Models of Corporate Governance
Models of Corporate Governance
Models of Corporate Governance
Its key elements, however, concern the enhancement of corporate performance through supervision or monitoring of management performance and ensuring accountability of management to shareholders and stakeholders as set out above. Four structural attributes of the modern corporation have been highlighted (Saba, 1997):
The weakness or absence of one or more of these pillars significantly impairs any corporations efficiency. The central feature of the corporation of 1960s was its authoritarian power structure, with the superior-subordinate pair relationship as the fundamental building block. Ultimate authority for all decisions lies at the top and this authority is delegated or withheld by the superior at each level. Most of the state-owned enterprises suffer from these types of structures. It would be worthwhile to examine different models of corporate governance that exist in the developed world to see whether they have any lessons to offer to us and whether any model is worth emulation with such modifications as would suit our body politic. In the context of the discussion outlined earlier, there is a broad convergence on the laws and forms of corporate organisation and a few models like the Anglo-American, German and the Japanese are the ones selected for description for this purpose.
Model-I: The Anglo-American model of corporate governance has a corporate structure where the Board of directors elected by the shareholders (owners) act as supervisors. Shareholders generally exercise their control over a private corporation through the board of directors. The board has three functions: representation, direction and oversight. In this model, it appoints and supervises the managers who manage the day- to day affairs of the corporation.
While the legal system provides the structural framework, the stakeholders in the company will be the employees, suppliers and creditors. But the creditors exercise their lien over the assets of the Company. The policy is framed by the board and implemented by the management. The board oversees the implementation through a well-designed Information System. The board of directors, being responsible to their appointers - the shareholders - commits to them certain returns within the broad contours of the market framework. It will ensure an efficient organisation for production, exchange and performance monitoring. However, there is no agreement on the cost effectiveness or efficiency of the model (Macey, 1998). While Fischel & Easterbrook (1991) and Romano (1993) make a very optimistic assessment of the U.S. corporate governance system, Jensen (1993) finds it deeply flawed. It will not be costless for the market to provide a greater supply of institutional investor monitoring.
Model-II: In the case of the German model of corporate governance, although the shareholders own the company, they do not dictate the governance mechanism. Fifty percent of the members of the supervisory board are elected by the shareholders while the other fifty percent are appointed by the labor unions. This system implies that employees and labor are not just the stakeholders but they enjoy a share in governance. They are equally responsible for the policy that has to be implemented by them for the profit of the organization.
The supervisory board appoints and monitors the management board. There is a reporting relationship between both the boards although the management board independently conducts the day-to-day operations of the company. One important feature is that the labor relations director is represented on the management board. Therefore, the governance mechanisms have imbibed workers participation. German banks can own corporate stock unlike the U.S. banks. Although the German Universal Banks as group cast 54 to 64 percent of the votes in 1992
without absolute majority there is no evidence that they had acted as effective institutional monitors on behalf of the shareholders. Model III: In the Japanese model, the financing institution has a crucial role in the governance structure. The shareholders and the bank together appoint the board of directors. Unlike in the other models, the president is also appointed by the shareholders and the bank. The relationship of the board to the president is hierarchical in nature. The president consults the board. Even otherwise, the board generally ratifies the presidents decisions.
(*This appointment is generally considered to be a ratification of nominees for the board chosen from within the company) Chart-III: Japanese model of corporate governance (Source: Saba, 1997). Although shareholders own the company, the financing bank has a crucial role. The executive management, which steps into the shoes of the board of directors, performs the management function. In fact, the financing bank provides even the managerial personnel and monitors the management function. It also has powers to supersede the board when it becomes expedient or in a state of emergency. All the three models have found methods for combining economic and control rights into large blocks, in order to overcome the ineffectiveness of fragmented voting power. In Germany, it
takes the form of large investors, with their voting clout sometimes augmented by proxy control. In Japan, it takes the form of coordinated networks, acting through institutions like the presidents council and the main bank. Both these arrangements are relatively stable, whereas in the U.S. the aggregation is ad-hoc; voting power is assembled for the occasion, through a proxy contest or tender offer or a leveraged buyout. While techniques differ, they appear to be addressing a common need in effective governance system (Scott, 1998).
Model IV: The Indian model is an amalgam of the Anglo-American and German models (ChartIV).
Chart-IV: Corporate governance, accountability and enterprise Indian model for PSUs
The pattern of private companies is mostly that of closely held or dominated by a founder, his family, and associates. The role of external equity finance is small; the business is financed by retained earnings and heavily by debt (Tata group, Reliance group, Birla group etc.). In respect of public enterprises, the board is formed by the central/state government and even where divestiture has taken place, hold of the government continues to be dominant. Here, the issues concerning protection of stakeholders generally take a back seat. Large corporations are, therefore, often run more in the interest of the government than in the interest of efficiency and maximization of aggregate shareholder wealth. The appropriation of corporate opportunities, excessive compensation, and consumption of managerial perks do not merit much discussion of the board as they are decided externally by a government policy. Participation of workers is nominally represented by the presence of a representative of a recognized trade union - sometimes both of the workers and officers separately where two separate unions exist - whose voice does not represent the concerns of the organisation. Governance models of the sub-sectors like insurance, banking, non-banking finance companies etc., in the Indian context are kept out of the purview of discussion in this paper in view of the complexity of laws, rules, and regulations that bind those structures. In coordination with the Confederation of Indian Industry (CII), Federation of chambers of Commerce and Industries (FICCI), and other apex industry organisations, the Department of Company Affairs is in the process of evolving a draft corporate governance code. Structural changes in corporate governance call for a paradigm shift in the constitution of board. Admittedly the processes are only the means to an end and bringing into fore the thoroughness, openness and objectivity in the reviews of systems would be very crucial to proper governance.