11 Functionalism

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INTRODUCTION A. Introduction Early psychology full of conceptual tension

Wundts laboratory in 1879 is an important date in the history of psychology Perhaps as important is the 1890 publication of William James Principles of Psychology.
It predates Titcheners Structuralism in the US and is best conceived as a competitor. James book is often seen as the foundation of a new uniquely US approach psychological called functionalism

Lecture 11: Functionalism, the US brand of Psychology

Functionalism and Structuralism seems to be the paradigmatic battle that Kuhn had talked about.


INTRODUCTION B. Psychology in the US Shaskins (1975) History of US Psychology

Stage one: moral and mental philosophy
Psychology included topics such as ethics, divinity, and philosophy. To learn psychology was to learn the accepted theology of the day. Influence of Samuel Johnson and John Locke.


INTRODUCTION B. Psychology in the US Shaskins (1975) History of US Psychology

Stage three: the U.S. Renaissance
Psychology becomes an empirical science and by the late 1880s there is an uniquely US take:
Publishing of John Deweys textbook, the first issue of the American Journal of Psychology Jamess Principles of Psychology (1890)

Stage two: intellectual philosophy

Psychology became a separate discipline and US psychology. Influenced by the Scottish common sense philosophers of Thomas Reid and William Hamilton.

Psychology began emphasizing individual differences, adaptation to the environment, and practicality.

Stage four: functionalism

Science, emphasis on the individual, and evolutionary theory combined into the school of functionalism.


INTRODUCTION C. Functionalism An understanding of psychological processes by their casual relations to one another and to sensory inputs and behavioral outputs Never a well-defined school
Did not have one recognized leader or an agreedon methodology. Common themes, however, ran through the work of whose calling themselves functionalists.


INTRODUCTION C. Functionalism Focus was to understand the function of the mind

Focus was not upon a description of its attributes. The function was to aid the organism in adapting to its environment.

A practical science
Desired to be a practical science and findings to the improvement of the human condition

Opposed the elementarism of structuralism

Rejected the reduction of psychological processes into basic elements.

Research on many participants

Participants included animals, children, and abnormal humans and the use of any methodology that was useful.


INTRODUCTION C. Functionalism Concerned with why of mental processes

This led directly to an interest in motivation.


FUNCTIONALISM AT HARVARD A. William James William James (1842- 1910)

Born American and was the brother of author Henry James He wrote influential books on the science of psychology, educational psychology, psychology of religious experience and mysticism, and the philosophy of pragmatism. He taught the first experimental psychology course at Harvard in the 1875-1876 academic year.

Accepted both mental processes and behavior

Both accepted as legitimate for psychology

Interested in individual differences

More interested in individual differences among organisms than similarities.

Influenced directly or indirectly by William James

William James was strongly influenced by Darwins theory of evolution


FUNCTIONALISM AT HARVARD A. William James William James (1842- 1910)

His Principles of Psychology (1890) is 1200 pages in 2 volumes which took 12 years to complete.
Psychology: The Briefer Course, was an 1892 abridgement


FUNCTIONALISM AT HARVARD A. William James William James (1842- 1910)

The belief that if an idea works, it is valid

Radical empiricism
All consistently reported aspects of human experience are worthy of study

Criticized Associationsim and Hegelianism as having no explanatory value. He sought to re-conceive of the human mind as inherently purposive and selective.

Opposed Wundts approach to psychology

Specifically challenged Wundts experiential not cultural psychology.


FUNCTIONALISM AT HARVARD A. William James Central Ideas

Stream of consciousness
Personal to the individual Continuous; cannot be divided up for analysis Always changing Selective; some events are selected for further consideration while others are not Functional; purpose is to aid the individual in adapting to the environment.


