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Avaya Virtual Services Platform 7000 Configuration

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Avaya Virtual Services Platform 7000 Series Configuration - SPBM

Release 10.2 NN47202-510 Issue 01.03 May 2013

2013 Avaya Inc.

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Contents Chapter 1: Introduction...................................................................................................... 9

9 9 9 10 10 10 Chapter 2: New in this release........................................................................................... 11 Chapter 3: SPBM and IS-IS fundamentals........................................................................ 13 MAC-in-MAC encapsulation...................................................................................................................... 14 I-SID.......................................................................................................................................................... 14 BCBs and BEBs........................................................................................................................................ 15 Basic SPBM network topology.................................................................................................................. 15 IS-IS.......................................................................................................................................................... 17 Standard TLVs.......................................................................................................................................... 18 IS-IS hierarchies........................................................................................................................................ 19 IS-IS PDUs................................................................................................................................................ 20 IS-IS configuration parameters................................................................................................................. 20 SPBM B-VLAN.......................................................................................................................................... 23 Pre-populated FIB..................................................................................................................................... 23 RPFC........................................................................................................................................................ 24 SPBM FIB................................................................................................................................................. 24 Rear port mode......................................................................................................................................... 25 Chapter 4: SPBM and IS-IS infrastructure configuration using ACLI............................ 29 Configuring minimum SPBM and IS-IS parameters.................................................................................. 29 Displaying global SPBM parameters......................................................................................................... 34 Displaying global IS-IS parameters........................................................................................................... 35 Displaying IS-IS areas............................................................................................................................... 37 Configuring optional SPBM parameters.................................................................................................... 38 Configuring optional IS-IS global parameters........................................................................................... 40 Configuring optional IS-IS interface parameters....................................................................................... 45 Displaying IS-IS interface parameters....................................................................................................... 47 Displaying the multicast FIB, unicast FIB, and unicast tree...................................................................... 50 Displaying IS-IS LSDB and adjacencies................................................................................................... 53 Displaying IS-IS statistics and counters.................................................................................................... 57 Chapter 5: SPBM and IS-IS infrastructure configuration using EDM............................. 61 Configuring required SPBM and IS-IS parameters................................................................................... 61 Displaying the SPBM I-SID information.................................................................................................... 66 Displaying Level 1 Area information......................................................................................................... 67 Enabling or disabling SPBM globally........................................................................................................ 67 Configuring SPBM parameters................................................................................................................. 68 Displaying SPBM nicknames.................................................................................................................... 69 Configuring interface SPBM parameters.................................................................................................. 70 Configuring SPBM on an interface............................................................................................................ 71 Purpose..................................................................................................................................................... Related resources..................................................................................................................................... Documentation................................................................................................................................. Training............................................................................................................................................ Avaya Mentor videos........................................................................................................................ Support.............................................................................................................................................

VSP 7000 Configuration SPBM

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Displaying the unicast FIB......................................................................................................................... 72 Displaying the multicast FIB...................................................................................................................... 73 Displaying SPBM drop statistics............................................................................................................... 74 Displaying LSP summary information....................................................................................................... 75 Displaying IS-IS adjacencies..................................................................................................................... 75 Configuring IS-IS globally.......................................................................................................................... 77 Configuring system level IS-IS parameters............................................................................................... 79 Configuring IS-IS interfaces...................................................................................................................... 80 Configuring IS-IS interface level parameters............................................................................................ 82 Configuring an IS-IS Manual Area............................................................................................................ 83 Displaying IS-IS system statistics............................................................................................................. 84 Displaying IS-IS interface counters........................................................................................................... 85 Displaying IS-IS interface control packets................................................................................................ 86 Chapter 6: Layer 2 VSN configuration fundamentals...................................................... 89 SPBM L2 VSN........................................................................................................................................... 89 SPBM L2 VSN sample operation.............................................................................................................. 91 Chapter 7: Layer 2 VSN configuration using ACLI.......................................................... 99 Configuring a SPBM Layer 2 VSN C-VLAN.............................................................................................. 99 Configuring a SPBM Layer 2 VSN Switched UNI..................................................................................... 100 Displaying C-VLAN and Switched UNI I-SID information......................................................................... 102 Chapter 8: Layer 2 VSN configuration using EDM........................................................... 107 Configuring SPBM Layer 2 VSN C-VLANs............................................................................................... 107 Displaying the MAC address table for a C-VLAN..................................................................................... 108 Configuring SPBM switched UNIs............................................................................................................. 109 Chapter 9: CFM fundamentals........................................................................................... 111 MD............................................................................................................................................................. 111 MA............................................................................................................................................................. 112 MEP.......................................................................................................................................................... 113 Fault verification........................................................................................................................................ 114 LBM........................................................................................................................................................... 114 Layer 2 ping.............................................................................................................................................. 114 Fault isolation............................................................................................................................................ 115 LTM........................................................................................................................................................... 115 Layer 2 traceroute..................................................................................................................................... 116 Layer 2 tracetree....................................................................................................................................... 117 MIP............................................................................................................................................................ 117 Nodal MPs................................................................................................................................................. 117 Configuration considerations.................................................................................................................... 117 Chapter 10: CFM configuration using ACLI...................................................................... 119 Configuring CFM....................................................................................................................................... 119 Triggering a LBM Layer 2 ping.................................................................................................................. 121 Triggering a LTM Layer 2 traceroute......................................................................................................... 123 Triggering a LTM Layer 2 tracetree........................................................................................................... 124 Chapter 11: CFM configuration using EDM...................................................................... 127 Configuring CFM....................................................................................................................................... 127 Displaying CFM MD.................................................................................................................................. 128 Displaying CFM MA.................................................................................................................................. 129

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Displaying CFM MEP................................................................................................................................ Configuring Layer 2 ping........................................................................................................................... Initiating a Layer 2 traceroute................................................................................................................... Viewing Layer 2 traceroute results............................................................................................................


130 131 133 136 139

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VSP 7000 Configuration SPBM

May 2013

Chapter 1: Introduction

This document provides instructions to configure Shortest Path Bridging (SPB) on the Avaya Virtual Services Platform 7000 Series. Operations include Shortest Path Bridging MAC (SPBM), Intermediate System to Intermediate System (IS-IS), Layer 2 Virtual Service Networks (VSN) and Connectivity Fault Management (CFM).

Using the document

The document is organized into feature sections: 1. SPBM and IS-IS infrastructure configuration You must first configure your base SPBM and IS-IS architecture described in the infrastructure configuration chapters. This allows SPBM to operate on the switch. You must perform the initial steps to configure the minimum SPBM and IS-IS parameters to enable SPBM on your network. Configuring minimum SPBM and IS-IS parameters on page 29. 2. Layer 2 VSN services configuration Once you complete the infrastructure configuration, you can configure the appropriate services for your network to run on top of your base architecture. 3. CFM configuration Finally, the VSP 7000 provides tools to monitor and troubleshoot your SPBM network.

Related resources
For a list of the documentation for this product, see Avaya Virtual Services Platform 7000 Documentation Roadmap (NN47202103).

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May 2013


Ongoing product training is available. For more information or to register, see http://avayalearning.com/. Enter the course code in the Search field and click Go to search for the course.
Course code 7D00080W 7D00085V 7D00085I Course title Avaya Stackable ERS and VSP Product Overview Stackable ERS & VSP Installation, Configuration and Maintenance Stackable ERS & VSP Installation, Configuration and Maintenance

Avaya Mentor videos

Avaya Mentor is an Avaya-run channel on YouTube that includes technical content on how to install, configure, and troubleshoot Avaya products. Visit http://www.youtube.com/AvayaMentor and do one of the following: Enter a key word or key words in the Search channel to search for a specific product or topic. Click the name of a playlist to scroll through the posted videos.

Visit the Avaya Support website at http://support.avaya.com for the most up-to-date documentation, product notices, and knowledge articles. You can also search for notices, release notes, downloads, user guides, and resolutions to issues. Use the Web service request system to create a service request. Chat with live agents to get answers to questions. If an issue requires additional expertise, agents can quickly connect you to a support team.


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Chapter 2: New in this release

This is a new document for Avaya Virtual Services Platform 7000 Series Release 10.2. All of the features in this document are new.

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New in this release


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Chapter 3: SPBM and IS-IS fundamentals

Shortest Path Bridging MAC (SPBM) is a next generation virtualization technology that revolutionizes the design, deployment, and operations of enterprise campus core networks along with the enterprise data center. SPBM provides massive scalability while at the same time reducing the complexity of the network. SPBM simplifies deployments by eliminating the need to configure multiple points throughout the network. When you add new connectivity services to an SPBM network you do not need intrusive core provisioning. The simple endpoint provisioning is done where the application meets the network, with all points in between automatically provisioned through the robust link-state protocol, Intermediate-System-toIntermediate-System (IS-IS). SPBM eliminates the need for multiple overlay protocols in the core of the network by reducing the core to a single Ethernet based link-state protocol that provides all virtualization services in an integrated model. In addition, by relying on endpoint service provisioning only, the idea of building your network once and not touching it again becomes a true reality. This technology provides all the features and benefits required by carrier-grade deployments to the enterprise market without the complexity of alternative technologies traditionally used in carrier deployments, for example, Multiprotocol Label Switching (MPLS). Most Ethernet based networks use 802.1Q tagged interfaces between the routing switches. SPBM uses two Backbone VLANs (BVLANs) that are used as the transport instance. A B-VLAN is not a traditional VLAN in the sense that it does not flood unknown, broadcast or multicast traffic, but only forwards based on IS-IS provisioned backbone MAC (B-MAC) tables. After you configure the B-VLANs and the IS-IS protocol is operational, you can map the services to service instances. SPBM uses IS-IS to discover and advertise the network topology, which enables computation of the shortest path to all nodes in the SPBM network. SPBM uses IS-IS shortest path trees to populate forwarding tables for the individual B-MAC addresses of each participating node. To forward customer traffic across the core network backbone, SPBM uses IEEE 802.1ah Provider Backbone Bridging (PBB) MAC-in-MAC encapsulation, which hides the customer MAC (C-MAC) addresses in a backbone MAC (B-MAC) address pair. MAC-in-MAC encapsulation defines a B-MAC destination address (BMAC-DA) and a B-MAC source address (BMAC-SA). Encapsulating customer MAC addresses in B-MAC addresses improves network scalability (no end-user C-MAC learning is required in the core) and also significantly improves network robustness (loops have no effect on the backbone infrastructure.) The SPBM B-MAC header includes a Service Instance Identifier (I-SID) with a length of 32 bits with a 24bit ID. I-SIDs identify and transmit virtualized traffic in an encapsulated SPBM frame. You can use I-SIDs in a Virtual Services Network (VSN) for VLANs or VRFs across the MAC-in-MAC backbone: For a Layer 2 VSN, the device associates the I-SID with a customer VLAN, which the device then virtualizes across the backbone. Layer 2 VSNs associate one VLAN per I-SID. VSP 7000 Series supports the IEEE 802.1aq standard of SPBM, which allows for larger Layer 2 topologies and permits faster convergence.

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SPBM and IS-IS fundamentals

MAC-in-MAC encapsulation
To forward customer traffic across the core network backbone, SPBM uses IEEE 802.1ah Provider Backbone Bridging (PBB) MAC-in-MAC encapsulation, which hides the customer MAC (C-MAC) addresses in a backbone MAC (B-MAC) address pair. MAC-in-MAC encapsulation defines a BMAC-DA and BMAC-SA to identify the backbone destination and source addresses. The originating node creates a MAC header that is used for delivery from end to end. As the MAC header stays the same across the network, there is no need to swap a label or do a route lookup at each node, allowing the frame to follow the most efficient forwarding path end to end. The encapsulation of customer MAC addresses in backbone MAC addresses greatly improves network scalability, as no end-user MAC learning is required in the backbone, and also significantly improves network robustness, as customer-introduced network loops have no effect on the backbone infrastructure.

SPBM introduces a service instance identifier called I-SID. SPBM uses I-SIDs to separate services from the infrastructure. After you create an SPBM infrastructure, you can add additional services (such as VLAN extensions) by provisioning the endpoints only. The SPBM endpoints are Backbone Edge Bridges (BEBs), which mark the boundary between the core MAC-in-MAC SPBM domain and the edge customer 802.1Q domain. I-SIDs are provisioned on the BEBs to be associated with a particular service instance. In the SPBM core, the bridges are Backbone Core Bridges (BCBs). BCBs forward encapsulated traffic based on the BMACDA. The SPBM B-MAC header includes an I-SID. The length of the ISID is 32 bits with a 24bit ID. I-SIDs identify and transmit virtualized traffic in an encapsulated SPBM frame. These ISIDs are used in a VSN for VLANs across the MAC-in-MAC backbone: Note: I-SID configuration is required only for virtual services such as Layer 2 VSN.


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BCBs and BEBs

BCBs and BEBs

The boundary between the core MAC-in-MAC SPBM domain and the edge customer 802.1Q domain is handled by Backbone Edge Bridges (BEBs). I-SIDs are provisioned on the BEBs to be associated with a particular service instance. In the SPBM core, the bridges are referred to as Backbone Core Bridges (BCBs). BCBs forward encapsulated traffic based on the BMAC-DA. Important: SPBM separates the payload from the transport over the SPBM infrastructure. Configure all virtualization services on the BEBs at the edge of the network. There is no provisioning required on the core SPBM switches. This provides a robust carrier grade architecture where configuration on the core switches never needs to be touched when adding new services. A BEB performs the same functionality as a BCB, but it also terminates one or more Virtual Service Networks (VSN). A BCB does not terminate any VSNs and is unaware of the VSN traffic it transports. A BCB simply knows how to reach any other BEB in the SPBM backbone.

Basic SPBM network topology

The following figure shows a basic SPBM network topology, specifically a Layer 2 VSN. Switches A and D are the Backbone Edge Bridges (BEB) that provide the boundary between

VSP 7000 Configuration SPBM

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SPBM and IS-IS fundamentals

the customer VLANs (C-VLAN) and the Backbone. Switches B and C are the Backbone Core Bridges (BCB) that form the core of the SPBM network.

Figure 1: SPBM L2 VSN

SPBM uses IS-IS in the core so that all BEBs and BCBs learn the IS-IS System-ID (B-MAC) of every other switch in the network. For example, BEB-A uses IS-IS to build an SPBM unicast forwarding table containing the B-MAC of switches BCB-B, BCB-C, and BEB-D. The BEBs provide the boundary between the SPBM domain and the virtualized services domain. For a Layer 2 VSN service, the BEBs map a C-VLAN to an I-SID based on local service provisioning. Any BEB in the network that has the same I-SID configured can participate in the same Layer 2 VSN. In this example, BEB A and BEB D are provisioned to associate C-VLAN 20 with I-SID 100. When BEB A receives traffic from C-VLAN 20 that must be forwarded to the far-end location, it performs a lookup and determines that C-VLAN 20 is associated with I-SID 100 and that BEB D is the destination for I-SID 100. BEB A then encapsulates the data and C-MAC header into a new B-MAC header, using its own nodal B-MAC: A as the source address and B-MAC: D as the destination address. BEB A then forwards the encapsulated traffic to BCB B. To forward traffic in the core toward the destination node D, BCB B and BCB C perform Ethernet switching using the B-MAC information only. At BEB D, the node strips off the B-MAC encapsulation, and performs a lookup to determine the destination for traffic with I-SID 100. BEB D identifies the destination on the C-VLAN header as C-VLAN 20 and forwards the packet to the appropriate destination VLAN and port.


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To provide a loop-free network and to learn and distribute network information, SPBM uses the Intermediate-System-to-Intermediate-System (IS-IS) link state routing protocol. IS-IS is designed to find the shortest path from any one destination to any other in a dynamic fashion. IS-IS creates any-to-any connectivity in a network in an optimized, loop-free manner, without the long convergence delay experienced with the Spanning Tree Protocol. IS-IS does not block ports from use, but rather employs a specific path. As such, all links are available for use. IS-IS is a link-state, interior gateway protocol that was developed for the International Organization for Standardization (ISO). ISO terminology refers to routers as Intermediate Systems (IS), hence the name Intermediate System-to-Intermediate System (IS-IS). SPBM eliminates the need for multiple overlay protocols in the core of the network by reducing the core to a single Ethernet-based, link-state protocol (IS-IS). IS-IS provides virtualization services , using a pure Ethernet technology base. SPBM also uses IS-IS to discover and advertise the network topology, which enables it to compute the shortest path to all nodes in the SPBM network. IS-IS dynamically learns the topology of a network and constructs unicast and multicast mesh connectivity. Each node in the network calculates a shortest-path tree to every other network node based on System-IDs (B-MAC addresses). Unlike in an IP Open Shortest Path First (OSPF) environment, the SPBM use of IS-IS does not require transport of any IP addressing for topology calculations. In the SPBM environment for Layer 2 VSNs, IS-IS carries only pure Layer 2 information with no requirement for an underlying IP control plane or forwarding path. IS-IS runs directly over Layer 2. In SPBM networks, IS-IS performs the following functions: Discovers the network topology Builds shortest path trees between the network nodes: - Forwards unicast traffic - Determines the forwarding table for multicast traffic Communicates network information in the control plane: - Service Instance Identifier (I-SID) information SPBM can distribute I-SID service information to all SPBM nodes, as the I-SIDs are created. SPBM includes I-SID information in the IS-IS Link State protocol data units (PDUs). When a new service instance is provisioned on a node, its membership is flooded throughout the topology using an IS-IS advertisement.

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SPBM and IS-IS fundamentals

Standard TLVs
IS-IS uses Type-Length-Value (TLV) encoding. SPBM employs IS-IS as the interior gateway protocol and implements additional TLVs to support additional functionality. VSP 7000 Series also supports Sub-TLVs. TLVs exist inside IS-IS packets and Sub-TLVs exist as additional information in TLVs. Avaya VSP 7000 Series supports standard 802.1 aq TLVs. The IEEE ratified the 802.1aq standard that defines SPBM and the Type-Length-Value (TLV) encoding that IS-IS uses to support SPBM services. Avaya is in full compliance with the IEEE 802.1aq standard. The following table lists a the TLVs that the VSP 7000 Series supports.
Figure 2: Standard TLVs TLV 1 Description Area addresses The Area IS-IS area Addresses TLV contains the area addresses to which the IS-IS is connected. Extended IS reachability The Extended IS Reachability TLV contains information about adjacent neighbors. Protocol supported The Protocol supported TLV carries the Network Layer Protocol Identifiers (NLPID) for the Network Layer protocols where the IS-IS can be used. TE IP reachability The Extended IP Reachability TLV 135 is used to distribution IP reachability between IS-IS peers. SPBM link metric Sub TLV (type 29) is carried within this TLV. Usage



SPBM in addition to existing NLPID (IPV4 0xCC, IPV6 0x*E..), IEEE 802.1aq defined SPBM NLPID as 0xC1.


SPBM uses this existing ISIS TLV to carry IP Shortcut routes through the SPBM core.


Multi-topology port aware This TLV carries the capability (MT-Portfollowing SPBM Sub TLVs: Capability) TLV MCID Sub TLV: The MCID This TLV carries the SPB is a digest of the VLANs instance ID in a multiple SPB and MSTI. Neighboring instances environment. This SPBM nodes must agree TLV is carried within IS-IS on the MCID to form an Hello Packets (IIH). adjacency. In the current


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IS-IS hierarchies



Usage release, the MCID is set to all zeros (0). After the VSP 7000 receives a none-zero MCID Sub TLV, it reflects content back to the neighbor. SPB B-VID Sub TLV (type 6): The Sub TLV indicates the mapping between a VLAN and its equal cost tree (ECT) algorithm. To form an adjacency, both nodes must have a matching primary (BVLAN, ECT) pair, and secondary (BVLAN, ECT) pair.


Multi-topology Capability This TLV carries the (MT-Capability) TLV. following Sub TLVs: This TLV carries the SPB SPB instance Sub TLV instance ID in a multiple SPB (type 1): This Sub TLV instance environment. This contains a unique TLV is carried within LSPs. SPSourceID (nickname) to identify the SPBM node within this SPB topology. SPB Service ID Sub TLV (type 3): This Sub TLV carries service group membership (I-SIDs) for a particular SPB BVLAN.


SPBM IP VPN reachability IP reachability for Layer 3 VSNs IS-IS TLV 184 is used to advertise SPBM L3 VSN route information across the SPBM cloud.

IS-IS hierarchies
IS-IS is a dynamic routing protocol that operates within an autonomous system (or domain). IS-IS provides support for hierarchical routing, which enables you to partition large routing domains into smaller areas. IS-IS uses a two-level hierarchy, dividing the domain into multiple Level 1 areas and one Level 2 area. The Level 2 area serves as backbone of the domain, connecting to all the Level 1 areas.

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SPBM and IS-IS fundamentals

Important: The IEEE 802.1aq standard currently only defines the use of one hierarchy, Level 1. Level 2 function is disabled in the current release.

Intermediate System to Intermediate System Hello (IIH) packets discover IS-IS neighbors and establish and maintain IS-IS adjacencies. An IIH is sent in every Hello-interval to maintain the established adjacency. If a node has not heard IIHs from its neighbor within the adjacency holdtime (hello-interval x hello-multiple) seconds, the node tears down the adjacency. In the current release, IIH carries TLV 143 and SPB-B-VLAN Sub-TLV (among other sub-TLVs). For two nodes to form an adjacency the B-VLAN pairs for primary B-LVAN and secondary B-VLAN must match. Link State Packets (LSP) advertise link state information. The system uses the link state information to compute the shortest path. LSP also advertises MT-capability TLV 144 and SPB instance Sub-TLV, and SPB I-SIDs Sub-TLV. Complete Sequence Number Packets (CSNP) contain the most recent sequence numbers of all LSPs in the database. CSNP notifies neighbors about the local LSDB. After a neighbor receives a CSNP, it compares the LSPs in the CSNP with the LSP in the local LSDB. If the neighbor is missing LSPs, it sends a Partial Sequence Number Packets (PSNP) to request the missing LSPs. This process synchronizes the LSDBs among neighbors. A synchronized LSDB among all nodes in the network is crucial to producing a loop-free shortest path.

IS-IS configuration parameters

The following sections describe IS-IS configuration parameters.

