you have taken the first step in getting whatever
you want in life.
This book now will tell you how to do it.
This certifies that you OWl11\.
This is your certificate of confidence in your""
sellf and yom.' agll"eell1l.1lent to begin. at once and
constandy use lpllI'oven success m.ethods to get
whatever you want as a worthy Hife goat
~ ... ()-.J
Chapter Title Page
1. SUCCESS, Itself, Is A Specific
Study-Subject .......................... 1
2. For You To Get Richer Quicker-
You Need Do Only Two Simple Things . . . . . 4
3. You Must Use General Motors' PROVEN
SUCCESS METHOD! Here It Is! ......... 7
4. The Sure Way You Can Attract
Favorable Attention To GET AHEAD! ..... 13
5. How To Become SUPER-RICH In Five Years. 17
6. You Can Get Richer Quicker In
Hundreds of Various Occupations! ........ 20
7. "General Education" Is Not Adequate. You Need
Skills Based On Proven Success Methods . . .. 23
8. Where Employment Opportunities Will
Be In The Years Ahead ................. 25
9. The Most Valuable PROVEN SUCCESS
METHOD You Will Ever Learn. . . . . . . . . .. 27
Title Page
You Can Begin Now To Get Richer Quicker
By Making Yourself MORE USEFUL! ..... 30
Here's How You Can Get Richer Quicker
By IMPROVING Products, Methods .
Anything! .............................. 33
12. You Can SPARK IDEAS Through
The 61 Magic Questions .................. 35
These 61 Magic Questions Will Stimulate
IDEAS For Improving Anything ...
Everything! ............................ 39
14. You Can Create Profitable Ideas By
Using These Three Master Methods ........ 47
15. Your Idea Is The BEGINNING
Of A Reality ........................... 50
16. Three Sure Ways You Can Get Richer Quicker!
Improve! ... Improve! ... Improve! ....... 52
17. How You Can Get The Biggest
Rewards For Your IDEAS ................ 56
18. Here Is The Proper And Respectful
Way To Suggest Your Ideas To Your Boss ... 61
19. Your Golden Road To Riches ... CREATIVITY! 64
20. You Can Create Ideas By These YOGA Methods
21. How You Can Maintain A Continuous
Flow Of Ideas For Improving Things .......
Chapter Title Page
22. Learning Facts Is Not Enough! You Must
Apply IDEA Power To Facts! ............. 73
23. Don't Just Think About Your Ideas For
THEM! ............................... 76
24. Sharpen Your Ideas On The
Grindstone Of Criticism . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 79
25. How You Can Get Rich By Suggesting Ideas
Which Are NOT Completely Perfected ..... 82
26. GIVING AWAY Your Ideas Will Make
You Richer ... Quicker! .................. 86
27. Your Only Job-Security Is To
Make Yourself Indispensable ............. 89
28. What This Nation Needs Is An
IDEA EXPLOSION! ! ! .................. 96
29. The Following Chapter.Lessons Are Selected
From A Thousand Proven Success Methods .. 104
30. How You Can Avoid Half Your Troubles! ..... 106
31. "Be Yourself' Can Be The Worst
Possible Advice! ........................ 109
32. How Would You Like To Have
YOU As Your Boss? ..................... 111
33. How You Can Persuade Others To
Do Whatever You Want Them To Do! ......
34. You Get Richer Quicker When You
Activate, Then Fulfill "Eager Wants" ......
Chapter Title Page
35. Be A Winner! ! ! ... In "The Pleasing
Game Of Interchanging Praise!" . . . . . . . . . .. 118
36. Living And Working In HARMONY Is
The Easy, Happy Way To Succeed ........ 120
37. How You Can Use Personal Slogans And
Goal Commands To Get Richer Quicker ... 122
38. Here's What You MUST Have To Succeed
In Any Type Of Work .. . .. .. . .. . . . . .. . .. 126
39. How You Can Focus Attention On
Yourself At A Meeting Or Party ........... 128
40. How You Can Be A Leader ............. . .. 130
41. Learn To MAKE NEWS Because Favorable
News Will Make You! ................... 134
42. Success And Riches Are The Result Of
Negotiating Agreements, Not Disagreements 138
43. Change The CLIMATE And You
Change Attitudes And Situations! ......... 143
44. You Can Make Any Problem Harmless
Simply By DE-CONFUSING It! .......... 145
45. How You Can Use The "Law Of Increasing
Abundance" To Get Everything You Want .. 148
46. How You Can Multiply Your Telephoning
Effectiveness By Becoming A "Telephone
Personality" ............................ 153
47. Here's How You Can Get A Lot Of
People Involved In Helping You Succeed! .. 157
Chapter Title Page
48. Never Ask "IF" ... Always Ask "HOW" ...... 159
49. How Attractively And Impressively
Do You ''PACKAGE'' Yourself? ........... 160
50. When You Have Crossed The River-
Abandon Your Boat! .................... 162
You Must Manage Life-Or Life
Will Make You Its Slave! ................ 164
52. Your JOB: Do You Hate It? Tolerate
It? Or Improve In It? ................... 167
53. The Secret Of Successful Work-Planning
And Life-Planning ...................... 169
54. PLAN BIG! You've Got 60 Trillion
Cells Going For You! .................... 172
55. Obstacles Are Power Generators! ............ 176
56. What Do You Want? Act AS IF You Already
Have Received It And Give Thanks! ....... 183
57. Here Is The EASY Way For You
To Get Richer ... Quicker! ............... 190
58. ASK! ... And You Shall Succeed! Those
Who FIND OUT Get Richer ... Quicker! ... 193
59. Two "Magic" Words Which Will
Make You Popular Everywhere ........... 197
60. Here's How You Can Use The Amazing
"LAW OF INCREASE" ................. 201
61. Be A GOOD NEWS Reporter And
All ''Doors'' Will Open For You! .......... 204
Chapter Title Page
62. The "Squeaking Wheel" No Longer
"Gets The Grease" ...................... 207
63. Be A Spirit Lifter! ........................ 209
64. Do Unto Yourself What Your Competitor
Will Do Unto You! But Do It First! ........ 215
65. Unless You Increasingly Do It Better-
You Will Not Be Asked To Do It Again! .... 219
66. IDEAS Are What The United States
Are Made Of ...... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 221
67. You Cannot Safely Speed Forward
While Regretfully Looking Backward ... . .. 224
68. The Magic Password To Success Is: FmST! ... 226
69. A Billionaire Gives You His Success
Method For Getting Richer Quicker ....... 232
70. Success Is COPING-Not Just HOPING! . . . .. 234
71. How You Can Become An Expert At PROBLEM
SOLVING, The Most Needed Skill! ....... 236
72. Continue To Ask THIS Question
And You will Get Richer ... Quicker! ...... 241
73. When You Form An Alliance
You Multiply Your Power! . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 244
74. Don't Frighten A Bird
You Want To Catch! .................... 248
75. You Will Succeed To The Extent That
You Help Others Get What They Want . . . .. 251
76. How To Manufacture Your Success .......... 253
Chapter Title
77. If Your Success Locomotive Is Not
"On Track", Its Power Is Useless! .......... 257
A Very Wise And Wealthy Financier . . . . . .. 259
79. Get Tough With Yourself! Cancel
All Unnecessary Plans! Concentrate! ...... 260
80. The Sure Way To Get Rich Is To Be
An EXPERT In An Important Occupation .. 262
81. You Must Be Willing To BEGIN! Then
Your DOING Will Generate The Power! .... 266
82. One Of The Greatest Achievers
Said These Two Qualities Would
Conquer All Things! ..................... 269
83. Emerson Said That Nothing Great
Was Ever Achieved Without TIDS! ........ 273
84. "Contingency Planning" Will Ensure
Your Success-Whatever Happens! ........ 278
85. If You Feel That Whatever You Do Is
Natural And Easy-It Will Be! ............ 280
-The Sure Way To Amass Wealth! ........ 284
87. Never Give Up! It Is A Law Of The
Universe: "The Tide Always Turns" ........ 287
88. How You Can Use "The Principle
Of The TIDRD Way" To Solve
Your Problems ........................ 290
Chapter Title Page
89. How Business Can Use The Success
Psychology Of "Multiple Management" .... 293
90. Cooperation Is POWER! Get Together!
Keep Together! .. Act Together! ............ 297
91. Who Ought To Be BOSS? .................. 301
92. Always Offer INCENTIVES! Everybody Can
Be Motivated By Irresistible Incentives! .... 304
93. Problems Are Like Knives! Grasp
The Handle-Not The Blade! ............ 308
94. No One Stumbles Over A Mountain!
We Stumble Only Over Molehills! ......... 310
95. Do Not STRUGGLE To Succeed!
If You Have A "Struggle Complex", You
Won't Live Long Enough To Succeed! ..... 311
96. Here Is The ONE Skill All Successful
People Have-Without Any Exception! .... 314
97. How You Can Use The "MAGIC MINUTE"
To Win Goodwill Needed For Success! ..... 317
98. How To Influence Multitudes:
Stay On A ONE-To-ONE Basis! ........... 318
99. Storage Earns Small Rent; Only
Production Earns Great Fortunes! ......... 320
100. Your Success Will Depend Upon The
Kind Of "Advice Seeker" You Are! ........ 321
101. It Required A Billion Years To
Develop Your Brain! For What Purpose? .. 323
Chapter 1
Get Richer .. Quicker!
SUCCESS, Itself, Is A Specific
You will begin to get richer quicker as soon as
you learn and use the following fact:
SUCCESS, itself, is a specific, separate and
distinct study-subject.
SUCCESS is as specific, separate and distinct
a study-subject as is mathematics, physics, spelling, physi-
ology, chemistry, or any study-subject taught in our schools
and universities.
The laws and principles of SUCCESS are just
as real-and just as provable-as the Law of Gravity.
The study of SUCCESS as a separate subject
deals with as many different and identifiable factors as
almost any other subject and more than most. I have de-
voted forty years to researching, testing and compiling
PROVEN SUCCESS METHODS. I have three private li-
braries and fifteen personal files which contain more than
a thousand different (but sometimes related) PROVEN
There are few other subjects which are com-
posed of that many different laws, principles, rules and
identifiable factors. Surely, that fact alone (and there are
many other reasons) justifies the classification and study
of SUCCESS, itself, as a separate, specific and distinct
The reason people succeed slowly in their pro-
fessions or occupations is that they concentrate on improv-
ing their job-skills. The fact is that becoming more skillful
in one's profession or occupation is only ONE proven suc-
cess method.
Certainly, it is necessary and important that
you become more knowledgeable and skillful in your work
-but that still is only ONE proven success method.
Since there are more than a thousand proven
success methods, you can easily realize that you are handi-
capping yourself by concentrating on only ONE proven
success method (job-skill) out of a thousand additional
success methods.
That is why it is necessary to obtain and con-
stantly use as many proven success methods as possible-
in addition to improving your job-skill.
That is the only way you can get richer . ..
You may succeed-slowly and with great diffi-
culty-by becoming more knowledgeable and skillful in
performing your work. But you cannot get richer qUicker
that way!
You must also use many other proven success
methods-in addition to improving your fob-skill-to GET
There are more than a thousand proven suc-
cess methods. I know-because I personally have them in
my private libraries and personal files.
These are specific, separate, distinct PROVEN
They can be used-in addition to fob-skill-in
ALL occupations ... and in every activity.
As you study the following chapters, you will
learn that improving your job-skill is just ONE success
method which must be supplemented by many other
proven success methods in order to build the kind of suc-
cess momentum which will make you richer ... qUicker!
We shall begin our study of SUCCESS as a
. specific, separate and distinct study-subject which applies
to all occupations-by learning the two basic requirements
for SUCCESS-in the next chapter.
Chapter 2
Get Richer . .. Quicker 1
For You To Get Richer Quicker-
You Need Do Only Two Simple,
Easy, Elemental Things!
Your success in getting richer quicker-or in
achieving_ any life goal-requires, that you do only two
simple, easy things:
( 1) You must know how
( 2) Then, you must do itl
That's rightl And that's alll (1) KNOW HOW
and (2) DOl
That surely is so elemental that it seems like
a waste of time to give further consideration to such obvi-
ous facts.
Well, it is elemental. It is fundamental to suc-
ceeding at anything. It is obvious.
So ... most people DON'T do it!
Incredible as it seems, most people don't bother
to learn even the most simple methods of getting richer
quicker. They have plenty of time for life's trivialities but
no time to learn and use the proven success methods which
would make them rich . . . or powerful . . . or famous . . .
and enable them to get whatever they want in life.
How many people do you know who devote
even an hour every night to seriously studying how to be
more successful in doing what they will do the next day
... and the next ... and the next?
There is an old proverb: "Grumbling makes the
loaf no larger."
Yet people waste their time in grumbling be-
cause they have too little, when that same time could be
used to learn how never to have too little-to constantly
"make the loaf larger".
You, as just one individual, have no control
over high prices. Your only solution is to get richer qUicker
so that you easily can afford to pay for whatever you want
in life-whatever the price. You have to learn and then do
what is required to "make your own loaf larger".
It is a lot easier to get rich than to remain
poor. People who are poor find everything difficult. And,
for the poor, everything will continue to be difficult-as
long as they will not learn and use the simple, easy, sure
methods of succeeding-getting richer quicker.
So, we come back to our first basic requirement
for success:
You have to learn how. To the uninformed a
molehill is a mountain! But to the person who knows how,
success is easy. Pasteur discovered vaccination more by ac-
cident than by the scientific research for which he trained
himself. Yet, when his critics chided him, saying that he
stumbled on vaccination by mere chance, Pasteur replied,
"True, but chance favors the trained mind."
So does success!
Only by your learning and using PROVEN
SUCCESS METHODS can you actually succeed.
Andrew Carnegie, the great steel tycoon who
was the richest man in his time and who gave his millions
to help others, used to say, "There is no use whatever in
trying to help people who do not help themselves. You
cannot push anyone up a ladder unless he is 'YiJling to
climb himself."
following chapters provide you with easy steps up the
ladder of success. But you, yourself, must climb those
steps! I have provided the ladder. But I cannot make you
climb it. And nobody can climb it for you. You must climb
the ladder of success, yourself.
You can start a project by studying it-but you
cannot complete it that way.
It has been said that "knowledge is power".
That simply is not so! Knowledge is not power. Knowledge
is only potential power. It is your use of knowledge which
gives you power.
Start using every PROVEN SUCCESS
METHOD as soon as you learn it. Do not wait until you
have read the entire book. Climb your success ladder one
step at a time. Do not wait and then try to reach the top
in one big leap.
Remember ... one step at a time!
And your first step is in the next chapter ...
Get Richer ... Quicker!
You Must Use General Motors'
Here It Is!
The surest way to succeed is to use the
PROVEN SUCCESS METHODS of those who have
proven the methods to be successful.
The bigger their successes, the more depend-
able are their success methods.
Which brings us to General Motors.
General Motors is a big success. Bigger than
any other manufacturing company.
But General Motors has not always been that
big. It just got bigger ... and bigger ... and biggest.
Not by accident. Not by luck. But by using a
very simple success method which you can use.
General Motors.
It probably started back in the days of Charles
Kettering who started so many successful things including
the self-starter.
General Motors put into effect the very simple
(1) Give people more of what they want.
(2) Give people less of what they don't want.
Now, that seems like a very simple, elemental
success method.
It is ... until you try to apply it to everything
you think, say, write and do. Until you try to build your
career on it. Until you try to build your business on it, as
did General Motors. Until you try to build your life and
your future on it ...
Then, suddenly, it isn't so simple after all.
People don't naturally think that way. In fact,
most people are not thinking about what others want.
Most people want others to give them what
they want, to do what they want.
And they get so intent on getting what they
want that they forget that the way to get what they want
must begin by first giving others what those others want.
At least, more of what others want. Preferably, all of what
others want.
The more you give people what they want, the
more you ultimately will get in return. The size and suc-
cess of General Motors proves it.
This is not to imply that General Motors is the
only one using the PROVEN SUCCESS METHOD: (1)
Give people more of what they want.
The fact is that all of the really successful peo-
ple, companies and organizations do precisely that. Or they
would not long succeed. And their degree of success is in
exact proportion to their use of this PROVEN SUCCESS
The mediocrities and the failures are always
too preoccupied with trying to get others to do what they
want. So they find life filled with resistance. And success
People are not interested in what you want.
They are interested in what they want.
So in order to get others to give you what you
want, you first must give them what they want.
You begin by finding out what each of the peo-
ple who are important to you really wants. The easiest way
is just to ask them what they want. You will find others
eager to tell you what they want. Especially if you tell
them that you will give it to them-or help them get it.
Then, do exactly that. Give them what they
want-or help them get it.
But that's not all there is to it. It will make you
rich, but it will not make you richer . . . qUicker-which is
what this book is about.
The way to get richer . .. qUicker-is to find
out what people are going to want before they even know
they want itl
To re-state it Simply:
( a) Find out what people will want in the fu-
ture even though they do not now realize it.
(b) Produce it for them.
( c) Persuade them that they want it now.
That's how the really big money is made. The
fortunes. The millions. The billions. Ask General Motors.
Or any really big success in the multi-million class.
The secret is to make improvements in advance
of public demand.
But first, you must learn an easy PROVEN
SUCCESS METHOD of improving things.
Well, how do you deliberately improve things?
The key is deliberately". You must deliberately improve-
not aCcidentally, not luckily-but deliberately. On pur-
pose. With a purpose. Deliberately.
Later in this book, there is a chapter on how
to SPARK IDEAS through 61 Magic Questions.
Then you are given the 61 Magic Questions.
All you do is ask yourself the 61 Magic Questions and new,
profitable improvements will Hash into your mind like
Your mind will SPARK IDEAS I
Ideas which will make you richer ... qUicker!
But that's a later chapter. Let's complete the
second half of General Motors PROVEN SUCCESS
You have learned the first part:
( 1) Give people more of what they want.
Now, the second part:
(2) Give people less of what they don't want.
People are even more aggressive in avoiding
what they don't want than they are in getting what they
do want.
The way to be a sure loser in elections, busi-
ness, love and life is to give people what they don't want
or even to be associated in people's minds with something
they don't want.
I have devoted forty years to researching, test-
ing and compiling PROVEN SUCCESS METHODS, and
I intensely believe that this is one of the most important,
most indispensible, most profitable of all-because it com-
bines both fundamental methods of motivating all people
... under all circumstances ... all of the time.
And you just can't do better than thatl
But it will do you little good merely to read
about it.
( a) Make a written list of all of the people
who are important to you, leaving sufficient space under
each person's name so that you can ...
(b) Write under each person's name: How
you can give each person more of exactly what he or she
wants. How you can give each person less of what he or
she doesn't want.
( c) Even if you think you know what each
person wants (which you can provide) and what each per-
son does not want (which you can avoid or eliminate) ...
ASKI Ask sincerely, frankly, forthrightly, boldly. The very
fact of your asking will greatly improve your relationship.
We shall take space for only one example. If
you are an employee, ask your employer:
What can I do to make myself more useful?"
"How can I do my job better?"
"How can I learn more so that I can be more
useful to the company? What books and trade magazines
should I read? What training courses should I take? What
additional fobs can I do to enable me to learn more about
the business?"
"What on-the-job or off-the-job training can I
get? What am I doing wrong or inefficiently which I can
correct and improve?"
I can positively assure you that asking those
questions will work wonders-because, many years ago, I
asked those very same questions of my boss when I was
office boy in a big corporation.
This is what happened:
My boss immediately took a personal interest
in me. Gave me books, magazines and the company's
big catalog to study. Paid my tuition to special training
courses. Promoted me from one department to another so
that I could learn the business. Made me manager of one
of the company's big showrooms-in three years!
Later, I became president of eight corporations
and this is how it looks from the employer's side of the
Any employee who asked those or similar ques-
tions received the same kind of special attention, training
and promotions which I have just described as having re-
ceived from my own first boss.
So there you have a PROVEN SUCCESS
METHOD in action-in real life.
Go and do likewise!
Apply it, not just to your employer, but to every
person who is important to you.
And this leads directly to the next PROVEN
SUCCESS METHOD which will assure that you will get
special attention, get promoted, get ahead, and get richer
. k ,
... qutC er.
In the next chapter ...
Chapter 4
Get Richer Quicker!
The Sure Way Yon Can Attract
Favorable Attention To GET AHEAD
There is a sure way you can attract the favor-
able attention of those who can help you get promoted,
get ahead in life, get richer . .. quicker!
You can succeed in today's complex business
world or achieve whatever you want as your life-goal
ONLY with the goodwill, help and cooperation of others.
As I have emphasized in my other books, no
longer can even the strongest men climb to the top using
only their own ability and power.
Everyone who reaches success today is lifted
to success by the willing hands of those who want to help
him succeed!
You have to deserve success, of course. But de-
serving success is not enough. As President Calvin Coo-
lidge said, "Nothing is more common than unsuccessful
men with talent. The world is full of educated derelicts."
Being educated, being talented and being de-
serving are valuable assets, of course. But neither advanced
education nor exceptional talent nor being deserving will
assure your success. Indeed, many of the most successful
people have neither superior formal schooling nor gifted
natural talent. They may be no more "deserving" than
others with equal experience and job-skill.
Successful people today know and use
PROVEN SUCCESS METHODS. That is the only way
to succeed.
And one of the most important proven success
methods is to get other people to willingly lift you to suc-
cess. Others must eagerly want to help you!
How do you get other people to want to help
you succeed?
Always remember this:
You first have to put money into the bank be-
fore you can draw it out.
So you first have to give others what they want
-or help them get it-before you can expect them to give
you what you want.
How do you start?
You start by attracting the favorable attention
of those who can lift you to-or toward-success.
And you attract that favorable attention by ex-
pressing or demonstrating your willingness to help them
There is no surer way to attract favorable at-
tention than to offer cooperation and help. Don't be timid
or embarassed about offering to cooperate in helping others
accomplish what they are trying to do. Even if your assist-
ance is not accepted at once, you will have attracted favor-
able and remembered attention.
That is doubly true in your employment. If you
want to attract the favorable attention of top management
(as you must!), then express and demonstrate your eager-
ness to do more, to do better, to make yourself more useful.
Ask your employer the questions listed in the
previous chapter:
"What can I do to make myself more usefulr
"How can I do my job better?"
"How can I learn more so that I can be more
useful to the company? What books and trade magazines
should I read? What additional jobs can I do to enable me
to learn more about the business?"
"What additional on-the-job or off-the-job
training can I get?"
"What am I doing wrong or inefficiently which
I can correct and improve?"
In this way, you earnestly express your eager-
ness to:
( 1) Give your employer more of what he
wants from you as an employee, and ...
(2) Give your employer less (or nothing) of
what he doesn't want from you as an employee.
( a) attract favorable attention, (b) get you promoted, (c)
win the goodwill of those who can help lift you to success,
( d) make you richer . . . quicker!
Of course, you have to use PROVEN SUC-
CESS METHODS in a highly profitable type of business
if you are going to get richer . . . qUicker!
So, to enable you to select the kind of business
-the specific business classification-in which to get
richer qUicker, I have listed in the next chapter the 34
kinds of businesses in which individuals made personal for-
tunes of $1 billion to $50 million within a recent five year
So if you want to make a personal fortune of $1
billion to $50 million within five years, the next chapter
will list the 34 different kinds of businesses in which other
people actually did it.
Chapter 5
Get Richer ... Quicker /
How To Become SUPER-RICH
In Five Years
Since this chapter is about how to become
super-rich, let us first define what we mean by super-
. h"
rw .
For the purposes of this chapter, we shall de-
fine the new super-rich individualS' as those who amassed
personal fortunes of $1 billion to $50 million in a recent
five-year period.
The purpose of this chapter is to assure you
that you can become super-rich ($1 billion to $50 million)
by using PROVEN SUCCESS METHODS in almost any
kind of business and that you can become very rich by pro-
viding any service or product which many people want or
which you can encourage them to want by using PROVEN
The following is a list of the kinds of busi-
nesses, services or products which provided personal for-
tunes of from $1 billion to $50 million to individuals re-
cently in the short span of five years. The largest personal
fortunes are at the top of the following list and the size of
the personal fortunes amassed decreases (to $50 million)
at the bottom of the list. Where more than one business
classification is listed on the same line it shows diversifica-
tion of business interests of the same individual.
( 1) Pet foods and accessories; real estate
(2) Computer services; brokerage
(3) Medical equipment
( 4) Tire re-treads and equipment
(5) Low-cost insurance
(6 ) Women's clothing stores
(7) Real estate
(8) Drug stores
(9) Employee insurance
( 10) Medical products
( 11) Trucking
( 12) Trading stamps
( 13) Insurance by mail
( 14) Mobile homes
( 15) Faucets and other metal products
( 16) Insurance, primarily for mobile homes
( 17) Electric motors
( 18) Adhesives and sealing material
( 19) Office machines and office supplies
(20) Industrial cleansers and paints
(21) SeH-service drug stores
(22) Oil and gas exploration; real estate
(23) Agricultural seeds, oil exploration
(24) Soft drink bottling and distribution
(25) Printing inks
(26) Discount and variety stores
(27) Restaurants and ice cream
(28) Home building
(29) Safety glass; photographic services
( 30) Mail order consumer products
( 31) General and farm insurance
( 32 ) Real estate and insurance
( 33) Cleaning and sanitation products
( 34 ) Fruit juices
So that is how individuals amassed personal
fortunes of from $1 billion to $50 million in a recent five-
year period. (Note that these are individual personal for-
tunes, not corporation profits. )
Obviously, the wide diversification of kinds of
businesses, services and products indicates that your im-
portant objective should be-not the discovery of some
miracle business, service or product-but the constant, per-
sistent, intensive use of PROVEN SUCCESS METHODS.
And, of course, since the preceding list stops
at personal fortunes of $50 million amassed in five years,
you can be sure that thousands of multi-millionaires and
tens of thousands of millionaires made their personal for-
tunes in literally thousands of different kinds of businesses,
services and products.
Certainly, you will want personally to choose
the ~ d of business or profession in which to make your
own personal fortune, but always remember that your suc-
cess will depend, not on the kind of business you choose,
but on your constant, persistent, intensive use of PROVEN
That is the only sure way to succeed I
Chapter 6
Get Richer ... Quicker!
You Can Get Richer Quicker In
Hundreds Of Various Occupations!
In the last chapter you learned that people
amassed personal fortunes of from $1 billion to $50 million
within a recent five-year period-in 34 different, but very
commonplace, kinds of businesses.
As you look down the list of 34 businesses, you
will realize that you are qualified to obtain employment, at
some level, in everyone of those 84 businesses in which
others became super-rich in five years.
By looking at all of the business classifications
in your telephone directory, you probably can find at least
a hundred other kinds of businesses which offer equal or
better profit opportunities.
And by checking the net worth and profits of
the corporations listed on the N ew York Stock Exchange,
you will find many more (and different) business classifi-
cations in which other people are getting richer quicker.
The fact is that you don't have to discover
gold or strike oil or invent an indispensible product to get
richer qUicker.
You merely have to do the following simple
things-all of which are easily within your capabilities:
( 1) Start-at whatever level you presently are
qualified-in any reliable company which is energetically
devoted to:
( a) Providing products or services which give
people more of what they want, or
(b) Providing products or services which en-
able people to avoid or eliminate what they do not want.
(2) Be sure to select a company which is a
"growth" company-ready, eager and able to expand to
whatever size is required to supply an increasing demand
for its products or services.
( 3) Be sure to select a company which is not
"frozen" into "seniority promotions" but which offers you
instant promotions accompanied by earned wage increases
based on your increasing usefulness and value to .the com-
pany so your every improvement is promptly rewarded.
( 4) Having thus assured yourself the unlim-
ited opportunity to succeed, use the PROVEN SUCCESS
METHODS in this book. Knowing how to succeed is much
more important than your selecting a speCific company or
Specialists in the forecasting of economic and
technological changes predict that in the immediate future
employment availabilities and requirements will change so
rapidly and drastically that the average person will have
seven different careers!
The only way you can prepare yourself for
seven different careers is to learn PROVEN SUCCESS
METHODS which will enable you to succeed in any and
every kind of career.
The word "career" as used here includes each
change to a new position which may be in the same com-
pany or the same type of business. It does not imply a
complete change of vocation.
Nevertheless, each new position becomes, in
efiect, a new "career" with new and changing opportuni-
ties to which can be applied proven success methods.
In the follOwing several chapters, we shall look
at these rapidly changing employment opportunities and
their occupational impact on your future.
In the next chapter, you will learn about the
kind of education you will need to capitalize on the rapidly
changing employment opportunities in this rapidly chang-
So that you can get richer ... qUicker!
Chapter 7
Get Richer . Quicker!
"General Education" Is Not
Adequate. You Need Skills Based On
Proven Success Methods
"A college diploma is no longer the golden
key," says Athena Constantine, director of job-placement
for graduates of Columbia University.
And John D. Shingleton, director of placement
at Michigan State University says, "Colleges are turning
out more and more people in the areas that require fewer
and fewer workers." He views with increasing concern the
rising proportion of liberal-arts students without highly-
specialized marketable skills. He says that the increasing
emphasis on "mass education" is not focused on marketable
skills and rapidly changing job requirements.
The U.S. Government Bureau of Labor Statis-
tics reports that 28% of today's college graduates are mak-
ing less than the median income of those with only high
school diplomas but with marketable skills.
The U.S. Department of Labor predicts that in
1985 only 20% of the non-professional fobs will require
four years of college and only 25% of the work force will
have a four-year college education.
Because of the highly specialized skills re-
quired in to day's occupations, businesses are now taking
an active part in education through cooperative college
and university programs in which students alternate semes-
ters between academic study and training in actual jobs
in businesses related to their chosen careers. More than a
third of these co-op students are employed upon gradua-
tion by the same companies which trained them.
Also, while students are being trained through
actual employment in business, the classrooms and school
laboratories are being furnished with sophisticated scien-
tific and technological equipment corresponding to that
used by businesses and professions. Business leaders and
technical experts are invited to give guest lectures. Edu-
cators and business leaders are becoming partners in career
"General education" will greatly enrich the
quality of your life but it no longer is adequate to enrich
you financially in a business world geared to advanced,
complex technology. Specific training based securely on
proven success methods is the only way to obtain the per-
sonal skills necessary to succeed or even to survive finan-
cially in today's rapidly changing world.
Chapter 8
Get Richer ... Quicker!
Where Employment Opportunities
Will Be In The Years Ahead
A definite requirement for getting richer
quicker is to work where the spendable money is.
The most spendable money (<<fluid income")
is where the most people are earning the most of it.
Or, rather, where the most people will be earn-
ing the most money in the future.
In charting trends, remember that the present
will be left behind tomorrow, the future is where you are
going to be and, therefore, is your target-area.
Long-range forecasting is too unpredictable.
Short-range forecasting does not allow sufficient time for
trends to develop. So I prefer medium-range forecasting.
Take the year 2000 as your statistical target. It is not too
far in the future, yet it is far enough to reveal the drastic
effects of employment trends which already are clearly
defined today.
By charting employment opportunities as they
will be in the year 2000, you can see where the spendable
money ("fluid income) will be increasing-and decreas-
ing-during the intervening years.
Here is the experts' forecast of employment for
the year 2000:
(1) The U.S. economy will be able to employ
a labor force of 140 million.
(2) Only 3% of that labor force will be em-
ployed in farming, as big corporate farming replaces the
small single-family farms, combines them into vast crop-
factories and totally mechanizes them, guided by comput-
erized crop planning and world-wide marketing.
(3) Only 16% of the total labor force will be
employed in actual manufacturing, because blue-collar
labor will be replaced by fully computerized automation,
as we are beginning to see in many industries today.
( 4) The remaining 81 % of employment will
be in professional and people-service jobs-DEALING
That's where 81% of all future jobs will be-
That's where 81 % of the spendable money
('<fluid income) will be-DEALING WITH PEOPLEI
That's where your opportunities for getting
richer qUicker will be-DEALING WITH PEOPLEI
That's what this book will focus on-how you
can get richer qUicker DEALING WITH PEOPLE!
We start with the most important person you
ever will deal with ... YOU!
In the next chapter ...
Chapter 9
Get Richer ... Quicker!
The Most Valuable PROVEN
Ever Learn!
Having evaluated every PROVEN SUCCESS
METHOD which I could discover in forty years of research
( there are more than a thousand such methods you ~ a n use
and each will make you more successful), I have concluded
that there is one success method which you must use.
If you do not use this one success method, you
condemn yourself to a lifetime of indecision, frustration
and failure.
assure your personal motivation and will actually generate
your power to put into effect all proven success methods!
This make-or-break, win-or-Iose, succeed-or-
fail test of whether or not you have what it takes to suc-
ceed in business and in life was :first stated by Thomas
Huxley, the great English scientist:
"The most valuable trait that you can acquire
is the ability to:
(1) Make yourself do the thing you should do
(2) When it ought to be done
( 3) Whether you like it or not."
That is the most valuable PROVEN SUCCESS
METHOD you can learn. You will eliminate most of your
problems just by doing everything you should do. And
why not?
If you will devote the rest of your life to doing
everything you should do, your success is assured.
And you will greatly increase your success by
doing what you should do when it ought to be done. Not
just "when you get around to it". Not just when (or if) it
suits your convenience. But when it ought to be done.
Whether you like it or not.
A lot of things you should do will not neces-
sarily be things you especially like to do. And there will
be some things you should do which you dislike.
Whether or not you like something is not the
test of whether or not you should do it. The only test is if
it should be done. Do it whether you like it or not.
That is the rule.
That rule cannot be evaded.
That rule cannot be ignored.
It is not optional. It is mandatory.
To be sure you learn it, we shall repeat it just
as it was first stated by the great English scientist, Thomas
Huxley: "The most valuable trait you can acquire is the
ability to:
(1) Make yourself do the thing you should do
(2) When it ought to be done
(3) Whether you like it or not.
If you will accept that as a way of life-begin-
ning right now-your entire life will become an orderly
succession of rewarding accomplishments.
When you accept that rule as a way of life-
as your habitual way of doing things-you will do every-
thing you should do without the frustration of a self-debate
about it.
You will not debate in your own mind whether
you really are willing to do it. If you should do it-then
you do it without indecisive consideration. The time you
formerly devoted to indecision now will be devoted to do-
ing. Because your new way of life is: if you should do it,
you do it-without question, without indecision. You do it.
And you do it when it ought to be done! What
a time-saver that is!
No frustrating indecision about when will be
the "best" time to do it. There will be only one "best" time
and that is when it ought to be done.
And you do it whether you like it or not. Be-
cause if you should do something-whether you like it or
not is totally irrelevant. You simply do it.
There you have a new, simplified, immensely
rewarding way of life:
( 1) Do everything you should do
(2) When it ought to be done
( 3) Whether you like it or not.
That is the most valuable PROVEN SUCCESS
METHOD you will ever learn!
Chapter 10
Get Richer Quicker!
You Can Begin Now To Get Richer
Quicker Simply By Making Yourself
The only way you can earn more is to deserve
more. The only way you can deserve more is to be more
useful. Horace Mann wrote, ceu sefulness is the great aim of
human life."
I think usefulness is even more than that. U se-
fulness is the guage of your success in life. Yau will succeed
in life in the exact degree of your usefulness.
If you are not useful to anyone in any way,
your life is a total waste, a total loss.
If you are useful only in small things, the very
most you can expect is very small success. Not deserving
more, not serving more-you will not receive more. So
don't expect more. And don't complain. You write your
own pay check in life and its amount is determined by
your degree of usefulness-as taught by this book. The
methods are here; it is up to you to use them.
If you are useful in many things, you will re-
ceive many successes.
And if you are useful in many important things,
usefully serving many people, you will deserve and receive
great success-and you will get richer . .. qUicker!
It is just as simple as that. And there is no sense
in trying to make success seem to be complicated and diffi-
cult. It i s n ~ t l Success is just as simple as being useful. The
more useful you are to more people, the more successful
you will be.
And the more indispensible you will be!
Being indispensible is increasingly important in
these rapidly changing times of automation and comput-
erization. You are going to have to provide services which
are so personally useful that they cannot be replaced by
computerized automation.
There are certain kinds of services which can-
not be replaced by automation and computers. They are:
(1) MANAGEMENT: Computers and auto-
mation cannot replace management, because it is manage-
ment which decides what the computers will compute and
what the automation will produce. And it is management
which must evaluate the computer print-outs, decide what
shall be done and issue plans and orders for doing it.
ING THINGS: The important fact for you to realize (and
never forget for a minute!) is that a computer cannot pro-
duce IDEAS! And, therein, may be your employment secu-
rity-until and after you get into management.
As long as you can produce practical, useful,
profitable IDEAS FOR IMPROVING THINGS, you can-
not be replaced by a computer because a computer cannot
produce an IDEA. (You can! And this book will teach you
how ... in the next several chapters.)
The continuation of every business, in every
field, depends upon a constant input of IDEAS FOR IM-
Computers can help determine the feaSibility
of an IDEA, can evaluate it, can project its profit potential
-but only people (like you) can create the IDEA in the
first place. And the next several chapters in this book will
teach you how you can constantly create useful, profitable
IDEAS which, not only will make you indispensible, but
will get you promoted and make you richer qUicker!
8 you learned that in the future, 81 % of all jobs will be in
occupations DEALING WITH PEOPLE. If you are pro-
Viding professional or any other needed service which re-
quires personal people-to-people relationships-you can-
not be replaced by a computer, as shown by the projection
that 81% of all future employment will be in DEALING
Computers, of course, are widely used to assist
and facilitate these people-to-people services-but com-
puters cannot replace them.
Later chapters in this book will teach you the
proven success methods of DEALING WITH PEOPLE so
that you will succeed rapidly in this biggest (81 %) and
most certain way to GET RICHER ... QUICKER!
But, first, in the next chapter ...
Chapter 11
Get Richer ... Quicker I
Here's How You Can Get Richer
Quicker By Improving Products,
Methods ... Anything t
"Ideas control the world, proclaimed James A.
Garfield, twentieth president of the United States.
Yes, ideas do control the world, but what is
much more personal: Ideas-your own ideas-will deter-
mine your advancement in business, your rate of increasing
income (how quicker you get richer) and your job security
in a world of computers and automation.
Big business spends billions in the search for
ideas for improving products, methods, anything and ev-
erything which will increase sales, increase production,
increase efficiency, reduce costs, increase profits.
In fact, big business spends 90% of the re-
search dollars. This is necessary because only big business
has the billions for research. But money alone cannot pro-
duce ideas. Only people can produce ideas.
come from individuals (iust like you), not from the pro-
fessional researchers in the million-dollar laboratories.
That is why business eagerly solicits IDEAS
FOR IMPROVEMENT from its own employees at every
level and from individuals outside the company.
Tens of thousands of people (just "people",
not "inventors" or "researchers") every year get promoted,
get cash bonuses, and many get rich-by thinking up
Everything can be improved-and everybody
can think up some way to improve something.
does not require genius. It merely requires the deliberate
use of your creative imagination.
There is a method which will guide you
through this deliberate use of your creative imagination so
that you will naturally and automatically SPARK IDEAS.
