Guis Coming To Uncommon Goods

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GUIs: Coming to Uncommon Goods Near You

Jason Kridner With the smartphone effect, proliferating in many applications outside the consumer space, its become apparent that slick graphical user interfaces (GUIs) sell. In this session, youll learn how to quickly develop a GUI for your product using Linux. Learn about cool tools such as Qt Creator and the entire Qt toolset. Soon, your basic washing machine control panel could be just as excitiing as a smartphone!

Why fancy GUIs everywhere?
Which one to choose?

Introduction to QT
Hello World The QT Framework

Exploring the examples/demos

The pinch effect - user demand

QNXs Andy Gryc, senior product marketing manager for QNX Software Systems says
Hes seen a trained engineer forget how to operate an oscilloscope and attempt to use the pinchand-spread gesture to zoom into a scope trace.

Beckhoffs McAtee

takes it further.

[If you] combine [multi-touch] functionality with wide format 24-in. screens, device vendors and machine designers would be able to remove all physical push buttons from the panel, allowing the user to manage every machine function directly on the touchscreen. This would permit easy scrolling and zooming through dashboards and menus, beyond the capabilities of conventional touchscreen technology.

Fujitsus Bruce DeVisser, product marketing manager for touch input

technologies have crossed over into the industrial space. Haptic feedback, embodied as a vibration of the touch panel (like how a cell phone vibrates), is very useful for noisy industrial environments. A display in black mode (power-saving or screen-saver state) is unappealing to [consumer] users if it is covered with fingerprints.


The Internet of Things

Portable Consumer Home Consumer



Portable Enterprise



Some GUI options


Java (C) Skill required Performance

C++ (JavaScript)

More on GUI options






Cross platform

Qt Getting Started

The TI SDK setup

Install the Sitara SDK on your host PC running Ubuntu Ensure that the PATH environment variable contains qmake
source $(SDK_HOME)/linux-devkit/environment_setup

Hello World!
Create a working directory helloworld Create a C++ source file main.cpp using your favorite editor with the following contents

#include <QApplication> #include <QLabel> int main(int argc, char **argv) { QApplication app(argc, argv); QLabel label("Hello World!");; return app.exec(); }

Running Hello World!

Run qmake inside the helloworld directory to create a project file qmake project

Run qmake again to create a Makefile from qmake

Run make to build the application make Application is built and ready in debug/ directory. Copy executable to your filesystem on your target and run.


Running Supplied Demo Applications

There are over 300 demo and example applications supplied in the SDK.
They come from the QT SDK and are not supported by TI Wide variety of applications. The same application from QT Demo. The example application already contain a project file. Found at $(SDK_HOME)/linux-devkit/arm-arago-linux-gnueabi/usr/bin/qtopia
demos examples

To build the supplied Demo application on your host

Run qmake to create a Makefile from project file *.pro

Run make to build the application


The application is built and ready in debug/ directory. Copy executable to your filesystem on your target and run.

Example Applications
Matrix GUI Application Launcher provided in the SDK
Built with QT utilizing Webkit.

Matrix GUI Development - Components

Menus / Submenus / Description
Each Menu,Submenu or Description page is generated by 1 HTML file

HTML files
Each HTML file contains a header and references up to 8 or 12 icons Each icon is associated with an submenu or an application


96x96 pixel images representing the application Blank icons available for future development

Each application is associated with an icon


Cascading Style Sheets with HTML

Matrix GUI contains one Cascading Style Sheet (CSS) matrix.css
Each HTML file reads in matrix.css matrix.css controls the look and feel of all the Matrix GUI HTML pages
Automatically controls spacing of the icons and text labels Automatically centers the text labels underneath the icons Supports wQVGA (480x272) up to 1080p resolution (1920x1080)

Top 15 lines of matrix.css

{color: #ffffff;} /* Default all text to white */ /* Set the background color to black */ body {background-color: #000000;} /* This secton controls both the icon image and the text label together */ div.object { text-align: center; float: left; background-color:#000000; width: 25%; height: 30%; }

Cascading Style Sheets in Action

wQVGA 480x272 VGA 640x480

Matrix GUI displayed on two different LCD displays with different resolutions Only requires minor changes to the matrix.css HTML cascading stylesheet Scale icons down to 64x64 for wQVGA / remain native 96x96 for VGA
Decrease font size for wQVGA / increase font size for VGA wQVGA - each icon 45% of display in height / VGA each icon 30% height

Matrix GUI Adding a new application

The HTML below represents one application associated with one Icon. To add an additional application simply cut and paste this HTML segment and fill in the <red> fields <div class="object"> <object type="application/x-matrix" > <param name="iconName" value= <icon path> /> <param name="appName" value= <application path> /> <param name="appParameters" value= <parameters> /> </object> <div class="desc"> <Label> </div> </div> iconName, appName, and desc fields are manditory appParameters and any other fields are optional