IS-IS system identifiers

The IS-IS system identifiers consist of three parts: System ID The system ID is any 6 bytes that are unique in a given area or level. The system ID defaults to the baseMacAddress of the chassis but you can configure a default value. Manual area The manual area or area ID is up to 13 bytes long. The first byte of the area number (for example, 49) is the Authority and Format Indicator (AFI). The next bytes are the assigned domain (area) identifier, which is up to 12 bytes (for example, 49.0102.0304.0506.0708.0910.1112). IS-IS supports a maximum of three manual areas, but the current VSP 7000 release only supports one manual area. NSEL The last byte (00) is the n-selector. In the VSP 7000 implementation, this part is automatically attached. There is no user input accepted. The Network Entity Title (NET) is the combination of all three global parameters.


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IS-IS configuration parameters

All routers have at least one manual area. Typically, a Level 1 router does not participate in more than one area. The following are the requirements for system IDs: All IS-IS enabled routers must have one manual area and a unique system ID. All routers in the same area must have the same area ID. All routers must have system IDs of the same length (6 bytes). All IS-IS enabled routers must have a unique nickname.

PSNP interval
You can change the PSNP interval rate. A longer interval reduces overhead, while a shorter interval speeds up convergence.

CSNP periodic and interval rate

You can configure the CSNP periodic and interval rate. A longer interval reduces overhead, while a shorter interval speeds up convergence.

Parameters for the link state packet (LSP)

LSPs contain vital information about the state of adjacencies, which must be exchanged with neighboring IS-IS systems. Routers periodically flood LSPs throughout an area to maintain synchronization. You can configure the LSP to reduce overhead or speed up convergence. The following list describes IS-IS parameters related to LSPs: The max-lsp-gen-interval is the time interval at which the generated LSP is refreshed. The default is 900 seconds with a range of 30 to 900. The retransmit-lspint is the minimum amount of time between retransmission of an LSP. When transmitting or flooding an LSP an acknowledgement (ACK) is expected. If the ack is not received within retransmit-lspint, the LSP is re-transmitted. The default is 5 seconds with a range of 1 to 300.

Point-to-point mode
All SPBM links are point-to-point links. VSP 7000 does not support broadcast links.

IS-IS interface authentication

Configure IS-IS interface authentication to improve security and to guarantee that only trusted routers are included in the IS-IS network. Interface level authentication only checks the IIH PDUs. If the authentication type or key in a received IIH does not match the locally-configured type and key, the IIH is rejected. By default, authentication is disabled. You can use either one of the following authentication methods: Simple password authentication Uses a text password in the transmitted packet. The receiving router uses an authentication key (password) to verify the packet. MD5 authentication Creates a Message Digest (MD5) key.

Password considerations
The passwords for all authentications are saved as cleartext in the configuration file on the Avaya Virtual Services Platform 7000. The passwords for simple and HMAC-MD5 are

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SPBM and IS-IS fundamentals

displayed in cleartext through ACLI. The HMAC-MD5 packet is encrypted when transmitted over the network. To reset the authentication password type, you must set the type to none. The current release supports only interface level authentication. The current release does not support area level or domain level authentication.

To update the identities of neighboring routers, you can configure the: Interface Hello interval Interface Hello multiplier

Interface Hello interval

IS-IS uses Hello packets to initialize and maintain adjacencies between neighboring routers. You can configure the interface level Hello interval to change how often Hello packets are sent out from an interface level.

Hello multiplier
You can configure the Hello multiplier to specify how many Hellos the Avaya Virtual Services Platform 7000 must miss before it considers the adjacency with a neighboring switch down. The hold (wait) time is the Hello interval multiplied by the Hello multiplier. By default, if the Hello interval is 9 and the Hello multiplier is 3, the hold time is 27. If the Hello multiplier is increased to 10, the hold time is increased to 90.

Link metric
You can configure the link metric to overwrite the default metric value. By configuring the metric, you can specify a preferred path. Low cost reflects high-speed media, and high cost reflects slower media. For the wide metric, the value ranges from 1 to 16,777,215. In this release, only the wide metric is supported. The total cost of a path equals the sum of the cost of each link. The default value for wide metrics is 10.

Disabling IS-IS
You can disable IS-IS globally or at the interface level. If IS-IS is globally disabled, then all ISIS functions stop. If IS-IS is enabled at the global level and disabled at one of the interface levels, then IS-IS continues on all other interfaces.

Overload bit
If the overload bit parameter is configured, the Avaya Virtual Services Platform 7000 sets the overload bit in its LSP. The overload parameter works in conjunction with the overloadon-startup parameter. When the overload-on-startuptimer expires, the SPBM node clears the overload bit and re-advertises its LSP. When an LSP with an overload bit is received, the Avaya Virtual Services Platform 7000 ignores the LSP in its SPF calculation so that the transit traffic will not go through the overloaded node. The overloaded node can still receive traffic that is destined for the node


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itself. The overload bit is usually enabled on stub nodes, which are not used for traversing traffic. By default, overload is set to false.

Each SPBM network instance is associated with at least one backbone VLAN (B-VLAN) in the core SPBM network. This VLAN is used for both control plane traffic and dataplane traffic. Note: Avaya recommends to always configure two B-VLANs in the core to allow load distribution over both B-VLANs. SPBM alters the behavior of the VLAN. When a B-VLAN is associated with an SPBM network the following VLAN attributes and behaviors are modified for the B-VLAN: Flooding is disabled Broadcasting is disabled Source address learning is disabled Unknown MAC discard is disabled Ports cannot be added to a B-VLAN manually, IS-IS takes care of adding ports to the BVLAN. Essentially the B-MAC addresses are programmed into the B-VLAN Forwarding Information Bases (FIBs) by IS-IS instead of the traditional VLANs flooding and learning approach. Modification of the VLAN behavior is necessary to ensure proper control over the SPBM traffic. Note: When configuring a Vlan ID (VID) for a B-VLAN, some VIDs might be unavailable due to other system features. For example, the STP tagged PBDUs default VID range is 4001 4008. Tagged BPDUs cannot use the same VID as an active B-VLAN. For more information, see Avaya Virtual Services Platform 7000 Series Configuration Layer 2 (NN47202502).

Pre-populated FIB
An Ethernet network usually learns MAC addresses as frames are sent through the switch. This process is called reverse learning and is accomplished through broadcast. SPBM does not allow any broadcast flooding of traffic on the B-VLAN in order to prevent looping accomplished through flooding packets with unknown destinations (although multicast

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SPBM and IS-IS fundamentals

traffic is supported). As such, MAC addresses must be distributed within SPBM. This is accomplished by carrying the necessary B-MAC addresses inside the IS-IS link state database. To that end, SPBM supports an IS-IS TLV that advertises the I-SID and B-MAC information across the network. This functionality enables the powerful end-point-provisioning of SPBM. These Backbone MAC addresses are populated into the SPBM VLAN Forwarding Information Base (FIB) to maximize efficiency and to allow Reverse Path Forwarding Check (RPFC) to operate properly.

A loop prevention mechanism is required at Layer 2 to stop wayward traffic from crippling the network. Reverse Path Forwarding Check (RPFC) is the chosen method of suppressing loop traffic with SPBM. RPFC was originally designed for IP traffic at Layer 3 where it checks the source address of the packet against the routing entry in the routing table. The source address must match the route for the port it came in on otherwise the packet is illegitimate and therefore dropped. With SPBM, the node matches the source MAC address against the ingress port to establish validity. If the frame is not supposed to come in that port, it is immediately suppressed imposing a guaranteed loop control. If there is no VLAN FDB entry to the source MAC address with the outgoing port as the ingress port, the frame will be dropped.

This section describes the SPBM unicast and multicast FIBs.

Unicast FIB
The unicast computation runs a single Dijkstra (unlike all pair Dijkstras for multicast). SPBM produces only one Shortest Path First (SPF) tree and the tree is rooted on the computing node. The unicast computation generates an entry for each node in the network. The Destination Address (DA) for that entry is the system-id of the node. In addition, if a node advertises MAC addresses other than the system-id, each MAC address has an entry in the unicast FIB table, and the shortest path to that MAC should be exactly the same as the path to the node. Unicast FIB entries are installed to the vlan-fdb table. The following text shows an example of the unicast FIB.
7024XLS(config-if)#show isis spbm unicast-fib ================================================================================ SPBM UNICAST FIB ENTRY INFO


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Rear port mode

================================================================================ DESTINATION BVLAN SYSID HOST-NAME OUTGOING COST ADDRESS NAME INTERFACE -------------------------------------------------------------------------------00:01:20:00:00:d1 1000 0001.2000.00d1 D1 Port: 37 10 00:01:20:00:00:d1 1001 0001.2000.00d1 D1 Port: 37 10 00:01:20:00:00:d2 1000 0001.2000.00d2 D2 Port: 37 20 00:01:20:00:00:d2 1001 0001.2000.00d2 D2 Port: 37 20 00:01:20:00:00:d3 1000 0001.2000.00d3 D3 Port: 37 20 00:01:20:00:00:d3 1001 0001.2000.00d3 D3 Port: 37 20 00:01:20:00:00:d4 1000 0001.2000.00d4 D4 Port: 37 20 00:01:20:00:00:d4 1001 0001.2000.00d4 D4 Port: 37 20

Multicast FIB
SPBM runs all pair Dijkstras to produce the multicast FIB. The computing node loops through each node to run Dijkstra using that node as the root, and then prunes paths to only keep the shortest paths. The computing node then computes the intersection of the set of I-SIDs for which the root node transmits, with the set of I-SIDs for which the path endpoints receive. The multicast addresses are built out of two pieces: the instance-ID (nickname) and the I-SID ID converted to hexadecimal format to form the multicast MAC address.
|-----------3 bytes ------------|---------------------------------| nickname & 3 hexadecimal I-SID

For example, if the nickname is 0.00.10 and the I-SID is 100 (0x64), the multicast address is 03:00:10:00:00:64. The following text shows an example of the multicast FIB.
7024XLS(config)#show isis spbm multicast-fib ================================================================================ SPBM MULTICAST FIB ENTRY INFO ================================================================================ MCAST DA ISID BVLAN SYSID HOST-NAME OUTGOING -INTERFACES -------------------------------------------------------------------------------03:00:61:00:00:64 100 10 0080.2dc1.37ce 7000-1 4/7 03:00:61:00:00:c8 200 10 0080.2dc1.37ce 7000-1 4/2,4/1 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------Total number of SPBM MULTICAST FIB entries 2 ----------------------------------

Rear port mode

With rear port mode, you can configure the VSP 7000 Series Fabric Interconnect (FI) ports on the rear of the chassis for use as 40 Gbps Avaya interface ports. You can use rear port mode to interconnect standalone VSP 7000 switches using the various FI cables. Due to the different bandwidth support of the FI port top and bottom connectors, you must connect the top connector to the top connector of another unit, and connect the bottom connector to the bottom connector of another unit. Depending on the mode of operation either 7 or 8 interfaces are presented over the four FI ports on the rear of the switch.

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SPBM and IS-IS fundamentals

Each VSP 7000 provides an FI-up and FI-down port pair on the rear of the chassis. In each FI port pair there is a top and bottom connector. The top connector provides three 40 Gbps ports, and the bottom connector provides one 40 Gbps port. You can configure rear port mode as on (enabled) or off (disabled). The default is off (disabled). Note: When you enable or disable rear port mode, the switch automatically initiates a reboot. Warning: Enabling rear port mode and answering yes to the confirmation prompt results in a switch configuration reset equivalent to a partial default command. When you enable rear port mode, the switch applies the following default settings to all FI ports on the rear of the chassis: The LACP hashing mode is set to advance. VLAN tagging for rear ports is set to tagAll. The LACP administration key is set to 4095. The LACP operating mode for rear ports is set to active. The LACP rear ports time-out value is set to short. LACP for rear ports is set to enable. Note: Rear port mode allows the VSP 7000 Series to automatically aggregate multiple connections between adjacent units in the FI mesh without additional configuration. LACP mode is disabled on a rear port if you remove the port from the default VLAN (VLAN 1) and the port is not configured for any other VLAN. You can activate LACP mode once you add the port to a VLAN.

Figure 3: FI port labels

The following table provides detailed information about the FI ports and rear port modes:
FI port UP 1 (right top connector) Rear-Ports Mode standard Bandwidth 120 Gbps Port interface 34, 35, 36


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Rear port mode

FI port UP 2 (right bottom connector) DOWN 1 (left top connector)

Rear-Ports Mode standard standard

Bandwidth 40 Gbps 120 Gbps 40 Gbps 120 Gbps 40 Gbps 80 Gbps 40 Gbps 33

Port interface

38, 39, 40 37 34, 35, 36 33 38, 39 37

DOWN 2 (left bottom standard connector) UP 1 (right top connector) UP 2 (right bottom connector) DOWN 1 (left top connector) SPB SPB SPB

DOWN 2 (left bottom SPB connector)

When you enable rear port Shortest Path Bridging (SPB), the switch configures port 40 as loopback. Port 40 in loopback mode is not accessible by applications, or displayed on the port list. Note: Standard rear port mode does not support a SPB configuration. You must enable SPB rear port mode to support a SPB configuration. Changing between rear port modes results in a reboot and a partial configuration reset. For more information about FI mesh cabling, see Avaya Virtual Services Platform 7000 Series Installation (NN47202300) For more information about configuring rear port mode, see Avaya Virtual Services Platform 7000 Series Getting Started (NN47202303).

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SPBM and IS-IS fundamentals


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Chapter 4: SPBM and IS-IS infrastructure configuration using ACLI

This section provides procedures to configure SPBM and IS-IS using Avaya Command Line Interface (ACLI).

Configuring minimum SPBM and IS-IS parameters

Use the following procedure to configure the minimum required SPBM and IS-IS parameters to allow SPBM to operate on the switch.

1. Enter Global Configuration mode: enable configure terminal 2. Enable SPBM globally: spbm 3. Log on to the IS-IS Router Configuration mode: router isis 4. Create the SPBM instance (in this release, only one SPBM instance is supported): spbm <1100> 5. Exit IS-IS Router Configuration mode to Global Configuration mode: exit 6. Create the primary SPBM backbone VLAN (B-VLAN): vlan create <24094> type spbm-bvlan 7. Create the secondary SPBM backbone VLAN (B-VLAN): vlan create <24094> type spbm-bvlan 8. Log on to the IS-IS Router Configuration mode: router isis 9. Add the SPBM B-VLANs to the SPBM instance: spbm <1100> b-vid {<vlan-id [-vlan-id][,...]} [primary <1 4094>]

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SPBM and IS-IS infrastructure configuration using ACLI

10. Configure the system nickname (2.5 bytes in the format <x.xx.xx>): spbm <1100> nick-name <x.xx.xx> Note: Although it is not strictly required for SPBM operation, Avaya recommends that you change the IS-IS system ID from the default B-MAC value to a recognizable address to easily identify a switch (Log on to IS-IS Router configuration mode and use the system-id <xxxx.xxxx.xxxx> command) . This helps to recognize source and destination addresses for troubleshooting purposes. 11. Configure an IS-IS manual area (1-13 bytes in the format <xx.xxxx.xxxx...xxxx>. In this release, only one manual area is supported.): manual-area <xx.xxxx.xxxx...xxxx> 12. Exit IS-IS Router Configuration mode to Global Configuration mode: exit 13. Log on to Interface Configuration mode, by specifying the ports that are going to link to the SPBM network: interface {FastEthernet {slot/port [-slot/port][,...]} 14. Create an IS-IS circuit and interface on the selected ports: isis 15. Enable the SPBM instance on the IS-IS interfaces: isis spbm 1 16. Enable the IS-IS circuit/interface on the selected ports: isis enable 17. Exit Interface Configuration mode: exit 18. Remove the selected port for IS-IS from the default VLAN. vlan member remove [vlan-id] [port] Note: By default, all ports are enabled in VLAN 1. Ensure the port for the IS-IS interface is removed from VLAN 1 and all other normal VLANs. 19. Enable IS-IS globally: router isis enable 20. Display the SPBM configurations: show isis spbm 21. Display the global IS-IS configuration: show isis 22. Display the interface IS-IS configuration:


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Configuring minimum SPBM and IS-IS parameters

show isis interface

7024XLS> enable 7024XLS# configure terminal 7024XLS(config)# spbm 7024XLS(config)# router isis 7024XLS(config-isis)# spbm 1 7024XLS(config-isis)# exit 7024XLS(config)# vlan create 1000 type spbm-bvlan 7024XLS(config)# vlan create 2000 type spbm-bvlan 7024XLS(config)# router isis 7024XLS(config-isis)# spbm 1 bvid 1000,2000 primary 1000 7024XLS(config-isis)# spbm 1 nick-name 1.11.16 7024XLS(config-isis)# manual-area c0.2000.0000.0000 7024XLS(config-isis)# exit 7024XLS(config)# interface FastEthernet 3 7024XLS(config-if)# isis 7024XLS(config-if)# isis spbm 1 7024XLS(config-if)# isis enable 7024XLS(config-if)# exit 7024XLS(config)# vlan member remove 1 3 7024XLS(config)# router isis enable 7024XLS(config)# show isis spbm
================================================================================ ISIS SPBM Info ================================================================================ SPBM B-VID PRIMARY NICK LSDB INSTANCE VLAN NAME TRAP -------------------------------------------------------------------------------1 1000,2000 1000 1.11.16 disable ================================================================================

7024XLS(config)# show isis

================================================================================ ISIS General Info ================================================================================

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SPBM and IS-IS infrastructure configuration using ACLI

AdminState RouterType System ID Max LSP Gen Interval Min LSP Gen Metric Overload-on-startup Overload Csnp Interval PSNP Interval Rxmt LSP Interval spf-delay Router Name Num of Interfaces Num of Area Addresses

: enabled : Level 1 :0014.c7e1.33df : 900 Interval : 30 : wide : 20 : false : 10 : 2 : 5 : 100 : : 2 : 1

7024XLS(config)# show isis interface

================================================================================ ISIS Interfaces ================================================================================ IFIDX TYPE LEVEL OP-STATE ADM-STATE ADJ UP-ADJ SPBM-L1-METRIC -------------------------------------------------------------------------------Mlt2 pt-pt Level 1 UP UP 1 1 10 Port3 pt-pt Level 1 UP UP 1 1 10

Variable definitions
Use the data in the following table to use the isis command.
Variable enable Value Enables or disables the IS-IS circuit/interface on the specified port. The default is disabled. Use the no option to disable IS-IS on the specified interface. Enable the SPBM instance on the IS-IS interfaces.

spbm <1100>

Use the data in the following table to use the manual-area command.
Variable <xx.xxxx.xxxx...xxxx> Value Specifies the IS-IS manual-area (113 bytes in the format <xx.xxxx.xxxx...xxxx>. In this release, only one manual area is supported. For IS-IS to operate, you must configure at least one area. Use the no option to delete the manual area.

Use the data in the following table to use the spbm command.


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Configuring minimum SPBM and IS-IS parameters

Variable <1100> b-vid {<vlan-id [-vlan-id] [,...]}

Value Creates the SPBM instance. In this release, only one SPBM instance is supported. Sets the ISIS SPBM instance data VLANs. Use the no option to remove the specified BVLAN from the SPBM instance. Specifies a nickname for the SPBM instance globally. The value is 2.5 bytes in the format <x.xx.xx>. Use the no or default options to delete the configured nickname. Sets the IS-IS instance primary data VLAN.

nick-name <x.xx.xx>

primary <14094>

Use the data in the following table to use the vlan create command.
Variable <24094> Value Specifies the VLAN ID. Creates an SPBM Backbone VLAN (B-VLAN). You can optionally specifiy a name for the SPBM BVLAN. Specifies the type of VLAN created. ipsubnet-mstprstp Create a VLAN by IP subnet. port-mstprstp Create a VLAN by port. protocol-mstprstp Create a VLAN by protocol. spbm-bvlan Create an SPBM-BVLAN. srcmac-mstprstp Create a VLAN by source MAC address.

type {ipsubnet-mstprstp|port-mstprstp| protocol-mstprstp|spbm-bvlan|srcmacmstprstp}

Job aid
Important: After you configure the SPBM nickname and enable IS-IS, if you require a change of the system ID, you must also change the nickname. However, for naming convention purposes or configuration purposes, you might not want to change the nickname. To maintain the same nickname with a different system ID, perform the following steps: 1. Disable IS-IS. 2. Change the system ID.

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SPBM and IS-IS infrastructure configuration using ACLI

3. Change the nickname to a temporary one. 4. Enable IS-IS. 5. Disable IS-IS. 6. Change the nickname to the original nickname. 7. Enable IS-IS.

Displaying global SPBM parameters

Use the following procedure to display and verify the proper global SPBM configuration.

1. Log on to ACLI to enter User EXEC mode. 2. At the command prompt, enter the following command: show isis spbm 3. You can also use the following command to identify SPBM VLANs. For spbm-bvlan, the attribute TYPE displays B-VLAN instead of Port. show vlan

================================================================================ ISIS SPBM Info ================================================================================ SPBM B-VID PRIMARY NICK LSDB INSTANCE VLAN NAME TRAP -------------------------------------------------------------------------------1 1000,2000 1000 1.11.16 disable ================================================================================ 7024XLS# show vlan Id Name Type ---- -------------------- -------1 VLAN #1 Port Port Members: ALL 2 VLAN #2 Port Port Members: 15-18 3 VLAN #3 Port Port Members: NONE 4 VLAN #4 B-VLAN Port Members: NONE Protocol PID Active IVL/SVL Mgmt ---------------- ------- ------ ------- ---None 0x0000 Yes IVL Yes None None None 0x0000 0x0000 0x0000 Yes Yes Yes IVL IVL IVL No No No


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Displaying global IS-IS parameters

Variable definitions
The following table describes the fields in the output for the show isis spbm command.
Parameter SPBM INSTANCE B-VID PRIMARY VLAN NICK NAME LSDB TRAP Description Indicates the SPBM instance identifier. You can only create one SPBM instance. Indicates the SPBM B-VLAN associated with the SPBM instance. Indicates the primary SPBM B-VLAN. Indicates the SPBM node nickname. The nickname is used to calculate the I-SID multicast MAC address. Indicates the status of the IS-IS SPBM LSDB update trap on this SPBM instance. The default is disable.

Displaying global IS-IS parameters

Use the following procedure to display the global IS-IS parameters.