I have devised a simple method for doing this
and I shall give it to you-completely-in the next several
My method is called IDEA SPARKERS and
consists merely of a list of 61 Magic Questions (which are
not "magic" at all, but are called that because their use
produces results like magic).
My 61 Magic Questions simply provide a check
list of possibilities and alternatives which applied to any-
thing you want to improve will SPARK IDEAS whenever
the possibility for improvement is stimulated by a question
on the list.
The next chapter explains the method simply
and completely ....
Chapter 12
Get Richer ... Quicker!
You Can SPARK IDEAS Through
The 61 Magic Questions
In the next chapter are IDEA SPARKERS
consisting of a list of 61 Magic Questions which you must
ask yourself about anything you want to improve.
Why should you want to improve anything?
Simply because the person who constantly im-
proves things (or suggests how they can be improved) is
the person who gets the credit, gets promoted, gets richer,
perhaps even becomes famous. One idea can make you
rich! A dozen ideas will make you richer . . . quicker!
Any person, in any position, who constantly
suggests practical, profitable IDEAS FOR IMPROVE-
MENT can fill in the amount on his own pay check!
valuable product you can produce.
The person who constantly suggests IDEAS
FOR IMPROVEMENT is indispensible. He or she never
will be replaced by automation or computers. Why? Be-
cause computers cannot create IDEAS. Computers can
only compute the results of IDEAS. Without IDEAS,
who needs computers? There soon would be nothing for
computers to compute. Because without IDEAS, nothing
would be created.
The most valuable way you can possibly spend
your time is in creating IDEAS, then suggesting them
where they will do you the most good.
The way to create IDEAS is simple. It consists
of considering all possibilities and alternatives in every
phase of whatever you decide to improve.
To make it easy for you to consider every pos-
sibility for improving anything, the author is giving you
his own list of IDEA SPARKERS in the form of 61 Magic
Questions which the author uses personally to check and
improve his own work as America's Success Counselor to
millions which requires a constant How of practical, useful
IDEAS to help others.
The author's list of IDEA SPARKERS-in the
form of 61 Magic Questions for you to ask yourself con-
cerning anything you want to improve-is in the next chap-
ter. But, first, here's how to SPARK IDEAS.
Here's how to use these 61 Magic QuestiOns:
( 1) Ask yourself each question concerning
whatever you want to improve.
(2) Obviously, most questions will not apply.
But some will-and they will SPARK IDEAS for improve-
ment. Remember, it takes only one idea to hit the jackpotl
One idea can make you rich! A dozen ideas will make you
richer . . . qUicker!
(3) Write down every IDEA FOR IM-
PROVEMENT which comes to you. Important: As soon
as an IDEA comes to you, write it down at once. Do not
stop to evaluate the idea; you should do that later. The
method is to SPARK IDEAS and write them down. Do not
be critical of your ideas. Criticism blocks the How of ideas.
You can modify and perfect them later. Write down every
IDEA at once!
(4) As you read each Magic Question, con-
sider every possibility relative to your IDEA. Consider ev-
ery alternative. When an IDEA SPARKS, write it down at
(5) As you ask yourself each Magic Question
concerning your IDEA, let your mind "run wild". Imagine
the impossible I Think the unthinkable I The object is to
SPARK IDEAS-good, bad, mediocre. When an IDEA
SPARKS-any IDEA-write it down at once!
( 6) When you are sure you have mined every
idea from the Magic Questions-and have written down
each idea as it came to you, then thoughtfully evaluate
each idea. Accept it, adapt it, reVise it, improve it, perfect
it; And, if you are sure an idea is totally useless, discard it.
(7) It is unlikely that any idea sparked in this
manner will be totally useless. Every idea sparked in this
manner comes from your subconscious which is your per-
sonal channel to Infinite Intelligence. What is wrong is
not the idea, but your interpretation of it. You may have
misunderstood the real idea which was sparked. It may
have a deeper meaning than you can now or ever will un-
derstand. But if you cannot use it as you now understand
it, and if you can find no way to modify or improve it so
that you can use it-discard it and work only with ideas
which you do understand and accept as practical and use-
ful now.
The next chapter gives you a sure way to
SPARK IDEAS for improving anything you want to im-
Remember, the person who constantly im-
proves things (or suggests how they can be improved) is
the person who gets the credit, gets promoted, gets richer,
and perhaps even becomes famous.
One idea can make you rich! A dozen ideas will
make you richer . .. quicker!
Other chapters in this book will teach you how
to use, suggest and present your IDEAS for improvement
so that you get the credit, you get promoted, you get richer,
you become famous.
Constantly SPARK IDEAS by applying the en-
tire list of 61 Magic Questions in the next chapter to every-
thing which you want to improve (and everything can be
improved!) and you will get RICHER ... QUICKER!
Chapter 18
Get Richer . Quicker!
These 61 Magic Questions Will
Stimulate IDEAS For Improving
Anything ... Everything!
Anything can be improved. Anything! The per-
son who improves things, products, organizations, plans,
methods or anything-gets the credit, gets promoted, gets
richer, perhaps even becomes famous! One idea can make
you rich! A dozen ideas will make you richer . . . qUickerl
Ask yourself each of the following 61 Magic
Questions about whatever you want to improve.
Obviously, all or even most of the following
questions will not apply to everything. But consider each
question thoughtfully. Because some, several, perhaps
many of the following Magic Questions will apply to what-
ever you want to improve.
H you find only ONE question from this entire
list which applies to whatever you want to improve and it
SPARKS AN IDEA for improvement-you have hit the
iackpot! You will get promoted, get richer, perhaps even
become famous I One idea can make you rich! A dozen
ideas will make you richer . . . quicker!
The order in which the Magic Questions are
listed is not significant. The very last question may be the
IDEA SPARKER you need. So consider each question thor-
oughly. H it does not apply, it may spark other ideas or
stimulate other questions which will lead to valuable im-
provements. Thoughtfully consider every possibility. Im-
agine every alternative.
IDEA SPARKERS! The 61 Magic Questions:
( 1) What do you want to improve?
What thing, object, product, organization, plan, method-
anything-do you want to improve?
(2) What is the problem? Objective? Goal?
(3) What is the present situation? Condition?
(4) Who (or what) caused it? Why? When? Where?
(5) What may, can, should or must be done about it?
(6) Who should do it. You, alone? Or should you recruit
others to join you, to help you?
(7) Why is an improvement needed? When?
( 8) How do you think the object, product, plan, method,
anything-should be improved? Write down your own
ideas for improvement before considering the following
questions for IDEA SPARKERS.
(9) Can whatever you want to improve be made better
or more desirable by making it bigger? Enlargement has
greatly improved many things from food packages ('1arge
economy size"), to buildings, machinery, ships, and count-
less items. Think big!
( 10) Can whatever you want to improve be made better
or more desirable by making it smaller? Compactness is
increaSingly important as our world and our lives become
more crowded. Miniaturization has made much of modem
technology possible. Think small!
( 11) Can you make improvements by increasing numbers?
Elections are won by increasing numbers of voters. Organi-
zations expand and become more powerful by increasing
the number of members. Six-packs increase beverage and
food sales. Military superiority often depends upon in-
creased numbers of men, weapons, war-heads, etc. Adver-
tising depends upon increasing the number of readers who
will buy. Increasing numbers is a sure way to improve in
many fields.
( 12) Can you make improvements by decreasing num-
bers. By decreasing numbers, you often can improve qual-
ity, eliminate waste, improve efficiency, reduce costs. Con-
sider simplifying things by decreasing numbers (numbers
of parts, movements, packages, operations, replacements
(example: "solid state" components).
( 13) Can what you want to improve benefit by being com.-
bined with something else? The opportunities are endless
for improving by combining. The washer-drier laundry
unit and the refrigerator-freezer are obvious combinations
and there are thousands more.
(14) What can you add which will improve value?
( 15) What can you eliminate to improve efficiency, de-
crease costs, simplify?
(16) Can you improve by increasing speed? Increasing
speed increases productivity and usually reduces cost.
(17) Can you improve quality, safety, and decrease rejects
or employee stress by reducing speed?
(18) Can you reduce boredom by rotating jobs?
(19) How can you improve controls? Control technology
offers unlimited opportunities.
(20) Could you improve by increasing softness? Many fab-
rics have been made much more desirable by making them
softer--and that is only one of the countless examples.
(21) Could you improve by increasing hardness? Harder
metal alloys, cutting tools, resistant finishes are only a few
of many examples.
(22) Could you make what you want to improve easier to
obtain, use, apply, etc? The sure way to increased desirabil-
ity is make it easier!
(23) How can you simplify it? Make it less complicated?
Therefore more desirable; less expensive.
(24) What specific corrections should be made? Most im-
provements are made by correcting existing conditions.
(25) Can you change and improve the color? Color not
only can beautify but it has a powerful psychological effect.
Color-psychology is a wide-open field with unlimited ap-
plications and opportunities.
(26) Can you change and improve the material? Materials
for every purpose are so varied and their uses so remark-
able that they offer almost unlimited opportunities for im-
proving virtually everything! Constantly search for new
and improved materials. And search for new combinations
of materials.
(27) What changes in production would improve effi-
ciency, quality, output, etc.? Reduce costs, waste, labor?
Production methods change constantly so you not only
must suggest production improvements-but do it first!
(28) What changes in personnel are needed? More?
Fewer? More skilled? Training program? Motivation?
(29) What improvements can be made in your plan?
Check it against these Magic Questions. Almost every plan
can be improved at least 10 ways by intensive reviews.
( 30) What time changes would improve efficiency and
employee relations? Could time changes increase uses of
facilities, fixed overhead? Only 24-hour use ( including
maintenance) constitutes 100% efficient use of fixed over-
head equipment and property.
( 31) How can you better divide time allocations, person-
nel functions, operations, work-load?
( 32 ) How can you multiply results? Additions are good,
but multiplying will make you richer!
( 33) How cali you magnify desirable qualities to make
them appear even more desirable?
( 34) Can what you want to improve be made better or
more desirable by changing its shape. Thousands of prod-
ucts have used this simple method to achieve distinctive-
ness, efficiency, increased demand.
( 35) What qualities and characteristics should be re-
tained. Often eagerness to make changes sacrifices quali-
ties which should be retained. There is danger in being
suddenly too new and too different.
(36) What can be discarded advantageously? You will be
surprised at the number of needless things and methods
which you can get rid of and streamline your operation.
(37) Should you set a definite limit? The imposed restric-
tions of a definite limit are a useful and often necessary
control which should not be overlooked in managing many
(38) How can what you want to . improve be modified?
Often drastic changes are neither necessary nor desirable,
but some simple modification may produce sensational re-
( 39) How can you diminish danger and increase safety?
And thus appeal to one of the most primitive and power-
ful human desires: security.
( 40) How can what you want to improve be related to
and/or associated with something of established desir-
ability? "Tie-in" offers and cooperative ventures can be
arranged for mutual advantage, often with spectacular re-
( 41) How can you improve appearance? People, organi-
zations, products and things are judged by appearance.
Often appearance too greatly affects the judgment, but
that's how it is and you disregard this fact to your disad-
( 42) How can you activate? Increase activity? The old
saying that "action speaks louder than words" is as true as
ever. Action attracts attention, holds interest. Always has.
Always will. So increase activity.
( 43) Can you offer or improve your guarantee, insure
against defects or loss, eliminate or minimize liability? Can
you emphasize your guarantee through testimonials?
( 44) Can what you want to improve benefit by increased
purity and sanitation or by reduced harmful pollution?
( 45) Could any of the follOwing changes help? (a) ele-
vate, (b) lower, (c) stiffen, (d) make more flexible, (e)
reinforce, (f) strengthen, (g) refine, (h) invert, ( i) re-
verse, (j) rotate, (k) recycle, (I) condense, (m) expand,
(n) superimpose, (0) ocillate, (p) vibrate, (q) whirl, (r)
swivel, ( s) insulate, (t ) tighten, (u ) loosen, (v) make
more quiet, ( w) streamline, (x) automatic, (y ) seH-
regulate, (z) computerize.
(46) Would what you want to improve be better by being
made lighter? Or heavier?
( 47) Can you make it more convenient? Can you improve
distribution, supply, location, simplicity?
( 48) Can you increase happiness, enjoyment, fun? Can
you increase comfort, well-being, relaxation?
( 49) Are there possibilities in syndication, franchising,
(50) Can service, maintenance, repairing be improved?
Made easier, faster, less costly?
( 51) Can you make it more fashionable? Styles, fashions,
designs change very frequently. Keep apace or ahead.
( 52) Can you make it more impressive?
( 53) Are there possibilities in easier terms, simpler financ-
ing? Discount for cash, quantity, related purchase, immedi-
ate purchase?
( 54) Can you identify what you want to improve with a
favorable, easily remembered symbol? A major memory
factor is association.
(55) Can you make improvements in: (a) name, (b)
label, (c) trademark, (d) package, (e) design of any of
the foregoing?
( 56) Can what you want to improve be recommended by
accredited testing and convincing testimonials? Backed by
( 57) Can it be made more time saving? More labor sav-
ing? More money saving?
( 58) Could you more effectively use samples? A bonus?
Action-incentive? Inducements?
( 59) Could you profitably add an extra value, extra fea-
ture, extra ingredient, "mystery" ingredient?
(60) Will the improvements you suggest: Increase pro-
duction? Reduce costs? Improve quality? Increase sales?
Increase income? Increase profits? Provide security?
( 61) Will your improvement (a) give people more of
what they want and/or (b) less of what they don't want.
That is the ultimate test of any change. It determines suc-
cess or failure.
Anything can be improved. Anything! .
The person who improves things, products, or-
ganizations, plans, methods, anything-gets the credit, gets
promoted, gets richer, perhaps even becomes famous! One
idea can make you rich! A dozen ideas will make you richer
. k ,
... qmc er.
First, decide what you want to improve and
ask yourself all of the foregoing 61 Magic Questions as
IDEA SPARKERS to stimulate your thinking. Thought-
fully consider every possibility . Imagine every conceivable
As stated at the beginning of the preceding list
of questions, obviously all (even most) of the questions
will not apply to everything.
But, if you find only one question from the en-
tire list which applies to whatever 'you want to improve,
and if it SPARKS AN IDEA for improvement-you have
hit the iackpot!
Chapter 14
Get Richer ... Quicker!
You Can Create Profitable Ideas By
Using These Three Master Methods
There are three master methods you can use to
create profitable ideas.
Anyone of these three master methods will
make you richer . .. qUicker!
Here they are:
(1) DISCOVER something which always has
existed but the existence of which has not been known
before. (Examples: Newton's discovery of the Law of
Gravity. Or the discovery of new elements, new substances,
new methods based on new principles). This is the most
difficult of the three master methods. It will make you
famous but it probably will not make you as rich as the
following easier master methods.
(2) INVENT something which did not exist
before. An invention is simply a new arrangement of things
(which already are known) into something which is new
and different. (Example: Alexander Graham Belfs inven-
tion of the telephone.)
Of course, your invention need not be anything
as revolutionary and complex as the telephone, or radio,
or television, or gasoline engine, or any of the civilization-
changing inventions which first come to mind. lust look
about you and you will realize that every product (and
every method which produced that product) was an in-
vention! Few, if any products remain in their original forms
-without invented changes of some kind by some in-
vented method.
Everybody who will use his imagination and
think creatively can invent many things! Edison, who was
better at inventing than anyone, invented thousands of
things. He only bothered to obtain patents on 1,093 of his
many inventions.
But you do not have to be an Edison, or a
Franklin, or a Steinmetz. Almost every product you see or
use was invented by someone (since few products are used
in their original forms) .
Remember, all you need to do to invent some-
thing is to imagine a new arrangement of things which
already exist which changes them into something which
is new and different.
In the preceding chapter you were given the
61 Magic Questions which will enable you to SPARK
IDEAS about anything ... everything . .. to which you
apply the questions. And that brings us to the
third and easiest master method for creating profitable
(3) MODIFY something which already exists.
You need not change it entirely into a different product,
material, method or whatever-but into an improved one.
This is something you and everybody can and
should do often!
You always should have-alert in the "back of
your mind"-the urge to modify, change and improve
something ... everything I Because everything can be im-
proved! It is just waiting for someone (you?) to SPARK
AN IDEA for some modification and change which will
improve it.
It is simple and easy. All you need do is apply
all of the 61 Magic Questions to anything and everything
which you want to improve until several or many IDEA
SPARKS flash in your mind and set your creative imagina-
tion to building idea chains linking one exciting idea to
another even more useful idea so that by multiplying your
usefulness through the lessons of the following chapters
... you get richer ... quicker!
Chapter 15
Get Richer .. Quicker!
Your Idea Is The BEGINNING
Of A Reality
An idea is the beginning of a reality-or the
idea could not have been conceived in the first place.
It is Nature's Law that whatever can be con-
ceived, can be achieved.
There is no such thing as an idea without the
means-somehow-of somebody accomplishing it!
An idea is the beginning. It may be modified
and changed in the process of development and pedection.
But, in the beginning of anything, there first must be an
Knowing that your idea is the beginning of a
reality should give you the boldness to begin to develop it,
because as the great German philosopher, Gothe, wrote:
What you can do, or dream you can, BEGIN
it! Boldness has genius, power and magic in it."
There is an infallible Law of Cause and Effect.
An idea is a cause; what it produces is the effect ... re-
ality. Know that your idea can become a reality.
Infinite Intelligence did not plant an idea in
your imagination just to lead you on a fool's chase".
You may not recognize the potential of the idea
but it is there, nevertheless. So never reject an idea until
you have sought its potential in the 61 Magic Questions.
Every idea is the beginning of a reality. It is
greatly to your advantage to develop every idea which
comes to you-even though it may require modification
and change before it becomes a reality.
Let's face it! Without a constant flow of ideas,
you are stuck! Because ideas are the spark plugs of suc-
cess. Without the constant ignition of ideas, your success
motor will not operate, no matter how much fuel (money)
you have.
Without the constant sparks of ideas, the fuel
(money) produces no power.
So you see how vital a constant How of useful
ideas is to a business or any project.
If you produce that constant How of useful
ideas, you are indispensible! You can fill in the amount of
your own pay check!
One idea can make you rich. A dozen ideas will
make you RICHER . .. QUICKER!
Chapter 16
Get Richer Quicker!
Three Sure W ays You Can Get
Improve! Improve! Improvel
Three sure ways to get richer qUicker:
( 1) IMPROVE PRODUCTS: By "products" I
mean every tangible thing. Obviously, you are more likely
to spark ideas for the improvement of products which you
use, or make, or with which you are familiar.
Also, it is more likely that you will receive
greater and more immediate benefits from your improve-
ment of products in your own area of activity.
But since every product can be improved in
some way-usually in many ways-you also can spark
ideas for the improvement of products with which you are
not personally involved.
The French mathematician, Jules Henri Poin-
care, pointed out, "This subconscious work (inspiration or
"sparking ideas") is not possible, or in any case not fruitful,
unless it is first preceded and then followed by a period of
conscious work."
Personally, I think that sparking ideas for less
familiar products is possible and could be fruitful-but,
certainly it is more unlikely because when you are using
or making a product, you are implanting in your subcon-
scious (idea producing) mind familiar information which
can be rearranged, modified or changed to improve that
product. Then by continuing to develop the improved
product-actually or in your imagination-you test and
verify your new idea.
That is how most products have been invented
and developed to their present state. And that is how they
will continue to be improved by you and by people like
you. Remember, as stated in Chapter 11: seventy percent
of all IDEAS FOR IMPROVEMENT come from individu-
als (iust like you), not from professional researchers I
(2) IMPROVE METHODS: Methods of do-
ing almost everything are changing so rapidly and so dras-
tically that your opportunities to spark ideas for improving
methods are unlimited.
The same principles apply to improving meth-
ods as apply to improving p1'Oducts, so instead of my re-
peating them here, I suggest that you tum back to the
beginning of this chapter and substitute "methods" for
"products" .
Please be sure to do this because improving
methods is one of the easiest and surest ways to make
yourself more useful and thereby get richer .. . quicker! So
be sure to re-read the first part of this chapter, substituting
"methods" for "products".
Then, beginning right now, always think:
Form the habit of consciously-and) later) sub-
consciously-always asking yourself:
How can this product or method be improved?
How can this plan, activity) or organization be
Most people never know what to think about .
-creatively, constructively) excitedly. Of course, they
think the usual routine thoughts about the work they have
to do and their other daily activities but they seldom get
beyond thinking about routine) usually dull, daily events.
No morelll
At least) not for you, because you now have
entered the stimulating and exciting world of unlimited
creative thinking!
From now on, you have everything to think
about in the most stimulating and exciting way-how can
it be improved?
And there is no limit on your thinking when
you think creatively with deliberate imagination!
You do not accept any idea as "best", but you
continue thinking about how to improve your improve-
You check it against each of the 61 Magic
Questions and thereby consider every possible alternative
for further improvement.
So you have a lifetime of stimulating, exciting,
creative) constructive thinking ahead of you! You will spark
ideas for improving products, methods, plans, activities)
You will make yourself more useful!
And, thereby, get richer . . . qUicker!
But we have yet to explore the surest and most
rewarding way to use improvements to get richer . ..
(3) IMPROVE YOURSELF: When you im-
prove yourself, you instantly make yourseH more useful.
And, being more useful is the golden key to
getting richer . .. qUicker!
IMPROVING YOURSELF so that you will be
more useful and therefore more valuable-which assures
that you will get richer qUicker-is so important that the
many proven success methods for improving yourself can-
not even begin to be taught in the brief remainder of this
In fact, IMPROVING YOURSELF is so im-
portant that we shall devote many of the later chapters of
this book specifically to proven success methods which
will make you more useful and more valuable.
You will learn the many ways to IMPROVE
YOURSELF so that you will be more useful and therefore
more valuable-because that is the golden key to your
getting richer . . . qUicker!
But, first, learn how you also can get richer
qUicker by: (1) IMPROVING PRODUCTS, and (2) IM-
There are three easy-but absolutely neces-
sary-actions which you must use to get the biggest re-
wards for your IDEAS for IMPROVING PRODUCTS and
You willieam all three in the next chapter . . .
Chapter 17
Get Richer Quicker!
How You Can Get The Biggest
Rewards For Your IDEAS
A concealed idea has no value.
The only way you can get the credit, promo-
tions, increased wages, bonus payments, and all the other
rewards for having created an IDEA FOR IMPROVING
SOMETHING is to communicate your idea.
IDEA COMMUNICATION has three easy but
absolutely necessary steps. Read the following steps over
and over again. Study them. Think about them. Memorize
them. Write them on a reminder card and re-read them
Why? Because the following three steps are
the necessary actions for getting richer . .. qUicker:
( 1) THINK UP!
It's easy when you mow HOW!
So .. here's HOW:
( 1) THINK UPl Thinking up ideas for im-
pro g things is exciting and stimulating. Your thinking
wil take on a new dimension and purpose. You will de-
vel p a creative personality! Each new idea-even an idea
for small improvement-will build your success attitude.
You will look, act and talk like a success!
And every new idea you THINK UP will lead
to more ideas and more success.
Everyone thinks in thought chains. This is true
especially in thinking up ideas for improving things. One
idea will link to another idea . . . and another idea . . . and
another idea. So continue to expand and extend every idea
'you THINK UP into a continuing chain of ideas.
Here's how:
Simply apply the 61 Magic Questions to your
idea and you will spark a continuing chain of ideasl
That's right! First, use the 61 Magic Questions
to SPARK IDEAS. Then, ask those same idea-sparking
Magic Questions of the ideas, themselvesl The results will
be amazingl You will excitedly discover that you have at
your command a complete system for creating ideas, then
expanding them, and using them as spring-boards for more
So . . .. the first necessary step to your getting
richer qUicker is THINK UPI This was taught in detail in
Chapters 12 and 13. Instead of repeating the contents of
those chapters here, I suggest that you fe-read Chapters 12
and 13 now-because they teach the most successful meth-
ods of THINKING Upl Chapters 12 and 13 give you the
61 Magic Questions which enable you to discover and
evaluate every possible idea for improving anything. They
make it easy for you to THINK UP so you can ...
(2) WRITE DOWN! As soon as you spark an
idea-WRITE IT DOWN! Write it down at once! Do not
try to improve a new idea, or to develop it, or to complete
it in your mind as soon as it sparks. WRITE IT DOWN
first-in whatever state the idea sparks. The only safe
place for an idea (even a partial, incomplete idea) is on
After having safely recorded your idea on pa-
per-then you can look at it, concentrate on it, and THINK
UP every possible way your idea can be improved, using
the Magic Questions to spark ideas about your idea. Then
WRITE DOWN all rewted ideas-and new ideas which
this method will spark.
In WRITING DOWN ideas, use whatever
system suits your working style: 3 x 5 cards, notebooks,
8 ~ x 11 letter-size sheets filed in a drawer or cabinet, or
whatever method suits your style and convenience.
Because I deal with literally thousands of ideas
(often brief idea sparks), I use 3 x 5 cards which I file in
small metal file boxes, numbered and filed in large, fire-
proof, locked, metal filing cabinets. I clip closely related
ideas together. Then I file generally related ideas in the
same file box.
If you WRITE DOWN your ideas on 3 x 5
cards, select several to carry in your pocket. Use ideas on
3 x 5 cards for re-reading and study. Do not try to remem-
ber an idea-WRITE IT DOWN! Write it down instantly!
Then study it, refine it, improve it, complete it for per-
suasive communication.
WRITING DOWN every idea and keeping an
idea file is the second necessary step to getting richer
qUicker. The foregoing suggestions should be sufficient to
start you sparking ideas and to enable you to decide what
method you will use to WRITE DOWN and safely file your
ideas. So we shall proceed to the third necessary step to
your getting richer qUicker:
(3) SPEAK OUTI An idea, promptly written
down and safely filed away-has no value to you or any-
Getting richer quicker requires that you per-
suaSively communicate your idea to others.
You must SPEAK OUT about your idea. And,
of course, "SPEAK OUT" is used here, not in the limited
vocal meaning, but to emphasize that you must communi-
cate your idea to others by words, whether the words be
vocalor written.
Since I do not know your idea, nor your cir-
cumstances, nor your intended goal-the method for you
to "SPEAK OUT" about your idea is left to your own
good judgment.
The possibilities for communicating an idea
could be a casual suggestion to your employer (the: "1
wonder what would happen if we tried ... " technique as
described in the next chapter) ... or in a detailed, typed
presentation, impressively bound in an attractive cover ...
or an enthusiastic speech to a small or large audience.
U sing whatever method is appropriate, you
must "SPEAK OUT" about your idea ... where it will do
you the most good ... in whatever manner will most per-
suaSively present your idea.
You can be sure that when you SPEAK OUT
people will listen!!!
Because IDEAS are progress!
Because IDEAS are improvements!
Because IDEAS are money!
So, the three necessary steps for your getting
richer qUicker are:
Anything can be improved!
Everything can be improved!
You be the one who SPARKS THE IDEAS
for improvement and you will get the credit, you will get
promoted, you will become famous, you will get richer
qUicker . .. IF you constantly (1) THINK Upl . . . (2)
Chapter 18
Get Richer . Quicker [
Here Is The Proper And Respectful
Way To Suggest Your Ideas To
Your Boss
When you think up an idea which you believe
will benefit your company, suggest it to your employer in
a deferential manner which will get you credit for trying
to make yourself more useful-but without seeming pre-
sumptuous or incurring resentment.
Obviously, your employer has more knowledge
and experience than you do, so you will incur his resent-
ment if you give the impression that you think you know
more about the business than he does.
So always suggest your ideas in the form of
questions in the manner of simply asking his more experi-
enced opinion.
Here's how to do it:
Casually and courteously ask the appropriate
variation of one of the following or similar questions:
( a) What do you think would happen if (your idea)?"
(b) Suppose our company would test (your idea), do
you think it might . . . . . ?"
( c) "Do you think we could reduce costs by (your idea) ?"
( d) "Would it speed up production if we (your idea)?"
( e) "How do you think our customers would respond if
we (your idea) ?"
(f) ,"I wonder if. our employees would prefer (your
Those are enough examples to give you the
"Suppose M ethoa' of always suggesting your ideas to your
employer in question form.
The "Suppose Method" gives you the follOwing
advantages and safeguards:
You do not incur resentment by giving the im-
pression you think you are smarter than your superior. All
I you did was casually and courteously ask his more experi-
enced opinion.
If your idea has merit, you suggested it and
you will get the credit for trying to make yourself more
If your idea does not seem feasible to your
employer, he will tell you so and probably tell you why.
Then you can admiringly say, That is why I wanted to
get your experienced opinion before I tried to develop the
idea further." In that way, you tum the rejection of your
idea into a compliment to your employer.
If the circumstances seem appropriate, you
might add, "I try to think up ways to make myself more
useful to the company. I hope you won't object to my ask-
ing your opinion if I think I have a useful idea."
If your employer says he is not interested in
your ideas and that you should just do what you get paid
for-start looking for a more rewarding job in a more
progressive company.
The sure way to get promoted is to make
yourself more useful.
You attract your employer's favorable attention
by asking him how you can make yourself more useful.
Three proven success methods for making
yourself more useful are:
( 1) Improve products
(2) Improve methods
When you do these things to make yourself
more useful to a progressive "growth" company that has a
management which encourages and rewards improvement
-you will get richer . . . quicker!
Chapter 19
Get Richer Quicker!
Your Golden Road To Riches ...
A top management consultant says, "If you
don't have CREATIVITY (if you don't THINK UP IDEAS
for improvements), management will think you are as
brilliant as a burned-out light bulb. And you know what
happens to burned-out light bulbs!"
In all income-earning tests, CREATIVITY al-
ways pays off best.
The American Association of Applied and Pro-
fessional Psychologists compared the intelligence tests of
a group of high-salaried executives with the same intelli-
gence tests given to much lower paid employees. In three
of the four aptitudes tested, the two groups were equal.
But in the fourth test-CREATIVITY-the high-salaried
group was vastly superior. They earned higher salaries
because they were much more cmative.
It pays to THINK UP IDEAS!
When you think up and submit ideas for im-
proving a company, here is an inside tip from the nation's
top corporations:
These big employers report that almost all of
the suggestions they receive from employees require the
expenditure of more money. They say they would more
readily consider for promotion, an employee who thought
up ways of reducing costs and saving money.
Of course, thinking up ideas for company im-
provement is not limited to ideas for reducing costs and
saving money-but those are the ideas the employers want
However, thinking up ideas for any of the fol-
lowing company improvements will put you on the golden
road to riches:
( 1) Reduce costs
(2) Save money
( 3) Increase sales
( 4) Increase productivity
( 5) Increase profits
And there are thousands morel I could fill this
book with a list of urgently needed ideas in every phase
of business operation. And every idea for improvement of-
fers the opportunity of a promotion, bonus, wage increase
or other valuable reward.
When you get on the golden road to riches-
CREATIVITY-you will get richer . .. qUicker!
Get Ricber Quicker!
You Can Create Ideas By These
To create ideas for improvement in order to
get richer qUicker-the only sure, proven, scientific method
is for you to THINK UP ... WRITE DOWN ... and
SPEAK OUT ... your best ideas developed by lOgically
evaluating every alternative.
That is the purpose of my IDEA SPARKERS
stimulated by the 61 Magic Questions, described in Chap-
ters 12 and 13. By checking your ideas against those ques-
tions, you use the scientific method.
However, there are other ways to create ideas
-ranging from Yoga to floating paper boats in a bathtub.
In fairness, I want to give you these other
methods, too.
The Yoga method of <attracting" ideas is to
maintain an hour of silence, sitting still, neither reading
nor looking at anything in particular. Just an hour of silence
when you keep your mind "open for ideas", ready to re-
ceive but not seeking or trying-just patiently waiting for
whatever idea may come.
A variation of the Yoga method is to sit on
the Hoor in a dark room and look steadily at the flickering
flame of a candle-and wait for ideas.
Another method is to meditate in the solitude
and majesty of the mountains or in other places of beauty
and inspiration.
Beardsley RumL the Chicago University pro-
fessor, who was called the "national idea man", used to
lock himself up for an uninterrupted hour every day and
just let his mind roam at will. This method also is used by
other "professional idea-producers" and while it produces
random ideas, it does not focus on a needed idea. It is
called producing ideas by "dispersed attention". When you
are not seeking a specific idea, it is a good method.
A form of the "dispersed attention" method of
seeking ideas is to put a number of desired ideas in the
"works" at the same time and switch from one idea to
another as soon as an idea shows no signs of developing
at the moment. This was one of Edison's methods because
he worked on many ideas simultaneously.
Other idea producers also do not try to force
an idea which will not come, but instead of switching to
another idea, abandon the project altogether and switch
to a hobby or some other unrelated activity until the next
day or even longer.
Other "dispersed attention" methods are used
to get the conscious mind off of idea creation so that the
creative subconscious can work without interruption. They
are as varied as the individuals who use them:
A Hollywood script writer improvises on the
piano. Another idea-creator meditates in a church. Another
buys a new hat. Many just take a leisurely walk. Some take
long hikes. Others listen to their favorite types of music.
Some methods are weird. Don Herold's method was soak-
ing in a bathtub. So was Joseph Conrad's. Shelly added the
Hoating of paper boats in his tub.
Many idea-producers acclaim shaving, but
composer Brahms got his best musical ideas while shining
his shoes!
To each, his own!
But the scientific, lOgical, sure method for you
to create ideas for improvement and thereby get richer
quicker is for you to THINK UP ... WRITE DOWN ...
SPEAK OUT ... the best ideas perfected by considering
every alternative by checking whatever you want to im-
prove against everyone of the 61 Magic Questions in
Chapters 12 and 13.
I assure you it will make you richer quicker
than devoting an hour to contemplating the flickering Hame
of a candle or Hoating paper boats in a bathtub!
Chapter 21
Get Richer .. Quicker!
How You Can Maintain A
Continuous Flow Of Ideas For
Improving Things
When you THINK UP ideas for improving
things, WRITE DOWN every idea instantly.
Do not try to judge the merits of Meas as they
come to you. Especially, do not be critical of any idea no
matter how foolish or impractical you may suspect it is.
As soon as you start fudging and criticizing any
idea in a How or chain of ideas, the flow of ideas will stop.
And it may be difficult to start again.
So as soon as you THINK UP an idea, WRITE
IT DOWN instantly and continue to THINK UP related
ideas and WRITE THEM DOWN.
The secret of profitable idea creation is to
THINK UP and WRITE DOWN every possible alterna-
tive to every idea. List every possible variation. Use the 61
Magic Questions in Chapter 13 as a check-list to stimulate
alternatives and variations to every idea. But do not try
to judge, evaluate or criticize while you are creating.
Mter you have written down your ideas and
then listed every possible variation and alternative (and
there may be a hundred I ), then-and only then-should
you begin to judge, criticize and evaluate all of the varia-
tions, alternatives and possibilities.
But do not be too hasty in discarding ideas
which may seem to be impractical, foolish or just plain
ridiculous. Often it is better to test them first.
Years ago, I used to be National Bass Cham-
pion (so proclaimed Outdoor Life Magazine, April 1957).
At that time, my average catch was 28 bass every day I
fished, under all conditions. Later, I created ideas for catch-
ing more bass which increased my average catch to 60
bass every day I fished, under all conditions-all on arti-
ficiallures, many of which I deSigned myself.
The reason for mentioning this, is that this
unusual record was achieved, not by my skill (because
thousands of fishermen are much more skillful than I am)
but by creating ideas for improving ways to catch more
bass-especially in making and colOring my own lures and
creating unusual lure action.
Some of my ideas were so "ridiculous" that no
one else had ever tried them. Yet when I tried them, even
to my own surprise, these ridiculous" lures often made
sensational catches I
The foregOing personal experience is recounted
to emphaSize several points:
( 1) Creating ideas for improvement can be
applied to anything (even fishingl).
(2) Do not discard any idea just because it
seems to be ridiculous or impractical-until you TEST it
first. It may surprise even you by being sensationall
(3) Even if your initial idea does not work-
an alternative or variation of it may.
Here are some other PROVEN SUCCESS
METHODS for creating ideas to improve things:
When you want to THINK UP an idea, do not
just sit and look at a blank sheet of paper, waiting for the
perfect idea-or even a sensible idea.
Start writing at once! Write whatever comes to
your mind on the subject-or even any subject-no matter
how silly or dull. One famous writer starts each day's
writing by typing: The moon is made of green cheese."
Then he continues to type about the "moon" ... or "green"
... or "cheese" ... or whatever comes to his mind-until
he gets his imagination "warmed up" and his flow of
desired ideas started.
In starting and maintaining a flow of ideas, you
have to go for quantity and completely disregard quality.
First, capture every idea and every alternative
and every variation ON PAPER so that it cannot escape,
because ideas are elusive things and have a way of vanish-
ing in thin air, unless you WRITE DOWN everyone.
Later, you can judge, evaluate and test. But
not while you are creating.
And, do not stop creating ideas (and all alter-
natives and variations) too soon. Remember, an idea is only
a beginning-it is not the entire structure of an improve-
ment. Your idea may be the essential comer-stone-but it
is not the entire building.
Every idea must be supplemented by related
ideas and combined with them. It is by combining ideas
into a complete thought structure that plans are made and
projects started and improvements completed.
Every idea must be followed by the questions:
Wh I?" "N h P" "Wh if?" "s
at e se ... ow w at ... at.. .. up-
pose we tried . . . P"
You simply refer back to the 61 Magic Ques-
tions in Chapter 13.
And create ideas for improving things, meth-
ods, plans, organizations-whatever will make you more
useful and therefore more valuable.
So that you will GET RICHER ...
Chapter 22
Get Richer Quicker!
Learning Facts Is Not Enough! You
Must Apply IDEA POWER To Facts!
In any good, modem set of encyclopedias there
are more facts than you ever will learn.
Your employer can purchase such a set of en-
cyclopedias for about $500. All the facts always will be
available whenever he wants them. The encyclopedia
never is out to lunch, or taking a coffee break, or on vaca-
tion. The total cost is $500 (tax deductible), with no
employee Social Security tax payments or other employee
benefit payments of any kind.
Just $500 for all the facts.
So . . . if your sole usefulness to a business is
that you have gone to school and learned facts-even if
you know all the facts-your lifetime value to your em-
ployer would be $500. And that is all you should be paid:
$500 for life.
But most people do not even know all the facts
available in a $6 almanac. So on that basis, their total life-
time income should be $6. Actually, it would be more
convenient and more efficient for their employer just to
buy the $6 almanac.
So your bowing facts is worth a lifetime in-
come of $500 to $6, depending upon whether you are
equivalent to a set of encyclopedias or an almanac.
Facts are valuable only when they are activated
You will acquire value-get richer quicker-
to the extent that you (1) know useful facts, and then
(2) activate those useful facts by practical ideas, and (3)
thereby produce improvements and profitable progress.
A fact is static. It is documented information.
It is inactive. And when it is unused, a fact is unproductive
and therefore, produces no profit.
But an unused fact is an unused springboard,
because when it is used it has lifting power! Every fact is
a springboard to opportunityl
You will get richer qUicker in direct proportion
to your use of facts as springboards to lift your ideas to
great heights of improvements and profitable progress.