Matrix GUI HTML Header

<body> <div class="topBar"> <object type="image/svg+xml data="/usr/share/matrix/ images/tex.svg" > <img src="/usr/share/matrix/images/tex.svg" /> </div> <div id="header">Matrix Application Launcher p1</div> <div class="topBar"> <object type="application/x-matrix" > <param name="iconName" value="/usr/share/matrix/ images/exit-icon.png" /> <param name="appName" value="Close" /> </object> </div> <div class="topBar"> </div>

Application Description Pages

Applications can optionally have a description page Descriptions pages:
Add additional info Provide setup steps Point out valuable features

Description mode is defaulted to on, but can be disabled Push ARM Push Dhrystone Push Run

When you push the icon to run the application, if a description is available it pops up.

QT Creator Development tools

QT Demo Application Example Projects

Introduction to Qt


Whats Qt?
Cross platform application / UI framework Portable - Same API across desktop and embedded OS Supported on various platforms

Desktop OS Windows Linux/X11 Mac OS

External ports being developed for: Android iPhone Wayland

Embedded OS Embedded Linux Symbian Meego / Maemo

webOS, OpenSolaris, Amiga, OS/2,


QT Overview
Qt is cross-platform application and UI framework. Qt provides a well defined API that can make development quick and easy. Webkit
Well accepted open source web browser Rapidly create real-time web content and services Use HTML and Java Script integrated in native code

Qt modular class library
GUI WebKit Graphics View OpenGL Multimedia Core XML Scripting Database Network UI Tests Benchmarking Font Engine Qt development tools
Qt Creator Cross-platform IDE
Qt Designer Forms Builder Qt Assistant Help reader

3D Graphics with OpenGL and OpenGL ES

Easily incorporate 3D Graphics in your applications Get maximum graphics performance

Qt Linguist I18N Tools

qmake Cross-Platform Build Tool

Cross-platform support
Windows Linux/X11 Embedded Linux Windows CE

Multithreading support Network connectivity Advanced GUI development

Qt usage these and much more


VLC Media Player


Adobe Photoshop Album

Google Earth


Webkit applications
Google Chrome


Experimental Kindle browser

Matrix GUI

Qt Brief History

1994 1996 2001 2005 2008 2011*

Haavard Nord & Eirik Chambe-Eng incorporated Quasar Became Trolltech

Qt 1.0 released Supported on Windows, Unix/X11 Decision to use Qt for developing KDE

Qt 3.0 released Supported on Windows, Linux, Mac OS, Embedded Open Source license

Qt 4.0 released Performance optimized Vast application classes

Nokia acquires Trolltech Port for Symbian S60 platform

Nokia announce strategic partnership with Microsoft Digia acquires Qts commercial licensing and support


Qt Licensing
License Cost Must provide source code for changes to Qt Can create proprietary application License fee charged No, modifications can be closed Yes No source code must be disclosed

LGPL v2.1
No license fee Source code must be provided Yes, in accordance with the LGPL v2.1 terms. (Must dynamically link.) Yes, made available

GPL v3.0
No license fee Source code must be provided No, applications are subject to the GPL and source code must be made available Yes, made available

Updates Provided

Yes, immediate notice sent to those with a valid support and update agreement Yes, to those with a valid support and update agreement Yes, for some embedded uses


Not included but available separately for purchase

Not included but available separately for purchase

Charge for Runtimes




Qt Releases
Qt Release Qt SDK for Windows Qt SDK for Linux Qt Framework for Embedded Linux URL

Qt SDK contains the following:

Qt Framework - C++ classes that form the building blocks of Qt Qt Creator - Cross platform IDE for developing Qt applications Qt Designer - Easy GUI designer to build layout and forms Qt Linguist - Tools that aid translation and internationalization Qt Assistant - Documentation and help system


Qt Framework & Internals


Qt - Application development flow

Build Qt for target Create .pro file Design the UI in Qt designer Add necessary event handlers Add necessary application code Build & Install

Qt Framework Application Classes


Qt Framework Software Stack

Application Framework

Qt API (Linux / WinCE) Qt/X Qt/e QWS

Win32/ Windowing System

Window System/Mgrs

Surface Managers

Cairo DirectFB FB Tslib, Mouse

HW Device

D D r a w


Input Device Manager


Qt UI framework is based on widgets Widgets respond to UI events (key presses/ mouse movements), and update their screen area Each widget has a parent, that affects its behavior, and is embedded into it Most Qt classes are derived from QWidget
Ex, QGLWidget, QPushbutton QPushButton * myButton = new QPushButton(); myButton->doSomethingAPI();
Refer to online documentation at Tip Documentation is arranged using class names.