1. Log on to ACLI to enter User EXEC mode. 2. Display IS-IS configuration information: show isis 3. Display the IS-IS system-id: show isis system-id 4. Display IS-IS net info: show isis net

7024XLS#show isis ========================================== ISIS General Info ========================================== AdminState : enabled RouterType : Level 1 System ID : 0000.0000.0000 Max LSP Gen Interval : 900 Min LSP Gen Interval : 30 Metric : wide

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SPBM and IS-IS infrastructure configuration using ACLI

Overload-on-startup : 20 Overload : false Csnp Interval : 10 PSNP Interval : 2 Rxmt LSP Interval : 5 Spf-delay : 100 Num of Interfaces : 2 Num of Area Addresses : 1 7024XLS#show isis system-id ========================================== ISIS System-Id ========================================== SYSTEM-ID ========================================== 0014.c7e1.33df 7024XLS#show isis net ========================================== ISIS Network Entity Title Info ========================================== NET ========================================== c0.2000.0000.0000.14c7.e133.df00

Variable definitions
The following sections describe the fields in the outputs for the global IS-IS show commands.

show isis
The following table describes the fields in the output for the show isis command.
Parameter AdminState RouterType System ID Max LSP Gen Interval Min LSP Gen Interval Metric Overload-on-startup Overload Csnp Interval PSNP Interval Rxmt LSP Interval Description Indicates the administrative state of the router. Indicates the router Level: l1, l2, or l1/2. Indicates the system ID. Indicates the maximum time between LSP updates in seconds. Indicates the minimum time between LSP updates in seconds. Indicates if the metric is narrow or wide. Indicates the overload-on-startup value. Indicates if there is an overload condition. Indicates the interval between CSNP updates in seconds. Indicates the interval between PSNP updates in seconds. Indicates the received LSP time interval.


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Displaying IS-IS areas

Parameter spf-delay Router Name Num of Interfaces Num of Area Addresses

Description Indicates the Shortest Path First delay in milliseconds. Indicates the IS-IS name of the router. Indicates the number of interfaces on the router. Indicates the number of area addresses on the router.

show isis system-id

The following table describes the fields in the output for the show isis system-id command.
Parameter SYSTEM-ID Description Shows the system ID. Output from this show command is from the global IS-IS configuration of the system ID. There is one system ID configured. The system ID is 6 bytes in length.

show isis net

The following table describes the fields in the output for the show isis net command.
Parameter NET Description Shows the NET address. Output from this command is from the global IS-IS configuration of the manual area and the configuration of the system ID. There is only one manual areas defined and only one system ID. The manual area is from 1-13 bytes in length. The system ID is 6 bytes in length.

Displaying IS-IS areas

Use the following procedure to display IS-IS areas.

1. Log on to ACLI to enter User EXEC mode. 2. At the command prompt, enter the following command: show isis manual-area

7024XLS#show isis manual-area ================================================================================ ISIS Manual Area Address ================================================================================

VSP 7000 Configuration SPBM

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SPBM and IS-IS infrastructure configuration using ACLI

AREA ADDRESS -------------------------------------------------------------------------------c0.2000.0000.00

Variable definitions
The following table describes the fields in the output for the show isis manual-area command.
Parameter AREA ADDRESS Description Shows the manual areas defined. There can only be one area. The manual area can be from 1-13 bytes in length.

Configuring optional SPBM parameters

Use the following procedure to configure optional SPBM parameters.

1. Enter Global Configuration mode: enable configure terminal 2. Configure the SPBM ethertype: spbm ethertype {0x8100 | 0x88a8} 3. Configure the optional link-state database (LSDB) trap global parameter. To configure this parameter, you must globally disable IS-IS on the switch: a. Disable IS-IS on the switch: no router isis enable b. Log on to the IS-IS Router Configuration mode: router isis c. Enable a trap when the SPBM LSDB changes: spbm <1100> lsdb-trap enable d. Enable IS-IS on the switch: router isis enable e. Exit IS-IS Router Configuration mode: exit


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Configuring optional SPBM parameters

4. Configure the optional SPBM interface parameters. To configure these parameters, you must disable IS-IS on the interface: a. Specify an SPBM interface to configure: interface FastEthernet <port> b. Disable IS-IS on the interface: no isis enable c. Configure SPBM instance interface-type on IS-IS interface. SPBM supports only pt-pt: isis spbm <1100> interface-type {broadcast|pt-pt} d. Configure the SPBM instance level 1 metric on the IS-IS interface: isis spbm <1100> l1-metric <116777215> e. Enable IS-IS on the switch: isis enable

7024XLS> enable 7024XLS# configure terminal 7024XLS(config)# spbm ethertype 0x8100 7024XLS(config-isis)# no router isis enable 7024XLS(config)# router isis 7024XLS(config-isis)# spbm 1 lsdb-trap enable 7024XLS(config-isis)# router isis enable 7024XLS(config-isis)# exit 7024XLS(config)# interface fastethernet 3 7024XLS(config-if)# no isis enable 7024XLS(config-if)# isis spbm 1 interface-type pt-pt 7024XLS(config-if)# isis spbm 1 l1metric 500 7024XLS(config-if)# isis enable

Variable definitions
Use the data in the following table to use the spbm command.

VSP 7000 Configuration SPBM

May 2013


SPBM and IS-IS infrastructure configuration using ACLI

Variable ethertype {0x8100 | 0x88a8} <1100> lsdb-trap enable

Value Configures the SPBM ethertype. The default value is 0x8100. Configures whether to enable or disable a trap when the SPBM LSDB changes. The default is disabled. Use the no or default options to disable LSDB traps.

Use the data in the following table to use the isis spbm command.
Variable <1100> interface-type {broadcast|pt-pt} Value Configures the SPBM instance interfacetype on the IS-IS interface located on the specified port or MLT. SPBM only supports the point-to-point (pt-pt) interface type. The default is pt-pt. Use the no or default options to set this parameter to the default value of pt-pt. Configures the SPBM instance l1-metric on the IS-IS interface located on the specified port or MLT. The default value is 10. Use the no or default options to set this parameter to the default.

<1100> l1metric <116777215>

Configuring optional IS-IS global parameters

Use the following procedure to configure optional IS-IS global parameters.

1. Enter IS-IS Router Configuration mode: enable configure terminal router isis 2. Configure optional IS-IS global parameters: a. Specify the Complete Sequence Number Packet (CSNP) interval in seconds: csnp-interval <1600> b. Configure the router type globally: is-type {l1} c. Configure the maximum level, in seconds, between generated LSPs by this Intermediate System:


VSP 7000 Configuration SPBM

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May 2013

Configuring optional IS-IS global parameters

d. e. f. g. h. i. j. k.

max-lsp-gen-interval <0900> Configure the IS-IS metric type: metric {wide} Set or clear the overload condition: overload Configure the overload-on-startup value in seconds: overload-on-startup <153600> Configure the Partial Sequence Number Packet (PSNP) in seconds: psnp-interval <1120> Configure the minimum time between retransmission of an LSP: retransmit-lsp-interval <1300> Configure the SPF delay in milliseconds: spf-delay <05000> Configure the name for the system: sys-name WORD <0255> Configure the IS-IS system ID for the switch: system-id <xxxx.xxxx.xxxx>

7024XLS> enable 7024XLS# configure terminal 7024XLS(config)# router isis 7024XLS(config-isis)# csnp-interval 10 7024XLS(config-isis)# is-type l1 7024XLS(config-isis)# max-lsp-gen-interval 800 7024XLS(config-isis)# metric wide 7024XLS(config-isis)# overload 7024XLS(config-isis)# overload-on-startup 30 7024XLS(config-isis)# psnp-interval 10 7024XLS(config-isis)# retransmit-lsp-interval 10 7024XLS(config-isis)# default sys-name 7024XLS(config-isis)# spf-delay 200 7024XLS(config-isis)# default system-id

VSP 7000 Configuration SPBM

May 2013


SPBM and IS-IS infrastructure configuration using ACLI

Variable definitions
Use the data in the following table to use the csnp-interval command.
Variable <1600> Value Specifies the CSNP interval in seconds. This is a system level parameter that applies for level 1 CSNP generation on all interfaces. A longer interval reduces overhead, while a shorter interval speeds up convergence. The default value is 10. Use the no or default options to set this parameter to the default value of 10.

Use the data in the following table to configure the is-type command.
Variable {l1} Value Sets the router type globally: l1: Level-1 router type The default value is l1. Use the no or default options to set this parameter to the default value of l1.

Use the data in the following table to configure the max-lsp-gen-interval command.
Variable <0900> Value Specifies the maximum interval, in seconds, between generated LSPs by this Intermediate System. The default value is 900 seconds. Use the no or default options to set this parameter to the default value of 900.

Use the data in the following table to configure the metric command.
Variable {wide} Value Specifies the IS-IS metric type. Only wide is supported in this release. The default value is wide. Use the no or default options to set this parameter to the default value of wide.

Use the data in the following table to configure the overload command.


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May 2013

Configuring optional IS-IS global parameters

Variable overload

Value Sets or clears the overload condition. The default value is disabled. Use the no or default options to set this parameter to the default value of disabled.

Use the data in the following table to configure the overload-on-startup command.
Variable <153600> Value Specifies the IS-IS overload-on-startup value in seconds. The overload-on-startup value is used as a timer to control when to send out LSPs with the overload bit cleared after IS-IS startup. The default value is 20. Use the no or default options to set this parameter to the default value of 20.

Use the data in the following table to configure the psnp-interval command.
Variable <1120> Value Specifies the PSNP interval in seconds. This is a system level parameter that applies for level 1 PSNP generation on all interfaces. A longer interval reduces overhead, while a shorter interval speeds up convergence. The default value is 2. Use the no or default options to set this parameter to the default value of 2.

Use the data in the following table to configure the retransmit-lsp-interval command.
Variable <1300> Value Specifies the minimum time between retransmission of an LSP. This defines how fast the switch resends the same LSP. This is a system level parameter that applies for Level1 retransmission of LSPs. The default value is 5 seconds. Use the no or default options to set this parameter to the default value of 5.

Use the data in the following table to configure the spf-delay command.

VSP 7000 Configuration SPBM

May 2013


SPBM and IS-IS infrastructure configuration using ACLI

Variable <05000>

Value Configures the delay, in milliseconds, to pace successive Shortest Path First (SPF) runs. The timer prevents more than two SPF runs from being scheduled back-to-back. The mechanism for pacing SPF allows two back-to-back SPF runs. The default value is 100 milliseconds. Use the no or default options to set this parameter to the default value of 100 milliseconds.

Use the data in the following table to configure the sys-name command.
Variable WORD<0255> Value Specifies a name for the system. This may be used as the host name for dynamic host name exchange in accordance with RFC 2763. By default, the system name comes from the host name configured at the system level. Use the no or default options to set this parameter to the default value (host name). Note: In this release, no consistency checks appear when you edit sys-name on Virtual Services Platform 7000.

Use the data in the following table to configure the system-id command.
Variable <xxxx.xxxx.xxxx> Value Specifies the IS-IS system ID for the switch. Use the no or default options to set this parameter to the default value (node BMAC).

Job aid
Important: After you configure the SPBM nickname and enable IS-IS, if you require a change of the system ID, you must also change the nickname. However, for naming convention purposes or configuration purposes, you might not want to change the nickname. To maintain the same nickname with a different system ID, perform the following steps:


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May 2013

Configuring optional IS-IS interface parameters

1. Disable IS-IS. 2. Change the system ID. 3. Change the nickname to a temporary one. 4. Enable IS-IS. 5. Disable IS-IS. 6. Change the nickname to the original nickname. 7. Enable IS-IS.

Configuring optional IS-IS interface parameters

Use the following procedure to configure optional IS-IS interface parameters.

1. Enter FastEthernet Interface Configuration mode: enable configure terminal interface FastEthernet <port> 2. Configure optional IS-IS interface parameters: a. Specify the authentication type used for IS-IS hello packets on the interface: isis hello-auth type {none|simple|hmac-md5} b. If you select simple as the hello-auth type, you must also specify a key value but the key-id is optional: isis hello-auth type simple key WORD<116> [key-id <1 255>] c. If you select hmac-md5, you must also specify a key value but the key-id is optional: isis hello-auth type hmac-md5 key WORD<116> [key-id <1 255>]] d. Configure the level 1 IS-IS designated router priority: isis [l1-dr-priority <0127>] Note: This parameter is not used for SPBM because SPBM only runs on point-topoint interfaces. This parameter is for designated router election on a broadcast LAN segment, which is not supported. e. Configure the level 1 hello interval: isis [l1-hello-interval <1600>]

VSP 7000 Configuration SPBM

May 2013


SPBM and IS-IS infrastructure configuration using ACLI


Configure the level 1 hello multiplier: isis [l1-hello-multiplier <1600>]

7024XLS> enable 7024XLS# configure terminal 7024XLS(config)# interface fastethernet 3 7024XLS(config-if)# isis 7024XLS(config-if)# isis hello-auth type hmac-md5 key test 7024XLS(config-if)# isis l1dr-priority 100 7024XLS(config-if)# isis l1hello-interval 20 7024XLS(config-if)# isis l1hello-multiplier 10

Variable definitions
Use the data in the following table to configure the isis command.
Variable hello-auth type {none|simple| hmac-md5}][key[key WORD<1 16>] [key-id <1255>] Value Specifies the authentication type used for IS-IS hello packets on the interface. type can be one of the following: none simple: If selected, you must also specify a key value but the key id is optional. Simple password authentication uses a text password in the transmitted packet. The receiving router uses an authentication key (password) to verify the packet. hmac-md5: If selected, you must also specify a key value but the key-id is optional. MD5 authentication creates an encoded checksum in the transmitted packet. The receiving router uses an authentication key (password) to verify the MD5 checksum of the packet. There is an optional key ID. The default is none. Use the no or default options to set the hello-auth type to none. l1-dr-priority <0127> Configures the level 1 IS-IS designated router priority to the specified value. The default value is 64.


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May 2013

Displaying IS-IS interface parameters


Value Use the no or default options to set this parameter to the default value of 64. Note: This parameter is not used for SPBM because SPBM only runs on point-to-point interfaces. This parameter is for designated router election on a broadcast LAN segment, which is not supported.

l1-hello-interval <1600>

Configures the level 1 hello interval. The default value is 9 seconds. Use the no or default options to set this parameter to the default value of 9 seconds. Configures the level 1 hello multiplier. The default value is 3 seconds. Use the no or default options to set this parameter to the default value of 3 seconds.

l1-hello-multiplier <1600>

Displaying IS-IS interface parameters

Use the following procedure to display the IS-IS interface parameters.

1. Log on to ACLI to enter User EXEC mode. 2. Display IS-IS interface configuration and status parameters (including adjacencies): show isis interface [l1] 3. Display IS-IS interface authentication configuration: show isis int-auth 4. Display IS-IS interface timers: show isis int-timers 5. Display IS-IS circuit level parameters: show isis int-ckt-level

7024XLS#show isis interface ================================================================================ ISIS Interfaces ================================================================================ IFIDX TYPE LEVEL OP-STATE ADM-STATE ADJ UP-ADJ SPBM-L1-METRIC --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

VSP 7000 Configuration SPBM

May 2013


SPBM and IS-IS infrastructure configuration using ACLI

Trunk: 2 Port: 21

pt-pt pt-pt

Level 1 Level 1



1 1

1 1

10 10

7024XLS#show isis int-auth ================================================================================ ISIS Interface Auth ================================================================================ IFIDX AUTH-TYPE AUTH-KEYID AUTH-KEY -------------------------------------------------------------------------------Trunk: 3 none 0 Port: 21 none 0 7024XLS#show isis int-timers ================================================================================ ISIS Interface Timers ================================================================================ IFIDX LEVEL HELLO HELLO HELLO INTERVAL MULTIPLIER DR -------------------------------------------------------------------------------Trunk: 2 Level 1 9 3 3 Port: 21 Level 1 9 3 3 7024XLS#show isis int-ckt-level ================================================================================ ISIS Circuit level parameters ================================================================================ IFIDX LEVEL DIS CKTID -------------------------------------------------------------------------------Trunk: 2 Level 1 1 Port: 21 Level 1 2

Variable definitions
Use the data in the following table to use the IS-IS interface show command.
Variable [l1] Value Displays the interface information for the specified level: l1.

Job aid
The following sections describe the fields in the outputs for the IS-IS interface show commands.

show isis interface

The following table describes the fields in the output for the show isis interface command.


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May 2013

Displaying IS-IS interface parameters


Description Indicates the interface index for the Ethernet or MLT interface. Indicates the type of interface configured (in this release, only ptpt is supported). Indicates the level of the IS-IS interface (Level 1 [default] or Level 2). Shows the physical connection state of the interface. Shows the configured state of the interface. Shows how many adjacencies are learned through the interface. Shows how many adjacencies are active through the interface. Indicates the SPBM instance Level 1 metric on the IS-IS interface.

show isis int-auth

The following table describes the fields in the output for the show isis int-auth command.
Parameter IFIDX AUTH-TYPE Description Shows the interface index for the Ethernet or MLT interface. Shows the type of authentication configured for the interface. Types include: none for no authentication. simple for a simple password. hmac-md5 for MD5 encryption. AUTH-KEYID AUTH-KEY Shows the authentication password configured for the interface. Shows the HMAC-MD5 key needed for encryption. This is used only for HMAC-MD5.

show isis int-timers

The following table describes the fields in the output for the show isis int-auth command.
Parameter IFIDX LEVEL Description Indicates the interface index for the Ethernet or MLT interface. Indicates the IS-IS interface level.

VSP 7000 Configuration SPBM

May 2013


SPBM and IS-IS infrastructure configuration using ACLI


Description Indicates the interval at which a Hello packet is sent to the IS-IS network. Indicates the multiplier that is used in conjunction with the Hello Interval. Indicates the interval at which a Hello packet is sent to the IS-IS network if the router is a designated router (DIS).

show isis int-ckt-level

The following table describes the fields in the output for the show isis int-ckt-level command.
Parameter IFIDX LEVEL DIS CKT ID Description Shows the interface index for the ethernet or MLT interface. Shows the level of the IS-IS interface (Level 1 [default] or Level 2). Shows the Designated Intermediate System (DIS) of the circuit. Displays the CKT ID.

Displaying the multicast FIB, unicast FIB, and unicast tree

Use the following procedure to display SPBM IP unicast Forwarding Information Base (FIB), SPBM multicast FIB, unicast FIB, and the unicast tree. In SPBM, Backbone MAC (B-MAC) addresses are carried within the IS-IS link-state database. To do this, SPBM supports an IS-IS Type-Length-Value (TLV) that advertises the Service Instance Identifier (I-SID) and B-MAC information across the network. Each node has a System ID, which also serves as B-MAC of the switch. These B-MAC addresses are populated into the SPBM Forwarding Information Base (FIB). When the network topology is discovered and stored in the IS-IS link-state database, each node calculates shortest path trees for each source node, so that a unicast path now exists from every node to every other node. With this information, each node populates unicast information received from SPBM into the FIB for forwarding purposes. I-SIDs are only used for virtual services (Layer 2 VSNs and Layer 3 VSNs). If you only enable IP Shortcuts on the Backbone Edge Bridges, I-SIDs are never exchanged in the network as IP Shortcuts allows for Global Routing Table (GRT) IP networks to be transported across ISIS.


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May 2013

Displaying the multicast FIB, unicast FIB, and unicast tree

1. Log on to ACLI to enter User EXEC mode. 2. Display the SPBM multicast FIB: show isis spbm multicast-fib [vlan <04094>] [i-sid <1 16777215>] [nick-name <x.xx.xx>] [summary] 3. Display the SPBM unicast FIB: show isis spbm unicast-fib [b-mac <0x00:0x00:0x00:0x00:0x00:0x00>] [vlan <04094>] [summary] 4. Display the SPBM unicast tree: show isis spbm unicast-tree <14094> [destination <xxxx.xxxx.xxxx>]

7024XLS#show isis spbm multicast-fib ================================================================================ SPBM MULTICAST FIB ENTRY INFO ================================================================================ MCAST DA ISID BVLAN SYSID HOST-NAME OUTGOING-INTERFACES -------------------------------------------------------------------------------13:11:16:00:00:c8 200 1000 0014.c7e1.33df SPBM-1 MLT-2,3/21,3/37 13:11:16:00:01:2c 300 1000 0014.c7e1.33df SPBM-1 MLT-2,4/21 13:11:16:00:01:90 400 1000 0014.c7e1.33df SPBM-1 MLT-2,3/21 13:11:16:00:00:c8 200 2000 0014.c7e1.33df SPBM-1 MLT-2,3/21,3/31,3/37 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------Total number of SPBM MULTICAST FIB entries 4 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------7024XLS#show isis spbm unicast-fib ================================================================================ SPBM UNICAST FIB ENTRY INFO ================================================================================ DESTINATION BVLAN SYSID HOST-NAME OUTGOING COST ADDRESS INTERFACE -------------------------------------------------------------------------------00:16:ca:23:73:df 1000 0016.ca23.73df SPBM-1 3/21 10 00:16:ca:23:73:df 2000 0016.ca23.73df SPBM-1 3/21 10 00:18:b0:bb:b3:df 1000 0018.b0bb.b3df SPBM-2 MLT-2 10 00:14:c7:e1:33:e0 1000 0018.b0bb.b3df SPBM-2 MLT-2 10 00:18:b0:bb:b3:df 2000 0018.b0bb.b3df SPBM-2 MLT-2 10 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------Total number of SPBM UNICAST FIB entries 5 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------7024XLS#show isis spbm unicast-tree 1000 Node:0018.b0bb.b3df.00 (7024XLS) -> ROOT Node:0016.ca23.73df.00 (7024XLS) -> ROOT

VSP 7000 Configuration SPBM

May 2013


SPBM and IS-IS infrastructure configuration using ACLI

Variable definitions
Use the data in the following table to use the show isis spbm multicast-fib command.
Variable vlan <04094> i-sid <116777215> nick-name <x.xx.xx> summary Value Displays the FIB for the specified SPBM VLAN. Displays the FIB for the specified I-SID. Displays the FIB for the specified nickname. Displays a summary of the FIB.

Use the data in the following table to use the show isis spbm unicast-fib command.
Variable b-mac <0x00:0x00:0x00:0x00:0x00:0x00> vlan <04094> summary Value Displays the FIB for the specified BMAC. Displays the FIB for the specified SPBM VLAN. Displays a summary of the FIB.

Use the data in the following table to use the show isis spbm unicast-tree command.
Variable <14094> destination <xxxx.xxxx.xxxx> Value Specifies the SPBM B-VLAN ID. Displays the unicast tree for the specified destination.

Job aid
The following sections describe the fields in the outputs for SPBM multicast FIB, unicast FIB, and unicast tree show commands.

show isis spbm multicast-fib

The following table describes the fields in the output for the show isis spbm multicastfib command.