The golden road to great wealth is to learn
useful facts . . . which you constantly activate (usually by
combining them) through useful ideas ... into valuable
improvements and profitable progress ... thereby making
yourself more useful and more valuable ... so that you
get richer qUicker.
Acquiring great wealth is no more complicated
nor difficult than that.
You can do it. Anybody can do it.
It should be taught in all our schools where,
too often, most of the time is spent stuffing our youths full
of facts. Anatole France should be required reading for
all of our educators-at least, the following two brief sen-
"Let our teaching be full of ideas. Hitherto it
has been stuffed only with facts."
Every student should be taught three things:
(1) Useful facts, especially facts applicable to
a targeted occupation.
(2) Useful idea creation which combines,
adapts and converts useful facts into valuable improve-
ments and profitable progress.
(3) The methods of communicating the result-
ing valuable improvements and implementing the profit-
able progress.
These three learning essentials do not just ap-
ply to students in school. They apply equally to everyone
who studies at home for self-improvement. So, that is the
purpose of this book and my other books which concen-
trate on teaching PROVEN SUCCESS METHODS.
Without your learning and using PROVEN
SUCCESS METHODS (wherever you may learn them)
you simply cannot succeed.
The next chapter will teach the third method
listed above: how to communicate your ideas for valuable
improvements and implement profitable progress.
Its title:
Don't Just Think About Your Ideas For Im-
Chapter 23
Get Richer ... Quicker/
Don't Just Think About Your Ideas
For Improvements-DO
Just doing the work that comes across your
desk or work station will get you nowhere because you
only will be tust a human cog in the business conveyor-
easily and cheaply replaceable.
It is only when you THINK UP ... WRITE
DOWN ... SPEAK OUT ... with practical ideas for im-
provements-that you move up from being just a human
cog in the business conveyor ... to being the man who
designs a better conveyor ... to being the man who owns
the conveyor.
If you don't want to be just a replaceable cog
in your company's business machine:
( 1) You must THINK UP practical ideas for
improvement. Ask yourself everyone of the 61 Magic
Questions in Chapter 13, and WRITE DOWN every idea
which these questions will spark in your imagination con-
cerning whatever you want to improve.
(2) Study and evaluate every idea for im-
provement which you THINK UP and WRITE DOWN.
Combine, refine, modify, clarify your ideas into one or
more useful suggestions for practical improvements. Do
this at once. Do not "hold" your ideas awaiting some future
(3) Promptly SPEAK OUT about your ideas
for improvements, quietly, modestly and respectfully. Do
not announce your ideas as though they had been handed
down with the Ten Commandments. (Re-read Chapter 19:
"Here Is The Proper And Respectful Way To Suggest Your
Ideas To Your Boss.")
Learn the following PROVEN SUCCESS
METHOD recommended by one of the world's most suc-
cessful businessmen, Dr. William M. Scholl:
"You must go to work on an idea as soon as it
strikes you. If you wait for an ideal time and place to work
on it, you probably never will. Whenever you get an idea,
try it out. It is better to know for certain that it is no good
than to do nothing about it and wonder if it is good."
Never echold" an idea. When you "hold" an
idea, you block the free-How of other ideas which normally
will follow in a "chain" of related ideas for improvements.
Do not ''hide'' an idea. If you conceal an idea
it will shrivel and die from lack of exposure.
So immediately expose your idea for improve-
ment to the "elements"-the "elements" of expert opinion,
favorable or unfavorable. Let your idea get tossed about
in the storms of criticism and the deluge of suggestions for
improvement. Do not resent criticism and suggestions. Ev-
ery idea is nourished by the ideas of others. Welcome them.
Appreciate them. Openly say you are grateful for every-
body's suggestions.
Remember, they are discussing, focusing at-
tention on, and improving YOUR idea! And, even if some
of your ideas are not accepted immediately-it is much
better than being unnoticed!
Probably the easiest, best, most profitable way
to attract attention-favorably and memorably-is to sug-
gest useful ideas for improvements!
Always keep a lot of desirable idea options
Always keep a lot of practical, useful ideas-
submitted-and "in the works"!
Always keep a lot of developing idea futures"
in your subconscious "hopper"! Always keep your idea
production line filled with ideas being completed-moving
steadily forward to completion!
Always have many idea roads leading to your
life-goal! Then you will never be in an all-or-nothing,
make-or-break, do-or-die situation. You never will be under
pressure or feel anxiety about any project because it will
be only one of many idea roads, only one of many, and
perhaps even better, possibilities.
Decide right now that you are a do-something-
about-it" person!
Immediately, you will start getting more out
of life! More ideas! More action! More contacts! More
opportunities! More money!
You will get RICHER ... QUICKER!
Chapter 24
Get Richer . Quicker!
Sharpen Your Ideas On The
Grindstone Of Criticism
Do not fear criticism of your ideas. Welcome
criticism. Invite it. Learn from it and be grateful for it.
Sincerely express your gratitude for honest and helpful
The grindstone of criticism may be rough and
sometimes nOisy-but that is a sign it is sharpening your
Your ideas will not attract much attention un-
less they also attract some criticism. Few ideas are born
perfect. The only person who is smarter than anybody
-is everybody. So expose your ideas. Ask for opinions,
suggestions-yes, and ask for criticism.
Sharpen your ideas on the rough grindstone of
criticism. Do it deliberately-without fear or sensitive feel-
ings-because you simply are using one of the most effec-
But also expect-in addition to honest, helpful
criticism of your ideas-some ridicule and envy. Do not let
ridicule and envy hurt or disturb you.
It has often been said that ridicule is the real
test of an idea because ridicule will not stick unless the
ridicule is deserved. So if ridicule does stick and is de-
served, you will know that your idea needs modification
and improvement. So learn from that kind of ridicule as
you would learn from criticism (friendly or unfriendly).
However, your idea also will attract some
ridicule which Simply is the result of envy.
Envy may not be benevolent but it is a sure
sign of your superiority and a form of praise.
In fact, John Gay, the English poet, wrote,
Envy is a kind of praise."
And the Roman sage, Pliny, wrote, "Envy al-
ways implies conscious inferiority wherever it resides."
~ . To put the wisdom of Sydney Smith in this
same context: "Learn from your earliest days to inure your
ideas against envious ridicule; you can no more exercise
your reason if you live in constant dread of envious ridi-
cule, than you can enjoy your life if you live in constant
dread of death."
So . . . expose your ideas for improvement.
Communicate them modestly and welcome criticism which
helps you make them better so that they will be more
But although you communicate your ideas
modestly-do not do it timidly or fearfully. Do not dread
or resent envy, but accept it as recognition of your su-
Take satisfaction from the old proverb:
cCThose who envy y o u ~ pay you tribute. The
sure sign of failure is not to be envied by many."
Nobody kicks a dead dogl
Do not be intimidated by envious people who
criticize because of jealousy. Let all criticism How through
the strainer of practicality. You will be delighted by the
many golden nuggets you will acquire that wayl
I can verify that by my own experience. One
time a famous lawyer telephoned me after seeing me have
a rough time before a public commission. The lawyer
gruHly announced, "I am going to give you some free ad-
vicel" Which he did. That free advice (totally critical) has
been worth a fortune to mel
Another time, a small publisher telephoned me
long distance and announced that he would tell me in four
words how to stop making a costly mistake in book market-
ing. He did-in four words, tool His criticism saved me so
much money that I shudder to think what it would have
cost me to ignore that little, unknown publisher's criticism I
The lesson comes through loud and clearl Wel-
come all criticism. If you strain it carefully, you will acquire
many golden nuggetsl
Chapter 25
Get Richer .. Quicker!
How You Can Get Rich By
Suggesting Ideas Which Are NOT
Completely Perfected
The sure way to fail as an idea-creator is to try
to be perfect.
Thomas Edison was the best idea-creator. He
patented 1,093 inventions worth millions, and gave the
world thousands of other useful ideas which he did not
even bother to patent.
So we should learn from Edison.
He did not try to be perfect. He only tried to
create useful ideas-and make them available so that
everyone would have an opportunity to improve his ideas.
In fact, ALL of Thomas Edison's ideas have
been improved! Think of Edison's first "talking machine"
. . . which later was improved into a "phonograph" . . .
which later was improved into an electronic "stereo-phonic
system" ... and so on and on.
Or consider how many improvements have
been made in electric lighting from Edison's idea of the
incandescent lamp bulb.
In fact, you can become very rich just by sub-
mitting ideas which will not work at all!
The only requirement for a successful" idea
which will not work is that it can somehow, by somebody,
be modified, adapted, combined or improved so that it will
be useful.
Because YOU started a chain of ideas, YOU
will get the credit, get promoted, and get rich as the
originator, sharing the rewards with those who improved
YOUR idea into final, workable form. If you had not origi-
nated the idea, there would not have been anything to im-
Remember, every idea (whether it works or
needs to be further developed) is only a beginning. I never
have known of any idea-or any man-made thing-which
was perfect.
Every idea is improved over a course of time as
man's knowledge, technology and experience increases.
Ideas evolve! That's what evolution is all about,
and evolution applies more visibly to ideas than anything
else. The "survival of the fittest" applies to ideas as does
the need to adapt to changing conditions.
So do not be timid or hesitant in suggesting
and submitting your ideas. Your ideas need not be perfect.
Indeed, no ideas (even Edison's) ever have been perfectl
In fact, your idea need not even work" in its early stages.
It need be only a beginning. Without a beginning, there
can be no successful completion.
Do not confuse "failure" with defeat".
The basis of all idea-creation is CCfailing-
So do not let "failure" take something out of
you. Be sure each "failure" puts something into you.
None of your ideas will really "fail". Every idea
-failure or success-is simply a step toward creating
something. You will learn as much-or more-from your
failures as from your successes. (Personally, I have learned
-and therefore ultimately profited-much more from my
initial failures than from my initial successes).
Failures are an essential part of building suc-
cess. Failures created Lincoln and led to his greatness. All
successes and no failures created Napoleon and led to
Ten years of idea failures created the nickel-
iron-alkaline storage battery.
More than 17,000 idea failures created latex.
Are you afraid your idea will fail? Trying your
idea is simply one experiment to determine to what extent
it needs to be modified, adapted, combined and improved.
It is not a one-shot final test of success or failure; it is merely
a one-test experiment which, if you use the methods in this
book, will lead to your ultimate success and the rewards of
thinking up useful ideas.
Charles Kettering, the great inventive genius
of General Motors, told how they developed the Diesel
engine. He said they tried one failing idea after another for
six years until they finally found one idea which would
Was Charles Kettering a failure because he had
ideas which did not work the first time they were tried? His
ideas for the Diesel engine over a period of six years did not
work. Was he a failure? Not exactly. He modified, adapted,
combined and improved his ideas until he did develop the
Diesel engine-which was how he developed all of his
great inventions.
One would think there would be a more "scien-
tific" way, yet Charles Kettering when he was in charge of
research of the largest, richest, most productive corporation
in the world said that "trying one idea after another is the
only successful way we know."
Do not timidly hesitate to suggest your ideas
because they are not perfect (and never will bel) and be-
cause you are afraid they might fail the first experimental
test. So whatlll All ideas have to be modified, adapted,
combined and improved. All ideas evolve as knowledge,
technology and experience show ways to improve them.
As the old Italian proverb says: "He who never
fails, never grows rich."
The secret of getting richer qUicker is to FAIL
Chapter 26
Get Richer . Quicker!
GIVING AWAY Your Ideas Will
Make You Richer ... Quicker!
Sure, you've heard about the man who had an
idea, claimed it was an "invention", obtained a patent, be-
came a millionaire and received royalties for life.
But for every inventor who patents an idea,
there are literally millions of people who had ideas and did
NOT patent them-but who were rewarded by executive
attention, lucrative promotions, increased income, sugges-
tion bonuses, and who became richer quicker by this Simple
method of making themselves more useful (therefore, more
valuable) by constantly THINKING UP ... WRITING
DOWN ... SPEAKING OUT ... their ideas for improv-
ing products, materials, services, methods, organizations,
projects, plans, and everything which needs improving-
and everything does!
Of course, ideas which are original, unique in-
ventions of maior consequence should be patented if a
valid, legally-defensible patent can be obtained. It is ex-
tremely time-consuming, expensive, and an invitation to
threats and actual litigation by probably dozens of people
who have "patents applied for" on any and every alleged
invention which has any feature which is in any way sim-
iliar to one which your "patent applied for" claims to be
original and unique.
I do not want to discourage the proper appli-
cation for any valid, legally-defensible patent through the
professional services of a reputable, qualified attorney who
specializes in patents.
But I do not want this and the preceding chap-
ters to create a cult of "instant inventors", rashly applying
for patents at considerable loss of time and money-to the
enrichment of "invention" promoters.
So let us briefly review:
( 1) The purpose of this book is to enable you
( 2) By making yourself more useful . . .
( 3) And, therefore, more valuable . . .
(4) Through using the PROVEN SUCCESS
METHODS in the preceding and following chapters ...
(5) NONE of which requires that you become
an instant genius or engage in hazardous speculations . . .
( 6) But just by teaching you to use the simple,
sure methods which have enabled millions of people like
SO, the purpose of this book is NOT to lead you
to believe that you can invent and patent some miracle
contrivance which will make you a billionaire overnight-
but simply to encourage you to:
Simply by doing those three things with the
object of improving products, materials, methods, services,
organizations, projects, plans-anything and everything
within your own personal world-you will constantly be-
come more useful and therefore more valuable ... and
You accomplish all this by giving your ideas
Do not haggle and hassle over how much you
should be paid for each idea. That attitude will get you
more resentment than money.
Do not try to put a price tag on each idea.
You do not want money for each idea.
What you do want is the reputation for con-
stantly suggesting ideas for improvements.
That reputation will make you richer qUicker
than putting a price tag on each idea and then trying to
peddle it.
A business succeeds or fails based on its com-
petitive rate of improvement.
Therefore, any employee-at any level-who
constantly suggests ideas which increase the competitive
rate of improvement of any business will be increasingly
rewarded . .. first, by executive attention ... then, by
promotions . . . increased income. . . suggestion bonuses
. . . and the fob-security of being indispensable.
Which is what the next chapter is about ...
Chapte1' 27
Get Richer .. Quicker!
Your Only Job-Security Is To
Make Yourself Indispensable
It is the purpose of this book to teach you how
to get promoted to better and better jobs, each paying .an
increased income-so that you will get richer quicke1'.
Before you can do that, it is necessary for you
to make sure you can keep the fob you have so that you can
use your present job as a springboard to a series of increas-t
ingly better positions with more job-security.
There is no future in working in a job which is
going to be eliminated by improved technology and com-
puterized automation.
Nor is there a future in working in a declining
industry-or for an inefficient company-which obviously
cannot survive in the future.
The iceman no longer cometh and puts a large
block of ice in the icebox as was done when I was a little
boy. No more iceboxes (except coolers for outings; which
soon will not require ice) no more ice-wagons, no more
icemen. An entire industry . . . gone!
At one time in our nation's history, most em-
ployment was in farming-and in some foreign countries it
still is. Yet in the year 2000, in the United States, only S%
of the labor force will be employed in farming, as big cor-
porate farming replaces the small, single-family farms,
combining them into vast crop-factories.
Many years ago, when I was president of Rice
Consumer Service (U.S. Rice Industry), I produced a mo-
tion picture on rice agriculture in the United States in
which crop planting, fertilizing and insecticide-control all
were done by airplane, and harvesting was done by huge
combines. All of this now is commonplace with an increas-
ing number of crops, and by the year 2000 only 3% of job
availabilities will be in farming.
Only 16% of the total labor force in the year
2000 will be employed in actual manufacturing because
blue-collar labor will be replaced by fully computerized
automation. Labor unions may strike in protest, but strikes
cannot replace jobs which no longer exist.
The remaining 81 % of all future jobs will be in
DEALING WITH PEOPLE-in the professions and in
other people-services.
So ... the first essential of job-security is to
have a job in an industry and in a business and in an occu-
pation which has a growth future.
While having such a job is essential for job-
security-it does not guarantee fob-security. It only makes
it possible provided that you can make yourself more valu-
able than all of the other eager applicants seeking that
same fob-YOUR fob. Competition for jobs will increase.
You only have to consider the statistics pre-
sented in the first part of this chapter to realize that there
will be so many millions of people seeking different jobs
that the competition for each and every still-available job
will be terrific!
And many of those people will be eagerly seek-
ing YOUR fob!
So you have to establish a reputation with your
company's management:
( 1) That YOU are more valuable than anyone
who might seek to replace you-because you constantly
prove to your management ...
(2) That YOU are indispensable to your com-
pany as a constant source of ideas for improving products,
materials, methods, services, organizations, projects, plans
and everything which needs improving-and everything
Why will the preceding two qualities make you
indispensable to a growth company?
Because a business succeeds or fails based on
its competitive rate of improvement.
Therefore, any employee-at any level-who
constantly suggests ideas which will increase his company's
competitive rate of improvement is absolutely indispensa-
ble to his company.
Doing this will make you so indispensable that,
should your job be eliminated by computerized automa-
tion, your company will place you in another job because
no company in today's competition can afford to lose a con-
stant source of ideas for improvement.
Many companies have research departments
which constantly work on ideas for improvements, but
their urgently necessary work usually is focused on improv-
ing products, materials and methods.
For the future, I envision TOTAL IMPROVE-
MENT, under a Vice President in Charge of Improvement,
with a creative department of idea-people who will work
to improve every detail of the company's operations from
materials acquisition to customer satisfaction.
In the meantime, in order to assure your own
job-security and to get richer qUicker-you can be a one-
Here's how:
( 1) Make a list of your company's products,
materials, methods, services, organizations, projects, plans
and everything which needs improving-and everything
does, because everything can be improved.
IMPORTANT! Do this as best you can, to the
best of your own knowledge and unobtrusive observation.
Do NOT go prying around, "poking your nose" into com-
pany operations and other people's jobs with the an-
nounced intention of improving them! Remember, you are
NOT Vice President in Charge of Improvement . .. yet!
So, don't act like it. That is the surest way to become so un-
popular that you promptly will get fired-if you survive!
Be very discreet and unobtrusive. Do NOT ask
prying, unwelcome questions. Above all, do NOT tell any-
body that you are looking for things to improve!
. Just privately list your company's products,
materials, methods, services, organizations, projects, plans
and everything you can think of without prying into other
people's jobs and company business. You will be able to
privately compile a long enough list for a years suggestions
without offending anybody. The number of things which
can be improved in any business is almost unlimitedl
Then, apply each of the 61 Magic Questions
(in Chapter 13) to each item on your list-one item at a
As ideas for possible improvements begin to
spark in your mind, write them down instantly. Concen-
trate on one item on your company list at a time--even for
a week or longer-and write down every idea for improv-
ing that one detail of your company's operation.
Then, as explained in Chapter 18, when you
have developed an idea for improvement which you believe
will benefit your company, suggest it to your employer in a
deferential manner which will get you credit for trying to
make yourself more useful-but without seeming pre-
sumptuous or incurring resentment.
A suggestion for improvement implies criticism
unless it is modestly and deferentially stated. As explained
in Chapter 18, by far the best way to suggest your ideas is
in the form of questions in the manner of simply asking a
more experienced opinion.
Ask your employer such questions as:
"What do you think would happen if our com-
pany tried (your idea) ?"
"Suppose our company tested (your idea), do
you think it might ... ?"
"Do you think we might reduce cost if (your
idea )?"
Re-read Chapter 18 for more suggestions for
submitting ideas without seeming presumptuous or causing
If your idea does not seem feasible to your em-
ployer, he will tell you so and probably tell you why. Then
you can admiringly say, "That is why I wanted to get your
experienced opinion before I tried to develop the idea
Your employer cannot resent your asking his
experienced opinion about an idea which you hoped would
help his b u s i n e s s ~
However, if your employer does bluntly dis-
courage your having ideas which might improve his busi-
ness and your asking his experienced opinion of them, then
start looking for a more rewarding job in a more progressive
Today, successful management realizes more
than ever that many of the best and most practical ideas
for improvement can come from employees at all levels.
So the most progressive companies have established pro-
grams to encourage employee suggestions.
Employee "idea suggestion boxes" are placed
throughout the offices and plant. Cash bonuses are offered
and Widely publicized throughout the organization. The
amount of each cash bonus is based on the value of the
suggestion and an employee's cash bonus may amount to
thousands of dollars for just one highly profitable sugges-
tion. Most "employee suggestion bonuses" are in the hun-
dreds of dollars. Usually, at least a small token bonus is paid
for each suggestion (even if it has little value) to encour-
age continued employee participation in thinking up ideas.
Big companies, like General Motors, have paid
bonuses totaling millions of doUars to employees for sug-
gested improvements.
Employees, who really concentrate on thinking
up ideas for improvements, sometimes earn more from
"suggestion bonuses" than their pay checks I
But the principal value of your constantly sug-
gesting ideas for improvements is that you will build a
reputation with management that you are indispensable to
your company as a constant source of ideas for profitable
And because a business succeeds or fails based
on its competitive rate of improvement-you will make
yourself indispensable, assure your job-security, get pro-
moted, get increased income-GET RICHER QUICKER!
Chapter 28
Get Richer Quicker 1
What This Nation Needs Is An
When our national and especially the world
population expanded with suddenly alarming growth, it
was dramatized by the term: population explosion.
I want to urge you and the thousands of other
readers of this book to join me in promoting the idea that
what this nation needs is an IDEA EXPLOSION!
Talk it up at every opportunity. Write Letters
to the Editor or Readers' Points of View of your local news-
It took World War II to start the last IDEA
EXPLOSION in this nation. The public, not the research-
ers, mind you, but the general public suggested ideas for
improving war materials production which saved Uncle
Sam five billion dollars! (U ninHated dollars of those days. )
The civilian employees of the War Department
thought up 20,069 new ideas which saved $43,793,000 in
18 months! Employees at one Navy Yard submitted 900
ideas for improvement in just two weeks!
But we don't need a war as an incentive for an
IDEA EXPLOSION. We are faced with a devastating
crisis-NOW-in almost every situation in this nation and
throughout the world I
We have a food crisis (more people are starv-
ing to death throughout the world right now than were
killed in all wars!).
We have a monetary crisis, an inflation crisis,
a gold crisis, an interest rate crisis, a money supply crisis
. . . and more, much morel
We have a crime crisis, a drug-abuse crisis, a
morals crisis ... and more, much more.
We have a governmental crisis with incredible
waste, unquestionable inefficiency and, too often, question-
able morality.
We have a fuel crisis, an imported materials
crisis, an unstable balance of trade crisis, an export crisis.
Well, there is no point in further continuing to
list all of our crises. You name it-and we've got a crisis
in it!
It would be interesting-but futile-to try to
document how this nation and the world ever got into such
a mess!
But it will be more constructive to THINK UP
... WRITE DOWN ... SPEAK OUT ... concerning
ideas for improvements!
We have had enough bunglinglIt is high time
we started having ideas for improvements!
This nation needs an IDEA EXPLOSION!
Why do we need an IDEA EXPLOSION?
In one word: SURVN ALlII
For too long, we have depended almost entirely
on disorganized, over-educated, under-experienced ''brain
( ?) trusts" for ideas when we should have been getting
practical ideas from the people who really know-the mil-
lions of people who are actually doing the work, making
the products, using the equipment, providing the services,
and ultimately paying for everything!
We need to get rid of our "ivory towers" and
their economics of disaster.
We need to get rid of our amateur "game
plans" which have led from one victorious national catas-
trophe to another.
We need to remove every cause of the sus-
pected trend toward "government by the highest bidder".
We need to stop the "price-wage spiral" before
we can no longer pay either the prices or the wages.
And we need not only government by the peo-
ple-but IDEAS by the people!
That's what this chapter is about: IDEAS by
the people!
If business will eagerly encourage every
employee, at every level, to THINK UP ideas for improve-
ment related to his job-the improved methods, proce-
dures, products and services will create a nation of
unlimited abundance and a secure prosperity for every-
If all of our mass media will eagerly encourage
every citizen, at every level, to THINK UP ideas for im-
provement for the products and services which affect their
lives-we can transform national apathy into the excite-
ment and enthusiasm of making everything better I
This nation needs an IDEA EXPLOSION ...
and here's how to get it:
All businesses of every kind and size should have
continuous suggestion incentive programs for all em-
ployees, at all levels, and should intensively promote their
suggestion programs by placing idea suggestion boxes
throughout their offices, plants or stores, featuring their
earnest desire for employee suggestions-on posters
throughout their premises, in their employee publications
or in folders given each employee.
Cash awards should be substantial and at least
some award or recognition should be given for every gen-
uine suggestion submitted.
Every business, depending upon its size, should
have a department or at least an individual whose primary
function is to encourage, obtain, reward and properly
channel for evaluation and possible use-all ideas for im-
The great British economist and management
counselor, Herbert N. Casson, wrote, a generation ago:
"An efficient firm must be an organized friendship." How
strange that now seems when at labor-strike meetings the
workers jeer and curse the employers who prOVide their
jobs, and at management meetings the attitude is similarly
In fairness, let me add that there are some ex-
ceptions, even though, regrettably, they are not sufficiently
spectacular and inflammatory to rate television and other
news coverage.
Nevertheless, the way to improve employee-
management relations is for management to encourage
employee involvement and participation in functions too
often reserved solely for management, and for employees
to cooperate by participating in such mutually advantage-
ous projects as idea suggestion programs.
Perhaps labor and management can move
closer to becoming an c'organized friendship" through
working together on ideas to improve the business from
which both derive their incomes.
Businesses should not limit their search (and
awards) for ideas for improvement only to their own em-
ployees. Separate campaigns seeking customer suggestions
for product and customer service improvements should be
a part of every advertising campaign.
Customers and potential customers would have
a much higher regard for a company which devoted some
of its advertising to seeking ideas for product and service
improvement than they now have for companies which
sell products and services that could be materially im-
proved if the companies earnestly sought the ideas and sug-
gestions of all customers and prospective customers. Put
your customers on your "team".
Suggestions from prospective or lost customers
would reveal why they are not now buying-so that the
business could offer them more of what they want and less
of what they don't want. To find out-just ASK I
Even though most people will not send in ideas
for improvement, everyone will appreciate being ASKED
and will have a higher regard for a company which sin-
cerely and earnestly is trying to supply the kind of products
and services its customers want and to eliminate those
things which annoy and alienate customers and prospects.
Every newspaper, magazine and business pub-
lication should devote a regular feature column or page to
Ideas for Improving SOMETHING" submitted by read-
ers. This should be separate from "Letters to the Editor"
and "Readers' Views" pages which demonstrably are not
focused on ideas for improvement. Many readers would
welcome this means of suggesting their ideas.
Every television and radio station should have
regular programs for broadcasting and giving credit for
"Ideas for Improving SOMETHING"-and intensely pro-
mote the sending in of such ideas by listeners. Everybody
has-or can think up-an idea for improving something.
Thinking up ideas is contagiOUS. Television and radio pro-
grams which would stimulate and broadcast listeners' ideas
for improvements-ranging from civic improvements to
household hints-would be welcome and interesting addi-
tions to television and radio programing.
Schools, beginning in the early grades and con-
tinuing through college, should have weekly classes on the
techniques of creating ideas for improving things. Such
classes should begin with specific projects as focal points
for class attention, for example: "What ideas do you have
for improving job procurement for graduating students?"
would be a rewarding idea project for senior classes. And
"What ideas do you have for making learning more fun?"
would be stimulating for almost all grades.
Later, after creative idea techniques are devel-
oped, idea classes should be uninhibited, freewheeling
discussions of ideas for improving everything.
There should be challenges, too, in the form of
contests: "Who will be the mst to submit in writing a list
of practical ideas for improving a hundred different
things." No, a hundred is not too many, considering that
anything and everything can be improved by creative
thought (review the 61 Magic Questions in Chapter 13).
As Sherwood Anderson said, "The whole obfect
of education is, or should be, to develop the mind. The
mind should be a thing that works." And, what better way
to train minds to work than to stimulate them to think up
ideas for improving things?
One of the best places for such training is in
the home. And, idea stimulation should not be confined
to the children in the home. While "thinking up" should
be taught and practiced at an early age, it also is essential
for adults as the best means of keeping their minds flexible
and adaptable to change.
Psychologists say that most people, organiza-
tions and businesses suHer from what is known as "tradi-
tion paralysis." They become paralyzed in previously es-
tablished thought and action patterns. They become
mentally, emotionally and phYSically incapable of moving
in any other than their established patterns.
But as W. O. Douglas said, "Security can only
, be achieved by constant change, through discarding old
ideas that have outlived their usefulness and adapting
others to current facts."
We must continuously create new ideas for
adapting ourselves to constant changes as they occur or we
shall suffer the fate of the now-extinct species which failed
to adapt to change through evolution.
The consequences of failing to adapt to change
during one human lifetime is not "species" extinction, of
course. Extinction is more gradual than that. Extinction
occurs in a continuing series of losses. The type of business
in which you now are employed may become extinct. Your
job may become extinct. Your income may become extinct.
The only thing you can be sure of is change.
How can you cope successfully with change?
You must do these three things:
( 1) Accept the inevitability of change and
expect it. Prepare for change-confidently.
(2) Anticipate the direction and manner of
change so you will profit by it.
( 3) Learn to manage change!
To manage change, you must anticipate the
direction and manner of change. Because the change will
not as yet have occurred, you must first visualize and deal
with the change in your imagination.
And you must imagine boldlyl
For, as John Dewey taught us, "Every great
advance in science has issued from a new audacity of

Dare to imagine the impossible I Dare to stretch
your imagination to the very limit of the impossible-then
beyond that, because out there lies the future, waiting to
be discovered!
Chapter 29
Get Richer . Quicker/
The Following Chapter-Lessons Are
Especially Selected From A Thousand
It was necessary, in the preceding chapters, to
explain the methods in some detail because such success
methods as the 61 Magic Questions obviously could not be
However, I want to compress as many
PROVEN SUCCESS METHODS as possible in this book.
My forty years of research, testing and compiling proven
success methods have resulted in three personal libraries
and fifteen private files of methods used by the most suc-
cessful men and women in history to achieve their leader-
ship, power, wealth and fame. This amounts to more than
a thousand different success methods which I want to make
available to everyone who really wants to succeed.
In order to bring all of these proven success
methods to every ambitious person in compact book form
for home study, I am publisping them in a series of books
which will constitute a complete PROVEN SUCCESS
METHODS LIBRARY of which this is the fourth book.
I want to power-pack as many proven success
methods as possible into each book and, because the pre-
ceding chapters required necessary details and therefore
were longer than usual, I shall devote the remainder of this
book to giving you proven success methods in brief, com-
pact chapters so that I can give you as many methods as
possible in this book.
The purpose of this explanation is to assure you
that, because a proven success method is stated briefly in a
short chapter, does not mean that it is any less important
and valuable. It may be more important to you than a
method which requires a more lengthy description.
These are the methods used by the most suc-
cessful men and women to achieve their leadership, power,
fame and wealth. They are not limited fust to making
These are the successful methods which YOU
can use for self-improvement, solving problems, overcom-
ing handicaps, surmounting obstacles, attaining your high-
est goal in life . . . getting whatever you want!
These are the methods which, in addition to
other achievements, will enable YOU TO GET RICHER
But what is more important is that the methods
in this book are not limited fust to making money-but to
making you a totally successful person.
For example, you will learn how to avoid half
your troubles . . . in the next chapter.
Chapter 80
Get Richer .. Quicker/
How You Can Avoid Half Your
Humorist Josh Billings wrote (with more wis-
dom than humor): "One half of the troubles of this life can
be traced to saying "yes" too quickly and not saying "no'
soon enough."
Well, there you have it. How to avoid half of
your troubles I And, this time, Josh Billings wasn't kidding.
He was stating a PROVEN SUCCESS METHOD. It comes
in two parts:
( 1) Do not be too qUick in saying "yes".
(2) Do not be too slow in saying "no".
Let's have a closer look:
( 1) Being too qUick to say "yes" accounts for
all of the countless mistakes which result from: ( a) not
first obtaining all of the relevant facts, (b) not first intelli-
gently considering every possible alternative, (c) not first
thinking the proposition lOgically through to its conclusion.
Eager, impetuous youth rushes into trouble by
being too qUick to say "yes". The worn come-on that
"everybody's doing it" is too often irresistible to inexperi-
enced youth. And it is often equally irresistible to gullible
non-thinkers of every age.
A proven success method is to view with suspi-
cion any proposal which does not permit time for thought-
ful consideration of facts, alternatives, consequences.
Any proposition which insists on an "instant
yes', a pressured acceptance without time for thorough
consideration, should be flatly rejected.
Do not pride yourself on your "intuition" to the
extent that you gullibly substitute your "intuition" for logic
based on facts. The proven truth is that "intuition" can be
manipulated by any con man, or even by anyone who
knows a few "emotional trigger words".
(1) Do not be too quick in saying "yes".
(2) Do not be too slow in saying "no" .. This is
not to suggest that you be a "no-person", but that you
"k "
e a now-person.
Being a "know-person" means that before you
say "yes" or "no", you first (a) obtain all the facts, (b) in-
telligently consider every possible alternative, (c) think
the proposition logically through to its conclusion.
When you use this proven success method of
being a "know-person", you will decide without worrying
later about the outcome.
You will do as the great psychologist, William
James, prescribed: "When once a decision is reached and
execution is the order of the day, dismiss absolutely all
care (anxiety) about the outcome."
You will not keep looking back anxiously over
your shoulder. You will take the get-richer-quicker advice
of successful oilman Waite Phillips, "There comes a time
when we must decide and act and never look back."
Look straight ahead. That's where your future
is! And, remember, your future is an extension of today.
So if you are (1) too quick in saying "yes", or (2) too slow
in saying "no"-the consequence will be your future!
Your future is too important to entrust to "in-
tuition" which can be manipulated by a few "emotional
trigger words".
Your future deserves nothing less than your
learning and using the proven success methods of the men
and women who have attained whatever they wanted in
As you learn proven success methods, you will
learn that much advice which has been so freely tossed
about-fust isn't sol
For example, you will learn that the of ten-
given admonition to "be yourself" can be the worst possible
advice I
And you will Ie am why . .. in the next chapter.
Get Richer .. Quicker 1
"Be Yourself" Can Be The Worst
Possible Advice!
For as many years as I can remember, personal-
ity counselors and assorted advisers have been advocating:
be yourself.
Of course, you cannot be anyone elsel But the
intent of all this be yourself' advice is, in addition to
Hattery for whatever purpose, to warn you against trying to
be like other people"-even very successful people!
If you want to be Hattered into being your-
self' and staying the way you now are, then there is no
sense in studying this book because its specific purpose is
to teach you how to be like the successful people who
notably have achieved high positions of leadership and
power, and who have attained great wealth, fame and
whatever they wanted in life.
If YOU want leadership, power, wealth, fame
-or whatever are your highest goals in life-the only way
you can achieve them is to develop the successful personal
qualities and use the methods which have been proven
successful by others in achieving those goals.
As you develop more successful personal quali-
ties and use more successful methods, you will change.
And that's good! Nobody ever became more successful
without changing for the better! The more you change for
the better, the more successful you will bel And the more
secure you will bel
The dinosaur was the largest animal which ever
lived. Apparently that seemed reason enough to "be your-
self back in those early times. Anyway the dinosaur never
changed and, therefore, became extinct.
It has always been so. And it is so now. It is
not enough just to continue to "be yourself. Success re-
quires continuous change-change into a more successful
personality using more successful methods.
Don't get stuck with the presentl The reason
for studying this book is to improve on the present by
changing it for the better.
Change to improve yourself-with every
PROVEN SUCCESS METHOD you learn. The sole pur-
pose of this book is to teach successful methods of self-
improvement. Self-improvement IS change!
So each chapter teaches another lesson in self-
improvement--change for the better!
You can improve only by changing!
Do not resist change. Seek change eagerly as
you study the following chapters.
Chapter 82
Get Richer ... Quicker!
How Would You Like To Have
You As Your Boss?
Your imagination can be a great teacher.
In your imagination, you can visualize all sorts
of interesting and challenging situations-and then you
can practice deciding how you would meet the imagined
challenge or handle the imagined situation.
Practicing in your imagination can help you
improve your responses and methods without having to go
through each actual experience (as taught, in detail, in my
book Thoughts To Build On).
For example: How would you like to have YOU
as your boss?
Do you have the necessary leadership quali-
ties? How would you correct poor workmanship byem-
ployees working under your superviSion? How would you
handle employees' complaints and grievances? How would
you motivate your employees to do better work? What
employee incentive programs would you use. Why? What
changes would you make? How would you improve things?
Those are just a few of the many questions you
should ask yourself in the imaginary situation of YOU as
the boss.
Your answers to those questions will reveal
how much and precisely what you will need to learn to
qualify for your boss' position. And for even higher posi-
tions of leadership in your company and in your industry.
Or, if you already are an executive, take a long,
hard look at yourself by imagining that YOU are each of
your employees-one by one.
If you were Joe, how would you like to have
YOU as boss? Be Joe, in your imagination, and think of all
the things Joe would like YOU, his boss, to do.
As Joe, in your imagination, think if YOU
would be a better supervisor for Joe if you had a more
pleasant disposition, or were more considerate of Joe's
problems, and more helpful, personally, in solving them.
Then, in your imagination, take an e m p l o y e e ~ s-
eye view of YOU, as boss, from the viewpoint of each
individual employee.
Try honestly to see yourself as others see you.
Everyone needs to do this, whatever his or her position in
life-at work and at home.
Everyone has his own little wagon to pull
through life. You cannot pull yourself forward in your own
wagon. You only can pull someone else forward in your
wagon. But notice ... in pulling someone else ahead, you
also move ahead-and YOU are in front!
Chapter 88
Get Richer Quicker!
How You Can Persuade Others To
Do Whatever You Want Them To Do!
One of the nation's top executives sars, "If you
develop the ability to persuade others to do whatever yoo
want them to do, you don't need anything else. If you do
not have that ability, it doesn't matter what else you have."
Well, that lays it on the line. Either you learn
this or you don't get richer ... quickerl
So, let's get started-knowing that we cannot
cover such an important subject in this one chapter. There
will be more chapters on "how you can persuade others"
throughout this book, and I have written a 71-chapter book,
How To Get Whatever You Want, which covers the sub-
ject more completely.
There is much to learn-and all the methods .
will be revealed to you-but the first thing to learn was
plainly stated by the top executive quoted at the beginning
of this chapter: "If you develop the ability to persuade
others to do whatever you want them to do, you don't need
anything else. H you don't have that ability, it doesn't
matter what else you have."
We begin with the teaching of Joseph Joubert:
"We may convince others by our arguments; but we only
can persuade them by their own."
And let us hasten to point out that "convincing
others by our own arguments" leaves us holding an empty
bag, because as the time-tested proverb tells us: "A person
convinced against his will; is of the same opinion, still."
(And probably your enemy, besides.)
The proven success method is to persuade (not
convince) others by using their own stated opinions as the
best way to do what you want them to do.
Here's how to do it:
( 1) Never state your opinion or position on a
matter FIRST.
