Freon 113

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The MSDS format adheres to the standards and regulatory requirements of the United States and may not

meet regulatory requirements in other countries. DuPont Material Safety Data Sheet Page 1

---------------------------------------------------------------------FREON 113 REFRIGERANT 2024FR Revised 20-APR-2004 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------CHEMICAL PRODUCT/COMPANY IDENTIFICATION ---------------------------------------------------------------------Material Identification "FREON" is a registered trademark of DuPont. Corporate MSDS Number Formula Molecular Weight Tradenames and Synonyms TRICHLOROTRIFLUOROETHANE 1,1,2-TRICHLORO-1,2,2-TRIFLUOROETHANE "FREON" TF SOLVENT "FREON" TF CLEANING AGENT "FREON" PRECISION CLEANING AGENT "FREON" TF "FREON" PCA "FREON" TF 113 Company Identification MANUFACTURER/DISTRIBUTOR DuPont Fluoroproducts 1007 Market Street Wilmington, DE 19898 PHONE NUMBERS Product Information Transport Emergency Medical Emergency : 1-800-441-7515 (outside the U.S. 302-774-1000) : CHEMTREC 1-800-424-9300(outside U.S. 703-527-3887) : 1-800-441-3637 (outside the U.S. 302-774-1000) : DU000126 : CCl2FCClF2 : 187.38

---------------------------------------------------------------------COMPOSITION/INFORMATION ON INGREDIENTS ---------------------------------------------------------------------Components Material *1,1,2-TRICHLORO-1,2,2-TRIFLUOROETHANE ("FREON" 113) CAS Number 76-13-1 % 100

* Disclosure as a toxic chemical is required under Section 313 of Title III of the Superfund Amendments and Reauthorization Act of 1986 and 40 CFR part 372.


DuPont Material Safety Data Sheet


---------------------------------------------------------------------HAZARDS IDENTIFICATION ---------------------------------------------------------------------# Potential Health Effects Short-term overexposure by inhalation may cause central nervous system depression with dizziness, confusion, incoordination, drowsiness or unconsciousness. Repeated and/or prolonged exposure may cause suffocation, if air is displaced by vapors, irregular heart beat with a strange sensation in the chest, "heart thumping", apprehension, lightheadedness, feeling of fainting, dizziness, weakness, sometimes progressing to loss of consciousness and death. Short-term overexposure by skin contact may cause defatting of the skin with itching, redness or rash. Significant skin permeation, and systemic toxicity, after contact appears unlikely. Short-term overexposure by eye contact may cause irritation with tearing, pain or blurred vision. The major ingestion hazard is aspiration (liquid entering the lungs during ingestion or vomiting) which may result in "chemical pneumonia". Symptoms include coughing, gasping, choking, shortness of breath, bluish discoloration of the skin, rapid breathing and heart rate, and fever. Pulmonary edema or bleeding, drowsiness, confusion, coma and seizures may occur in more serious cases. Symptoms may develop immediately or as late as 24 hours after exposure, depending on how much chemical entered the lungs. Carcinogenicity Information None of the components present in this material at concentrations equal to or greater than 0.1% are listed by IARC, NTP, OSHA or ACGIH as a carcinogen. ---------------------------------------------------------------------FIRST AID MEASURES ---------------------------------------------------------------------First Aid INHALATION If inhaled, immediately remove to fresh air. Keep person calm. If not breathing, give artificial respiration. If breathing is difficult, give oxygen. Call a physician. SKIN CONTACT Flush skin with water after contact. clothing before reuse. EYE CONTACT Wash contaminated


DuPont Material Safety Data Sheet (FIRST AID MEASURES - Continued)