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May 2013

Displaying IS-IS LSDB and adjacencies


Description Indicates the multicast destination MAC address of the multicast FIB entry. Indicates the I-SID of the multicast FIB entry. Indicates the B-VLAN of the multicast FIB entry. Indicates the system identifier of the multicast FIB entry. Indicates the host name of the multicast FIB entry. Indicates the outgoing interface of the multicast FIB entry.

show isis spbm unicast-fib

The following table describes the fields in the output for the show isis spbm unicastfib command.
Parameter DESTINATION ADDRESS BVLAN SYSID HOST-NAME OUTGOING INTERFACE COST Description Indicates the destination MAC Address of the unicast FIB entry. Indicates the B-VLAN of the unicast FIB entry. Indicates the destination system identifier of the unicast FIB entry. Indicates the destination host name of the unicast FIB entry. Indicates the outgoing interface of the unicast FIB entry. Indicates the cost of the unicast FIB entry.

Displaying IS-IS LSDB and adjacencies

Use the following procedure to display the IS-IS LSDB and adjacencies.

1. Log on to ACLI to enter User EXEC mode. 2. Display the IS-IS LSDB: show isis lsdb [level {l1|l2|l12}] [sysid <xxxx.xxxx.xxxx>] [lspid <xxxx.xxxx.xxxx.xx-xx>] [tlv <1184>] [detail] 3. Display IS-IS adjacencies: show isis adjacencies 4. Clear IS-IS LSDB:

VSP 7000 Configuration SPBM

May 2013


SPBM and IS-IS infrastructure configuration using ACLI

clear isis lsdb

7024XLS#show isis lsdb ================================================================================ ISIS LSDB ================================================================================ LSP ID LEVEL LIFETIME SEQNUM CHKSUM HOST-NAME -------------------------------------------------------------------------------0014.c7e1.33df.00-00 1 545 0xb1 0xed28 NewYork 0016.ca23.73df.00-00 1 1119 0x9f 0x9c9d VSP-Lab2 0018.b0bb.b3df.00-00 1 708 0xb9 0xcb1a VSP-Lab1 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------Level-1 : 3 out of 3 Total Num of LSP Entries Level-2 : 0 out of 0 Total Num of LSP Entries 7024XLS# show isis adjacencies ================================================================================ ISIS Adjacencies ================================================================================ INTERFACE L STATE UPTIME PRI HOLDTIME SYSID HOST-NAME -------------------------------------------------------------------------------Mlt2 1 UP 1d 03:57:25 127 20 0018.b0bb.b3df VSP-Lab1 Port3/21 1 UP 1d 03:57:16 127 27 0016.ca23.73df VSP-Lab2 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------2 out of 2 Total Num of Adjacencies -------------------------------------------------------------------------------7024XLS>show isis lsdb detail ================================================================================ ISIS LSDB (DETAIL) ================================================================================ -------------------------------------------------------------------------------Level-1 LspID: 0001.bcb0.0003.00-001 Chksum: 0x32f7 PDU Length: 312 Host_name: C0 Attributes: IS-Type 1 TLV:1 Area Addresses: 1 c1.3000.0000.00 TLV:22 SeqNum: 0x00000522 Lifetime: 1144

Extended IS reachability: Adjacencies: 7 TE Neighbors: 7 0000.beb1.0007.01 (VSP0) Metric:10 SPBM Sub TLV: port id: 640 num_port 1 Metric: 10 0000.beb1.00b1.01 (VSP1) Metric:10 SPBM Sub TLV: port id: 643 num_port 1 Metric: 10 0000.bcb1.0004.01 (C1) SPBM Sub TLV: Metric:10


VSP 7000 Configuration SPBM

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May 2013

Displaying IS-IS LSDB and adjacencies

port id: 6144 num_port 1 Metric: 10 0000.beb1.00ca.01 (VSP2) SPBM Sub TLV: port id: 6156 num_port 1 Metric: 10 0000.beb1.00a5.01 (VSS0) SPBM Sub TLV: port id: 651 num_port 1 Metric: 10 0000.beb1.00b2.01 (VSS1) SPBM Sub TLV: port id: 645 num_port 1 Metric: 10 0000.beb1.0008.01 (VSP1) SPBM Sub TLV: port id: 652 num_port 1 Metric: 10 TLV:129 Protocol Supported: SPBM TLV:137 Host_name: C0# TLV:144 SUB-TLV 1 SPBM INSTANCE: Instance: 0 bridge_pri: 0 OUI: 00-33-33 num of trees: 2 vid tuple : u-bit 1 m-bit 1 ect-alg 0x80c201 base vid 1000 vid tuple : u-bit 1 m-bit 1 ect-alg 0x80c202 base vid 1001 TLV:144 SUB-TLV 3 ISID: Instance: 0 Metric: 0 B-MAC: 00-00-bc-b1-00-03 BVID:1000 Number of ISID's:8 3001(Both),3002(Rx),3003(Both),3004(Rx),4001(Both),4002( Rx),4003(Both),4004(Rx) Instance: 0 Metric: 0 B-MAC: 00-00-bc-b1-00-03 --More-- (q = quit) Metric:10 Metric:10 Metric:10 Metric:10

VSP 7000 Configuration SPBM

May 2013


SPBM and IS-IS infrastructure configuration using ACLI

Variable definitions
Use the data in the following table to use the show isis lsdb command.
Variable level {l1|l2|l12}] Value Displays the LSDB for the specified level: l1, l2, or l12. Note: Level 1 is supported in this release. sysid <xxxx.xxxx.xxxx> lspid <xxxx.xxxx.xxxx.xx-xx> tlv <1184> detail Displays the LSDB for the specified system ID. Displays the LSDB for the specified LSP ID. Displays the LSDB by TLV type. Displays detailed information.

Use the data in the following table to use the clear isis command.
Variable lsdb Value Clears the IS-IS Link State Database (LSDB). The command clears learned LSPs only. The command does not clear local generated LSPs. As soon as the platform clears the LSDB the LSP synchronization process starts immediately and the LSDB synchronizes with its neighbors.

Job aid
The following sections describe the fields in the outputs for the IS-IS LSDB and adjacencies show commands.

show isis lsdb

The following table describes the fields in the output for the show isis lsdb command.
Parameter LSP ID LEVEL Description Indicates the LSP ID assigned to external IS-IS routing devices. Indicates the level of the external router: l1, l2, or l12.


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May 2013

Displaying IS-IS statistics and counters

Parameter LIFETIME

Description Indicates the maximum age of the LSP. If the max-lsp-geninterval is set to 900 (default) then the lifetime value begins to count down from 1200 seconds and updates after 300 seconds if connectivity remains. If the timer counts down to zero, the counter adds on an additional 60 seconds, then the LSP for that router is lost. This happens because of the zero age lifetime, which is detailed in the RFC standards. Indicates the LSP sequence number. This number changes each time the LSP is updated. Indicates the LSP checksum. This is an error checking mechanism used to verify the validity of the IP packet. Indicates the hostname listed in the LSP. If the host name is not configured, then the system name is displayed.


show isis adjacencies

The following table describes the fields in the output for the show isis adjacencies command.
Parameter INTERFACE L STATE UPTIME PRI HOLDTIME Description Indicates the interface port or MLT on which IS-IS exists. Indicates the level of the adjacent router. Indicates the state of IS-IS on the interface (enabled [UP] or disabled [DOWN]). The state is non-configurable. Indicates the length of time the adjacency has been up in ddd hh:mm:ss format. Indicates the priority of the neighboring Intermediate System for becoming the Designated Intermediate System (DIS). Indicates the calculated hold time for the Hello (hello multiplier x hello interval); if the route is determined to be a designated router, then the product is divided by 3. Indicates the adjacent system ID of the router. Indicates the hostname listed in the LSP. If the host name is not configured, then the system name is displayed.


Displaying IS-IS statistics and counters

Use the following procedure to display the IS-IS statistics and counters.

VSP 7000 Configuration SPBM

May 2013


SPBM and IS-IS infrastructure configuration using ACLI

1. Log on to ACLI to enter User EXEC mode. 2. Display IS-IS system statistics: show isis statistics 3. Display IS-IS interface counters: show isis int-counters 4. Display IS-IS level 1 control packet counters: show isis int-l1-cntl-pkts Note: The current release uses level 1 IS-IS. The current release does not support level 2 IS-IS. The ACLI command show isis int-l2-contl-pkts is not supported in the current release because the IEEE 802.1aq standard currently only defines the use of one hierarchy, Level 1. 5. Clear IS-IS statistics: clear isis stats [error-counters] [packet-counters]

7024XLS# show isis statistics ================================================================================ ISIS System Stats ================================================================================ LEVEL CORR AUTH AREA MAX SEQ SEQ NUM OWN LSP BAD ID PART LSP DB LSPs FAILS DROP EXCEEDED SKIPS PURGE LEN CHANGES OLOAD -------------------------------------------------------------------------------Level-1 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 7024XLS#show isis int-counters ================================================================================ ISIS Interface Counters ================================================================================ AUTH ADJ INIT REJ ID LEN MAX AREA LAN DIS FAILS CHANGES FAILS ADJ CHANGES -------------------------------------------------------------------------------Mlt2 Level 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 Port3/21 Level 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 IFIDX 7024XLS#show isis int-l1-cntl-pkts ================================================================================ ISIS L1 Control Packet counters ================================================================================ IFIDX DIRECTION HELLO LSP CSNP PSNP -------------------------------------------------------------------------------Mlt2 Transmitted 13346 231 2 229 Mlt2 Received 13329 230 1 230 Port3/21 Transmitted 13340 227 2 226 LEVEL


VSP 7000 Configuration SPBM

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May 2013

Displaying IS-IS statistics and counters






Variable definitions
Use the data in the following table to use the clear isis stats command.

Variable error-counters packet-counters

Value Clears IS-IS stats error-counters. Clears IS-IS stats packet-counters.

Job aid
show isis statistics
The following table describes the fields in the output for the show isis statistics command.
Parameter LEVEL CORR LSPs AUTH FAILS AREA DROP MAX SEQ EXCEEDED SEQ NUM SKIPS OWN LSP PURGE BAD ID LEN PART CHANGES LSP DB OLOAD Description Shows the level of the IS-IS interface. Shows the number of corrupted LSPs detected. Shows the number of times authentication has failed on the global level. Shows the number of manual addresses dropped from the area. Shows the number of attempts to exceed the maximum sequence number. Shows the number of times the sequence number was skipped. Shows how many times the local LSP was purged. Shows the number of ID field length mismatches. Shows the number of partition link changes. Show the number of times the Virtual Services Platform 7000 was in the overload state.

show isis int-counters

The following table describes the fields in the output for the show isis int-counters command.

VSP 7000 Configuration SPBM

May 2013


SPBM and IS-IS infrastructure configuration using ACLI


Description Shows the interface index for the Ethernet or MLT interface. Shows the level of the IS-IS interface (Level 1 in the current release). Shows the number of times authentication has failed per interface. Shows the number of times the adjacencies have changed. Shows the number of times the adjacency has failed to establish. Shows the number of times the adjacency was rejected by another router. Shows the ID field length mismatches. Shows the maximum area address mismatches. Shows the number of times the DIS has changed.

show isis int-l1-cntl-pkts

The following table describes the fields in the output for the show isis int-l1-cntlpkts command.
Parameter IFIDX DIRECTION HELLO LSP CSNP PSNP Description Shows the interface index for the Ethernet or MLT interface. Shows the packet flow (Transmitted or Received). Shows the amount of interface-level Hello packets. Shows the amount of LSP packets. Shows the amount of CSNPs. Shows the amount of PSNPs.


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May 2013

Chapter 5: SPBM and IS-IS infrastructure configuration using EDM

This section provides procedures to configure basic SPBM and IS-IS infrastructure using Enterprise Device Manager (EDM).

Configuring required SPBM and IS-IS parameters

Use the following procedure to configure the minimum required SPBM and IS-IS parameters to allow SPBM to operate on the switch. SPBM uses the Intermediate-System-to-IntermediateSystem (IS-IS) link state routing protocol to provide a loop free Ethernet topology that creates a shortest path topology from every node to every other node in the network based on node MAC addresses.

1. From the navigation tree, select Configuration > VLAN > VLANs. 2. Click the Basic tab. 3. Click Insert. 4. In the Type field, click spbm-bvlan. 5. Click Insert to create the primary B-VLAN. 6. Click Insert. 7. In the Type field, click spbm-bvlan. 8. Click Insert to create the secondary B-VLAN. 9. In the navigation tree, select Configuration > IS-IS > SPBM. 10. From the Globals tab, select enable to enable SPBM globally, and click Apply. 11. Click the SPBM tab. 12. Click Insert to create an SPBM instance (in this release, only one SPBM instance is supported). 13. In the Id field, specify the SPBM instance ID. 14. In the NodeNickName field, specify the node nickname (valid value is 2.5 bytes in the format <x.xx.xx>)

VSP 7000 Configuration SPBM

May 2013


SPBM and IS-IS infrastructure configuration using EDM

15. Click Insert. 16. In the Vlans field, specify the IDs of the SPBM B-VLANs to add to the SPBM instance. 17. In the PrimaryVlan field, specify which of the SPBM B-VLANs specified in the previous step is the primary B-VLAN. 18. Click Apply. 19. In the navigation tree, select Configuration > IS-IS > IS-IS. 20. Click the Manual Area tab. 21. In the Manual Area tab, click Insert to add a manual area (in this release, only one manual area is supported). 22. Specify the Manual Area Address (valid value is 113 bytes in the format <xx.xxxx.xxxx...xxxx>). 23. Click Insert. 24. Under the IS-IS tab, click the Globals tab. Note: Although it is not strictly required for SPBM operation, Avaya recommends that you change the IS-IS system ID from the default B-MAC value to a recognizable address to easily identify a switch (using the SystemID field under the IS-IS Globals tab) . This helps to recognize source and destination addresses for troubleshooting purposes. 25. In the AdminState field, click on, and click Apply. 26. Under the IS-IS tab, click the Interfaces tab. 27. Click Insert to create an IS-IS circuit. 28. In the IfIndex field, specify the port or MLT on which to create the IS-IS interface. 29. Click Insert. Note: By default, all ports are enabled in VLAN 1. You can remove the port for the ISIS interface from VLAN 1 at the end of this procedure. 30. Select the newly created IS-IS circuit entry, and click SPBM. 31. In the Interfaces SPBM tab, click Insert. 32. In the Spbmid field, specify a SPBM identifier. 33. In the State field, select enable. 34. Click Insert to enable the SPBM instance on the IS-IS circuit. 35. Under the IS-IS tab, click the Interfaces tab.


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May 2013

Configuring required SPBM and IS-IS parameters

36. In the AdminState field for the IS-IS circuity entry, select on to enable the IS-IS circuit. 37. Click Apply. 38. From the navigation tree, select Configuration > VLAN > VLANs. 39. Click the Basic tab. 40. Select the row for VLAN#1, and double-click the PortMembers cell. 41. Click the port number you specified for the IS-IS interface to remove it from the default VLAN, and click Ok. 42. In the toolbar, click Apply. Note: Ensure to remove the port specified for the IS-IS interface from all non-SPBM VLANs. If a rear-port is specified for the IS-IS interface, you can remove the rearport from a VLAN membership using ACLI.

SPBM field descriptions

Note: The following tables list the minimum required SPBM and IS-IS parameters to allow SPBM to operate on the switch. For more detailed information on all of the parameters see the procedures that follow. For more information on how to configure VLANs, see Avaya Virtual Services Platform 7000 Configuration Layer 2, NN47202502. Use the data in the following table to use the SPBM > Globals tab.
Name GlobalEnable GlobalEtherType Description Enables or disables SPBM globally. Specifies the global Ethertype value as 0x8100 or 0x88a8. The default value is 0x8100.

Use the data in the following table to use the SPBM > SPBM tab.
Name Id Description Specifies the SPBM instance ID. In this release, only one SPBM instance is supported.

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May 2013


SPBM and IS-IS infrastructure configuration using EDM

Name NodeNickName

Description Specifies a nickname for the SPBM instance globally. Valid value is 2.5 bytes in the format <x.xx.xx>. Specifies the primary SPBM B-VLANs to add to the SPBM instance. Specifies the SPBM B-VLANs to add to the SPBM instance. Enables or disables LSDB trap for the SPBM instance.

PrimaryVlan Vlans LsdbTrap

Use the data in the following table to use the VLANs > Basic tab.
Name Type Description Specifies the type of VLAN: byPort byProtocolId spbm-bvlan spbm-switchedUni

Use the data in the following table to use the IS-IS > Manual Area tab.
Name AreaAddr Description Specifies the IS-IS manual area. Valid value is 113 bytes in the format <xx.xxx.xxx...xxx>. In this release, only one manual area is supported. For IS-IS to operate, you must configure at least one manual area.

Use the data in the following table to use the IS-IS > Globals tab.
Name AdminState LevelType Description Specifies the global status of IS-IS on the switch: on or off. The default is off. Sets the router type globally: level1 Level-1 router type level2 Level-2 router type Level1and2 Level1 and Level-2 router type


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May 2013

Configuring required SPBM and IS-IS parameters


Description Note: level2 and level1and2 is not supported in this release.


Specifies the system ID. Valid value is a 6 byte value in the format <xxxx.xxxx.xxxx> Note: Although it is not strictly required for SPBM operation, Avaya recommends that you change the IS-IS system ID from the default B-MAC value to a recognizable address to easily identify a switch (using the ID field under the IS-IS Globals tab) . This helps to recognize source and destination addresses for troubleshooting purposes.

Use the data in the following table to use the IS-IS > Interfaces tab.
Name IfIndex Description The identifier of this circuit, unique within the Intermediate System. This value is for SNMP Indexing purposes only and need not have any relation to any protocol value. This object cannot be modified after creation. Specifies the administrative state of the circuit: on or off. The default is off.


Use the data in the following table to use the SPBM > Interface SPBM tab.
Name State Description Specifies whether the SPBM interface is enabled or disabled.

Job aid
Important: After you configure the SPBM nickname and enable IS-IS, if you require a change of the system ID, you must also change the nickname. However, for naming convention purposes or configuration purposes, you might not want to change the nickname. To maintain the same nickname with a different system ID, perform the following steps:

VSP 7000 Configuration SPBM

May 2013


SPBM and IS-IS infrastructure configuration using EDM

1. Disable IS-IS. 2. Change the system ID. 3. Change the nickname to a temporary one. 4. Enable IS-IS. 5. Disable IS-IS. 6. Change the nickname to the original nickname. 7. Enable IS-IS.

Displaying the SPBM I-SID information

Use the following procedure to display the SPBM Service Instance Identifier (I-SID) information. The SPBM B-MAC header includes an I-SID with a length of 24 bits. This I-SID can be used to identify and transmit any virtualized traffic in an encapsulated SPBM frame.

1. In the navigation tree, expand the following folders: Configuration > IS-IS. 2. Click SPBM. 3. Click the I-SID tab.

I-SID field descriptions

Use the data in the following table to use the I-SID tab.
Name SysId Vlan McastDestMacAddr Description Indicates the system identifier. Indicates the B-VLAN where this I-SID was configured or discovered. Indicates the multicast destination MAC address based on the NickName and I-SID to build the Multicast-FIB. Indicates the IS-IS SPBM I-SID identifier. Indicates the nickname of the node where this I-SID was configured or discovered.

Isid NickName


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May 2013

Displaying Level 1 Area information

Name HostName Type

Description Indicates the host name listed in the LSP, or the system name if the host name is not configured. Indicates the SPBM I-SID type; either configured or discovered.

Displaying Level 1 Area information

Use the following procedure to display Level 1 area information. IS-IS provides support for hierarchical routing, which enables you to partition large routing domains into smaller areas. IS-IS uses a two-level hierarchy, dividing the domain into multiple Level 1 areas and one Level 2 area. The Level 2 area serves as backbone of the domain, connecting to all the Level 1 areas. Important: The IEEE 802.1aq standard currently only defines the use of one hierarchy, Level 1. Level 2 function is disabled in the current release.

1. In the navigation tree, expand the following folders: Configuration > IS-IS. 2. Click IS-IS. 3. Click the L1 Area tab.

L1 Area field descriptions

Use the data in the following table to use the L1 Area tab.
Name AreaAddr Description Specifies an area address reported in a Level 1 linkstate packets (LSP) generated or received by this Intermediate System.

Enabling or disabling SPBM globally

Use the following procedure to enable or disable SPBM at the global level. SPBM uses the Intermediate-System-to-Intermediate-System (IS-IS) link state routing protocol to provide a

VSP 7000 Configuration SPBM

May 2013


SPBM and IS-IS infrastructure configuration using EDM

loop free Ethernet topology that creates a shortest path topology from every node to every other node in the network based on node MAC addresses.

1. In the navigation tree, expand the following folders: Configuration > IS-IS. 2. Click SPBM. 3. Click the Globals tab. 4. To enable or disable SPBM, click enable or disable in the GlobalEnable field. 5. To configure the global ethertype value, click the desired option in the GlobalEtherType field. 6. Click Apply.

Globals field descriptions

Use the data in the following table to use the Globals tab.
Name GlobalEnable GlobalEtherType Description Enables or disables SPBM globally. The default is disabled. Specifies the global ethertype value as 0x8100 or 0x88a8. The default value is 0x8100.

Configuring SPBM parameters

Use the following procedure to configure SPBM global parameters. SPBM uses the Intermediate-System-to-Intermediate-System (IS-IS) link state routing protocol to provide a loop free Ethernet topology that creates a shortest path topology from every node to every other node in the network based on node MAC addresses.

1. In the navigation tree, expand the following folders: Configuration > IS-IS. 2. Click SPBM. 3. Click the SPBM tab. 4. To create an SPBM instance, click Insert.


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May 2013

Displaying SPBM nicknames

5. Configure the SPBM parameters. 6. Click Apply.

SPBM field descriptions

Use the data in the following table to use the SPBM tab.
Name Id NodeNickName PrimaryVlan Vlans LsdbTrap Description Specifies the SPBM instance ID. In this release, only one SPBM instance is supported. Specifies a nickname for the SPBM instance globally. Valid value is 2.5 bytes in the format <x.xx.xx>. Specifies the primary SPBM B-VLANs to add to the SPBM instance. Specifies the SPBM B-VLANs to add to the SPBM instance. Configures whether to enable or disable a trap when the SPBM LSDB changes. The default is disable.

Displaying SPBM nicknames

Use the following procedure to display SPBM nicknames.

1. In the navigation tree, expand the following folders: Configuration > IS-IS. 2. Click SPBM. 3. Click the Nick Names tab.

