Candle Magic
Candle Magic
Candle Magic
Candles increase your chances for a successful spell immensely. In fact, Candles are so effective in magical workings that one could work magic with only candles as their tools. This type of magic is called "Candle Magic".It is important that the color of the candle is appropriate for whatever type of magic you are working, so I've included a list below as a kind of reference. On the list, you will find out which color you should use to increase the strength of your spell. There are many types of candles and many colors. This page will explain which colors and types of candles are best for different kinds of magical workings. Small tapers are good for short healing spells and ritual, white pillar candles are good for long term use. Normal sized Tapers are VERY good for those rituals and spells that will last a whole morning, afternoon, or night. Votive candles are good for clearing bad vibrations in a certain room (in your house or office), and when healing another person with crystals.
Orange : Business Goals; changes, Property Deals; Ambition; Career Goals; General Success; Justice;
Legal Matters; Selling; Action, the sacral chakra (belly botton)
Copper : Passion; Money Goals; Professional Growth; Fertility in Business; Career Maneuvers
Gold : The God; Wealth; Promote Winning; Safety and Power of the Male; Happiness; Playful
Humor, The solar plexus chakra along with yellow.
Yellow : The Sun; Intelligence; Accelerated Learning; Memory; Logical Imagination; Breaking Mental
Blocks, the solar plexus chakra.
Pink : Romantic Love, planetary good Will, healing of Emotions, Peace; Affection; Romance;
friendship, Partnership of Emotional Maturity; Caring; Nurturing and sympathic magic.(Magic for others in need)
Green : Earth Mother, Element of Earth; Physical Healing; Monetary Success / Prosperity;
Abundance; Fertility; Tree and Plant Magick; Growth; Personal Goals. The heart chakra.,earthly matters.
Blue : The Element of Water; Good Fortune; Opening Blocked Communication; Wisdom; Protection;
Spiritual Inspiration; Calm; Reassurance; Gently Moving, womans magic, Creativity, the throat chakra.
Purple : Influencing People in High Places; Third Eye chakra, Psychic ability; Spiritual Power; Self
assurance; Hidden knowledge.
Silver : The Goddess; Full Moon Magic, Telepathy; Clairvoyance; Clairaudience; Intuition; Dreams;
Astral Energies; Female Power; Communication, Also crown chakra along with white, Silver is the color of planet Mercury.
Brown : Influence Friendship, Earth magic, Prayers to mother earth, Special Favors, grounding and
Black : The God; New moon magic, Male energy, Banishing Magic, Protection; Repelling negativity;
Binding, Shapeshifting.