In case of contact, immediately flush eyes with plenty of water for at least 15 minutes. Call a physician. INGESTION If swallowed, do not induce vomiting. Immediately give 2 glasses of water. Never give anything by mouth to an unconscious person. Call a physician. Notes to Physicians Activated charcoal mixture may be beneficial. Suspend 50 g activated charcoal in 400 mL water and mix well. Administer 5 mL/kg, or 350 mL for an average adult. Because of the danger of aspiration, emesis or gastric lavage should not be employed unless the risk is justified by the presence of additional toxic substances. Activated charcoal may be given but should be used with caution since it may induce vomiting. THIS MATERIAL MAY MAKE THE HEART MORE SUSCEPTIBLE TO ARRHYTHMIAS. Catecholamines such as adrenaline, and other compounds having similar effects, should be reserved for emergencies and then used only with special caution. Skin discomfort caused by de-fatting after contact with certain solvents may be relieved by application of emollient creams or lotions. ---------------------------------------------------------------------FIRE FIGHTING MEASURES ---------------------------------------------------------------------Flammable Properties Flash Point Autodecomposition : Will not burn : 300 C (572 F)

Fire and Explosion Hazards: Drums may rupture under fire conditions. occur. Extinguishing Media As appropriate for combustibles in area. Fire Fighting Instructions Use water spray or fog to cool container. Self-contained breathing apparatus (SCBA) is required if drums rupture and contents are spilled under fire conditions. Decomposition may


DuPont Material Safety Data Sheet


---------------------------------------------------------------------ACCIDENTAL RELEASE MEASURES ---------------------------------------------------------------------Safeguards (Personnel) NOTE: Review FIRE FIGHTING MEASURES and HANDLING (PERSONNEL) sections before proceeding with clean-up. Use appropriate PERSONAL PROTECTIVE EQUIPMENT during clean-up. Accidental Release Measures Ventilate area. Do not flush into sewers. Dike spill. Collect on absorbent material and transfer to steel drums for recovery or disposal. Use self-contained breathing apparatus (SCBA) for large spills. Comply with Federal, State, and local regulations on reporting releases. ---------------------------------------------------------------------HANDLING AND STORAGE ---------------------------------------------------------------------Handling (Personnel) Avoid breathing vapors and prolonged skin exposure. Use with sufficient ventilation to keep employee exposure below recommended limits. Storage Clean, dry area. Do not heat above 125 deg F.

---------------------------------------------------------------------EXPOSURE CONTROLS/PERSONAL PROTECTION ---------------------------------------------------------------------Engineering Controls Normal ventilation for standard use procedures is generally adequate. Local exhaust should be used when large amounts are released. Mechanical ventilation should be used in low or enclosed places. Personal Protective Equipment Impervious gloves should be used to avoid prolonged or repeated exposure. Chemical splash goggles should be worn as needed to prevent eye contact. Under normal use conditions, no respiratory protection is required when using this product. Self-contained breathing apparatus (SCBA) is required if a large spill occurs. Exposure Guidelines


DuPont Material Safety Data Sheet


Applicable Exposure Limits 1,1,2-TRICHLORO-1,2,2-TRIFLUOROETHANE PEL (OSHA) : 1,000 ppm, 7,600 mg/m3, 8 Hr. TWA TLV (ACGIH) : 1,000 ppm, 7,670 mg/m3, 8 Hr. TWA, A4 STEL 1,250 ppm, 9,590 mg/m3, A4 AEL * (DuPont) : None Established * AEL is DuPonts Acceptable Exposure Limit. Where governmentally imposed occupational exposure limits which are lower than the AEL are in effect, such limits shall take precedence. ---------------------------------------------------------------------PHYSICAL AND CHEMICAL PROPERTIES ---------------------------------------------------------------------Physical Data Boiling Point Vapor Pressure Vapor Density % Volatiles Evaporation Rate Solubility in Water pH Odor Form Color Density : 48 C (118 F) : 6.46 psia at 25 deg : 2.9 (Air = 1.0) at 25 deg C (77 deg : 100 WT% : (CCl4 = 1) Greater than 1 : 0.02 WT% @ 25 C (77 : Neutral : Slight ethereal : Liquid : Clear, colorless : 1.57 g/cc at 25 deg C (77 deg F) F)


C (77 deg F) - Liquid

---------------------------------------------------------------------STABILITY AND REACTIVITY ---------------------------------------------------------------------Chemical Stability Material is stable. temperatures. However, avoid open flames and high

Incompatibility with Other Materials Incompatible with alkali or alkaline earth metals- powdered Al, Zn, Be, etc. Polymerization Polymerization will not occur. Other Hazards Decomposition : Decomposition products are hazardous. This compound can be decomposed by high temperatures (open flames, glowing metal surfaces, etc.) forming hydrochloric and hydrofluoric acids, and possibly carbonyl halides.