(2) Always get the other person's opinion
(3) Then AGREE that the other person's rea-
sons are precisely why a certain course of action (leading
to what YOU want) is the agreed upon way to procede.
(4) This is known as "tailoring" the other per-
son's opinions to more nearly confonn to yours, while you
are enthUSiastically AGREEING with them, espeCially as
they are "tailored" (modified) toward your objective.
(5) You probably will have to "tailor" your
own positions somewhat and, in fact, should enthusias-
tically agree to all modifications in your own positions EX-
CEPT the accomplishment of your obfective (which
should, increasingly through your "tailored" negotiation,
114 .
begin to become the other person's objective, too!).
( 6) In fact, you can afford to lose, graciously
and agreeably, every point as long as it is "tailored" to
accomplish YOUR obfective.
Never try to convince others with your argu-
ments which are in conflict with theirs.
Always AGREE with their opinions and gradu-
ally "tailor" them so that their opinions actually support
whatever you want.
To do this requires that you keep the other
person talking about his opinions so that you can find more
which are subject to "tailoring" to support your objective.
This is not an easy technique to perfect, but as

we quoted one of the nation's top executives: "If you
develop the ability to persuade others to do whatever you
want them to do, you don't need anything else. If you do
not have that ability, it doesn't matter what else you have."
So it will be well worth your time to re-read
and study this chapter ten times-or a hundred times-
because it teaches a necessary ability for your getting
richer . . . qUicker!
Chapter 34
Get Richer . Quicker 1
You Get Richer Quicker When You
Then Fulfill "Eager Wants"
In persuading people to do what you want
them to do, the proven success method is to arouse in
others what psychologists call an "eager want"-then ful-
fill it!
An "eager want" is the activation of a powerful
subconscious desire.
Power with people is possible only by fullling
one or more of their basic subconscious needs. These are
described in detail in my book, How To Get Whatever You
Want, so we shall not take space here to do more than
list some of the basic subconscious needs of everyone you
meet every day.
This will teach you some of the .. eager
which you can activate-and then fulfill-every day, so
that your personal popularity and influence will skyrocket!
Here are some of the basic subconscious needs
of everybody. When activated, they become the eager
wants" which you can fulfill and make yourself desirable
as a fulfillment source:
(1) Fulfill the eager want" of everyone to be
ADMIRED. Always enthusiastically express your sincere
admiration of some quality or possession of everyone.
(2) Fulfill the eager want" of everyone to be
APPRECIATED. Famed psychologist, William James,
taught: The deepest craving in human nature is the crav-
ing to be appreciated."
( 3) Fulfill the eager want" of everyone to
feel IMPORTANT. Many psychologists consider this to be
the most powerful motivation because it is the principal
drive behind ego-actions. This was the teaching of the
great educator, John Dewey.
(4) Fulfill the eager want" of everyone to feel
NEEDED. When a person feels no longer needed, even
life, itself, loses meaning and value. You can render no
greater service than to make everyone feel needed. Your
reward, in gratitude alone, will be worth many times your
thought and effort.
You must do this every day with everybody you
meet, phone or to whom you write.
Deep in the subconscious of everybody are
powerful personal needs. These subconscious needs may
or may not be apparent from appearance or conduct, but
they are the constant subconscious desires of every person.
By your constantly fulfilling these eager
wants" of everybody you meet, phone or write-your per-
sonal popularity and influence will skyrocket!
Chapter 35
Get Richer ... Quicker!
Be A Winner!!! ... In "The Pleasing
Game Of Interchanging Praise!"
Oliver Wendell Holmes described friendship
as the pleasing game of interchanging praise."
There are deeper roots of friendship than that
-but the idea, itself, offers such pleasant rewards that
we should include in the games" we play: the pleasing
game of interchanging praise.
Try a few practice games-in your imagination
-right now, just to feel the warm, friendly glow of it!
Imagine that you are talking with a relative or
friend. Think of some admiring remark you can Sincerely
make. Obviously, this will please your relative or friend,
so now imagine he or she admires something you would
like to be praised about in return.
You will be pleased by the compliment-and it
will be your turn to make another admiring comment ...
and again receive praise in return.
You will like your imaginary game so much
that you will want to actually experience the wann glows
of friendship which that wise and great American, Oliver
Wendell Holmes, described as "the pleasing game of inter-
changing praise."
Try it on the next ten friends you meet ... and
the next hundred! You may want to make "interchanging
praise" part of your life. And you should!
It's a pleasant game . . . and you always win!
What makes this even more pleasant is that ev-
erybody always wins!
The English critic, William Hazlitt, observed,
"The art of pleasing consists of being pleased:" And, let
me add, "The more pleased you are, the more pleasant you
will be as a companion."
Do not be timid or indifferent in expressing
your pleasure in the fonn of praise, because as the French
philosopher, Vauvenargues, wrote in his Reflections: "It is
a certain sign of mediocrity always to praise moderately."
As Dr. Nonnan Vincent Peale says, "Enthusi-
asm makes the difference!'"
Chapter 86
Get Richer Quicket'l
Living And Working In HARMONY
Is The Easy, Happy Way To Succeed
A proven success method is to find out what
causes trouble, wear and loss-then do the opposite.
Consider: friction.
Friction among people, at work, at home, any-
where-causes trouble. In fact, if you trace any trouble
back to its beginnings, you will find that it started with
Friction among people causes wear. When
someone tells you he or she feels "worn out", suspect fric-
tion because friction wears out people, just as it wears out
Friction among people causes loss-lost tem-
pers, lost friendships, lost cooperation, losses of every kind
that spread in ever-widening circles.
So, use the proven success method stated at the
beginning of this chapter: when you find out what causes
trouble, wear and loss-do the opposite. What is the op-
posite of friction among people?
HARMONY among peoplel
So, you have found how to eliminate the trou-
ble, wear and loss caused by friction among people.
Replace friction with HARMONY-at work, at home and
Since you now know the cause of the problem
and the solution to the problem, you should not have too
much difficulty in "narrowing the problem gap" by moving
the known cause and known solution increasingly closer
together until the solution, HARMONY, replaces friction.
Not knowing the problem or problems to which
you will apply this method, I obviously cannot fill in the
details, but if you constantly seek HARMONY and openly
urge everyone involved to do the same, you soon will be
working and living in HARMONY.
The next chapter in this book.teaches the Psy-
chotherapy of Words.
There are certain "magic" words which you can
repeat frequently and intensely so that they become part
of your subconscious and are constant gUidance forces in
your life.
One of those Psychotherapeutic Words is HAR-
MONY. Flood your mind with frequent, intense repetitions
of the "magic" word HARMONY until it secretly controls
your thoughts and actions.
Gradually, you will realize that you are suc-
ceeding in business and in life with amazing ease.
HARMONY makes everything easierl
Chapter 87
Get Richer Quicker!
How You Can Use Personal Slogans
And Goal Commands To Get Richer
Quicker By Psychotherapy
You can use one of the most effective and
powerful methods of psychotherapists to get what you
want. This method is called by the scientific name: the
Psychotherapy of Words. Certain words, deeply implanted
in the subconscious mind can cause remarkable things to
Depending upon the word which you implant
in your subconscious, you can become a drop-out or a
millionaire! So, you see, what you are about to learn can
have a profound effect on the rest of your lifel
Psychotherapists use the Psychotherapy of
Words to cure their patients' fears, anxieties, apprehenSions
and a wide assortment of emotional-mental disorders.
While, if you ever needed to, you personally
could use the Psychotherapy of Words to overcome your
own fears, self-consciousness, anxieties and other person-
ality problems if they do not require the professional skills
of a psychiatrist, you also can use this same method to
guide you to or attract to you whatever you want in life!
The principle is exactly the same and the
method is the same. Only the words are different!
All of my books are based on the principle
that the first fundamental of teaching and learning is:
And that is what I have done with the Psycho-
therapy of Words.
For example:
In my book, How To Get Whatever You Want,
I call psychotherapeutic words simply: "personal slogans."
Because that is precisely what they are-no more, no less
-and there would be no reader benefit (but, perhaps,
some confusion) by calling simple words and phrases by
scientific names.
A "slogan" is understandable to everybody.
Companies have "slogans". Products have "slogans". And
individuals have "personal slogans"-at least, the most
successful individuals have "personal slogans"!
My book, How To Get Whatever You Want,
devotes an entire section to "personal slogans" and it ex-
plains how to convert them into remarkably effective ~ s i l e n t
chants" which are an insistent means of directing your
subconscious to attain your goal.
My book, Here's Help!, calls psychotherapeutic
words simply: "goal commands". Because that's what they
are-goal commands to your subconscious. Then my book,
Here's Help!, teaches how to turn your goal commands into
realities. Whether you prefer to call such words or phrases
"personal slogans" or "goal commands" makes no differ-
The proven success method is to implant cer-
tain words or phrases into your subconscious mind by
frequent and intense repetition.
First, you must carefully select a "personal
slogan" or "goal command" which exactly expresses what
you want in life because that is exactly what you will get
by using this method!
Since the variations and techniques of this
method are taught in detail in my other books, we shall
take space here for just one example. This will be sufficient
for your immediate use so that you can see for yourself
what effect a "personal slogan" or goal command" can
have when, by constant repetition, you make it the domi-
nant objective of your all-powerful subconscious mind
which controls all of your thoughts, attitudes and actions.
There are several highly successful personal
slogans or goal commands for getting richer qUicker. Let's
use this one as an example:
The proven success method is to intensely im-
press this personal slogan or goal command into your
You must intensely repeat the goal command
MAKE A MILLION\" so frequently to yourself that it
literally floods your subconscious and totally dominates
your subconscious thought.
By forcefully repeating MAKE A MILLION'"
so frequently that it floods and totally dominates your
subconscious mind, you will focus its remarkable powers
-which control aU of your thoughts, attitudes and actions
-on your goal: MAKE A MILLION I"
Your subconscious mind, being magnetic, will
attract to you whatever is required to attain your goal.
And, your subconscious mind, also being cybernetic (goal-
seeking) will guide you to your goal.
So when you intensely and forcefully repeat
(hundreds of times every day) the goal command MAKE
A MILLION!", it floods and totaUy dominates your sub-
conscious which controls all of your thoughts, plans, atti-
tudes and actions.
It is like being a guided missile with its
computer guidance system aimed at one specific target:
It won't take long for you to begin getting
richer qUicker . .. with all systems GOI" ... and you are
on yourwayl
You simply will be adapting to your own objec-
tive, a long-established, scientific method which is used
daily by thousands of psychiatrists, psychologists and psy-
chotherapists which they call the Psychotherapy of Words
(words like peace", tranquil" and serene" repeated con-
stantly by tense, nervous, apprehensive patients to induce
relaxation, calmness and peaceful composure).
Instead of using the Psychotherapy of Words
for mental therapy, you wiU use # for mental and total
You will apply proven mental science to attain
Chapter 38
Get Richer Quicker!
Here's What You MUST Have To
Succeed In Any Type Of Work
What one quality must you have to assure your
success in any type of work?
Lees use as an example one of the most diffi-
cult and exacting occupations: science.
Would you say that the most important quality
required to be a scientist would be a lightning-fast mind?
Or a miraculous memory? Or high educational credentials?
Here is the answer from one of the nation's
foremost scientists, the famed Dr. Edward Teller.
Dr. Teller says that in order to succeed as a
scientist: "You do not need a lightning-fast mind, nor do
you need a miraculous memory, not is it necessary that
you got very high grades in school. The only quality that
counts is that you have a high degree of interest in sci-
ence." And that applies to every occupation. You must
have a high degree of interest in your work.
If that applies to the technical, factual, exact-
ing work of a scientist, you can be sure that it applies
equally to every other endeavor-including your present
job and the more advanced work you plan to do in the
Let's listen to Dr. Teller again, "The only qual-
ity that counts is that you have a high degree of interest in
(your occupation) ."
Dr. Norman Vincent Peale would say that you
must have a high degree of enthusiasm for your job. Dr.
Peale writes, "Enthusiasm makes the difference!"
But if you want to go all the way to the top in
your occupation, learn the inspiring lesson from author
Lloyd C. Douglas in his novel: Magnificent Obsession.
When your work becomes an obsession-a
magnificent obsession-whatever other qualities you need
to reach the top will come to you, and everything will fall
in place like a giant jigsaw puzzle assembled by a master
Indeed, the very parts of life, itself, will be put
deftly in place by a Master Hand.
Chapter 89
Get Richer Quicker!
How You Can Focus Attention On
Yourself At A Meeting Or Party
You cannot win friends and influence people
who don't even notice youl
Here is a proven success method which will
get you noticed, known and liked:
Before you enter a meeting, attend a party or
join a group-pause for a moment and confidently assume
the attitude that you know and like everyone present.
Then as you mingle with the group give each
person who looks your way a cordial smile of "recognition"
and a friendly nod of greeting.
Let them know and feel that you LIKE theml
Do this whether you know them or not. Let
them wonder why they don't remember you! This will
cause them not only to notice you but to think about you
and try to remember you!
Make cordial comments to everyone near you,
just as if you already were friends. Do not be eager and
venturesome, but be very casual and freely at ease while
being pleasantly cordial as though you were among old
Soon everyone present will either think he or
she already knows you or will want to know you. And you
will be noticed, known and liked!
Those are the first three steps to a popular per-
sonality: (1) to be noticed, (2) to be known, (3) to be
To those nrst three steps, you need to add the
PERSONAL MAGNETISM techniques taught in a special
section of my 93-chapter book: Here's Help!
( a) Learn to look directly and deeply into the
eyes of others to establish the magnetic power of eye con-
tact! Watch the top stars on television contact your eyes.
(b) Learn to use eye language through which
you can communicate your thoughts to others through
your eyes! Learn to talk using eye language only.
( c) Learn to smile with your eyes!
( d) Learn to project your voice through your
eyes! Watch the television stars do it.
( e) Learn to generate an inner glow so you
generate an outer glow-which is personal magnetism!
Add the above personal magnetism techniques
as taught in my book, Here's Help!, to the lessons of this
chapter: (1) to be noticed, (2) to be known, (3) to be
liked-and attain the rewards of a magnetic, popular per-
Chapter 40
Get Richer Quicker/
How You Can Be A Leader
It is easier to enlist a thousand helpers than to
find one real leader capable of guiding them.
The main problem in any project is first to find
a leade:r-a real leader, not one of the many who would
like to have the title and authority, but who have not both-
ered to learn the proven success methods of leadership.
If the choice of a leader is wise, he or she will
attract and skillfully lead multitudes of loyal "associates",
and the success of the project is thereby assured. By just
one man or woman I
One real leader can be the diHerence between
success or failure I
As the British management expert, Herbert N.
Casson, pointed out: "The business world is a place of
conHict-a place of gains and losses-ups and downs. It is
not a pleasant, comfortable office, where you sit at a big
desk and are smiled at by pretty girls and flattered by
This is true, not only of the business world, but
of all situations requiring leadership. Any project worthy
of leadership is a challenge which includes conflict. It is
not a parade or a pink tea.
But the conflict must be with competition and
opposition from the outside-not in-fighting within the or-
ganization. So the first test of leadership is organization
cooperation and loyalty.
And since we cannot condense a complete
leadership training course into this one brief chapter, we
shall focus our attention on how you can attain leadership
by winning the cooperation and loyalty of others.
You cannot command cooperation and loyalty.
They must be earned and deserved.
Here's how:
A leader must devote himself to making the
dreams of others come true.
So you begin by building dreams!
A leader, like Moses, must point to a "Prom-
ised Land, overfloWing with milk and honey." And then
lead his "associates" to it.
A leader must lead by being out in front with
a banner-not walking behind with a whip! Note that a
real leader does not have "subordinates"; he has "associ-
Nobody works for him; his "associatel' work
with him toward a common goal.
A leader does not seek praise; he gives it. Lav-
ishly, without reservation.
Constantly. enthUSiastically, inspiringly-a
leader gives the credit to and praises his associates.
EspeciaUy, he shares the credit with and
praises his associates for his own accomplishments. This is
not over-generosity. It is the mark of a strong leader who
knows that the more credit he gives his organization, the
more impressive he is as their leader. Credit, like criticism,
eventually rises to the top.
You cannot lift yourself; you can only be lifted
by your organization, and only to the height that your or-
ganization (1) is able to lift you, and (2) is willing to lift
A weak organization cannot lift you and a
dissatisfied organization will not lift you.
A leader will get a lot more cooperation, and
a lot better cooperation, if those who are expected to co-
operate have actuaUy participated to some extent in the
decisions and planning leading to their expected coopera-
A leader does not demand his own way; he
leads his associates in seeking better ways. Then, he con-
tinues to lead his associates along those better ways and,
with the cooperation of his associates, seeks still better
It is neither the function nor the prerogative
of leadership to think up all the best ideas. It is the func-
tion of leadership to motivate others to do so; then evalu-
ate, select and, with his associates, put into operation the
best of all the ideas submitted by everybody in the organi-
That is the test of whether or not a leader will
long survive.
Leadership by domination and command
ended with the right of workers to organize and strike,
and the intense inter-company competitive bidding to lure
highly specialized executives from one company to a com-
petitive company.
Today, leadership requires the ability which
the title implies: the ability to lead.
So, in the beginning, associate yourself with
such a leader-even if you have to change jobs to do so.
Then, as you advance, become such a leader,
That is the purpose of learning and using
PROVEN SUCCESS METHODS. They teach you how
to become so indispensible you cannot be replaced by a
Remember, management cannot be replaced
by computers, because it is management which controls
and directs the computers.
Computerized automation may replace thou-
sands of production-line workers-but not one capable
management executive. In fact, the more computerized
automation, the more and better management executives
and technological specialists will be needed.
The old saying, There is always room at the
top", is just as true as ever. Only now there is a lot more
room-and a lot more money-at the top.
It is a sure way to get richer . .. qUicker!
Chapter 41
Get Richer .. Quicker!
Learn To MAKE NEWS Because
Favorable News Will Make You!
Did you hear about the hermit who was
elected President of the United States?
No, you didn't.
In fact, you didn't hear about the hermit at all.
Which is precisely the point.
H you are going to get elected, or become
famous, or get richer quicker-you are going to have to
MAKE NEWS, because the news you make will determine
how widely and how favorably you will be known.
And being widely and favorably known is a
sure way to get richer . .. qUicker!
As one of my favorite leadership teachers, the
great British econorgist and business counselor, Herbert N.
Casson, taught: "A leader must always be in full view. He
must stand in the spotlight on the stage.
"Oblivion-that is what a leader must fear
above all else. Praise helps him along and blame keeps
him alive, but oblivion destroys him."
You avoid oblivion by making news about
yourself. How can YOU make news?
Obviously, I cannot answer that question for
each individual reader personally. Many readers of my
books are corporation presidents with capably-staffed pub-
lic relations departments. Many other readers are high
school or university graduates whose families or friends
gave them my books as graduation gifts.
So, the difference in situations, capabilities and
facilities among my several million readers is so great that
there is not space in this chapter or this entire book to
attempt to teach so many different kinds of readers how
to make news in his or her individual situation.
In every instance, however, you must start
with an idea, opinion or statement of information which
preferably is new itself (whence came the name news"),
or which is sufficiently interesting to the public, or to a
specific classification of people, to whom it may be di-
rected through newspapers, magazines, other types of
publications, television or radio.
Then, you simply send your newsworthy idea,
opinion, or statement to the specific news media which
have a large percentage of readers or viewers or listeners
who would be interested in YOUR news.
Depending upon your situation and your news,
your news release" should be in whatever form is appro-
priate-from a letter to the editor" or letter to readers'
views" to professionally prepared "news media releases"
nationwide to newspapers, magazines, television and radio.
You must be careful that your news is not so
self-serving that it would be considered by the editors as
a cheap attempt to get free advertising.
If it is desirable to disseminate news which is
so self-serving that it is advertiSing, then, by all means,
pay for its publication, televising or broadcasting as ad-
vertising. That often is the best way to get your news to
people exactly as you want to say it which may be far too
"commercial" to be accepted by the news media as free
As the president of a large advertiSing agency
for many years before I retired, I want to make this ex-
perienced observation concerning news and advertising.
The most effective advertising, the advertising which at-
tracts the most attention and the most thorough reading,
is advertising which is news-interesting, useful, helpful
news about products, services and companies.
Millions of dollars are wasted on advertiSing
which simply is "yelling" the products' names and exag-
gerated benefits. I respectfully submit my own time-
tested motto, proven by forty years of experience: If you
want to sell-don't yell!" That motto applies to personal
selling, too.
If your news provides a service which is of
much more consequence than the fact that it subtly builds
a favorable product or company "image", it will be Widely
used as news or education-without charge.
I also was president of Rice Consumer Service
(U.S. Rice Industry) before I retired. We furnished a free
recipe and food photographic service to every newspaper
in the United States. Our recipes and appetizing food
photographs were regularly published without charge for
years on the food pages of newspapers nationally (and
each recipe contained our client's product: rice).
I also produced an educational color movie
showing how rice was grown in the United States and the
proper method of preparing rice and serving it in many
different and delicious ways. This educational color movie,
entirely about our client's product: rice, was widely shown
to movie audiences throughout the nation-without
charge to us.
So there are many ways to MAKE NEWS-
favorable image-building" news-and this is essential to
your getting richer . . . qUicker!
The one thing you cannot afford-is to be
ignored! MAKE NEWSI
Chapter 42
Get Richer .. Quicker!
Success And Riches Are The Result
Of Negotiating Agreements, Not
Getting into an argument is easy. Getting out
of an argument is difficult. Participating in an argument
without arousing irritation and antagonism is impossible!
The way to be disagreeable-is to disagree.
The way to be agreeable is to agree.
The purpose of this chapter-lesson is to teach
the highly profitable methods of negotiating agreements.
The first lesson is not to participate in disagree-
ments: Either (1) agree, (2) if there is not complete
agreement, expand the areas of agreement and thus nar-
row the "disagreement gap", (3) do not haggle over trivi-
alities which should be generously conceded, (4) never
directly disagree, but use various diverting techniques, (5)
learn the art of "interested silence".
While you cannot negotiate an agreement by
being silent, you may be surprised to learn that being silent
is the first step in successfully negotiating agreements.
Never state your opinion or position first. This
is taught in the chapter-lesson titled: "How You Can Per-
suade Others To Do Whatever You Want Them To Do",
but it needs repeating for emphasis.
Never stating your opinion first applies not
only to negotiating agreements, but to keeping out of trou-
ble generally.
Do not go around stating your opinions and
making pronouncements. This puts you indelibly on the
record first. And you later may regret it.
Remember that when a chicken is hatched, it
cannot be put back into its shell and be concealed again.
You never will have to defend or retract that which you
did not say.
There is an ancient Persian proverb which
teaches: "More have repented of speech than of silence:'
In a hostile situation, stating your opinions
first is like carrying a lightning rod across an open field in
a thunderstorm.
It violates the wisdom of the American Indians
who warned, "Do not feather the arrows of your enemies."
So . . . never state your opinion or position
first. If you are asked your opinion first-respond thought-
fully by saying, "That's an interesting point. What's YOUR
Encourage the other person to state his or her
opinion first. This gives you the full range of options:
( 1 ) If you possibly can agree, then agree fully
and enthUSiastically. Add facts or opinions of your own to
further emphasize your full agreement. Do not ":water
down" your enthusiastic agreement with trivial misgivings
and disagreements. The way to be agreeable is to agree-
therefore enthusiastically agree at every opportunity.
(2) If you cannot entirely agree, then be en-
thusiastic in emphasizing everything-important and un-
important-about which you do agree. Then, if you must
mention points of disagreement, do so in the manner of
questions concerning the possible disagreement of "others"
(never yourself!), thus:
(a) Ask: "I wonder if (others) may not feel
that we, etc., etc., etc."
(b) Ask: "Do you suppose that there might
be (others) who would take a slightly different point of
view and etc., etc., etc."
( 3) In any event, do not openly challenge
strongly-held opinions and provoke personal confronta-
tions. If you absolutely must question the correctness of
opinions, always do so in behalf of "others" (named or
( 4) The only "agreeable" and the most suc-
cessful technique in negotiating differences is first join' em.
Make it clear that you are on their side, that you under-
stand and sympathize with their point of view. (Note:
I said "understand" and "sympathize"-I did not say
"agree".) Being "on their side" eliminates confrontation
and hostility.
Then, using the "questions-which-might-be-
raised-by-"others" technique described in the preceding
paragraphs (2) and (3), "tailor" their opinions and "harm-
lessly modify" yours as taught in the chapter in this book,
titled: "How You can Persuade Others To Do What You
Want Them To Do."
That is the way to negotiate agreements, not
There is one form of disagreement which you
cannot avoid because it comes to you as a complaint-
which you cannot head off because the other person al-
ready is complaining. And, complaining disagreeably, tool
Here's how to handle a complaint:
Let the complaining person talk himself out.
Sympathetically encourage him to keep on talking about
his complaint. DO NOT INTERRUPT. And, of course. do
not argue!
Then, when the complaining person com-
pletely exhausts every detail (and is beginning to feel that
he may be over-emphasizing his injury with so much com-
plaining), ask him to repeat various parts of his complaint
(especially the more exaggerated parts) so that c'you will
be sure you understand exactly".
By that time, the complainer will have '1et off
all his steam", and soothed by your own calm, sympathetic
understanding, all of the emotion will have been diSSipated
-and an agreeable settlement can be reached.
In settling complaints remember two other
human-relations principles:
(1) Millionaires have been made ONLY by
adhering to the time-proven slogan: "The customer is al-
ways right." You'll be "taken" sometimes, but the Law of
Averages makes that slogan too profitable to disregard.
(2) As taught in my book, Thoughts To Build
On, "GOODWILL is your success insurance",
GOODWILL, like a good reputation, is cre-
ated by many actions-but can be lost by merely one.
So, do not say, write or do anything until you
have asked yourself, "Will what I am about to say, write
or do-create goodwill or incur ill willP"
If you can answer with assurance that what
you are about to say, write or do will create goodwill-say,
write or do it at once! Creating goodwill is adding to your
success insurance.
But if you conclude that what you are about
to say, write or do will incur ill will (no matter how clever,
expedient or "justified" your action may be) do not do it.
In my book, Here's Help!, there's a chapter titled: "You
May Be Sorry You Stirred It!" Even the title of that chap-
ter will keep you out of a lot of trouble I
Always create goodwill ... never incur ill will
... negotiate agreements-not disagreements.
It will make you RICHER . .. QUICKER!
Chapter 48
Get Richer Quicker!
Change The CLIMATE And You
Change Attitudes And Situations!
Change the climate and you change every
living thing within that climate.
The great, terrifying prehistoric monsters were
not destroyed in some gigantic fight to the death.
No! AU that happened was a change in climate!
The great, terrifying prehistOric monsters could
not remain great and terrifying in the changed c l i m a t ~
so they had to adapt to the new climate. Or else!
What worked with prehistoric monsters also
wiU work with people, today!
But, you do not have to change the climate
of the earth; you merely have to change the emotional
climate in any disagreeable situation which you want to
If you get involved in an unpleasant or hostile
situation, you will find that the emotional climate is a
storm of distain, distrust, irritation, anger and any combi-
nation of negative emotions.
Don't foin the hostaity-disperse it!
Instead of trying to win in an angry confronta-
tion (which nobody can permanently win), change the
emotional climate.
Calm it! Cool it! Relax it!
Like the terrifying prehistOric monsters which
had to change with the changed. climate, angry people
cannot remain hostile in a calm, cool, relaxed emotional
climate of friendly conciliation, fair-minded understand-
ing, genuine goodwill and willing cooperation.
In nature, violent storms cannot exist in a cli-
mate of great calm.
In human nature, this is equally true.
So ... if you would be a leader, you must
learn to control the emotional climate-to bring about an
emotional climate of great calm in which storms of anger
and hostility cannot exist.
You do not have to defeat an adversary; you
merely have to change the emotional climate which causes
him to be an adversary.
You simply change the emotional climate to an
atmosphere of reconciliation, understanding, cooperation
and goodwill-and your adversary will change according
to the climate and become your friend.
Isn't that the better way?
Chapter 44
Get Richer Quicke1'l
You Can Make Any Problem Harmless
You can get very rich simply by solving your
own problems and then by making a career out of solving
the problems of others.
There isn't anything complicated about it.
Anybody can do it. Thousands of successful people do.
lts all in knOWing how! So, here's how:
The basic principle of solving problems-all
problems-is the same. So we can learn it from any suc-
cessful problem-solver.
Let's learn the basic principle of problem solv-
ing from a man who made a career out of solving problems
and was paid-millions for solving other people's problems.
His name: Stanley Arnold. And this is his
secret of solving problems: CCEvery problem contains
within itself the seeds of its own
Of course, it does! The solution to every prob-
lem is within the problem, itseHl The solution to every
problem is not outside the problem where the amateurs
look, but inside the problem where the professional prob-
lem-solvers look, find it, and get rich by solving it and
other problems.
If a bomb were discovered in a large building,
the bomb-squad would be called to de-fuse the bomb.
Defusing is removing the device in the bomb, which if
unremoved, would cause the bomb to explode, resulting
in great damage.
When a bomb is de-fused, its remaining parts
are made harmless and may be calmly and safely disas-
sembled and used for beneficial purposes.
Problems are like bombs, capable of great
The difference is that a bomb must be de-fused
whereas a problem must be de-confused.
The result is the same.
When a problem is de-confused, the confusing
part of the problem is removed. Then the remaining parts
of the problem may be calmly and easily disassembled for
beneficial uses.
It is the confusing part of a problem which
is threatening. As soon as the confusion is eliminated, the
remaining parts of the problem can be disassembled-
removed from the problem calmly, one at a time, until the
problem, itseH, no longer exists. Only its separated parts
exist-to be used for your own advantage.
Once the dangerous element, confusion, is
eliminated-it actually is fun to take the various remain-
ing elements of a problem apart and realize how com-
pletely harmless they are by themselves when they are not
made threatening by the addition of confusion.
That is why scientists are so happily dedicated
to their research (which is a form of problem-solving).
Their scientific approach is, first, to de-confuse the prob-
lem, and they do not proceed further until all confusion
is eliminated. Then they calmly remove each component
and scientifically examine it to learn how it can be used
Since life consists principally of problems-
and since you will get richer quicker to the degree that
you successfully solve your problems and the problems
of others-be a real professional in the field of problem
( 1) Know that every problem contains within
itself the seeds of its own solution.
(2) First, de-confuse the problem and thus
eliminate the confusion of frustration, certain failure and
threatening consequences.
( 3) Then, having de-confused the problem,
calmly disassemble it into its separate parts which you
examine with the dispassionate objectivity of a scientist.
(4) Remember, life consists principally of
solving problems. You will get richer qUicker to the degree
that you successfully solve your problems and the prob-
lems of others.
Chapter 45
Get Richer .. Quicker!
How You Can Use The c;c;Law Of
Increasing Abundance" To Get
Everything You Want
There are eternal, infallible Universal Laws
which govern the universe and everything in it-including
Examples: The Law of Gravity, the Law of
Cause and Effect, the Law of Increasing Abundance.
This chapter is about how you can use the Law
of Increasing Abundance to get everything you want-and
get it in increasing abundance.
The 'Law of Increasing Abundance requires
that you be thankful for everything-and in return for
your thankfulness, and to the degree that you are thankful,
you will receive increasing abundance of whatever you
The Law of Increasing Abundance actually is
an application of the Law of Cause and Effect. Your being
intensely thankful is the "Cause" which produces the "Ef-
fect" of pouring into your life an abundance of whatever
you want and are intensely thankful forI The more your
thankfulness increases, the more your abundance increases.
It is never the purpose of any of my books to
intrude into the religious beliefs of my readers. However,
since it is true of all religions, it is proper to pOint out that
abundance is bestowed only on those who are devoutly
thankful for it-and abundance is denied or taken away
from those who are arrogantly ungrateful.
Your religion may teach that the giving of de-
vout thanks is a requirement for Divine bestowing and
increasing of abundance-and that the Divine denial or
taking away of abundance is the penalty for ingratitude.
Or, you may prefer the explanation that a
constantly held and expressed attitude of thankfulness
attracts, whereas a constantly held and expressed attitude
of ingratitude repels-which applies to abundance.
Or, you can find the explanation in the Law
of Consistency which requires that all things be consistent.
Therefore, if you maintain an intense attitude of thankful-
ness for the increasing abundance in your life, the increas-
ing abundance will occur-to be consistent with your
thankfulness for it. It is the Natural Order of the Universe
that all things must always be consistent. Nature acts in
miraculous ways to maintain consistency in everything, so
increasing abundance in your life will be provided to be
consistent with your constant, intense thankfulness for it.
One of the specific requirements for your use
of the Law of Increasing Abundance is that you be con-
stantly and intensely thankful for everything.
That's right I Everything! It is easy to be
thankful for whatever obviously is good. Yet most people
are not even intensely thankful for that!
But the Law of Increasing Abundance requires
that you be intensely thankful-openly, frankly, sincerely,
intensely thankful for everything-and, not only think so,
but frankly tell others that you are thankful.
Certainly it isn't hard to be thankful for the
good things in your life. But you must constantly think
about how intensely thankful you are for them. It will
help if you make a written list of all the things for which
you are thankful, and then read each item on that list
every day and be intensely thankful for it.
It may be a little more difficult to tell others
how thankful you are for the various items on your Thank-
ful List. Do not brag to others about the items on your
Thankful List, but tell them humbly that you are thankful.
It is your sincere humility of thankfulness for
whatever you have-which activates the Law of Increas-
ing Abundance to provide you with continuing abundance.
Your abundance will increase in direct proportion to your -
openly and humbly expressed thankfulness for it.
It is your attitude, your thoughts and your
public expressions of thankfulness that make the Law of
Increasing Abundance continue to reward you-because
only as you are thankful do you deserve and therefore
receive increasing abundance.
Now we come to the more difficult-but most
rewarding part-that of being thankful for everything.
It may be easy to think and express thankful-
ness for the good, enjoyable, profitable things in your life
-but how can you think and express thankfulness for the
unpleasantness and failures?
Here's how:
You need first to learn and then to be thankful
for the lessons, the character bUilding and the personal
challenges of unpleasantness and failure.
In my own long and eventful life, I have ob-
served that while I pleasantly benefited from my successes,
I learned more and therefore ultimately profited much
more from the lessons of my failures.
So I am sincerely thankful for the lessons of
my own failures-and you must learn to be thankful for
the lessons of yours.
When you learn and accept that, then you are
ready to use the Law of Increasing Abundance-because
you will have learned the basic principle of success which
is that you will learn more and therefore ultimately profit
more from the lessons of your failures than from your easy
And so you can be openly, sincerely, intensely
thankful for your failures-and not only think so, but
frankly tell others that you are thankful for the lessons of
your failures, and why.
You must accept failure-unashamed-as just
one of life's lessons.
When you reach that point, you can use the
Law of Increasing Abundance to get everything you want
-and get it in increasing abundance.
Remember, the Law of Increasing Abundance
is just as real and just as infallible as the Law of Gravity
or the Law of Cause and Effect or any Universal Law.
The Law of Increasing Abundance requires
that you be intensely thankful for everything-and that
you not only constantly think so and mentally give thanks
-but that you humbly tell others that you are thankful.
It is through your constant, sincere, intense
thankfulness for everything that the Law of Increasing
Abundance will attract to you more and more things for
which to be thankful so that you increasingly will get
everything you want . .. in abundance!
Begin by being thankful for the lesson of this
chapter, because it will make your own life a harvest of
Which means you will get RICHER ...
Chapter 46
Get Richer ... Quicker!
How You Can Multiply Your
Effectiveness By Becoming A
"'Telephone Personality"
Here's a way to multiply your success instantly!
In my book, Here's Help!, is an entire section
teaching how to develop a magnetic personality.
In this book, in this chapter, let's sharpen the
focus and concentrate on how you can develop a magnetic
telephone personality.
Your developing a magnetic telephone per-
sonality is not as incidental as you may, at first, think.
Your effectively using the telephone can greatly increase
your success in business, your influence in civic affairs and
your personal popularity.
Unless you aheady are an expert in using the
telephone, it can be stated with reasonable certainty that
you should use the telephone at least three times as often
as you now do. Perhaps more often than thatl
Whom would you telephone to use your phone
three times as often?
The way to increase your telephone calls to
three times as many is a simple proven success method.
You simply set a quota of three times as many
telephone calls-or more if you now make very few.
Then write at the top of a sheet of paper the
number of telephone calls you have pledged yourseH to
Write the day of the week and date on the next
line. Then make a check mark on the line (after the date)
every time you make a telephone call. Be determined to
reach your quota of calls. Do not set your quota so high
it will become a burden or be too time-consuming or re-
quire that you phone the same person so often you become
a "telephone nuisance".
Your quota will "force" you to make telephone
calls you have been putting off. (Writing the last sentence
reminded me of my own quota and I made three "thank
you" telephone calls I had postponed I )
Also your quota will cause you to think of more
people you should call-or even could call for reasons
stated later in this chapter. Make a list of names and phone
numbers in addition to your alphabetical directory which
is a reference convenience and should not be used in this
method. List the names and phone numbers on one page
of whatever size necessary and keep it in plain view next
to your daily phone-call quota sheet.
Now ... think of your telephone as your good-
will broadcasting microphone. Make each of your tele-
phone calls your own personal goodWill broadcast.
Unlike a radio broadcast which reaches many
people impersonally, your personal goodwill broadcast
will be on a one-to-one basis and should have one central
purpose, in addition to whatever "small talk" it includes.
The one central purpose of your goodwill
broadcasts by telephone must be to make other people
"feel better" because you called-not just because you
phoned, but because of what you said when you phoned.
What is the "magic formula" which always will
make other persons "feel better"? ("Feeling better", as
used here, is not limited to health, but to the total feelings
of pleasure and well-being.)
You simply use the 3 G Formula as taught in
detail in my book, Here's Help! and which, applied to
your telephone conversations, teaches that you always
(IG) Express gratitude (or appreciation in
terms of admiration and compliments).
(2G) Express goodwill (with an unmistakable
"I like you!" attitude).
( 3G) Express good wishes!
Those are the "magic" 3 G's: (IG) gratitude,
(2G) goodWill, (3G) good wishes! Print or write them on
a card or strip of paper and tape them to your telephone
as a constant reminder. Otherwise you may forget to use
one or more of them.
When you think of your telephone calls as
personal goodWill broadcasts with the central purpose
being to make others feel better because you phoned, you
will have a new and broader attitude toward telephOning.
You easily and almost automatically will add to your list
many persons you do not have to phone, but now want to
--just to make them feel better. This will include shut-ins
and many who are alone and lonely, and who would feel
much better if someone cared enough to phone.
In many cities there are social service organi-
zations which will furnish you a list of shut-ins, invalids
and lonely elderly people whose day, or even week, would
be made brighter by one of your goodwill telephone
The 3 G Method is equally important in busi-
ness telephone conversations. Always express: (IG) grati-
tude, (2G) goodwill, (3G) good wishes . . . and you will
be amazed at how remarkably your business relationships
We have considered only telephone calls
which you originate. Now let us study how to handle all
incoming telephone calls.
