Load Calculations PDF

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Name of Project : TABLE OF CONTENTS 1. Introduction & Design Approach 2. Design Assumptions 3. General Notes 3.1 3.2 3.

3 3.4 3.5 3.6 The Measuring System Design Codes, Standards, Specifications & Reports Materials Minimum Cover to Reinforcement Allowable Soil Bearing Capacity Foundation Stability 3 3 3 3 3 4 4 4 4 4 4 6 6 8 9

4. Design Loads and External Forces 4.1 4.2 4.3 4.4 Dead Loads Live Loads Wind Loads Seismic loads

5. Loading Combination 6. Design Summary 7. Appendices & Attachment APPENDIX A STAAD PRO Calculation Notes


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This document provides structural calculations for the safe construction of Staff accommodation building. The four storey building has overall planar dimensions (grid to grid) of 42640 mm x 16700 mm. The building will be constructed with pre-engineered steel structure (superstructure). The stairs will be reinforced concrete supported by reinforced concrete shear wall. The foundation will be mat footing as specified in the contract documents. Structural analysis for the raft foundation is carried out using Structural Analysis and Design Program STAAD PRO 2007 by Research Engineers, Inc. and verified by the user. Support reactions from PEB supplier is applied as loads on the pedestal then to the raft foundation. Foundation design is carried out using the above mentioned software and modeled as plate elements. The objective of this calculation is to provide structural design for the reinforced concrete shear wall and stair structure and the raft foundation of the whole building. The design and detailing is carried out in accordance with the following standards, Royal Commission Engineering Manual, ACI 318 - 05 ASCE 7 05 and IBC 2006. 2.0 DESIGN ASSUMPTIONS & DESIGN APPROACH: 2.1 The mat footing is resting on elastic support with modulus of subgrade reaction as per Foundation the recommendation of the geotechnical report. Using raft foundation, soil net bearing capacity of 65 KPa is used as per the geotechnical report (GC/4423JO/11862/11). Ultimate strength method is used in the design of concrete.


3.0 GENERAL NOTES 3.1 THE MEASURING SYSTEM INTERNATIONAL SYSTEM OF UNITS (SI UNITS) Where applicable and published, metric versions of Codes, Standards and Regulations shall be used. 3.2 DESIGN CODES, STANDARDS, SPECIFICATIONS & REPORTS (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) MINIMUM DESIGN LOADS FOR BUILDINGS AND OTHER STRUCTURE BUILDING CODE REQUIREMENT FOR STRUCTURAL CONCRETE INTERNATIONAL BUILDING CODE DETAILS AND DETAILING OF CONCRETE REINFORCEMENT PCA Notes on ACI 318-02 ROYAL COMMISSION ENGINEERING MANUAL 5.1 Chapter 1, Design Criteria: General Design Requirements 5.2 Chapter 9, Design Criteria: Structural - ASCE 7 - 05 - ACI 318M - 05 - IBC 2006 - SP-66 (04)-ACI 315

Name of Project : 3.3 MATERIALS: Structural Concrete: Specified Compressive Strength, fc = 35 MPa after 28 days, Ec = 4700(30MPa)0.50 = 25742 MPa (ACI318M-2005 Section 8.5.1,) Reinforcing Steel: Minimum Specified Yield Strength, fy = 415 MPa (60ksi, deformed bars) Es = 200,000 MPa 3.4 MINIMUM COVER TO REINFORCEMENT: Cast-in-place Concrete (Non-Prestressed):Slabs, Walls, Joists (36mm and smaller) Beams, Columns Concrete Cast Against and Permanently Exposed to Earth Formed Concrete Exposed to Earth or Weather 3.5 ALLOWABLE SOIL BEARING CAPACITY: The net soil bearing capacity used in the calculation is 65 KPa for raft foundation as per geotechnical investigation report by Gulf Consult dated May 2011 and the unit weight of soil is taken to be 18 KN/m3. 3.6 FOUNDATION STABILITY:
LC (1) (2) LOAD COMBINATION Normal Condition Wind Condition COMBINATION OF LOADS 1.0(D) + 1.0(L) 1.0(D)+1.0(L)+1.0(W) 0.6(D) + 1.0(W) FACTOR OF SAFETY OVERTURNING SLIDING UPLIFT 1.5 1.5 1.5 1.5 1.5 1.5 1.5 1.5 1.5