FUNCTIONALISM AT HARVARD A. William James Central Ideas

Study of the Self
Three components of self (empirical self)
Material self : Body, family, and all things owned Social self: Self known by others; many social selves Spiritual self : State of consciousness, ones own subjective reality

The self as a knower is the awareness of ones empirical self. He was among the first to examine self-esteem.


FUNCTIONALISM AT HARVARD A. William James Central Ideas

Habits (instincts) are formed as an activity is repeated.
He had a neurophysiological explanation of habit formation.


FUNCTIONALISM AT HARVARD A. William James Speculations

An idea of an action precedes and causes that action.
In most cases, ideas and actions flow immediately and automatically producing habitual or reflexive behavior

Theory of emotion
Event (stimulus) causes a bodily reaction/behavior, which is then experienced as an emotion. Science must assume determinism, including psychology, but for certain approaches, the assumption of free will might be fruitful.

For voluntary behavior, ideas of various behavioral possibilities are retained from previous experiences
The recollection and selection (by mental effort) of a behavior is a prerequisite to voluntary behavior.


FUNCTIONALISM AT HARVARD A. William James Speculations

Pragmatism is the cornerstone of functionalism.
Behaviors, thoughts, or beliefs must be judged by their consequences. If it works for the individual than it is appropriate. Truth must be judged by its effectiveness in the situation. What works is true for that circumstance.


FUNCTIONALISM AT HARVARD B. Hugo Mnsterberg Hugo Mnsterberg (1863 1916)

Disagreed with James on many points regarding behavior and consciousness
Stated that behavior causes ideas rather than ideas cause behavior as James had stated.

He was one of if not the first applied psychologist.

He studied clinical psychology and he wrote books on forensic psychology, and industrial psychology.


FUNCTIONALISM AT HARVARD C. Mary Whiton Calkins Mary Whiton Calkins (1863 1930)
Attended seminars with James and researched with Mnsterberg.
Women could not enroll in Harvard so she unofficially took the Ph.D. exam but could not receive her degree. Developed a paired-associate technique to study the influence of frequency, recency, and vividness on memory. Developed self psychology, which was her major contribution to psychology.

III. FUNCTIONALISM AT CLARK A. G. Stanley Hall G. Stanley Hall (1844 - 1924)

Interests in childhood development and evolutionary theory.
First president of APA and of Clark. He earned his doctorate in psychology under William James at Harvard, after which he spent time at Wundt's lab. In 1882 (until 1888) he is appointed Prof. of Psychology and Pedagogics at Johns Hopkins where he organized the first psychology laboratory Founded the American Journal of Psychology

III. FUNCTIONALISM AT CLARK A. G. Stanley Hall G. Stanley Hall (1844 - 1924)

Influenced by Darwin evolutionary and Haeckel's recapitulation theory
Recapitulation theory states that the development of an individual through their lifetime mirrors the evolution of the species.

III. FUNCTIONALISM AT CLARK A. G. Stanley Hall G. Stanley Hall (1844 - 1924)

Hall work on Adolescence is revolutionary
Coins the phrase Storm and Stress to characterize adolescence.
He had several ideas about adolescence including ideas about sexual behavior, religious conversion, and sex-segregated schools.

Halls developmental ideas were greatly influenced by this theory.

His work in this area did much to stimulate educational psychology and start the child development movement in the U.S.

He also believed that adolescence was a good time to study human instinctual makeup. Hall also focused on the study of the end of the lifespan.

III. FUNCTIONALISM AT CLARK A. G. Stanley Hall G. Stanley Hall

He was responsible for inviting largely unknown Freud and Jung to visit and deliver lectures in early Sept, 1909. William James, James Cattell, William Stern, and E. B. Titchener were in the audience.

III. FUNCTIONALISM AT CLARK B. Francis Sumner and Kenneth Clark Francis Sumner (1895 -1954
G Stanley Halls last Ph.D. students
First African American psychologist and taught at Howard University Sumner supervised Kenneth Clark

Kenneth B. (1914 - 2005) and Mamie P. Clark (1917-1983)

Known for their 1940s studies using dolls to assess children's race attitudes. The work contributed to the Supreme Court ruling that racial segregation in public education was unconstitutional.