( 1 ) Welcome every telephone call as a happy
event-never think of any telephone call as an unwelcome
(2) Just as employees welcome their "coffee
break", so you should welcome a telephone break".
( 3) Put a halo around your hello"! Make
your "hello" sound the keynote for your following broad-
cast of goodwiU!
( 4) Whatever else the content of your tele-
phone conversation, be sure it includes the 3 G's: (IG)
gratitude (or appreciation in terms of admiration and
compliments), (2G) goodwill, (3G) good wishes!
And remember, whether you telephone some-
one or they telephone you: Phone time is fun time!
Chapter 47
Get Richer .. Quicker!
Here's How You Can Get A Lot Of
People Involved In Helping You
You cannot succeed just by yourself.
It is a time-worn saying, but "lifting yourseH
by your own bootstraps" just cannot be done.
You have to be lifted to success by people who
are willing to help you.
So ... a proven success method is to make a
list of all of the people who might help you succeed. Then
write beside or under each person's name exactly how he
or she can help you succeed.
Using that list as a reminder, ASK those people
for the help you need. Always ASK courteously, but forth-
rightly and expectantly.
In my book, How To Get Whatever You Want,
are many chapter-lessons which will teach you, in detail,
the successful techniques of ASKING, and why people will
do what you ASK, and how to change a "no" response to
"yes", and all related ASKING methods-so I will not take
the space to repeat all those lessons in this book, too.
The method I want to emphasize here is that
you make a list of all of the people who might help you
succeed and then ASK them courteously but forthrightly
and expectantly for the help you need.
You Simply use the Law of Averages.
Most of the people will help you if you ASK
them properly-so you are much farther ahead than if you
had not used this method.
Some of the people will not assist in your ef-
forts to succeed no matter how worthy your goal or how
persuasively you ask for their cooperation. But do not let
this discourage you in the least. Just scratch their names off
your list and replace each name with two new names of
people whose cooperation you will ask.
Soon you will have a lot of people involved in
helping you succeed.
That's a lot more effective than trying to do it
The more people you get to help you, the
greater will be your success; the faster you will succeed I
Which is another way of saying: YOU WILL
Chapter 48
Get Richer . Quicker 1
Never Ask "IF" ...
As this book has emphasized previously, every-
thing can be improved and everything must be improved
or suffer the <built-in obsolescence" for which business is
often blamed but which the natural forces of change
would make extinct anyway.
This leads to a very brief but essential lesson
in getting richer ... quicker:
Never ask IF" anything can be improved; al-
ways ask (CHOW" you can improve it.
There are countless millions of products, meth-
ods, plans and organizations which will be improved by
Why should not many of these improvements
be suggested, implemented or actually made by youP
Simply by asking HOW ... finding out HOW
... and then improving everything with which you come
in contact-you will be using a sure method of getting
richer .. qUicker! .
Chapter 49
Get Richer . Quicker!
How Attractively And Impressively
Do You "PACKAGE" Yourself?
People complain about the high cost of food
products, part of which is the cost of attractive packing
which purchasers consciously or subconsciously demand.
Without attractive packaging, no product can
successfully compete.
There is a lesson in this for people.
How do you "package" yourself?
Your "package" is all that others see. They do
not see your wisdom or your wit. What others see is how
you look.
If you think you are not judged by your ap-
pearance-think againl No matter how hard you try to pro-
ject your personality through your "package"-remember
that what others are seeing constantly is your appearance.
Today's fad is to show contempt, disdain and
indifference by deliberately displaying the ultimate in
slovenliness in clothing and grooming.
So we need to recall our example of food prod-
uct packages. Suppose some of the most popular products
suddenly were displayed in faded, frayed, unkempt or
bizarre packages designed to show deliberate contempt for
public opinion? Their popular appeal would not last any
longer than their first display.
Your appearance is talking to others constantly
when you are not even saying a word.
What is your appearance saying about you?
Psychologists have learned a lot recently about
"image-bUilding". And what psycholOgists have learned is
that the visual image makes a deep and lasting impression
in the subconscious minds of others so that there is an
unconscious attitude tilt" for or against the visual image
and the person it represents.
I hope you have a full-length mirror in your
home. Look long and carefully at the entire "package" you
are putting on public display. See yourself as others see
Look at yourself through the eyes ( and
thoughts!) of your employer, your associates, your friends,
your neighbors-especially those whose position and in-
fluence can determine your success.
Do you look successful? Do you look impor-
tant? Do you look like the kind of person who deserves
respect, attention, special consideration by those whose
esteem you need to get richer quicker?
Do you?
Chapter 50
Get Richer .. Quicker 1
When You Have Crossed The
River ... Abandon Your Boat!
In the race to success, do not burden yourself
with useless things. The experienced traveler has learned
the advantages of "traveling light".
There is priceless wisdom in the old proverb:
"When you have crossed the river, abandon your boat."
Imagine that the "river" was one of the obsta-
cles on your chosen road to success. Your ''boat'' was of
great value in crossing the river.
But having enabled you to cross the river, your
boat is of no further use to you. No matter what your boat
cost; no matter how valuable your boat was in crossing the
river-your boat no longer is of use to you, but is a burden.
So ... when you have crossed the river, aban-
don your boat.
There is a tyranny of things. I wrote about it
in my book Thoughts To Build On.
Things, no longer useful, become a burden.
They take up space. Physical space. Too often, mental
space. Usually, emotional space, too, if they worry you.
While I was National Bass Champion, I ac-
quired 1,500 fishing lures! I do not now need them. I shall
use only a few of them in the future. Yet I will not give
them up. None of them. Not even the many which will not
catch bass!
I am caught up in the tyranny of things. Most
of us are.
Tolerate my little eccentricity about fishing
lures, but only as a warning to yourself that there are
much bigger things which will become heavy burdens if
you persist in clinging to them after their usefulness is
Do not plod through life dragging behind you
the countless useless burdens of the past.
You will greatly simplify your, life and rapidly
accelerate your progress to your life-goal if you will let go
-phYSically, mentally and emotionally-all of the now-
useless, non-essential things which you have accumulated
over the past years.
Let them go! Simplify your life! Uncomplicate
things! Streamline your life by eliminating all useless non-
Free yourself from the "tyranny of things"f
When you have crossed the river--abandon
your boat!
Chapter 51
Get Richer .. Quicker J
You Must Manage Life-Or Life
Will Make You Its Slave!
Life will not tolerate a vacuum!
Either you fill your life with meaningful and
worthwhile activities-or fate will fill your life with a
junk-heap of problems and troubles.
Either you manage your life-plan it, control
it, :611 it with the acts of your own choosing-or life will
make you its slave, plodding endlessly from problems to
troubles to hardships to adversities.
Because life will not tolerate a vacuum! Either
you fill it with what you want or you condemn yourseH to
receiving the left-overs from the tables of abundance of
others who know how to manage life.
So how can you manage life?
It's easy when you know how. So, here's how:
There is a wise proverb: "Leave tomorrow
until tomorrow."
And so you should. It is when you try to live
tomorrow today that you add tomorrow's problems to
today's problems and thus double your work load.
You can manage your life successfully only if
you live by Dr. William Osler's famous prescription: Live
one day at a time."
Dr. Osler warned, The load of tomorrow,
added to that of yesterday, carried today, makes the
strongest falter."
The constant warning of all physicians and
psychiatrists is: Do not over-burden yourself .physically,
mentally or emotionally.
It is like over-loading an electric power line.
You will blow a fuse! The blown fuse may be your heart or
some other vital physical organ-or it may be your mental-
emotional fuse, leaving you a neurotic or psychotic wreck.
Begin managing your life by controlling time.
Live only one day at a time ... live today! Anyone can
manage one day's problems.
As Robert Louis Stevenson wrote: "Anyone
can carry his burden, however hard, until nightfall. Anyone
can do his work, however hard, for one day."
No one day, no matter how disastrous, can
overwhelm you, because, in the consoling wisdom of Wil-
liam Cowper, "The darkest day, lived till tomorrow, will
have passed away."
And as Dorothy Dix wrote: te[ stood yesterday;
[ can stand today."
So can you.
When you divide your life into days, then your
life becomes manageable.
And when you divide each day into hours and
concentrate on each hour's work-one hour at a time-
you begin to control time!
To the extent that you control your time and
control what you do with it-you actually control your
life, because that is what your life is: time! It is your time.
It is your life. You either control it or become its slave!
By dividing time into small, manageable units
-you can control it, manage it, command it.
It is the proven success method of divide and
H you confine your attention span" to one
hour at a time and focus on the problems and work of only
that one hour, undistracted by the events of previous hours
and the speculation of future hours, you will achieve a
"concentration effectiveness" which will produce outstand-
ing results ... hour after hour ... day after day ... week
after week.
I do not have to tell you what you will accom-
plish by such time-managed concentration-effectiveness.
You know!
You will get richer ... qUicker!
Chapter 52
Get Richer Quicker /
YOUR JOB: Do Yon Hate It?
Tolerate It? Or Improve In It?
You can think of your job as drudgery-and
hate it.
You can think of your job as routine-and
tolerate it.
Or, you can think of your job as a constant
challenge and opportunity to improve-and enter an excit-
ing, new career of getting richer . .. qUicker!
It simply is a matter of whether you let your
job use you-or you use your job!
Most people let their jobs use them-and wear
them out until they are tossed aside with other worn-out
You can use your job instead of letting your
job use you!
You begin by doing your job so much better
that you become better than your job.
As soon as you become so much better than
your present job that it is clearly obvious that you have
out-grown your present job, you wiU get a bigger fob-
from your present employer or another firm.
It is just the same as when a growing boy obvi-
ously is too big for his present clothing. He always gets
larger clothes to fit his larger size. Can you remember ever
seeing a ten-year old boy wearing the clothing of a five-
year old child?
Somehow, somewhere, some way, he always
gets clothes to fit his larger size.
And, it is that way with jobs. If you have out-
grown and are obviously much bigger than your present
job-somehow, somewhere, some way-you will get a big-
ger fob!
I cannot tell you how in this one, brief chapter.
But I do tell you how in this entire book-and in my other
books of proven success methods.
It is the purpose of this chapter to emphaSize
(1) You must NOT think of your job as drudg-
ery-and hate it.
(2) You must NOT think of your job as routine
-and tolerate it.
(3) You MUST think of your job as a constant
challenge and opportunity to improve-to improve so
much that you outgrow and become so much bigger than
your present job that somehow, somewhere, some way you
will get the bigger fob which your improvement deserves!
The methods are in this book.
Chapter 58
Get Richer . Quicker 1
The Secret Of Successful Work-
Planning And Life-Planning
There is a method of successfully planning your
work and successfully planning your life which ensures that
you will reach your goal at the desired time.
Here's the secret:
Start at the finish!
Decide exactly what goal you want to accom-
plish and exactly when you want to have accomplished it.
That is the finish. That is the completed
And that is where you start your job-plan or
life-plan-at the finish!
Permit me to use my own work as an example:
Having devoted 40 years to researching, testing
and compiling proven success methods, it is necessary to
record these more than a thousand success methods in book
form. I retired at 50 to devote my full time to continuing
my research (now 40 years) and thus helping others, prin-
cipally through my books which comprise a Proven Success
Methods Library.
Now, instead of being president of eight cor-
porations, I am an author and publisher. To help as many
millions of readers as possible, I also write articles for
national magazines and newspaper syndicates.
The writing and publishing business (like all
other businesses) is a series of "deadlines". A "deadline",
as you know, is the definite, final date on which each job
(and each specific part of it along the way) absolutely
must be finished.
No excuses I The manuscript for the book must
be delivered to the book manufacturer on a definite date;
the magazine article must be received by the magazine
editor; the newspaper feature must be received by the
national newspaper syndicate-on a definite date.
This same kind of "definite-due-date" is the
successful operating basis of all businesses and all kinds of
So, that is where the "start at the finish" sched-
ule begins.
On your plan-sheet, you write the "deadline" or
C< definite-due-date" followed by a brief deSCription of the
finished job.
Then you write the definite dates on which
each step which will produce the finished job must be com-
pleted in order that the work will be finished on time.
The last date you write is the date on which
you absolutely must start.
Then you Simply invert the order of dates and
steps so that your plan-sheet will be in chronological order.
This is the start at the finish" planning method
of all successful business planners.
If you are not now using this "start at the
finish" method, begin to use it at once. Use it in planning
all jobs-large and small. You may not need it for simple,
small jobs, but use it anyway-just for practice.
This same start at the finish" method also
should be used in your planning to reach a definite goal in
The method is exactly the same:
( 1) On your life-goal plan-sheet, write the
definite time you want to attain your goal in life and follow
that date by a brief but specific description of what you
want to achieve in life.
(2) Then write the dates and a description of
each of the steps you must take to reach your ultimate goal
in life. (Obviously the dates will have to be approximate,
but write down a date which is your best estimate for each
necessary step along the way to your ultimate goal.) Write
these in reverse order, starting at the finish, then your ob-
jective before that ... and your objective before that ...
until you reach the beginning date for planned progress
to your life-goal.
( 3) The beginning date for your planned
progress to your life-goal must be NOWll!
Then you will have a date-a scheduled series
of dates-with DESTINY!
Chapter 54
Get Richer Quicker!
PLAN BIG! You've Got 60 Trillion
Cells Going For You!
Your body consists of 60 trillion cells. How
well you manage your 60 trillion cells will determine your
health, your life, your success or failure.
You have quite a management problem. Man-
aging your 60 trillion cells requires a lot of know-how and
it will pay you in health, happiness and success if you start
by learning the basic principles in this chapter.
Let us begin at the very beginning: one single
human cell.
That single human cell is a female egg. Once
fertilized, that one cell begins dividing. And the divided
cells continue dividing ... and dividing ... and dividing.
In nine months, the cells have divided (and
therefore multiplied) until they total two trillion cells in
the form of a baby ready for birth.
So you are born, all two trillion cells of you.
After you are born, your cells continue to
divide (and therefore multiply) until you become an adult
consisting of 60 trillion cells.
However, your individual cells do not last
very long. They wear out, decompose and are eliminated
as waste matter. To the extent that you maintain healthful
life habits, your worn out, decomposed, eliminated cells
are replaced by perfect new cells.
Your cell replacement is at the rate of millions
of cells every second.
If you do not maintain healthful physical,
mental and emotional life habits, your body and mind will
deteriorate because your cell replacement will deteriorate
in quantity and quality. If your cell replacement is inade-
quate or stops entirely-you die.
Because your cell replacement rate is millions
of cells every second, your body and mind can deteriorate
at an alarming rate.
And, of course, the reverse is true. If you im-
prove your physical, mental and emotional health habits,
you improve the quality and rebuilding properties of your
new, replacement cells. And, at the rate of millions of new
activated cells every second, you can improve with amazing
You can build your IDEAL YOUI
The actual formation and operation of the 60
trillion cells of which you are composed is too complicated
to try to describe in much detail. However, for any readers
who may think that their bodies are something which may
be ignored, misused or permissibly abused, here are a few
facts about the mechanism (actually biochemistry) of cell-
operations which emphasize a complexity with which no
one should harmfully tamper.
The energy which your 60 trillion cells require
to perform your life functions actually is a kind of elec-
tricity produced by your bodily process which syntheSizes
a substance called adenosine triphosphate. This breaks
down into components and, in so doing, generates the
energy to activate the cells to operate your body. This cell
activity is directed by deOxyribonucleic acid and the actual
activity is the work of ribonucleic acid. Your cell communi-
cation is conducted through hormones.
There you have the biochemistry of bodily
function-which you may not find very interesting except
that it emphaSizes the amazing complexity of your body
and the obvious care it deserves and requires. Do not mis-
treat your body any more than you would work on your
watch with a hammer!
But with all of its amazing complexity, your
body (all 60 trillion cells of it) merely is the servant of
your mind.
It only is through your mind that your body
has usefulness, direction and purpose.
As Ben Sweetland, Radio's Consulting Psychol-
ogist of a generation ago, used to teach: "You are not a
body with a mind; you are a mind with a body."
Your body simply is an extension of your mind!
Your body is your mind's servant. Its only purpose is to do
your mind's bidding.
So you are in control! You've got a lot of cell-
power-60 trillion cells at your command!
Why do you think you were put in control of
so much power?
To be a failure?
That would mean that Infinity-the Infinite
Mind-would be an idiot! Would Infinity give you personal
control of such terrific power so that you would fail?
Infinity is no such idiot. The precision of the
Infinite Universe ... operating at split-second precision
... through space without dimension ... for eternity,
time with no beginning and no end-is not the master-
control of an idiot.
So, giving you control of a 60-trillion-cell Lody
to achieve your worthy goal through your mind which will
be guided by the Infinite Mind-if you let it-is Infinity's
command for you to succeed! The principles and methods
of channeling Infinite Power into your own life are ex-
plained in this book and in my other books.
You need not fail. You must not fail. You dare
not fail-because to fail would be to scoff at a worthy life-
goal and to show contempt for the Infinite Purpose which
gave you your 60-trillion-cell body with which to succeed
as part of an Infinite plan.
So use your 60-trillion-cell body as the servant,
not only of your mind, but of the Infinite Mind-knowing
that whatever man can conceive, man can achieve!
Make no little plans! PLAN BIG!
You've got 60 trillion cells going for you!
Chapter 55
Get Richer ... Quicker!
Obstacles Are Power Generators!
It's a good idea to learn about obstacles be-
cause the road to success is really an "obstacle-course".
A long time ago, some timid weakling started
the rumor that obstacles are hindrances-and that false
rumor has been circulated by timid weaklings ever since as
their alibi for inferiority.
Some people even believe that obstacles are ex-
cuses for failure I
The fact is that obstacles are the power-genera-
tors of success!
The successes of all great men and women
have been generated by the obstacles they overcame. The
greater the obstacles, the greater their success.
Since this is true of every person who ever suc-
ceeded, we shall not devote much space here to giving
examples, but I cannot resist mentioning a few:
Abraham Lincoln, Andrew Jackson and many
of our Presidents started life in the poorest homes, with
little education and no advantages-except lots of obsta-
cles to use as power-generators to win the Presidency of the
United States!
Thomas Edison was sent home from school be-
cause he was too stupid to learn anything! So he became
the greatest inventor in history!
Charles Drew, the Negro scientist, did not
know there was an obstacle known as the "color barrier
so he perfected the means of preserving blood plasma in
blood banks" and saved the lives of millions of people of
all races and colors!
Joan of Arc was a poor, little shepherd girl who
led the armies of France to instant victory in a war that the
French generals had been unable to win in a hundred
years of fighting!
Benjamin Franklin was the fifteenth of seven-
teen children of a poor candlemaker. His first obstacle was
that he had only one year of schooling. So he taught him-
self philosophy, four languages, the classics, writing for
publication, science, finance, politics, diplomacy-to be-
come one of the best educated and greatest Americans!
Irvin Berlin had to flee Russia during its Revo-
lution. His family brought little Irvin to America where
they lived in a dark cellar. Irvin Berlin could only attend
school for two years. He wanted to write songs, but he
couldn>t afford music lessons and couldn> tread music-
which was an obstacle (!II) in the song writing business.
But he overcame the obstacle by writing a song anyway-
which he sold for 33. The good thing about obstacles is
that once you start to overcome them, you can>t stop! So
Irvin Berlin wrote 800 songs and made millions! He also
wrote musical shows like "This Is The Army" which earned
$12,000,000-and Irvin Berlin gave all of the profit to the
Army Emergency Relief Fund.
Then, there was a dwarf with a frail body, over-
sized head, poor eyesight, threadbare clothes, no money.
He came to America from Germany and couldn't speak
English. With that many obstacles, his success was assured!
Charles Steinmetz became the electrical genius who devel-
oped alternating current and made possible the electrifica-
tion of the world!
Charles Clinton Spaulding was a Negro janitor
in an insurance company. He was so handicapped by the
obstacle of the "color barrier" that he became president of
the company and built it into the nation's largest Negro
owned and operated business (assets $95,000,000; em-
ployees 2,000).
A poor Irish boy had only five years of school-
ing and had to go to work as a clerk for $4.50 a month. This
was an obstacle to his ambition of becoming a writer. So he
quit his $4.50-per-month job and wrote for nine years
during which he earned a total of $30. Well, the obstacles
which are the hardest to overcome, ultimately pay the
biggest returns when you do surmount them. So George
Bernard Shaw became one of the most famous of all writers
and made millions of dollars from his plays, books and
articles. He won the Nobel Prize for Literature.
And the list could go on and on-because there
is no limit to the number of obstacles and no limit to the
millions of "handicapped" people who become rich, power-
ful and famous by overcoming the obstacles which life
helpfully puts in their way, thus giving them the opportun-
ity to succeed. You can only succeed by accomplishing
something difficult! You cannot get richer qUicker by doing
There was lame and sickly Annette Kellerman
who overcame her obstacle by becoming the World Diving
Champion and was judged one of the world's most per-
fectly formed women.
And George Jowett who was a lame, weak little
boy who was beaten up by a big bully. George Jowett re-
solved that that would never happen to him again, so he
exercised and trained for two years-then looked up the
bully and beat hell out of him! Nobody ever tried to bully
George Jowett again because, as mentioned earlier, once
you get started overcoming obstacles, you can't stop-so
George Jowett, in ten years, became the strongest man in
the world, which is about as bully-proof as anyone can get
to bel
But back to the poor people:
D. A. Thomas was poor and delicate-so he
built more than thirty great companies and became super
Another poor, delicate boy was not able to at-
tend school and had to be taught at home by his mother.
So James Watt invented the steam engine which changed
the industrial worldl
There was a poor farm boy whose father died
before he was born and whose mother had to rear him on
their total income of $400 a year! You will remember him
as Sir Isaac Newton, discoverer of the Law of Gravity!
Elias Howe was a frail, lame little boy whose
family was so poor they were starved most of the time! He
invented the sewing machine and made millions I
Let's face itl Obstacles are not handicaps! Ob-
stacles are opportunities!
Obstacles are the challenges which make over-
compensation pOSSible. And over-compensating for obsta-
cles or handicaps will get you anything you wantl
But, how can you over-compensate if you
don't have any obstacles or handicaps for which to over-
You need obstacles and handicaps!
So if you don't have a lot of obstacles to over-
come, if you don't have a lot of handicaps for which to
over-compensate-start looking for some! Life is filled with
them! And it doesn't make much difference which obstacles
or handicaps you have-just as long as they are so difficult
that they offer real challenges!
Here are a few examples of the variety of
Babe Ruth was the Strike-Out-Champion be-
fore he became the Home Run Champion! He struck out
more times (1,330) than any player in the Major Leagues!
Julius Caesar was epileptic, but he conquered
the then-known world!
Demosthenes stuttered-so he filled his mouth
with pebbles and shouted over the roar of the waves until
he became the greatest orator in ancient Greece!
Darwin was neurasthenic. He was so nervous
he could hardly sleep. So he wrote the monumental Origin
of the SpeCies
Is being "old" an obstacle and a handicap?
Vanderbilt built his railroads and made most
of his fortune after he was seventy!
Monet, the great French artist, was still paint-
ing his magnificent pictures when he was eighty-six!
Titan painted his incomparable Battle of Le-
panto when he was ninety-eight!
Or, consider other obstacles and handicaps:
Beethoven, composer of immortal symphonies,
was deafl
Milton wrote Paradise Lost when he was blind!
Helen Keller was deaf, mute and blind-so she
became one of the most famous women of all timel
John Bunyan wrote Pilgrim's Progress in a
prison cell!
Be grateful for obstacles and handicaps! They
are your challenge to do better, so
much better with such fierce determination and unstoppa-
ble persistence that success is inevitable!
Surmounting your obstacles and overcoming
your handicaps must become your magnificent obsession"!
Obstacles are sources of power which did not
exist until the obstacles offered resistancel
You are like a river. The river moves forward
slowly in its channel and generates no power. Then, a dam
( an obstacle) is placed in the path of the river and stops it
-just as you would be stopped by a large obstacle on your
road to success. But what happens?
The river is only stopped temporarily by the
obstacle (the dam). The How of water builds up against
the dam and forms a huge lake.
This creates a great reservoir of power which
did not exist before the obstacle in the form of the dam was
encountered by the slowly moving river.
The obstacle (the dam) created a new, vast
reservoir of power so great that it operates a hydroelectric
plant generating enough electricity to serve a large city
and all of the surrounding countrySide I
And so in your life, you will find that obstacles
are sources of power which did not exist-until the ob-
stacle blocked your way to success!
Learn to use the power created by obstacles
just as all successful men and women do. The brief exam-
ples on the preceding pages tell how others have used the
obstacles and handicaps in their lives to achieve greatness.
That same power, that same opportunity to
tum obstacles into terrific personal power is available to
you, as it is available to everyone.
Your obstacles, your handicaps are your chal-
lenge to over-compensate-to surmount your obstacles
and to overcome your handicaps with such fierce determi-
nation and such unstoppable persistance that you will be
much more successful than if you had not been challenged
by your obstacles and handicaps.
Never again think of obstacles or handicaps as
hindrances-think of them as power-generators!
Because ... that's exactly what they arel
More power to you!
Chapter 56
Get Richer Quicket'/
What Do You Want? Act AS IF You
Already Have Received It And
Give Thanks!
The world is a stage and all people are actors
playing their self-chosen parts.
This concept of life and living has often been
repeated in literature (Shakespeare in As You Like It,
Thomas Heywood in Apology for Actors, Montaigne in Of
The Most Excellent Men-to mention a few great writers
who described the world as a stage and all people as
Whatever literary merit this concept may have,
I prefer its use in psychology.
Frankly, I believe that "role playing" or "play
acting" gives focus to life and that by ACTING AS IF you
already have received intensely sought personal qualities
or possessions you actually win acquire them. Especially,
if you are thankful for them, do you activate the Univet'sal
Law of Consistency, as described elsewhere in my books.
The Bible plainly teaches that you should ACT
AS IF you already have received that which you want-
and give thanks for it. Then, that which you want shan be
given unto you. The Bible says sol
If modem religion would use this Biblical
teaching instead of exhorting compliance FIRST with de-
nominational doctrine, there would be a world religious re-
vival which would encompass millions of people who are
not now attracted to the preconditions of denominational
as a means of communicating with an Infinite Source of
Abundance, is recommended by the Wise Men throughout
the history of thought.
It is everywhere-in religion, in history, in lit-
erature and in psychology.
It may seem strange or mystical to those who
are not familiar with it, but any principle which is so ex-
traordinary and yet so universal throughout all history must
have credibility.
The great psychologist, William James of Har-
vard, was a constant advocate of the principle: ACT AS IF.
Among other uses, William James taught the use of ACT-
ING AS IF to regulate feelings which cannot be controlled
by will power.
William James taught: "Action seems to follow
feeling, but really action and feeling go together; and by
regulating the ACTION, which is more directly under the
control of the will, we can indirectly regulate the FEEL-
ING, which is not."
Thus, psychologist William James teaches us
that by ACTING AS IF we feel better, or feel happy, or
feel confident, or feel or feel successful-we
actually will cause ourselves to FEEL the way we ACT!
Psychologist William James expresses it this
way: Thus, the sovereign voluntary path to cheerfulness,
if your cheerfulness be lost, is to sit up cheerfully and to
ACT and speak AS IF cheerfulness were already there."
It is relatively easier to ACT AS IF you feel
than it is to ACT AS IF you receive. Obviously, this is not
advice that you ACT in a ridiculous or foolhardy manner.
Your actions must be believable to you before they will be
accepted by others. If you use that as a rule, you can use
the principle of ACTING AS IF to acquire what you want
-without over-acting.
Here's why:
Your actions are controlled by your thoughts,
your beliefs, your attitudes and your feelings. So, as long
as your actions are reasonable and consistent with the fore-
going, you can use the principle of ACTING AS IF you
are" and "you receive"- without over-acting.
For example:
It is possible and desirable that you ACT AS
IF you are a success-at least to the extent that you dem-
onstrate a success attitude in your manner and content of
speech, in dressing and grooming to achieve the most suc-
cessful appearance possible, in your choice of the most
successful associates, in eating at restaurants frequented by
successful people (you can choose the most inexpensive
items on the menu and limit the quantity), and by doing
everything possible to build your success image.
You can think up and do an almost unlimited
number of things to demonstrate a success attitude and to
build your success image.
I personally can assure you that it can be done
-because I did it when I was a very young man, starting
out without anything! In fact, my qualifications and assets
were something less than zero!
Yet, I often "dined" at restaurants which were
frequented by the most successful people. I ate soup.
Period! Just soup. On account of my diet (financial diet!).
But I was there and I saw, was seen by, and increasingly
met more and more successful people. Just by eating soup!
And that is just one small example.
Now, let us consider the miraculous power of
When you sincerely and intensely are thankful
for something which you do not yet have but which you
confidently believe you will receive, and ACT AS IF you
have received it-the Universal Law of Consistency will
provide it. Otherwise, there would be no consistency and
the Universal Law of Consistency would have failed. No
Universal Law can fail-ever!
Let me cite another personal experience. For
twenty-five years, I had smoked three packages of ciga-
rettes a day. I was as addicted a cigarette smoker as anyone
could be. I would not even answer the telephone until I
lit a fresh cigarette. Often, I noticed to my embarrassment
that I had two cigarettes burning at the same time.
So, I decided that, after smoking three pack-
ages of cigarettes a day for 25 years, I had made my"smok-
ing quota"-and would never smoke again.
Well, you have heard all the horror stories of
the difficulty of an addicted smoker trying to quit. I
stopped smoking instantly and forever with no "withdrawal
discomfort" at aU.
I carried an open package of cigarettes in my
pocket, had an open package in front of me on my desk at
the office and on my chairs ide table at home. I furnished
cigarettes to my friends and even lit them. But I never
smoked another cigarette, cigar or pipe.
What was my secret method?
No secret. It's right in this chapter. I gave
THANKS IN ADVANCE for the will power not to want to
smoke. Anytime I felt the slightest desire to smoke, I said
silently to myseH, c'Thank you, God, for the will power not
to want to smoke".
It is an impossibility to thank God for the will
power not to want to smoke-and then want to smoke-
and actually smoke. It Simply cannot be done if you are sin-
cere and honest in your little prayer of thanksgiving.
Call it an answer to prayer if you like. Or call
it the infallible Law of Consistency. (They are the same.)
If you sincerely and honestly were thankful (especially to
God) for the will power not to want to smoke, it would be
so clearly inconsistent for you then to want to smoke that
smoking would be impossible and completely undesirable.
It has been so in my case for many years-although I have
no objection to others smoking, and I furnish them ciga-
rettes and I light their cigarettes for them. I have no desire
whatever to smoke again, myself, although I have no spe-
cial medical or other reason not to.
This may be one of the most helpful chapter-
lessons you ever will read-so let us review it in a brief
summary with some additional explanations:
(1) Think, as have the Wise Men throughout
history, that the world is a stage and all people are actors
playing their self-chosen parts.
(2) You choose the part you play and, by
ACTING AS IF, you actually develop the personality and
character, and acquire the possessions consistent with the
part in life you have chosen to play.
(3) In ACTING AS IF, you must believe that
you actually acqUire the personality, character and posses-
sions consistent with the part you have chosen to play in
life. The Bible teaches: "Whatsoever things ye ask for
when ye pray, believe that ye RECEIVE them, and ye shall
have them." ASK! ... BELIEVE I ... GIVE THANKS I
( 4) Not only should you believe that you
RECENE the personality, character and possessions con-
sistent with the part you have chosen to play in life, but
you must GIVE THANKS IN ADVANCE as though you
are receiving or already have received them. Thus you acti-
vate the Universal Law of Consistency which will cause
your pm:sonality, character and possessions to become con-
sistent with your ACTING AS IF ... intensified by your
belief . . . reinforced by your giving thanks for what you
are receiving or already have received.
(5) Your ACTING AS IF must be believable
to you before it will be accepted by others. Your actions
are controlled by your thoughts, your beliefs, your attitudes
and your feelings.
So, as long as your actions are reasonable and
consistent with the foregOing, you can use the principle
of ACTING AS IF "you are" and "you receive" without
over-acting. lt would be inconsistent and therefore impos-
sible for you to act in a ridiculous or foolhardy manner
which was contrary to your controlling thoughts and be-
Remember, you are "acting out" your BELIEF
that you are becoming-or have become-the kind of
person you want to be.
lt is your BELIEVING expressed in ACTION
which will make it sol
( 6) Having reviewed the basic principles, it
now is most important that you re-study this complete
chapter-lesson. You may have to re-read it many times. If
this is necessary in order for you to thoroughly understand
it and start using it immediately-by all means, do sol
Your entire future may depend on itl
Chapter 57
Get Richer Quicker!
Here Is The EASY Way For
You To Get Richer ... Quicker!
The ONLY way for you to get richer qUicker is
for you to learn and use proven success methods.
This book and my other books in the Proven
Success Methods Library will teach you HOW to get
richer quicker and HOW to get whatever you want in life.
But, success has two requirements:
( 1) Success first requires that you know how;
(2) Success then requires that you do now!
The first requirement-that you learn HOW to
succeed-already has been made easy for you by my 40
years of researching, testing, and now publishing every
proven success method which I could find in 40 years of
intensive research ... more than a thousand proven suc-
cess methods.
So, the first requirement: KNOWING HOW
already has been made easy for you. You simply read ...
and learn. The second requirement for success is that you
DO NOW-that you USE the proven success methods as
you learn them. And, that you start using them NOWI
Here's how you can make your DOING NOW
easy, too.
You have a built-in energy generator. It is
called DESIRE.
If you DESIRE something enough-nothing
can prevent your getting itl
In my book, Here's Help, is a chapter on: "The
Power Of CARING ENOUGHI" In it, I quoted William
James, the Harvard philosopher and psycholOgist, and per-
haps the greatest thinker of modem times, who wrote:
,clf you only CARE ENOUGH for the result,
you will almost certainly attain it. If you wish to be rich,
you will be rich; if you wish to be learned, you will be
learned; if you wish to be good, you will be good. Only you
must really wish (INTENSELY DESIRE) these things:'
Note that you must "really wish"; you must
"care enough"; you must INTENSELY DESIRE!
Simply by using your built-in energy generator
called DESIRE-you generate the energy, you stimulate
the motivation, you activate the will power-all of which
combine to make it easy to USE the proven success meth-
ods which will make you richer ... qUicker!
So what was impossible without DESIRE, be-
comes easy with DESIRE!
It is a lot easier to do something you want to do
than it is to try to do something you do not want to do!
That applies to everything in life, but it applies especially
to getting richer quicker!
Once you get started, getting richer quicker
gets easier and easier. It is a Universal Law that money at-
tracts money.
As soon as you accumulate some money, it im-
mediately will' attract more money.
This is because money, itself; provides the
means of doing things which could not be done without
Havihg the means (money) opens doors of
opportunity which could not be opened otherwise.
And, as you multiply your opportunities, you
pyramid your gains. You get richer . .. qUicker!
It begins with your learning proven success
methods . . . then using them . . . powered by your
built-in energy generator, DESIRE . . . which makes it
easy because you want to do it.
Then, as they say at space-ship lift-offs: "AU
systems are GOr'
You. are on your way to your target ... getting
richer . . . qUicker!
Chapter 58
Get Richer Quicker/
ASK! ... And You Shall Succeed!
Those Who FIND OUT Get
Richer ... Quicker
There is a saying: "The world belongs to those
who find out."
Well, finding out is not enough-but that's the
way to start!
H you can find out what's wrong, and then
find out how to fix it-you're half-way there.
When you USE what you have found out to
actually fix what is wrong, you're all the way therel
H you make a career of finding out what is
wrong, finding out how to fix it, then actually fixing it-
you'll get richer qUicker!
If you make a career of finding out what people
want, or will want, or can be persuaded to want, and find-
ing out how to provide it, then providing it at a fair profit
-you'll get richer quicker!
Examples could go on indefinitely, but the les-
son already is clear: First, you have to FIND OUTI
It often has been said, "A little knowledge is
a dangerous thing."
So it is. And I want to add: "Too little knowl-
edge leads to disasterl"
Therefore, this chapter-lesson is on the proven
success method of FINDING OUT.
to ASK:
There is only one way to find out and that is
( 1) You can ask people, or
(2 ) You can ask books.
You should-you must-ask both.
You now are asking this book what are some of
the thousand proven success methods which will enable
you to get richer quicker. So we shall assume you know how
to FIND OUT by asking books. You now are doing it.
So, let's focus on how you can FIND OUT by
asking people.
The method is simple: Just ASK.
If you ASK courteously and expectantly, most
people will give you the information you want. It is posi-
tively remarkable how much valuable and useful infor-
mation you can get just by ASKING.
This seems so elementary that you may won-
der why I should mention it at all. The reason is that few
people make full use of ASKING, and most people seldom
use the proven success method of ASKING at all!
Listen to any conversation-and recall your
own-and you will find that conversations, at all levels,
consist almost entirely of people making statements.
Yet when you make a statement, you do not
learn anything! Usually, you don't accomplish anything,
Try this:
See how many interesting questions you can
ask during every conversation for an entire week-start-
ing now.
Even try to carry your part of a conversation
entirely (or almost entirely) by asking questions! This is a
real challenge-and it has an important purpose. It will
quickly teach you the valuable art of asking questions.
It also will teach you to stimulate the person
or persons with whom you are talking-instead of only
haH-listening to what they are saying because you are al-
ready thinking of what you want to say next.
In social conversations, you need ask only the
simplest questions:
do it?"
"What did you do next?"
Then, what happened?"
"What do you think about ?"
"How do you think would be the best way to
"What is your idea concerning ?"
You could make a list of a hundred such ques-
tions. It would be useful if you did-for practice and for
the list, itseH, which should be reviewed occasionally as a
By using the art of asking questions as the prin-
cipal part of your social conversations, you quickly will
gain the reputation of being the most interesting and stim-
ulating conversationalist in town.
But that's only the beginningl
When you master the art of asking questions
-and use it with purpose in business-you will be able to
accomplish two valuable objectives:
(1) You will FIND OUT whatever you need
to know.
(2 ) You will control every interview because
it will consist of answering your questions (and you control
the questions).
You can ASK your way to success I
One of my proven success methods books, How
To Get Whatever You Want, has an entire section on the
successful methods of ASKING. Here is one of the many
suggestions from that book:
ASK for expert opinions about your plans or
problems. Ask the experts for their critical opinions. (Most
people ask for opinions when what they really want is
Hattery.) Polish your plans with the experts" ideas!
You will be pleasantly surprised by the willing-
ness of most experts to give you valuable advice free, when
asked under the following conditions:
( a) If the request is obviously not an attempt
to get free professional counseling for which the expert
normally receives large fees.
(b) If the requested advice can be given spon-
taneously without time-consuming research.
Learn and use successful ASKING methods
and you will become an expert at getting richer quicker.
Chapter 59
Get Richer ... Quicker!
Two "Magic" Words Which Will
Make You Popular Everywhere!
From the preceding chapter, you learned a
proven success method which uses the highly effective
technique of ASKING.
In fact, you learned that you can literally ASK
your way to success!
And, so you can.
But that does not preclude your using other
different-and seemingly opposite-proven success
In my forty years of researching proven success
methods, I tested and compiled over a thousand methods,
each of which is different from, although sometimes related
to, other success methods, all available from my books for
your use as proven success techniques.
