Description of The Project en 3-2-2013

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Youth in Action Programme

Sub-action 3.2 - Youth in the World

Cooperation with countries other than the neighbouring countries of the European Union Call for Proposals EACEA/10/2013



(To be attached to the eForm)

Please fill in all relevant sections of this application. It is compulsory to annex ALL documents requested in the check list. Please consult the Call for proposals EACEA/10/13 to find all the information you need to lead your project and to fill in this application form.

Part I. Identification of the applicant organisation

A. Details of the applicant organisation1
Full name: Acronym:

B. Profile of the applicant2

Legal status Type Activity level Private NGO Public Public body at regional or local level Regional National National Youth Council



Please give a short presentation of your organisation (aims and regular activities, membership in other structures, specific expertise, staff, possible involvement of young people (15-28) in the organisation's structure and activities, etc.) and explain your motivation to carryout the proposed project.

C. Operational capacity
Professional competences and qualifications: Please describe the know-how of your organisation in the fields covered by the Call for proposals (see point 2 of the Applicants' Guidelines). Organisations applying for a grant equal or above EUR 60 000 must: Illustrate such experience by means of a list of projects already implemented (the past two years only) in the relevant fields. Please also mention the different products realised by these projects, i.e. publications, website, etc. Please give precise references. Please attach a copy of the Curriculum Vitae of the person responsible for the general coordination/implementation of the action (contact person).

Please download and fill in the legal entity identification form from the European Commissions website: Please join relevant "Articles of association" (statutes): document that sets out the structure, purpose and operating parameters of your organisation

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D. European Community funding obtained the last two financial years

Applicant Partner Agreement n Programme/Action Project title Amount in

E. Has your organisation submitted, or does it intend to submit, a grant application for this project or any other project to other Actions of the Youth in Action Programme or to (an)other European Community Programme(s) in 2013?
Application submitted intend to submit

Project the same an other

(please specify)

Youth in Action Programme

(please specify Action)

Other EC Programme
(please specify)

Amount in

Grant decision taken Not Yes yet

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Part II. Identification of the partners

To be filled in by each partner organisation

A. Details of the partner organisation

Full name: Acronym:

B. Profile of the partner

Legal status Type Activity level Private NGO Public Public body at regional or local level Regional National National Youth Council



Please give a short presentation of your organisation (aims and regular activities, membership in other structures, specific expertise, staff, possible involvement of young people (15-28) in the organisation's structure and activities, etc.) and describe your competencies and motivation to cooperate in the implementation of the project.

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C. Mandate(s)
To be signed by the persons authorised to enter into legally binding commitments on behalf of the applicant, respectively each partner

[full official name of the organisation] [official address in full] [ISO-code country Postal code CITY], (the partner), represented for the purposes of signature of this mandate by [surname, first name and function] of the one part, and [full official name of the organisation] [official address in full] [ISO-code country Postal code CITY], (the applicant), represented for the purposes of signature of this mandate by [surname, first name and function] HAVE AGREED for the purposes of the implementation of the action entitled [project title] ("the action"); the following: 1. The partner grants power of attorney to the applicant, to act in its name and for its account in submitting the above project and, if selected for a grant award, signing an agreement and its possible subsequent riders with the Education, Audiovisual and Culture Executive Agency. Accordingly, the partner hereby mandates the applicant to take full legal responsibility for the implementation of the above project and related agreement with the Agency. The partner hereby confirms having taken careful note of all the provisions of the relevant call for proposals and model grant agreement, in particular of all provisions affecting the partner and the applicant. The partner acknowledges that, by virtue of this mandate, the applicant alone is entitled to receive the funds from the Agency and distribute the amounts corresponding to the participation of each organisation in the project as laid down in the proposed agreement. The partner hereby agrees to do everything in his power to carry out properly the actions assigned to him acting on his own responsibility, and certifies that it has the operational and financial capacity to participate in the action mentioned above. The partner hereby agrees to do everything in his power to help the applicant fulfil its obligations under the proposed grant agreement. In particular, the partner hereby agrees to provide to the applicant whatever documents or information may be required under the terms and conditions of the grant agreement, as soon as possible after receiving the request from the applicant. The provisions of this mandate, shall take precedence over any other agreement between the partner and the applicant, which may have an effect on the implementation of the agreement between the co-ordinator and the Education, Audiovisual and Culture Executive Agency. Subject to selection for a grant award, a copy of this mandate shall be annexed to the agreement signed between the applicant and the Agency and shall form an integral part of it. For the applicant






SIGNATURES For the partner

[surname/first name] Function: Done at In triplicate in English

, , Date: . . / . . / . . . .

[surname/first name] Function: Done at

, , Date: . . / . . / . . .

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Part III. Project identification and summary

A. Objectives
Please tick the box(es) corresponding to the Objective(s) addressed by the project

(1) To improve the mobility of young people and youth workers, as well as youth employability; (2) To promote youth empowerment and active participation; (3) To foster capacity-building for youth organisations and structures in order to contribute to civil

society development;
(4) To promote cooperation and the exchange of experience and good practice in the field of youth and

non-formal education; (5) To contribute to the development of youth policies, youth work and the voluntary sector; (6) To develop sustainable partnerships and networks between youth organisations.