(ACI318M-2005 Section 7.7.1) 20 mm 50 mm 75 mm 75 mm

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4.0 DESIGN LOADS AND EXTERNAL FORCES 4.1 DEAD LOAD (D) Dead load is defined as the weight of all permanent materials of construction incorporated to the building including, but not limited to, walls, foundations, floors, roofs, ceilings, partitions, stairways, fixed service equipment and other similarly incorporated architectural and structural items. Structural dead loads are the weight of all structural materials, including fireproofing that forms a permanent part of the completed structure. Unit weights of the major construction materials shall be in accordance with the following table: Unit Weight (KN/m3) 78.5 24.0 23.0 18.0 3.15 KPa 4.65 KPa 2.35 KPa 0.02 KPa

Material Steel Reinforced Concrete Plain Concrete Soil Above Ground Water Level 200 thick CMU wall grouted @ 600 including plaster 200 thick CMU wall fully grouted including plaster 150 mm CMU wall grouted @ 600 including plaster 50mm THK Polystyrene Insulation

SUPERIMPOSED DEAD LOAD ON GROUND FLOOR SLAB Component 150mm Thk slab Ave. 50mm Thk sand cement screed Including floor finishing Others Total Unit Weight (KN/m2) 3.60 1.20 0.15 4.95 say 5.0

SUPERIMPOSED DEAD LOAD ON RAFT FOUNDATION Component Ground Floor Superimposed Dead Load 850mm Thk Compacted fill = 0.85 x 18 Others Total Unit Weight (KN/m2) 5.00 15.30 0.20 20.50

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SUPERIMPOSED DEAD LOAD ON STAIR ROOF Component 50mm Thk Gravel EPDM Single Ply Weathering Membrane Geotextile Protection Fabric 50mm Thk Polystyrene Insulation Ave. 75mm Thk Lightweight Screed Mechanical ducts allowance Lighting fixture & miscellaneous allowance Total Unit Weight (KN/m2) 1.00 0.03 0.04 0.15 1.43 0.20 0.10 2.95 say 3.0

DEAD LOAD ON ROOF Component 50mm Thk Gravel EPDM Single Ply Weathering Membrane Geotextile Protection Fabric 50mm Thk Polystyrene Insulation Ave. 100mm Thk Lightweight Concrete Screed Mechanical ducts allowance Lighting fixture & miscellaneous allowance Ceiling & Accessories 120mm THK reinforced concrete slab Total Roof Dead Load Unit Weight (KN/m2) 1.00 0.03 0.04 0.05 1.90 0.20 0.10 0.20 2.88 6.40

EQUIPMENT LOAD AND LIVE LOAD ON ROOF (Cantilever Area) (This includes the weight of equipment, concrete pad and roof live load)

3.00 KN/m2

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WALL LOADS: 1. Exterior Wall (200mm CMU with cells grouted @ 600mm plastered both face) - 2.82 + 2*0.24 = 3.30 KN/m2 Height of Wall, H = 4.0m-beam height, H = 4.0 0.6m = 3.4m Load = H x 3.3 = 3.4m x 3.3KPa = 11.22 KN/m * Height of Wall, H = 3.0m-beam height, H = 3.0 0.6m = 2.4m Load = H x 3.3 = 2.4m x 3.3KPa = 7.92 KN/m * 2. Interior Wall (150mm CMU with cells grouted @ 120mm plastered both face) - 1.58 + 2*0.24 = 2.06 KN/m2 Height of Wall, H = 4.0m-beam height, H = 4.0 0.6m = 3.4m Load = H x 2.06 = 3.4m x 2.06KPa = 7.0 KN/m * Height of Wall, H = 3.0m-beam height, H = 3.0 0.6m = 2.4m Load = H x 2.06 = 2.4m x 2.06KPa = 4.944 KN/m 3. Parapet Wall (150mm CMU with cells grouted fully grouted plastered both face) - 3.06 + 2*0.24 = 3.54 KN/m2 Height of Wall, H = 1.5m Load = H x 1.5 = 1.5m x 3.54KPa = 5.31 KN/m 4.2 LIVE LOADS (L) SUPERIMPOSED LIVE LOAD Component Roof Without Access Roof With Access Ground Floor Staircase and Corridors Unit Weight (KN/m2) 1.00 2.00 4.80 5.00

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WIND LOAD (W) Method 2:

(Ref. ASCE 7-05 Sect. 6.5.12)