You can choose the methods which best suit
your purpose.
This gives you a broad range of options. You
are not limited to just one way to succeed. You can choose,
from a thousand proven success methods, those methods
which are best suited to your own personality and situation
-and which you feel will most quickly attain your goal.
All of the success methods in my books have
been tested and proven. So it is not a question of which
will work but of your choosing the methods (any combina-
tion of them) which you can learn to use most effectively
to reach your goal as qUickly as possible.
As its title implies, it is the purpose of this book
to enable you to succeed ... QUICKER!
SO you are given many proven success methods
from which to choose. There is not just one narrow road to
success-but there are many high-speed super highways
and you should choose the routes best suited to you.
This explains why, in the preceding chapter,
you were taught how to ASK your way to success, and in
this chapter, you will learn how to TALK your way to suc-
cess-with the skillful, frequent use of two "magic"
These simply are two different methods. You
can choose between them-or you can combine them into
an even more effective success method.
So, let's proceed now with the lesson of this
chapter: "Two Magic Words Which Will Make You Popu-
lar Everywhere!"
The two words are not really "magic" in any
supernatural sense, but their use by you will so miracu-
lously increase your popularity that you will agree that
these two words work "like magic".
The two "magic" words are: "I like . .. "
It is how you use the words, "I like . . ." which
will cause your personal popularity to skyrocket no matter
how popular you already arel
Here's how to use the magic of: I like . .. ~
Frankly and Sincerely say that you like as many
of another's personal qualities, accomplishments and pos-
sessions as you pOSSibly can, at every opportunity, when-
ever you are with... or telephone... or write that
Then, do this with everyone-every time-you
are with . . . or telephone . . . or write . . . every person.
That's all there is to it-but it is popularity
It should be clear enough, as just explained,
but just to impress it deeply into your mind, re-read the
foregOing explanation several times.
Here are a few examples:
You meet a woman acquaintance and, after a
cordial greeting, you enthusiastically say, "I like that new
dress!" (Or hat, coat, hairstyle, or whatever you think your
acquaintance would like to have complimented.)
Later, if you have occasion to telephone or
write her, say or write, "1 liked the (descriptive) dress you
were wearing the other day when we met."
Or, when visiting in a home, enthusiastically
say, "I like your living room arrangement." (Continue
briefly telling what you especially like about it.)
Or, in a telephone call, "I like your daughter.
She impresses me." (Continue enthusiastically to tell how
the daughter favorably impresses you).
Or, employer to file clerk: "I like the way you
take care of our filing." (State specific instances. )
That should be enough examples to explain the
popularity success method of: "I like . . ."
The method is for you to say, "I like . . :' at
every opportunity-to everybody.
No exceptions! To everybody!
If something about which you can say, "I like
. . ." is not readily apparent-look for it or try to think of
something about which you can say, "I like . . :'
This method, to be totally successful, requires
that you find something to like about everybody-and that
you find many personal qualities, accomplishments and
possessions about which you can enthusiastically say, "I
like . . :' at every opportunity.
The more often you say, "I like ... ", the more
people will like you in return.
Remember, you cannot succeed alone. You
only can succeed with the friendly cooperation of many
people who like you enough to want to help you succeed!
Being liked will open many "doors" which will
make it easier for you to get RICHER . .. QUICKER!
Chapter 60
Get Richer .. Quicker 1
Here's How You Can Use The
Amazing ' ~ A W OF INCREASE"
Charles Fillmore was one of the foremost re-
cent teachers of the Law of Increase, but this Universal
Law was taught back in the days of the Old Testament of
the Bible, and records show its use long before that.
The Law of Increase, simply stated, is: "You
The remarkable increase or improvement re-
sulting from PRAISE is explained in detail in my book,
Thoughts To Build On, so we shall take space here for just
a few examples:
( 1) Scientific tests show that school children
get better than average grades when their work is praised,
but get very poor grades when they are frequently criti-
(2) Business associates will cooperate with
you, and employees will do much better work, when they
are praised, but will be uncooperative and resentful if they
are criticized. You can greatly increase the productivity,
efficiency and effectiveness of an eI).tire business organiza-
tion by freely using PRAISE which doesn't cost you a centl
It is the Law of Increase: "You INCREASE or
IMPROVE whatever you PRAISE."
(3) At every opportunity, praise your family,
friends, acquaintances-everybody! They will think you
are wonderful and be eager to be with you. As psycholo-
gist William James taught: "The deepest principle of hu-
man nature is the craving to be appreciated." What better
way to tell people that you appreciate them-than
You simply use the Law of Increase to increase
your popularity and improve your relationships with every-
Easy, isn't it?
And, there's more! When you use every oppor-
tunity to PRAISE everybody-you actually eliminate anx-
iety, fear and emotional depression from your own life!
You are assured of that by one of the greatest psychiatrists,
Dr. Alfred Alder, who advised his patients who were the
unhappy victims of anxieties, fears and depreSSions: "You
can be cured in fourteen days if you think constantly how
you can p ease someone.
How is the best way to please someone?
Psychologist William James taught: "The deep-
est principle in human nature is the craving to be appre-
ciated." PRAISE I
Not only does the Law of Increase work with
people, but it certainly influences animals. Many people
believe it influences crops and plants. And, now, science
has proven that PRAISE improves everything!
Let's have a closer look.
The Law of Increase is: "You INCREASE or
IMPROVE whatever you PRAISE."
Animal trainers-including trainers of wild
animals, domestic animals and small pets-all use PRAISE
reinforced by REWARD to increase and improve the
obedience and performance of the animals they train.
When the animal being trained responds prop-
erly, it is enthusiastically PRAISED, then REWARDED
with its favorite delicacy. Always this causes the animal
to increase compliance and improve performance.
While I personally have no scientific proof of
the effectiveness of applying the Law of Increase to crops,
there are tens of thousands of farmers who PRAISE the
growth and abundance of their crops daily from planting
through harvest. If they did not have reason to believe it
works, they surely would not continue to do it year after
year. But they do; by the thousands!
There are millions of housewives who will
testify that loving PRAISE makes their houseplants grow
more luxuriantly!
And Dr. J. B. Rhine's years of testing at Duke
University confirms what many scientists have long be-
lieved: "Mind does influence matter."
The Law of Increase gives you tremendous
power, including the means of increasing your success and
wealth-and making you RICHER ... QUICKER!
Chapter 61
Get Richer Quicker!
Be A GOOD NEWS Reporter And
All "Doors" Will Open For You!
You will get richer qUicker if you are welcome
Because the more welcome you are as a guest,
as a friend, as a business more "doors" you
can open and go through.
I often have described success as the ability to
open all "doors" to opportunities, contacts, alliances-to
the treasure rooms of success and wealth.
When your presence is so eagerly sought that
others enthusiastically open the doors" for you, your in-
fluence, success and wealth are assured.
Throughout history, the people who have been
welcomed everywhere, always, under all circumstances, by
everybody-are those who brought GOOD NEWS!
In ancient times, messengers who brought bad
news, such as the loss of a battle, were executed!
That should be held in your mind' as a constant
reminder of the degree of displeasure toward people who
bring-or even bring up-bad news!
No, in these enlightened days of tolerance, you
will not be executed if you are a persistent source of bad
news. You will be fired! Or SOCially avoided!
Notice that you do not have to cause the bad
news. You merely have to regularly transmit bad news,
bring up unpleasant topics, disagreeable subjects-to be
fired, or shunned and avoided like a plague.
And, in a real sense, if you usually bring bad
news, discuss unpleasant topics, dwell on disagreeable
subjects-you will be a plague! And definitely treated
like one!
This may not be fair. There is a "need to know"
-for better or for worse. We all should face up to our
problems-the sooner, the better. We should not ostrich-
like, hide our heads in the sand.
"Life is a problem-solving adventure! We must
welcome problems as challenges! Let it rainr I have writ-
ten that in my books, magazine articles and syndicated
newspaper articles. I shall continue to do so. Because it is
true and we need constantly to be reminded of it.
But we solve problems with facts. So let us
apply the facts to the problem of transmitting bad news.
It is a fact that bad news, unpleasant topics and disagreea-
ble subjects have all of the charm of an activated skunk.
And your having associated with a skunk is a fact that will
linger long after you have put the skunk aside!
It also is a fact that bad news will travel fast
enough without your volunteering to serve as broadcaster.
So ... leave the bad news broadcasting to the multitude
of eager doomsayers and scandal gossips.
Instead, choose the financially and sOcially re-
warding career of GOOD NEWS Reporter! (This will not
interfere with your present work; it will enhance it/)
Look for GOOD NEWS everywhere, in every
situationl Remember that news usually is good or bad de-
pending upon the point of view. Be an advocate of the
GOOD NEWS side of the story.
Once you really get into the spirit of being a
GOOD NEWS Reporter, you will find good news every-
But finding good news everywhere is only half
of your career as a GOOD NEWS Reporter. The other half
is reporting it to everybody on every occasion I
That's when-and how-you begin to open
"doors". As soon as people begin to associate you with
GOOD NEWS, you will be welcome as a guest, as a friend,
as a business associate.
And, if you never disappoint them but always
bring GOOD NEWS, you not only will be welcome, you
will be sought!
You will not even have to open "doors", your-
seH-others eagerly will open for you the "doors" to valua-
ble opportunities, influential contacts, powerful alliances
... "doors" to the treasure rooms of success and wealth!
It's a pleasant way to get richer . . . quicker!
Chapter 62
Get Richer ... Quicker!
The No Longer
"Gets The Grease"
The world has an over-abundance of chronic
complainers who must think that the old cliche that "the
squeaking wheel gets the grease" was one of the Ten Com-
mandments. So they continue their chorus of complaints,
gripes and grievances.
They are the "squeaking wheels" who think if
they "squeak" loudly enough and long enough, they will
get "the grease" in the form of special benefits to tempo-
rarily quiet them.
And, having been rewarded in the past merely
for "squeaking", they are tempted to think it will payoff
in the present.
'Not so! We now know that it is more pleasant,
more efficient and more economical to replace the repeat-
edly "squeaking wheel" with one which causes less friction
and less annoyance.
Let all "squeaking wheelS' (including pro-
fessionals) take note. Hereafter, the only "grease" they will
get will be to expedite their exit through that one-way
door marked: OUTI
We are fed up with chronic complainers. We
no longer shall waste time in deferential sufferance of the
vanity of self-appointed or "adversary-advocate" grievance
As for the professional complainers, let them
terminate their lucrative careers by complaining to their
constituencies that everybody just found out that problems
are not solved by adversary complaints but by cooperative
A proven success method now used by most
knowledgeable executives is that no problem or complaint
is to be submitted to them unless accompanied by a feasi-
ble solution, preferably with alternative solutions.
This eliminates "gripe sessions" altogether-
and replaces them with problem-solving workshops. It
"changes the climate". It prOvides a fresh, stimulating
atmosphere where ideas sparkle, unobscured by gloom.
The irritating whine of "squeaking wheels"
will be gone, replaced by the harmony of creative sugges-
tions for improving the latest improvement I
While everybody gets richer . .. quicker!
Chapter 68
Get Richer Quicker!
Be A Spirit Lifter!
Remember in the first section of this book you
learned that 81 % of all jobs in the near-future would be
"personal-services-to-people" jobs.
field in which almost all of the readers of this book can get
richer quicker, most of the proven success methods taught
in this book are specific techniques for succeeding with
Obviously, knowing how to succeed with peo-
ple also will help the 3% of the work force who will be
engaged in big corporate farming because they will need
to deal with people in farm management, purchasing, mar-
keting and almost every phase of operating their huge
f ."
crop- actones .
And that also applies to the 16% of the work
force which will be engaged in the computerized auto-
mated manufacturing of the future. This will require the
greatest skills in people-cooperation and people-coordina-
tion because in this vast technological complex, people-
errors will cost millions of dollars each!
So, in all jobs in the years ahead, proven suc-
cess methods for SUCCEEDING WITH PEOPLE are the
absolute requirement for getting richer qUicker.
One of the proven success methods for SUC-
CEEDING WITH PEOPLE is stated in the title of this
chapter: "Be A Spirit Lifterl"
Most people are personally depressed at some
time. Some are depressed all of the time; some are de-
pressed most of the time; some are depressed occasionally.
In every case, the feeling of personal depres-
sion-discouragement, dissatisfaction, lack of vitality, lack
of enthusiasm, lack of eagerness-is very real; it is felt as a
"spiritual sickness'.
The effect of personal depression is physical,
mental and emotional. That adds up to "spiritual" which
encompasses all. So "spiritual sickness" is a good name for
personal depression.
Therefore, this chapter-lesson on your being a
SPIRIT LIFTER for others.
As this and my other books frequently empha-
size, your influence in dealing with people depends upon
your being a source of what they need. Often, what they
subconsciously need.
For you to be a source of what others need, you
first must know what they need. One thing you learned
from this chapter is that people need to have their spirits
And how do you lift their spirits?
You do as taught in a previous chapter: you
fulfill their "eager wants"-their deep subconscious needs.
For starters, let's briefly review four "eager
wants" which everyone has and which you can fulfill every
time you see, phone or write every person.
( 1 ) FulIDI the "eager want" of everyone to be
ADMIRED. Always enthusiastically express your sincere
admiration of some quality or possession of everyone. You
can find qualities or possessions of everyone which you
sincerely can admire. Do itl This positive thinking will do
you as much good as your expressed admiration will bene-
fit the person admired.
No one can feel depressed while being enthusi-
astically ADMIREDI
(2) Fulfill the "eager want" of everyone to be
APPRECIATED. The famous Harvard psychologist,
William James, taught: "The deepest craving in human
nature is the craving to be appreciated."
Think often about the qualities or acts of others
which you appreciate-and tell them frequently in person,
by phone or in a letter.
Noone can feel depressed while being en
thusiastically APPRECIATEDI
( 3) FuIml the "eager want' of everyone to
feel IMPORTANT. Many psycholOgists and such great
educators as John Dewey consider this to be the most pow-
erful motivation because it is the principal drive behind
ego-actions. Everyone is IMPORTANT in some way. Find
it! And tell each person about it often.
No one can feel depressed while receiving
recognition of personal IMPORTANCE!
( 4) Fulfill the .. eager w a n ( ~ of everyone to
feel NEEDED. The feeling of being no longer needed is a
major cause of personal depression. There is a need for
everyone in this world of people-problems requiring per-
Your greatest service as a SPIRIT LIFTER is
convincing depressed people that they are needed-and
then proving it by bringing together the depressed people
and the situations in which their services are needed.
No one can feel depressed if he or she person-
aUy is NEEDED to actively assist others in succeeding
with their problems.
If you begin by fulfilling these four "eager
wants" of others, you will lift their spirits every time you
see, phone or write them. You will be a SPIRIT LIFTER
who is needed and sought by manyl
It requires little imagination to visualize the
tremendous personal magnetism you wiU radiate by con-
stantly lifting the spirits of everyone within range of your
People will do almost anything to be AD-
You be the one who constantly fulfills these
c'eager wants" of others and they will do almost anything
for youl One of the things they will eagerly do for you
will be to help, in every way they can, enable you to at-
tain whatever you want: success, wealth, influence, power,
fame ... whatever you want!
And that is a small price for them to pay for
admiration, appreciation, imporlance, feeling needed.
People willingly pay much morel
Consider the billions of dollars spent annually
for clothing, cosmetics, jewelry, and the hundreds of items
with which all people seek ADMIRATION.
Consider the billions of activities all people
engage in annually to earn some APPRECIATION.
Consider that people will do (and have done)
literally anything to feel IMPORTANT. They murder, riot,
steal, vandalize, cause anything from wars to panics-to
feel IMPORTANT. That's on the negative side. On the
positive side they devote lifetimes to studies, research,
careers in countless endeavors-to feel IMPORTANT.
Consider that people, by the thousands, have
committed suicide because they no longer felt NEEDED.
And for each thousand people who deliberately take their
lives, there are millions more who simply drop out and die
a lingering death of depression and remorseL-because they
no longer feel NEEDED.
Being a SPIRIT LIFTER is no inconsequential
thing. You wiU be handling emotional dynamite! You will
be using the unlimited power of the subconscious!
And yet, you can do it so simply, so easily!
Like this:
Whenever you are with someone, or telephone
someone, or write someone-you visualize what you can
say which will make that person feel ADMIRED, feel
Then sincerely and enthUSiastically say itl
I cannot tell you what specific words to use.
You will have to select the most appropriate and most ef-
fective words for each different person.
It will help you at first to list each person's
name at the top of a page of a notebook, then write under
each name an appropriate list of things to say which will
make that person feel admired, feel appreciated, feel im-
portant, feel needed.
Then say those things to that person whenever
you see, phone or write him or her.
Review Chapter 46: "How To Multiply Your
Effectiveness By Becoming A Telephone Personality."
Then use the telephone techniques taught in that chapter
to become a SPIRIT LIFTER. Use your telephone as your
goodwill broadcasting microphone to lift the spirits of at
least three people every day.
Review Chapter 61: "Be A Good News Re-
porter" and. use the exciting methods taught in that chapter
to lift the spirits of everyone you meet, phone or write.
Just begin every conversation with: "Did you hear the
good news about ... ?" Or: "Isn't it good news that ... ?"
You can find many other chapters in this book
and in my other books which will help you be a SPIRIT
Being a SPIRIT LIFTER requires some
thought and effort-but your reward will be eager help
and cooperation in your getting whatever you want in life!
And . . . to the extent you lift the spirits of
Chapter 64
Get Richer, , , Quicker/
Do Unto Yourself What Your
Competitor Will Do Unto You! But
Do It First!
The following proven success method will en-
able any business to get ahead and stay ahead of all com-
petition by using "imaginary proiection",
First, here is some useful background:
In my other books of proven success methods,
I conSistently have advocated the use of imaginary pro-
jection" to enable my readers to externalize" themselves
in order to "see themselves from the outside",
As proof of how effective I think "imaginary
projection" is, there are three chapters in my book,
Thoughts To Build On, which teach highly useful forms
of imaginary protection":
One chapter, Practice (In Your Imagination)
Makes Perfect", teaches how professionals in all sports
practice in their imaginations to perfect their champion-
ship form. You can use this method in all activities.
Another chapter, "Be Your Own Ghost",
teaches how you can, in your imagination, visualize the
cereal you" standing outside your own body and critically
watching you perform each daily task. This is one of the
most effective forms of self-improvement.
Another chapter in my SO-chapter book,
Thoughts To Build On, is titled "Externalize YourseH,
Don't Exist", That chapter teaches how to replace SELF-
consciousness with OTHERS-consciousness-with remark-
able results!
And there is a three-chapter section in my
book, Here's Help, which expands on psychologist William
James' teaching of the "imaginary projection" of AS IF,
which is one of the most effective methods in success
The purpose of the preceding references is to
show that "imaginary projection" can be and actually is
being used to greatly improve performance in the lives of
individuals who use it.
Now, let us progress from the use of "imagi-
nary projection" by individuals to its highly profitable use
in business.
The title of this chapter states the principle:
"Do Unto Yourself What Your Competitor Will Do Unto
Youl But Do It Firstr
What does that mean?
How do you do it in your business?
Here's how:
(1) First, imagine that YOU are your com-
petitor (your most progressive competitor).
(2) Next, as your imaginary competitor, what
would YOU do to get ahead of youP
Make a written list of every weakness in your
business which you, if you were your competition, would
take advantage of. Imagine, if you were your
what would you do to get ahead of YOUP
Your list of what you, as your competitor,
would do to get ahead of YOU will consist of:
(a) All weaknesses in your business which a
competitor could take advantage of.
(b) All conceivable new ideas (competitive
scoops") which your competitor could put into effect
FIRST and thus get ahead or stay ahead of you.
n you do an innovative and comprehensive
job of imagining what you would do to if you were
your most progressive competitor-you will actually have
a list of what you must do before your competitor
does it to youl
( S) Then, using your list as a guide, immedi-
ately DO all the things on your list.
( a) Immediately correct every weakness.
(b) Immediately put into effect every new
idea (competitive "scoop") before your competitor does.
( c) Do it FIRST-before your competitor
does-and do it to your own advantage!
Every business should assign to its best "idea
man" the responsibility of being its imaginary competitor.
This "idea man" imaginary competitor should
submit frequent written reports to management-reports
titled: "If I Were Our Competitor, This Is What I Would
Do To Get Ahead Of Us'.
This report then would list every conceivable
thing your most progressive competitor could do to get
ahead or stay ahead of you.
Your "idea man" imaginary competitor should
subject every idea to each of the 61 Magic Questions listed
in Chapter 13 of this book.
The use of "imaginary projection" in business,
as taught in this chapter, can put what Walter Chrysler
called "imagineering" into your business.
And, being your own imaginary competitor is
a challenging and an idea-stimulating concept which will
SPARK IDEAS that will enable you to get ahead and stay
ahead of competition.
It is a sure way to GET RICHER ...
Chapter 65
Get Richer, , , Quicker!
Unless You Increasingly Do It
Better-You Will Not Be Asked
To Do It Again!
The name of the game-in business and in life
The title of this chapter sums it up: "Unless
you increasingly do it better-you will not be asked to do
it again."
Consider the ultimate: To be great!
No person ever became great by doing what
others could do just as well. You have to do it better!
Now consider, just the commonplace: Not to
be great, but merely to maintain your present position in
business, in your community and in life.
As Alice in Wonderland discovered: you have
to keep running fust to stay in the same place!
A business must constantly improve its prod-
ucts and/or its services at a competitive price-or other
companies will gradually or overwhelmingly put the un-
progressive company out of business. It is not enough to
continue present company products, services and perform-
ance. A company must constantly improve.
A Universal Law is: Make progress or stand
aside. Or be pushed aside!
The three requirements of success are: Im-
prove! ... Improve! ... Improve!
That applies not only to companies but to in-
dividuals-at all levels-at work, at home, at school, in
their community or group activities, in life.
You must constantly improve! You must con-
stantly do better! You must have ideas, plans, suggestions
for progress-and implement them with your own increas-
ing effort. Constantly!
Work and live by the demonstrated success
method of billionaire J. Paul Getty: "Try harder!"
As recommended in this book: Think up! ...
Write down! . . . Speak out!
Improve! ... Improvel ... Improve!
Because, unless you increasingly do it better-
you will not be asked to do it again!
But if you DO increasingly do it better-busi-
nesses will bid for your services by offering you increas-
ingly greater compensation.
You will surely GET RICHER ... QUICKER!
Chapter 66
Get Richer ... Quicker!
IDEAS Are What The United States
Are Made Of!
This nation is not just a conglomerate of peo-
ple, resources, buildings-held together by an inefficient
bureaucratic government under a Constitution no more
stable than its frequent reinterpretation by a changing
Supreme Court.
All of those components of this nation-with
all their natural faults and weaknesses-still add up to the
richest and most powerful nation in the world!
What magic has produced such a gigantic
miracle in just 200 years?
made of."
Some years ago, the New Yorker said it best:
IDEAS are what the United States are
There you have itl The magic key to greatness
-whether it be the greatness of a nation, a company, or
an individual! IDEAS I IDEA POWERI
The people of the United States have pro-
duced, promoted and capitalized on more useful, valuable,
productive IDEAS than people any place else in the world!
Yes, our forefathers populated and developed
a land rich in natural resources-but other countries are
rich in natural resources, too. We do not have a monopoly
on or even a sufficiency of essential resources-as is clearly
evident by our necessarily vast imports.
Most of us believe that we have the best form
of government in spite of our propensity for compounding
inefficient, incredibly wasteful bureaucracies. But ours
may not be the best form of government for all other na-
tions under their different present circumstances-and,
hopefully, we shall not consider it a precondition for inter-
national friendship and cooperation.
While no one should deny that hard work con-
tributed much to the early building of this nation, we have,
for many years, worked less hard . . . for fewer hours . . .
and much higher wages than any people on this earth.
So ... giving due credit to many other assets,
the fact is that the greatness of this nation is principally
the result of IDEAS ... beginning with the ideas of those
wise men who wrote our Constitution and founded a form
of government "of the people, by the people and for the
For two centuries, the people of this nation
have been using IDEAS as building blocks, until today our
people have built the greatest, richest, most powerful na-
tion in the world.
Let us not forget how this nation was built. It
was built by IDEAS. Not only by the ideas of a few great
geniuses, but by the ideas of millions of people in all occu-
pations-people who thought up ... wrote down ...
. . . spoke out.
We need to remember that!
This nation is depleting its once "unlimited"
supply of natural resources at an appalling rate.
To the extent that we deplete our natural re-
sources, we must replace them with creative resources.
To the degree that we fail to replace our de-
clining natural resources with the equivalent in creative
resources, we shall decline as a world power.
This nation needs an IDEA EXPLOSION!
And we need it NOW!
Chapter 67
Get Richer Quickerr
Yon Cannot Safely Speed Forward
While Regretfully Looking Backward
Most people live out their entire lives, existing
in circumstances which "happened" to them in the past.
Their lives are a continuation of what ''hap-
pened" to them and they feel that they are "victims of
circumstances", products of heredity and environment.
That simply is not sol At least, it need not be so!
As Harry Emerson Fosdick so wisely taught,
"Life consists not Simply in what heredity and environment
do to us-but in what we make out of what they do to us:'
Your present and your future need not be con-
trolled by heredity, nor past environment, nor past events.
Instead of existing in circumstances which
''happened'' to you-beginning right now, YOU start
'happening" to circumstances!
Take controll By your 'happening" to circum-
stances, you dominate and mold them to your will.
You cannot safely speed forward while you are
regretfully looking backward. So do not keep looking over
your shoulder at the past. The past is over and done withl
The faster you speed forward, the farther you leave the
past behind and the more dim all past events will become
until past mistakes and past sorrows become blurs which
fade into the distant haze.
It is like climbing a mountain to reach your goal
at the top. The higher you climb, the deeper become the
shadows of the valley you have left. Then, as the past
vanishes in the darkness of the distant valley below, the
higher path ahead becomes brighter in the sunlight on the
highest peak which is your goal.
So do not look back into the shadows of the
past. Speed straight ahead to your goal and leave the
shadows behind.
You cannot safely speed forward while you are
regretfully looking backward!
Chapter 68
Get Richer ... Quicker 1
The Magic Password To Success Is:
In my forty years of researching proven success
methods, there was one word which seemed to be almost a
"magic" password to success.
That "magic" password to success is: FIRST.
Here are examples from my books on proven
success methods. Note that the trigger-word is "FIRST":
( 1) The way to get others to cooperate with
you in doing what you want to do, is FIRST to help them
do what they want to do. OHer your cooperation FIRST.
(2) The way to start a conversation, even with
a stranger, is to ask a courteous question FIRST.
( 3) The only way you can be a leader is to be
FIRST. You have to stay ahead to be a leader.
( 4) The way to avoid costly mistakes is to ask
FIRST ... and get the facts FIRST ... consider all possi-
ble alternatives FIRST.
(5) The way to deal with trouble is to prepare
for it FIRST.
( 6) The only way to really be accepted is to
deserve acceptance FIRST.
(7) The way to a higher income is to make
yourself more valuable FIRST.
( 8) The way to improve your performance is
to practice in your imagination FIRST.
(9) The way to solve a complex problem is to
divide it into simple, solvable parts FIRST.
( 10) The way to survive is to adjust to your
environment FIRST. (Then begin improving on your ad-
justed situation.)
( 11) The way to succeed with everyone is
FIRST to make them feel appreciated, feel admired, feel
important, feel needed.
( 12) The method of developing a magnetic
personality is FIRST to generate an "inner glow so that
you can radiate an "outer glow-which will be your
magnetism to irresistibly attract others.
( 13) The secret "success-timing is to get
there FIRST ... propose it FIRST ... do it FIRST.
( 14) The way to get credit (and rewards) for
your ideas is to be the FIRST to think up ... write down
... speak out.
( 15) The way to inspire and motivate others is
FIRST give them hope. Only if they FIRST have hope, will
people exert the effort to progress.
( 16) In order to learn from failure and "fail
your way to success", you FIRST must learn to fail for-
ward. Failures are lessons, not disgraces.
( 17) Before you can succeed at all, you FIRST
must believe. William James, the famed philosopher and
psychologist at Harvard, taught: "Belief creates the actual
fact." You FIRST must believe I
( 18) To get others to give you what you want
or do what you want, you FIRST must ask them. Most peo-
ple will do what they are asked if the proper asking-tech-
nique is used.
( 19) The way to negotiate successfully is
FIRST to agree enthusiastically on as many points as possi-
ble (including all points which can be conceded without
substantial loss ) .
(20) The way to materialize your intense de-
sire into reality through the unlimited power of your sub-
conscious mind is FIRST to express your desire in a 2-
second goal command to your subconscious, repeated hun-
dreds of times every day.
(21) The way to conquer fear is FIRST to
"desensitize" the fear impulse by deliberately doing the
thing you fear-conSciously and repeatedly-until the fear
is "exhausted" by what is called Desensitization Therapy.
(22) The way to acquire terrific power-with-
people is FIRST to become a "source of of the
compelling subconscious needs of everyone within your ex-
panding personal world.
(23) The Law of Abundance requires that
FIRST you must plant before you can reap an abundant
harvest of what you want which you FIRST "planted" as
intense mental pictures in your subconscious mind.
(24) If you want to attract money, FIRST
you must "think
(25) If you want to be successful, FIRST you
must think, feel and act AS IF you already are successful.
(26) If you want the goodwill of others,
FIRST you must express your goodwill toward them.
(27) If you want to attract friends, FIRST you
must offer your friendship.
(28) If you want to be loved, FIRST you must
( 29 ) If you want to achieve the advanced-
mental-emotional-spirituallevel of the Quiet Mind, FIRST
you must learn eye-relaxation and how to "'black-out" or
blank-out" disturbing mental pictures.
( 30) If you want to activate your personality,
FIRST you must generate motivational excitement."
(31) One of the most effective methods of
self-improvement is FIRST to create an imaginary "con-
stant companion" of your "ideal you".
(32) If you want to build a strong and calm
character, FIRST you must condition yourself not to emo-
tionalize trouble.
( 33) The way to avoid being upset and irri-
tated by the selfish, egotistical, ungrateful people whom
you will encounter daily, is FIRST to accept the fact that
no one is perfect and to maintain an attitude of tolerance
toward others so that you become insensitive to their hu-
man imperfections.
( 34) If you would reach the maturity of
knowing that life is too brief to permit animosity, resent-
ment and anger to add to your difficulties-you FIRST
must learn that nothing will be gained by escalating
( 35) H you want to reach the heights of suc-
cess, you cannot "pull yourseH up by your own bootstraps".
You must be lifted to success by your fellow men. So, you
FIRST must make yourseH "easy to lift".
(36) To become popular, successful and
happy-you FIRST must use the 3-G Method: always,
and to everyone, express (IG) Gratitude, (2G) Goodwill,
( 3G) Good wishes.
(37) You FIRST must give-before you will
( 38) You FIRST must close the door on the
past (about which you can do nothing), before you can
open wide the door to the present (in which you can do
everything!). Now" is all there really is!
( 39) In order for families to stay together,
they FIRST must laugh and play together.
( 40) The key to a happy and satisfying life is:
FIRST make everyone feel better because of you.
( 41) Develop the maturity to welcome criti-
cism as a sometimes malicious but usually a valuable
teacher. FIRST sharpen your ideas on the grindstone of
( 42) H you want to maintain what famed
psychiatrist Karl Menninger called "Vital Balance," you
FIRST must learn from Kipling: "Meet with triumph and
disaster, and treat those two imposters just the same." Be
serenely underwhelmedl
( 43) To generate and maintain the motivation
and energy to achieve, you FIRST must activate the Power
of Caring Enough.
(44) To use the preceding proven success
methods, you FIRST must have the will power to make
yourself do the thing you should do . . . when it ought to
be done . . . whether you like it or not.
All of the preceding proven success methods
are taught thoroughly and completely in my other books,
so the only purpose in referring to them here is to empha-
size that in order to succeed in any way, you FIRST must
do something.
This is a push-button world! You FIRST have
to push the speCific button which will set in motion the de-
sired success-activity.
The lesson of this chapter is that to succeed,
you must take the initiative-you must take the FIRST
Success is attained only through the universal
Law of Cause and Effect: you FIRST must do whatever is
required to cause the desired effect: success.
It is the purpose of this and my other books to
teach you what you must do FIRST and how to do it
FIRST to cause the effect: success.
And it has been the purpose of this chapter to
emphasize that success is not going to happen" to you-
the only success you ever will have must be caused".
Every success will have to be caused by your
FIRST using the success method required for that specific
Then the universal Law of Cause and Effect
Chapter 69
Get Richer .. Quicker!
A Billionaire Gives You His Success
Method For Getting Richer Quicker
I witnessed an interview with billionaire
J. Paul Getty.
The purpose of the interview was to get di-
rectly from a billionaire his proven success method for
getting richer qUicker.
If anybody should know about how to get
richer quicker, it should be a billionaire who did itl
The following instructions come from J. Paul
Getty whose assets exceed one and a half billion dollars
(equal to 1,500 millionaires).
Here is J. Paul Getty's proven success method
for getting richer qUicker. His billion-dollar method con-
sists of only two words:
That's it. Just TRY HARDER. It is so simple
anybody can do it. And everybody shouldl
If that seems too simple, think it through to its
ultimate conclusion:
( 1) First, you TRY HARDER ...
(2) Then you TRY HARDER than that .. .
(3) And you constantly TRY HARDER .. .
and HARDER ... and HARDER!
The result is that you compound your effort.
And compounded effort is like compound in-
terest. It expands at a terrific rate!
The "get richer quicker" method of the super-
rich is known as "pyramiding". You can do it with money,
investments, and with effort!
When you TRY HARDER ... and then TRY
HARDER than that . .. and pile the results of your con-
stantly increasing efforts, each upon all the others, you are
pyramiding your efforts.
And when you pyramid your efforts, you pyra-
mid your results, and you compound your profits.
The acceleration in your assets will be enor-
mous and the total result ... well, J. Paul Getty made one
and one-half billion dollars!
His proven success method: TRY HARDER!
The proven result: He got richer . .. qUicker!
Chapter 70
Get Richer ... Quicker!
Success Is COPING-Not Just
First, there must be hope-because when hope
is lost, all is lost.
Without hope, there can be no motivation.
Without motivation, based on hope, there wnI
be no constructive effort.
Without constructive effort, resulting from mo-
tivation based on hope, there can be no accomplishment.
So, first and constantly, there must be hope.
Anyone who aspires to be a leader must learn that. The
first act of a leader must be to instill hope-convincingly.
Thereafter, his only function is to fulfill that
Leadership is just as simple as that. All else is
window-dressing-for which is paid too high a price.
Being simple does not mean being easy.
Instilling hope-convincingly-is difficult.
People have been misled too often by too many.
Fulfilling hope-totally-is much more diffi-
cult. But it can be done!
Here's how:
H oping must be taught and understood as the
beginning of coping.
Hoping and coping must be inseparable. They
must be part of the same process-accomplishment. Hop-
ing is the beginning and coping is the fulfillment. One must
follow the other.
Too often, people are given only
soon are disillusioned and resentful.
Too often, people are required to cope without
life becomes a hopeless grind.
They must have a leader who, like Moses, will
constantly point to a Promised Land-and lead them there.
That is the kind of leaders we need; leaders
who will instill hope-convincingly-and who will fulfill
They must do both. To do both, they must
lead their followers to cope to fulfill their hope.
No hope is impossible of fulfillment if those
who hope are led to cope with whatever difficulties must
be intelligence, hard work, and relentless
perserverance which will not quit until their hope is ful-
If you can provide that leadership, there are
thousands of such opportunities-and you can fill in the
amount on your own pay check!
Chapter 71
Get Richer Quicker/
How You Can Become An Expert At
Needed Skill!
H you wanted a simple, uncomplicated life--
you picked the wrong time to be born! The world has so
many problems that even the problems are having prob-
lems! Maybe that's good.
At least, it is a solid gold opportunity for those
who are experts at solving problems. People who cannot
solve their own problems are condemned to poverty. Peo-
ple who cannot solve other's problems are condemned to
mediocrity. People who can solve their own and other's
problems get richer . .. quicker!
In a world :Glled with problems, if you cannot
solve problems-who needs you?
If you can solve problems, life becomes a
problem-solving adventure filled with exciting challenges
and big rewards!
Here's how to become an expert at problem
First, understand that you do not have to de-
cide IF a problem can be solved. There can be no problem
for which a solution does npt exist. The fact that the prob-
lem exists is, itself, proof that there also is a solution-be-
cause the problem and its solution are parts of the same
Just as a circle must have a center, a rectangle
must have an area, a force must have a cause (and an ef-
fect) ... a problem must have a solution.
So, you do not have to concern yourself decid-
ing IF a problem can be solved. You can concentrate on
HOW to solve it.
The method is not new-but true. Aristotle
used it. So must you. Here's how:
(1) Write down exactly what the problem is.
Problem-solver Charles Kettering of General
Motors re-emphasized what has been said for centuries:
"A problem well stated is a problem half-solved."
To write down exactly what the problem is,
you have to get all the facts. Actual facts-without bias or
prejudice. The recommended method is first to pretend
that you are the lawyer presenting all the "facts" from the
point of view of one side, and then pretend that you are the
lawyer presenting all the "facts" from the point of view of
the other side-with your unbiased intelligence serving
as judge.
The late Herbert E. Hawkes, Dean of Colum-
bia College, Columbia University, taught: "Half of the
worry in the world is caused by people trying to make
decisions before they have sufficient knowledge on which
to base' a decision."
One of the principal causes of not having suffi-
cient information about a problem (next to lack of thor-
oughness and just plain laziness) is that would-be problem
solvers think that a description of the problem is sufficient
in writing down what the problem is.
You need more than a description. You also
need an explanation. The two are not the same.
Description merely is recording that which is
observed. This is useful and, in fact, a necessary beginning
in stating a problem.
But you also need explanation and that re-
quires much more than observation. Explanation requires
Description is the "what".
Explanation is the "how" and "why".
So, first write down exactly-and completely
-what the problem is. Describe it and explain it.
(2) Write down every possible solution. For
this you have assistance which has not been available be-
fore. You simply apply the "61 Magic Questions" in Chap-
ter 13 of this book to the problem and to every solution,
including every possible alternative. You will be amazed
at the many possible solution ideas this will spark!
Write them all down under possible solutions.
( 3) Decide definitely which solution to put
into effect.
If you have done a thorough and complete job
in writing down the first two steps, the decision should
literally leap into your mind! If, for some reason, it doesn't
come through loud and clear-then re-examine each possi-
ble solution and alternative at least ten times. And con-
sider the probability that some possible solutions have
been overlooked and omitted. Seek additional innovative
and unique solutions.
If a decision still does not appear dominant and
supreme, turn the problem and all possible solutions over
to your subconscious and do not struggle with it. Sleep on
it. That is almost certain to produce the correct solution.
If your subconscious does not produce a clear
solution in a few days and got a mental
block which, for some psychological reason, resists the so-
lution. So you must resort to the tedious process of elimi-
nating the least effective solutions. "Divide and conquer"
or, more correctly, "subtract and simplify".