DuPont Material Safety Data Sheet


---------------------------------------------------------------------TOXICOLOGICAL INFORMATION ---------------------------------------------------------------------# Animal Data SKIN: ALD, rabbit: >11,000 mg/k INGESTION: LD50, rat: 43,000 mg/kg INHALATION: 4 hour, LC50, rat: 50,000 ppm Animal testing indicates this material is a slight eye irritant. Animal testing indicates this material is a mild skin irritant, and is a skin sensitizer. Repeated exposure caused inflammation of the skin and pathological changes of the liver. Single exposure by ingestion caused pathological changes of the lungs, liver, stomach, gastrointestinal tract, kidneys. Other effects include lethargy, and altered respiratory rate. Repeated exposure caused increased mortality. Single exposure by inhalation caused pathological changes of the kidneys, liver, lungs and increased lung weight. Other effects include altered respiratory rate, incoordination, excessive activity, tremors or convulsions, inactivity or anaesthesia, cardiac sensitization, a potentially fatal disturbance of heart rhythm associated with a heightened sensitivity to the action of epinephrine, cyanosis and increased mortality. Long-term exposure caused decreased body weight. Other effects include altered hematology and clinical chemistry. Reproductive data on rats show no change in reproductive performance. This material has not produced genetic damage in bacterial cultures. In mammalian cell cultures this material has caused genetic toxicity. In animal testing, this material has not caused permanent genetic damage in reproductive cells of mammals (has not produced heritable genetic damage). In animal testing this material has not caused carcinogenicity or developmental toxicity.


DuPont Material Safety Data Sheet


---------------------------------------------------------------------ECOLOGICAL INFORMATION ---------------------------------------------------------------------# Ecotoxicological Information Aquatic Toxicity: 96-hour LC50, rainbow trout : 7.4 mg/L 96 hour LC50, fathead minnows: 1250 mg/L ---------------------------------------------------------------------DISPOSAL CONSIDERATIONS ---------------------------------------------------------------------Waste Disposal Comply with Federal, State, and local regulations. Remove to a permitted waste disposal facility. EPA Hazardous Waste Nos. F001 and F002 may apply to waste materials. ---------------------------------------------------------------------TRANSPORTATION INFORMATION ---------------------------------------------------------------------Shipping Information Shipping Containers Tank Cars. Tank Trucks. Drums NOT REGULATED AS A HAZARDOUS MATERIAL BY DOT OR IMO. ---------------------------------------------------------------------REGULATORY INFORMATION ---------------------------------------------------------------------U.S. Federal Regulations TSCA Inventory Status : Reported/Included.

TITLE III HAZARD CLASSIFICATIONS SECTIONS 311, 312 Acute Chronic Fire Reactivity Pressure : : : : : Yes No No No No

HAZARDOUS CHEMICAL LISTS SARA Extremely Hazardous Substance - No CERCLA Hazardous Substance - No SARA Toxic Chemical - See Components Section


DuPont Material Safety Data Sheet


---------------------------------------------------------------------OTHER INFORMATION ---------------------------------------------------------------------NFPA, NPCA-HMIS NPCA-HMIS Rating Health Flammability Reactivity : 1 : 0 : 1

Personal Protection rating to be supplied by user depending on use conditions. ---------------------------------------------------------------------The data in this Material Safety Data Sheet relates only to the specific material designated herein and does not relate to use in combination with any other material or in any process. Responsibility for MSDS : MSDS Coordinator > : DuPont Fluoroproducts Address : Wilmington, DE 19898 Telephone : (800) 441-7515 # Indicates updated section. This information is based upon technical information believed to be reliable. It is subject to revision as additional knowledge and experience is gained. End of MSDS

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