VSP 7000 Configuration SPBM

May 2013


SPBM and IS-IS infrastructure configuration using EDM

Nickname field descriptions

Use the data in the following table to use the NickName tab.
Name Level ID LifetimeRemain NickName HostName Description Indicates the level at which this LSP appears. Indicates the 8 byte LSP ID, consisting of the SystemID, Circuit ID, and Fragment Number. Indicates the remaining lifetime in seconds for the LSP. Indicates the nickname for the SPBM node. Indicates the hostname listed in the LSP, or the system name if the host name is not configured.

Configuring interface SPBM parameters

Use the following procedure to configure SPBM interface parameters.

1. In the navigation tree, expand the following folders:Configuration > IS-IS. 2. Click SPBM. 3. Click the Interface SPBM tab. 4. Configure the SPBM interface parameters. 5. Click Apply.

Interface SPBM field descriptions

Use the data in the following table to use the Interface SPBM tab.
Name Index Id Description Specifies an Index value for the SPBM interface. Specifies an ID value for the SPBM interface.


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May 2013

Configuring SPBM on an interface

Name State Type

Description Specifies whether the SPBM interface is enabled or disabled. Configures the SPBM instance interface-type on the IS-IS interface located on the specified port or MLT: ptpt or bcast. In this release, only the point-to-point (ptpt) interface type is supported. Configures the SPBM instance l1-metric on the IS-IS interface located on the specified port or MLT. The default value is 10.


Configuring SPBM on an interface

Use the following procedure to configure SPBM on an interface.

1. In the navigation tree, expand the following folders: Configuration > IS-IS. 2. Click IS-IS. 3. Click the Interfaces tab. 4. Click the SPBM button. 5. In the Interfaces SPBM tab, click Insert. 6. Click Insert.

Interface SPBM field descriptions

Use the data in the following table to use the Interfaces SPBM tab.
Name Index Id State Type Description Specifies an Index value for the SPBM interface. Specifies the SPBM instance ID. Specifies whether the SPBM interface is enabled or disabled. The default is disabled. Configures the SPBM instance interface-type on the IS-IS interface located on the specified port or MLT. In

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SPBM and IS-IS infrastructure configuration using EDM


Description this release, only the pt-pt interface type is supported. The default is pt-pt.


Configures the SPBM instance l1-metric on the IS-IS interface located on the specified port or MLT. The default value is 10.

Displaying the unicast FIB

Use the following procedure to display the unicast FIB. In SPBM, B-MAC addresses are carried within the IS-IS link-state database. SPBM supports an IS-IS TLV that advertises the I-SID and B-MAC information across the network. Each node has a System ID, which also serves as Backbone MAC address (B-MAC) of the switch. The Backbone MAC addresses are populated into the SPBM VLAN Forwarding Information Base (FIB). When the network topology is discovered and stored in the IS-IS link-state database, each node calculates shortest path trees for each source node. A unicast path now exists from every node to every other node. With this information, each node populates unicast information received from SPBM into the FIB for forwarding purposes.

1. In the navigation tree, expand the following folders: Configuration > IS-IS. 2. Click SPBM. 3. Click the Unicast FIB tab.

Unicast FIB field descriptions

Use the data in the following table to use the Unicast FIB tab.
Name SysId Vlan DestinationMacAddr Description Specifies the system ID of the node where the unicast FIB entry originated. Specifies the VLAN of the unicast FIB entry. Specifies the destination MAC Address of the unicast FIB entry.


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May 2013

Displaying the multicast FIB

Name OutgoingPort HostName Cost

Description Specifies the outgoing port of the unicast FIB entry. Specifies the host name of the node where unicast FIB entry originated. Specifies the cost of the unicast FIB entry.

Displaying the multicast FIB

Use the following procedure to display the multicast FIB. In SPBM, B-MAC addresses are carried within the IS-IS link-state database. SPBM supports an IS-IS TLV that advertises the I-SID and B-MAC information across the network. Each node has a System ID, which also serves as Backbone MAC address (B-MAC) of the switch. The B-MAC addresses are populated into the SPBM VLAN Forwarding Information Base (FIB). When the network topology is discovered and stored in the IS-IS link-state database, each node calculates shortest path trees for each source node. A unicast path now exists from every node to every other node. With this information, each node populates unicast information received from SPBM into the FIB for forwarding purposes. The multicast FIB is not produced until virtual services are configured and learned.

1. In the navigation tree, expand the following folders: Configuration > IS-IS. 2. Click SPBM. 3. Click the Multicast FIB tab.

Multicast FIB field descriptions

Use the data in the following table to use the Multicast FIB tab.
Name SysId Vlan McastDestMacAddr Description System ID of the node where the multicast FIB entry originated. VLAN of the multicast FIB entry. Multicast destination MAC Address of the multicast FIB entry

VSP 7000 Configuration SPBM

May 2013


SPBM and IS-IS infrastructure configuration using EDM

Name Isid OutgoingPorts HostName

Description I-SID of the multicast FIB entry. NNI port of the multicast FIB entry. Host name of the node where the multicast FIB entry originated.

Displaying SPBM drop statistics

Use the following procedure to view a summary of SPBM drop statistics.

1. In the navigation tree, expand the following folders: Configuration > IS-IS. 2. Click SPBM. 3. Click the Drop Stats tab.

Drop Stats field descriptions

Use the data in the following table to use the Drop Stats tab.
Name PortIndex VlanId VlanType UnknownUcastSrcAddr RpfcUcastSrcAddr UnknownUcastDestAddr UnknownMcastDestAddr RpfcMcastSrcAddr LastDropMac LastDropMacHostName Description Indicates the port number. Indicates the VLAN ID. Indicates the VLAN type. Indicates the unknown unicast source address. Indicates the reverse path forwarding check unicast source address. Indicates the unknown unicast destination address. Indicates the unknown multicast destination address. Indicates the reverse path forwarding check multicast source address. Indicates the last dropped MAC address. Indicates the last dropped MAC address host name.


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May 2013

Displaying LSP summary information

Displaying LSP summary information

Use the following procedure to display link-state packet (LSP) summary information. Link State Packets (LSP) contain information about the state of adjacencies or defined and distributed static routes. Intermediate System to Intermediate System (IS-IS) exchanges this information with neighboring IS-IS routers at periodic intervals.

1. From the navigation tree, choose Configuration > IS-IS. 2. Click IS-IS. 3. Click the LSP Summary tab.

LSP Summary field descriptions

Use the data in the following table to use the LSP Summary tab.
Name Level ID Seq Checksum LifetimeRemain HostName Description Specifies the level at which this LSP appears. Specifies the 8 byte LSP ID, consisting of the SystemID, Circuit ID, and Fragment Number. Specifies the sequence number for this LSP. Specifies the 16 bit Fletcher Checksum for this LSP. The remaining lifetime in seconds for this LSP. The hostname listed in LSP, or the system name if host name is not configured.

Displaying IS-IS adjacencies

Use the following procedure to display IS-IS adjacency information. The platform sends IS-IS Hello (IIH) packets to discover IS-IS neighbors and establish and maintain IS-IS adjacencies. The platform continues to send IIH packets to maintain the established adjacencies. For two nodes to form an adjacency the B-VLAN pairs for the primary B-VLAN and secondary B-VLAN must match.

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May 2013


SPBM and IS-IS infrastructure configuration using EDM

1. In the navigation tree, expand the following folders: Configuration > IS-IS. 2. Click IS-IS. 3. Click the Adjacency tab.

Adjacency field descriptions

Use the data in the following table to use the Adjacency tab.
Name CircIndex Index A unique value identifying the IS adjacency from all other such adjacencies on this circuit. This value is automatically assigned by the system when the adjacency is created. Specifies the IS-IS interface on which the adjacency is found. Specifies how the adjacency is used. On a point-to-point link, this can be level 1 and 2. But on a LAN, the usage is level 1 on the adjacency between peers at level 1, and level 2 for the adjacency between peers at level 2. Specifies the state of the adjacency: down initializing up failed LastUpTime Indicates when the adjacency most recently entered the state up, measured in hundredths of a second since the last re-initialization of the network management subsystem. Displays 0 if the adjacency has never been in state up. Specifies the priority of the neighboring Intermediate System for becoming the Designated Intermediate System. Specifies the holding time in seconds for this adjacency. This value is based on received IS-IS Hello (IIH) PDUs and the elapsed time since receipt. Description

IfIndex Usage





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May 2013

Configuring IS-IS globally

Name NeighSysID HostName

Description Specifies the system ID of the neighboring Intermediate System. Specifies the host name listed in the LSP, or the system name if host name is not configured.

Configuring IS-IS globally

Use the following procedure to configure IS-IS global parameters. SPBM uses IS-IS to discover network topology, build shortest path trees between network nodes, and communicate network information in the control plane.

1. In the navigation tree, expand the following folders:Configuration > IS-IS. 2. Click IS-IS. 3. From the Globals tab, configure the global IS-IS parameters. 4. Click Apply.

Globals field descriptions

Use the data in the following table to use the Globals tab.
Name AdminState LevelType Description Specifies the global status of IS-IS on the switch: on or off. The default is off. Sets the router type globally: level1: Level-1 router type level1and2: Level1/2 router type is not supported in this release. The default value is level1. ID Specifies the IS-IS system ID for the switch. Valid value is a 6byte value in the format <xxxx.xxxx.xxxx>.

VSP 7000 Configuration SPBM

May 2013


SPBM and IS-IS infrastructure configuration using EDM

Name Important:


After you configure the SPBM nickname and enable IS-IS, if you require a change of the system ID, you must also change the nickname. However, for naming convention purposes or configuration purposes, you might not want to change the nickname. To maintain the same nickname with a different system ID, perform the following steps: 1. Disable IS-IS. 2. Change the system ID. 3. Change the nickname to a temporary one. 4. Enable IS-IS. 5. Disable IS-IS. 6. Change the nickname to the original nickname. 7. Enable IS-IS. MaxLspGenInt Specifies the maximum interval, in seconds, between generated LSPs by this Intermediate system. The value must be greater than any value configured for RxmtLspInt. The default value is 900 seconds. Specifies the Complete Sequence Number Packet (CSNP) interval in seconds. This is a system level parameter that applies for L1 CSNP generation on all interfaces. The default value is 10. Specifies the minimum time between retransmission of an LSP. This defines how fast the switch resends the same LSP. This is a system level parameter that applies for L1 retransmission of LSPs. The default value is 5 seconds. Specifies the Partial Sequence Number Packet (PSNP) interval in seconds. This is a system level parameter that applies for L1 PSNP generation on all interfaces. The default value is 2. Specifies the SPF delay in milliseconds. This value is used to pace successive SPF runs. The timer prevents two SPF runs from being scheduled very closely. The default value is 100 milliseconds.






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Configuring system level IS-IS parameters

Name HostName

Description Specifies a name for the system. This may be used as the host name for dynamic host name exchange in accordance with RFC 2763. By default, the system name comes from the host name configured at the system level.

Configuring system level IS-IS parameters

Use the following procedure to configure system-level IS-IS parameters.

1. In the navigation tree, expand the following folders: Configuration > IS-IS > ISIS. 2. Click the System Level tab. 3. Configure the IS-IS system level parameters. 4. Click Apply.

System Level field descriptions

Use the data in the following table to use the System Level tab.
Name Index State Description Specifies the level: l1 or l2. In this release, only l1 is supported. Specifies the state of the database at this level. The value 'off' indicates that IS-IS is not active at this level. The value 'on' indicates that IS-IS is active at this level, and not overloaded. The value 'waiting' indicates a database that is low on an essential resources, such as memory. The administrator may force the state to 'overloaded' by setting the object SetOverload. If the state is 'waiting' or 'overloaded', you originate LSPs with the Overload bit set. Specifies the minimum time between successive generation of LSPs with the same LSPID. This a system level parameter that applies to both L1 and L2 LSP generation.


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SPBM and IS-IS infrastructure configuration using EDM


Description The default value is 30 seconds.


Sets or clears the overload condition. The possible values are true or false. The default value is false. Sets the IS-IS overload-on-startup value in seconds. The overload-on-startup value is used as a timer to control when to send out LSPs with the overload bit cleared after IS-IS startup. Note: If you configure SetOverloadUntil to a number other than zero, then the overload bit is set at this level when the AdminState variable goes to the state 'on' for this Intermediate System. After the SetOverloadUntil seconds elapse, the overload flag remains set if the implementation runs out of memory or if you configured it manually using SetOverload to true. If SetOverload is false, the system clears the overload bit after SetOverloadUntil seconds elapse, if the system has not run out of memory. The default value is 20.



Specifies the IS-IS metric type. Available values are narrow, wide or both. Only wide is supported in this release.

Configuring IS-IS interfaces

Use the following procedure to configure IS-IS interfaces. SPBM uses IS-IS to discover network topology, build shortest path trees between network nodes, and communicate network information in the control plane.

1. In the navigation tree, expand the following folders: Configuration > IS-IS. 2. Click IS-IS. 3. Click the Interfaces tab. 4. Configure the IS-IS interface parameters. 5. Click Apply.


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May 2013

Configuring IS-IS interfaces

Interfaces field descriptions

Use the data in the following table to use the Interfaces tab.
Name Index Description The identifier of this circuit, unique within the Intermediate System. This value is for SNMP Indexing purposes only and need not have any relation to any protocol value. Specifies the interface on which the circuit is configured (port or MLT). Specifies the IS-IS circuit type. In this release, only the point-to-point (PtToPt) interface type is supported. Specifies the administrative state of the circuit: on or off. Specifies the operational state of the circuit. Specifies the authentication type: none simple: If selected, you must also specify a key value but the key id is optional. Simple password authentication uses a text password in the transmitted packet. The receiving router uses an authentication key (password) to verify the packet. hmac-md5: hmac-md5: If selected, you must also specify a key value but the key-id is optional. MD5 authentication creates an encoded checksum in the transmitted packet. The receiving router uses an authentication key (password) to verify the MD5 checksum of the packet. There is an optional key ID. The default is none. AuthKey KeyId LevelType Specifies the authentication key. Specifies the authentication key ID. Specifies the router type globally: level1: Level-1 router type level 1and2: Level1/2 router type. Not supported in this release. The default value is level1. NumAdj Specifies the number of adjacencies on this circuit.

IfIndex Type AdminState OperState AuthType

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SPBM and IS-IS infrastructure configuration using EDM

Name NumUpAdj

Description Specifies the number of adjacencies that are up.

Configuring IS-IS interface level parameters

Use the following procedure to configure IS-IS interface level parameters. SPBM uses IS-IS to discover network topology, build shortest path trees between network nodes, and communicate network information in the control plane.

1. From the navigation tree, choose Configuration > IS-IS. 2. Click IS-IS. 3. Click the Interfaces Level tab. 4. Configure the IS-IS interface level parameters. 5. Click Apply.

Interfaces Level field descriptions

Use the data in the following table to use the Interfaces Level tab.
Name Index Description Indicates the identifier of the circuit, unique within the Intermediate System. This value is for SNMP Indexing purposes only and does not have any relation to any protocol value. Specifies the router type globally: l1: Level1 router type l12: Level1/Level2 router type. Not supported in this release. The default value is l1. ISPriority Specifies an integer sub-range for IS-IS priority. Range of 0127. The default is 0 for SPBM interfaces. Note: ISPriority only applies to broadcast interfaces.



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May 2013

Configuring an IS-IS Manual Area

Name HelloTimer

Description Specifies the level 1 hello interval. Specifies the maximum period, in seconds, between IS-IS Hello Packets (IIH) PDUs on multiaccess networks at this level for LANs. The value at Level1 is used as the period between Hellos on Level1/Level2 point to point circuits. Setting this value at Level 2 on an Level1/Level2 point-to-point circuit results in an error of InconsistentValue. The default value is 9 seconds. Specifies the level 1 hello multiplier. The default value is 3 seconds. Specifies the period, in seconds, between Hello PDUs on multiaccess networks when this Intermediate System is the Designated Intermediate System. The default is 3 seconds.

HelloMultiplier DRHelloTimer

Configuring an IS-IS Manual Area

Use the following procedure to configure an IS-IS manual area.

1. In the navigation tree, expand the following folders: Configuration > IS-IS. 2. Click IS-IS. 3. Click the Manual Area tab. 4. Click Insert. 5. Specify an Area Address in the AreaAddr field, and click Insert.

Manual Area field descriptions

Use the data in the following table to use the Manual Area tab.
Name AreaAddr Description Specifies the IS-IS manual area. Valid value is 1-13 bytes in the format <xx.xxxx.xxxx...xxxx>. In this release, only one manual area is supported. For IS-IS

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SPBM and IS-IS infrastructure configuration using EDM


Description to operate, you must configure at least one manual area.

Displaying IS-IS system statistics

Use the following procedure to display Intermediate-System-to-Intermediate-System (IS-IS) system statistics.

1. In the navigation tree, choose Configuration > IS-IS. 2. Click Stats. 3. Click the System Stats tab.

System Stats field descriptions

Use the data in the following table to use the System Stats tab.
Name CorrLSPs Description Indicates the number of corrupted in-memory link-state packets (LSPs) detected. LSPs received from the wire with a bad checksum are silently dropped and not counted. Indicates the number of authentication key failures recognized by this Intermediate System. Indicates the number of times the LSP database has become overloaded. Indicates the number of times a manual address has been dropped from the area. Indicates the number of times the IS has attempted to exceed the maximum sequence number. Indicates the number of times a sequence number skip has occurred. Indicates the number of times a zero-aged copy of the system's own LSP is received from some other node.

AuthFails LSPDbaseOloads ManAddrDropFromAreas AttmptToExMaxSeqNums SeqNumSkips OwnLSPPurges


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May 2013

Displaying IS-IS interface counters

Name IDFieldLenMismatches

Description Indicates the number of times a PDU is received with a different value for ID field length to that of the receiving system. Indicates partition changes. Displays the counter value. Displays the total value since you opened the Stats tab. Displays the average value for each second. Displays the minimum value for each second. Displays the maximum value for each second. Displays the last value for each second.

PartChanges AbsoluteValue Cumulative Average/sec Minimum/sec Maximum/sec LastVal/sec

Displaying IS-IS interface counters

Use the following procedure to display IS-IS interface counters.

1. From the navigation tree, choose Configuration > IS-IS. 2. Click Stats. 3. Click the Interface Counters tab.

Interface Counters field descriptions

Use the data in the following table to use the Interface Counters tab.
Name Index AdjChanges InitFails Description Shows a unique value identifying the IS-IS interface. Shows the number of times an adjacency state change has occurred on this circuit. Shows the number of times initialization of this circuit has failed. This counts events such as PPP NCP failures. Failures to form an adjacency are counted by isisCircRejAdjs.

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SPBM and IS-IS infrastructure configuration using EDM

Name RejAdjs IDFieldLenMismatches

Description Shows the number of times an adjacency has been rejected on this circuit. Shows the number of times an IS-IS control PDU with an ID field length different to that for this system has been received. Shows the number of times an IS-IS control PDU with a max area address field different to that for this system has been received.


Displaying IS-IS interface control packets

Use the following procedure to display IS-IS interface control packets.

1. In the navigation tree, expand the following folders: Configuration > IS-IS. 2. Click Stats. 3. Click the Interface Control Packets tab.

Interface Control Packets field descriptions

Use the data in the following table to use the Interface Control Packets tab.
Name Index Direction Hello LSP CSNP Description Shows a unique value identifying the IntermediateSystem-to-Intermediate-System (IS-IS) interface. Indicates whether the switch is sending or receiving the PDUs. Indicates the number of IS-IS Hello frames seen in this direction at this level. Indicates the number of IS-IS LSP frames seen in this direction at this level. Indicates the number of IS-IS Complete Sequence Number Packets (CSNP) frames seen in this direction at this level.


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Displaying IS-IS interface control packets


Description Indicates the number of IS-IS Partial Sequence Number Packets (PSNP) frames seen in this direction at this level.

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Chapter 6: Layer 2 VSN configuration fundamentals

This section provides fundamentals concepts for Layer 2 Virtual Services Networks (VSN).

Shortest Path Bridging MAC-in-MAC (SPBM) supports Layer 2 VSN functionality where customer VLANs (C-VLANs) and Switched UNIs are bridged over the SPBM core infrastructure. At the Backbone Edge Bridges (BEBs), customer VLANs (C-VLAN) and Switched UNIs are mapped to I-SIDs based on the local service provisioning. Outgoing frames are encapsulated in a MAC-in-MAC header, and then forwarded across the core to the far-end BEB, which strips off the encapsulation and forwards the frame to the destination network based on the I-SID to C-VLAN or I-SID to Switched UNI provisioning. In the backbone VLAN (B-VLAN), Backbone Core Bridges (BCBs) forward the encapsulated traffic based on the BMAC-DA, using the shortest path topology learned using IS-IS. The following figure shows a sample campus SPBM Layer 2 VSN network.

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Layer 2 VSN configuration fundamentals

Figure 4: SPBM L2 VSN in a campus

One of the key advantages of the SPBM Layer 2 VSN is that you can achieve network virtualization provisioning by configuring only the edge of the network (BEBs). As a result, the intrusive core provisioning that other Layer 2 virtualization technologies require is not needed when you add connectivity services to the SPBM network. For example, when you create new virtual server instances that require their own VLAN instances, you can provision at the network edge only and do not need configure throughout the rest of the network infrastructure. Based on its I-SID scalability, this solution can scale much higher than any 802.1Q tagging based solution. Also, due to the fact that there is no need for Spanning Tree in the core, this solution does not need any core link provisioning for normal operation.

Customer VLAN (C-VLAN) UNIs are created by the association of VLANs to I-SIDs. A VLAN with an I-SID configured becomes a C-VLAN. All ingress traffic of the VLAN from any member ports belong to the configured I-SID. C-MAC learning occurs inside the I-SID, on both UNI and NNI side (C-MAC + I-SID pointing to UNI port from the UNI side traffic, or C-MAC + I-SID pointing to a remote SPBM node - where the source C-MAC is connected). Broadcast, unknown multicast and unknown unicast traffic in the I-SID is replicated to all local I-SID endpoints, including all C-VLAN member ports along with switched UNIs, and to all remote endpoints carried by the I-SIDs multicast group. For UNI originated broadcast traffic, the originating endpoint is excluded from flooding, and the ingress port for broadcast traffic coming in on an NNI is excluded from flooding.


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SPBM L2 VSN sample operation

C-VLAN UNI summary: C-VLAN UNI is a VLAN associated with I-SIDs. Global significance on the BEB. Performs L2 switching on local VLAN port members and transports over L2VSN for remote end-points. Untagged traffic is assigned to the VLAN corresponding to the PVID configured on the port. Note: On a tagged port, use UntagPVIDOnly mode to force PVID traffic to egress untagged.