Then, if you still have more than one remaining
solution, "talk it out" with knowledgeable people. Obvi-
ously, you have missed something in the preceding method.
By "talking it out", you will change your focus and the
solution will be sharp and clear.
I have described and explained the entire
process so that you will have it all in the unlikely event
that deciding on the best solution is ever that difficult.
Probably, it never will be.
Actually problem-solving is easy if you follow
the first three steps:
( 1) Write down exactly what the problem is.
(2) Write down every possible solution
(using the 61 Magic Questions in Chapter 13).
( 3) Decide definitely which solution to put
into effect. The best solution should be obvious and clear
at this point. (In the unlikely event that it isn't clear, then
procede with the additional methods, as stated.)
Remember always that there can be no prob-
lem for which a solution does not exist. The problem and
solution are two parts of the same whole.
Solving problems is vital to your success in
business and in life. People who cannot solve their own
problems are condemned to poverty. People who cannot
solve other's problems are condemned to mediOCrity.
People who can solve their own and other's
problems get richer . .. qUicker/
Chapter 72
Get Richer .. Quicker!
Continue To Ask THIS Question
And You Will Get Richer ... Quicker!
One of the most profitable questions you possi-
bly can ask is: "WHAT ELSE?"
When you constantly ask yourself: "WHAT
ELSE can I do to get richer quicker?", you focus your at-
tention on proven success methods.
The question "WHAT ELSE?" stimulates your
desire . . . which creates your motivation . . . which gen-
erates your efforts . . . to succeed.
So, when you constantly ask yourself: "WHAT
ELSE can I do to get richer quicker?", you set in motion a
chain-action which leads from desire to motivation to ef-
fort using proven success methods. The result is certain.
You will get richer qUicker.
And that is only one of many profitable ways
to use the question "WHAT ELSE?" There are others. In
fact, opportunities for using this method are unlimited.
Ask your employer: "WHAT ELSE can I do to
be more useful to the company?" That is a sure way to get
the favorable attention of your employer. If he makes sug-
gestions and offers opportunities, you are on your way to
promotions and increased pay. (I used that simple ques-
tion to ask my way from promotion to promotion-from
office boy to president. )
When you ask your employer: "WHAT ELSE
can I do to make myself more useful to the company?" ...
and your employer shows no interest, makes no sugges-
tions, offers you no opportunities-get a job (any job)
with another company and start asking that same question.
Your starting job makes no difference. But your
employer's response to your "WHAT ELSE?" question will
reveal whether or not you have selected a "growth" com-
pany. If you make this "WHAT ELSE?" test and find that
you are not employed in a "growth" company-leave! You
cannot get richer quicker if you are stuck in a no-growth
The question "WHAT ELSE?" will make sales-
men richer quicker. Yet, almost all salesmen fail to use it!
Having been president of eight corporations, I
had the final decision on the purchase of millions of dollars
worth of products, materials and services. I like selling and
salesmen, so whenever I had the time, I talked with as
many salesmen (and often their company executives) as
Incredible as it seems, not one salesman or his
company executive accompanying him, asked me ( the
buyer): "WHAT ELSE can our company do to help your
Let me assure all salesmen and corporate exec-
utives who read my books (and thousands of them do)
that the sincere question: "WHAT ELSE can OUf company
do (not necessarily sell") to help your company?" ...
should be a part of every oral or written thank-you-for-
your-order". It not only will build goodwill, but it will
create a spirit of total helpfulness which soon will b ~ c o m e
reciprocal. And, obviously, very profitable I
H you want to become a civic and community
leader, the question "WHAT ELSE?" (followed by im-
pressive performance) is the surest and fastest route to
such leadership. Just keep asking: WHAT ELSE can I do
to help my community?" Then accept civic and commu-
nity assignments with enthusiasm-and do them efficiently
and effectiveJy, generously giving or sharing the credit.
(Claiming or seeking credit for accomplishments always is
counter-productive. )
People who ask: "WHAT ELSE can I do to
help?" . . . are welcome everywhere!
Being welcome everywhere multiplies your
personal contacts and success opportunities which will
make you richer . . . qUicker!
Chapter 78
Get Richer Quicker/
When You Form An Alliance,
You Multiply Your Power!
Noone is sufficient unto himseHl
No individual, no company, no nation can
succeed alone. No matter how great and powerful you are
or your company is or your nation is-you must form alli-
ances with-others.
If you do not form alliances with others, you
will wither and dry up in your own self-sufficiency. Others,
who form alliances, will pass you by and'you will be ppwer-
less to stop them.
Self-advancement, business, politics-at every
level-has become too complex and too involved for s e l f ~
complacent individualists to "make it" alone. The reqUired
combinations of leadership, skills, facilities and finance
combine-not just to add power-but to multiply power
many times.
Strong leaders always have known this. They
formed alliances with other strong leaders and by adding
their assets, they multiplied their power.
The weak leaders were afraid to form alliances
because their own weakness would be revealed by close
comparison in mutual management.
And so the alliances have grown and multiplied
while the '10ners" have been unable to compete success-
fully against the multiplied power of combined manage- .
ment and resources.
So alliances became groups, and groups be-
came mergers, and mergers became conglomerates, and
conglomerates became multinationals. And now the multi-
nationals are becoming internationals in ownership as well
as multinational locations.
The trend is irreversible.
Since "you can't beat 'em, fOin 'em."
That does not mean that this book recommends
you rush out and form a multi-billion dollar multinational
conglomerate. Of course notl
But it does mean that you should, within your
own capability, start looking for and forming mutually
beneficial alliances. The more, the better-as long as good
judgment is used and mutual benefit is assured.
There are all forms of alliances-between or
among individuals, groups, companies, industries, nations.
There is a place for you in a mutually beneficial alliance
now. Preferably in many alliances!
Since I have mentioned the really big forms of
alliances-mergers, conglomerates, multinationals, inter-
nationals-let me mention forms of alliances available to
There are clubs, associations, unions and co-
operatives. To name and describe them would ill this book
-so I shall not. Except one.
Because it is so totally dedicated to directly
helping its individual members get richer quicker, I want
briefly to describe the City Salesmen's Club.
The City Salesmen's Club is local by its very
nature and membership. It is an organization of local sales-
men in non-competitive businesses.
The once-a-week, noon luncheon meetings pro-
vide the stimulation of goodfellowship natural to such a
gathering of extroverts. But the primary purpose is to
transact business with each other and to exchange sales
information, especially tips on new prospects.
At each meeting, one of the members is given
fifteen minutes to make a direct sales presentation concern-
ing his company, products and services.
The remainder of the meeting consists of each
salesman, in tum, publicly thanking each of the other sales-
men-members who have helped him during the previous
week by individual or company purchases, and by furnish-
ing him sales prospect leads (obviously not identified by
If you think that sounds dull, let me assure you
it is not. It is highly competitive because each salesmen
must publicly announce the results of his personal ability
in obtaining the business and cooperation of the other
salesmen-members. A fringe benefit is that each salesman
gets to make a brief public speech every week. Good train-
ing! There should be a City Salesmen's Club in every city.
Also, of course, there are the various local,
state, national, international trade organizations ranging
from chambers of commerce to single-industry associa-
And, there are the many types of cooperatives.
There are farmer cooperatives through which individual
farmers can unite to combine their purchasing, methodol-
ogy, marketing and, of course, lobbying. Farm coopera-
tives, properly managed, could compete effectively with
big corporate farming and perpetuate individual family
As alliances are formed to combine resources,
facilities and marketing to multiply power-whether cor-
porate or cooperative-opportunities for the use of such
vastly multiplied power and controlled supply for price-
fixing, market manipulation, product allocations, built-in
obsolescence, legislative advantages and a full Pandora's
box become available to the unscrupulous.
There will be partially counter-balancing
powers of consumer alliances, consumer unions, consumer
cooperatives and governmental overseeing and regulatory
However, it is not the purpose of this book to
deal with the s p ~ c i f i c s of legal regulations of power.
It is the purpose of this book to tell its readers
how to get richer quicker and to emphasize that a primary
requirement is that you fain or form alliances as a means
of multiplying your own power.
Your skillfully and increasingly joining or form-
.ing alliances will assure your getting richer . . . quicker!
Chapter 74
Get Richer . Quicker/
Don't Frighten A Bird You Want
To Catch!
There is a proverb: ccTo frighten a bird is not
the way to catch it."
This is an obvious truth which almost every--
body chooses to disregard.
Violence is our heritage. It is our inheritance
from our cave-man ancestors. It has diminished little
throughout human history. It is world-wide. It is nation-
'Violence is as American as apple pie."
We provide prime television time free to our-
hoodlums to tell us .so.
But while our instinct is for violence, prudence
retrains most of us so that we confine our violence to
Threatening each other has replaced baseball
as the great American pastime.
That is an unfair comparison because baseball
is a spectator sport-and people want to personally par-
ticipate in the ego-puffing of threatening others.
So let's say, instead, that threatening each other
exceeds bowling as the great American participation sport.
No, not at all! You can confirm this by watch-
ing television or reading your newspaper or attending a
labor union strike rally or hearing a lobbyist explain the
power of an unrewarded constituency.
Shall we blame the leaders?
No. There can be no leaders without willing
followers. And threatening others is a basic human ego
Even though some threats are of phYSical vio-
lence or implications of it, most threats are a gamut rang-
ing from threatened unpleasantness to disastrous losses.
Threats are encountered beginning early in life
from parents, many of whom cannot distinguish their own
annoyance from necessary (although misapplied) disci-
pline. So they express annoyance through threats.
Threats continue throughout our entire lives
until the day we die amid threats of hellfire and damnation
in the name of brotherly love.
Let's go back to the beginning; our proverb:
"To frighten a bird is not the way to catch it."
But ... if you will be friendly and gentle and
patient-never threatening in word or gesture-you soon
will have the bird eating out of your hand ... provided
that you offer in your hand something the bird wants.
And there you have the secret of successful
negotiation-between world powers, between manage-
ment aI1;d labor, between business groups, civic groups,
civil rights disputants, political adversaries-between all
those who are tempted by the ego expression of threaten-
ing another, no matter how subtly.
Never frighten a bird you want to catch:
(1) Never demand or threaten
(2) Always be friendly, gentle and patient
(3) Hold out your hand of friendship-offer-
ing something the other wants.
That not merely is the best way; it is the only
way ... the sure way to replace demands with goodWill
If we ever are going to have peace on earth (at
the conference tables, in the union halls, in meeting places,
in the homes, among individuals), we must have goodWill
among men.
Peace on earth will result only from goodwill
among men.
A Man tried to teach that to people 2,000 years
ago. But violence was as patriotic as pie in those days, too.
So they killed Him.
Maybe it still isn't too late to learn.
Before it is too latel
Chapter 75
Get Richer ... Quicker 1
You Will Succeed To The Extent
That You Help Others Get What
They Want
You will be compensated, rewarded, promoted,
sought and acclaimed to the extent that you help others
get what they want.
That is ALL you will get paid for!
So ... to get richer quicker, concentrate on
these things:
( 1) Provide more of what people want.
(2) Eliminate more (or all) of what people
don't want.
( 3) Make yourself more valuable by making
yourself more useful in helping others.
( 4) Ask: What else can I do to help your
( 5) Establish yourself as a source of fulfilling
subconscious needs of others: the need to feel appreciated,
to feel admired, to feel important, to feel needed.
( 6) Get on people's "Most Wanted List" be-
cause they need you.
It often has been said, "Put all your eggs in
one basket-and watch that basket." But I say to you that
it is not enough just to be a basket-watcher. You must be a
Don't just watch your basket-use it to ca"y
to others the things they want!
The ONLY thing you ever will get paid for is
providing people with what they want.
Nobody is going to pay you to sit and watch
your own basket. They only will pay you to use your basket
to bring them what they want.
You will succeed to the extent that you provide
more of what people want ... to more and more people
. . . while, at the same time, you eliminate what they don't
Getting RICHER QUICKER is just as simple
as thatl Now is the best time to startf
Chapter 76
Get Richer .. Quickerl
How To Manufacture Your
SUCCESS is a manufactured product.
Success is just as real, just as tangible, just as
visible, just as useful, just as valuable (or more valuable)
as any other manufactured product.
As soon as you realize that success is a manu-
factured product, you will find that it is easy to succeed.
You then will know that your success is not
dependent on fate, or luck, or any mystic force. You simply
manufacture your success in the same practical, common-
sense way that any product is manufactured.
The materials for your success already are
possessed by you or may readily be obtained by you.
The methods for manufacturing your success
are available to you in this and my other books of proven
success methods. These proven success methods are easy
to understand, easy to use, sure to succeed. These proven
success methods require no special talent, no special for-
mal schooling, nor anything which the average person does
not now have or can easily obtain.
Manufacturing the product, SUCCESS, is so
easy anybody can do it and everybody should!
You simply use manufacturing methods which
are the same-or similar to-the manufacturing proce-
dures used in making any product.
How to manufacture YOUR SUCCESS:
You must know what your completed product
will be. You must know what you want-what kind of
SUCCESS you want to manufacture.
Your basic material must be your occupation
-and the succession of positions you must progress
through to become your completed product: SUCCESS.
It is important to understand that, although.
your occupation is the basic material out of which you will
manufacture SUCCESS, your occupation is only the mate-
rial and the extent of your success will be determined by
the success methods you learn and use to improve your job-
skill and aU of the rest of your life activities.
You may greatly improve your job-skill and yet
be a miserable failure in life.
Surveys, throughout the years, consistently
show that success is due to:
( a) Ability to do satisfactory work ... 15%
(b) Personal success characteristics . .. 85%
Confirmation of the preceding statistics is in
surveys of why employees were fired from their jobs.
(a) Unsatisfactory workmanship ... 15%
(b) Disliked personal qualities . .. 85%
That is why it is so important to learn and use
proven success methods. They are highly effective in im-
proving job-skills (15 % of your employment value), but
they are totally effective in improving your personal quali-
ties and characteristics (85% of your employment value).
And, of course, employment value is only a part
of your success in life. So, when you learn and use proven
success methods, they increase your total success-at work,
at home, everywhere, all the time!
W ell, that's all there is to manufacturing a
But, having manufactured your product, you
still have to package it impressively.
This is taught in Chapter 49, titled: "How At-
tractively And Impressively Do You PACKAGE Yourself?"
I suggest that you review that chapter now.
No sensible company would manufacture a
product destined for success and then package it in a
shoddy, shabby package.
To attract and impress the kind of people
whose opinion, influence and approval you need to help
you get richer quicker, you have to look like a success.
Remember, the first things people see are your
clothes and grooming.
If you do not look like the kind of person who
would command the respect of the Board of Directors,
management is not going to present you as its selection for
future top executive responsibility.
So you not only must manufacture a more
SUCCESSFUL YOU, but your "package" must show it at
first glance.
Then, like the advertising of any successful
product, you must repeatedly impress the greatest number
of people. Do this in person, by correspondence, by phone.
The opportunities and methods for doing this are too many
and too varied to describe here; you will find them-taught
in detail-in this and my other books.
Remember that studious persons know every-
thing-but successful persons know everybody-at least,
everybody who can make them richer quicker!
You have to go where the "right" people are!
Go where the most and biggest opportunities are! Go
where the active money is!
This chapter lesson on "How To Manufacture
Your SUCCESS" must necessarily be only an outline-plan.
Only you can fill in the details, but when you do-and if
you follow every step of this plan-you will find that your
success is not dependent upon fate, or luck, or any mystic
You manufacture your own SUCCESS!
Chapter 77
Get Richer Quicker!
If Your Success Locomotive Is Not
"On Track", Its Power Is Useless!
You can have the most powerful success loco-
motive in the world.
It can be powered by all of the thousand
proven success methods which I have researched over a
period of forty years of my adult life.
Your success locomotive-with all that success
power-may be on a track of gleaming steel rails leading
directly to your goal in life.
So, you are certain to reach your goal in life,
Not if your success locomotive gets off the track
which leads to your goal.
No matter how powerful your success locomo-
tive is, it is totally helpless unless it is "on track",
Did you ever see a huge diesel locomotive
which had run off the track and dug its wheels deep into
the roadbed? It is about the most helpless thing you can
All that power, yet it could not move an inch!
That's a good picture to imprint in your mind.
Think of your success plan as a huge success locomotive,
super-powered by proven success methods, and on a
gleaming steel track leading directly to your goal in life.
Then, remind yourself that unless you keep
that powerful success locomotive "on track" to your goal,
your success will come to a crashing stop the instant you
get of} the track!
As long as you stay "on track" you do not have
to worry about reaching your destination. You may not be
able always to see the entire stretch of track, but that is-
what faith is for!
There will be dark hours in your life when you
cannot see your distant goal. But you will see the track
immediately ahead. Know that if you stay "on track" you
will reach your goal through darkness and storms and fog.
You do not need always to see your goal. It is
sufficient to stay on the track leading to it.
As I wrote in my book, How To Get Whatever
You Want, the greatness of Columbus was not that he dis-
covered America, but that every night he wrote in his log
book, "This day we sailed west because it was our
Because he stayed "on course", Columbus
made reaching his goal inevitable!
THAT is how it's done!
Chapter 78
Get Richer ... Quicker!
From AVery Wise Financier
The stock market is affected daily by hundreds
of constantly changing variables.
Obviously, any advice I might give here con-
cerning current stock market investing would be out of
date before this book comes off the presses. I could do my
readers no greater disservice.
Nevertheless, in the dubious belief that a book
on How You Can Get Richer Quicker should not entirely
ignore stock market investing, I here give you the stock
market advice of one of the wisest Americans, a Il)an who
was adviser to six Presidents, and who amassed great
wealth by investing in the stock market.
Multimillionaire investor, Bernard Baruch, ad-
vised: "When the stock market news is printed on the front
page of your newspaper-whether the news is good or bad
-SELL'" I think that advice will stand the test of time.
Chapter 79
Get Richer ... Quicker 1
Get Tough With Yourself! Cancel
All Unnecessary Plans! Concentrate!
Here is a proven success method which will
give your life the velocity of a guided missile-and keep
you "on target".
Of course, you do not NOW wander aimlessly
through each day without a written plan or list of what you
are going to accomplish. (Or do you?)
But that's only the first half of successful
Here is the second, equally important half:
Mter you have written your plans or list of
what you are going to do each day and night-scratch out
every activity which is not specifically directed toward
your improvement and your progress toward your life goal!
That is tough discipline-but it pays!
In deciding what activities to cancel, ask your-
self these questions:
Will a planned daily activity have any signifi-
cance in improving your life a week from now? A month
from now? A year from now?
Will a planned activity be progress toward
your life goal?
If it won't-then get tough with yourself and
cancel useless, unrewarding activities.
If that seems too tough, remember that you
bought this book to get richer . .. quickerl
Well, you won't get richer qUicker by doing
useless thingsl
The key to getting richer qUicker is to make
yourself more useful so that you will be more valuable to
more people-including your family and yourself.
Doing anything else is a limitation!
There always will be people who urge you to
do useless things and thereby set limitations for you. They
cannot-except with your willing cooperation. So, actu-
ally, only you can set your own useless limitations.
Concentrate, instead, on progressing to your
goals of financial enrichment and life enrichment.
You have a choice: limiting your own progress
( through insignificant activities) or concentrating on
reaching your goals of getting richer . . . qUicker!
A. H. Compton wrote: It is the content of our
lives that determines their value. If we limit ourselves to
supply only the means of liVing, in what way have we
placed ourselves above the cattle that graze in the elds?"
It's your choice: Join the cattle. Or get richer
quicker as a means of improving the total content of your
life and the lives of others.
Chapter 80
Get Richer ... Quicker 1
The Sure Way To Get Richer Is To
Be An EXPERT In An Important
Years before the installation of computerized
automation to operate factories with only management,
control and maintenance personnel, Elbert Hubbard
wrote: "One machine can do the work of fifty ordinary
men. No machine can do the work of one extraordinary
Now that we have machines which can do the
work of thousands of ordinary men, the extraordinary man
remains indispensible because without the guidance and
control of extraordinary men, all machines would be
The message is loud and clear. If you are only
ordinary, you will qualify only for menial jobs in manufac-
turing, if you can get a job at all. No union, no matter how
powerful it now is, can negotiate higher wages for jobs
that will no longer even exist.
Beginning now, and increasingly in the future,
you are going to have to become extraordinary. You will
have to become a superior workman.
You will have to be an expert.
Obviously, you will increase your opportunities
and income if you choose an important occupation in a
growth company in an expanding industry. Then, be an
expert there.
There is an old Chinese proverb: "More you
know, more luck you have."
And Louis Pasteur said, "Chance favors the
trained mind."
We spend $90 billion to $100 billion annually
on education, at least half of which, unfortunately, is
based on those partial truthsl
. It is not adequate any more just to "acquire
knowledge". It is not even adequate to develop a "trained
mind" which is better than just "acquiring knowledge".
Yet more than half of all students at the end of
their school education have not acquired expertise in a
saleable skill!
Of course, there are those students who expect
never to have to earn a living in this increasingly demand-
ing and competitive economy. They can devote all of their
education to culture and the fine arts. We need them. This
is no advocacy for a totally materialistic society. It is not
suggested that all of any student's education be devoted
entirely to acquiring expertise in a saleable skill.
But it is a tragedy to mislead students into be-
lieving that a diploma of just any kind will assure their
employment, much less their success, in a job-market which
is increasingly specialized and rapidly converting to com-
puterized, automated technology.
Calvin Coolidge said, "The school is not the
end but only the beginning of education." And, too many
educators have taken that statement too literally. They
feel that they need only provide the "beginning of educa-
tion in terms of imparting a broad range of knowledge and
in training minds.
Such a "beginning" is highly desirable. But if it
stops with imparting a broad range of knowledge and
trained minds-if it does not also produce expertise in a
saleable skill-formal schooling is devoting too many years
and too much money on the beginning and not nearly
enough on expert training to meet today's, and especially
future, personal productivity requirements.
We are going to have to become a nation of
Experts at WHAT?
In the foreseeable future in the United States:
(a) Only 3% of our work-force will be em-
ployed in farming
(b) Only 16% of our work-force will be em-
ployed in actual manufacturing
( c) So 81 % of our work-force will 'be em-
ployed in PEOPLE SERVICES (professional, technical,
personal services-to-people.
You can take your choice. Each of the fore-
going classifications will consist almost entirely of EX-
PERTS, which means if you can qualify and produce (as
you must), you almost certainly will get richer qUicker!
The foregoing percentages of available future
jobs give you the odds.
The 3% who produce and control the farm-
food supply surely will become enormously wealthy.
But your chances are 3%.
The 16% of expertly skilled technicians who
will operate and maintain the highly sophisticated, com-
puterized, automated manufacturing of all materials,
equipment and products will earn very large incomes.
But your chances are 16%.
The 81 % of professional, technical, personal
services-to-people will earn Widely varying incomes de-
pending upon their degree of skill, the quality and quan-
tity of their personal services, and the urgency of need for
their specialized personal skills.
Your chances for employment in people-
services are 81 %.
Your chances of getting richer qUicker will de-
pend upon the previously stated factors multiplied by the
proven success methods you learn and use.
Chapter 81
Get Richer Quicker 1
You Must Be Willing To BEGIN!
Then Your DOING Will Generate
The Power!
Could someone say this about you? ...
H e is like a clock which has no hands. He ex-
ists. He is present. He is looked at (only once). He provides
no valuable information. He renders no useful service. So,
he soon wiU be replaced."
There is a wise old proverb: Nothing is easy
for the unwilling:'
You must be willing.
More than that, you must have desire.
More than that, you must be enthusiastic.
And ... you must BEGIN!
Then, you will find that being successful is
easy. It simply is a matter of being willing to learn and use
proven success methods. Then having your willingness
made persistent by desire. And having your desire made
dynamic by enthusiasm. Then you must BEGINI
Let's see what some of the great thinkers have
said about these things.
E. H. Chapin taught: "In this world, the in-
clination (willingness) to do things is of more importance
than the mere power."
It is a proven fact that you must want to do
something before you can do it-even if you have the
power to do it. The key to accomplishing anything is want-
ing to do it-whether you have the power to do it or not.
H you intensely want to do something-and
confidently begin to do it-you will receive all the power
necessary to do it as you proceed!
As Emerson taught: Do the thing and you will
have the power." The DOING actually generates the
power to do!
That fact is based on the universal Law of
Inertia which is taught in all physics classes in every
The Law of Inertia states:
( a) A body at rest (stationary), tends to re-
main at rest (stationary).
(b) A body in motion, tends to remain in
motion (at the same speed).
So, if you are not doing anything, you will con-
tinue not doing anything. But as soon as you begin to do
something, your momentum (power to do) will continue
in force, and the more you increase your efforts to do, the
more your power to do will be increased.
That is a Universal Law. And, like the Law of
Gravity, it always works I
The fact that beginning to do something actu-
ally generates the power to do it-has been known for cen-
It is taught by the Bible.
It has been taught by all the Great Thinkers
throughout history. Goethe expressed it this way:
"Are you in earnest? Seize this very minute;
What you can do, or dream you can, BEGIN itl
Boldness has genius, power and magic in it.
Only engage (begin), and then the mind grows
BEGIN, and then the work will be completed."
There is an ancient Chinese proverb: "The
journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step." But
you must take that first step! You do not have to see the
entire thousand miles in order to take the first step. The
vision to see will be provided as needed. You do not need
to see everything! You need see iust enough for the first
step I
So it is with the power to do. You do not need
a lifetime of power in a single day! You need only the power
to begin-to take your first step toward your goal.
As Goethe said, "What you dream you can do,
BEGIN itl Begin, and then the w01'k will be completed."
And that applies to your getting RICHER ...
Chapter 82
Get Richer . Quicker!
One Of The Greatest Achievers Said
These Two Qualities Would
Conquer All Thingsl
Wouldn't it be wonderful to be able to conquer
all things?
One of the world's greatest achievers said that
to conquer all things requires two easily-acquired personal
This great achiever was Benjamin Franklin.
The inspiring story of his life and accomplishments in over-
coming tremendous difficulties to become one of the great-
est Americans is one of the fifteen unforgettable life stories
in my book, How To Get Whatever You Want. These are
true life stories which will motivate you to achieve your
own goal. Benjamin Franklin's success story is one of the
most inspiring and personally helpful of all.
So, what did this great achiever say were the
two personal qualities reqUired to conquer all things?
Benjamin Franklin said that to conquer all
things, any person needs only these two basic qualities:
(1) Energy
(2) Persistence (or perserverance)
Is "conquering all things" that simple?
Many of the greatest thinkers in history said
so. Let's see what they actually said. .
Hosea Ballou wrote, "Energy, even like the
biblical grain of mustard seed, will remove
H you think that "removing mountains" is im-
possible, let me remind you that: "To be important, a goal
must first be impossible," to pharaphase Carlyle. And that
we now have earth-moving equipment with sufficient
energy-generated power to remove mountains and, when
the situation has required it, we actuaUy have removed
Famed naturalist and author, Henry David
Thoreau wrote, you ever hear of a man who had
striven (energeticaUy) all his life, faithfully and singly to-
ward an object (goal) and in no measure obtained it?" Of
course notl The Law of Cybernetics guarantees your suc-
cess through subconscious "goal attainment".
Emerson wrote, "The world belongs to the
energetiC." And he added, "The reward of a thing well
done, is to have done it."
Donald Grant Mitchell, the American author
wrote, "There is no genius in life like the genius of energy
and activity."
The wise and widely-quoted clergyman, Joel
Hawes, used to preach, "Resolution is omnipotent. Deter-
mine to be something in the world, and you will be some-
thing. Aim at excellence, and excellence will be attained.
This is the great secret of effort and eminence. "I cannot
do it', never accomplished anything; <I will try', has
wrought wonders."
And Goethe wrote, Energy will do anything
that can be done in the world."
It should be clear from the advice of these wise
and great men that by the time the lazy people get through
explaining why something cannot be done, the energetic
already have done it!
So let us agree with Benjamin Franklin that
one of the two personal qualities required to conquer all
things is energy. Now, what about the other necessary qual-
ity: persistence (or perseverance)?
Let us return to our Great Thinkers and learn
what they have to teach us about persistence and perse-
Samuel Johnson said, Great works are per-
formed, not by strength, but by perseverance."
Bacon wrote: Great efforts come from indus-
try (energy) and perseverance."
If you would influence others, learn the power
of persistence from that super-persuader Edmund Burke:
Let us permit any person to tell us his story, morning and
evening, for one year, and he will become our master."
And he added, By gnawing through a dyke, even a rat
may drown a nation."
The English novelist, Edward George Bulwer-
Lytton, put it this way: Every man who observes vigi-
lantly and resolves steadfastly, grows unconsciously into.
. ..
The French essayist, Jean de la Bruyere, wrote,
No road is too long to the man who advances deliberately
and without undue haste; and no honors are too distant for
the man who prepares himself for them with patience."
Josiah Gilbert Holland, the American author,
said it more briefly: There is no royal road to anything.
One thing at a time, and all things in succession."
Napoleon announced, Victory belongs to the
most perserveringt' And so it does, for Wellington chal-
lenged Napoleon's perserverance with his own at Waterloo
by replying, Hard pounding, gentlemen; but we will see
who can pound the longest." Wellington perservered the
longest-and won!
No recommendation of persistence would be
complete without the wise, inspiring words of Calvin
Coolidge: Nothing in the world will take the place of per-
sistence. Talent will not; nothing is more common than un-
successful men with talent. Genius will not; unrewarded
genius is almost a proverb. Education will not; the world is
full of educated derelicts. Persistence and determination
"alone are omnipotent."
So ... wise old Ben Franklin said that two
personal qualities (which easily can be acquired by you-
and by anybody), will conquer all things.
They are: Energy and perserverance.
The future is yours! If you have learned this
lesson, you can conquer all things! You can get whatever
you want in life! You can get richer ... qUicker!
Chapter 83
Get Richer ... Quicker/
Emerson Said That Nothing Great
Was Ever Achieved Without THIS!
Ralph Waldo Emerson was the greatest Ameri-
can essayist and one of the wisest thinkers this nation has
produced. When a man of that calibre speaks, we ought
to listen-and learn!
And when he says that nothing great was ever
achieved without a certain personal quality-that quality
deserves our special attention!
And when one of the nation's greatest indus-
trial leaders says that certain quality will enable you to suc-
ceed at almost anything ...
And when psychologist Dr. William Moulton
Marston states that this same quality will enable you al-
ways to get what you want ...
And when famed preacher-writer-psychologist
Dr. Norman Vincent Peale writes an entire book about just
that one quality . . .
Maybe somebody is trying to tell us something!
They are! And, this is it:
Emerson wrote, "Every great and commanding
movement in the annuals of the world is the triumph of
enthusiasm. Nothing great was ever achieved without it."
One of the greatest industrial leaders in the
development of this nation, Charles M. Schwab, said, "A
man can succeed at almost anything for which he has un-
limited enthusiasm." His own enthusiasm made him the
highest paid executive of his time.
Psychologist and author, Dr. William Moulton
Marston, stated: "If anyone chooses a goal in which he is
really interested (enthusiastic), he will always get what he
wants or something very close to it." If you are so enthusi-
astic about your goal that attaining it becomes an obsession
-nothing can keep you from achieving it!
Dr. Norman Vincent Peale wrote an entire
book on Enthusiasm Makes the Difference.
Thoreau wrote, "None are so old as those who
have outlived enthusiasm." In fact, enthusiasm for life and
for what should be your personal interests and involve-
ments in life-may be the dividing line between eager,
active maturity and dull, deteriorating old age. It is not
your age in calendar years that counts, but whether you
have enthusiasm for life. Whenever you permit yourself to
lose your enthusiasm for life-it will be all downhill from
then on.
Then, there are those persons-from misguided
youth ... through the phoney "smart set" ... to blase
middle-age ... and "escapist drop-outs" of all ages-who
think (or pretend to think) that it is sophisticated to look
bored, act bored, even be bored. H 0 hum!
Being bored is merely being dull. And you
know what "being dull" is!
So let us quickly return to the stimulation and
goal achievement of enthusiasm.
There are many techniques for generating en-
thusiasm, but the AS IF method recommended by psychol-
ogist William James is so simple and certain, let's use it.
As described elsewhere in this book, psycholo-
gist William James taught that by sincerely acting AS IF
you are enthusiastic, you actually will feel enthusiastic and
be enthusiastic.
This AS IF method has been proven so con-
stantly effective that it is accepted psychological proce-
dure, so we shall not explain it further here, but briefly
describe HOW to act AS IF you are enthusiastic: the 4A's.
IA ... AGREE: You must enthusiastically
agree! Obviously, you cannot be enthusiastic about some-
thing or someone while disagreeing-and, therefore, being
disagreeable. So agree enthusiastically!
2A ... ADMIRE: To act AS IF you are en-
thusiastic, you must admire. The more you admire, the
more enthusiastic you will become.
SA ... ACCOMPLISH: The more you accom-
plish by being enthusiastic, the more enthusiastic you will
4A ... ACCELERATE: As you increase your
accomplishments by being enthusiastic, accelerate your en-
thusiasm to accelerate your accomplishments. Really "pour
it on"! Go "all out"! Make it happen!
Having generated the terrific power of the 4A's
in becoming enthusiastic, then, pyramid your power by
adding the 4C's:
IC ... COMMEND: Be enthusiastic in yom
commendation and yom praise! The combination of en-
thusiastic commendation and praise is irrestible! It will
open minds and hearts and "doors" when nothing else will!
2C ... CHEERFUL: Give radiance to your
enthusiasm by being cheerfully enthusiastic. Beam! Glow!
You will be amazed at the instant response!
3C ... COOPERATE: Get enthusiastically
involved! Join with others. Get others to join with you.
There is no limit to what can be achieved by enthusiastic
4C ... CONTAGIOUS: Enthusiasm is con-
tagious. It will be even more contagious if you spread en-
thusiasm wherever you go. When you develop the ability
to start an epidemic of enthusiasm for your causes, you can
lead multitudes I
Having added the 4C's to the 4A's you will be
master of power with people, but you will not reach the
very top unless you also add the 4 U' s:
I U . . . UNSELFISH: Your enthusiasm must
be shared unselfishly with others-with all others within
the range of your personality. Enthusiasm is radiant, so
radiate your enthusiasm unselfishly. Help others glow, too!
Their radiance will be a rewarding reflection on youl
2U ... UNRESTRAINED: Real enthusiasm
must be unrestrained! Timid enthusiasm is not enthusiasm
at all; it is lack of self-confidence-even cowardice! So, let
yourself go! The more unrestrained your enthusiasm is, the
more power you generate!
3U ... UNDETERRED: Your enthusiasm
must be so overwhelming that nothing will deter you! You
have a date with destiny! Do not let anybody or anything
deter you. Keep your date with destiny; it may be the most
important thing in your life!
4U ... UNHESITANT: Do not be hesitant
about proiecting enthusiasm! Tum on your power of en-
thusiasm often. Do it NOW! Find someone or something
to be enthusiastic about NO'\V ... and begin NOW! As
Goethe wrote. "What you can do, or dream you can,
BEGIN it! Boldness has genius, power and magic in it!"
Enthusiasm is the great multiplier! It will mul-
tiply the genius, power and magic of your boldness.
So, BEGIN it! ... NOW!!!
Use the magic power of enthusiasm to get
richer . .. qUicker!
Chapter 84
Get Richer ... Quicker!
4:4:Contingency Planning" Will Ensure
Your Success-Whatever Happens!
Elbert Hubbard taught: Responsibilities grav-
itate to the person who can shoulder them and power flows
to the person who knows how."
To attract and deserve responsibilities (and
that's how to get richer . .. quicker), you have to become
a master of Contingency Planning.
It isn't difficult. Anybody can do it. This
chapter-lesson will teach you how.
Contingency Planning simply is the "WHAT
IF?" planning method.
A single plan is only good for a single set of
future circumstances.
No one can predict, with certainty, any future
circumstances, much less all future circumstances.
So you must make contingency plans to use
"WHAT IF" various different circumstances should occur.
In making plans, expect-and prepare for-
the unexpected, because very often it is the unexpected
which will occur!
Having made your plan based on what the es-
tablished, present trends indicate for the short-term,
middle-term and long-term conditions-then you must ask
yourself ( and others with expertise in that field) . . .
WHAT IF something else happened?
Could your present plan be modified? Or
would it have to be replaced? How much :B.exibility do you
have in your plan? Have you done a thorough job of Con-
tingency Planning?
By making a thorough list of all the alterna-
tives (see Chapter 13: "The 61 Magic Questions"), you not
only can select the best plan, but you also will have availa-
ble for instant use, the material for the next best plan, and
the next, and the next.
Then, you cannot lose! You will have all the
options instantly available.
Chapter 85
Get Richer Quicker 1
If You Feel That Whatever You Do
Is Natural And Easy-It Will Be!
This proven success method is so obvious and
simple, I hesitate to mention it ... except that it may be
the most useful success method you ever will learn.
As the title of this chapter states: If you feel
that whatever you do is NATURAL and EASY-it will be.
Why is this simple method so useful?
Principally, because it eliminates tension.
If you feel tense about whatever you are about
to do or while you are doing it-you radiate your tenseness
and your feeling of uneasy, nervous, apprehensiveness to
everyone within range. Everyone near you actually senses
your tenseness, nervousness and apprehension. Then they
begin to feel ill at ease and uncomfortable in your presence.
Your tension bounces back and forth between
you and those around you-each time becoming more un-
You project a negative personality-uneasy,
nervous, apprehensive.
Your own condition may range from feeling
uneasy, nervous, apprehensive ... to being unable to
speak because your vocal apparatus becomes so tense that
it locks" ... to getting the shakes" ... to actually be-
coming nauseated.
Do not think these results of tension are exag-
gerated. They happen in varying degrees to almost every-
body who does not know how to alleviate tension and
stress. All of these things happened to me personally until
I learned the proven success method of feeling that what-
ever I did was NATURAL and EASY, as taught in this
How do you do it?
Well, you start with the universal Law of Con-
sistency which I have explained in previous chapters. No
one can think two opposite thoughts, or feel two opposite
feelings, or consciously or impulsively take two opposite
actions-at the same time.
That would be contrary to the Law of Con-
sistency and is impossible.
So the proven success method of eliminating
the feelings of tension and apprehension is to feel iust the
opposite, that is feel that whatever you do is NATURAL
and EASY.
Once you learn that principle-and determine
to live by it-you will find the specific methods taught
throughout this and my other books. They are easy to
learn and simple to use. However, we will give a brief re-
view of some of the methods here:
(1) Relax! Relax all over, but especially relax
your eyes as taught in my book: Here's Help! Feel loose,
not stiff and tense. Always feel that what you are doing is
(2) Remember that, as psychologist William
James taught, you can control the way you feel by acting
the way you want to feel. So act AS IF what you are doing
( 3) Practice in your imagination, as taught in
my book, Thoughts To Build On. Before you actually do
something about which you may feel tense, imagine your
doing it NATURALLY and EASILY. Imagine it over and
over again until you feel that you really are doing it
NATURALLY and EASILY. Impress that feeling deeply
into your subconscious. Reinforce it with the goal-com-
mand repeated over and over: NATURAL and EASY!"