The various portions of the structure and elements thereof are designed to resist wind loads based on ASCE 7, Chapters 6 and C6, Method 2-Analytical procedure. The velocity pressures at height z above the adjacent terrain, qz are determined for any height and assumed to act normal to the surfaces and independently from each of two orthogonal directions. For Buildings qz = 0.613 KzKztKdV2I (in N/m2 with V in m/s) Kz = Velocity Pressure Coefficient Kzt = Topographic Factor = 1.0 Kd = Wind Directionality factor V = Basic Wind Speed = 43m/s (155 KPH) - Jubail Industrial City I = Importance Factor = 1.15 for all buildings According to ASCE 7-05 Basic Wind Speed for Jubail Industrial City (96mph) Exposure Type Importance factor I Maximum Building Height h Design wind pressure P Velocity pressure qz qz qz Gust Effect Factor G External Pressure Coefficient Cp Internal Pressure Coefficient GCpi Eq. 6-15, SEI/ASCE 7-05 Table 6-3 of SEI/ASCE 7-05 SEI/ASCE 7-05 Table 6-4 of SEI/ASCE 7-05 Chapter 9, Design Criteria section 9.07D Table 6-1 of SEI/ASCE 7-05 and Chapter 9, Design Criteria section 9.07D : 155 km/h : C = 1.15 ASCE-7-05 (Table 6-1) = 16.85m = qGCp-qi(GCpi) ASCE-7 -05 (6-17) = 0.613KzKztKdV2I ASCE-7 -05 (6-15) = 0.613*1.04*1.00*0.85*432*1.15 = 1.1523 KPa = 0.85 (ASCE 7-05 Sect. 6.5.12) = 0.80 (Windward) (Fig.6-6) = -0.50 (Leeward) (Fig.6-6) = 0.18 (Windward) (Fig.6-6) = -0.18 (Leeward) (Fig.6-6)

Windward Design Wind pressure Pwindward = 1.1523 x 0.85*0.8 1.1523 x 0.18 = 0.576 KPa Leeward Design Wind pressure PLeeward = 1.1523 x 0.85*0.5 1.1523 x 0.18 = 0.282 KPa The wind loads were applied as line loads on the beam or surface load on plates and surface elements.

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SEISMIC LOAD (E): The various portions of the structure and elements thereof are designed to resist earthquake loads based on the applicable provisions of ASCE 7, Chapters 11 through 23 and C11 through C22, Equivalent Lateral Force Procedure. The total design lateral force (or base shear), V is assumed to act independently from each of two orthogonal directions. V = Cs W Eq. 12.8-1, SEI/ASCE 7-05 Cs = SDS / (R/I) > 0.01 for Building Structures RC Structural Design Loads > 0.03 for Non-Building Structures Cs = Seismic Response Coefficient W = Effective seismic weight R = Response Modification Factor = 4 Table 12.2-1 of SEI/ASCE 7 (Ordianry Reinf. Concrete Shear Walls) I = Importance Factor = 1.25 Table 1-1 and Table 11.5-1 of SEI/ASCE 7-05 SDS = Design, Short period spectral response acceleration Eq. 11.4-3, SEI/ASCE 7-05 parameter, 5% damped = 2/3 SMS SD1 = Design, 1 second period spectral response acceleration Eq. 11.4-4, SEI/ASCE 7-05 parameter, 5% damped = 2/3 SM1 Ss = Mapped Maximum Considered earthquake (MCE), short period spectral response acceleration parameter, 5% damped = 0.068g S1 = Mapped MCE, I second period spectral response acceleration parameter, 5% damped = 0.025g SMS = MCE, short period spectral response acceleration Eq. 11.4-1, SEI/ASCE 7-05 parameter, 5% damped, Adjusted for site class effects = FaSs SM1 = MCE, 1 second period spectral response acceleration Eq. 11.4-2, SEI/ASCE 7-05 parameter, 5% damped, Adjusted for site class effects = FvS1 Fa = Short Period Site Coefficient = 1.6 Table 11.4-1 of SEI/ASCE 7 Fv = 1 Second Period Site Coefficient = 2.4 Table 11.4-2 of SEI/ASCE 7 Site Class = D

Short period acceleration (Ss) = 0.068 (Ref. RC-Jubail Design Loads) 1-Sec. period acceleration (S1) = 0.025 (Ref. RC-Jubail Design Loads) Site Class: D (Ref. RC-Jubail Design Loads) Seismic Design Category (SDC) = A (Ref. RC-Jubail Design Loads) The following parameters are used as input for STAAD PRO to generate Seismic load as per IBC-2006. Fa = 1.60 (Ref. IBC-2006 Table 1613.5.3.1) Fv = 2.40 (Ref. IBC-2006 Table 1613.5.3.2)

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SMs = Fa Ss SMs = 0.109 SM1 = Fv S1 SM1 = 0.060 SDs = 2/3 SMs SDs = 0.073 SD1 = 2/3 SM1 SD1 = 0.040