Switched UNI
Switched UNI allows association of local endpoints to I-SIDs based on local port and VLAN together. With switched UNI, the same VLAN can be used on one port to create an endpoint to one I-SID, and on another port to create an endpoint to another I-SID. Switched UNI summary: Switched UNI is a VLAN and ports associated with I-SIDs. Local significance on the ports. You can re-use the same VLAN to associate different ports with different I-SIDs. You can use a different VLAN on the same ports, or you can assign different ports to the same I-SID. Supports VLAN mapping on local switch. Untagged traffic cannot be assigned to an I-SID.

SPBM L2 VSN sample operation

The following section shows how a SPBM network is established, in this case, a Layer 2 VSN. 1. Discover network topology

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Layer 2 VSN configuration fundamentals

Figure 5: SPBM topology discover

IS-IS runs on all nodes of the SPBM domain. IS-IS is the basis of SPBM, the IS-IS adjacency must be formed first. After the neighboring nodes see hellos from each other, the nodes look for the same Level (Level 1) and the same area (for example, Area 2f.8700.0000.00). After the hellos are confirmed both nodes send Link State Protocol Data Units, which contain connectivity information for the SPBM node. These nodes also send copies of all other LSPs they have in their databases. This establishes a network of connectivity providing the necessary information for each node to find the best and proper path to all destinations in the network. Each node has a system ID, which is used in the topology announcement. This system ID also serves as the switch Backbone MAC address (B-MAC), which is used as the source and destination MAC address in the SPBM network. 2. Each IS-IS node automatically builds trees from itself to all other nodes


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SPBM L2 VSN sample operation

When the network topology is discovered and stored in the IS-IS link state database (LSDB), each node calculates shortest path trees for each source node. A unicast path now exists from every node to every other node With this information, each node populates unicast information received from SPBM into the FIB for forwarding purposes. Multicast FIB is not produced until Layer 2 VSN services are configured and learned. 3. IS-IS advertises new service communities of interest When a new service is provisioned, its membership is flooded throughout the topology with an IS-IS advertisement.

Figure 6: SPBM BMAC and I-SID population

BMAC and I-SID information floods throughout the network to announce new I-SID memberships. In this case, VLAN 20 is mapped to I-SID 100.

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Layer 2 VSN configuration fundamentals

Note: I-SIDs are only used for virtual services (Layer 2 VSNs and Layer 3 VSNs). If IP Shortcuts only is enabled on the BEBs, I-SIDs are never exchanged in the network as IP Shortcuts allow for IP networks to be transported across IS-IS. Each node populates its FDB with the BMAC information derived from the IS-IS shortest path tree calculations. No traditional flooding and learning mechanism in place for the B-VLAN, but FDBs are programmed by the IS-IS protocol. 4. When a node receives notice of a new service AND is on the shortest path, it updates the FDB In this scenario, where there are three source nodes having a membership on I-SID 100, three shortest path trees are calculated (not counting the Equal Cost Trees (ECTs).


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SPBM L2 VSN sample operation

Figure 7: Shortest path tree for source node A

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Layer 2 VSN configuration fundamentals

Figure 8: Shortest path tree for source node B


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SPBM L2 VSN sample operation

Figure 9: Shortest path tree for source node C

The paths between any two nodes are always the shortest paths. Also, the paths in either direction are congruent, therefore a bidirectional communication stream can be monitored easily by mirroring ingress and egress on a link to a network analyzer. VLAN traffic arriving on switch A and VLAN 20 is forwarded following the blue path, traffic arriving on switch B and VLAN 20 the orange path and on switch C VLAN 20 traffic is following the green path. If the destination CMAC is unknown at the SPBM ingress node or the traffic is of type broadcast or multicast, then it floods to all members of the topology which spans VLAN 20. If the destination CMAC is already known, then the traffic is only forwarded as a unicast to the appropriate destination. In the SPBM domain, the traffic is switched on the BMAC header only. The bridge filtering database (FDB) at the VLAN to I-SID boundary (backbone edge bridge BEB), maintains a mapping between CMACs and corresponding BMACs. For example, Switch B learns all CMACs which are on VLAN 20 connected to switch A with the BMAC of A in its FDB and the CMACs that are behind C are learned with the BMAC of C.

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Layer 2 VSN configuration fundamentals


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Chapter 7: Layer 2 VSN configuration using ACLI

This section provides procedures to configure Layer 2 Virtual Services Networks (VSN) using Avaya Command Line Interface (ACLI).

Configuring a SPBM Layer 2 VSN C-VLAN

Shortest Path Bridging MAC (SPBM) supports Layer 2 Virtual Service Network (VSN) functionality where customer VLANs (C-VLANs) are bridged over the SPBM core infrastructure. At the BEBs, customer VLANs (C-VLAN) are mapped to I-SIDs based on the local service provisioning. Outgoing frames are encapsulated in a MAC-in-MAC header, and then forwarded across the core to the far-end BEB, which strips off the encapsulation and forwards the frame to the destination network based on the I-SID-to-C-VLAN provisioning.

Before you begin

You must configure the required SPBM and IS-IS infrastructure, which includes the creation of SPBM BVLANs. You must create the customer VLANs (C-VLANs) and add slots/ports.

1. Enter Global Configuration mode: enable configure terminal 2. Map a customer VLAN (C-VLAN) to a Service Instance Identifier (I-SID): i-sid <116777215> vlan <14094> Important: When a protocol VLAN is created, all ports are added to the VLAN including SPBM ports. To configure a protocol-based VLAN as a C-VLAN, you must first remove the SPBM-enabled ports from the protocol based VLAN, and then configure the protocol-based VLAN as a C-VLAN. 3. Display C-VLAN information:

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Layer 2 VSN configuration using ACLI

show i-sid <116777215>

7024XLS> enable 7024XLS# configure terminal 7024XLS(config)# i-sid 200 vlan 200 7024XLS(config)# show i-sid 200
I-SID Vid UNI-type Ports --------- ---- ----------- -----------200 200 C-VLAN 7

Variable definitions
Use the data in the following table to use the i-sid vlan command.
Variable i-sid <116777215> vlan<1 4094> Value Specifies the customer VLAN (CVLAN) to associate with the I-SID. Use the no or default options to remove the I-SID from the specified VLAN. Note: Virtual Services Platform 7000 reserves I-SID 0x00ffffff. Virtual Services Platform 7000 uses this I-SID to advertise the virtual B-MAC in a SMLT dualhoming environment. The platform clears the receive and transmit bit of this I-SID, therefore I-SID 0x00ffffff cannot be used for any other service.

Configuring a SPBM Layer 2 VSN Switched UNI

Shortest Path Bridging MAC (SPBM) supports Layer 2 Virtual Service Network (VSN) functionality where Switched UNIs are bridged over the SPBM core infrastructure. At the BEBs, Switched UNIs are mapped to I-SIDs based on the local service provisioning. Outgoing frames are encapsulated in a MAC-in-MAC header, and then forwarded across the


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Configuring a SPBM Layer 2 VSN Switched UNI

core to the far-end BEB, which strips off the encapsulation and forwards the frame to the destination network based on the I-SID-to-Switched UNI VLAN provisioning.

Before you begin

You must configure the required SPBM and IS-IS infrastructure, which includes the creation of SPBM BVLANs.

About this task

To configure a Switched UNI, you must create a Switched UNI VLAN, and map an I-SID to the Switched UNI VLAN and a port.

1. Enter Global Configuration mode: enable configure terminal 2. Create a Switched UNI VLAN: vlan create <24094> type spbm-switchedUni 3. Map a Switched UNI VLAN to a Service Instance Identifier (I-SID): i-sid <116777215> vlan <24094> port <portlist> Note: You can run this command again to map a Switched UNI VLAN to multiple ISIDs. 4. Display the Switched UNI information: show i-sid <116777215> Note: You can verify the Switched UNI VLAN using show i-sid only. The show vlan i-sid command does not display Switched UNI details.

7024XLS> enable 7024XLS# configure terminal 7024XLS(config)# vlan create 100 type spbm-switchedUni 7024XLS(config)# i-sid 100 vlan 100 port 1 7024XLS(config)# show i-sid 100
I-SID Vid UNI-type Ports --------- ---- ----------- -----------100 100 switched 1

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Layer 2 VSN configuration using ACLI

You can map a Switched VLAN UNI to multiple I-SIDs. 7024XLS(config)# i-sid 101 vlan 100 port 2 7024XLS(config)# show i-sid
I-SID --------100 101 Vid ---100 100 UNI-type ----------switched switched Ports -----------1 2

Variable definitions
Use the data in the following table to use the i-sid vlan command to configure a Switched UNI.
Variable i-sid <116777215> vlan<2 4094> port <portlist> Value Specifies the Switched UNI VLAN to associate with the I-SID. and a port. Use the no or default options to remove the I-SID from the specified VLAN. Note: Virtual Services Platform 7000 reserves I-SID 0x00ffffff. Virtual Services Platform 7000 uses this I-SID to advertise the virtual B-MAC in a SMLT dualhoming environment. The platform clears the receive and transmit bit of this I-SID, therefore I-SID 0x00ffffff cannot be used for any other service.

Displaying C-VLAN and Switched UNI I-SID information

Use the following procedure to display C-VLAN I-SID information.

1. Enter Privileged EXEC mode: enable 2. Display the C-VLAN to I-SID associations: show vlan i-sid <14094> 3. Display I-SID information and Switched UNI to I-SID associations: show i-sid <116777215> 4. Display the IS-IS SPBM multicast-FIB calculation results by I-SID:


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Displaying C-VLAN and Switched UNI I-SID information

show isis spbm i-sid {all|config|discover} [vlan <14094>] [id <116777215>] [nick-name <x.xx.xx>]

7024XLS#show vlan i-sid =============================================================================== Vlan I-SID ================================================================================ VLAN_ID I-SID -------------------------------------------------------------------------------1 2 5 5 10 20 7024XLS#show i-sid I-SID Vid UNI-type Ports --------- ---- ----------- -----------5 5 CVLAN 100 100 switched 1

7024XLS#show isis spbm i-sid all ================================================================================ SPBM ISID INFO ================================================================================ ISID SOURCE NAME VLAN SYSID TYPE HOST_NAME -------------------------------------------------------------------------------200 1.11.16 1000 0014.c7e1.33df config VSP-7000 300 1.11.16 1000 0014.c7e1.33df config VSP-7000 400 1.11.16 1000 0014.c7e1.33df config VSP-7000 200 1.11.16 2000 0014.c7e1.33df config VSP-7000 300 1.11.16 2000 0014.c7e1.33df config VSP-7000 400 1.11.16 2000 0014.c7e1.33df config VSP-7000 200 1.12.45 1000 0016.ca23.73df discover VSP-9001 300 1.12.45 1000 0016.ca23.73df discover VSP-9001 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------Total number of SPBM ISID entries configed: 6 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------Total number of SPBM ISID entries discovered: 2 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------Total number of SPBM ISID entries: 8 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Variable definitions
Use the data in the following table to use the show vlan i-sid commands.
Variable <14094><116777215> Value Displays I-SID information for the specified C-VLAN. You can specify the VLAN ID and I-SID ID.

VSP 7000 Configuration SPBM

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Layer 2 VSN configuration using ACLI

Use the data in the following table to use the show i-sid commands
Variable <116777215> Value Displays I-SID information. You can specify the I-SID ID.

Use the data in the following table to use the show isis commands.
Variable spbm i-sid {all|config|discover} Value all: displays all I-SID entries config: displays configured I-SID entries discover: displayes discovered I-SID entries vlan <14094> id <116777215> nick-name <x.xx.xx> Displays I-SID information for the specified SPBM VLAN. Displays I-SID information for the specified I-SID. Displays I-SID information for the specified nickname.

Job aid
The following sections describe the fields in the outputs for the C-VLAN I-SID show commands.

show vlan i-sid

The following table describes the fields in the output for the show vlan i-sid command.
Parameter VLAN_ID I-SID Description Indicates the VLAN IDs. Indicates the I-SIDs associated with the specified C-VLANs.

show i-sid
The following table describes the fields in the output for the show i-sid command.
Parameter I-SID Vid UNI-type Description Indicates the I-SID IDs. Indicates the VLAN IDs. Indicates the UNI-type as CVLAN or Switched


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Displaying C-VLAN and Switched UNI I-SID information

Parameter Ports

Description Indicates ports associated with the specific ISIDs and VLANs.

show isis spbm i-sid

The following describes the fields in the output for the show isis spbm i-sid command.
Parameter ISID SOURCE NAME Description Indicates the IS-IS SPBM I-SID identifier. Indicates the nickname of the node where this I-SID was configured or discovered. Note: SOURCE NAME is equivalent to nickname. VLAN SYSID TYPE HOST_NAME Indicates the B-VLAN where this I-SID was configured or discovered. Indicates the system identifier. Indicates the SPBM I-SID type as either configured or discovered. Indicates the host name of the multicast FIB entry.

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Layer 2 VSN configuration using ACLI


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Chapter 8: Layer 2 VSN configuration using EDM

This section provides procedures to configure Layer 2 Virtual Services Networks (VSNs) using Enterprise Device Manager (EDM).

Configuring SPBM Layer 2 VSN C-VLANs

After you configure the SPBM infrastructure, you can enable the SPBM Layer 2 Virtual Service Network (VSN) using the following procedure. SPBM supports Layer 2 VSN functionality where customer VLANs (C-VLANs) are bridged over the SPBM core infrastructure. At the BEBs, customer VLANs (C-VLAN) are mapped to I-SIDs based on the local service provisioning. Outgoing frames are encapsulated in a MAC-in-MAC header, and then forwarded across the core to the far-end BEB, which strips off the encapsulation and forwards the frame to the destination network based on the I-SID-to-C-VLAN provisioning.

Before you begin

You must configure the required SPBM and IS-IS infrastructure, which includes the creation of SPBM B-VLANs. You must create the customer VLANs (C-VLANs) and add slots/ports.

1. In the navigation tree, expand the following folders: Configuration > VLAN. 2. Click VLANs. 3. Click the Basic tab. 4. To map a C-VLAN to a Service instance identifier (I-SID), in the I-sid column, specify the I-SID to associate with the specified VLAN. 5. Click Apply. Important: When a protocol VLAN is created, all ports are added to the VLAN including SPBM ports. To configure a protocol-based VLAN as a C-VLAN, you must first

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May 2013


Layer 2 VSN configuration using EDM

remove the SPBM-enabled ports from the protocol based VLAN, and then configure the protocol-based VLAN as a C-VLAN.

Displaying the MAC address table for a C-VLAN

Use the following procedure to view the MAC Address table for a C-VLAN.

1. In the navigation tree, expand the following folders: ISIS > SPBM. 2. In the work area, click the MAC Addresses tab.

MAC Addresses field descriptions

Use the data in the following table to use the MAC Addresses tab.
Name Isid Addr CVlanId CPort BDestAddr Type Description Indicates the I-SID for this MAC address. Indicates the customer MAC address for which the bridge has forwarding and/or filtering information Indicates the VLAN ID for this MAC address. Either displays the value 0, or indicates the port on which a frame came from. Indicates the provider MAC address for which the bridge has forwarding and/or filtering information. Indicates the MAC address learned type as local (CVLAN or Switched UNI) or remote (B-VLAN). Type remote shows a BDestAddr associated, but no CVlanID. Type local shows a CVlanID associated, but no BDestAddr. Status Indicates the status of this entry: other invalid learned


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Configuring SPBM switched UNIs

Name self mgmt


Configuring SPBM switched UNIs

Use the following procedure to configure SPBM switched UNIs by mapping I-SIDs, VLANs, and ports.

About this task

The VLAN must be type spbm-switchedUni. The port does not need to be a member of the VLAN, it is automatically added to the associated VLAN when you create the Switched UNI.

1. In the navigation tree, expand the following folders: Configuration > IS-IS. 2. Click SPBM. 3. Click the Switched UNIs tab. 4. To create a Switched UNI, click Insert. 5. Configure the Switched UNI parameters. 6. Click Apply.

Switched UNIs field descriptions

Use the data in the following table to use the Switched UNIs tab.
Name Isid Port Vlan Description Specifies the I-SID of the switched UNI. Specifies the port of the switched UNI. Specifies the VLAN of the switched UNI.

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Layer 2 VSN configuration using EDM


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Chapter 9: CFM fundamentals

The Shortest Path Bridging MAC (SPBM) network needs a mechanism to debug connectivity issues and to isolate faults. Connectivity Fault Management (CFM) operates at Layer 2 and provides an equivalent of ping and traceroute. To support troubleshooting of the SPBM cloud, Virtual Services Platform 7000 supports a subset of CFM functionality. CFM is based on the IEEE 802.1ag standard. IEEE 802.1ag Connectivity Fault Management (CFM) provides OAM tools for the service layer, which allows you to monitor and troubleshoot an end-to-end Ethernet service instance. CFM is the standard for Layer 2 ping, Layer 2 traceroute, and the end-to-end connectivity check of the Ethernet network. The 802.1ag feature divides or separates a network into administrative domains called Maintenance Domains (MD). Each MD is further subdivided into logical groupings called Maintenance Associations (MA). A single MD can contain several MAs. Each MA is defined by a set of Maintenance Points (MP). An MP is a demarcation point on an interface that participates in CFM within an MD. Two types of MP exist: Maintenance End Point (MEP) Maintenance Intermediate Point (MIP) CFM supports three kinds of standard CFM messages: Continuity Check Message (CCM), Loopback Message (LBM), and Link Trace Message (LTM). Messages are sent between Maintenance Points (MP) in the system. On Avaya Virtual Services Platform 7000 Series, CFM is implemented using the LBM and LTM features only to debug SPBM. CCM messages are not required or supported in the current release.

A Maintenance Domain (MD) is the part of a network that is controlled by a single administrator. For example, a customer can engage the services of a service provider, who, in turn, can engage the services of several operators. In this scenario, there can be one MD associated with the customer, one MD associated with the service provider, and one MD associated with each of the operators. You assign one of the following eight levels to the MD: 02 (operator levels) 34 (provider levels) 57 (customer levels)

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CFM fundamentals

The levels separate MDs from each other and provide different areas of functionality to different devices using the network. An MD is characterized by a level and an MD name (optional). A single MD can contain several Maintenance Associations (MA). Note: Avaya VSP 7000 Series supports one global MD, named spbm. The spbm MD has a default maintenance level of 4.

A Maintenance Association (MA) A represents a logical grouping of monitored entities within its Domain. It can therefore represent a set of Maintenance association End Points (MEPs), each configured with the same Maintenance Association ID (MAID) and MD Level, established to verify the integrity of a single service instance. The following figure shows MD level assignment in accordance with the 802.1ag standard. As shown in the figure, MIPs can be associated with MEPs. However, MIPs can also function independently of MEPs.


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A Maintenance Endpoint (MEP) represents a managed CFM entity, associated with a specific Domain Service Access Point (DoSAP) of a service instance, which can generate and receive CFM Protocol Data Units (PDU) and track any responses. A MEP is created by MEP ID under the context of an MA. MEP functionality can be divided into the following functions: Fault Detection Fault Verification

VSP 7000 Configuration SPBM

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CFM fundamentals

Fault Isolation Fault Notification Fault detection and notification are achieved through the use of Continuity Check Messages (CCM). CCM messages are not supported in the current release.

Fault verification
Fault verification is achieved through the use of Loopback Messages (LBM). An LBM is a unicast message triggered by the operator issuing an operational command. LBM can be addressed to either a MEP or Maintenance Intermediate Point (MIP) but only a MEP can initiate an LBM. The destination MP can be addressed by its MAC address. The receiving MP responds with a Loopback Response (LBR). LBM can contain an arbitrary amount of data that can be used to diagnose faults as well as performance measurements. The receiving MP copies the data to the LBR.

The Loopback Message (LBM) packet is often compared to a ping. A MEP transmits the LBM packet. This packet can be addressed to another MEP or to the MAC address of the MP; in the case of SPBM, this is the SPBM system ID. Only the MP for which the packet is addressed responds with an LBR message. You can trigger an LBM with the l2ping command. Provides ICMP ping like functionality natively at Layer 2. DA is the MAC address of the target. Includes a transaction identifier that allows the corresponding LBR to be identified when more than one LBM request is waiting for a response. Only the target (MIP or MEP) responds. Initiator can choose the size and contents data portion of the LBM frame. Can be used to check the ability of the network to forward different sized frames.

Layer 2 ping
The l2ping command is a proprietary command that allows a user to trigger an LBM message. For B-VLANs, specify either the destination MAC address or node name.


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Fault isolation

The l2ping command provides a ping equivalent at Layer 2 for use with nodes on the SPBM B-VLAN in the customer domain. Note: Layer 2 ping supports B-VLANs only.

Fault isolation
Fault isolation is achieved through the use of Linktrace Messages (LTM). LTM is intercepted by all the MPs on the way to the destination MP. VSP 7000 supports two types of LTM. The first type, the unicast LTM, can be addressed to either MEP or MIP MAC address. Each MP on the way decrements the TTL field in the LTM frame, sends Linktrace Reply (LTR), and forwards the original LTM to the destination. The LTM forwards until it reaches the destination or the TTL value is decremented to zero. LTR is a unicast message addressed to the originating MEP. The second type, the proprietary LTM, is used to map the MAC addresses of the SPBM network; in this case the target MAC is a service instance identifier (I-SID), not an MP.

CFM offers Linktrace message (LTM) for fault isolation. LTM allow operators, service providers and customers to verify the connectivity that they provide or use and to debug systems.

Link trace message unicast

The LTM is often compared to traceroute. A MEP transmits the LTM packet. This packet specifies the target MAC address of an MP, which is the SPBM system ID. MPs on the path to the target address respond with an Linktrace reply (LTR). You can trigger an LTM with the l2traceroute command. LTM trace the path to any given MAC address or System Name. DA is unicast LTM contains: - Time to live (TTL) - Transaction Identifier - Originator MAC address - Target MAC address CFM unaware entities forward the frame as is like any other data frame. MIP or MEP that is not on the path to the target discards the LTM and does not reply.

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CFM fundamentals

MIP that is on the path to the target - Forwards the LTM after decrementing the TTL and replacing the SA with its own address. - Sends an LTR to the originator. - Identifies itself in the forwarded LTM and LTR by modifying TLV information. If the MIP or MEP is a target - Sends an LTR to the originator. - Identifies itself in the forwarded LTM and LTR by modifying TLV information. A MEP that is not the target but is on the path to the target - Generates a reply as described above. - It also sets one of the flags fields in the reply to indicate that it is the terminal MEP.