(1) Participation of young people (2) Cultural diversity (3) European citizenship (4) Inclusion of young people with fewer opportunities

Please tick the box(es) corresponding to the Priority(ies) addressed by the project

(5) Awareness raising of the rights linked to the EU citizenship (6) Inclusive growth (7) Creativity, entrepreneurship and employability (8) Healthy behaviours

C. Activities
Please tick the box(es) corresponding to the Activity(ies) addressed by the project.

Large-scale youth events, seminars, conferences Activities encouraging the development of partnerships and networks Activities encouraging the policy dialogue in the field of youth Information and awareness campaigns in favour of and by young people

Training and capacity-building of youth workers, youth organisations and multipliers Job-shadowing and long-term mobility for youth workers Other (please specify): _____________________ _____________________________

D. Partner region(s)
Please tick the box(es) corresponding to the partner regions involved

EU27 Africa Asia

Other Programme Countries Caribbean Industrialised countries

Latin America Pacific

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E. Project partners (including the applicant) and related number of participants

Legal status & Type Number of young people/youth workers Number of trainers, facilitators, staff

Organisation name


n 1 n 2 n 3 n 4 n 5 n 6 Total n:

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Part IV. Project implementation

The points below are intended to serve as a guide for your description of the proposed activities. The information that is requested will be very important in the selection process, and later for the monitoring and evaluation of the project.

If more space is needed, please extend boxes


Objectives of the project

Please describe: the General Objectives of the Youth in Action Programme targeted by your project; how the project is targeting the Specific Objectives of this call for proposals; how you are going to address the Priority(ies) you have chosen; the expected results and the target group(s) of the project.


Geographic scope

Please specify the geographic scope of your project and explain: your motivation for choosing that region; which issues related to that region are particularly addressed by the project; how are dialogue, exchange and cooperation in the field of youth within this area strenghtehned by the project.


Work programme

Please describe: the working methods envisaged; the activities foreseen throughout the action for its implementation, including preparatory and evaluation activities; the sharing of tasks within the applicant organisation and among the partners; how you intend to organise and co-ordinate the activities with regard to the scale of your project; how you intend to ensure the quality and coherence of the project work programme; how the planned activities and working methods will contribute to the process of non-formal learning and to the promotion of social, professional and personal development of young people involved in the project. Please identify, where relevant, specific tasks that will be sub-contracted to bodies other than the applicant organisation and/or partners.

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Work programme (cont.)

Please give details for each of the activities foreseen.

Partner organisation(s) involved Activity from



Venue Organisation name

(ISO code)

Role in the activity

N of Gender N of young trainers, people/youth n of n of facilitators, workers staff F M

n 1 n 2 n 3 n 4 n 5 n 6 n 7 n 8 n 9 n 10 n 11 Total n:

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Multiplying effect and sustainable impact of the project

Please describe: the multiplier effect of the project for the development of youth work, youth policies and youth empowerment; the impact that the planned activities will have on the young people involved; the impact in a longer term perspective on youth work, youth policies and/or the capacity-building and leadership development of the youth organisations/structures; the impact of the project on the development of sustainable partnerships and networking among youth organisations. Please also identify indicators which could help you measuring the impact of the project. Please indicate the estimated number of young people indirectly benefiting from the project and explain how this will be achieved.


Quality of the partnership

Please describe: the profile of your partners, focusing particularly on their experience in the field of youth; the reasons why they are chosen as partners, as well as their motivation to participate; the division of tasks among the partnership and the role of each partner in the cooperation. You should illustrate your response with specific examples of actions. Please also state what kind of complementarity your partnership is based upon. Finally, explain briefly who are the main actors of the project, for each partner, describing their specific skills.


Involvement of participants

Please explain: how the participants will be selected; how they will be involved in the project; Please point up the activities attended to and run by young people. how will young people be involved in each stage of the project.

Does your project involve young people with fewer opportunities? If so, please tick the situation(s) they face and explain how this will be achieved. Geographical obstacles Educational difficulties Health problems Social obstacles Economic obstacles Cultural differences



Disability Other: _________________

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Dissemination and exploitation of results

Please describe: the tangible results you intent to achieve; the products you plan to develop during the project. Please give a detailed description of the strategy defined and the measures planned in view to spread and exploit the results of the project.



Apart from the compulsory use of the Youth in Action Programme logo (Point 11 - Publicity of the Applicants' Guidelines), please describe: how you will ensure the broad visibility of your activities and of the project as a whole; how your project will provide clear promotional added value for the Youth in Action Programme.

H. Evaluation and follow-up

Please describe: how you will ensure the evaluation and follow-up of the project. Please provide details of: the evaluation activities to be performed during the project implementation; your risk assessment as regards implementation of the project (qualitative and quantitative values) and corrective measures planned; the evaluation activities at the end of the project.


Quantitative information on the different actors involved in the project

EU27 Other Programme countries Total

Number of partners involved in the project Number of countries involved in the project Number of youth workers directly involved in the project Number of young people directly involved in the project Number of young people with fewer opportunities involved in the project Number of different types of activities foreseen

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