... "NATURAL and EASY!" ... "NATURAL and EASY!"
(4) Use "attitude conditioning". For example,
many of the most popular people, before they enter a
crowded roo.m, always pause to start projecting their
"attitude" that they know everyone in the room and are
their friend. Of course, they do not really know everyone
in the room, but by maintaining the "attitude" that they do
know everyone, they nod, greet or speak cordially to every-
one AS IF they knew them. Naturally, the others respond
with equal cordiality even though they may be searching
their own minds for a "forgotten" name or occasion.
( 5) The best training is actual experience. Do
not timidly wait for occasions-create them! Say something
(complimentary, if possible-but about the weather, if
necessary) to everyone you are with for even a minute.
Of course, do not be impertinent or brash-just be casual,
NATURAL and EASY. If you are at a meeting and com-
ments or questions are requested from the audience-get
up and say something! It may not be brilliant, but it will
be practice. Every experience will add to your feeling that
what you do is NATURAL and EASY.
( 6) Making public speeches, even leading
small group discussions, is the best training of all. Don't
feel that you have to be terrific-just concentrate on the
feeling that what you are doing is NATURAL and EASY.
Being terrific will follow with practice.
The foregOing examples should be sufficient to
illustrate the kind of methods (my books are filled with
them) to enable you to create a feeling which, by attitude
conditioning, you make a part of your personality.
In this case, the feeling you want to es-
tablish and constantly maintain is that whatever you do is
NATURAL and EASY-because when you feel that it is
NATURAL and EASY ... it is!
The nervous tension will be gone. So will the
apprehension be gone. The feeling of pressure will change
to a confident feeling of free-Howing power from the source
of unlimited power.
Everything will be NATURAL and EASY.
And that includes getting richer . .. qUicker!
Chapter 86
Get Richer ... Quicker!
The Principle Of DAILY CAPITAL
GROWTH-The Sure Way To
Amass Wealth!
This is the sure way to get very rich-in one
quick, easy lesson.
You simply use the Principle of DAILY
Here it is:
( 1) You must-starting today-increase your
CAPITAL every day, even if the increase is only a dollar,
but as much more as possible.
(2) You must strictly observe the rule that you
will not spend at any time any of your "growth capital"
(the money you have accumulated in your "growth capi-
tal" account by having added to it every day) .
( 3) You must keep your growth capital" in a
separate savings account-and you must never spend or
borrow ANY money from that account. Never! For ANY
reason! That money is "gone" insofar as its spending availa-
bility is concerned!
( 4) When you have accumulated enough sav-
ings in your "growth capital" account, invest it in the com-
mon stock of a big "growth" corporation with a long record
of constant growth and continuous earnings-recom-
mended by a large long-established stock brokerage firm
(not an "inside information tipster"). Investment condi-
tions change too rapidly for me to be more speciHc in a
(5) You must build your DAILY CAPITAL
GROWTH savings account and add some money-at least
a dollar, but very much more if possible-every day with-
out fail. Do not miss a Single day. DAILY CAPITAl
GROWTH means exactly that: DAILY! Every day! OJ
course, you do not have to take the time to actually deposi1
the money every day-but you must keep it separate from
your spendable money and never spend it. Deposit it a!
often as convenient. Do not keep it temptingly available.
Now, the purpose of daily adding to your
DAILY CAPITAL GROWTH (and never spending it) is
not just to teach you frugality and thrift.
The fact is that reasonably substantial daily
savings invested at daily compound interest amassed over
a lifetime will make you "securely rich". But that is not the
purpose or the promise of this book-which is How You
The reason for including in this book this chap-
ter on the Principle of DAILY CAPITAL GROWTH is that
by using this principle daily, you will become "money con-
scious". You will THINK RICHI
And that is how you get richer . .. quicker!
When you are money conscious", when you
daily THINK RICH-you implant your goal-command for
attaining great wealth deep into your subconscious mind.
Your subconscious mind is magnetic; it attracts
to you the opportunities, the personal contacts, the means
required to fulfill your goal-command.
Your subconscious mind is cybernetic; it works
like a computer in a guided missile to direct your thoughts,
ideas, plans and activities to guide you to your target-
your goal in lifel
The Principle of DAILY eAPIT AL GROWTH
will make you money conscious". Daily, it will cause you
THINKING RICH will make you richer . ..
Chapter 87
Get Richer .. Quicker/
Never Give Up! It Is A Law Of The
Universe: "The Tide Always Turns"
Philosopher George Santayana wrote: "Life is
not a spectacle or a feast; it is a predicament."
And Frank Ward O'Malley wrote: "Life is just
one damned thing after another:'
There will be many times in our lives when you
and I will be moved to agree with both George Santayana
and Frank O'Malley: Life is, indeed, a predicament-just
one damned thing after another!
Well, what should we do about it?
Harriet Beecher Stowe advised: "When you get
into a tight place, and everything goes against you, till it
seems as if you could not go on a minute longer, never
give up then, for that's just the place and the time the tide
will turn."
It is a Universal Law that the tide always turns.
Never, even once, in the known history of the world has
the tide failed to tum. The tide always has and always will
tum. You can depend on that. So, hold on until the tide
does tum, knowing that it will.
It is a proven success method to follow behind
the quick quitters. They will have painfully paved the way
for your success, having done all the hard preliminary work
and then quit, leaving the profitable proceeds for you to
As Edward Eggleston taught, "Persistent peo-
ple begin their success where others end in failure." Note
that the place to begin is the point at which the quick
quitters gave up, leaVing their preliminary work for your
The quick quitters serve a useful purpose-not
for themselves, but for others. The quick quitters do the
hard preliminary work, expose the weaknesses and defects
in a project, take the greater initial risks, then become dis-
couraged and quit just at the point where the tide must
turn, leaving it for you to ride victOriously on the Hood
tide to triumph!
who wrote:
The quick quitters must agree with the poet
"Of all sad words of tongue or pen,
The saddest are these: 'It might have been'."
Those words are not only the saddest, but also
the most foolish! It is foolish to leave "what might have
been" to the determined and persevering so that they reap
the harvest.
The pasts of most people are filled with "what
might have beens" (including many fantasies which would
not have happened anyway!) People find excuses in their
might have beens"-but they cannot find success there.
Many people try only half-heartedly, spending
more time looking for excuses for failing than for ways to
The only thing wrong with failing is not to try
again! For, as William Strong so wisely points out: The
only time you don't fail is the last time you try anything
and it works!"
The only permanent failure is the failure to try
Lester Pfister got the idea for inbreeding com
to make it hardier and disease-proof. He started with
50,000 stalks of com and cross-pollinated them painstak-
ingly by hand for five years. By the end of his five years of
unbelievably hard work, he had only four ears of corn
which had been perfectly inbred to produce hardier,
disease-proof com. He was exhausted and destitute. But
those four ears of corn which had resisted disease for five
years made him a fortune!
To run well toward your goal is not enough!
You must continue running! That is how to reach your goal.
There is no other way.
It is not fighting that wins. Anyone but a cow-
ard can fight. It is continuing to fight ... and fight ... and
fight. It is to get up when you get knocked down. It is to
fight on . . . and on . . . whatever the odds . . . however
great the fatigue ... to fight on ... and fight on ... to
victory. That is the way of champions.
It is how you succeed at anything!
Chapter 88
Get Richer .. Quicker!
How You Can Use "The Principle Of
The THIRD WAY" To Solve Your
Here is a proven success method which is used
by the most able negotiators, the top script-writing teams,
and the most highly-paid decision makers.
It is known as The Principle Of The THIRD
WAY. Here's how you can use it:
When you and another person are trying to de-
cide on a mutually agreeable course of action, and you
want to do it one way and the other person wants to do it
a different way-do not get into an irritable argument, but
seek a THIRD WAY upon which you both can enthusiasti-
cally agree.
The Principle of The THIRD WAY was devel-
oped and is widely used by "idea teams" such as those who
write scripts for movies, television and radio. It is a psy-
chological fact that arguments kill ideas and stop the flow
of new ideas. So "idea teams" avoid arguments like a
plague. It is a firm rule of script writing teams that when
any member of the team disapproves of an idea, the idea
is dropped and everybody tries to think up something bet-
ter upon which all can enthusiastically agree.
This rule is followed even when only one idea
or way is under consideration, so perhaps it should be
called The Principle of ANOTHER (Agreeable) WAY.
Alex Osborn of the great advertising agency of
Batten, Barton, Durstine and Osborn has been the foremost
advocate of what he called "brainstorming for ideas". His
rule was that in creating and suggesting ideas in an "idea
brainstorming" group session, there should be no argu-
ments or even discussions concerning the merit or lack of
merit of any idea, but that every idea should be recorded,
and all alternatives sought, to be evaluated later. Of course,
Alex Osborn was right, as his great success confirms.
The principle of not arguing about who is right
and who is wrong, but to seek an alternative which is agree-
able to both, is the most effective method of negotiating.
Negotiators in all fields should learn from the successful
"idea teams" of business.
The usual form of negotiating is to start with
two different "demands" or "offers" and argue, sometimes
for months, trying to get the other side to "give in" and
Eventually, concessions must be made to "nar-
row the disagreement gap". Usually, after much antago-
nism and often open hostility, an agreement is reached
which is not really satisfactory to either party. And the
emotional and subconscious wounds never really heal.
This kind of hostile arguing would not be tol-
erated for one minute by the successful "idea teams" of
business. They know that arguing shuts off the How of
Perhaps, what is the matter with the too costly
and too divisive labor negotiations is that they create argu-
ments instead of cooperatively creating ideas which would
be mutually beneficial.
Instead of each side demanding that it must
have its own way, both sides should stop arguing and seek
a THIRD WAY which would be enthusiastically accepted
by each.
The THIRD WAY is simply a combination of
only those ideas which are mutually beneficial.
Note the essential elements of The Principle
of the THIRD WAY:
( 1) It consists of IDEAS-not demands!
(2) Remember, the Principle of Ideas is that
each idea must be accompanied by all possible alternatives
so that every choice may be considered.
( 3 ) Only ideas which are mutually beneficial
are acceptable. This eliminates the built-in antagonism of
counter-balancing one side's "unacceptable" demand with
an equally "unacceptable" demand of the other side.
( 4) The THIRD WAY is not bargaining; it is
cooperatively creating and combining ideas which will be
mutually beneficial and which, therefore, will be enthusi-
astically accepted.
So that business will be an "organized friend-
ship", as economist Herbert N. Casson recommended.
That's a better way to get richer . .. quicker!
Chapter 89
Get Richer ... Quicker!
How Businesses Can Use The
Success Psychology Of "Multiple
The proven success method of multiple man-
agement is not entirely psychological as the title of this
chapter may imply.
In addition to its psychological effect on the
junior executives, production and service employees of a
business, multiple management is a gold mine of practical
ideas for improvement-from the employees who will actu-
ally use them.
Also, multiple management is highly motiva-
tional and provides a cordial channel of two-way commu-
nication not possible in the usually adversary nature of
management-labor union meetings.
The always adversary and usually hostile at-
mosphere of management-union negotiating sessions has
caused management to withdraw into its shell and to limit
the occupants of the shell to a carefully selected small
group of top management executives.
Multiple management is exactly the opposite.
The proven success method of multiple man-
agement is to organize as many junior executives and
regular production and service employees as
possible into "Advisory Boards" (don't call them "Com-
These "Employee Management AdVisory
Boards" are adViSOry only; they have no authority. But they
have employee prestige, recognition and, best of all, com-
Each "Board" should have a different and im-
pressive name and its own letterheads. "Quick-Print" letter-
head printing can provide 100 letterheads for several
dollars and, for a few more dollars, you can list on the
letterheads the names of all members. That may be the
best few dollars your company ever will invest I
Your company should establish "Employee
Management Advisory Boards" for every conceivable com-
pany operation and function. The proven success method
is to get as many employees as possible on some kind of
"Board" relevant to their work-personaUy recognized and
involved in a "management adVisory, operations improve-
ment" function.
So, depending upon the size and type of busi-
ness, your company could have such "Boards" as:
Accounting Systems AdvisOry Board
Customer Relations AdvisOry Board
Materials Handling AdvisOry Board
Materials Receiving AdVisory Board
Product Packing Improvement Advisory Board
Product Shipping Improvement Advisory Board
Plant Appearance Improvement Advisory Board
Employee Recreation Advisory Board
Employee Library Facilities Advisory Board
And, of course, the list is virtually unlimited.
If your company is of sufficient size, you will
need to assign a top personnel executive, perhaps with a
full staff, to organize, to suggest projects and needs, to
motivate and to help (as inconspicuously as possible) the
"Boards and to see that every idea, suggestion, activity
and progressive attitude of every "Board" and each indi-
vidual member is management-appreciated, acknowl-
edged, recognized, commended, publicized, awarded and,
if profitably valuable, financially rewarded.
This, at whatever cost, is not an expense but is
one of the most profitable company improvement invest-
ments your company can make.
Multiple Management is not an "employee re-
lations gimmick" but is a tremendously effective manage-
ment method.
Its motivational psychological impact is of in-
calculable value-but that is only the beginning.
The ideas for improvements from the employ-
ees who actually do the work, see the errors, the waste,
the accumulative annoyances and irritations-these ideas
will be even greater benefits.
And of even greater value is your making em-
ployees a cooperative, coordinated part of management-
gaining and sharing the benefits-without relinquishing
management authority and control.
Most important, multiple management will
achieve what the great economist and management con-
sultant, Herbert N. Casson, recommended years ago:
E1XmJ budness should be an ORGANIZED
Multiple management need not and should not
limit its various Management Admsory Boards to company
If the company sells through dealers, there
should be a Dealer Relations Improvement Admsory
Board consisting of the company's most progressive dealers
-with a rotating membership so that different dealers
would serve a "term" and be replaced by other progressive
dealers who would bring more new ideas and fresh points
of view. Of course, the company would pay generous ex-
pense allowances and in some way impressively compen-
sate the dealers for serving-a proper way to treat the com-
panys most valuable dealers.
Every company serving consumers, should
have a Consumer Admsory Board-the accepted recom-
mendations of which would be valuable in advertising and
And, there should be Management Admsory
Boards representing every constituency which could pro-
vide useful communication and valuable ideas.
The purpose of multiple management is to give
management recognition to all segments of the total opera-
tion and to obtain the greatest possible idea Input.
Multiple management will multiply the speed
of getting RICHER ... QUICKER!
Chapter 90
Get Richer Quicker!
Cooperation Is POWER! Get
Together! ... Keep Together! ... Act
Is it possible to become a great success just by
using your individual ability-without help from others?
Lees ask Charles Steinmetz, the great mathe-
matician who solved the most complex electrical problems
with just a pencil and paper. He solved the problem of pro-
ducing alternating current which made possible the trans-
mission of electricity over unlimited distances. His mathe-
matical ability was so advanced that no one else could
even understand his complex calculationsl
Surely, here is proof that an individual can
succeed without the help of others.
Yet what did Charles Steinmetz say? He said,
"Cooperation is not sentiment-it is economic necessity."
As an economic necessity", cooperation should
receive the study of those who would get richer quicker.
There are three parts of cooperation:
( 1) Get together. This is the beginning, the
:first stage of any cooperative activity.
(2) Keep together. Joyfully, if possible, but
determinedly, if necessary.
(3) Act together. That's what cooperation is
-acting together to achieve a common goal.
The "secret" of first getting in and then getting
to the top in business, civic, social and political organiza-
tions is to offer your help (cooperation) in their chosen
Here's how:
( 1 ) Make a list of the organizations in which
you want to become involved.
(2) Under the name of each organization,
make a list of its special projects and activities in which
you can be helpful.
(3) Offer your help eagerly and freely.
( 4) When accepted, help with willingness and
enthusiasm-even when your personal inconvenience and
sacrifice is required.
( 5) Make a special point of giving the credit
for accomplishments to others-even if you deserve it,
Popularity has many doors, but the key which
unlocks all of them is unselfish helpfulness. A truly unselfish
offer to help will find welcome acceptance everywhere.
Soon, your unselfish helpfulness will not only
be welcomely accepted, but you will be sought, wanted,
needed. Then your popularity will be automatic and in-
evitable. The "secret" ... unselfish helpfulness!
Remember, no person ever is honored for what
he received. Honor is bestowed only for what he gave.
Even in receiving honors, you must give. Share
the honor and the recognition with as many others as you
can. There is a wise proverb: "Half an orange tastes fust
as s w e e t : ~
Your cooperation, your unselfish helpfulness
will get you in and get you to the top in business, civic,
social and political organizations. But, there is a much
more important form of unselfish helpfulness than that.
It is expressed best in another proverb: "He is
my friend that helps me, not he that pities me."
People in trouble need, not pity, but tangible,
practical help.
This world already has too many "pious" peo-
ple who go about proclaiming, "Holy, Holy, Holy! I pity
the poor, the handicapped, the troubled."
We need more people with ideas, plans, work
and money to help the poor, the handicapped, the troubled
-in the manner of real charity.
And, real charity is not just to give to the needy
-but to see to it that there are no needy!
Yet, even when they no longer need things,
people always will need each other. That's what coopera-
tion is all about. And, that may be the most challenging
question in your life:
"Who NEEDS youP"
It may come to you as a challenging, threaten-
ing roar: "Who NEEDS you?"
Or, in the stillness of the night, it may come as
a chilling whisper: "Who NEEDS you?"
To know that some person NEEDS you, will
give depth and meaning to your life. And, perhaps, that is
But if you want more-much more-here it is:
The ultimate in managed cooperation is to
cause hundreds, thousands, even millions to NEED you--
then they will make you successful, wealthy, famous.
So, let" s consider cooperation in terms of what
YOU have to oHer.
The value of your cooperation will be de-
termined by:
.(a) How intense and urgent is the need for
your cooperation?
(b) How easily can equivalent cooperation be
obtained from others? From many others?
( c) Specifically, how indispensable is your
cooperation in filling an important or urgent need?
( d) How many people will substantially bene-
fit from your cooperation? A few, a hundred, or thousands,
or millions?
It is not necessary to establish that active co-
operation is required for success in business and in life.
What is necessary is to establish the value of YOUR co-
Your answers to the above questions will de-
termine YOUR value.
They also will be a guide for increasing your
oolue-which is how you get richer . .. qUicker!
Chapter 91
Get Richer .. Quicker!
Who Ought To Be Boss?
Henry Ford settled, once and for all time, the
often asked question: Who ought to be BOSS?"
Henry Ford said that was like asking who
should sing tenor in a quartet. Then he gave the obvious
answer: The man who can sing tenor."
Deciding who ought to be leader, or who ought
to be aSSigned any job from president' to janitor-is Simply
a matter of deciding who is best qualified to do that spe-
cific job.
There is no such person as a "born leader" or a
"born salesman" or even a "born failure".
There only is a "born person".
What each person makes of his or her devel-
oped or to-be-developed abilities is the sole responsibility
of that individual.
Skip the excuses and alibies. All of them have
been surmounted millions of times by people who really
wanted to be successful and, therefore, really tried. Every-
one knows that any person can succeed in less time than
it takes to try to convince others of excuses for failure.
Whatever you achieve in life will not be the
result of your "born advantages," or "born environment,"
or born opportunities"-but by your self-improved, self-
developed success qualities.
Whatever your failures, they will not be the re-
sult of your being a <Dom failure" in an underprivileged,
deprived, repressed environment. Your failures (except in
research testing) will be the result of your NOT self-
improving and NOT self-developing success qualities.
So, if you are not making the progress and
money you want, you have only yourself to blame.
Do not expect others to do for you what you
should be doing for yourseH. Others will gladly teach you
HOW to succeed. (This book is an example.) But only
you can DO what it takes to succeed in business and in life.
And you must DO it!
Elbert Hubbard wrote: "Responsibilities gravi-
tate to the person who can shoulder them; power Hows to
the man who knows how."
To which I must add that knOWing how is only
the first part; you also must produce-you must DO!
You get richer quicker, not from what you
know, but only from what you DO. Production, not just
knowledge, is what you get paid for.
To answer the question, "Who should be
BOSS?" with Henry Ford's implied answer, "The person
who is best qualified to be BOSS," means that anybody
can be boss, or achieve whatever he or she wants in life-
provided that the person learns and USES the success
methods which best qualify him or her for the position or
achievements desired.
You advance in any business-and you can
advance all the way to the top-by learning and USING
proven success methods so that:
( 1) You will be increasingly more useful, and
therefore ...
(2) You will be increasingly more valuable-
so much more valuable that you outgrow your present posi-
tion to such an extent that your company must either pro-
mote you or lose you to a more progressive competitor.
(3) You will be a constant source of IDEAS
for improving products and/or services ... increasing pro-
duction, sales, profits . . . reducing costs, errors, complaints
(by your SPARKING IDEAS using the 61 Magic Ques-
tions in Chapter 13).
( 4 ) You will work eagerly and enthusiastically
to give your company: (a) more of what it wants, and (b)
less of what it does not want-from you as an employee.
(5) You will accomplish this by always doing
whatever should be done ... when it should be done ...
whether you like it or not.
( 6) You will frequently ASK your employer
how you can be more useful and do better work.
Use the preceding six proven success methods
constantly and review them often by marking this page or
copying the six methods stated above and putting them
where they will remind you that these are the proven
methods to earn promotions-all the way to the top.
And-the sure way to get richer . .. qUicker!
Chapter 92
Get Richer Quicker!
Always Offer INCENTIVES!
Everybody Can Be Motivated By
Irresistible Incentives!
Many people are as ambitious and energetic as
a canned sardine. Their lives are as meaningful as playing
tennis with the net down.
Psychologist Nathaniel Braden says, "Central to
the science of psychology is the issue or problem of moti-
vation. The base of the science is the need to answer two
fundamental questions:
"( 1) Why does a man act as he does?"
"( 2) What would be required for a man to act
When you can answer those two questions, you
can deal successfully with people-problems.
As John Hancock said, <"The greatest ability in
business is to get along with others and influence their ac-
tions:' This chapter-lesson wm deal with influenCing-and
especially with stimulating the actions of people.
Specifically, this chapter will deal with moti-
vating people. And with good reason, because many people
have the right aim in life, but they never pull the trigger!
This chapter will explain how to get people to
"puU the trigger" and get started.
Psychological research has revealed that it is
impossible for an employee to work at 100% efficiency if
his work is routine and he is not permitted-and speci'fi,-
cally asked-to contribute his own ideas and suggestions
for improvements in the work he is aSSigned to do. This is
a form of motivation. Add an incentive and the motivation
is greatly increased.
Most companies pay full-time wages to part-
time employees. They get only the routine work, but not
ideas for improvement which may be more valuable than
routine work.
So, we come right back to the central question:
"How do you motivate people?"
Napoleon had a method. He created the Legion
of Honor, decorated 1,500 soldiers with Distinguished
Service Medals, made eighteen of his generals "Marshals
of France" and called his troops the "Grand Army."
When Napoleon was criticized for trying to
motivate war-hardened veterans with "toys", Napoleon re-
plied, "Men are ruled by toys."
Well, maybe. But, personally, I don't think a
motivational program should be limited to incentives con-
sisting of citations, certificates and trophies, although they
should not be disregarded.
Let's look at the total motivational opportunity.
The proven success method which motivates
all people is incentive.
Incentives for people-motivation should be se-
lected with great care, especially if they consist only of
"ego awards". It depends upon the personal interests of
the people and how they are affected by "ego awards".
In my own case, I happen to have collected a
considerable assortment of framed cert:ifl.cates, service
awards, plaques, trophies and miscellaneous trivia over a
forty-year period beginning with sports, and continuing
in business and finance. Yet, if I even have them, these
awards are still in their original wrappings, stored some-
where in the attic.
But the walls of my personal rooms are covered
with my mounted trophy-size bassI And I eagerly look for-
ward to adding to those trophies, with the self-imposed
requirement that the bass must weigh nine pounds or more.
At the risk of knowing most readers will ex-
claim: "Who wants to cover walls with old stuffed fish?",
I have included this too-personal example just to show the
problem of selecting desirable "ego awards."
And to recommend the universally most power-
ful incentive . . . M 0 NEYI
In selecting the most universally wanted incen-
tive-MaNEY-you have a wide range of choices: the
cash, itself ... or bonuses ... or increased wages ... or
promotions which include increased wages ... or many
other ways to offer MONEY as a motivation to influence
employees and others to do better, to do more, or to do
what you want them to do.
When you are selecting an incentive for moti-
vation, remember . . .
A golden hammer will open any door!
When you offer MONEY as the incentive for
motivation, you are offering whatever each possible recipi-
ent visualizes that amount of money will buy for him orms
family-and that could be any of hundreds of different
things, depending upon each individual's needs or desires.
But whatever is visualized by each recipient becomes the
objective and the incentive-which triggers and sustains
much more motivation than if the prize or award was some-
thing which that possible recipient did not eagerly want.
In one of the companies of which I was presi-
dent before I retired, I conducted a sales contest among the
company's route-salesmen. I selected as first prize a big,
luxury speedboat because I reasoned that such a prestige
symbol would provide "ego gratification" beyond the nor-
mal financial resources of the route-salesmen contestants.
I visualized the winner proudly taking his fam-
ily and friends on luxurious speedboat cruises and enjoying
prestige otherwise beyond his means.
But the route-salesmen contestants did not vis-
ualize it that way. The contest was considerably less than
sensational. And the winner never took delivery of his lux-
ury speedboat. He sold it back to the boat dealer for CASH.
The most universally wanted incentive is
A golden hammer will open any doorl
Chapter 98
Get Richer .. Quicker!
Problems Are Like Knives! Grasp
The Handle-Not The Blade!
Problems are like knives. You have the choice
of grasping them by the blade and being cut-or grasping
the handle and having a useful tool.
Learn how to grasp each problem so that it
becomes your tool, not a cause of injury.
Most of the problems in your lifetime will be
people-problems. My other books deal with the successful
handling of people-problems so we shall use but little of
our remaining space in this book for details-but there are
several basic prinCiples which you must use if you are to
become the kind of person who will attract people and,
through them, the means of getting richer quicker.
( 1) Stop "finding fault"-start finding solu-
tions. A number of leading psychiatrists joined in a re-
search project to find one Simple rule which would enable
people to lead happier lives, maintain peace of mind, and
be more attractive to others. They found itl
Here it is: Stop finding fault!
(2) Never attack the ego (self-image) of an-
other. A survey was made of 10,000 arguments rang-
ing from arguments between husbands and wives to de-
bates at the United Nations. The most important single fact
learned in this survey was: Never attack the ego (self-
image) of another. Never!
This leads directly to a third principle:
( 3 ) Criticize the situation-not the person.
The rule is: Never criticize. If you can follow
that rule you will eliminate most of your people-problems.
However, if a situation becomes so intolerable
that it must be corrected, do not criticize the person or per-
sons who caused the situation, but confine your criticism
(preferably suggestions for improvements) to the situa-
tion, itseH. Never criticize people!
By following these three principles, you always
will grasp the dangerous people-problem knife, not by the
blade and injure yourseH, but by the handle and make it a
tool of success I
Chapter 94
Get Rieher " Quicker!
No One Stumbles Over A Mountain!
We Stumble Only Over Molehills!
You will clearly see the "mountains" that block
your road to success. Your awareness of them will enable
you to use proven success methods to surmount, by-pass,
or blast through big obstacles, and to continue toward your
It is the molehills", the trivialities of life,
which trip you up because you ignore them-and they send
you sprawling in humiliation.
Your success will not result from climbing
mountains but from your day to day dealing successfully
with little things" which principally constitute your life.
John D. Rockefeller saved half of his small be-
ginning salary. He invested it. He saved all of his invest-
ment income and reinvested it. Little things" which added
up to the greatest fortune of his timel
Its how you get richer . .. quicker!
Chapter 95
Get Richer Quicker /
Do Not STRUGGLE To Succeed!
If You Have A "Struggle Complex",
You Won't Live Long Enough To
Heart researchers have discovered that people
who "struggle" to succeed, do not live long enough to reach
their goal.
Make no mistake about it-stress and mental-
emotional struggle are deadly!
Attaining success never should be a "struggle";
it should be a calm, calculated, deliberate use of proven
success methods. Knowing HOW makes success easy. It is
trying to succeed without knowing HOW which causes the
Not knowing HOW to succeed causes indeci-
sion. Indecision leads to doubt. Doubt leads to anxiety.
Anxiety leads to fear. Fear leads to panic. Panic leads to
psychosomatic illness: mental-emotional and, finally,
physical disorders which will ruin your life. All of which
began with indecision resulting from not knowing HOW
to succeed-when that information is readily available.
Another cause of a "struggle personality" is
the acceptance of pity. Never accept pity from others, no
matter how well intentioned.
As soon as you begin to accept pity, you in-
creasingly feel that you deserve pity. When you increas-
ingly feel that you deserve pity, you are headed for the
depths of despair and a "struggle personality".
Another cause of a "struggle personality" is
mental-emotional depression. Instinctively, you want re-
lease, escape. So a mental-emotional "struggle" engulfs
your personality.
Psychiatrists affirm that such "struggles" result
from loss-actual or threatened-of a loved one, or your
job or other form of security, or your health.
Your "struggle" and the loss-actual or threat-
ened-may be very real, but famed psychiatrist, Dr. Wil-
liam C. Menninger of the Menninger Clinic in Kansas offers
encouraging hope: "There is a superstition that most men-
tal illness is incurable. The actual fact is that mental illness
has probably the highest potential recovery rate of any
group of iUnesses-provided proper treatment is provided
in time."
I want to emphasize here the difference be-
tween preventing the causes and thereby eliminating men-
tal-emotional problems such as the "struggle-personality"
BEFORE they become serious mental illnesses, as this and
other chapter-lessons in my books are intended to do-and
the necessary professional treatment of actual mental ill-
nesses by qualified psychiatrists or mental health clinics.
I receive telephone calls and letters from peo-
ple who are tormented by "supernatural beings", and from
people who are "contemplating suicide", and from other
emotionally disturbed people who say my books have
"saved their lives". I appreciate their calls and letters but
my response must be, not gratification, but serious concern.
I do, indeed, rush a proven success method to
such mentally-ill people. It is: See a psychiatrist at once!
Or, at least, see the nearest mental health clinic and follow
its recommendations.
My books are not for people who want to com-
mit suicide. My books are for people who want to succeed
in business and in life-and I guarantee that using proven
success methods will enable them to do that.
Chapter 96
Get Richer Quickel' /
Here Is The ONE Skill All
Successful People Have-Without
Any Exception!
A survey was made of thousands of very suc-
cessful men and women to detennine if there was anyone
skill which they had in common.
It was discovered that there was one skill which
aU very successful people had. Obviously, your learning
that one skill is necessary for you to be very successful.
That one skill is skill in using words.
There may be very little difference between
one person and another, but that little difference may be
very important. And if that difference is that one person is
skilled in the use of words and the other person is not-
that will make a great difference in their rates of promotion
and goal-achievement.
Dr. Rollo May, the educational psychologist,
said in a speech to the New York Academy of Medicine
that there are two parts to everyone's personality:
(1) How you aHect others
(2) How you respond to others
Your success in both of these parts of your per-
sonality requires that you develop skill in using words.
In this book and in the other books whieh
comprise the Proven Success Methods Library are many
chapter-lessons which will improve your skill in using
words. And there are many courses-in books and on cas-
settes-which are devoted entirely to skiU in using words.
There is room here for only one more example
but it is certain to produce such remarkable results that I
must include it. Here it is:
In my book, Thoughts To Build On, I teach a
psychological technique for eliminating self-consciousness.
I call it c<Don't Exist!" and I want to apply that cCdon't exist"
technique to skill in using words in conversations.
Here's how you don't exist" as a topic of your
own conversations:
Engage in a conversation without mentioning
yourself or anything pertaining to you.
This means that you must start the others talk-
ing about themselves-what they did ... what they saw
... what they said ... how they felt ... and so on.
You may comment as much as appropriate-
fust so you do not mention yourself or anything related to
you. Remember, as a topic of the conversation, you "don't
If there is a lull in the conversation, Simply ask
a question which will start others talking about themselves
some more.
If you are asked a direct question, simply re-
spond by asking what the others think or how they feel
about it.
The skill in using this "don't exist" method is in
not letting the others realize what you are dOing. Obvi-
ously, you cannot keep this up indefinitely, but the longer
you can do this, the more skilled you will become in con-
trolling conversations.
When you eliminate your SELF from conver-
sations, you eliminate your SELF -consciousness. You be-
come OTHERS-conscious which will assure your instant
and lasting popularity.
Controlling conversations .. . leads to influ-
encing people . . . which leads to mastering situations . . .
which leads to getting richer . .. quicker!
Chapter 97
Get Richer Quicker!
How You Can Use The ~ ~ M A G I C
MINUTE" To Win Goodwill
The MAGIC MINUTE is the first minute you
spend. with each person.
The proven success method is to try very hard
-do and say everything-to make that first minute you
spend with each person the most enjoyable minute of that
person's entire day!
This book and my other books are filled with
chapter-lessons on how-to-do-it so I will only add here the
advice of John J. McGuirk:
"The ability to form friendships, to make peo-
ple believe in you and trust you is one of the absolutely
fundamental qualities of success. Selling, buying, negotiat-
ing are so much smoother and easier when the parties enjoy
each other's confidence. The person who can make friends
quickly will find that he will glide instead of stumble
through life." ... And get RICHER . .. QUICKER!
Chapter 98
Get Richer ... Quicker!
How To Influence Multitudes:
Stay On A ONE-To-ONE Basis!
When you are speaking to hundreds or to thou-
sands (or by television, to millions), and when you are
writing to thousands or millions-you must speak or write
only to ONE individual.
This will eliminate the self-conscious fear of
numbers which overwhelms inexperienced public speakers
and writers. But that is not what this chapter-lesson is
about. It is assumed that before you are asked to speak or
write to large audiences, you will have acquired the ability
and experience to do so.
It is the purpose of this proven success method
to emphasize that your large audience (of hundreds, thou-
sands or millions) really is only one individual. The fact
that the one individual happens to be multiplied by hun-
dreds, thousands or millions-is completely irrelevant and
must be ignored.
You must keep your speaking or writing on a
ONE-to-ONE basis. Just you speaking or writing to one
In my book, Here's Help!, there are lessons on
eye-contact, eye-language, and actually projecting your
voice through your eyes! The point is made that in speak-
ing to large audiences (even smaller groups) you must
constantly make eye-contact with numerous separate indi-
viduals throughout the entire audience and speak directly
to them.
You must not hurl your voice into space, hope-
fully to be tuned in by the audience. Unless your speech is
made on a person-to-person basis, it will not project any
personal communication.
A public speech, or a book or article, must be
a personal conversation" on a ONE-to-ONE basis. Other-
wise, it is wind blowing through a forest. Nothing personal.
Just wind blowing through a forest.
Personal influence must be personal. It must be
individual. It must not be impartially and impersonally
hurled into space in the hope that many people will tune
it in, each feeling that it was meant for them. A few people
may, but you will not influence many that way.
The secret of influencing multitudes is: stay on
a ONE-to-ONE basis.
And, a sure way to get RICHER ...
QUICKER-is to influence multitudes!
Chapter 99
Get Richer Quicker 1
Storage Earns Small Rent; Only
Production Earns Great Fortunes!
A storehouse merely stores; it does not produce
anything. Storage space earns only small rent,. so do not
use your mind merely as a storage space for facts.
No matter how many facts you learn, if they
are stored away, they are "dead storage"; they produce
nothing, earn nothing except meager rent for storage space
in your mind.
You only can get richer quicker by producing
-by using the facts you have learned as the materials to
produce products and/or services which will give more
and more people ... more and more of what they want
... and/or eliminate more and more of what they don't
You will not get richer quicker because of what
you know; you only will get richer quicker as the result of
what you DO with what you know.
Chapter 100
Get Richer . Quicker 1
Your Success Will Depend Upon The
Kind Of cCAdvice Seeker" You Are!
There are three kinds of advice seekers:
( 1) People who ask for "advice" when all they
really want is sympathy and an excuse to tell their troubles
to others.
(2) People who ask for "advice" when all they
really want is to call attention to their "accomplishment"
and to be praised for it.
(3) People ask for advice because they want
to learn, to be helped, to be guided, to improve, to achieve,
to succeed. Those are the genuine advice seekers who will
benefit by the more than a thousand proven success meth-
ods I have researched and tested during forty years and
now have recorded in my books.
Benjamin Franklin wrote, "They that will not
be counselled, cannot be helped." But you must be more
than "willing to receive" counsel-you must energetically
and enthusiastically seek it!
You must seek, learn and use proven success
methods. It must become an obsession! It must be your
first goal-because, until you learn HOW to succeed, you
cannot succeed in achieving your main goal in life-or
succeed in anything, for that matter. You have to learn
HOW first.
Pity the persons who do not learn HOW to
succeed. They wear themselves out by struggling to do
something they don't know HOW to do. Or they make
themselves ridiculous by pretending that being successful
doesn't matter-an excuse nobody believes.
Yet, there is nothing difficult nor complicated
about being successful. Success is simply learning HOW
-then constantly USING what you have learned.
The proven success methods of the men and
women throughout history who achieved greatness, wealth,
power and fame-all were Simple, practical commonsense
methods. In my book, How To Get Whatever You Want,
are the real life stories of fifteen famous men and women
who achieved great successes in spite of enormous difficul-
ties. How did they do it? By using exactly the same proven
success methods which are available to you. In fact, all of
their success methods-and hundreds more-are in my
books. And all are easily within your own capabilities
So you have the methods NOW; you have the
capabilities NOW!
Do you have the ambition and determination
NOW? Your answer will decide your future!
Chapter 101
Get Richer .. Quicker!
It Required A Billion Years To
Develop Your Brain! For What
You have an obligation to mankind.
It required a billion years of evolution to de-
velop that brain of yoursl
Then after a billion years of brain evolution,
one cell divided, and by multiple division, increased to the
12 billion cells which constitute your own brain.
You not only have an obligation to use your 12
billion brain cells to repay, in part, mankind's billion years
of evolution to produce your brain-but you personally
have the mental capacity to do it!
Your brain has the capability-through com-
bining thoughts-to put together several trillion thought
associations . . . IDEAS!
Out of your capacity to produce several trillion
IDEAS, you should at least produce several hundred
IDEAS, and some, perhaps many, of your IDEAS will im-
prove the world in which you live and help your fellow
You owe the world that much for the "!Jillion
years it took to evolve your brain and the production of the
12 biUion cells which constitute your brain and give you
the personal capability of combining thoughts into several
trillion different thought combinations ... IDEAS I
Otherwise, why were you born?
Shouldn't you make the most use of that mar-
velous brain of yours?
Yes, your brain is, indeed, marvelous-all 12
biUion cells of it! H your brain is not continuously produc-
ing useful and valuable IDEAS, maybe you haven't put
enough thoughts into it to get IDEAS started.
As wise, old Ben Franklin taught: "If a man
empties his purse into his head, no man can take it away
from him. An investment in knowledge always pays the
best interest."
Which is how to get RICHER ... QUICKER!

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