Link trace message multicast

The multicast LTM can be used to trace the multicast tree from any node on any I- SID using the nickname MAC address and the I-SID multicast address. Specifying a multicast target address for an LTM allows for the tracing of the multicast tree corresponding to that destination address (DA). With a multicast target every node that is in the active topology for that multicast address responds with a LTR and also forwards the LTM frame along the multicast path. Missing LTRs from the nodes in the path indicate the point of first failure. This functionality allows you to better troubleshoot I-SID multicast paths in a SPBM network. You can use the command l2tracetree to trace the I-SID tree root.

Layer 2 traceroute
The l2traceroute command is a proprietary command that allows a user to trigger an LTM message. For B-VLANs, specify either the destination MAC address or node name. The l2 traceroute command provides a trace equivalent at Layer 2 for use with nodes on the SPBM B-VLAN in the customer domain. Note: Layer 2 traceroute supports B-VLANs only.


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May 2013

Layer 2 tracetree

Layer 2 tracetree
The l2tracetree command is a proprietary command that allows you to trigger a multicast LTM by specifying the B-VLAN and I-SID. Layer 2 tracetree allows you to view a multicast tree on the SPBM B-VLAN from the source node to the destination nodes for a particular I-SID.

Maintenance domain intermediate points (MIPs) do not initialize any CFM messages. MIPs passively receive CFM messages, process the messages received and respond back to the originating MEP. By responding to received CFM messages, MIPs can support discovery of hop-by-hop path among MEPs, allow connection failures to be isolated to smaller segments of the network to help discover location of faults along the paths. MIP functionality can be summarized as: Respond to Loopback (ping) messages at the same level as itself and addressed to it. Respond to Linktrace (traceroute) messages. Forward Linktrace messages after decrementing the TTL.

Nodal MPs
Nodal MPs provide both MEP and MIP functionality for SPBM deployments. Nodal MPs are associated with a B-VLAN and are VLAN encapsulated packets. The Nodal MEP provides traceability and troubleshooting at the system level for a given B-VLAN. Each switch has a given MAC address and communicates with other switches. The SPBM instance MAC address is used as the MAC address of the Nodal MP. The Nodal B-VLAN MPs supports eight levels of CFM.

Configuration considerations
When you configure CFM, be aware of the following configuration considerations: The Maintenance level for MEPs and MIPs on a given B-VID (in a network) must be configured to the same level for them to respond to a given CFM command. CFM is supported only on B-VLANs.

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May 2013


CFM fundamentals


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May 2013

Chapter 10: CFM configuration using ACLI

This section provides procedures to configure and use Connectivity Fault Management (CFM) using Avaya Command Line Interface (ACLI). The Shortest Path Bridging MAC (SPBM) network needs a mechanism to debug connectivity issues and to isolate faults. This is performed at Layer 2, not Layer 3. To support troubleshooting of the SPBM cloud, Virtual Services Platform 7000 Series supports a subset of CFM functionality. Note: When you enable CFM in an SBPM network, Avaya recommends that you enable CFM on the Backbone Edge Bridges (BEB) and on all Backbone Core Bridges (BCB). If you do not enable CFM on a particular node, you cannot obtain CFM debug information from that node.

Configuring CFM
Use this procedure to configure auto-generated CFM Maintenance End Points (MEPs) and Maintenance Intermediate Point (MIP) level for every SPBM B-VLAN on the VSP 7000. This procedure automatically configures a Maintenance Domain (MD) , Maintenance Associations (MAs), MEP ID, and also associates the MEPs and MIP level to the SPBM VLANs.

About this task

When you enable CFM, you create a global MD (named spbm) for all the SPBM Nodal MEPs. The spbm MD has a default maintenance level of 4, which you can change with the level attribute. All the MEPs created use the MEP ID configured under the global context, which has a default value of 1. You can only modify the global context when CFM is disabled. The Nodal MEPs automatically associate with SPBM VLANs and associate to any SPBM VLAN added later. The MIP level maps to the global level. The MIP level automatically associates with the SPBM VLANs when CFM is enabled, and associate to any SPBM VLAN added later.

1. Enter Global Configuration mode: enable configure terminal 2. Configure the maintenance level for every CFM MEP and MIP level on all SPBM VLANs:

VSP 7000 Configuration SPBM

May 2013


CFM configuration using ACLI

Note: You can change the level before or after CFM is enabled. The default level is 4. cfm spbm [level <07>] 3. Assign a global CFM MEP ID for all CFM SPBM MEPs: Note: You can change the MEP ID only when CFM is disabled. cfm spbm mepid <18191> 4. Enable the CFM: cfm spbm enable 5. Display the global CFM SPBM configuration: show cfm spbm 6. If you want to default the CFM MD level, use the following command: default cfm spbm level 7. If you want to default the MEP identifier, use the following command: default cfm spbm mepid 8. If you want to disable CFM, use one of the following commands: no cfm spbm enable default cfm spbm enable

7024XLS> enable 7024XLS# configure terminal 7024XLS(config)# cfm spbm level 4 7024XLS(config)# cfm spbm mepid 200 7024XLS(config)# cfm spbm enable 7024XLS(config)# show cfm spbm
CFM Admin State: Enabled CFM Spbm Level: 4 CFM Mep Id: 200


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May 2013

Triggering a LBM Layer 2 ping

Variable definitions
Use the data in the following table to use the cfm spbm commands.
Variable cfm spbm level <07> cfm spbm mepid <18191> Value Specifies the CFM MD level. The default is 4. Specifies the MEP ID. The default is 1. Note: You can only modify the MEP ID when CFM is disabled. cfm spbm enable no cfm spbm enable default cfm spbm level default cfm spbm mepid default cfm spbm enable show cfm spbm Enables CFM globally. Disables CFM globally. Defaults the CFM MD level. Defaults the CFM MEP ID. Defaults CFM. Default is globally disabled. Displays the current CFM configuration.

Triggering a LBM Layer 2 ping

Use this procedure to trigger a Layer 2 ping, which acts like native ping. This feature enables CFM to debug Layer 2.

Before you begin

CFM SPBM must be enabled.

About this task

The LBM packet is often compared to ping. An MEP transmits the loopback message to an intermediate or endpoint within a domain for the purpose of fault verification. This can be used to check the ability of the network to forward different sized frames.

1. Enter Privileged EXEC mode: enable 2. Trigger a Layer 2 ping: l2ping {vlan <14094> routernodename WORD<0255> | vlan <1 4094> mac <0x00:0x00:0x00:0x00:0x00:0x00>} [burst-count <1 200>] [data-tlv-size <0400>] [frame-size <641500>]

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May 2013


CFM configuration using ACLI

[priority <07>] [testfill-pattern <all-zero|all-zero-crc| pseudo-random-bit-sequence|pseudo-random-bit-sequence-crc>] [time-out <110>]

7024XLS# l2ping vlan 500 mac 00.14.0d.bf.a3.df
Please wait for l2ping to complete or press any key to abort ----00:14:0d:bf:a3:df L2 PING Statistics---- 0(68) bytes of data 1 packets transmitted, 0 packets received, 100.00% packet loss

7024XLS# l2ping vlan 500 routernodename VSP-MONTI0

Please wait for l2ping to complete or press any key to abort ----00:14:0d:a2:b3:df L2 PING Statistics---- 0(68) bytes of data 1 packets transmitted, 1 packets received, 0.00% packet loss round-trip (us) min/max/ave/stdv = 26895/26895/26895.00/ 0.00

Variable definitions
Use the data in the following table to configure the l2ping parameters.
Variable vlan <14094> routernodename WORD<0255> vlan <14094> mac <0x00:0x00:0x00:0x00:0x00:0x00 > Value Specifies the destination for the L2 ping: <14094> Specifies the VLAN ID. WORD<0255> Specifies the Router node name. <XX:XX:XX:XX:XX:XX> Specifies the MAC address. burst-count <1200> data-tlv-size <0400> frame-size <641500> testfill-pattern <all-zero|all-zerocrc|pseudo-random-bit-sequence| pseudo-random-bit-sequencecrc> Specifies the burst count. Specifies the data TLV size. The default is 0. Specifies the frame size. The default is 0. Specifies the testfill pattern: all-zero null signal without cyclic redundancy check all-zero-crc null signal with cyclic redundancy check with 32-bit polynomial pseudo-random-bit-sequence pseudo-randombit-sequence without cyclic redundancy check pseudo-random-bit-sequence-crc pseudorandom-bit-sequence with cyclic redundancy check with 32-bit polynomial.


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Triggering a LTM Layer 2 traceroute


Value A cyclic redundancy check is a code that detects errors. The default is all-zero.

priority <07> time-out <110>

Specifies the priority. The default is 7. Specifies the interval in seconds. The default is 3.

Triggering a LTM Layer 2 traceroute

Use this procedure to trigger a Layer 2 traceroute, which acts like native traceroute. This feature enables CFM to debug Layer 2. Important: The MAC address must be learned before you can trace a route to a MAC address. For BVLANs, IS-IS learns the MAC addresses and populates the FDB table. linktrace traces the path up to the closest device to that MAC address that supports CFM.

Before you begin

CFM SPBM must be enabled.

About this task

The link trace message is often compared to traceroute. An MEP transmits the Linktrace Message packet to a maintenance endpoint with intermediate points responding to indicate the path of the traffic within a domain for the purpose of fault isolation. The packet specifies the target MAC address of an MP, which is the SPBM system ID. MPs on the path to the target address respond with an LTR.

1. Enter Privileged EXEC mode: enable 2. Trigger a Layer 2 traceroute: l2traceroute {<vlan <14094> routernodename WORD<0255> | <vlan <14094> mac <0x00:0x00:0x00:0x00:0x00:0x00>} [priority <07>] [ttl <1255>]

7024XLS# l2traceroute vlan 500 routernodename VSP-MONTIO
Please wait for l2traceroute to complete or press any key to abort

VSP 7000 Configuration SPBM

May 2013


CFM configuration using ACLI

l2traceroute to VSP-MONTI0 (00:14:0d:a2:b3:df), 0 VSP-PETER4 (00:15:9b:11:33:df) 1 VSP-MONTI0 (00:14:0d:a2:b3:df)

vlan 500

Variable definitions
Use the data in the following table to use the l2traceroute command.
Variable vlan <14094> routernodename WORD<0255>} vlan <14094> mac <0x00:0x00:0x00:0x00:0x00:0x00 >} Value Specifies the destination for the L2 traceroute: <14094> Specifies the VLAN ID WORD<0255> Specifies the Router Node Name <XX:XX:XX:XX:XX:XX> Specifies the MAC address Specifies the TTL value. The default is 64. Specifies the priority. The default is 7.

ttl<1255> priority <07>

Triggering a LTM Layer 2 tracetree

Use this procedure to trigger a Layer 2 tracetree. Layer 2 tracetree allows a user to trigger a multicast LTM message by specifying the B-VLAN and I-SID. The command allows the user to view a multicast tree on the SPBM B-VLAN from the source node to the destination nodes for a particular I-SID.

Before you begin

CFM SPBM must be enabled.

1. Enter Privileged EXEC mode: enable 2. Trigger a Layer 2 tracetree: l2tracetree vlan <14094> isid <116777215> [routernodename WORD<0255> | mac <0x00:0x00:0x00:0x00:0x00:0x00>] [priority <07>] [ttl <1255>]

7024XLS# l2tracetree vlan 2 isid 1 mac 53:55:10:00:00:01
Please wait for l2tracetree to complete or press any key to abort


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May 2013

Triggering a LTM Layer 2 tracetree

l2tracetree to 53:55:10:00:00:01, vlan 2 i-sid 1 nickname 5.55.10 hops 64 1 VSP-PETER4 00:15:9b:11:33:df -> VSP-MONTI0 00:14:0d:a2:b3:df 2 VSP-MONTI0 00:14:0d:a2:b3:df -> VSP-LEE2 00:15:e8:b8:a3:df

Variable definitions
Use the data in the following table to use the l2tracetree command.
Variable vlan<14094>isid <116777215> Value <14094> Specifies the VLAN ID. <116777215> Specifies the I-SID. routernodename WORD<0255> mac <0x00:0x00:0x00:0x00:0x00:0x00 > ttl <1255> priority <07> WORD<0255> Specifies the Router Node Name. <0x00:0x00:0x00:0x00:0x00:0x00> Specifies the MAC address. Specifies the TTL value. The default is 64. Specifies the priority value. The default is 7.

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May 2013


CFM configuration using ACLI


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May 2013

Chapter 11: CFM configuration using EDM

This section provides procedures to configure Connectivity Fault Management (CFM) using Enterprise Device Manager (EDM). Note: When you enable CFM in an SBPM network, Avaya recommends that you enable CFM on the Backbone Edge Bridges (BEB) and on all Backbone Core Bridges (BCB). If you do not enable CFM on a particular node, you cannot obtain CFM debug information from that node.

Configuring CFM
Use this procedure to configure auto-generated CFM Maintenance End Points (MEPs) and Maintenance Intermediate Point (MIP) level for every SPBM B-VLAN on the VSP 7000. This procedure automatically configures a Maintenance Domain (MD), Maintenance Associations (MAs), MEP ID, and also associates the MEPs and MIP level to the SPBM VLANs.

About this task

When you enable CFM, you create a global MD (named spbm) for all the SPBM Nodal MEPs. The spbm MD has a default maintenance level of 4, which you can change with the level attribute. All the MEPs created use the MEP ID configured under the global context, which has a default value of 1. You can only modify the global context when CFM is disabled. The Nodal MEPs automatically associate with SPBM VLANs and associate to any SPBM VLAN added later. The MIP level maps to the global level. The MIP level automatically associates with the SPBM VLANs when CFM is enabled, and associate to any SPBM VLAN added later.

1. From the navigation tree, expand the following folders: Configuration > Edit > Diagnostics. 2. Click CFM. 3. Click the Globals tab. 4. In the SpbmAdminState field, click a radio button to enable or disable CFM. specify an index value, name, and level for the MD. 5. In the SpbmLevel field, configure the maintenance level for every CFM MEP and MIP level on all the SPBM VLANs. 6. In the SpbmMepId field, assign a global CFM MEP ID for all CFM SPBM MEPs.

VSP 7000 Configuration SPBM

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CFM configuration using EDM

7. On the toolbar, click Apply.

Globals field descriptions

Use the data in the following table to use the Globals tab.
Name EtherType SpbmAdminState SpbmLevel SpbmMepId Description Read only Ethernet type value. Value of 0x8902 Enables or disables the SPBM CFM MD. Click the enable or disable radio button. Specifies the MD level. Default is level 4. Specifies the MEP identifier. Default is 1

Displaying CFM MD
Use this procedure to display the Connectivity Fault Management (CFM) Maintenance Domain (MD). An MD is the part of a network that is controlled by a single administrator. A single MD can contain several Maintenance Associations (MA).

1. From the navigation tree, expand the following folders: Configuration > Edit > Diagnostics. 2. Click CFM. 3. Click the MD tab. 4. On the toolbar, click Refresh to display the current MD configuration.

MD field descriptions
Use the data in the following table to use the MD tab.
Name Index Description Specifies a maintenance domain entry index.


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May 2013

Displaying CFM MA

Name Name NumOfMa Level NumOfMip Type

Description Specifies the MD name. Indicates the number of MAs that belong to this maintenance domain. Specifies the MD maintenance level. The default is 4. Indicates the number of MIPs that belong to this maintenance domain Indicates the type of domain.

Displaying CFM MA
Use this procedure to display a CFM Maintenance Association (MA). An MA represents a logical grouping of monitored entities within its Domain. It can therefore represent a set of Maintenance Endpoints (MEPs), each configured with the same Maintenance Association ID (MAID) and MD Level, established to verify the integrity of a single service instance.

Before you begin

You must configure a CFM MD.

1. In the navigation tree, expand the following folders: Configuration > Edit > Diagnostics. 2. Click CFM. 3. Click the MD tab. 4. Select an existing MD. 5. On the toolbar, click MaintenanceAssociation.

MA field descriptions
Use the data in the following table to use the MA tab.
Name DomainIndex Description Specifies the maintenance domain entry index.

VSP 7000 Configuration SPBM

May 2013


CFM configuration using EDM

Name AssociationIndex DomainName AssociationName NumOfMep

Description Specifies a maintenance association entry index. Specifies the MD name. Specifies the MA name. Indicates the number of MEPs that belong to this maintenance association.

Displaying CFM MEP

Use this procedure to display the CFM Maintenance Endpoint (MEP). A MEP represents a managed CFM entity, associated with a specific Domain Service Access Point (DoSAP) of a service instance, which can generate and receive CFM Protocol Data Units (PDU) and track any responses. A MEP is created by MEP ID under the context of an MA.

1. In the navigation tree, expand the following folders: Configuration > Edit > Diagnostics. 2. Click CFM. 3. Click the MD tab. 4. Select an existing MD, and then click MaintenanceAssociation. 5. In the MA tab, select an existing MA, and then click MaintenanceEndpoint.

MEP field descriptions

Use the data in the following table to use the MEP tab.
Name DomainIndex AssociationIndex Id DomainName AssociationName Description Specifies the MD index. Specifies the MA index. Specifies the MEP ID. Specifies the MD name. Specifies the MA name.


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May 2013

Configuring Layer 2 ping

Name AdminState MepType

Description Specifies the administrative state of the MEP. The default is disable. Specifies the MEP type: trunk sg endpt vlan port endptClient nodal remotetrunk remotesg remoteendpt remoteVlan remotePort remoteEndptClient


Specifies the service to which this MEP is assigned.

Configuring Layer 2 ping

Use this procedure to configure a Layer 2 ping. This feature enables CFM to debug Layer 2. It can also help you debug ARP problems by providing the ability to troubleshoot next hop ARP records.

Before you begin

CFM SPBM must be enabled.

1. In the navigation tree, expand the following folders: Configuration > Edit > Diagnostics. 2. Click L2Ping/L2Trace Route. 3. From the L2Ping tab, configure the Layer 2 ping properties. 4. To initiate a Layer 2 ping, highlight an entry and click the Start button.

VSP 7000 Configuration SPBM

May 2013


CFM configuration using EDM

5. To update a Layer 2 ping, click the Refresh button. 6. To stop the Layer 2 ping, click the Stop button.

L2Ping field descriptions

Use the data in the following table to use the L2Ping tab.
Name VlanId DestMacAddress HostName DestIsHostName Messages Status Description Identifies the backbone VLAN. Specifies the target MAC address. Specifies the target host name. Indicates whether the host name is (true) or is not (false) used for L2Ping transmission. Specifies the number of L2Ping messages to be transmitted. The default is 1. Specifies the status of the transmit loopback service: ready: the service is available. transmit: the service is transmitting, or about to transmit, the L2Ping messages. abort: the service aborted or is about to abort the L2Ping messages. This field is also used to avoid concurrency or race condition problems that can occur if two or more management entities try to use the service at the same time. The default is ready. ResultOk Indicates the result of the operation: true: the L2Ping Messages will be (or have been) sent. false: the L2Ping Messages will not be sent. The default is true. Priority Specifies a 3bit value to be used in the VLAN header, if present in the transmitted frame. The default is 7.


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May 2013

Initiating a Layer 2 traceroute

Name TimeoutInt TestPattern

Description Specifies the interval to wait for an L2Ping time-out. The default value is 3 seconds. Specifies the test pattern to use in the L2Ping PDU: allZero: null signal without cyclic redundancy check allZeroCrc: null signal with cyclic redundancy check with 32-bit polynomial pseudoRandomBitSequence: pseudorandom-bit-sequence without cyclic redundancy check pseudoRandomBitSequenceCrc: pseudorandom-bit-sequence with cyclic redundancy check with 32-bit polynomial. A cyclic redundancy check is a code that detects errors. The default value is allZero.


Specifies an arbitrary amount of data to be included in the data TLV, if the data size is selected to be sent. The default is 0. Specifies the frame size. If the frame size is specified then the data size is internally calculated and the calculated data size is included in the data TLV. The default is 0. Specifies the source modes of the transmit loopback service: nodal smltVirtual The default is nodal.




The transaction identifier/sequence number of the first loopback message (to be) sent. The default is 0. Displays the Layer 2 Ping result.


Initiating a Layer 2 traceroute

Use this procedure to trigger a Layer 2 traceroute. This feature enables CFM to debug Layer 2.

VSP 7000 Configuration SPBM

May 2013


CFM configuration using EDM

If you configure IsTraceTree to false then EDM performs Traceroute on the unicast path. If you configure IsTraceTree to true then EDM performs TraceTree on the multicast tree. Important: The MAC address must be learned before you can trace a route to a MAC address. For B-VLANs, IS-IS learns the MAC address and populates the FDB table. Linktrace traces the path up to the closest device to that MAC address that supports CFM.

Before you begin

CFM SPBM must be enabled.

1. In the navigation tree, expand the following folders: Configuration > Edit > Diagnostics. 2. Click L2Ping/L2Trace Route. 3. Click the L2 Traceroute/TraceTree tab. 4. To configure the traceroute or tracetree, highlight an entry and populate the required column fields. 5. To start the traceroute, click the Start button. 6. To update the traceroute, click the Refresh button. 7. To stop the traceroute, click the Stop button.

L2Traceroute field descriptions

Use the data in the following table to use the L2Traceroute tab.
Name VlanId Priority Description Specifies a value that uniquely identifies the Backbone VLAN (B-VLAN). Specifies a 3bit value to be used in the VLAN header, if present in the transmitted frame. The default is 7. Specifies the target MAC address. Specifies the target host name.

DestMacAddress HostName


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May 2013

Initiating a Layer 2 traceroute

Name DestIsHostName

Description Specifies whether the host name is (true) or is not (false) used for the L2Trace transmission. Specifies the Service Instance Identifier (ISID). Specifies whether the multicast tree or unicast path is traced. If you configure IsTraceTree to false then EDM performs Traceroute on the unicast path. If you configure IsTraceTree to true then EDM performs TraceTree on the multicast tree. Indicates the status of the transmit loopback service: ready: the service is available. transmit: the service is transmitting, or about to transmit, the L2Trace messages. abort: the service aborted or is about to abort the L2Trace messages. This field is also used to avoid concurrency or race condition problems that can occur if two or more management entities try to use the service at the same time. The default is ready.