(Ref. IBC-2006 Equation 16-37) (Ref. IBC-2006 Equation 16-38) (Ref. IBC-2006 Equation 16-39) (Ref. IBC-2006 Equation 16-40)

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5.0 LOADING COMBINATIONS 5.1 Service Load Combinations Load combinations shall be in accordance with the provisions of IBC 2006, Section 1605 as follows: 1 - Dead Load + Live Load 2 - Dead Load + 0.75 (Live Load + Roof live Load) 3 - Dead Load + Wind Load 4 - Dead Load + 0.70 Seismic Load 5 - Dead Load + 0.75(Wind Load + Live Load + Roof Live Load) 4 - Dead Load + 0.75 (0.70Seismic Load + Live load + Roof live Load) 5 - 0.60 Dead Load + Wind Load 6 - 0.60 Dead Load + 0.70 Seismic Load (Ref.IBC-2006 Equation 16-09) (Ref.IBC-2006 Equation 16.11) (Ref.IBC-2006 Equation 16.12) (Ref.IBC-2006 Equation 16.12) (Ref.IBC-2006 Equation 16.13) (Ref.IBC-2006 Equation 16.13) (Ref.IBC-2006 Equation 16-14) (Ref.IBC-2006 Equation 16-15)

5.2 Ultimate Load Combinations for Concrete Design Load combinations shall be in accordance with the provisions of ACI-318 08, Section 9.2 as follows: 1 - 1.40Dead Load 2 - 1.20Dead Load + 1.60Live Load + 0.50Roof Live Load 3 - 1.20Dead Load + Live Load + 1.60Roof Live Load 4 - 1.20Dead Load + 0.80Wind Load + 1.60Roof Live Load 5 - 1.20Dead Load + Live Load + 1.60Wind Load + 0.5Roof Live Load 6 - 1.20Dead Load + Live Load + Seismic Load 7 - 0.90Dead Load + 1.60Wind Load 8 - 0.90Dead Load + Seismic Load (Ref.ACI-05 Equation 9-1) (Ref.ACI-05 Equation 9-2) (Ref.ACI-05 Equation 9-3) (Ref.ACI-05 Equation 9-3) (Ref.ACI-05 Equation 9-4) (Ref.ACI-05 Equation 9-5) (Ref.ACI-05 Equation 9-6) (Ref.ACI-05 Equation 9-7)

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6.0 DESIGN SUMMARY 6.1 a. b. MAT FOUNDATION: As shown in STAAD Output, the maximum soil pressure is 93.4 KPa. Comparing this with the Allowable Gross Soil Pressure of 93.80 KPa (65 + 1.60*18), hence, the mat footing is adequate. As shown below STAAD Output, the requirement for reinforcement is of minimum values which is equal to 1077 sq.mm per linear meter on both top and bottom reinforcements. This can be translated to 6 16mm for every linear meter or 16mm @ 166mm C/C. Provided reinforcements: 16mm at 150mm C/C is adequate.

Name of Project : 6.2 CONCRETE STAIR:

Required Reinforcements: = = Provided Reinforcements:

450 sq.mm per linear meter 4 12mm for every linear meter or 12mm @ 250mm C/C. 12mm @ 125mm C/C.



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Required Reinforcements: = = Provided Reinforcements:

450 sq.mm per linear meter or 16mm @ 333mm C/C. (both sides) or 12mm @ 250mm C/C. (both sides) 16mm @ 150mm C/C. (both sides) vertical bars 12mm @ 150mm C/C. (both sides) horizontal bars

Hence, reinforcement for Shear Wall is Adequate 6.4 CONCRETE BEAMS:

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Required Reinforcements: Provided Reinforcements:

Main Bars, 3 -12 Top and Bottom Bars at Support and Midspan

Main Bars, 4 -16 Top Bars at Support Main Bars, 2 -16 Bot Bars at Support Main Bars, 2 -16 Top Bars at Midspan Main Bars, 4 -16 Bot Bars at Mispan Hence, The Provided Reinforcements is adequate 6.5 CONCRETE COLUMNS:

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Required Reinforcements: Provided Reinforcements:

4 -16mm 6 -16mm

6.6 a.


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Required Reinforcements: Provided Reinforcements:

8 -16mm 8 -16mm



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Required Reinforcements: Provided Reinforcements: Hence, the section is adequate c. PEDESTAL P3

8 -20mm, As = 2512 sq.mm. 16 -16mm, As = 3200 sq.mm.

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Required Reinforcements: Provided Reinforcements: Hence, the section is adequate

12 -20mm, As = 3768 sq.mm. 20 -16mm, As = 4000 sq.mm.

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