Francis Sumner

Kenneth Clark

IV. FUNCTIONALISM AT CHICAGO A. John Dewey John Dewey (1859 1952)

American philosopher, psychologist, and educational
Dewey, along with Charles Sanders Peirce and William James, is recognized as one of the founders of the philosophical school of pragmatism. He is also one of the founders of functional psychology He was a leading representative of the progressive movement in U.S. schooling during the first half of the 20th century. Worked inder G. Stanley Hall.

IV. FUNCTIONALISM AT CHICAGO A. John Dewey John Dewey (1859 1952)

His The Reflex Arc Concept in Psychology begins functionalism.
Proposed that the three elements of the reflex (sensory processes, brain processes, motor response) must be viewed as a coordinated system directed toward a goal, usually related to the survival of the organism. Influential in creating progressive education, which stated that education should be student-oriented and not subject-oriented and students should learn by doing

IV. FUNCTIONALISM AT CHICAGO B. James Angell James Angell (1869 - 1949)

Presented the three major points of functionalism
Functional psychology is interested in mental operations, not conscious elements. Mental processes mediate between the needs of the organism and the environment. Mental functions help the organism survive. Mind and body cannot be separated, they act as a unit in an organisms struggle for survival.

IV. FUNCTIONALISM AT CHICAGO C. Harvey Carr Harvey Carr (1873 - 1954)

Because learning is a major tool used in adjusting to the environment, it was a major concern of functionalism. Carr proposed the adaptive act, which has three components.
A motive that acts as a stimulus for behavior (such as hunger or thirst). An environmental setting or the situation the organism is in. A response that satisfies the motive.


FUNCTIONALISM AT COLUMBIA A. James Cattell James M. Cattell (1860 - 1944)

In 1891 moved to Columbia University where he became Department Head of Psychology, Anthropology, and Philosophy.
Proposed that psychology should be applying its methods in all human activity because that is what humans do. Through his many editorships and ownerships of journals (including Psychological Review), he advanced the discipline of psychology and particularly functional psychology.


FUNCTIONALISM AT COLUMBIA B. Robert S. Woodworth Robert S. Woodworth (1869-1962)

Interested in what and why of peoples behavior, particularly motivation.
He called his brand of psychology dynamic psychology He formulated the symbols S-O-R to include the organism and particularly the organisms motivation. His text, Experimental Psychology, remained the standard text in experimental psychology for two decades.

IV. FUNCTIONALISM AT COLUMBIA C. E. L. Thorndike E. L. Thorndike

Thorndike studied animal behavior true to functionalisms use of various methods.
Animal research in psychology helped by Conwy Morgans (1894) canon
In no case may we interpret an action as the outcome of the exercise of a higher psychical faculty, if it can be interpreted as the outcome of the exercise of one which stands lower in the psychological scale

IV. FUNCTIONALISM AT COLUMBIA C. E. L. Thorndike E. L. Thorndike

Used the apparatus called a puzzle box to study trial-and-error learning using cats.
Observed the sequence of learning resulting in cats learning to escape.

He made the following conclusions:

Learning is incremental Learning occurs automatically without being mediated by thinking Same principles of learning apply to all mammals.

Margaret Floy Washburn (1908) published several books and articles on animal psychology.

IV. FUNCTIONALISM AT COLUMBIA C. E. L. Thorndike E. L. Thorndike

Psychologys first learning theory
Combines associationism and hedonism and consists of the laws of exercise and of effect.
Law of effect states associations followed by a satisfying state of affairs are strengthened and by annoying state of affairs it will be weakened. Law of exercise states that the more an association is practiced, the stronger it becomes

Thorndike went on to abandon the law of exercise and discarded the second part of the law of effect.

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