Isid IsTraceTree



Indicates the result of the operation: true: the L2Trace messages will be (or have been) sent. false: the L2Trace messages will not be sent. The default is true.


Specifies the number of hops remaining to this L2Trace. This value is decremented by 1 by each Bridge that handles the L2Trace. The decremented value is returned in the L2Trace. If 0 on output, the L2Trace is not transmitted to the next hop. The value of the time-to-live (TTL) field in the L2Trace is defined by the originating MEP. The default value is 64. Specifies the source mode of the transmit loopback service. The default is nodal.


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May 2013


CFM configuration using EDM

Name SeqNumber

Description Specifies the transaction identifier/sequence number of the first loopback message (to be) sent. The default is 0. L2Trace result flag indicating L2Trace status or error code: none (1): No error internalError (2): L2Trace internal error invalidMac (3): Invalid MAC address mepDisabled (4): MEP must be enabled in order to perform L2Trace noL2TraceResponse (5): No L2Trace response received l2TraceToOwnMepMac (6): L2Trace to own MEP MAC is not sent l2TraceComplete (7): L2Trace completed l2TraceLookupFailure (8): Lookup failure for L2Trace l2TraceLeafNode (9): On a leaf node in the I-SID tree l2TraceNotInTree (10): Not in the I-SID tree


Viewing Layer 2 traceroute results

Use this procedure to view Layer 2 traceroute results. This feature enables CFM to debug Layer 2. You can use Layer 2 traceroute to debug ARP problems by troubleshooting next hop ARP records.

About this task

You can display Layer 2 tracetree results to view a multicast tree on the SPBM B-VLAN from the source node to the destination nodes for a particular I-SID.

1. In the navigation tree, expand the following folders: Configuration > Edit > Diagnostics. 2. Click L2Ping/L2Trace Route. 3. Click the L2Traceroute/TraceTree tab.


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May 2013

Viewing Layer 2 traceroute results

4. Click the Refresh button to update the results. 5. To view the traceroute results, highlight an entry, and then click Result.

L2 Traceroute Result field descriptions

Use the data in the following table to use the L2 Traceroute Result tab.
Name VlanId SeqNumber Description A value that uniquely identifies the Backbone VLAN (B-VLAN). The transaction identifier/sequence number returned by a previous transmit linktrace message command, indicating which L2Trace's response of the L2Trace is going to be returned. The default is 0. The number of hops away from L2Trace initiator. An index to distinguish among multiple L2Trace responses with the same Transaction Identifier field value. This value is assigned sequentially from 1, in the order that the Linktrace Initiator received the responses. Time-to-Live (TTL) field value for a returned L2Trace response. MAC address of the MP that responds to the L2Trace request for this L2TraceReply. The host name of the replying node. The MAC address of the node that forwarded the L2Trace to the responding node. The host name of the node that forwarded the L2Trace to the responding node.

Hop ReceiveOrder

Ttl SrcMac HostName LastSrcMac LastHostName

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CFM configuration using EDM


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Autonomous System (AS) autonomous system border router (ASBR) Autonomous System Number (ASN) Avaya command line interface (ACLI) Backbone Core Bridge (BCB) Backbone Edge Bridge (BEB) A set of routers under a single technical administration, using a single IGP and common metrics to route packets within the AS, and using an EGP to route packets to other ASs. A router attached at the edge of an OSPF network. An ASBR uses one or more interfaces that run an interdomain routing protocol such as BGP. In addition, a router distributing static routes or Routing Information Protocol (RIP) routes into OSPF is considered an ASBR. A two-byte number that is used to identify a specific AS.

A textual user interface. When you use ACLI, you respond to a prompt by typing a command. After you enter the command, you receive a system response. Backbone Core Bridges (BCB) form the core of the SPBM network. Backbone Core Bridges (BCBs) forward encapsulated traffic based on the Backbone MAC Destination Address (BMAC-DA). Backbone Edge Bridge (BEB) handle the boundary between the core MAC-in-MAC Shortest Bath Bridging MAC (SPBM) domain and the edge customer 802.1Q domain. I-SIDs are provisioned on the BEBs to be associated with a particular service instance. In the SPBM core, the bridges are referred to as Backbone Core Bridges (BCBs). BCBs forward encapsulated traffic based on the Backbone MAC Destination Address (BMAC-DA). In Provider Backbone Bridging (PBB) MAC-in-MAC encapsulation, customer MAC addresses are encapsulated in Backbone MAC (BMAC) addresses. MAC-in-MAC encapsulation defines a BMAC-DA and BMAC-SA to identify the backbone source and destination addresses. The originating node creates a MAC header that is used for delivery from end to end. As the MAC header stays the same across the network, there is no need to swap a label or do a route lookup at each node, allowing the frame to follow the most efficient forwarding path end to end. In Shortest Path Bridging MAC (SPBM), each node has a System ID, which is used in the topology announcement. This same System ID also serves as the switch Backbone MAC address (B-MAC), which is used as the source and destination MAC address in the SPBM network.

Backbone MAC (BMAC)

VSP 7000 Configuration SPBM

May 2013


Backbone VLAN identifier (B-VID)

Backbone VLAN identifier (B-VID) Border Gateway Protocol (BGP) Circuitless IP (CLIP) Complete Sequence Number Packets (CSNP) Connectivity Fault Management (CFM)

The Backbone VLAN identifier (B-VID) indicates the Shortest Path Bridging MAC (SPBM) B-VLAN associated with the SPBM instance. An inter-domain routing protocol that provides loop-free inter-domain routing between Autonomous Systems (AS) or within an AS. A virtual interface that does not map to any physical interface. This interface is often called a loopback. Complete Sequence Number Packets (CSNP) contain the most recent sequence numbers of all Link State Packets (LSPs) in the database. When all routers update their LSP database, synchronization is complete. Connectivity Fault Management is a mechanism to debug connectivity issues and to isolate faults within the Shortest Path Bridging-MAC (SPBM) network. CFM operates at Layer 2 and provides the equivalent of ping and traceroute. IEEE 802.1ag Connectivity Fault Management (CFM) divides or separates a network into administrative domains called Maintenance Domains (MD). Each MD is further subdivided into logical groupings called Maintenance Associations (MA). Each MA is defined by a set of Maintenance Points (MP). An MP is a demarcation point on an interface that participates in CFM within an MD. The Control Processor module is responsible for running all high level protocols (BGP, OSPF) and distributing the results (routing updates) to the rest of the system, managing and configuring the IO and Switch Fabric modules, and maintaining and monitoring the health of the chassis. For customer MAC (C-MAC) addresses, which is customer traffic, to be forwarded across the service provider back, SPBM uses IEEE 802.1ah Provider Backbone Bridging MAC-in-MAC encapsulation. The C-MAC addresses are hidden in a backbone MAC (B-MAC) address pair made up of a BMAC destination address (BMAC-DA) and a BMAC source address (BMAC-SA). A Designated Intermediate System (DIS) is the designated router in Intermediate System to Intermediate System (IS-IS) terminology. You can modify the priority to affect the likelihood of a router being elected the designated router. The higher the priority, the more likely the router is to be elected as the DIS. If two routers have the same priority, the router with the highest MAC address (Sequence Number Packet [SNP] address) is elected as the DIS. A Web-based embedded management system to support single-element management. EDM provides complete configuration management

Control Processor (CP) module

Customer MAC (CMAC)

Designated Intermediate System (DIS)

Enterprise Device Manager (EDM)


VSP 7000 Configuration SPBM

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May 2013

interswitch trunking (IST)

functionality for the supported devices and is supplied to the customer as embedded software in the device. equal cost multipath (ECMP) graphical user interface (GUI) Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) IEEE 802.1aq Distributes routing traffic among multiple equal-cost routes. A graphical (rather than textual) computer interface. An international professional society that issues standards and is a member of the American National Standards Institute, the International Standards Institute, and the International Standards Organization. IEEE 802.1aq is the standard for Shortest Path Bridging MAC (SPBM). SPBM makes network virtualization much easier to deploy within, reducing the complexity of the network while at the same time providing greater scalability. SPBM eliminates the need for multiple overlay protocols in the core of the network by reducing the core to a single Ethernet based link state protocol which can provide virtualization services, both layer 2 and layer 3, using a pure Ethernet technology base. Distributes routing information between routers that belong to a single Autonomous System (AS). Intermediate System to Intermediate System( IS-IS) is a link-state, interior gateway protocol that was developed for the International Organization for Standardization (ISO). ISO terminology refers to routers as Intermediate Systems (IS), hence the name Intermediate System-toIntermediate System (IS-IS). IS-IS operation is similar to Open Shortest Path First (OSPF). Both protocols divide large domains into smaller areas, and both use the shortest path first (SPF) algorithm and link state information to determine the best path to a destination. In Shortest Path Bridging-MAC (SPBM) networks, IS-IS discovers network topology and builds shortest path trees between network nodes that are used for forwarding unicast traffic and determining the forwarding table for multicast traffic. In SPBM networks, IS-IS also communicates information in the control plane, which is instance service indentifier (ISID) information. SPBM employs IS-IS as the interior gateway protocol and implements additional Type-Length-Values (TLVs) to support additional functionality. interswitch trunking (IST) A feature that uses one or more parallel point-to-point links to connect two aggregation switches. The two aggregation switches use this channel to share information and operate as a single logical switch. Only

Interior Gateway Protocol (IGP) Intermediate System to Intermediate System (IS-IS)

VSP 7000 Configuration SPBM

May 2013


IS-IS Hello packets

one interswitch trunk can exist on each Split Multilink Trunking (SMLT) aggregation switch. IS-IS Hello packets Intermediate System to Intermediate System (IS-IS) uses Hello packets to initialize and maintain adjacencies between neighboring routers. ISIS Hello packets contain the IP address of the interface over which the Hello is transmitted. These packets are broadcast to discover the identities of neighboring IS-IS systems and to determine whether the neighbor is a Level 1 router. The technology foundation for audio and video streaming, push applications, software distribution, multipoint conferencing, and proxy and caching solutions. The Physical Layer of the Open System Interconnection (OSI) model. Layer 1 interfaces with the MAC sublayer of Layer 2, and performs character encoding, transmission, reception, and character decoding. The Data Link Layer of the OSI model. Examples of Layer 2 protocols are Ethernet and Frame Relay. The Network Layer of the OSI model. Example of a Layer 3 protocol is Internet Protocol (IP). The Transport Layer of the OSI model. An example of a Layer 4 protocol is Transfer Control Protocol (TCP). Layer 2 Virtual Services Network (L2 VSN) feature provides IP connectivity over SPBM for VLANs. Layer 2 virtualization is handled by the Backbone Edge Bridges (BEBs) where the end-user VLAN is mapped into a Backbone Service Instance Identifier (I-SID) by local provisioning. Any BEB that has the same I-SID configured can participate in the same Layer 2 Virtual Services Network (VSN). IS-IS within the SPBM backbone is used as the Layer 2 routing protocol to forward traffic between the BEB and Provider Backbone Core Bridges (BCBs). Only the BEB has knowledge of the Layer 2 VSN and corresponding MAC addresses. The BCB only has knowledge of each Backbone MAC address (B-MAC) used to send traffic across an SPBM network. The Layer 3 Virtual Services Network (L3 VSN) feature provides IP connectivity over SPBM for VRFs. Layer 3 virtualized routing is handled by the Backbone Edge Bridges (BEBs) where the end-user IP enabled VLAN or VLANs are mapped to a Virtualized Routing and Forwarding (VRF) instance. The VRF in turn is mapped into a Backbone Service Instance Identifier (I-SID) by local provisioning. Any BEB that has the same I-SID configured can participate in the same Layer 3 Virtual Service Network (VSN). IS-IS within the SPBM backbone is used as the Layer 2 routing protocol to forward traffic between the BEB and Backbone Core

Internet Protocol multicast (IPMC) Layer 1

Layer 2 Layer 3 Layer 4 Layer 2 Virtual Services Network

Layer 3 Virtual Services Network


VSP 7000 Configuration SPBM

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May 2013

Local Area Network (LAN)

Bridges (BCB). Only the BEB has knowledge of the Layer 3 VSN and corresponding IP/ARP/MAC addresses. The BCB only has knowledge of each Backbone MAC address (B-MAC) used send traffic across an SPBM network. Link Layer Discovery Protocol (LLDP) link-state database (LSDB) Link State Packets (LSP) Link Layer Discovery Protocol is used by network devices to advertise their identities. Devices send LLDP information at fixed intervals in the form of Ethernet frames, with each frame having one Link Layer Discovery Protocol Data Unit. A database built by each OSPF router to store LSA information. The router uses the LSDB to calculate the shortest path to each destination in the Autonomous System (AS), with itself at the root of each path. Link State Packets (LSP) contain information about the state of adjacencies or defined and distributed static routes. Intermediate System to Intermediate System (IS-IS) exchanges this information with neighboring IS-IS routers at periodic intervals. Every router in the domain has an identical link state database and each runs shortest path first to calculate routes. Link State Protocol Data Unit is similar to a Link State Advertisement in Open Shortest Path First (OSPF). Intermediate System to Intermediate System (IS-IS) runs on all nodes of Shortest Path Bridging-MAC (SPBM). Since IS-IS is the basis of SPBM, the IS-IS adjacency must be formed first by first sending out hellos and then Link State Protocol Data Units. After the hellos are confirmed both nodes sends Link State Protocol Data Units (LSPDUs) that contain connectivity information for the SPBM node. These nodes also send copies of all other LSPDUs they have in their databases. This establishes a network of connectivity providing the necessary information for each node to find the best and proper path to all destinations in the network. The link trace message (LTM) is often compared to traceroute. A MEP transmits the LTM packet. This packet specifies the target MAC address of an MP which is the SPBM system id or the virtual SMLT MAC. MPs on the path to the target address respond with an LTR. LTM contains: Time to live (TTL) Transaction Identifier Originator MAC address Target MAC address Local Area Network (LAN) A data communications system that lies within a limited spatial area, uses a specific user group and topology, and can connect to a public switched telecommunications network (but is not one).

Link State Protocol Data Unit (LSPDUs)

link trace message

VSP 7000 Configuration SPBM

May 2013


Loopback Messages (LBM)

Loopback Messages (LBM)

A Loopback Message (LBM) is a unicast message triggered by the operator issuing an operational command. LBM can be addressed to either a Maintenance End Point (MEP) or Maintenance Intermediate Point (MIP), but only a MEP can initiate an LBM. The destination MP can be addressed by its MAC address. The receiving MP responds with a Loopback Response (LBR). LBM can contain an arbitrary amount of data that can be used to diagnose faults as well as performance measurements. The receiving MP copies the data to the LBR. Fault verification is achieved through the use of Loopback Messages (LBM). Loopback Response (LBR) is the response from a Maintenance Point (MP). MAC-in-MAC encapsulation defines a BMAC-DA and BMAC-SA to identify the backbone source and destination addresses. The originating node creates a MAC header that is used for delivery from end to end. As the MAC header stays the same across the network, there is no need to swap a label or do a route lookup at each node, allowing the frame to follow the most efficient forwarding path end to end. Maintenance Domains (MD) are administrative domains that a network is divided by the 802.1ag Connectivity Fault Management (CFM) feature. Each MD is further subdivided into logical groupings called Maintenance Associations (MA). Connectivity Fault Management is a mechanism to debug connectivity issues and to isolate faults within the Shortest Path Bridging MAC (SPBM) Network. Maintenance Associations (MA) are administrative associations in a network that is divided by the 802.1ag Connectivity Fault Management (CFM) feature. MAs are grouped within Maintenance Domains. Each MA is defined by a set of Maintenance Points (MP). An MP is a demarcation point on an interface that participates in CFM within an MD. Connectivity Fault Management is a mechanism to debug connectivity issues and to isolate faults within the Shortest Path Bridging MAC (SPBM) Network. Maintenance Points (MP) are a demarcation point on an interface that participates in Connectivity Fault Management (CFM) within a Maintenance Domain (MD). There are two types of MP: Maintenance End Point (MEP) and Maintenance Intermediate Point (MIP). Connectivity Fault Management is a mechanism to debug connectivity issues and to isolate faults within the Shortest Path Bridging MAC (SPBM) Network. Arbitrates access to and from a shared medium.

Loopback Response (LBR) MAC-in-MAC encapsulation

Maintenance Domains (MD)

Maintenance Associations (MA)

Maintenance Points (MP)

Media Access Control (MAC)


VSP 7000 Configuration SPBM

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May 2013

Protocol Data Units (PDUs)

MD5 Authentication multicast group ID (MGID)

MD5 authentication creates an encoded checksum in the transmitted packet. The receiving router uses an authentication key (password) to verify the packets MD5 checksum. There is an optional key ID. The multicast group ID (MGID) is a hardware mechanism the switch uses to send data to several ports simultaneously. Instead of sending the data to a specific port number, the data is directed to an MGID. The switch maintains a table that maps MGIDs to their member ports. Both virtual LAN (VLAN) and IP multicast (IPMC) use MGIDs. A method of link aggregation that uses multiple Ethernet trunks aggregated to provide a single logical trunk. A multilink trunk provides the combined bandwidth of multiple links and the physical layer protection against the failure of a single link. The Network Entity Title (NET) is the combination of all three global parameters: Manual area, System ID and NSEL. Manual area The manual area or area ID is up to 13 bytes long. The first byte of the area number (for example, 49) is the Authority and Format Indicator (AFI). The next bytes are the assigned domain (area) identifier, which is up to 12 bytes (for example, 49.0102.0304.0506.0708.0910.1112). System ID The system ID is any 6 bytes that are unique in a given area or level. The system ID defaults to the node BMAC. NSEL The last byte (00) is the n-selector. In the Avaya Ethernet Routing Switch 8800/8600 implementation, this part is automatically attached. There is no user input accepted.

MultiLink Trunking (MLT)

Network Entity Title (NET)

Open Shortest Path First (OSPF) Packet Capture Tool (PCAP) Partial Sequence Number Packets (PSNP) port Protocol Data Units (PDUs)

A link-state routing protocol used as an Interior Gateway Protocol (IGP). A data packet capture tool that captures ingress and egress (on Ethernet modules only) packets on selected ports. You can analyze captured packets for troubleshooting purposes. Partial Sequence Number Packets (PSNP) are requests for missing Link State Packets (LSPs). When a receiving router detects that it is missing an LSP, it sends a PSNP to the router that sent the Complete Sequence Number Packets (CSNP). A physical interface that transmits and receives data. A unit of data that is specified in a protocol of a given layer and that consists of protocol-control information of the given layer and possibly user data of that layer.

VSP 7000 Configuration SPBM

May 2013


Provider Backbone Bridge (PBB)

Provider Backbone Bridge (PBB)

To forward customer traffic across the service provider backbone, SPBM uses IEEE 802.1ah Provider Backbone Bridging (PBB) MAC-in-MAC encapsulation, which hides the customer MAC (C-MAC) addresses in a backbone MAC (B-MAC) address pair. MAC-in-MAC encapsulation defines a BMAC-DA and BMAC-SA to identify the backbone source and destination addresses. Prevents packet forwarding for incoming IP packets with incorrect or forged (spoofed) IP addresses. Prevents a packet from forging its source IP address. Typically, the system examines and validates the source address of each packet. A distance vector protocol in the IP suite, used by IP network-layer protocol, that enables routers in the same AS to exchange routing information by means of periodic updates. The RIP is most often used as a very simple IGP within small networks. The SPBM B-MAC header includes a Service Instance Identifier (I-SID) with a length of 24 bits. This I-SID can be used to identify and transmit any virtualized traffic in an encapsulated SPBM frame. These I-SIDs are used to virtualize VLANs (Layer 2 Virtual Services Network [VSN]) or VRFs (Layer 3 Virtual Services Network [VSN]) across the MAC-in-MAC backbone. With Layer 2 VSN, the I-SID is associated with a customer VLAN, which is then virtualized across the backbone. With Layer 3 VSN, the I-SID is associated with a customer VRF, which is also virtualized across the backbone. Shortest Path Bridging is a control Link State Protocol that provides a loop free Ethernet topology. There are two versions of Shortest Path Bridge: Shortest Path Bridging VLAN and Shortest Path Bridging MAC. Shortest Path Bridging VLAN uses the Q-in-Q frame format and encapsulates the source bridge ID into the VLAN header. Shortest Path Bridging MAC uses the 802.1 ah MAC-in-MAC frame format and encapsulates the source bridge identifier into the B-MAC header. Shortest Path Bridging MAC (SPBM) uses the Intermediate-System-toIntermediate-System (IS-IS) link state routing protocol to provide a loop free Ethernet topology that creates a shortest path topology from every node to every other node in the network based on node MAC addresses. SPBM uses the 802.1ah MAC-in-MAC frame format and encapsulates the source bridge identifier into the B-MAC header. SPBM eliminates the need for multiple overlay protocols in the core of the network by reducing the core to a single Ethernet based link state protocol which can provide virtualization services, both layer 2 and layer 3, using a pure Ethernet technology base.

reverse path checking (RPC) reverse path forwarding (RPF) Routing Information Protocol (RIP) Service Instance Identifier (I-SID)

Shortest Path Bridging (SPB)

Shortest Path Bridging MAC (SPBM)


VSP 7000 Configuration SPBM

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May 2013

VLAN Identifier (VID)

Split MultiLink Trunking (SMLT) time-to-live (TTL)

An Avaya extension to IEEE 802.1AX (link aggregation), provides nodal and link failure protection and flexible bandwidth scaling to improve on the level of Layer 2 resiliency. The field in a packet used to determine the valid duration for the packet; the TTL determines the packet lifetime. The system discards a packet with a TTL of zero. A Top of Rack (TOR) switch refers to a switch that sits at the top or near the top of a rack often found in data centers. Virtual Link Aggregation Control Protocol (VLACP) is a Layer 2 handshaking protocol that can detect end-to-end failure between two physical Ethernet interfaces. A Virtual Local Area Network is a group of hosts that communicate as if they are attached to the same broadcast domain regardless of their physical location. VLANs are layer 2 constructs. A Virtual Private Network (VPN) requires remote users to be authenticated and ensures private information is not accessible to unauthorized parties. A VPN can allow users to access network resources or to share data. VLAN Identifier (VID) is a data field in IEEE 802.1Q VLAN tagging.

Top of Rack (TOR) Virtual Link Aggregation Control Protocol (VLACP) Virtual Local Area Network (VLAN) Virtual Private Network (VPN)

VLAN Identifier (VID)

VSP 7000 Configuration SPBM

May 2013


VLAN Identifier (VID)


VSP 7000 Configuration SPBM

Comments? [email protected]

May 2013

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