QWTPlotCurve QHBoxLayout QComboBox


Q M a i n W i n d o w

Q S l i d e r








Q S l i d e r





Painting in Qt
Low level painting API for overriding default painting behavior Uses Pen, Brush, Color to draw Can paint various shapes
Point(s) Line(s) Rectangle Ellipse Polygon Arc Polygon Text Image


Supports transformations scale, rotate, translate, shear Paints on a QPaintDevice object


Painting in Qt
Objects that can be painted by a QPainter using QPaintEngine Could be
QWidget QImage QPixmap QGLPixelBuffer QPicture QPrinter


Specifies how painting is to be done for a specific device Support for
X11 CoreGraphics OpenGL Raster Paint


3D graphics in Qt

Allows 3D operations to be performed in a widget As like any widget, QGLWidget operates on a target buffer QGLWidget is implemented in src\opengl\qgl.cpp


Graphics View Framework

Provides a Canvas for adding items (QGraphicsItems) The QGraphicsView class provides a widget for displaying the contents of a QGraphicsScene By default, QGraphicsView provides a regular QWidget for the viewport widget.
Can replace default by calling setViewport() with another widget type

Provides a way to build an UI in an actual drawing canvas

Ex, concept of z-depth of a QGraphicsItem

To render using OpenGL, simply call:

setViewPort(new QGLWidget)


Signals & Slots

Signal / Slot mechanism provides a functionality similar to setting up function pointers
Provides better type checking, amongst others

Example Use-case: Perform blocking/ time consuming activities in separate thread

Use paintEvent() to trigger/consume the result of actions happening in parallel (ex. Upload next video frame)

How to communicate events ?

Use SIGNAL/SLOT to communicate event completions

Usage example for Signal/Slots:

browserlib app in xgxperf
Found in /Xgxperf/browserlib/browserlib.cpp



Class myClass: public QWidget { Q_OBJECT /* Needed for signal/slot mechanism to work at runtime */ public: signals: void function1(const QImage &image, double scaleFactor); }; In thread code,
emit function1(image, scaleFactor);

In Main application, define the actual function::

void myWidget::mainWidgetFunction(const QImage &image, double scaleFactor){}

And connect the signal and slot: connect(&thread, SIGNAL(mainWidgetFunction(const QImage &, double)), this, SLOT(function1(const QImage &, double)));

Qt/Embedded Linux Pipeline


Screen Driver Architecture

Specific to Qt/Embedded Linux QWS Server loads the screen driver at initialization. Can be specified at run time by -display <screen driver> QWS supports Linux FB, Virtual FB, VNC, Multi Screen. Default is Linux FB at /dev/fb0 Qt also supports SGX based powervr screen driver Netra supports FBDev driver on Cortex-A8. This internally uses SysLink to communicate with HDVPSS drivers on M3

Qt with QML is an excellent choice for developing highly performing GUIs on all sorts of affordable devices Android is growing in complexity/cost, but is an excellent choice if you need access to the App Market Tools for HTML5 have yet to emerge, but keep an eye out for them


TI Proprietary Information - Strictly Private or similar placed here if applicable


Thank you!



Qt on TI Software Development Kits (SDK)


Software Components & Architecture

Matrix Application Launcher ARM Benchmarks 2D/3D Pwr/Clk Browser Sys Info WLAN

Qt Embedded QGLWidget QWidget GStreamer Wifi FFMPEG (MPG4, H.264, AAC) BlueZ

2D Accel





Touch screen MMC/SD

Ethernet UART

System on Chip

Target Board

Backup stuff matrix gui

ARM MPU Sitara Microprocessors


TI Proprietary Information - Strictly Private or similar placed here if applicable


Application Frameworks Qt/Webkit Overview 2D/3D Graphics Java Flash 10.x HTML5/CSS3 DSS Features Examples
Matrix GUI Matrix TUI


TI Proprietary Information - Strictly Private or similar placed here if applicable


Qt Embedded / Webkit
Qt is cross-platform application and UI framework. Qt provides a well defined API that can make development quick and easy. Webkit
Well accepted open source web browser Rapidly create real-time web content and services Use HTML and Java Script integrated in native code

Qt modular class library
GUI WebKit Graphics View OpenGL Multimedia Core XML Scripting Database Network UI Tests Benchmarking Font Engine Qt development tools
Qt Creator Cross-platform IDE
Qt Designer Forms Builder Qt Assistant Help reader

3D Graphics with OpenGL and OpenGL ES

Easily incorporate 3D Graphics in your applications Get maximum graphics performance

Qt Linguist I18N Tools

qmake Cross-Platform Build Tool

Cross-platform support
Windows Linux/X11 Embedded Linux Windows CE

Multithreading support Network connectivity Advanced GUI development

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